interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky

r o I- e e THE INTERIOP JOURNAL p- r r YOLo XXXVII STANFORD KYI FRIDAY JUNE 11 1909 NO 30 a Bobbins Babble This li my third weeks sojourn at Stanford which Is quite a thriving pleasant place to reside permanently or temporarily If I did not live nt Crab Orchard I would live at Stanford When thus court li over I am due at Mt Vernon Lancaster London Yosemite July 3 If Mr Q R Jones and I agree upon terms lie has asked how much I would take I have answered Thus hot weather would convert our court into a barren desert were it not for a few beautiful feminine oases in terspersed here and there in the audience tike islands In the ocean All along the t highways of life nature has strewn her lovely fragrant flowers some In the garden and the most beautiful in the- I i parlorIn to Constant Reader It I will say that no constant reader of the INTERIOR JOURNAL can be an Ignorant 1man or a very had man When I was my article on the abuse of the pardoning power the lawyer and the client In jail occurred to me but 1 meant that a governor could not consti ¬ tutionally or legally pardon a fugitive from justice If after conviction the defendant appeals his case and runs off the court of appeals very promptly dis misses his appeal Sometimes a cnmi i nil will say I will come In and sur ¬ render if you will allow me to give ball It Cant let you off to light as that you are dictating your terms Surren ¬ der and submit to the courts and then we wilt consider the question of bail FONTAINE Fox BOBBITT Kentucky Fair Dates u Stanford July 213 days Georgetown July 275 days 1 Lancaster July 283 days Winchester Aug 3G days Danville Aug 43 days I Bluegrass Fair Lexington August 06 days Taylorsvllle Aug 104 days Harrodiburg Aug 123 days Lawrenceburg Aug 17I days Burbourvlllo Aug 183 days Brodhead Aug 183 days Shelbyvllle Aug 216 days Elitabethtown Aug 243 days Springfield Aug 254 days London Aug 254 days Frankfort Aug 314 days Nicholasvllle Aug 314 days Bardstown Sept 14 days Monticello Sept 74 days Kentucky State Fair Louisville Sept 136 days t Could Not Be Bettor No one has over made a salvo oint ¬ I I ment lotion or balm to compare with Uucklenj Arnica Salve Us the one perfect healer of Cuts Corns Hums Uralses Sores Scalds Bolls Ulcers Eczema Salt Rheum For Soro Eyes Cold Sores Chapped Hands its IIU prcmo Infallible for Piles Only 25o at Pennys Drug Store FOR SALE and tnmll wheat corn and tolmcco torlllOIII rich and tree fromilono urge ritlJecct and fauns Good rnllroiwl connec ¬ lions Unit offer It Iwrguln nt P5 to 0 nn acre Iong tllIIlIl11111n IIIAKLKY Howling Orcen Ky SURVEYING AND CIVIL ENGI ¬ NEERING 1 am prepared totlo nil kind tot turveylna nml civil miglnetrlnic promptly My wurk- will tw Runritntrwl nml my price are rvn lonable Write me nt JoKIIID or call ma over the telephone through the lluitoiivllle Kxchnngo- WAbTKUMcKINNKY At McKinney Ky and our Htnndnrd Ilemody the knownIn ¬ i ney Trouble nnd dUeiues Impure blood It tint no equal It li itiniiu fnctured under the pure food not of Juno manufacturer ii- I thelteutedyItakenaecordingtodtroctioneand of tbo WIIIId wo will lour money We can do nothing more package 1 contain yin doto n reRUtered guaran ¬ tee and mulling card with full Instruction We send It to any nddresi by cDlptot II per package or six for- t J Better order n Iwx today It token In time you mlllll save II btlt doctors bill Remember II you take the Humed accord Ing Instruction and Aro not oollelltltl you your dollar back You will not nnd tutu In utorei for Inle It Is sold anlylitYUIIINltIttLIA51K Agent INSURANCE R B MAHONY Insures Tobacco To ¬ bacco Barns Hemp All Kinds of Farm i Property Everything Everywhere Light ¬ ning Fire Tornado LifeLive StockHealth and Accident Plate GlassSuretyon Bonds Immediate attention given to losses which are paid without dis ¬ count t U CRAB ORCHARD The play Among The Breakers given by local talent for the benefit of the Baptist church Tuesday night was a decided success In evey particular Each one performed his part so well we feel It our duty to mention them separately Miss Clara Collier as the fortune teller acted her part to per- fection ¬ Miss Pearl Collier as Bees Starlight rescued many lives and re ¬ ceived several marriage proposals in a moAt graceful and realistic manner Miss Lad Nuckols made quite an impres ¬ lion upon the audience in the way she disposed of her lovers Loll Morgan acted to perfection tho part of Biddy the waiting maid