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First Note of Benthic Foraminifera Assemblages in Serasan Sea, South Natuna, Indonesia Isnaniawardhani, Vijaya 1 , Natsir, Suhartati 2 1 Faculty of Geology, Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM-21, Jatinangor-45363, Sumedang, Indonesia 2) Indonesia Institute of Science Abstract Foraminifera assemblages were studied in marine surface sediments from shallow open marine, reefal, mangrove and sandy coastal near Serasan, Riau Islands Province. The twelve deposits (sand, silty sand and clay)contain microorganism shell fragments. This study is conducted to identify foraminifera in study area, as well as determine abundance, dominant and typical of assemblages in this area based on quantitative data analyses. The study was done in several stages: literaturestudy, field work and samples collection, laboratory analyses, identical and overview of the taxonomy of each taxon. The fifty nine genera of benthic foraminifera were identified in the sediment samples, in low to high abundance. The assemblages was dominantly composed of Suborder Rotaliina, the calcareous forms, reached more than 54% of total assemblages (average 78%). Reusella,Cancris, Eponides, Neoeponides, Orbitina,Neoconorbina, Rosalina, Siphoninoides, Discorbia, Lobatula, Planorbulinella, Gypsina, Cymbaloporetta, Epistomaroides, Amphistegina, Nonion, Nonionoides, Heterolepa, Gyroidina, Hanzawaia, Pararotalia, Rotalia, Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Pseudorotalia, Baculogypsinoides, Calcarina, Elphidium, Parrellina, Assilina, Heterostegina and unidentified rotaloidforam are classified intothis group. Porceleneous shells that typified by subordo Miliolina and Lagenina, occur less than 29% (average 17%). Genera Adelosina, Spiroloculina, Agglutinella, Ammomasilina, Lachlanella, Massilina, Quinqueloculina, Miliolinella, Pseudomassilina, Pyrgo, Triloculina, Peneroplis, Archaias, Marginopora, and young miliolidae are classified intosuborder Miliolina; whereas Lagena, Guttulina, Oolina, and Glandulina are Lagenina. SubordoTextulariina and Spirillinina with arenaceous shells are appears rarely in samples. Suborder Textulariina is represented by genera Ammobaculites, Spiroplectinella, Spirotextularia, Dorothia, Karreriella, Bigerina, Sahulia, Textularia, and Clavulina. Spirilina is the only genus of Suborder Spirillinina. The most frequently encountered genera are Eponides, Amphistegina, Heterolepa, Ammonia, Elphidium, and Assilina(suborderRotaliina), Quinqueloculina (Miliolina) and Textularia (Textulariina). The most abundant benthic foraminifera is Asterorotalia(represented by A. trispinosaThalmann) that recorded in open marine and near reef samples. It was found that high abundance and diversity of benthic foraminifera assemblages were recorded in open marine. 1 st International Conference Geoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment applieds 2014 1st International Conference Geoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014 22

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First Note of Benthic Foraminifera Assemblages

in Serasan Sea, South Natuna, Indonesia

Isnaniawardhani, Vijaya1, Natsir, Suhartati 2 1Faculty of Geology, Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad),

Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM-21, Jatinangor-45363, Sumedang, Indonesia 2)Indonesia Institute of Science


Foraminifera assemblages were studied in marine surface sediments from shallow

open marine, reefal, mangrove and sandy coastal near Serasan, Riau Islands

Province. The twelve deposits (sand, silty sand and clay)contain microorganism

shell fragments. This study is conducted to identify foraminifera in study area, as

well as determine abundance, dominant and typical of assemblages in this area

based on quantitative data analyses. The study was done in several stages:

literaturestudy, field work and samples collection, laboratory analyses, identical

and overview of the taxonomy of each taxon.

The fifty nine genera of benthic foraminifera were identified in the sediment samples,

in low to high abundance. The assemblages was dominantly composed of Suborder

Rotaliina, the calcareous forms, reached more than 54% of total assemblages

(average 78%). Reusella,Cancris, Eponides, Neoeponides, Orbitina,Neoconorbina,

Rosalina, Siphoninoides, Discorbia, Lobatula, Planorbulinella, Gypsina,

Cymbaloporetta, Epistomaroides, Amphistegina, Nonion, Nonionoides, Heterolepa,

Gyroidina, Hanzawaia, Pararotalia, Rotalia, Ammonia, Asterorotalia,

Pseudorotalia, Baculogypsinoides, Calcarina, Elphidium, Parrellina, Assilina,

Heterostegina and unidentified rotaloidforam are classified intothis group.

