installation 5.4 manual

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  • 8/11/2019 Installation 5.4 Manual


    I n s t a l l a t i o n 5 . 4

    M a n u a l

    W D I n f o P a k I n s t a l l a t i o n V e r s i o n 5 .

  • 8/11/2019 Installation 5.4 Manual



    This material is the property of RWD Technologies. The material represents substantial creative effortand contains confidential information, and other proprietary concepts, techniques, ideas, andexpressions. This material may not be reproduced, altered, or transmitted in any form or by any means(including, without limitation, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or recording means) or in connectionwith any information storage or retrieval system, and may not be used in any manner whatsoever,without the express written consent of RWD Technologies. Your possession or use of this materialconstitutes your acceptance of these conditions. If you do not agree with these conditions, return thematerial to RWD Technologies. This material is intended to be used as a sample course for trainingpurposes only.


    RWD Technologies and RWD Info Pak are registered trademarks of RWD Technologies, Inc. All otherproduct and company names referenced herein are the registered or unregistered trademarks of their

    respective owners.

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    Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 3

    Installing Info Pak

    Installation from the RWD Info Pak CD is the suggested method of installation for a singleprimary computer. This computer can then be used to configure necessary Info Pak options

    using the RWD Info Pak- Configuration Tool.

    After configuration, you can copy the Installation files from the CD to a shared network locationfor further installation. The configured infopak.ips can then be placed in the installation folderstructure so it will be distributed in additional installations.

    Refer to the Info Pak Configurationmanual for instructions on using theConfiguration Tool. Refer to Installing Info Pak from a Network Locationforfurther details on this process.

    Alternately, you can use the Silent Installation method to execute the installation in unattendedmode or to facilitate the packaging of the install for distribution via a logon script.

    Refer to Installing Info Pak Using the Silent Methodfor further details.

    Info Pak version 5.4 supports Windows 2000 and Windows XP. For customers with otheroperating system environments, you must use the Info Pak version for your operating system.Users cannot share documents between version 5.x and previous versions of Info Pak. In otherwords, all of your document authors must be using Info Pak version 5.x. RWD recommends thatall Info Pak users (authors and administrators) use the same version of the software.

    RWD strongly recommends that you review the Info Pak Technical Specification documentprior to installing the product. Four specific items to note:

    Microsoft Office must be locally installed on the target computer prior to installingInfo Pak on the computer.

    If you have licensed RWD Info Pak Recorder for use with the Oracle11i E-Business suite, the JInitiator software should be installed on the target computerprior to installing Info Pak on the computer.

    Several Info Pak components use Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)v2.7 SP1. The installation will check the current version of MDAC installed on thecomputer and, if it is less than v2.7 SP1, prompt you to select to install MDAC v2.7SP1.

    The RWD Info Pak suite requires the Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 SP1. If this isnot present on the users computer, the installation will prompt you to select to

    install .NET Framework.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/20054

    Customizing Info Pak

    Info Pak products may be customized using the Info Pak - Configuration Tool. Customization

    changes are saved in a file named infopak.ips, and this file is distributed to ensure consistencyamong the development team. Your company logo, saved as a .gif, .bmp, or .jpg file, may alsobe included in this distribution so it will display in the header of certain child documents.

    For Info Pak version 5.x, project settings must be established using the Info Pak 5.x ConfigurationTool.

    Refer to the Info Pak Configuration manual for more details on customizing the InfoPak product suite.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 5

    Who Should Get What: Author, Administrator, and All Installations

    The Info Pak product suite installation CD contains a single setup executable. During theinstallation you will be presented with three installation options: Author, Administrator, and All.The Author install includes only those components required to author content, the Administratorinstall includes only those components required to administer the documentation project, and the

    All install includes all purchased components. Assuming the full product suite was purchased, thefollowing table displays which products are installed based on install choice:

    Info Pak Component Author Install Administ ratorInstall

    Al l Install

    Auto Scheduler

    Configuration Tool



    GUIPro Builder

    Help Launchpad (for SAP systems only) Available at the InterAct Product Support Center

    ( (Recorder, Template, andConverter)

    Simulator (if purchased)


    Web Architect

    Auto Scheduler - installed on the PC of the key user responsible for coordinating the productionof Info Pak output.