Thomas Moore kept tho audience lively by his perfect role of Scud tho Negro waiter Pettus Hayes madn a fine Irishman and his wooing of Biddy was perfect Earl Baker acted the part of Bruce Hunter to perfection and Maurice Perkins made a fine representative for the Press and his wooing of Miss Daze showed ho had had some experience inthat line Bragg Thompson acted his part fine as Clar ¬ ence the heir Charles Buchanan who acted the part of keeper of tho light ¬ house performed well although ho only had about four days to practice having to take the place of a member who re ¬ signed The receipts were over tO A well behaved crowd felt amply re- paid ¬ for attending and all unite In prais ¬ Inlt Miss Georgia Lewis for her man ¬ agement in the affair and kindly thank the people from adjoining towns for their assistance Mr Victor Tate of Mt Vernon treated the audience to several beautiful songs Miss Mahony of Stanford playing tho piano accom painmcnts and Mr Bragg Thompson also entertained at the piano The pro- ceeds are to bo used to paper the church OTTENHEIM Wm Marahbanks of Garrard was visiting relatives in the section Tho farmers are greatly behind with their crops owing to thn recent rains Rev Geo D Verco preached at Pine Grove church Sunday to a large crowd Joe Lawson has bought tho Skelton Coleman farm and will take charge at once Richard Harris who has been very low with pneumonia Is able to sit up now Mrs Adam Petry who has been III If some better There are several largo tobacco barns going up with a greatly Increased acre ¬ age of tobacco being put in which also means an increase in the prices of land The tobacco fever is raging Every farmer is setting out his best spots of land In tho weed and S M Chandler has set out his entire garden in tobac ¬ co Several farms have changed hands In this section each seller realizing a handsome profit it seems that the Germans are getting rich trading with one another p Men Past Fifty In Danger Men past middle lifo have found comfort and relief in roloys Kidney Hcmedy L E Morris Dexter Ky writes Up to a year ago my father suffered frow kidney and bladder trouble and several physician pro- nounced ¬ It enlargement of tho prostate gland and advised an operation On account of his ago we wero afraid ho could not stand It and I recommended Foleys Kidney Remedy and the first bottle relieved him and after taking the second bottle bo was no longer troubled with this complaint Now Stanford Drug Co Whisky in the legal suing of tho word Is whisky even when colored or flavoring matter In added according to an opinion rendered to President Taft by Lloyd W Bowers solicitor general of the United States Ho holds that as such coloringand flavoring have been used in all history of whisky such ad ¬ dition can not be illegal or incompati ¬ ble with the name whisky The decis ¬ ion however is not the final word in the case Trouble Makers Ousted When a sufferer from stomach trou- ble ¬ takes Dr Kings New Lifo Pills hes mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia and Indigestion fly but morehes tickled over his now fine appetite strong nerves healthy vigor all bo cause stomach liver and kidneys now work right 25o at Pennys Drug StoreA tablot on tho residence oc ¬ cupied by Jefferson Davis the years from 1875 to 1878 was unveiled in I Memphis Wednesday by Miss Lucy White Hayes granddaughter of the President of tne Confederacy Everyone would bo benefited by tak Ing Foleys Orino Laxative for con ¬ stipation stomach and liver trouble as It sweetens the stomach and breath I gently stimulates the liver and regu ¬ Isles the bowels and Is much superior to pllla and ordinary laxative New Stanford Drug Co l 0 NEWS NOTES LaGrange connty Ind went dry by over 300- Presque Isle Mo was literally wip ¬ ed out by fire George Ade the humorist has been elected a trustee of Purdue University Indiana I Randolph the largest county in West Virginia has been made dry by remon ¬ i stranceMiss Ellen French aged 52 commit ted suicide by drowning in a pool near CorydonDuring an electric storm in Bourbon Bush Ranso was struck by lightning and killed Jasper Gambrel shot and probably fatally wounded Wash Sergent in liar Ian county Prof Ernest Fox Nichols of Colum ¬ bia University has been elected presi- dent ¬ of Dartmouth- E D Jones founder of the industrial concern that grew to bo tho present Detroit Shipbuilding Co is dead lie was nearly 90 years old An earthquake occurred at Coplapo a small seaport on Coplapo Bay Chill The