Porceleneous shells that typified by subordo Miliolina and Lagenina, occur less

than 29% (average 17%). Genera Adelosina, Spiroloculina, Agglutinella,

Ammomasilina, Lachlanella, Massilina, Quinqueloculina, Miliolinella,

Pseudomassilina, Pyrgo, Triloculina, Peneroplis, Archaias, Marginopora, and

young miliolidae are classified intosuborder Miliolina; whereas Lagena, Guttulina,

Oolina, and Glandulina are Lagenina. SubordoTextulariina and Spirillinina with

arenaceous shells are appears rarely in samples. Suborder Textulariina is

represented by genera Ammobaculites, Spiroplectinella, Spirotextularia, Dorothia,

Karreriella, Bigerina, Sahulia, Textularia, and Clavulina. Spirilina is the only

genus of Suborder Spirillinina.

The most frequently encountered genera are Eponides, Amphistegina, Heterolepa,

Ammonia, Elphidium, and Assilina(suborderRotaliina), Quinqueloculina (Miliolina)

and Textularia (Textulariina). The most abundant benthic foraminifera is

Asterorotalia(represented by A. trispinosaThalmann) that recorded in open marine

and near reef samples. It was found that high abundance and diversity of benthic

foraminifera assemblages were recorded in open marine.

1st International


Geoscience for Energy, Mineral

Resources, and Environment

applieds 2014

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014



Foraminifera is cytoplasmic body enclosed in test or shell of one or more

interconnected chambers; wall may be homogeneous or of similar or unlike layers

or laminae, may be imperforate or finely to coarsely perforate, basically

proteinaceous but may have agglutinated particles, or may deposit the mineral

calcite, aragonite, or rarely silica on the organic base, calcareous wall may be

porcelaineous, microgranular, or hyaline and optically or ultrastructurally radiate or

granular; canal or stolon system of varied complexity may be present; commonly

test has one or more main apertures through which pseudopodia protrude. Sexual

and asexual generatio may be suppressed; gametes biflagellate, triflagellate, or

amoeboid. It spreads in Cambrian to Holocene stratigraphic range, and occurrence

as free-living or rarely parasitic; benthic and attached or motile, or pelagic, in

marine to brackish water, rare in fresh water (von Eichwald, 1830 in Loeblich and

Tappan, 1988; Haynes, 1981; Brasier, 1985).

The number of published information on the Quaternary smaller benthic

foraminifera from sea sediment in Indonesia and adjacent area is very low. The

reports on Recent benthic foraminifera is also relative limited compared to other

area. According to previous study, the marine surface sediments (sea bed) of Natuna

Sea, eastern Shelf of Sunda, contain common benthic foraminifera (Isnaniawardhani

and Natsir, 2012). This study is important to identifying of foraminifera in this area

and determining assemblages based on quantitative data analyses (abundance,

dominant and typical suborder/genus).


The actual study was done in several stages; was started by literaturestudy,

field work and samples collection, laboratory analyses, identical and overview of

the taxonomy of each taxon. Six samples were obtained from shallow open marine

(depth of 28.26 – 52.54 m), and six samples from reefal, mangrove and sandy

coastal near Serasan, Riau Islands Province, from the area between coordinates

2.3940 N to 2.6650 N and 108.8810 to 109,1350 E (Figure 1,2 and 3). They collected

during Natuna Sea Expedition, a joint research between Indonesian Institute of

Sciences and Directorate General of Higher Educations Ministry of National


1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Figure 1. The marine surface sediment sampling in Serasan Sea

Figure 2. The reefal sediment sampling in Serasansea

Figure 3. The mangrove sediment sampling in Serasansea

Laboratory analyses upon seabed surface sediment samples are conducted

to identify foraminifera microscopically. The each sediment sample was prepared a

simple residu preparation method using hydrogen peroxide. The residual sediment

of each sample is examined in order to release foraminifera assemblages using a

slab binocular microscope of 40 magnifications. The research adopted some basic

Sta. 10

Sta. 11

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


methods for the identificationand overview of taxonomy of species referred to

published taxonomical studies of foraminifera genera with an accompanying

systematical classification, among all, by D’Orbigny, 1826 and Brady, 1884 in

Loeblich and Tappan (1988), Chapman (1902), Cushman (1927, 1931),Galloway

(1933), Cushman and Stainforth (1945), Belford, 1966, Biswas, 1976,Haynes

(1981), Loeblich and Tappan (1988), and van Marle (1991).