    Configuration Tool - installed on the PC of the key user responsible for the configuration andstandardization of Info Pak.

    Glossary - installed on the PC of the key user responsible for maintaining the terms anddefinitions in the glossary database.

    GUIPro - installed on all PCs to be used to create documentation.

    GUIPro Builder - installed on the PC of the key user responsible for the configuration andstandardization of Info Pak output.

    Help Launchpad (for SAP systems only) The Help Launchpad installation files are available atthe InterAct Product Support Center (

    Refer to the Info Pak Help Launchpadmanual for details on installing and

    configuring RWD Info Pak- Help Launchpad for SAP.

    Publisher- installed on all PCs to be used to record, edit, and publish documentation.

    Simulator- installed on all PCs to be used to record, edit, and publish simulations.

    Sync - installed on the PC of the key user responsible for the configuration and standardization ofInfo Pak output.

    Web Architect- installed on the PC of the key user responsible for creating and maintaining theperformance support website and/or fastpath pages used with Help Launchpad.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/20056

    Installing Info Pak from CD

    1. Insert your Info Pak installation CD into your CD drive.

    The installation should start automatically. If not, navigate to and double-click on the

    on your Info Pak installation CD.

    2. Click .

    After verification is complete, the Registration Information window is displayed.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 7

    3. Complete the following fields:

    The following information is character and case sensitive. If the Company Name orProduct ID is mistyped, the installation will not continue.

    Field Name R/O/C Descript ion

    Company Name R Enter your registered company name.

    Product ID R Enter the Product ID provided.

    4. Click .

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/20058

    5. Perform one of the following:

    If You Want To Go To

    Install to a custom directory Step 6

    Install to the default directory Step 9

    6. Click .

    7. Navigate to the desired directory.

    8. Click .

    9. Click .

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 9

    10.Select the desired default language.

    This will set the default language for both the interface and the Info Pak documenttext.

    11.Click .

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    12.Perform one of the following:

    If You Want To Then

    Install on an authors PCClick to the left ofAuthor Instal l.

    Selecting this option will install only InfoPak Publisher, GUIPro, GUIPro Builder,and, if purchased, Simulator.

    Install on an administrators PCClick to the left ofAdminist rator Instal l.

    Selecting this option will install AutoScheduler, Configuration Tool, Glossary,

    Sync, and Web Architect.

    Install all components on the targetPC Click to the left ofAl l Components.

    Selecting this option will install allcomponents of Info Pak and, ifpurchased, Simulator.

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    13.Click .

    If you select theAuthor Instal lor theAl l Componentsinstall, the following twodialogs are displayed.

    14.Perform one or more of the following:

    Highlight a component to display a description of the component to the right of thelist.

    Select all desired template and toolbar options during installation. These options canonly be selected at the time of install. If you neglect to install an option, you will needto uninstall and re-install Info Pak to install the option.

    If Then

    You want to install the Visio Screen FlowToolbar Click to the left of Visio Screen Flow


    You want to install the SAP KnowledgeWarehouse Template Click to the left of SAP Knowledge

    Warehouse Template.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200512

    If Then

    You want to install the SAP BusinessWarehouse Toolbar Click to the left of SAP Business

    Warehouse Toolbar.

    You want to install a top ten toolbar of

    most commonly-used RWD Info Pak-GUIPro buttons.

    Click to the left of the desired SAP,Oracle, or Windows toolbar(s).

    You do not want to install any of theoptional tools


    15.Click .