walls of numerous buildings were cracked and considerable other damage was done No lives were lost Fred Mohric who killed Constable Sam Young several weeks ago was as ¬ sassinated in the corridor of the Grim inal Court building in St Louis by Wil liam Kane a former deputy under YoungAt annual election for the board of trustees of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York William H Pot- ter president of the Chemical National Bank was elected to succeed Charles D Dickey resigned Charged with having taken funds of the bank Frederick II Brigham head bookkeeper of the Merchants National Bank New Haven Conn was arrest ¬ ed and held in 10000 bonds for the United States Court Three arrests were made Tuesday of men charged with being implicated In the shooting from ambush of former Sheriff Ed Callahan Those under ar ¬ rest are Govan Smith his brother Elisha Smith and levi Johnson James Bludeworth and June Weekly linemen were electrocuted at Enid Okla whllo employed In repairing wires at the courthouse In some man- ner ¬ they came in contact with non Insulated wires 2300 volts passing through their bodies The strike of the Georgia railroad firemen for seniority of whites over Negroes passed formally into tho arbi ¬ tration stage Tuesday when the firemen announced Congressmen Thomas W Hardwlck of Georgia as their arbitra ¬ actI M Gorman Walter Campbell A C Baldwin Ed win lieU and J M Scott were sen ¬ tenced to a term of six months in jail and a fino of 200 and costs each in the United States District Court at Cincin ¬ nati for using the United States mails to further schemes to defraud In several arrests made in Columbus Marion and Dennison Ohio Federal in ¬ spectors and detectives who worked in conjunction with them in tho case bn licve that they have unearthed the big ¬ Best and best organized branch of the Black Hand in this country Marion Ohio being probably the head of the organization Chief Postoffice Inspect- or ¬ Charles Holmes of Cincinnati who is in charge of the work which has re ¬ suited in the arrests so far made is au ¬ thority for tho statement that evidence has been secured showing that the gang operating from Marion and with lines reaching into n number of big cities of the country have fleeced different per ¬ sons in Ohio and other States out of thousands of dollars in tho last few months by tho application of Black Hand methods Women Who Are Envied Those attractive women who are lovely In face form and temper aro the envy of many who might be like them A weak sickly woman will be nervous and irritable Constipation or Kidney poisons show in pimples blotches skin eruptions and a wretch- ed ¬ complexion For all such Electric Dltters work wonders They regulate Stomach Liver and Kidneys purify the blood give strong nerves bright eyes pure breath smooth velvety skin lovely complexion Many charm women owe their health and beau ¬ ling them 60c at Pennys Drugstore San Diego Cat has a wonderful clock with 20 dials which tell simultane ously the time in all parts of the world also the date and month It stands 21 feet high and four of its dials are each four feet In diameter IThe cleverest Imitation of real Cof ¬ ShoopsI and is made In just one minute No tedious 20 or 30 minutes boiling Made from pure parched grains malt nuts Sample free Penny a Drug Store late HUSTONVILLE McCormack Myers Vaughn shipped a car of 80 pound lambs to Louisville MondayMr Wheeler and son Dr Carl Wheeler are spending a week at At- lantic ¬ City The Jumbo ball team defeated Mc KInney Saturday at McKinney by a score of 5 to The home 3I Creek burned Saturday with ¬ hold goods No insurance Mrs A B McKinney entertained Miss Lucy Alcorn and other friends on Tuesday evening at an elegant dinner By quick work the home of Burdette Powell was saved from burning last Saturday A defective flue was causeThe work of setting the largest to bacco crop ever put out in the Wes End is about completed and the plants are growing rapidly The best ball game of the season was played here Saturday Liberty defeat- ing ¬ the College team by a score of 3 to 1 Both teams played fast ball Terry Newell have secured an ad ¬ justment on their grist mill which makes the very beet quality of graham flour and thereby fills a long felt want The ladies of the C W B M desire to express their gratitude to all who in any way contributed to the success of the muslcalo and supper given on the evening of the 28th James Yowell sold to Will Lillard 74 1400pound cattle for July delivery