The climate of Serasan Sea is almost entirely maritime tropical. The area's

relative averageannual rainfall is 2795 mm, with average monthly rainfall ranges

between 140 – 200 mm in the dry season, and up to 350 mm during the northwest

monsoon/wet season in Octoberthrough March.Temperatures on area remain fairly

constant, with the lowland plains averaging 250 C - 320 C and the higher land region

± 180 C. It seen that the main variable of climate on this area is rainfall.

On the basis of geology regional by Harahap, et al. (1995), lithology

ofSerasan Island and and small islands on its surrounding consist of (Figure 4):

a. Qp = coastal deposits: sand, gravels and plant remains. They are

commonly found in the Serasan island, thickness up to 25 m.

b. Qc = coral reef: reef limestone which are still growing or eroded and talus.

These reef s have elevation up to 10 m above sea level.

c. Tok = Kutei Formation: conglomerate & sandstone, poor to moderately

bedded, greenish grey to yellowish grey, as a river deposits. Conglomerate:

moderately sorted, well rounded, comprise chert, granite, silified rock,

chalsedon, quartz, kaolinitic clay, with a sandstone matrix. Sandstone: well

sorted, medium to coarse grained, composition same as the conglomerate

with matrix of kaolinitic clay. This formation is might be correlated to the

Oligocene Gabus Formation in East Natuna Basin & West Natuna Basin

(Pribadi & Simbolon, 1994). The thickness in up to 250 m.

d. Jkb = Balau Formation : interbedded well bedded sandstone & siltstone

and in places hornfels, greenish grey, hard, laminations, no fossils

recorded, a flysch type deposit. In several places are intruded by Serasan

Pluton. This formation is might be correlated to the Pedawan Formation in

West Kalimantan. The thickness more than 200 m.

e. Ks = Serasan Plutonic Rocks: Biotite granodiorite & hornblende granite

with xenolith of metasediments. Subduction related granitoids, as a result

the southwest subduction from the Lupar Line Zone in Sarawak, Malaysia,

according to Hutchison (1973) as a granitic arc. Based on K/Ar dating of

two samples rocks resulting 69.679 & 112.34 m.y or Maastrichtian and

Aptian respectively.

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Figure 4. Geological map of SerasanIsland and and small islands on its surrounding

The surface sediments in Serasan seas are grouped into: sand, silty sand and clay,

contain microorganism assemblages.

Table 1. Marine Surface Sediment from Serasan Sea

Sta. Depth


Samples type Sediments texture

1 52.54 Open sea box corer Sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

2 36.93 Open sea box corer Sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

3 40.26 Open sea box corer Sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

4 46.30 Open sea box corer Silty sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

5 28.26 Open sea box corer Silty sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

6 42.98 Open sea box corer Silty sand, greenish grey, shell fragments

7 15.00 Batuberianreefal sampler Sand, light grey, shell fragments

8 17.00 Karanghajireefal sampler Sand, light grey, shell fragments

9 14.50 Perayunbesarreefal sampler Sand, light grey, shell fragments

10 7.00 Serasan mangrove sampler Clay, brown

11 12.00 Gordon mangrove sampler Clay, brown

12 0.75 Serasan sandy coastal Sand, light grey

Fifty nine genera of benthic foraminifera were identified in all sediment samples.

They are classified into nine generaof suborder Textulariina;a genus of Spirillinina;

fourteen genera of Miliolina;four genera of Lagenina; andthirty one genera of

Rotaliina, as described follows.

1. SuborderTextulariina

Thisarenaceous shells group is represented by genera: Ammobaculites,

Spiroplectinella, Spirotextularia, Dorothia[D. rotunda (Cushman)],

Karreriella, Bigerina [B.nodosariad'Orbigny],

Sahulia [S. Barkeri Hofker], Textularia [T. Agglutinans d’Orbigny, T.

