interactive flashcards us history vocabulary review goals 7-12 begin review

Interactive Flashcards Interactive Flashcards US History US History Vocabulary Review Vocabulary Review Goals 7-12 Goals 7-12 Begin Review

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Goal Seven

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Monroe Doctrine

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A part Teddy Roosevelt’s “big stick diplomacy”

Reinforced the idea of no European control of Latin AmericaStated that if necessary the US would intervene in Latin America on behalf of Europe The US as an international police force

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Journalists who exposed corruption and weakness in American society early in 20th century

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Sherman Anti-Trust


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Outlawed business monopolies because they stifled trade

Authorized the Attorney General to force monopolies to break up into smaller companies

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Plessey v. Ferguson

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Supreme Court case which established the principle of “separate, but equal”

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Booker T. Washington

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Ex-slave and African American leader at turn of 20th century

Acknowledged white domination, called for slow progress through self-improvement

Stressed patience, manual training, and hard work

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W.E.B. DuBois

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African American leader in early party of 20th century who earned first African American doctorate from Harvard

In his Souls of Black Folks, he attacked Washington’s views and sought higher education for African Americans

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Ida Wells Barnett

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African American journalist from Tennessee who led a crusade against lynching

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Great Migration

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Large scale movement of African Americans from the South to the North in the early part of the 20th century

Reasons for move were to escape Jim Crow laws and discrimination and for economic opportunity

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National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleCreated by white progressives and members of Niagara Movement in 1908 on Lincoln’s birthday

Mission was to abolish all forms of segregation and increase educational opportunities for African-American childrenRelied on extensive use of the court system

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Poll taxes

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Annual tax required to be paid before one could vote; hurt poor whites and African Americans

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Henry Ford

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$5 day – Ford’s wage scheme that doubled average wage in automobile industry; lead to increased production

Assembly line – Ford used a moving assembly line to produce automobiles instead of handcraftsmanshipModel T – first affordable automobile, credited with putting Americans on wheels

Workers as consumers – Ford paid workers a wage proportionate to the cost of the car so the would become ready made market

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Goal Eight

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Pride or loyalty to one’s country

One of the causes of WWI

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Glorification of a nation’s military strengths

Aggressive increase in the armed forces of Europe’s great powers

One of the causes of WWI

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WWI Alliances

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WWI alliance of Russia, France, The British Empire, and Italy

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WWI Central Powers

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WWI alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

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Kaiser Wilhelm II

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Leader of Germany during WWI

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Secret message sent by Germany’s foreign minister (Arthur Zimmerman) to the German ambassador in Mexico that disclosed a German plan to form an alliance w/ Mexico if the U.S. should enter the war

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British passenger ship sunk by the Germans on May 7, 1915, killing 1200 civilians, including 128 Americans

Helped turn American public opinion against Germany before the US entered WWI

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Woodrow Wilson

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U.S. President from 1912-1920

Considered to be on of three Progressive presidents from the early 1900s

President during WWI

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Trench Warfare

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Style of infantry combat during WWI

Each side sheltered in trenches from which they would attack the other

Led to stalemate on the western front

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Wilson’s Fourteen


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Pres. Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI

Listed steps that the world must take to prevent another great war

Advocated free trade, freedom of the seas, and self-determination

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Treaty of Versailles

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Treaty that ended WWI and created the League of Nations

The US Senate never approved the treaty or joined the League of Nations

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Sacco & Vanzetti

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Anarchists who were accused and convicted of committing 2 murders during a robbery

The judge refused to listen to witnesses who gave the 2 men alibis and the men were executed

Their execution was seen as a form of discrimination against immigrants in the early 1900s

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Laissez Faire

Goal Nine

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Hands-off approach to governing

Approach to governing that advocates no government regulation/intervention in the economy

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Buying something at a low price, in order to sell it at a higher price later

The term is often used in reference to buying and selling stock

Speculation in the stock market is considered a cause of the 1929 stock market crash

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Buying on the


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Borrowing money in order to invest in the stock market

Considered a cause of the 1929 stock market crash

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Black Tuesday

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Term used to describe Oct 29, 1929

Five days after the initial crash, the stock market reached its lowest point

Usually associated with the start of the Great Depression

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Direct Relief

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Government providing jobs, money, food, etc. to people in need

