interpretacao astral - vida interia.rtf

SOLAR FIRE DYNAMIC INTERPRETATIONS REPORT TRANSITS: Transits to Natal Interpretations These interpretations have been written to apply to transits to a geocentric tropical natal chart using a quadrant-based house system. When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Practitioners' qualification and was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also completed the Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. Keywords relating to transits of inner planets have been extracted from Bruce Scofield's DAILY ASTRO REPORT keyword text, by permission of Astrolabe Inc. (c) 1995-2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd PROGRESSIONS: Progression Interpretations Astrologers use the term "Progressions" to describe a particular technique of moving planets forward in time. This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life. Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. However, our urges can significantly affect the way in which we react to circumstances and therefore our decisions. It is important that we go with the flow rather than fight against the tides of our lives. Therefore Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. Some astrologers believe that Progressions are signs from our soul or higher self; others place less emphasis. We suggest that you read on and see for yourself. About the Author: Astrologer Stephanie Johnson lives in the Adelaide foothills in Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is a Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia, and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Diploma qualification for her share in

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TRANSITS: Transits to Natal Interpretations

These interpretations have been written to apply to transits to a geocentric tropical natal chart using a quadrant-based house system.

When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. It is the responsibility of the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.

Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Practitioners' qualification and was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also completed the Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. Keywords relating to transits of inner planets have been extracted from Bruce Scofield's DAILY ASTRO REPORT keyword text, by permission of Astrolabe Inc.

(c) 1995-2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd

PROGRESSIONS: Progression Interpretations

Astrologers use the term "Progressions" to describe a particular technique of moving planets forward in time. This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life. Progressions describe the different phases in our lives as well as our inner urges and how they affect our lives rather than dramatic outer events. However, our urges can significantly affect the way in which we react to circumstances and therefore our decisions. It is important that we go with the flow rather than fight against the tides of our lives. Therefore Progressions are likely to show us signposts in life's journey and consequently help us gain wisdom and understanding. Some astrologers believe that Progressions are signs from our soul or higher self; others place less emphasis. We suggest that you read on and see for yourself.

About the Author: Astrologer Stephanie Johnson lives in the Adelaide foothills in Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is a Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia, and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Diploma qualification for her share in


the design and development of the Solar suite of programs and was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie also has her own astrology consulting business called Seeing With Stars astrology.

(c) 2005, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd


Dynamic Chart (2): EDUARDO NEVES DA SILVA - Male Chart 1 Mar 1979, 15:00, BZT2 +3:00 São Caetano do Sul Brasil, 23°S36', 046°W34' Geocentric Lahiri Zodiac Placidus Houses, True Node

Radix Points: Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Chi Nod Asc MCTransiting Points: Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Chi NodProgressing Points: Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Chi Nod Asc MC

Transiting Aspects: Cnj Opp Tri Sqr Sxt SSq Sqq Qnx Progressing Aspects: Cnj Opp Tri Sqr Sxt SSq Sqq Qnx

Selected Events: Transits to Radix Progressions to Radix Progressions to Progressions House Ingress Sign Ingress Stationary Points Solar & Lunar Eclipses (Exact Lunar Phase) Entering/Leaving Orb of Event Progression Type: Secondary Q2 SA in Long

Maximum Accuracy: Off

Report Period: 19 May 2014 to 18 May 2015, Time Zone BZT2 +3:00 (Auto DST)Report Location: São José dos Campos Brazil, 23°S11' 045°W53'



In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 19 May 2014Your energy level seems to be falling below that of your expectations. Obstacles seem to be mounting and you don't seem to have the motivation to overcome them. How frustrating. However, there's no need for concern. Simply exercise some patience and take the opportunity to slow down and recharge your batteries. This is also an ideal time for tying up the loose ends in all your projects.

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX NORTH NODE (1st House to 2nd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 19 May 2014, Leaving 24 May 2014During this time you have the chance to improve your relations with other people, and to make new relationships. You may meet a particular person, or take up with a new group of people. Either way this connection could help you expand your horizons in life. This can have a positive effect on your life as long as you recognize the opportunities, and do not pass up opportunities. An engagement and marriage may be on the cards.

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX MOON (8th House to 9th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 5 Aug 2014Entering 14 Feb 2015, Exact 13 Mar 2015, Leaving 11 Apr 2015A lack of emotional clarity or confusion surrounding your domestic activities may be a source of frustration during this time. Your relationships with women, particularly your mother, may also be causing some friction. Perhaps someone you love is unwell and needing extra tender loving care. Although you are concerned, this may be causing you some problems and delays. Perhaps you are wanting to move home to a more peaceful environment, but there are delays. Try to have patience and let matters take their own course. Forcing issues will simply cause more problems.

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEXTILE RADIX CHIRON (8th House to 10th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 24 May 2014Entering 25 Jun 2014, Exact 16 Aug 2014, Leaving 23 Sep 2014Entering 6 Jan 2015, Exact 6 Feb 2015, Leaving 5 Mar 2015Opportunities for creative pursuits arise during this period. Peace and solitude may be the theme, as you feel the need to slow down and reflect on your life; however, you could also be busy pursuing avenues for expressing your many talents. It does not matter whether you are busy or enjoying a peaceful pace of life. More importantly you are doing what comes naturally. This is a very healing time.

TRANSITING CHIRON OPPOSITION RADIX NORTH NODE (8th House to 2nd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 2 Aug 2014Entering 3 Mar 2015, Exact 19 Mar 2015, Leaving 5 Apr 2015Your sensitivity is heightened as memories and dreams of events from the past seem to have come back to haunt you. The more you try to push these images away, the longer they will linger. It is time to put some old ghosts to rest, and the only way of achieving this is to face the emotions and finish the grieving process. This way you will be free to more fully express your full potential. It is also possible that an old or inherited illness


will surface to be healed during this transit.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE QUINCUNX RADIX MERCURY (4th House to 9th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 3 Jun 2014, Leaving 24 Jun 2014No text available for this topic.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SQUARE RADIX VENUS (4th House to 7th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 10 Jun 2014Possibly obligatory social participation with others. Artistic work. Meetings and gatherings. Connections with females.

