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Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan Vol. 19 A member of HLB International February 2017 Together we grow inspired NEW TRANSFER PRICING DOCUMENTATION REGULATION IN INDONESIA PMK 213/PMK.03/2016

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Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan Vol. 19 A member of HLB International February 2017

Together we grow inspired




PMK 213/PMK.03/2016

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Table of contents

1. Foreword

2. New Transfer Pricing Documentation Regulation in Indonesia

PMK 213/PMK.03/2016

3. Key Contacts

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Welcome to the nineteenth issue of Inspired! For this edition, we would like to inform the new regulation concerning transfer pricing documentation requirements on PMK No. 213/PMK.03/2016 regarding the type of additional mandatory information to be managed and retained by the taxpayers who conduct transactions with affiliated parties and its procedure. The new rule became effective on December 30, 2016 and is applicable for from the fiscal year 2016 onwards. The regulation implements new transfer pricing documentation guidelines developed by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the course of the Base Erosion Profit Shifting 13 (BEPS 13) project. We have received various inputs/comments from our readers on the prior issues. This creates a room for discussion on practical and relevant issues to our clients. Since we want the journal to be as relevant as possible to your business needs, we look forward to hearing your inputs on each issue. If you wish us to write an article on topics relevant to your business needs, please e-mail us. Contact details are furnished at the last part of this journal.

Adi Wirawan

Senior Partner

February 2017

“Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan (Hadori) is a registered public accounting and business advisers firm, established in 1973,

with offices located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang, and comprises of 14 partners and more than 225

professionals. Hadori is a member of HLB International.”

Page 4: inspired - Inspired Vol. 19.2016.pdfinformasi tambahan yang wajib disimpan oleh wajib pajak yang melakukan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi

New Transfer Pricing Documentation Regulation in Indonesia PMK 213/PMK.03/2016

Pada HLB Inspired Vol 17, kami telah membahas

mengenai Kesepakatan Harga Transfer (KHT).

Selanjutnya pada edisi kali ini, kami akan

membahas peraturan terbaru mengenai

Dokumentasi Harga Transfer yang tertuang dalam

PMK No. 213/PMK.03/2016.

Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia telah

mengeluarkan peraturan baru tentang persyaratan

dokumentasi harga transfer pada PMK No.

213/PMK.03/2016 mengenai jenis dokumen dan

informasi tambahan yang wajib disimpan oleh

wajib pajak yang melakukan transaksi dengan

pihak berelasi. Aturan baru mulai berlaku pada

tanggal 30 Desember 2016 dan berlaku untuk

tahun fiskal 2016 dan seterusnya. Peraturan

tersebut mengimplementasikan pedoman

dokumentasi harga transfer baru yang

dikembangkan oleh Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development (OECD) dalam

proyek Base Erosion Profit Shifting 13 (BEPS 13).

Menurut peraturan baru, wajib pajak sekarang

membutuhkan 3 (tiga) tingkat dokumentasi harga

transfer sebagai berikut:

1. Dokumen induk

2. Dokumen lokal

3. Laporan per Negara

At the HLB Inspired Vol. 17, we have discussed

the Advance Pricing Agreement (APA).

Furthermore, in this edition, we will discuss the

new regulation regarding the Transfer Pricing

Documentation contained in PMK No.


The Minister of Finance of the Republic of

Indonesia had issued the new regulation

concerning transfer pricing documentation

requirements on PMK No. 213/PMK.03/2016

regarding the type of additional mandatory

information to be managed and retained by the

taxpayers who conduct transactions with related

parties. The new rule became effective on

December 30, 2016 and is applicable for from

the fiscal year 2016 onwards. The regulation

implements new transfer pricing documentation

guidelines developed by the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD) in the course of the Base Erosion Profit

Shifting 13 (BEPS 13) project.

According to the new regulation, the taxpayers

are now required 3 (three) tier of transfer pricing

documentation as follows:

1. Master file

2. Local file

3. Country-by-Country Report

Informasi apa saja yang setidaknya dimuat

dalam dokumen atau laporan tersebut?

What’s the at least information contain of

these file or report?