Approach taken by FDR in reacting to the Depression

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Shantytowns formed by people left homeless during the Depression

Nicknamed after President Hoover

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Soup Kitchen

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Soup kitchens were places where people suffering from the Depression could get food for free

Usually operated and staffed by volunteers and/or church organizations

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Popular form of music during the 1920s

Key Figures: Lois Armstrong, Duke Ellington

The “Jazz Age” refers to the time period between the early 1920s and the end of WWI

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Places to buy liquor illegally during prohibition

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Fireside Chats

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Radio addresses made by FDR to the American people during the Great Depression and WWII

FDR used the addresses to reassure American’s during times of crisis

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Marcus Garvey

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Advocate of Black Nationalism and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association

Supported a Back-to-Africa movement that encouraged all people of African descent to return to Africa

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Scopes Trial

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Often called the “Scopes Monkey Trial”

John T. Scopes broke a Tennessee law banning the teaching of evolution in schools

The trial was referred to as the “Trial of the Century” and drew nationwide attention

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Billy Sunday

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Christian Evangelist in the early 1900s

Known for his “fire and brimstone” approach to evangelism, opposition to evolution, and support for prohibition

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Government program created during the New Deal

Bank closings during the Great Depression caused many Americans to distrust banks

FDIC was designed to restore Americans’ trust in banks by promising to insure all deposits up to $5,000 ($100,000 today)

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Government program created during the New DealDesigned to help stimulate the American economy by providing jobs

Government paid Americans to work on construction projects (roads, dams, etc.)

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The largest New Deal agency

Designed to help stimulate the American economy by providing jobs

Employed people in construction and as writers, musicians, and artists

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Frances Perkins

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The first female cabinet member

She was appointed Secretary of Labor by FDR in 1933

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Axis Powers

Goal Ten

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WWII alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan

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Political ideology based on nationalism

Characteristics:One party dictatorshipExtreme nationalismAnti-Communist & Anti-DemocraticMilitaristic: both developed powerful militaries

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Adolf Hitler

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German dictator during WWII

Leader of the Nazi Party

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Third Reich

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Name used to refer to Germany under the Nazi Party

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Benito Mussolini

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Italian dictator during WWII

Leader of the Fascist Party

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Emperor Hirohito

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Emperor of Japan during WWII

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Allied Powers

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WWII alliance of the US, Great Britain, and the USSR

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Winston Churchill

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Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII

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Joseph Stalin

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Premier of the USSR during WWII

Stalin was an ally of the US during WWII, but became a major adversary during the Cold War

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Kellogg – Briand Pact

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International treaty that outlawed war in 1928

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Lend-Lease Act

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Act of Congress that allowed FDR to supply the Allied Powers with weapons before the Pearl Harbor attack

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Pearl Harbor

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Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on Dec 7, 1941

The attack led the US to declare war on Japan and enter WWII on the side of the Allied Powers

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Battle of the Bulge

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The last German offensive of WWII

The German Army tried to split the American and British forces

Germany hoped to force the Allies into negotiating a peace treaty with the Axis Powers

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Lightning war

Using airplanes to bomb an area before rapidly invading using tanks and other mechanized weapons

Used by Germany during WWII

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D-Day Operation Overlord

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France was captured by Germany in the early years of WWII and this was the Allied invasion of France to liberate the nation from German occupation

Allied forces crossed the English Channel from England to the beaches of German occupied Normandy, France

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General George Patton

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US Army General during WWII

Led US forces against Germany forces in North Africa and led the US invasion of Italy

Also led US forces in the Allied attack on Germany

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Nazi campaign of genocide against Jews and other European minorities

Approximately 6 million Jews were killed

Nazis referred to it as the “Final Solution”

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Short news clips shown in movie theaters

An important source of information about the war

Used as pro-war propaganda by the US government

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Iwo Jima

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Battle between the US and Japan during WWII

Both sides suffered extremely high numbers of killed and wounded

One of the battles that made American leaders concerned about the costs of an invasion of Japan

Famous for the photograph of US Marines raising an American during the battle

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Atomic Bomb

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The US developed it as a part of a top secret program named the Manhattan ProjectOnly been used in warfare twice, both by the US at the end of WWII - Hiroshima and NagasakiPlayed a very important role in the Cold War, leading to a nuclear arms race