PROGRESSED MIDHEAVEN SEXTILE RADIX JUPITER (11th House to 1st House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 2 Jun 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION RADIX NEPTUNE (6th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." The same can be said of dreams. Right now you are reflecting on the way that you have lived your life - your past loves, your dreams and your artistic and spiritual endeavours. It is time to contemplate. Action now may prove frustrating. You need to take time for meditation, prayer and other spiritual and artistic tasks. You may need to adjust your expectations of yourself and loved ones. You may need to forgive and forget. In some cases you may need to face the facts that you have let fear rather than love rule aspects of your life. All sorts of metaphysical realisations may emerge during this phase.

PROGRESSED NEPTUNE SESQUISQUARE RADIX CHIRON (6th House to 10th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED PLUTO CONJUNCTION RADIX PLUTO (3rd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED PLUTO SEXTILE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT (3rd House to 2nd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 26 Aug 2014This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express your powerful personality. Truth is important to you now, as always.



In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED MOON SEMISQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE (1st House to 2nd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 15 Jun 2014Your life is changing in ways that may be uncomfortable at the moment, but which will bring rewards in the future. Whether you realise it or not the changes that are occurring right now are clearing a new path, one that will bring its own rewards. Don't force the process. Allow the natural process of life to unfold even if it seems to falter at times. If you can achieve this then you will be ready to soar to new heights.

PROGRESSED MOON SEMISQUARE PROGRESSED NORTH NODE (1st House to 2nd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 6 Jun 2014Your life is changing in ways that may be uncomfortable at the moment, but which will bring rewards in the future. Whether you realise it or not the changes that are occurring right now are clearing a new path, one that will bring its own rewards. Don't force the process. Allow the natural process of life to unfold even if it seems to falter at times. If you can achieve this then you will be ready to soar to new heights.

PROGRESSED SUN SEMISQUARE RADIX MARS (9th House to 8th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 29 Apr 2015It is time for action. You are highly motivated, full of determination and vitality, ready to achieve your objectives. This could be general ambitions or a particular project or physical activity. You are capable of moving ahead, overcoming obstacles and discarding bad habits. You need to stay focused and persist in your objectives. Assertion not aggression wins the day.

PROGRESSED SUN SEMISQUARE PROGRESSED MIDHEAVEN (9th House to 11th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014It is time to re-evaluate the direction of your life, in particular your profession. Are you working in your true vocation? If so, then you are likely to make adjustments. If not, then a major reassessment made be required. Either way take your time. There is no rush. In fact the more that you try to force matters the more that you are likely to strike barriers.

PROGRESSED MERCURY CONJUNCTION RADIX MERCURY (9th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 13 Aug 2014This can be a busy, unsettled time. You may feel over stimulated, as if you have too many choices. Perhaps you believe that others are making decisions that are forcing you to consider your options. This can be a positive time to change bad habits. If you have been in a rut then this stimulation is necessary. However, if you are a positive go-getter then try to slow down and prioritise.



House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 24 Jan 2015It is time for you to balance your home and working life. The more that your life has been out of balance then the more that you are likely to notice the changes. For instance you may have been concentrating on forging ahead in your profession, spending long hours at work and neglecting your living arrangements. Now you have the chance to spend more time at home. If you are single then you may consider marriage and starting a family. You may meet someone significant. If you are already married then you have time to spend more time with your partner. If you do not have children then now you are likely to consider starting a family. If you do have children then you can now enjoy family activities. On the other hand if you have been focussing on your private life then opportunities arise at work. You may be offered a promotion at work or a new job. The key to this phase is to successfully blend your public and private lives. If you rail against these changes then you are likely to feel frustrated and irritated.

PROGRESSED MARS TRINE RADIX JUPITER (9th House to 1st House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.

PROGRESSED MARS TRINE PROGRESSED JUPITER (9th House to 1st House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 6 Jun 2014Life is about to take a turn for the better. Someone significant may enter your life, bringing you joy and happiness. You may receive a bonus or recognition from a respected associate at work. Alternatively you may start a study course that helps promote your well being and perhaps your profession. Whatever the scenario this is likely to be a promising period linked in to education, travel or religion. The rewards are considerable in helping you expand your horizons and realise lifelong dreams.

PROGRESSED MARS SEXTILE PROGRESSED MIDHEAVEN (9th House to 11th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014You are able to move ahead with your life plans. These may include a lifelong dream such as climbing mountains, changing careers, marriage or parenthood. Right now you have plenty of energy to achieve these goals. In fact you may benefit from hard physical work or a challenging sport. You may also prove to be a confident and strong leader during this period. Public recognition comes through hard work.

PROGRESSED JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER (1st House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014This is a rare occurence indicating a new and positive phase of your life. You may make plans to study, travel, teach or publish material. On the other hand you may simply


change your lifestyle to more truly reflect your own goals.