at 6ic About 3500 lambs have been ship- ped to Louisville and Cincinnati from the West End in the last 10 days for which was paid 6 to 61c Tho vim with which the ladies of the C W B M push their business is cer ¬ tainly commendable They will have a small surplus after paying their Cen- tennial ¬ assessment which was quite heavy for so small a membership The home of George Coffman on Har ¬ ris Creek was broken into last week and a coat pistol and razor stolen Lairs bloodhounds trailed to the home of Mack Magill colored at Milledge ville but he refused to allow his house to be searched Pryor Young and wife of Liberty were guests of Mr and Mrs J W Hoskins Mrs Rosa Cloyd of Burn side is visiting M K Wilson and wife Mrs Grace Carpenter Robinson of Knobnoster Mo is the guest of Mrs D S Carpenter for a few weeks The ladies of the C W B M kindly ask the postmaster and all the mer ¬ chants here to save all their waste pa ¬ per and they will call and get it Their waste paper committee will arrange receptacles for it and be very thankful to all who will in this way assist them The Baptist congregation here is to be congratulated on securing for their Sunday school superintendent Mr Wm Pcavyhouse who in three months has increased tho membership from 35 to 100 Rev Jones the pastor is preach ¬ ing each evening this week All are cordially invited Cards announcing the coming mar ¬ riage of Miss Llda Rose of Henderson ville N C to Mr Charles Brown Bar ¬ bison of Junction City Ky on June 16 have been received here Miss Rose is a grand daughter of the late Dr Geo Hunn of Shelby City and has many friends and admirers in the West End Mrs Thomas Reeves presented her husband with a 73 pound boy and an 8pound girl on Decoration day Born to the wife of John J Newell a daugh ¬ ter Geneva R H Givens of Biloxi Miss will spend two weeks of his va ¬ cation this month with his father Mr G M Givens Cliff Anderson of Dan ¬ ville was here on business last week Mr David McCarley of Okolona Miss a cotton planter and merchant is here with his many friends and rela ¬ lives Mrs George L Bradley has re turned from a visit to relatives in Lex ¬ ington John Lutes and Miss Elizabeth Lutes are spending n few days in Lex ¬ ington Fred Gornett and Miss Emma Warren of Stanford were guests of the Misses Lutes- J P Goode has been summoned to serve on the Federal grand jury at Richmond In July M II Graber sales manager for tho Stonega Va Coal Coke Co spent last week with the fam ¬ tiles of Wm Dodd and D H Skinner GA and J M Eubanks attended the funeral of their sister Mrs Polly Col son who was buried in Buffalo ceme ¬ tery Stanford H F Waller of Oko ¬ lona Miss is spending a months va ¬ cation with frienes here 0 C Root and wife of Louisville and T K Bohon and wife of Mt Au ¬ burn III spent two weeks with Dr and Mrs J T Bohon JF Jeffries and wife of Louisville were also guests at the Bohon home Mr Chester Car- ter ¬ and wife and Mrs Mollie Carter of Anderson county are spending the week with Mr and Mrs M Eu ¬ banks Wm Cabbell and wife are with Mrs Fannie Allen Goode of Covington is spending his vacation with his parents here U and S D Yow ell are on a prospecting tour to Rich- mond ¬ will atop spend a few I days in Washington Q I L t i OXFORDS Fa t FF t ffN + t fifffH + fFffi Green White Tan Ox- Blood a and Black f i v i IN ALL THE STYLES FOR 1909 fork i Men Women OIIdt Children Cummins Wearen STANFORD KENTUCKY Now is The Time for Lawn Mowers Hay Rakes Hay Forks Mow ¬ ing Blades Ice Cream Freezers Fruit Jars Gar ¬ den Hose Sprinklers Binder Twine Harvesting Oil c Call on well HIGGINS KentuckyL Use Arnolds Buggies There is nothing better We paint Old Ve ¬ hicles and make them look like new Get our prices We solicit your trade- R M ARNOLD DANVILLE KY RURAL TELEPHONES MR FARMER Make your home as modern for your family as a city residence and place yourself in a position JO get the latest matket quotations at any time This can bo accomplished by means of our telephone service which you and your neighbors can get a sunrthat is email compared with the benefits received Call or address our nearest office or write direct to headquarters Nashville Tenn for information regarding our special Far ¬ mers Line rate If you are not at present enjoying telephone service wo can immediately interest you Our lines cover the States of Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Louisiana and the Southern portion of Indiana and Illinois EAST TENNESSEE TEL tG TEL CQy s nCoaroaAvaDm C 4