    If you are using Visio 2000 or Visio 2002 and you are installing the Visio screen flowtoolbar, the following dialog will display. Confirm the location of the Visio Solutions

    folder on your computer. If necessary, use the button to specify thelocation of the folder.

    16.Click .

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    17.Click .

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200514

    18.Select the desired components for which you want a desktop shortcut created.

    Depending on the components purchased, some of the checkboxes on this screenmay be disabled. For example, ifAuthor Instal lwas selected, only the Publisher,GUIPro, GUIPro Builder, and, if purchased, Simulator checkboxes are available.

    Start menu shortcuts are created automatically in StartProgramsRWD InfoPak.

    19.Click .

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    20.Optionally, select to view documentation associatedwith the selected installation type.

    21.Click .

    You may be instructed to restart your computer.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200516

    Installing Info Pak Using the Silent Method

    A silent installation method is also available with Info Pak. The silent install provides the followingcapabilities:

    Execute the Info Pak installation in unattended mode (requires appropriateauthorization on the target computer)

    Provide for Info Pak installation via a logon script

    The silent installation method uses an installation configuration file and command lineparameters.

    Modifying the Installation Configuration File

    The Info Pak installation configuration file contains values for various installation variables. Byspecifying custom variable values for your installation, you can enable unattended installations

    and allow for installation via a logon script.

    Perform the following steps to modify the installation configuration file:

    1. Open Microsoft Windows Explorer.

    2. Select the entire contents of the Info Pak CD.

    3. Select EditCopyor use the CTRL+Ckey combination.

    4. Select a network location that is accessible to users.

    5. Select EditPasteor use the CTRL+Vkey combination.

    The installation folders will be copied to the network location.

    6. Locate the setup.ini file in the root folder.

    7. Double-click on setup.ini to open the file in Microsoft Notepad.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 17

    8. As necessary, specify default values for the variables. The variable names and possiblevalues are described in the following table.

    The proper format for the file data is VariableName=value. Do notinclude aspace before or after the = sign.

    Do not include a trailing \ in any file paths specified.

    Variable Name Possib le Value(s) Descript ion ExampleCLIENT_NAME As provided This data is provided by RWD

    Technologies at time offulfillment.


    PRODUCTID As provided This data is provided by RWDTechnologies at time offulfillment. The ID is characterand case sensitive.


    MAINDIR Defined by customer The directory into which theapplication files will be installed. MAINDIR=C:\ProgramFiles\InfoPak

    LANGID 0 = English (US)1 = English (UK)2 = Deutsch (German)3 = Espaol (Spanish)4 = Italiano (Italian)5 = Franais (French)6 = Svenska (Swedish)7 = Norsk (Norwegian)8 = Portugus (Brazil)

    The default language for the InfoPak application user interfaceand document text. Specify onlyone value. Do not enter extracharacters.


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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200518

    Variable Name Possib le Value(s) Descript ion Example11 = Suomea (Finnish)12 = Dutch(Netherlands)13 = Japanese14 = Korean15 = Dansk (Danish)16 = Chinese(Simplified)17 = Portugus(Portugal)18 = Dutch (Belgium)19 = Czech20 = Greek21 = Franais(Canada)22=Chinese(Traditional)23=Thai

    24=Polish25=Cymraeg (Welsh)

    ROLE_PREV A = AuthorB = AdministratorC = All

    The Info Pak user role. Controlswhich components are selectedfor install. Specify only onevalue. Enter the value inuppercase.


    OPTIONS A = Visio Screen FlowTemplateB = SAP KnowledgeWarehouse TemplateC = SAP BusinessWarehouse TemplateD = SAP 4.5B GUITemplate

    E = SAP 4.6-6.2Classic GUI TemplateF = SAP 4.6-6.2 EnjoyGUI TemplateG = Oracle 11i GUITemplateH = Windows GUITemplate

    Optional components availablewhen Publisher is installed.Specify one or more values withno spaces. Enter the value(s) inuppercase.