PROGRESSED JUPITER SEXTILE PROGRESSED MIDHEAVEN (1st House to 11th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Leaving 8 Sep 2014The ancient astrologers considered the planet Jupiter to be of great benefit, casting a positive glow over events. The planet Jupiter was an indicator of kingship and nobility. Therefore this period of your life is likely to bring blessings in your career, home, family, relationships and personal happiness. Make the most of the opportunities that arise during this period. Follow your heart, but also listen to what others have to say. You need to listen to your own wisdom, also seek wise counsel from others. Those in authority can have a beneficial effect on your life, as long as you retain your self-belief. A wise person knows when to adhere to other's admonitions, how to discern other's promises and when to accept or reject gifts. You may well be making decisions now that affect the rest of your life. Read the details in contracts, seek professional advice, invest your money wisely and marry according to your heart. These are just a few of the indicators of this phase. You need to show restraint but also wisely embrace the rewards that are likely to flow right now.

PROGRESSED SATURN SESQUISQUARE RADIX MOON (2nd House to 9th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014This is a rare opportunity to encourage your to reevaluate your personal life. This progression highlights the need to reconsider the way in which you relate to loved ones, the way that you express your emotions and your ability to respond to the needs of family and friends. You may need to change your habits, your home and the way that you interrelate.

PROGRESSED SATURN TRINE PROGRESSED CHIRON (2nd House to 10th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED URANUS CONJUNCTION RADIX URANUS (4th House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED ASCENDANT SEXTILE RADIX PLUTO (2nd House to 3rd House)In Orb 19 May 2014, Already 19 May 2014, Exact 27 Jul 2014No text available for this topic.

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX PLUTO (1st House to 3rd House)Entering 20 May 2014, Exact 26 May 2014, Leaving 31 May 2014Tensions arise as you struggle achieve your goals. It seems as though other people and external events are deliberately plotting to thwart your every move. However, it may be that you are going overboard in your attempts to get your own way. The trouble is that


you want to make great changes in your life, but lack the necessary tolerance and patience to get the timing right. While taking action can certainly have positive effects in the long run, you would also be wise to find the right balance of confidence and patience.

TRANSITING SATURN SEXTILE RADIX NORTH NODE (4th House to 2nd House)Entering 24 May 2014, Exact 9 Jun 2014, Leaving 30 Jun 2014Entering 9 Aug 2014, Exact 30 Aug 2014, Leaving 13 Sep 2014Destiny beckons for now is the time for you to reap the rewards of past actions and receive benefits which enable you to achieve your life purpose. Doors will close in some areas of your life freeing you to move forward in life. Acceptance is easy at the moment for you can see other doors open paving the way for you to pursue your personal destiny. A chance encounter with a significant person, an offer to join a group of people who will help you on your path or an event will change the shape of your future. These are just some of the possibilities open to you.

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX NEPTUNE (1st House to 6th House)Entering 29 May 2014, Exact 3 Jun 2014, Leaving 8 Jun 2014Your religious views and personal ideals are challenged during this time. You may become disillusioned either with your own personal goals, or with the world in general. As a result you may let go of ideals of the past, and adopt a new belief system.

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX URANUS (1st House to 4th House)Entering 1 Jun 2014, Exact 6 Jun 2014, Leaving 11 Jun 2014A sudden and exciting new opportunity may present itself during this transit and you are in just the mood to make the most of any break in your normal routine. Your psychic and intuitive abilities may be strong making up for any lack of practical common sense. Study, travel, technical, esoteric and scientific pursuits may also feature.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE STATIONARY (4th House)5 Jun 2014, 9 Jun 2014, 29 Aug 2014, 2 Sep 2014, 11 Sep 2014, 15 Sep 2014, 25 Sep 2014, 1 Oct 2014, 15 Oct 2014, 22 Oct 2014, 30 Oct 2014, 5 Nov 2014, 14 Nov 2014, 19 Nov 2014, 29 Nov 2014, 2 Dec 2014, 14 Dec 2014, 16 Dec 2014, 28 Dec 2014, 29 Dec 2014, 25 Jan 2015, 27 Jan 2015, 8 Feb 2015, 12 Feb 2015, 21 Feb 2015, 25 Feb 2015, 7 Mar 2015, 13 Mar 2015, 20 Mar 2015, 27 Mar 2015, 12 Apr 2015, 17 Apr 2015, 25 Apr 2015, 1 May 2015

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MOON (1st House to 9th House)Entering 8 Jun 2014, Exact 13 Jun 2014, Leaving 17 Jun 2014Watch out for indulgence during this transit. You are likely to go all-out in an effort to achieve comfort and pleasure. The trouble is that you lack the ability to balance your need for emotional security with your enthusiasm for the pleasures of life. The result can be a lackadaisical approach to life which irritates others and gets you nowhere fast. Tensions may surface on the domestic scene.



9 Jun 2014, 16 Nov 2014

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SESQUISQUARE RADIX SUN (4th House to 8th House)Entering 12 Jun 2014, Exact 26 Jun 2014, Leaving 1 Jul 2014Ego involvement in relationships. Physical or very active interactions with others. Differences in styles of leadership.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SEMISQUARE RADIX SATURN (4th House to 2nd House)Entering 12 Jun 2014, Exact 26 Jun 2014, Leaving 1 Jul 2014Associations which provide limited assistance. Formalities and obligations. Restrictions and limitations. Separations.

TRANSITING URANUS SEMISQUARE RADIX MARS (9th House to 8th House)Entering 16 Jun 2014, Leaving 27 Aug 2014Entering 29 Mar 2015, Exact 16 Apr 2015, Leaving 4 May 2015Your progress towards achieving your ambitions is being hindered during this transit and at times you can feel infuriated. You may have your sights set on a completely new path, but have to fulfil old obligations before proceeding. It could be that circumstances or someone else is standing in your way. Patience, although difficult during this transit, is the lesson.

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN (1st House to 10th House)Entering 17 Jun 2014, Exact 21 Jun 2014, Leaving 26 Jun 2014You now feel the urge to get ahead in life, particularly in the areas of work and social status. The path to professional success may not be smooth, however, as you may go over the top in your efforts to climb the social or professional ladder. You may feel like you having some difficulty juggling home and work commitments and a few decisions are required.