1. Dokumen Induk 1. Master File

Dokumen induk setidaknya harus memuat

informasi bisnis grup sebagai berikut:

Struktur dan bagan kepemilikan serta

Negara atau yuridiksi masing-masing

anggota dari grup usaha

Kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan oleh grup


Rincian harta tidak berwujud yang dimiliki

oleh grup usaha

Aktivitas keuangan dan pembiayaan di

dalam grup usaha

The Master file must contain at least the

business group information as follows:

Ownership structure and charts as well

as the state or jurisdiction of each

member in the business group

Business activities performed by

business group

Details of the intangible assets owned by

the business group

Financial and financing activities in the

business group


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Laporan keuangan konsolidasi entitas

Induk dan informasi perpajakan terkait

transaksi berelasi

Consolidated financial statements of the

parent entity and tax information

regarding related party transactions

2. Dokumen lokal 2. Local file

Dokumen lokal setidaknya harus memuat

informasi bisnis grup sebagai berikut:

Identitas dan kegiatan usaha yang


Informasi transaksi berelasi dan transaksi

independen yang dilakukan

Penerapan prinsip kewajaran dan

kelaziman usaha

Informasi keuangan dari wajib pajak

Peristiwa-peristiwa/ kejadian-kejadian/

fakta-fakta non-keuangan yang

memengaruhi pembentukan harga atau

tingkat laba.

The local file must contain at least the

business group information as follows:

Identification of the business activities


Information on related party transactions

and independent transactions conducted

Application of the arm’s length principle

Financial information from the taxpayer

Non-financial events/occurrences/facts

influencing the formation of price or profit


3. Laporan per Negara 3. Country-by-Country Report

Laporan per Negara setidaknya harus memuat

informasi bisnis grup sebagai berikut:

alokasi penghasilan, pajak yang dibayar,

dan aktivitas usaha per negara atau

yurisdiksi dari seluruh anggota grup usaha

baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri,

yang meliputi nama negara atau

yurisdiksi, peredaran bruto, laba (rugi)

sebelum pajak, Pajak Penghasilan yang

telah dipotong/dipungut/dibayar sendiri,

Pajak Penghasilan terutang, modal,

akumulasi laba ditahan, jumlah pegawai

tetap, dan harta berwujud selain kas dan

setara kas; dan

daftar anggota grup usaha dan kegiatan

usaha utama per negara atau yurisdiksi.

The Country-by-Country Report must contain

at least the business group information as


Income allocation, taxes paid, and

country by country or jurisdiction

business activity from all the business

group members both domestic and

overseas that include the country’s name

or jurisdiction, gross revenue, profit (loss)

before tax, income tax that has been self-

deducted/collected/paid, income tax

payable, capital, retained earnings,

permanent employee headcount, and

tangible assets other than cash and cash

equivalent; and

List of the business group members and

country-by-country or jurisdiction of main

business activity.

Apa ketentuan bahasa dan mata uang asing

dalam dokumentasi harga transfer?

What are provisions the language and

currency in the transfer pricing


Dokumen-dokumen tersebut menggunakan

bahasa Indonesia dan dalam hal wajib pajak telah

mendapat izin Menteri Keuangan Republik

Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan pembukuan

dengan menggunakan bahasa asing dan mata

uang selain Rupiah, batasan nilai uang dalam

mata uang Rupiah setara dengan nilai mata uang

selain Rupiah berdasarkan nilai kurs yang

ditetapkan oleh Menteri Keuangan Republik

Indonesia untuk penghitungan pajak pada akhir

Tahun Pajak.

The aforementioned documents use the

Indonesian language and with the situation that

the taxpayer has received permission from the

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

to maintain the books in foreign languages and

currencies other than the Rupiah, limitation on

the value of money in Rupiah currency

equivalent to the value of currencies other than

Rupiah based on the exchange rate set by

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

for tax calculation at the end of the Taxable Year.