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Bobbins Babble

This li my third weeks sojourn atStanford which Is quite a thrivingpleasant place to reside permanently ortemporarily If I did not live nt CrabOrchard I would live at StanfordWhen thus court li over I am due at MtVernon Lancaster London Yosemite

July 3 If Mr Q R Jones and I agreeupon terms lie has asked how muchI would take I have answered

Thus hot weather would convert ourcourt into a barren desert were it notfor a few beautiful feminine oases interspersed here and there in the audiencetike islands In the ocean All along the

t highways of life nature has strewn herlovely fragrant flowers some In thegarden and the most beautiful in the-


i parlorInto Constant Reader It I

will say that no constant reader of theINTERIOR JOURNAL can be an Ignorant

1man or a very had man When I wasmy article on the abuse of the

pardoning power the lawyer and theclient In jail occurred to me but 1

meant that a governor could not consti ¬

tutionally or legally pardon a fugitivefrom justice If after conviction thedefendant appeals his case and runs offthe court of appeals very promptly dismisses his appeal Sometimes a cnmi


nil will say I will come In and sur¬

render if you will allow me to giveball It Cant let you off to light as thatyou are dictating your terms Surren ¬

der and submit to the courts and thenwe wilt consider the question of bail


Kentucky Fair Datesu Stanford July 213 days

Georgetown July 275 days1 Lancaster July 283 days

Winchester Aug 3G daysDanville Aug 43 days

I Bluegrass Fair Lexington August

06 daysTaylorsvllle Aug 104 daysHarrodiburg Aug 123 daysLawrenceburg Aug 17I daysBurbourvlllo Aug 183 daysBrodhead Aug 183 daysShelbyvllle Aug 216 daysElitabethtown Aug 243 daysSpringfield Aug 254 daysLondon Aug 254 daysFrankfort Aug 314 daysNicholasvllle Aug 314 daysBardstown Sept 14 daysMonticello Sept 74 daysKentucky State Fair Louisville Sept

136 dayst

Could Not Be BettorNo one has over made a salvo oint¬

I I ment lotion or balm to compare withUucklenj Arnica Salve Us the oneperfect healer of Cuts Corns HumsUralses Sores Scalds Bolls UlcersEczema Salt Rheum For Soro EyesCold Sores Chapped Hands its IIU

prcmo Infallible for Piles Only25o at Pennys Drug Store

FOR SALEand tnmll wheat corn and tolmcco

torlllOIII rich and tree fromilono urgeritlJecct and fauns Good rnllroiwl connec ¬

lions Unit offer It Iwrguln nt P5 to 0 nnacre Iong tllIIlIl11111n

IIIAKLKY Howling Orcen Ky



1 am prepared totlo nil kind tot turveylnanml civil miglnetrlnic promptly My wurk-will tw Runritntrwl nml my price are rvnlonable Write me nt JoKIIID or call maover the telephone through the lluitoiivllleKxchnngo-


At McKinney Kyand our Htnndnrd Ilemody theknownIn ¬

i ney Trouble nnd dUeiuesImpure blood It tint no equal It li itiniiufnctured under the pure food not of Juno

manufacturer ii-

I thelteutedyItakenaecordingtodtroctioneand

of tbo WIIIId wo will lour moneyWe can do nothing more package

1 contain yin doto n reRUtered guaran ¬

tee and mulling card with full InstructionWe send It to any nddresi bycDlptot II per package or six for-

t J Better order n Iwx today It token Intime you mlllll save II btlt doctors billRemember II you take the Humed accordIng Instruction and Aro not oollelltltlyou your dollar back You will notnnd tutu In utorei for Inle ItIs sold anlylitYUIIINltIttLIA51K Agent


Insures Tobacco To ¬

bacco Barns HempAll Kinds of Farm

iProperty EverythingEverywhere Light ¬

ning Fire TornadoLifeLive StockHealthand Accident PlateGlassSuretyon BondsImmediate attentiongiven to losses whichare paid without dis¬

countt U


The play Among The Breakersgiven by local talent for the benefit ofthe Baptist church Tuesday night wasa decided success In evey particularEach one performed his part so wellwe feel It our duty to mention themseparately Miss Clara Collier as thefortune teller acted her part to per-fection