    SHORTCUTS A = AutoSchedulerB = GlossaryC = GUIProD = GUIPro BuilderE = PublisherF = Web ArchitectG = Configuration ToolH = SynchronizationUtilityI = Simulator

    Option to create desktopshortcuts for installed products.Leave blank for no desktopshortcuts. Enter the value(s) inuppercase.Start menu shortcuts areautomatically created and are notaffected by this variable.


    VISIO_SOLUTION Variable Valid for Visio 2000 and 2002only. Path to the Solutionsfolder inside the Visio applicationfolder. If the Visio Screen Flowtemplate option was selected,pertinent files will be installed toan Info Pak folder in this location.


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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200520

    5. When the installation is complete, type exitat the command line prompt, and press the Enterkey to close the Command Promptwindow.

    If errors occur during the silent installation, an infopak_silent.log file is created inthe users temp directory (typically, C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temp). This file is displayed automatically when theinstallation terminates. Review and resolve the issues listed, and execute the silentinstallation again.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 21

    Installing Info Pak from a Network Location

    Setting up the Network Installation

    Once a primary computer has been installed with the Info Pak suite, the Configuration Tool canbe used to customize the infopak.ips file. This customized file can be placed in thesupport\configfolder within the installationfolder structure for use with future installations.

    Refer to the Info Pak Configuration manualfor additional details on customizing theinfopak.ips file and creating additional *.ips files.

    As a precaution, the original infopak.ips file should be renamed and retained as a backup beforecopying the updated file to the installation structure.

    1. Open Microsoft Windows Explorer.

    2. Select the entire contents of the Info Pak CD.

    3. Select EditCopyor use the CTRL+Ckey combination.

    4. Select a network location that is accessible to users.

    5. Select EditPasteor use the CTRL+V key combination.

    The installation folders will be copied to the network location.

    6. Select the configured infopak.ips and logo.gif files.

    7. Select EditCopyor use CTRL+C.

    8. Select the support\configfolder.

    9. Select EditPasteor use CTRL+V.

    The files located in the support\configfolder will be used in installations from thenetwork drive. If needed, a new CD of this folder and its contents may be createdand distributed.

    When a file is copied from a CD, often the operating system marks the file as readonly. Ensure this option is NOT selected for any .ips, .dat, or .xml files.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200522

    Installing from the Network

    Once the configured infopak.ips and logo files have been saved in the folder structure, users mayinstall the Info Pak products on their local hard drive.

    To install an Info Pak product from the network:

    1. Select the setup.exe location from the network.

    2. Follow the instructions for installing from the CD.

    RWD recommends against using another electronic form of distribution, or creatingan additional automatic installation executable. Problems have been found tooccur when the installation executables have been modified.

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    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 23

    Confirming the Installation

    Authors and administrators can perform the following steps to confirm the installation:

    1. Log on to Microsoft Windows using your standard account.

    2. Open and close Microsoft Word.

    3. Launch the Info Pak Recorder Toolbar.

    4. Establish the working folder.

    RWD recommends that all authors select a uniform working folder in the samelocation on all authors hard drive (preferred) or in unique locations on a sharedserver.

    5. Select the Newicon on the Recorder Toolbar

    When creating a new Info Pak parent document, ensure you select the appropriateDocument Type (Generic Parent, Oracle Parent, or SAP Parent).

    6. Create a document and record several actions within a typical target application.

    7. Publish the document to cue card/HTML format.

    8. Open the GUIPro and GUIPro Builder components, and ensure both components openwithout error.

    9. Open each Info Pak administrator component (Glossary, Web Architect, Configuration Tool,Sync, and Auto Scheduler), and ensure each component opens without error.

    10. If you are upgrading to Info Pak 5.4 from a previous version, open Glossary, Web Architect,and the Configuration Tool. From these interfaces, open the corresponding database file (forexample, your Web Architect database).