TRANSITING JUPITER ENTERING CANCER (1st House)19 Jun 2014You have a strong urge to look after your loved ones. You may also be idealistic. You may have a large family, or feel as though the world is your family.

TRANSITING CHIRON STATIONARY (8th House)20 Jun 2014, 23 Nov 2014

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX SATURN (1st House to 2nd House)Entering 23 Jun 2014, Exact 28 Jun 2014, Leaving 2 Jul 2014During this transit you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension may arise as you feel the need to break out of old restrictions, but are frustrated in your attempts. Although your tolerance level may be


low, you would do well to cultivate the assistance of others, rather than meeting them head on or simply giving up on them. The benefits of this transit is that you are forced to reassess areas of your life which may have become stagnant and tired.

TRANSITING JUPITER SESQUISQUARE RADIX SUN (1st House to 8th House)Entering 23 Jun 2014, Exact 28 Jun 2014, Leaving 2 Jul 2014Your attempts to express yourself are frustrated during this time, particularly in areas of your life where you would usually expect to feel a sense of adventure. All plans for expansion seem to be blocked by obstacles, resulting in a feeling of getting nowhere. A little patience will see you through this time to greener pastures, particularly if you use this time to slow down and reconsider your options.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE OPPOSITION RADIX MIDHEAVEN (4th House to 10th House)Entering 28 Jun 2014, Exact 9 Jul 2014, Leaving 19 Jul 2014Somewhat uncomfortable involvements with family and community. Difficulty with publicity or reputation.

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX MERCURY (1st House to 9th House)Entering 29 Jun 2014, Exact 3 Jul 2014, Leaving 8 Jul 2014This transit favours any project or decision that requires clear and quick thinking. You are particularly alert and mentally agile. Therefore business deals, written projects, study and teaching benefit at this time. It is important that you make the most of these energies and not let the chance to clearly express yourself slip through your fingers.

TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX VENUS (1st House to 7th House)Entering 3 Jul 2014, Exact 8 Jul 2014, Leaving 12 Jul 2014You are struggling to get what you want from your loved one. In fact relationships of all kinds, particularly with women, may be a source of difficulty right now. The trouble is that you or your loved one are expecting too much. There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seeking only the adventure and this is causing tension.

TRANSITING PLUTO OPPOSITION RADIX ASCENDANT (7th House to 1st House)Entering 6 Jul 2014, Exact 21 Aug 2014, Exact 24 Oct 2014, Leaving 4 Dec 2014Your most intimate relationship undergoes upheaval during this transit. Your partner is undergoing a transformation which is forcing you to change your outlook on your personal relationship. It may seem that your partner is acting totally out of character, or it could be that you have seen this coming for a long time but refused to really face the problems. Now you are being forced to face your relationship with complete honesty. This can be a painful time when you feel that events are out of your control. They probably are. You may feel angry that you have been forced into a corner by your loved one. Although this is understandable, it is better to approach the situation one day at a time with all your integrity. The result will be a more honest relationship, both with yourself and your partner, and a sense of achievement that comes with surmounting any



TRANSITING NORTH NODE ENTERING 3RD HOUSE (4th House)9 Jul 2014This represents a quest to understand interactions between people. You need to leave behind your varied belief systems of past lives, and find a viable form of communication.

PROGRESSED MOON SESQUISQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE (1st House to 6th House)Entering 13 Jul 2014, Exact 12 Aug 2014, Leaving 12 Sep 2014During this period you are more sensitive to other people and your surroundings. For this reason you may feel confused. Your former goals may have lost some of their meaning. Try not to be too concerned. You simply need to slow down, rest and reflect on some important aspects of your life.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE ENTERING VIRGO (3rd House)13 Jul 2014This is a quest to become dedicated to the service of others. You will need to overcome the tendency to daydream and feel overwhelmed and to put your compassion and wisdom to practical use for humanity.

TRANSITING PLUTO SEXTILE RADIX SUN (7th House to 8th House)Entering 13 Jul 2014, Exact 7 Sep 2014, Exact 8 Oct 2014, Leaving 28 Nov 2014During this period you have opportunities to express yourself more powerfully. It can be a time of increased confidence. Although this is not a strong transit, it can be a time when you have a chance to further your purpose.

TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER (1st House)Entering 13 Jul 2014, Exact 18 Jul 2014, Leaving 22 Jul 2014This transit shows the beginning of a new cycle in your life. Every 12 years Jupiter comes back to its natal position signifying a time of renewal. In particular it shows the end of a cycle of beliefs. You have been learning about your own spiritual, religious or philosophical beliefs, and have now reached a new level of understanding. Therefore during this transit you may meet new teachers, join new groups or start new activities which will help you in the next cycle of learning. It's usually a beneficial time.

TRANSITING PLUTO TRINE RADIX SATURN (7th House to 2nd House)Entering 14 Jul 2014, Exact 9 Sep 2014, Exact 6 Oct 2014, Leaving 27 Nov 2014During this transit you find resources such as patience and hard work to help you achieve your ambitions, particularly in the area of your work. You now have the confidence to overcome any obstacles that have been previously in your path. A practical and sensible approach to your problems paves the way for long-awaited positive changes.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE OPPOSITION RADIX MOON (3rd House to 9th House)Entering 15 Jul 2014, Exact 26 Jul 2014, Leaving 6 Aug 2014


Emotional discomfort. Obligatory community participation. Predominance of female persons. Problems in adapting to others.