Sagittula Defrande], and Clavulina (Table 2)

2. Suborder Spirillinina is represented by genus Spirilina [S. Obconical

(Brady)], as shown in Table 2.

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Table 2.Textulariina and Spirillina benthic foraminifera assemblages in Serasan Seas


1. No.

Species Stasiun& Depth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


1. \Ammobaculitesspp. f c C

2. Spiroplectinella spp. f

3. Spirotextulariaspp c f

4. Dorothia rotunda

(Cushman) c

5. Karreriella spp. f f

6. Bigerina nodosaria

d'Orbigny c f

7. Sahulia barkeri

Hofker f c f r

8. Textularia

agglutinans d’Orbigny

c c c f

9. Textulariasagittula

Defrance c f a a


Textularia sp. a a a a c a f f f r r


Clavulina spp. r

Spirillinina 1. Spirilina obconical

(Brady) f

Note: a = abundant> 100, c = common 35-99, f = few 11-35, r = rare< 10

Figure 5.Textulariina: Sahuliabarkeri Hofker(L); Textularia agglutinans d’Orbigny (C);

Textularia sp.(R) (Sta. 4)

1. Suborder Miliolina

Theporceleneous shells group is represented by genera: Adelosina [A.

laevigata d'Orbigny], Spiroloculina, Agglutinella, Ammomasilina [A.

alveoliniformis Millett], Lachlanella [L.parkeri (Brady)], Massilina,

Quinqueloculina [Q.pseudoreticulata Parr, Q. seminulum Linnaeus],

Miliolinella [M.australis(Parr)], Pseudomassilina, Pyrgo, Triloculina

[T.tricarinata d’Orbigny], Peneroplis [P. pertusus (Forskal), P. planatus

(Fichtel& Moll)],Archaias [A. angulatus (Fichtel& Moll)], Marginopora

[M. Vertebralis Quoy&Gaimard], and young miliolidae (Table 3).

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


2. Suborder Lagenina, represented by genera: Lagena[L. laevis (Montagu), L.

striata(d'Orbigny)], Guttulina, Oolina, and Glandulina (Table 3).

Table 3.Miliolina and Lagenina benthic foraminifera assemblages in Serasan Seas


No. Species

Stasiun& Depth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Miliolina 1. Adelosina laevigata d'Orbigny

a c

2. Spiroloculina spp. a c c c f r

3. Agglutinella spp. a c a a f f

4. Ammomasilinaalveoliniformis Millett

f a a c

5. Lachlanella parkeri

sp. (Brady) f f r r

6. Massilinaspp. f

7. Quinqueloculina pseudoreticulata


f c c a f

8. QuinqueloculinaseminulumLinnaeus


9. Quinqueloculina sp. a a a a c a f c f f




australis (Parr) f

11. Miliolinella sp. c c f

12. Pseudomassilinaspp. c

13. Pyrgo spp. f c r

14. Triloculina

tricarinata d’Orbigny

a f r

15. Triloculina sp. c f c c f r

16. Peneroplis pertusus

(Forskal) c r

17. Peneroplis planatus

(Fichtel & Moll) c f r

18. Archaiasangulatus(F

ichtel& Moll) r

19. Marginopora

vertebralisQuoy &



20. Young Miliolidae a a c

Lagenina 1. Lagena laevis

(Montagu) a

2. Lagena striata (d'Orbigny) syn

Oolina striata


a c

3. Lagena spp. a c

4. Guttulina spp. c

5. Oolinaspp. a

6. Glandulina spp. c c

Note: a = abundant> 100, c = common 35-99, f = few 11-35, r = rare< 10

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Figure 6. Miliolina: (from left to right) Quinqueloculina pseudoreticulata Parr;

Spiroloculina spp. (Sta. 4); Pyrgo spp; Triloculina spp.; Marginopora vertebralis

Quoy & Gaimard (Sta. 3)

Figure 7.Lagenina: Lagenalaevis (Montagu) (L); Oolina spp. (R)

1. SuborderRotaliina

This calcareous shells group is represented by genera:

Reusella [R. Simplex (Cushman)], Cancris, Eponides [E.