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Dokumen Induk dan Dokumen Lokal/Master File and Local File

A. Ambang Batas Dokumentasi Harga Transfer/The Threshold on Transfer Pricing


Dasar Ambang Batas/Basis of Threshold Ambang batas/Threshold

Nilai peredaran bruto pada tahun pajak

sebelumnya/Gross revenue in the preceding

taxable year

Lebih dari Rp (lima puluh miliar

Rupiah)/Exceeding Rp 50,000,000,000 (fifty

billion Rupiah)

Transaksi barang berwujud pada tahun pajak

sebelumnya/Tangible goods transactions in the

preceding taxable year


Jasa, royalti, bunga atau transaksi lain pada

tahun pajak sebelumnya/Services, royalties,

interest or other transactions in the preceding

taxable year

Lebih dari Rp (dua puluh miliar

Rupiah)/Exceeding Rp 20,000,000,000 (twenty

billion Rupiah)

Lebih dari Rp (lima miliar Rupiah)

untuk masing-masing transaksi tersebut/

Exceeding Rp 5,000,000,000 (five billion Rupiah)

for each these transactions.

Transaksi dengan pihak berelasi yang berbeda

yurisdiksi dengan tarif pajak lebih rendah dari

Indonesia (sekarang 25%)/Related party

transactions in a different jurisdiction with tax rate

lower than Indonesia (currently 25%)

Tidak ada ambang batas/No threshold

Sebagai tambahan permintaan dokumen, jika entitas induk merupakan wajib pajak Indonesia yang

peredaran brutonya paling sedikit Rp (sebelas triliun Rupiah) wajib

menyelenggarakan dan menyimpan laporan per negara/

In addition to the document requests, if the parent entity represents an Indonesian taxpayer, the gross

income of at least Rp 11,000,000,000,000 (eleven trillion Rupiah) shall be prepared and kept on

country-by-country report.

B. Konsistensi Prinsip Kewajaran dan Kelaziman Usaha/Consistency of Arm’s length Principle

Jika wajib pajak mempunyai transaksi dengan pihak afiliasi namun tidak termasuk dalam ambang

batas yang telah ditentukan di atas, wajib pajak tetap mempunyai kewajiban melakukan transaksi

dengan menggunakan prinsip kewajaran dan kelaziman usaha/

If the taxpayer has transactions with affiliates, but not included in the threshold specified above, the

taxpayer has still the obligation to conduct a transaction using the arm’s length principle.

C. Ketersediaan Data/Availability of Data

Dokumen induk dan dokumen lokal wajib diselenggarakan berdasarkan data dan informasi yang

tersedia pada saat dilakukan transaksi berelasi. Jika tidak, maka Wajib Pajak dianggap tidak

menerapkan Prinsip Kewajaran dan Kelaziman Usaha/

The master file and local file are to be based on the data and information available at the time the

related party transactions are conducted. If not, the taxpayer shall be deemed not to apply the arm’s

length principle.

D. Batas Waktu Penyampaian

Dokumen harga transfer harus tersedia dalam 4 (empat) bulan setelah akhir tahun dan harus disertai

dengan surat pernyataan atas waktu ketersediaan dokumen tersebut. Surat tersebut harus

ditandatangani oleh pihak yang menyediakan dokumen harga transfer/

The Transfer Pricing Document must be available within 4 (four) months after the end of the taxable

year and must be accompanied by a statement letter concerning the timing of the availability of such

documents. Such statement letter needs to be signed by the party providing the Transfer Pricing



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E. Lampiran dalam SPT PPh Badan

Wajib pajak harus membuat Ikhtisar sebagai lampiran Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak

Penghasilan Badan Tahun Pajak yang bersangkutan yang menyatakan bahwa dokumen induk dan

dokumen lokal telah tersedia pada tanggal yang telah ditetapkan serta ditandatangani oleh penyedia

dokumen tersebut/

The taxpayer must prepare an overview as an attachment to the Annual Corporate Income Tax

Return for the related taxable year stating that the master file and local file have been available on the

date that has been set and signed by the document provider.

Laporan Per Negara/Country-by-Country Report

A. Ambang Batas Dokumentasi Harga Transfer/The Threshold Transfer Pricing


Laporan per negara wajib disiapkan dan disampaikan oleh wajib pajak yang memenuhi ketentuan

sebagai Entitas Induk dari grup usaha dan memiliki penghasilan bruto konsolidasi sebesar

Rp (sebelas triliun Rupiah)./

The Country-by-Country Report shall be prepared and submitted by a Taxpayer that qualifies as

Parent Entity of a business group with consolidated gross revenue of Rp 11,000,000,000,000 (eleven

trillion Rupiah).