PROGRESSED MOON SESQUISQUARE PROGRESSED NEPTUNE (1st House to 6th House)Entering 15 Jul 2014, Exact 15 Aug 2014, Leaving 15 Sep 2014During this period you are more sensitive to other people and your surroundings. For this reason you may feel confused. Your former goals may have lost some of their meaning. Try not to be too concerned. You simply need to slow down, rest and reflect on some important aspects of your life.

PROGRESSED VENUS OPPOSITION RADIX SATURN (8th House to 2nd House)Entering 17 Jul 2014Hard work achieves beneficial results. Right now you need to pay attention to detail, do your homework and concentrate on achieving your goals. Whether you realise it or not you are making serious decisions now, ones that could affect your life for many years to come. These could involve your finances, business or marital status. If you are unsure of what path to take, seek advice from older or more experienced people. If in doubt, wait. Make sure your self esteem is high. Otherwise you may undermine the success that can result from decisions made now. You are building a financial and social foundation for your life. Take the time to built it well.

TRANSITING SATURN STATIONARY (4th House)20 Jul 2014, 14 Mar 2015

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX MARS (1st House to 8th House)Entering 20 Jul 2014, Exact 25 Jul 2014, Leaving 29 Jul 2014It's time to reassess your goals and, where necessary, let go of a few projects. The adjustments that you make now will ultimately help you achieve your goals further down the track. However, you may not find it easy making the necessary adjustments.

PROGRESSED VENUS CONJUNCTION RADIX SUN (8th House)Entering 21 Jul 2014You have the ability to shine right now. You are popular and other people are likely to bolster your confidence. You may receive a boost in the form of a promotion at work, a gift from a close friend or a monetary reward. Artistic projects are particularly rewarding. Embrace your talents. Appreciate the support of your loved ones and do your best to fully give back to the world in the best way possible. In some cases a lack of appreciation for the gifts that are coming your way could backfire. Loved ones could lose patience or monetary rewards could be frittered away. However, it is more likely that you experience great pleasure during this phase of your life.

TRANSITING URANUS STATIONARY (9th House)21 Jul 2014, 21 Dec 2014



House)Entering 25 Jul 2014, Exact 29 Jul 2014, Leaving 3 Aug 2014Relationships with other people are a source of frustration. However, there is nothing specific that you can identify. It is more a sense that your relationships with individuals and groups of people are not quite all that they should be. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by certain affiliations. You may even feel anti-social, more in the mood to reassess your personal and business relationships than to mix. You would do well to wait until you are in a better frame of mind before making any final decisions.

PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE RADIX CHIRON (1st House to 10th House)Entering 2 Aug 2014, Exact 2 Sep 2014, Leaving 3 Oct 2014Conflicting emotions abound during this period. Some events may seem to be very upsetting and yet contrarily also very healing. Dreams, meditation and creative visualisation can be very powerful right now. It is important that you take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and to listen to your intuition. If you can take time to reflect and nurture yourself then you are likely to reap large rewards. These rewards are unlikely to be monetary. They are more likely to be of an emotional or spiritual nature. For instance you may feel a soothing awareness that you have been able to let go of past hurts and have rejuvenated your sense of purpose. On the other hand you may develop a deep appreciation of your existing lifestyle and relationships.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SEXTILE RADIX NEPTUNE (3rd House to 6th House)Entering 6 Aug 2014, Exact 20 Aug 2014, Leaving 5 Sep 2014Spiritual or artistic themes in relationships. Sharing ideal settings and conditions. Positive expectations. Good feelings.

TRANSITING JUPITER SESQUISQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE (1st House to 6th House)Entering 7 Aug 2014, Exact 11 Aug 2014, Leaving 16 Aug 2014During this period you are vulnerable to feelings of confusion and lack of direction. You seem to be treading water no matter how hard you try to put your plans into action. You may find yourself daydreaming of better times. Daydreaming is okay: this is not the best time for making life-changing decisions or entering into agreements which demand clear judgement. Later on, when the clouds have lifted, you will be grateful for the delays.

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX CHIRON (1st House to 10th House)Entering 10 Aug 2014, Exact 14 Aug 2014, Leaving 19 Aug 2014This is a time during which you are forced to face painful memories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are linked straight to your heart. One person, an important teacher or healer, may enter your life to help you grow in ways you never thought possible. It is also possible that you are forced to face your fears of inadequacy or past inhibitions in order to truly express your own teaching and healing talents. Either way the path may be painful, but the result will be wisdom gained through experience.


TRANSITING CHIRON SESQUISQUARE RADIX JUPITER (8th House to 1st House)Entering 15 Aug 2014, Exact 6 Sep 2014, Leaving 28 Sep 2014Entering 17 Jan 2015, Exact 5 Feb 2015, Leaving 22 Feb 2015You would like to explore new horizons in order to expand your knowledge and bring you in closer alignment with your true purpose. However, your attempts are continually thwarted. In fact the harder you try to take a new direction, the more frustrated you become. Keep exploring all those opportunities even if they do seem to lead to closed doors. Persistence pays off in the end and eventually one will open and lead in the right direction.

TRANSITING PLUTO ENTERING 6TH HOUSE (7th House)21 Aug 2014Your daily routine is subject to upheaval. It could be you making the changes, or perhaps other people. Anyone who shares your day-to-day life could be affected. It is good time for a shake-up if this is what you want. Perhaps you want to start a new diet or exercise routine. Now is the time.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE CONJUNCTION RADIX PLUTO (3rd House)Entering 24 Aug 2014, Exact 22 Sep 2014, Leaving 25 Nov 2014Contacts with those in a state of change. Social transformations. Compulsive relationships. Sharing powerful experiences.