    Before upgrading, refer to Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4for additional details on theprocess.

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    Folder Structure

    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 25

    Info Pak Folder Structure

    Once the Info Pak suite is installed on a computer, a default folder structure is created for use

    with the different Info Pak components. This structure is created under the All Users profile inC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RWD\Info Pak\Version 5.40 and isused by Info Pak applications. Although all users are granted full control of this structure startingat the RWD level, users should not modify this structure. When a new user opens an Info Pakapplication for the first time, the user is prompted to select a working folder location. Theapplication will copy the Info Pak working folder structure to this location. The default location isC:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\InfoPak.

    Users can change the working folder location via the Preferences option in Info Pak Template.

    During installation, a second folder structure will be created in the Program Files folder to containprogram files used by the Info Pak applications. These files should not be moved or altered.

    The following depicts the standard Al l Users folder structure created during an administratorinstallation. A subset of these folders is installed during an author installation.

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    Folder Structure

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    The following depicts a typical \[username]\My Documents\InfoPak folder structure for anadministrator user. Details about the folder contents are provided in the following subsections.

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    Folder Structure

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    Info Pak Publisher Folders

    If Info Pak - Publisher is installed, subfolders will be created upon first launch of the Publisher

    application. These subfolders are created in the users working folder to store Info Pakdocuments. The default location of the working folder is C:\Documents andSettings\[username]\My Documents\InfoPak.

    Users can change the working folder location via the Preferences option in Info Pak Template.

    This folder structure may be copied and pasted to a network location so that multiple developersmay publish all documentation to one content folder location to facilitate efficient batch publishing.

    Refer to the Info Pak Publishermanual for details on the Publisher component.

    Content (Outbox) Folder

    The content folder is the outbox, or published location, for documents created when publishing.Documents should be published to this folder.

    IPTemp Folder

    The IPTemp folder is created during the publish process to temporarily store documents that arebeing published to multiple formats. After publishing, the documents are automatically removedfrom this folder.

    Parent Folder

    The parent folder is an optional save location for parent documents and other Info Pakdocuments. Info Pak documents may be saved in any location and do not require a special folderstructure. When creating a new document from the Publisher Recorder or Template toolbars, asubfolder will be automatically created to house the document. The default save location whencreating documents from Publisher Recorder or Template is C:\Documents andSettings\[username]\My Documents\InfoPak\parent.

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    Folder Structure

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    Info Pak - Web Archi tect Folders

    During installation, a Web Architect folder structure is created on the local drive of the computer.

    This folder structure is important to ensure the functionality of Web Architect.

    The content, navigation (nav), and standard folders must be kept at the same relative paths forWeb Architect to work properly. It is not necessary to maintain these folders in the defaultinstallation location: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\InfoPak. Thesefolders may be moved to a network location or web server, but the hierarchy structure of thefolders must be maintained.

    If you are building a website, the entire InfoPak working folder (minus the parent, profiles,glossary, and scheduler folders) should be moved to a public Intranet or file server located at yourcompany. The InfoPak working folder contains standalone files necessary for proper websiteoperation.

    Refer to the Info Pak Web Architectmanual for details on the Web Architectcomponent.

    Content Folder

    It is best to have only one content folder containing child documents and other types of contentdocuments. Since child documents are not importable into Web Architect, they are maintained infolders distinct from the Info Pak source documents.

    A content folder is created when an Info Pak application is launched for the first time. The defaultcontent folder location is C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\InfoPak. Ifyou choose to copy the Info Pak working folder to a shared location so multiple authors all publishcontent in the same location, each user will have to modify outbox settings inside the Publisherapplication.

    For Web Architect to properly display content on a website, all content MUST be located inInfoPak\content. Use this folder to house child documents and any other documents to beincluded on the website. If documents are not published to this content folder, the website will notdisplay any published content.