Dalam hal Entitas Induk berdomisili di luar negeri, wajib pajak dalam negeri wajib menyampaikan

Laporan per Negara jika Negara atau yuridiksi tempat Entitas Induk berdomisili:/

Where the Parent Entity is domiciled abroad, the resident taxpayer is required to submit the Country-

by-Country Report or the Parent Entity:

tidak mewajibkan penyampaian laporan per Negara/does not require the submission of

Country-by-country report;

tidak memiliki perjanjian dengan pemerintah Indonesia mengenai pertukaran informasi

perpajakan; atau/does not have an agreement with the government of Indonesia on the

exchange of information; or

memiliki perjanjian dengan pemerintah Indonesia mengenai pertukaran informasi perpajakan,

namun laporan per negara tidak dapat diperoleh pemerintah Indonesia dari negara atau

yurisdiksi tersebut/has an agreement with the government of Indonesia related to the

exchange of tax information but the Country-by-Country report cannot be obtained by the

government of Indonesia.

B. Ketersediaan Data/Availability of Data

Laporan per negara wajib disiapkan berdasarkan data dan informasi yang tersedia sampai dengan

akhir Tahun Pajak/

The Country-by-Country report shall be prepared based on the data and information available

up to the end of the Taxable Year.

C. Batas Waktu Penyampaian

Laporan per Negara harus tersedia paling lama 12 (dua belas) bulan setelah akhir Tahun Pajak/

The Country-by-Country report must be available within 12 (twelve) months after the end of the

taxable year.

D. Lampiran dalam SPT PPh Badan

Laporan per negara Tahun Pajak 2016 dan seterusnya wajib disampaikan sebagai lampiran Surat

Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan Badan tahun pajak berikutnya/

The Country-by-Country Report for the Taxable Year 2016 and onwards must be submitted as an

attachment to the Annual Corporate IncomeTax Return for the subsequent taxable year.


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Kesimpulan Conclusion

PMK 213/PMK.03/2016 menuntut Wajib Pajak

untuk lebih transparan dalam mengungkapkan

transaksi berelasi dengan mewajibkan membuat

dokumen induk, dokumen lokal dan laporan per

Negara sesuai regulasi. Hal tersebut memberikan

kesempatan kepada Wajib Pajak untuk

membuktikan bahwa transaksi dengan pihak

berelasi sudah sesuai dengan aturan-aturan yang

berlaku sehingga tidak ada isu pengalihan laba ke

luar negeri yang dapat merugikan pemerintah


Di dalam PMK 213/PMK.03/2016 ini memang

lebih luas mengatur permasalahan Dokumen

Harga Transfer, aturan ini mencakup kewajiban

Wajib Pajak dalam menyediakan dokumen atas

transaksi dengan pihak berelasi. Berbeda dengan

PER 32/PJ/2011 yang mengatur Penentuan

Harga Transfer atas transaksi yang dilakukan

Wajib Pajak Dalam Negeri atau Bentuk Usaha

Tetap di Indonesia dengan wajib pajak luar negeri

di luar Indonesia.

PMK 213/PMK.03/2016 tidak membedakan antara

Wajib Pajak dalam negeri dan Wajib Pajak luar

negeri, selama mencakup persyaratan yang

tercantum dalam peraturan tersebut maka Wajib

Pajak berkewajiban menyelenggarakan Dokumen

Harga Transfer. Seperti diketahui bahwa

kedudukan PMK yang diterbitkan oleh Menteri

Keuangan Republik Indonesia derajatnya lebih

tinggi dari Peraturan DJP. Oleh sebab itu, PMK

213/PMK.03/2016 lebih luas dalam mengatur

permasalahan Dokumentasi Harga Transfer

dibandingkan dengan PER 32/PJ/2011.