Miss Pearl Collier as BeesStarlight rescued many lives and re¬

ceived several marriage proposals in amoAt graceful and realistic mannerMiss Lad Nuckols made quite an impres ¬

lion upon the audience in the way shedisposed of her lovers Loll Morganacted to perfection tho part of Biddythe waiting maid Thomas Moore kepttho audience lively by his perfect roleof Scud tho Negro waiter PettusHayes madn a fine Irishman and hiswooing of Biddy was perfect EarlBaker acted the part of Bruce Hunterto perfection and Maurice Perkins madea fine representative for the Press andhis wooing of Miss Daze showed ho hadhad some experience inthat line BraggThompson acted his part fine as Clar ¬

ence the heir Charles Buchanan whoacted the part of keeper of tho light ¬

house performed well although ho onlyhad about four days to practice havingto take the place of a member who re ¬

signed The receipts were over tOA well behaved crowd felt amply re-paid


for attending and all unite In prais ¬

Inlt Miss Georgia Lewis for her man ¬

agement in the affair and kindly thankthe people from adjoining towns fortheir assistance Mr Victor Tate ofMt Vernon treated the audience toseveral beautiful songs Miss Mahonyof Stanford playing tho piano accompainmcnts and Mr Bragg Thompsonalso entertained at the piano The pro-ceeds are to bo used to paper thechurch


Wm Marahbanks of Garrard wasvisiting relatives in the section

Tho farmers are greatly behind withtheir crops owing to thn recent rains

Rev Geo D Verco preached at PineGrove church Sunday to a large crowd

Joe Lawson has bought tho SkeltonColeman farm and will take charge atonce

Richard Harris who has been verylow with pneumonia Is able to sit upnow Mrs Adam Petry who has beenIII If some better

There are several largo tobacco barnsgoing up with a greatly Increased acre ¬

age of tobacco being put in which alsomeans an increase in the prices of land

The tobacco fever is raging Everyfarmer is setting out his best spots ofland In tho weed and S M Chandlerhas set out his entire garden in tobac ¬

coSeveral farms have changed hands In

this section each seller realizing ahandsome profit it seems that theGermans are getting rich trading withone another

pMen Past Fifty In Danger

Men past middle lifo have foundcomfort and relief in roloys KidneyHcmedy L E Morris Dexter Kywrites Up to a year ago my fathersuffered frow kidney and bladdertrouble and several physician pro-nounced


It enlargement of tho prostategland and advised an operation Onaccount of his ago we wero afraid hocould not stand It and I recommendedFoleys Kidney Remedy and the firstbottle relieved him and after takingthe second bottle bo was no longertroubled with this complaint NowStanford Drug Co

Whisky in the legal suingof thoword Is whisky even when colored orflavoring matter In added according toan opinion rendered to President Taftby Lloyd W Bowers solicitor generalof the United States Ho holds thatas such coloringand flavoring have beenused in all history of whisky such ad ¬

dition can not be illegal or incompati ¬

ble with the name whisky The decis ¬

ion however is not the final word inthe case

Trouble Makers OustedWhen a sufferer from stomach trou-


takes Dr Kings New Lifo Pillshes mighty glad to see his Dyspepsiaand Indigestion fly but morehestickled over his now fine appetitestrong nerves healthy vigor all bocause stomach liver and kidneys nowwork right 25o at Pennys Drug

StoreAtablot on tho residence oc ¬

cupied by Jefferson Davis theyears from 1875 to 1878 was unveiled in I

Memphis Wednesday by Miss LucyWhite Hayes granddaughter of thePresident of tne Confederacy

Everyone would bo benefited by takIng Foleys Orino Laxative for con ¬

stipation stomach and liver troubleas It sweetens the stomach and breath


gently stimulates the liver and regu ¬

Isles the bowels and Is much superiorto pllla and ordinary laxative NewStanford Drug Co




LaGrange connty Ind went dry byover 300-

Presque Isle Mo was literally wip ¬

ed out by fireGeorge Ade the humorist has been

elected a trustee of Purdue UniversityIndiana

I Randolph the largest county in WestVirginia has been made dry by remon ¬


Ellen French aged 52 committed suicide by drowning in a pool nearCorydonDuring

an electric storm in BourbonBush Ranso was struck by lightningand killed

Jasper Gambrel shot and probablyfatally wounded Wash Sergent in liarIan county

Prof Ernest Fox Nichols of Colum ¬

bia University has been elected presi-dent


of Dartmouth-E D Jones founder of the industrial

concern that grew to bo tho presentDetroit Shipbuilding Co is dead liewas nearly 90 years old