Cribrorepandus (Asano &Uchio), E. repandus (Fitchtell& Moll)],

Neoeponides, Orbitina, Neoconorbina [N.terquemi (Rzehak)],

Rosalina [R.globularis d'Orbigny], Siphoninoides [S.echinatus

(Brady), Discorbia, Lobatula [L.lobatula (Walker & Jacob)],

Planorbulinella [P. larvata (Parker &Jones)], Gypsina,

Cymbaloporetta [C. bradyi(Cushman), C. tabellaeformis(Brady)],

Epistomaroides [E. polystomelloides(Parker & Jones)],

Amphistegina [A. lessonii d’Orbigny, A. quoyiid’Orbigny], Nonion,

Nonionoides [N. grateloupid’Orbigny], Heterolepa,Gyroidina [G.

neosoldanii Brotzen], Hanzawaia [H. Nipponica (Asano)],

Pararotalia, Rotalia, Ammonia [A. beccarii (Linnaeus)],

Asterorotalia [A. bispinosan.sp, A.gaimardii (d’Orbigny), A.

Trispinosa Thalmann], Pseudorotalia, Baculogypsinoides[B. spinosa

Yabe &Hanzawa), Calcarina [C. calcar d’Orbigny, C. spengleri

(Gmelin)], Elphidium [E. Advenum (Chusman), E. crispum

(Linnaeus), E. Macellum (Fichtel& Moll)], Parrellina, Assilina[A.

ammonoides (Gronovius)], Heterostegina and unidentified rotaloid

foram (Table 4).

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Table 4.Rotaliina benthic foraminifera assemblages in Serasan Seas


1. N



Stasiun& Depth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


1. Reusella simplex (Cushman) a f f

2. Cancris spp. a

3. Eponides cribrorepandus (Asano & Uchio)

f f

4. Eponides repandus (Fitchtell

& Moll) f c c c a f f f r

5. Eponidessp. f

6. Neoeponides spp. f f r

7. Orbitina spp. f

8. Neoconorbina terquemi

(Rzehak) f

9. Neoconorbinasp. f

10. Rosalina globularis d'Orbigny c f r

11. Rosalina sp. c a f

12. Siphoninoides echinatus

(Brady) f

13. Discorbiaspp. c

14. Lobatula lobatula (Walker & Jacob)

c c

15. Planorbulinella larvata

(Parker &Jones) c c c a f

16. Gypsina spp. c c c a r r

17. Cymbaloporetta bradyi

(Cushman) f r

18. Cymbaloporella tabellaeformis (Brady)


19. Epistomaroides

polystomelloides (Parker &


c f

20. Amphistegina lessonii

d’Orbigny c f c f f

21. Amphistegina quoyii

d’Orbigny r f

22. Amphistegina sp. a a a a a a c f r f c f

23. Nonion spp. c

24. Nonionoides grateloupi

d’Orbigny a

25. Heterolepa spp. a a a c a f r f

26. Gyroidina neosoldanii

Brotzen c a c

27. Hanzawaia nipponica (Asano) c c

28. Pararotalia spp. c

29. Rotalia spp. c c

30. Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus) c c a f

31. Ammonia sp. c c a a a a f c r c r

32. Asterorotalia bispinosa n.sp c c

33. Asterorotalia gaimardii (d’Orbigny)

a c a c

34. AsterorotaliatrispinosaThalm

ann a a a a a a

35. Asterorotalia sp. a c a a f

36. Pseudorotalia spp. c c a r r

37. Baculogypsinoides spinosa

Yabe & Hanzawa c c f

38. Calcarina calcar d’Orbigny c c c f f r

39. Calcarina spengleri (Gmelin) f f

40. Calcarina sp. c f f

41. Elphidiumadvenum(Chusman) a a a a

42. Elphidium crispum (Linnaeus) c c c c a f f f

43. Elphidium macellum (Fichtel

& Moll) c

44. Elphidium sp. c a a a a c c r f r

45. Parrellina spp. c c c c

46. Assilina ammonoides

(Gronovius) a a a a c a f r f

47. Heterostegina sp. a c f f r

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014



1. N



Stasiun& Depth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

48. Unidentified rotaloid foram c a a c a a f f f f

Note: a = abundant> 100, c = common 35-99, f = few 11-35, r = rare< 10

Figure 8. Rotaliina: Eponidesrepandus(Fitchtell& Moll) (L);

Epistomaroidespolystomelloides(Parker & Jones) (C); Planorbulinella larvata (Parker