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Island hopping

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US strategy for fighting in the Pacific theater during WWII

The US bypassed islands heavily defended by the Japanese and instead focused only on capturing islands that were not well defended but would help the US in its push towards Japan

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Nuremberg Trials

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A series of trials after WWII known for their prosecution of Nazi leaders

The trials were held in Nuremburg, Germany

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War Bonds

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A type of savings bond sold during WWI and WWII as a means of raising money for the war effort

A way for Americans to lend money to the government, and be repaid plus interest

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G.I. Bill

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Nickname for the Serviceman Readjustment Act of 1944

Provided money to US soldiers returning from WWII to pay for college or job training, and provided low-interest home loans

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The first mass-produced suburb

Became the model for post-WWII suburbs in the US

Named for the builder Abraham Levitt

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Rosie the Riveter

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Character used to represent women who worked in manufacturing during WWII

Many women entered the workforce to produce war supplies while the men who traditionally performed this work went to war

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Severely limited the power of American labor unions

Banned closed shops and put restrictions on Union shops

Passed by Congress over Truman’s veto in 1947

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Japanese Internment camps

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The forced detention of 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII for fear of spying and sabotage

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Bay of Pigs

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Failed attempt by the US to train Cuban refugees to invade Cuba and overthrow Communist dictator Fidel Castro

The invasion was a bad for President Kennedy’s Cold War image

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Berlin Wall

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East Germany built a wall separating East and West Berlin

The wall was built to keep East Germans from escaping to West Germany

The wall served as a symbol of the Cold War

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Cuban Missile Crisis

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In October of 1962 US spy planes detected Soviet missiles being built in Cuba

President Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine (blockade) of Cuba to prevent the missiles from becoming operational

13 days into the crisis, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev announced that the missiles would be removed

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Fidel Castro

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Communist dictator who took over Cuba in 1959

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Geneva Accords

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France gave up control of Vietnam

Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel line

Also called the Geneva Conference

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Iron Curtain

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Symbolic boundary between East and West

East = the USSR and its communist allies

West = the US and its non-communist allies

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Korean War

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Korea was divided along the 38th parallel line in 1945

In 1950 communist North Korea invaded non-communist South Korea

Harry Truman sent US forces to help defend South Korea from communist takeover

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Marshall Plan

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US plan to rebuild Europe after WWII

Named for Secretary of State George MarshallThe US offered economic aid to all European nations, including those behind the Iron Curtain (no communist nations accepted)

Americans hoped that rebuilding the European economy would make communism less attractive

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Alliance for


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Organization created by JFK aimed at establishing economic cooperation between North and South America

Intended to counter the threat of communism posed by Cuba

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Cold War alliance of Western nations against communist threats

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Warsaw Pact

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Cold War alliance of Soviet dominated Communist nations

Created in response to the formation of NATO

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United Nations

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International organization founded in 1945 in the aftermath of WWII

Designed to prevent future wars by promoting international law, cooperation between nations, and economic development

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Duck and Cover

Goal Eleven

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Method of personal protection from nuclear attack taught to US school children beginning in late 1940s

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House Un-American Activities

Committee (HUAC)

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Set up originally to investigate Nazi propaganda, after WWII, revived as watchdog against communist propaganda

Most spectacular investigation was of motion picture industry beginning in 1947

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Alger Hiss

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Former State Department official accused of being part of a Soviet espionage ring

Convicted of perjuring himself before the HUAC

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Julius and Ethel


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“Atomic bomb spies”

Members of American Communist party accused of being part of atomic bomb spy ring

Convicted of espionage and executed in 1953

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Selective Service

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Passed in 1940 instituted first peacetime draft; expired in 1947, but several draft laws passed between 1948-67

1975 by Executive Order, President Ford ended mandatory registration, but President Carter reinstated it in 1980

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New Left

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Name loosely associated with radical social movements of the 1960s primarily on college campuses

Symbolized best by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and opposition to the Vietnam War

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Foreign policy mainly identified with President Nixon and Henry Kissinger aimed at reducing Cold War tensions

Led in 1972 to Nixon’s visits to China and Moscow

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Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Sparked by Rosa Parks’ arrest for refusal to give up seat on bus

Lasted 381 days until federal courts struck down Alabama’s law requiring racial segregation in public