An earthquake occurred at Coplapoa small seaport on Coplapo Bay ChillThe walls of numerous buildings werecracked and considerable other damagewas done No lives were lost

Fred Mohric who killed ConstableSam Young several weeks ago was as ¬

sassinated in the corridor of the Griminal Court building in St Louis by William Kane a former deputy under

YoungAtannual election for the board

of trustees of the Mutual Life InsuranceCompany of New York William H Pot-ter president of the Chemical NationalBank was elected to succeed CharlesD Dickey resigned

Charged with having taken funds ofthe bank Frederick II Brigham headbookkeeper of the Merchants NationalBank New Haven Conn was arrest ¬

ed and held in 10000 bonds for theUnited States Court

Three arrests were made Tuesday ofmen charged with being implicated Inthe shooting from ambush of formerSheriff Ed Callahan Those under ar¬

rest are Govan Smith his brotherElisha Smith and levi Johnson

James Bludeworth and June Weeklylinemen were electrocuted at EnidOkla whllo employed In repairingwires at the courthouse In some man-


they came in contact with nonInsulated wires 2300 volts passingthrough their bodies

The strike of the Georgia railroadfiremen for seniority of whites overNegroes passed formally into tho arbi ¬

tration stage Tuesday when the firemenannounced Congressmen Thomas WHardwlck of Georgia as their arbitra ¬actI M GormanWalter Campbell A C Baldwin Edwin lieU and J M Scott were sen ¬

tenced to a term of six months in jailand a fino of 200 and costs each in theUnited States District Court at Cincin ¬

nati for using the United States mailsto further schemes to defraud

In several arrests made in ColumbusMarion and Dennison Ohio Federal in ¬

spectors and detectives who worked inconjunction with them in tho case bnlicve that they have unearthed the big ¬

Best and best organized branch of theBlack Hand in this country MarionOhio being probably the head of theorganization Chief Postoffice Inspect-or


Charles Holmes of Cincinnati whois in charge of the work which has re ¬

suited in the arrests so far made is au ¬

thority for tho statement that evidencehas been secured showing that the gangoperating from Marion and with linesreaching into n number of big cities ofthe country have fleeced different per ¬

sons in Ohio and other States out ofthousands of dollars in tho last fewmonths by tho application of BlackHand methods

Women Who Are EnviedThose attractive women who are

lovely In face form and temper arothe envy of many who might be likethem A weak sickly woman will benervous and irritable Constipationor Kidney poisons show in pimplesblotches skin eruptions and a wretch-ed


complexion For all such ElectricDltters work wonders They regulateStomach Liver and Kidneys purifythe blood give strong nerves brighteyes pure breath smooth velvetyskin lovely complexion Many charm

women owe their health and beau ¬

ling them 60c at Pennys Drugstore

San Diego Cat has a wonderfulclock with 20 dials which tell simultaneously the time in all parts of the worldalso the date and month It stands 21

feet high and four of its dials are eachfour feet In diameter

IThe cleverest Imitation of real Cof¬ShoopsIand is made In just one minute Notedious 20 or 30 minutes boiling Madefrom pure parched grains malt nuts

Sample free Penny a Drug Storelate


McCormack Myers Vaughn shippeda car of 80 pound lambs to Louisville

MondayMrWheeler and son Dr Carl

Wheeler are spending a week at At-


CityThe Jumbo ball team defeated Mc

KInney Saturday at McKinney by ascore of 5 to

The home3ICreek burned Saturday with ¬

hold goods No insuranceMrs A B McKinney entertained

Miss Lucy Alcorn and other friends onTuesday evening at an elegant dinner

By quick work the home of BurdettePowell was saved from burning lastSaturday A defective flue was

causeThe work of setting the largest tobacco crop ever put out in the WesEnd is about completed and the plantsare growing rapidly

The best ball game of the season wasplayed here Saturday Liberty defeat-ing


the College team by a score of 3 to1 Both teams played fast ball

Terry Newell have secured an ad ¬

justment on their grist mill whichmakes the very beet quality of grahamflour and thereby fills a long felt want

The ladies of the C W B M desireto express their gratitude to all whoin any way contributed to the successof the muslcalo and supper given on theevening of the 28th