&Jones) (R)(Sta. 3)

Figure 9. Rotaliina: Amphistegina sp. (L); Nonionoides grateloupi d’Orbigny (C) (Sta. 3);

Heterolepa spp.(R)(Sta.4)

Figure 10. Rotaliina: Gyroidina neosoldanii Brotzen (L), Asterorotaliatrispinosa Thalmann

(C),Calcarina calcar d’Orbigny (R)

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Figure 11. Rotaliina:Elphidiumcrispum(Linnaeus) (L), Elphidiummacellum(C);

Parrellinaspp(Fichtel& Moll)(R) (Sta. 3)


1. Calcareous shells or suborderRotaliina is the most abundantly appearing

taxon, more than 54% of total assemblages (average 78%). The most

frequently encountered genera in this group are Eponides,

Amphistegina, Heterolepa, Ammonia, Elphidium, and Assilina.

2. Porceleneous shells that typified by sub ordo Miliolina and Lagenina,

less than 29% (average 17%). The most frequently encountered genus in

this group is represented by Quinqueloculina.

3. Arenaceous shells or subordoTextulariina and Spirillinina are appears

rarely in samples,less than 19% (average 5%) represented mostly by the


4. The most abundant dominantis Asterorotalia, reachs the optimum

abundancy of 23%, especially in open sea and reefal samples

(represented by A. trispinosaThalmann). This genus is not recorded in

mangrove and sandy coastal samples.

5. High abundance and diversity of benthic foraminifera assemblages were

indicated in open marine samples. Less abundance and diversity were

found in mangrove and sandy coastal area.


1. Samples collected in Serasan Sea have 59 generaof benthic


2. Suborder Rotaliinathat has calcareous shells is the most abundantly

appearand highest diversity taxa. Eponides, Amphistegina,

Heterolepa, Ammonia, Elphidium, and Assilina are always found in

all samples. The other genera observed in the samples are

Reusella,Cancris, Neoeponides, Orbitina, Neoconorbina, Rosalina,

Siphoninoides, Discorbia, Lobatula, Planorbulinella, Gypsina,

Cymbaloporetta, Epistomaroides, Nonion, Nonionoides, Gyroidina,

1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014


Hanzawaia, Pararotalia, Rotalia, Asterorotalia, Pseudorotalia,

Baculogypsinoides, Calcarina, Parrellina, Heterostegina and

unidentified rotaloid foram.

3. Subordo Miliolina and Lagenina that have porceleneous shells are

common recorded in samples. The most frequently encountered

genus in this group is Quinqueloculina. Suborder Miliolinais

represented by genera Adelosina, Spiroloculina, Agglutinella,

Ammomasilina, Lachlanella, Massilina, Quinqueloculina,

Miliolinella, Pseudomassilina, Pyrgo, Triloculina, Peneroplis,

Archaias, Marginopora, and young miliolidae. Suborder Lagenina,

represented by genera: Lagena, Guttulina, Oolina, and Glandulina.

4. SubordoTextulariina and Spirillinina with arenaceous shells are rare

in samples. Ammobaculites, Spiroplectinella, Spirotextularia,

Dorothia, Karreriella, Bigerina, Sahulia, Textularia, and Clavulina

is classified into Suborder Textulariina, with Textulariaas the most

frequently encountered genus. Spirilina is the only genus of

Suborder Spirillinina.

5. The most abundant genus is Asterorotalia that recorded only in open

marine and reefal samples (represented by A. Trispinosa Thalmann).


Brasier, M.D., 1985, Microfossils, George Allen&Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.,

London, pp. 90-121.

Belford, D. J., 1966, Miocene and Pliocene smaller foraminifera from

Papua and New Guinea, AustraliaBureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and

Geophysics Bulletin, vol. 79, pp. 1-309.

Biswas, B., 1976, Bathymetry of Holocene Foraminifera and Quaternary

sea-level changes on the Sunda Shelf, Journal of Foraminifera Research, vol. 6 no.

2, pp. 119 - 138

Chapman, F., 1902, On the foraminifera collected from the Funafuti Atoll

from shallow and moderately deep water, Linnean Societyof London, Journal of

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Cushman, J. A., 1927 a, Recent foraminifera from off the west coast of

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1st International ConferenceGeoscience for Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment Applieds 2014