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX SUN (1st House to 8th House)Entering 31 Aug 2014, Exact 5 Sep 2014, Leaving 10 Sep 2014You are required to make changes and adjustments in your life, particularly in the way that you usually express yourself. As a result you undergo a process of letting go of the old in order to get on with the new. Letting go of old habits can be difficult, but ultimately rewarding as you experience the freedom to embrace new paths.

TRANSITING JUPITER SESQUISQUARE RADIX MERCURY (1st House to 9th House)Entering 6 Sep 2014, Exact 11 Sep 2014, Leaving 16 Sep 2014Entering 18 Mar 2015, Leaving 29 Apr 2015The lines of communications seem to be tangled, and you just don't seem able to get your point of view across. This can be quite frustrating as you are keen to get moving on several projects. However, you would do well to quietly persist without pushing too hard. Patience will stand you in good stead until the transit has passed and the lesson becomes clear.

PROGRESSED VENUS TRINE RADIX ASCENDANT (8th House to 1st House)Entering 17 Sep 2014"That is happiness; to be dissolved into something completely great." So says American writer Willa Cather. This quotation is relevant right now because the pursuit of happiness is a focus during this phase of your life. It is time for you to actively pursue your personal


goals. Perhaps you need to start by asking questions such as "what makes me happy?" or "what are my talents and how can I truly express them"? The answer lies within. Once you have searched your heart and faced your fears then opportunities will arise for you to spread your wings. You need to include your loved ones in your decision-making so that they support your creative endeavours. If you are single you may meet a potential marriage partner, someone loyal and loving. If you are married then positive changes are likely to occur such as a renewal of marriage vows or new and pleasant shared pastime. You may feel an urge to change your appearance, spending more money on beauty products and treatments, or perhaps changing your fashion style. The time is ideal to create a healthier lifestyle such as changing your diet or starting a new exercise regime. A creative or artistic project started now could be the spark of a whole new direction in your life. Make the most of the enjoyable opportunities that arise during this phase.

TRANSITING PLUTO STATIONARY (6th House)22 Sep 2014, 17 Apr 2015

TRANSITING JUPITER ENTERING 2ND HOUSE (2nd House)28 Sep 2014Your sense of well-being is strong either through growing self-esteem or as a result of increased wealth. Money flows during this period and the key is to ensure that you spend wisely. Otherwise you will later discover that your increased income simply slipped through your fingers.

PROGRESSED MOON SQUARE PROGRESSED CHIRON (1st House to 10th House)Entering 28 Sep 2014, Exact 29 Oct 2014, Leaving 29 Nov 2014Conflicting emotions abound during this period. Some events may seem to be very upsetting and yet contrarily also very healing. Dreams, meditation and creative visualisation can be very powerful right now. It is important that you take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and to listen to your intuition. If you can take time to reflect and nurture yourself then you are likely to reap large rewards. These rewards are unlikely to be monetary. They are more likely to be of an emotional or spiritual nature. For instance you may feel a soothing awareness that you have been able to let go of past hurts and have rejuvenated your sense of purpose. On the other hand you may develop a deep appreciation of your existing lifestyle and relationships.

TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX URANUS (4th House)Entering 30 Sep 2014, Exact 10 Oct 2014, Leaving 19 Oct 2014This can be a time of tension between your need to move forward into a new and exciting future and the need to stay firmly rooted in the security and comfort of the past. Security and freedom are the opposing elements which are dominating your life at the moment. This may be an inner battle, or sudden events may challenge you. The lesson is to delve deep within yourself to help you build a firm base in your life using the resources of your true inner self.


TRANSITING NEPTUNE SESQUISQUARE RADIX PLUTO (8th House to 3rd House)Entering 3 Oct 2014, Leaving 28 Dec 2014It's time to search deep within and reassess your personal goals asking questions such as: Do I still hold this ambition close to my heart? and Am I doing all that I can to achieve my goal? While the time might not yet be ripe for action, it is still important that you use this time for contemplation.

TRANSITING CHIRON SEMISQUARE RADIX VENUS (8th House to 7th House)Entering 4 Oct 2014, Exact 8 Nov 2014, Exact 9 Dec 2014, Leaving 12 Jan 2015This is a frustrating and somewhat painful time in your relationships, particularly if you are married or have an intimate partner. It seems that efforts to make changes in your relationship are blocked, leaving you with a feeling of hitting your head against brick wall. This can be quite painful. It could be that you are trying too hard or that your timing is simply out of synch. If you are not already in a steady relationship, you may find your attempts to form a new relationship are being frustrated. The more you push the higher your level of frustration. Slow down and let matters settle, and all will eventually become clear.


TRANSITING SATURN QUINCUNX RADIX MOON (4th House to 9th House)Entering 13 Oct 2014, Exact 22 Oct 2014, Leaving 31 Oct 2014This is a time of emotional adjustments, particularly in your relationships with family members or in your home life. It may be that you are making changes on the home scene, either by your own initiative or prompted by someone close to you. Either way you are being asked to let go of areas in your life in which you have been emotionally responsible. You could feel uncomfortable, even out of control but this will pass. It is also possible that you are feeling confident ready to let go and move towards a bright future.

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX PLUTO (2nd House to 3rd House)Entering 15 Oct 2014, Exact 22 Oct 2014, Leaving 30 Oct 2014Entering 16 Jan 2015, Exact 24 Jan 2015, Leaving 1 Feb 2015You have the opportunity to boost your confidence and to move towards your goals in life. You are mostly self-assured and feel powerful and in control of your life. Others take notice. Therefore you may find that career promotions and recognition play a prominent role right now. It is a good time to make the most of any opportunities for advancement that come your way, as your judgement should be sound.

TRANSITING SATURN ENTERING 5TH HOUSE (5th House)20 Oct 2014During this period you will have to make sure that you schedule in time for relaxation and recreation, rather than enjoy spontaneous fun. You may benefit from a regular creative activity. Children, either your own or other people's, may need extra attention.