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Rosa Parks

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Civil rights pioneer whose refusal to give up her seat on bus sparked the Montgomery bus boycott

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Martin Luther King, Jr

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Most influential civil rights leader of the 1950s-60sCivil DisobedienceHe earned the Noble Peace Prize for his work in 1964

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Malcolm X

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Most popular and controversial Black Muslim (Nation of Islam) leader of 1960s

Message was white responsibility for black condition, black pride, separatism, and

armed self-defense when needed

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Black Panthers

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Militant black nationalist organization founded in Oakland, CA in 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale

Supported activities to help those in ghettos, however, better known for violent confrontations with law enforcement

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Stokley Carmichae


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Militant leader of SNCC who advocated political separation of the races and violent


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Interracial organization formed in 1942 to challenge segregation

Organized the “freedom riders” challenge to segregated bus facilities in the South in 1961 and active in “Freedom Summer” of 1964

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S.N.C.C. (Student

Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

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Biracial national protest group originally founded to coordinate sit-ins and boycotts, later voting rights drives

In the middle 1960s, under the direction of Stokley Carmichael, it became much more radical/militant

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March on Washington

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March organized by civil rights groups to support the passage of the 1963 Civil Rights Bill

Held on August 28, 1963, it was here that Martin Luther King, Jr. made his “I Have a Dream” speech

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Little Rock Nine

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Nine African American students chosen to integrate the school system in Little Rock

Blocked by the governor of Arkansas, President Eisenhower sent in federal troops to ensure integration

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George Wallace

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Segregationist and states rights governor of Alabama who attempted to prevent integration in state

Ran for president as 3rd party candidate in 1968 (captured 5 states) and again in 1972 (paralyzed in assassination attempt)

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Brown v. Board of


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Held by many scholars to be the most important Supreme Court case of the 20th century

Overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, holding that “separte educational facilities are inherently unequal."

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Thurgood Marshall

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Chief counsel for the NAACP in many civil rights cases including Brown v. Board of Education

In 1967 became first African American appointed to the Supreme Court

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Earl Warren

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Chief Justice of Supreme Court from 1953-1969

His term of office was marked by numerous rulings affecting, among other things civil rights, separation of church and state, rights of accused persons

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Civil Rights Act

of 1964

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Outlawed discrimination in public accommodations (theaters, hotels, restaurants)

Prohibited employment discrimination based on race, creed, national origin, and sex.

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NOW National

Organization for Women

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Women’s rights organization founded by Betty Freidan and other feminist in 1966

Major goals were passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and sexual equality in the workplace through political means

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Gloria Steinem

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American feminist and activist who founded the feminist magazine, Ms, in 1971

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The Feminine Mystique

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1963 book written by Betty Friedan which attacked the popular notion that women during this time could only find fulfillment through childbearing and homemaking

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Equal Rights Amendment

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Proposed constitutional amendment that provided that equality of rights could not be denied on account of sex

Passed Congress in 1972 and sent to states for ratification; fell 3 states short of ratification

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Roe v. Wade

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Established that abortion is a fundamental right under the Constitution

Decision was based on right to privacy (not explicit, but 9th amendment)

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Area in San Francisco which became

the center of the 1960s hippie movement

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Rock festival which has been romanticized and idealized in American popular culture as the culmination of the hippie movement

Held in August 1969, it featured many rock legends, The Who, Hendrix, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and the Grateful Dead

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Cesar Chavez

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Latino labor leader of farm workers who helped form the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee in 1966

Organized boycott of California grapes in 1965 which led to contract in 1970

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AIM American

Indian Movement

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Often militant Native American activist organization dedicated to protecting Native American rights

Seized Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1972 and had bloody confrontation with federal

authorities at Wounded Knee in 1973

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Established by President Nixon in 1970, it is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land

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Ho Chi Minh

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Vietnamese nationalist and founder of the Viet Minh independence movement in 1940s

First president and leader of the Democratic

Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)

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Insurgent organization in South Vietnam composed of South/North Vietnamese who fought US and South Vietnam in guerilla war

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Gulf of Tonkin


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Congressional resolution passed in response to alleged attacks by North Vietnamese patrol boats in Gulf of TonkinGave president (LBJ) authority to use all necessary measures to repel attacks against U.S. forces and take all steps necessary for the defense of U.S. allies in Southeast Asia