Untuk tahun pajak 2016, wajib pajak setidaknya

harus lebih fokus dan konsentrasi dengan

Dokumentasi Harga Transfer tersebut, karena

bulan April 2017 adalah batas terakhir

penyampaian bagi perusahaan dengan periode

pembukuan Januari sampai Desember. Jika Anda

membutuhkan lebih banyak informasi mengenai

Dokumentasi Harga Transfer, kami dapat

memberikan pendampingan untuk Anda dalam

menyiapkan Dokumentasi Harga Transfer sesuai

peraturan yang berlaku.

PMK 213/PMK.03/2016 requires taxpayers to be

more transparent in disclosing related party

transactions by requiring the preparation of the

master file, local file and Country-by-Country

report in accordance with the regulations. Such

matter provides the opportunity for the taxpayer

to prove that the related party transactions are in

accordance with the applicable rules, as such,

there is no issue of transfer of profits abroad that

can be detrimental to the Indonesian


In PMK 213/PMK.03/2016, provides a wider

oversigh on the issue of Transfer Pricing

Document. This rule include the obligation of the

taxpayers to provide documents on transactions

with related parties. Different with PER

32/PJ/2011 which regulates the Transfer Pricing

for transactions conducted by the taxpayers or

permanent establishment in Indonesia with

foreign taxpayer outside Indonesia.

PMK 213/PMK.03/2016 does not distinguish

between domestic taxpayers and taxpayer

abroad, for covering the requirements specified

in these regulations, the taxpayer is obliged to

organize Transfer Pricing Document. As it is

known that the position of PMK issued by the

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

higher than DGT Regulation. Therefore, PMK

213/PMK.03/2016 has a broader oversight on the

issues of Transfer Pricing Documentation as

compared with PER 32/PJ/2011.

For the 2016 taxable year, the taxpayer should at

least be more focused and concentrated with the

Transfer Pricing Documentation since in April

2017 is the last period of submission for

companies with accounting period January to

December. If you need more information about

Transfer Pricing Documentation, we can assist

you in Preparing the Transfer Pricing

Documentation in accordance with applicable



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Key Contacts Should you need further clarification on the information included in this issue, or

would require any assistance in the implementation of the new accounting

standards, taxation, regulation, and any other inquiries on our advisory services,

kindly send us an email at [email protected] or call us at +62-21-5761667.

Adi Wirawan

Senior Partner

[email protected]

Yulianti Sugiarta


[email protected]

Riza Manalo Paguio

Senior Technical Advisor

[email protected]

Wahyu Wibowo


[email protected]



[email protected]

Velix Sogen


[email protected]


Achmad Jaelani [email protected]

Haryoko Bambang [email protected]

Sri Agustina [email protected]

Cover Photo:

Christy Widjaja

Cover Photo Location:

Padar Island, Flores, East Nusa


HLB International is a leading global network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers. We are present in 130 countries worldwide, with our member firms providing a comprehensive array of audit & accounting, tax and advisory services to a broad range of clients of all industry sectors.

A member of the International Federation of Accountants Forum of Firms, HLB International is committed to the highest quality standards in financial reporting and auditing practices with all our members meeting specific quality criteria both nationally and internationally.

With member firms well established in their markets, HLB International offers an ideal combination of local expertise and international skills. Our member firms support you as you grow regionally by becoming and globally, ensuring the same partner-led high-quality and personalised service wherever you operate.

About Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan

Hadori & Rekan is a registered public accounting and business advisers firm. We have been established since 1973, with offices located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang. The firm represents a group of specialist providing business advices and services to a wide range of business organizations, including private, public, state-owned enterprises and not-for-profit organizations.

Since 1988, Hadori & Rekan joined HLB International, a worldwide accounting firms and business advisers. Having this membership each member firm has the right to use HLB in their name to present a blend of international and local name. It emphasizes the strength of both the international organization and the local firm whilst, at the same time, demonstrating the close bond between the two. Accordingly, the brand name Hadori & Rekan change to Hadori & Rekan (currently Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan). Such change has been approved by the Ministry of Finance.

As a member of HLB International, Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan is part of a worldwide network of respected public

accounting and business advisory firms in 130 countries, with 1,900 partners and 17,000 staffs in 600 offices


This publication contains general information only and is not intended to be comprehensive or to provide specific

accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a

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affect you or your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, this cannot

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© 2017 Hadori Sugiarto Adi & Rekan