ECLIPSE OF TRANSITING SUN (4th House)23 Oct 2014

TRANSITING PLUTO ENTERING 7TH HOUSE (7th House)24 Oct 2014Your most intimate relationship undergoes upheaval during this period. Your relationship with your partner is undergoing a transformation which is forcing you to change your outlook on your personal relationships. Now you are being forced to face your relationship with complete honesty. It is important that you face your loved one, and any business partnerships, with integrity.

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX NEPTUNE (2nd House to 6th House)Entering 27 Oct 2014, Exact 5 Nov 2014, Leaving 16 Nov 2014Entering 30 Dec 2014, Exact 11 Jan 2015, Leaving 20 Jan 2015You feel at one with the world during this transit. Meditation, music, art, dance, photography, spiritual groups, travel and communing with nature offer moments of peace and tranquility. You feel creative and intuitive. Therefore it is a good time to explore and express the more artistic and spiritual side of your nature.

TRANSITING SATURN QUINCUNX RADIX MIDHEAVEN (5th House to 10th House)Entering 30 Oct 2014, Exact 7 Nov 2014, Leaving 16 Nov 2014This is a time of adjustments in work responsibilities, usually with a lessening of the load. It may be that you change jobs or that someone else is employed to help with the work load. It could also be a change in social status. In some way you are being asked to let go.

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX URANUS (2nd House to 4th House)Entering 1 Nov 2014, Exact 11 Nov 2014, Leaving 29 Nov 2014Entering 17 Dec 2014, Exact 4 Jan 2015, Leaving 14 Jan 2015During this transit you tend to feel irritable and frustrated as you want to break free of past restrictions. Rebellion can be a major problem, particularly if you feel that something or someone is standing in your way. The trouble is that you have your sights set unrealistically high and lack your normal powers of discrimination. Life takes on a reckless quality as you crave excitement. It would be better if you could make the most of new and exciting opportunities while showing some restraint and wisdom.

TRANSITING SATURN ENTERING SCORPIO (5th House)2 Nov 2014You have an intense commitment to work and joint enterprises. You are a resourceful and determined worker.

TRANSITING SATURN SESQUISQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT (5th House to 1st House)Entering 12 Nov 2014, Exact 20 Nov 2014, Leaving 29 Nov 2014


During this time you have trouble expressing your true self, particularly in your close relationships. It may also be that you are keen to shoulder extra responsibilities, but there are obstacles in your path. It could be that you are frustrated in your attempts to have more commitment in your relationship with your partner. The lesson is to persist for you will eventually surmount the obstacles and achieve your aims.

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX MOON (2nd House to 9th House)Entering 16 Nov 2014, Leaving 30 Dec 2014This can be a time of tranquility as you enjoy harmonious relationships with loved ones. Your homelife may also be particularly rewarding during this transit. You may encounter incidents which spark your compassion. Others will appreciate your warmth and generosity.

TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MERCURY (5th House to 9th House)Entering 21 Nov 2014, Exact 29 Nov 2014, Leaving 8 Dec 2014Your mental perception is keen during this transit, enabling you to embrace new ideas and projects with the knowledge that you will succeed. This is a good time for new plans and decisions as you have a realistic outlook on what can be achieved. It is also a good time for learning new subjects and skills.

TRANSITING SATURN SEXTILE RADIX VENUS (5th House to 7th House)Entering 28 Nov 2014, Exact 7 Dec 2014, Leaving 16 Dec 2014This can be a social time offering opportunities for new activities and new friends. You feel confident in social situations and may even organise a few extra social events. You also feel at ease with current friends and loved ones.

PROGRESSED MOON QUINCUNX PROGRESSED VENUS (1st House to 8th House)Entering 3 Dec 2014, Exact 6 Jan 2015, Leaving 9 Feb 2015No text available for this topic.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SESQUISQUARE RADIX MARS (3rd House to 8th House)Entering 4 Dec 2014, Exact 11 Dec 2014, Leaving 23 Dec 2014Competition in working relationships. Difficulties in cooperation. Marital tension. Emotional and/or sexual upsets.

TRANSITING JUPITER STATIONARY (2nd House)8 Dec 2014, 8 Apr 2015

TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX JUPITER (5th House to 1st House)Entering 18 Dec 2014, Exact 27 Dec 2014, Leaving 6 Jan 2015This is a positive time when you can achieve a balance between your need for security and your need for exploration. You have the ability to make plans that propel you closer to your goals. You may be fortunate in attracting the resources that you need for your purpose during this transit. You would do well to make the most of your opportunities.


Like a professional mountain climber, you can plan all aspects of your life ready for the journey, and steadily make it to the top. Confident in yourself and your ability to reach your objectives, you are capable of compromise. Others respect your achievements and abilities. This is the transit of hard-earned rewards either reaping or sowing, particularly in business dealings and your professional life.

PROGRESSED URANUS SQUARE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT (4th House to 2nd House)Entering 19 Dec 2014This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your tendency to crave freedom and autonomy.

PROGRESSED MOON QUINCUNX RADIX SUN (1st House to 8th House)Entering 20 Dec 2014, Exact 20 Jan 2015, Leaving 20 Feb 2015No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED MIDHEAVEN SQUARE RADIX MARS (11th House to 8th House)Entering 26 Dec 2014No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED MOON SESQUISQUARE PROGRESSED MERCURY (1st House to 9th House)Entering 26 Dec 2014, Exact 26 Jan 2015, Leaving 25 Feb 2015Right now your communications with other people are laden with a few difficulties. It seems as though your attempts to interact are frustrated and you are not sure why. This is also true for new projects and anything that involves the exchange of information. You are being forced, whether you like it or not, to change the way in which you approach projects and people. It is important that you aim to keep your interactions as calm as possible, avoiding heated arguments. During this phase you are likely to learn when to retreat and when to calmly state your case. Right now you have the chance to improve your network of associates, learn new skills and apply them to your daily life with a little patience and persistence.