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Operation Rolling


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Sustained bombing raids of North Vietnam which began 3 months after LBJ became president and lasted for 3 years

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My Lai Incident

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Massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians by US soldiers led by Lt. William Calley

News of atrocity led to public outrage, loss of support for war, and Calley’s court martial

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Agent Orange

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Powerful herbicide/defoliant used in war; later linked to a variety of health problems suffered by veterans

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Jellied gasoline incendiary used in bombs during Vietnam War; highly flammable and adheres to victims causing severe burns

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Tet Offensive

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Surprise attack by Vietcong on hundreds of South Vietnamese cities and villages beginning on Tet (Vietnamese New Year)Although military victory for US/South Vietnamese, it became a turning point of the war because of American public opinion

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Kent State

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Student protests over American invasion of Cambodia led to Ohio National Guard firing into group of students leaving 4

dead and 9 wounded

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Cambodia and Laos

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Both were granted independence from France after the 1954 Geneva Conference

During the Vietnam War the Ho Chi Minh Trail ran through these two countries connecting North Vietnam to South Vietnam

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First artificial satellite launched by the Soviets in October 1957

Marked the start of the space age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race

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US space agency created during the Cold War

Established in 1958 in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik

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Peace Corps

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Program of volunteer assistance to developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America established in 1961 by Executive Order

Huge success and one of JFK’s most lasting contributions

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United States v.


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Case involved President Nixon’s refusal to surrender tape recordings to Watergate Special Prosecutor on grounds of executive privilegeSupreme Court determined it had the power to decide limits of presidential power and rejected Nixon’s claim of privilege

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25th Amendmen


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Provides for secession upon death/removal/resignation of president or vice presidentProvides for discharge of presidential duties upon disability

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Camp David


Goal Twelve

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Framework for peace process between Israel and Egypt brokered by President Carter between Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel in September 1978

Led to historic peace treaty following year between the two countries

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Iranian Hostage


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Triggered by US allowing Shah to enter US for medical treatmentMilitant Islamic students stormed US embassy in Teheran, taking hostages

Carter’s failure to secure the release of hostages hurt his reelection bid

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Jimmy Carter

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Former governor of Georgia and 39th president of the United States

His administration was hurt by the economy, energy crisis, and hostage situation and he was seen as a less than effective president

Most outstanding foreign policy success was Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt

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Star Wars

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March 1983 - Reagan’s most significant defense initiative

System of weapons based in space that would intercept Soviet missiles before they reached US

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Iran-Contra Affair

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Illegal arms sales to Iran for the release of hostages held in Lebanon with the resulting profits funneled to the Contras in Nicaragua in direct violation of Congress ban contained in Boland Amendment

A number of Reagan aides were indicted and convicted, however Reagan denied any knowledge of the affair

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Mikhail Gorbachev

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Last leader of the Soviet UnionIntroduced glasnost and perestroika as

reforms of the Soviet system

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Saddam Hussein

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President of Iraq from 1979 until 2003 who brutally suppressed challenges to his rule from religious and ethnic groups Stayed in power through the Iraq-Iran War and Gulf War

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Persian Gulf War

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Operation Desert Storm (1991)Attack by multinational coalition led by the US to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait

Iraq War (2003-)2003 attack on Iraq for the stated reasons the it possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and harbored terroristWar resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s government and his subsequent arrest and execution

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Bloody in Peking military operation by Chinese government that that killed hundreds of civilians and crushed

democratic uprising

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Sandra Day


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Appointed by Reagan in July 1981 to Supreme Court

First female justice

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Clarence Thomas

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African American appointed to Supreme Court by George Bush in 1991Meager qualifications, opposition to affirmative action, and allegations of sexual impropriety led to dramatic hearings on confirmation

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Americans with

Disabilities Act

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Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in areas such as employment, public accommodations, public transportation, telecommunications

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Geraldine Ferraro

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Democratic VP nominee in 1984 election

First woman candidate

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Economic conditions existing during Nixon’s administration and later Ford’s

Stagnant economy plus inflation

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Brought Mexico into free trade zone with US and Canada

Ratified in 1993 it increased trade with Mexico

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Three Mile Island

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March 1989 a nuclear reactor malfunctioned sparking fears of release of radiation and evacuation of area