James Yowell sold to Will Lillard 74

1400pound cattle for July delivery at6ic About 3500 lambs have been ship-ped to Louisville and Cincinnati fromthe West End in the last 10 days forwhich was paid 6 to 61c

Tho vim with which the ladies of theC W B M push their business is cer¬

tainly commendable They will have asmall surplus after paying their Cen-


assessment which was quiteheavy for so small a membership

The home of George Coffman on Har¬

ris Creek was broken into last weekand a coat pistol and razor stolenLairs bloodhounds trailed to the homeof Mack Magill colored at Milledgeville but he refused to allow his houseto be searched

Pryor Young and wife of Libertywere guests of Mr and Mrs J WHoskins Mrs Rosa Cloyd of Burnside is visiting M K Wilson and wifeMrs Grace Carpenter Robinson ofKnobnoster Mo is the guest of MrsD S Carpenter for a few weeks

The ladies of the C W B M kindlyask the postmaster and all the mer ¬

chants here to save all their waste pa ¬

per and they will call and get it Theirwaste paper committee will arrangereceptacles for it and be very thankfulto all who will in this way assist them

The Baptist congregation here is tobe congratulated on securing for theirSunday school superintendent Mr WmPcavyhouse who in three months hasincreased tho membership from 35 to100 Rev Jones the pastor is preach ¬

ing each evening this week All arecordially invited

Cards announcing the coming mar¬

riage of Miss Llda Rose of Hendersonville N C to Mr Charles Brown Bar¬

bison of Junction City Ky on June16 have been received here Miss Roseis a grand daughter of the late Dr GeoHunn of Shelby City and has manyfriends and admirers in the West End

Mrs Thomas Reeves presented herhusband with a 73 pound boy and an8pound girl on Decoration day Bornto the wife of John J Newell a daugh ¬

ter Geneva R H Givens of BiloxiMiss will spend two weeks of his va ¬

cation this month with his father MrG M Givens Cliff Anderson of Dan ¬

ville was here on business last weekMr David McCarley of Okolona

Miss a cotton planter and merchantis here with his many friends and rela ¬

lives Mrs George L Bradley has returned from a visit to relatives in Lex ¬

ington John Lutes and Miss ElizabethLutes are spending n few days in Lex ¬

ington Fred Gornett and Miss EmmaWarren of Stanford were guests ofthe Misses Lutes-

J P Goode has been summoned toserve on the Federal grand jury atRichmond In July M II Graber salesmanager for tho Stonega Va Coal

Coke Co spent last week with the fam ¬

tiles of Wm Dodd and D H SkinnerGA and J M Eubanks attended thefuneral of their sister Mrs Polly Col

son who was buried in Buffalo ceme ¬

tery Stanford H F Waller of Oko ¬

lona Miss is spending a months va ¬

cation with frienes here0 C Root and wife of Louisville

and T K Bohon and wife of Mt Au ¬

burn III spent two weeks with Drand Mrs J T Bohon JF Jeffriesand wife of Louisville were also guestsat the Bohon home Mr Chester Car-ter


and wife and Mrs Mollie Carter ofAnderson county are spending theweek with Mr and Mrs M Eu ¬

banks Wm Cabbell and wife are withMrs Fannie Allen Goode ofCovington is spending his vacation withhis parents here U and S D Yowell are on a prospecting tour to Rich-mond


will atop spend a few I

days in Washington Q I




tFFt ffN+t fifffH+fFffi

Green White Tan Ox-


and Blackf i

v i


Men Women OIIdtChildren


Now is The Time for

Lawn Mowers Hay RakesHay Forks Mow¬

ing Blades

Ice Cream Freezers Fruit Jars Gar¬

den Hose Sprinklers Binder TwineHarvesting Oil c Call on

well HIGGINSKentuckyLUse


There is nothing better We paint Old Ve¬hicles and make them look like new

Get our prices We solicityour trade-


MR FARMER Make your home as modern for your family as a cityresidence and place yourself in a position JO get the latest matket quotationsat any time This can bo accomplished by means of our telephone servicewhich you and your neighbors can get a sunrthat is email compared withthe benefits received Call or address our nearest office or write direct toheadquarters Nashville Tenn for information regarding our special Far ¬

mers Line rate If you are not at present enjoying telephone service wo

can immediately interest you Our lines cover the States of KentuckyTennessee Mississippi Louisiana and the Southern portion of Indiana andIllinois EAST TENNESSEE TEL tG TEL CQy snCoaroaAvaDmC 4