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    Folder Structure

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    Navigation (nav) Folder

    The nav folder is empty until the first time Web Architect builds navigation pages. This folderhouses the actual HTML pages that make up the website being created. When navigation pages

    are rebuilt to reflect changes, the HTML pages are overwritten in the nav folder.

    Standard Folder

    The standard folder contains many subfolders required to generate and display Web Architect-built websites. These subfolders are necessary for the website and should not be moved inrelation to the contentand nav folders.

    Cascading Style Sheets (css)

    The HTML style sheets are found in the css folder. The website css files are used to set theappearance and maintain consistency throughout an entire website. Formatting such as fonts,colors, background colors, and linking colors is controlled using this cascading style sheet. Theglossary.css file is used to control the appearance of an exported list of your glossary terms anddefinitions. You should be familiar with HTML and style sheets before editing these files.

    Fastpath Pages (fastpaths)

    The HTML files built by Web Architect during the Build Fastpath Pages operation should besaved in this folder. Fastpath pages are intermediate web pages that list content documents witha common property, such as a transaction code. Fastpath pages are used with Info Pak - HelpLaunchpad.

    HTML Pages (html)

    HTML files are static web pages that display common information for the entire website.Examples of web pages contained in this folder are toolbars, contact pages, search pages, andglossary pages.

    HTML Templates (htx)

    HTX files are the templates used by Web Architect to build navigation and fastpath pages, andchild toolbars. There are several folders containing generic template files that may becustomized to suit the needs of your company. You should be familiar with HTML and stylesheets before editing the HTX files.

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    Folder Structure

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    Images (img)

    The img folder serves as a common location for images used throughout the entire website.

    Images may be in GIF or JPG format. Your company logo can be saved to this folder aswa00_clientlogo.gif orwa05_logo.gif orwa05_logo.jpg (if you are using the wa05 template foryour website).

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    Folder Structure

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    Other Info Pak Folders

    AS Logs Folder

    If RWD Info Pak Auto Scheduler is installed, subfolders are created in the Al l Usersworkingfolder. These subfolders store logs generated during use of Auto Scheduler.

    Diagnost ics Folder

    The Diagnostics folder contains saved *.asl files generated as a result of running the diagnostictroubleshooting utility delivered with RWD Info Pak. These *.asl files are typically sent to RWDProduct Support for analysis.

    Glossary Folder

    If RWD Info Pak- Glossary is installed, a folder and subfolder are created in the users working

    folder to store the extensible stylesheet language (.xsl) files used when exporting the Glossary inXML format. An additional subfolder will be created in the users working folder upon firstexecution of the application. This subfolder stores logs generated during globalization ofdocuments.

    Refer to the Info Pak Glossarymanual for details on the Glossary component.

    Profiles Folder

    The profiles folder includes subfolders for all installed Info Pak applications. These subfolderscontain profile files (in XML format). Each folder contains the default profile (current.xml) createdupon installation. This profile points to the default Info Pak project settings (infopak.ips). Any user-

    or administrator-developed profiles are placed in these subfolders during synchronization andprofile import.

    rpr Folder

    The rpr folder contains testing profiles for each RWD Info Pak component. These testing profilesare used during troubleshooting to gather data and create the resulting *.asl file to send to RWDProduct Support.

    Simulator Folder

    If RWD Info Pak Simulator is installed, a subfolder is created in theAl l Usersworking folder.This subfolder stores any auto-correction settings files or custom dictionaries, theIMSManifest.xml file, and note template files.

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    Folder Structure

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    Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4

    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 33

    Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4

    The RWD Info Pakversion 5.4 installation will automatically upgrade 5.x versions of Info Pak.

    You can install Info Pak 5.4 overtop of a 5.x version.

    If you have a version older than 5.x installed, you must first install 5.0x andthen proceed to install 5.4.

    The following table provides guidance and/or required actions throughout the upgrade process.