Rekindled debate over the safety of nuclear power

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Supply Side


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Reaganomics – traditional Republican suspicion of government spending combined with aggressive cut in federal income taxes

Lower taxes gave business and individuals more money to spend resulting in a surge of productive economic activityTrickle-down economics

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National Debt

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Amount of money owed by the US government to creditors approximately 44% of which is owed to foreigners

It increased significantly during Reagan’s and George W. Bush’s administrations

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Challenger disaster

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Space shuttle exploded in January 1986, killing all 7 crew members

Caused some to question the safety of the space program

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Ronald Reagan

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Former governor of California and 40th president of the United StatesHis election marked the resurgence of conservatismHis use of supply side economics (Reaganomics) led to an economic recovery during his administration, but at the cost of enormous national debtHis foreign policy was marked by conflict and agreement with the Soviet Union

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New Right Coalition

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Coalition between right wing grassroots groups that grew up in the 1970s around the support for key issues such as blockage of the ERA, criticism of abortion rights, school busing, and affirmative action, and support for school prayerIncluded business leaders, middle class voters, disaffected Democrats, fundamentalist Christian groups

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Ross Perot

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Third party candidate in the presidential election of 1992 who targeted the federal deficit as the nation’s number 1 problem

On election day, he captured 19% of the electoral vote, the most of a third party candidate since T. Roosevelt in 1912

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Bill Clinton

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Former governor of Arkansas who was elected as president in 1992 and again in 1992Clinton ran as a New DemocratIn his administrations, he presided over the longest peacetime economic expansion in US history, however the were marred by his impeachment in 1998 and the resulting trial in 1999 in which he was acquitted

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Al Gore

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Bill Clinton’s VP who ran for president in 2000Although he won the most popular votes, he lost the election in the electoral college by virtue of the unfavorable Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore

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Joe Lieberman

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Al Gore’s VP running mate in the 2000 election and the first Jewish American to run for national office

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Affirmative Action

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A policy or a program whose stated goal is to correct the effects of past discrimination by favoring the groups who were previously disadvantaged (minorities)

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Sometimes used interchangeably with diversityIdea that society should consist of, or at least allow and include, distinct cultural groups, with equal status

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Favoring native born people; generally opposition to immigration

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Patriot Act

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Passed originally in the aftermath of September 11 in response to the terrorist attacks on the US, its intent was to greatly expand the authority of American law enforcement to combat terrorismIt came under attack (some parts were found unconstitutional) for its effects on

civil liberties

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September 11, 2001

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Series of coordinated attacks by terrorist associated with al Qaeda on the US using four hijacked airliners

Two airplanes hit the World Trade Center destroying it

One airliner damaged the Pentagon and the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania

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Militant Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization which has committed multiple acts of terrorism

Infamously known for planning and executing the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US

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Colin Powell

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Highest ranking African American in the history of the US military, who became Chairman of the Joint Chief of StaffAs the first African American Secretary of State in George W. Bush’s administration, he originally opposed waging war on Iraq, but later relented

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Osama bin Laden

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Saudi Arabian militant Islamist believed to be one of the founders of al Qaeda and one of the masterminds behind the 1998 US Embassy bombings and the September 11, 2001 attacks

Despite US attempts to capture him, he remains at large

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George W. Bush

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Former governor of Texas and 43rd president of the United States Bush has pursued a domestic agenda based on supply side economics, resulting in tax cuts, but also record deficitsAdministration had been defined by September 11, 2001 and the War in Iraq

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Axis of Evil

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Used by George W. Bush in his State of the Union address in 2002 to describe regimes that he accused of sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction, specifically Iran, Iraq, and North Korea

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War on Iraq

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2003 attack on Iraq for the stated reasons the it possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and harbored terroristWar resulted in the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s government and his subsequent arrest and executionUS remains in Iraq for the purpose of rebuilding the country

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Department of Homeland


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Cabinet level department created by Congress in November 2002 in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks

It has the responsibility of protecting the territory of the United States from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters

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Taliban Regime

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Islamic fundamentalist movement which effectively ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, until displaced by a joint US and NATO force in late 2001US/NATO attack was an attempt to capture al Qaeda terrorist supposedly protected by the Taliban

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Green Card

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Identification card for legal permanent residents of the US who are not US citizens

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