    Upgrade Timeline Notes

    Should I Upgrade? If your documentation project is already underway

    using a previous version of Info Pak, weigh thebenefits of upgrading to version 5.4 against thetime and effort required to upgrade and learn anynew functionality. Unless the new features andfunctionality in version 5.4 are critical to yourproject, you may want to wait to upgrade until yourproject timeline can accommodate the upgradeeffort.

    The Info Pak 5.4 document format is notbackward compatible with pre-5.0 versions. Inother words, users cannot share documentsbetween version 5.4 and pre-5.0 versions of InfoPak. All of your document authors must be usingan Info Pak 5.x version.

    Before You Upgrade Review the Info Pak 5.4 Technical Specificationson the InterAct Product Support Center


    Create a backup copy of your Info Pak files,including Web Architect, Glossary, and customGUIPro databases; .mdb and .ips configurationfiles; custom logo, HTML, and HTX files; and yourInfo Pak documents.

    Review the Who Should Get What: Author,Administrator, and Al l Installationssection ofthis manual.

    Ensure the person performing the upgrade has

    Administrator rights on the target computer.

    What Happens During theUpgrade? If you have a version older than 5.x installed,

    you must first install 5.0x and then proceed toinstall 5.4 if you wish to retain your projectsettings. You may elect to have only theadministrator perform this interim upgradestep; authors can simply uninstall the 4.xversion and then install the new version. The

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    Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4

    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/200534

    Upgrade Timeline Notes

    administrator must then ensure the authorssync to obtain the project settings.

    If you are upgrading from versions 4.0x or 4.1x to5.0x prior to the 5.4 install, the 4.0x or 4.1xversion will be uninstalled silently when upgradingto version 5.4. This is due to significant changesin the application architecture. Your currentconfiguration settings from the infopak.ini andInfoPak_altlanguage.mdb will be retained andinserted into an infopak.ips file during installation.

    If you are upgrading from version 4.2x to 5.0xprior to the 5.4 install, the infopak.mdb will beupgraded to an infopak.ips file during installationof 5.0x.

    What Must I Do After the Upgrade? To upgrade a 4.x Web Architect database, openthe database using Web Architect version 5.4.The upgrade process may take several minutes.Prior to the upgrade starting, a backup copy ofyour database (with a .bak extension) will becreated. To upgrade a pre-4.x Web Architectdatabase, please contact RWD Product Support

    To upgrade a pre-5.3 Glossary database, openthe database using Glossary version 5.4. Theupgrade process may take several minutes. Priorto the upgrade starting, a backup copy of yourdatabase (with a .bak extension) will be created.

    The filename extension for both the Glossary andWeb Architect databases was changed in version5.3. If you are opening a pre-5.3 database forupgrade, open and save your profiles to reflect thenew filename. In addition, if you have specifiedthe Glossary location in your Template profile,update the location with the new databasefilename.

    After upgrade, open and save your profiles, andoverwrite any older profiles in your sync location.In particular, you will need to add any requiredalternate document types in Web Architect andthen save your Web Architect profile.

    If you are upgrading from a 4.x version of HelpLaunchpad, note that Help Launchpad 5.x usesdevelopment namespaces. You must point to thisnamespace in your SAP customization. Refer toHelp Launchpad SAP Customizationin the InfoPak Help Launchpadmanual for details.

  • 8/11/2019 Installation 5.4 Manual


    Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4

    RWD Info Pak- Installation Version 5.4, 03/25/2005 35

    Upgrade Timeline Notes

    Documents created with previous versions of InfoPak are automatically updated to an Info Pak 5.4

    document when opened. If you are modifying Web Architect HTML or HTX

    files, ensure you save these files with Unicodeencoding enabled to take advantage of thelanguage enhancements in Info Pak 5.4. Unicodeenabling allows you to mix documents of differentlanguages in the same category (i.e., web page).

  • 8/11/2019 Installation 5.4 Manual


    Upgrading to Info Pak 5.4

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