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MARS (5th House to 8th House)Entering 2 Jan 2015, Exact 12 Jan 2015, Leaving 24 Jan 2015Entering 4 May 2015, Exact 17 May 2015The best-made plans can go awry, which you are discovering during this transit. You are probably also feeling some anger and frustration as your plans seem to be going nowhere. You may even feel that others are deliberately standing in your way. It is best to exercise patience as the reasons for the obstacles will become clearer later. Persist as calmly as possible, taking time out from major projects for sporting and recreational activities that will allow you to expend your pent-up energy. Avoid those that involve risks, at least for the duration of this transit.



Entering 11 Jan 2015No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED SUN QUINCUNX PROGRESSED NORTH NODE (9th House to 2nd House)Entering 12 Jan 2015No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED MOON SESQUISQUARE RADIX MERCURY (1st House to 9th House)Entering 27 Jan 2015, Exact 27 Feb 2015, Leaving 29 Mar 2015Right now your communications with other people are laden with a few difficulties. It seems as though your attempts to interact are frustrated and you are not sure why. This is also true for new projects and anything that involves the exchange of information. You are being forced, whether you like it or not, to change the way in which you approach projects and people. It is important that you aim to keep your interactions as calm as possible, avoiding heated arguments. During this phase you are likely to learn when to retreat and when to calmly state your case. Right now you have the chance to improve your network of associates, learn new skills and apply them to your daily life with a little patience and persistence.

TRANSITING SATURN SEMISQUARE RADIX PLUTO (5th House to 3rd House)Entering 29 Jan 2015, Exact 15 Feb 2015, Exact 11 Apr 2015, Leaving 29 Apr 2015You feel an urge for change and yet your efforts seem to be blocked. This is the dilemma faced during this transit, and it can be quite distressing. The challenge is to change our expectations: not always an easy task. However, you will discover one way or another that you have been stripped of a lot of excess baggage, and that this actually can be quite rejuvenating.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE SQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT (3rd House to 1st House)Entering 30 Jan 2015, Exact 5 Feb 2015, Leaving 2 Mar 2015Difficult gatherings. Cooperation for purposes of work. Discomfort in relationships. Temporary associations.

TRANSITING NORTH NODE QUINCUNX RADIX SUN (3rd House to 8th House)Entering 31 Jan 2015, Exact 13 Feb 2015, Leaving 5 Mar 2015No text available for this topic.

PROGRESSED NEPTUNE TRINE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT (6th House to 2nd House)Entering 1 Feb 2015This planet progresses very slowly throughout your lifetime. Therefore you are likely to have this aspect in your birth chart. This progression may emphasise your urge to express the intuitive and artistic side of your personality.


TRANSITING JUPITER ENTERING 1ST HOUSE (2nd House)23 Feb 2015This is a time of greater optimism and self-confidence, during which you feel capable of achieving your goals. You have a larger-than-life presence and an ability to inspire others. As a result you may have the opportunity to teach or take up public speaking. Travel plans may also go ahead under the influence of this transit.

ECLIPSE OF TRANSITING SUN (9th House)20 Mar 2015

TRANSITING CHIRON QUINCUNX RADIX PLUTO (8th House to 3rd House)Entering 24 Mar 2015, Exact 11 Apr 2015, Leaving 1 May 2015It is time to let go of old grievances, particularly those which stand in the way of your own fulfilment. No matter how painful this proves to be, you will benefit in the long run. You may feel that others have done the wrong thing by you, and this could well be true. However you are suffering by holding on to past hurts and it is time to grieve your losses and move on. Others of your own age group may be going through a similar process and could offer welcome support.


TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN (8th House to 10th House)Entering 6 Apr 2015You want your life, in particular your career, to take a direction that reflects more of your true self, but there are problems and delays. The right path does not seem to be within reach. Hold tight and have patience, and you will learn that everything happens at the right moment.

TRANSITING URANUS QUINCUNX RADIX NORTH NODE (9th House to 2nd House)Entering 15 Apr 2015, Exact 3 May 2015It's time to make changes and adjustments in your life to accommodate opportunities for growth and change. This could mean leaving behind people or things which have been important in the past, but these are replaced by new and important events and groups of people which will come to mean just as much to you.

PROGRESSED SUN QUINCUNX RADIX NORTH NODE (9th House to 2nd House)Entering 18 Apr 2015No text available for this topic.

TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE (8th House to 6th House)Entering 22 Apr 2015, Exact 16 May 2015Your spiritual life is undergoing change and you are likely to feel confused, perhaps even disillusioned. You feel impelled to question your spiritual beliefs and associations which


do not seem to be as fulfilling. This can be a painful process of coming to terms with the difference between reality and fantasy. You are particularly sensitive to the problems of the world, feeling an empathy for the suffering of others. As a result you may be drawn to charity work or an altruistic pastime. In some cases circumstances such as illness or grief could force you to slow down and contemplate the meaning of life, or you could feel confused about your direction in life. However, you can discover new meaning in your life if you explore your own inner world and innate talents. Others of your age group are also experiencing the effects of this transit. Therefore it is also an opportune moment to share your feelings and insights.

PROGRESSED MOON SESQUISQUARE PROGRESSED MARS (1st House to 9th House)Entering 3 May 2015You are feeling frustrated in your objectives. Impatience may mar this period. Therefore you need to ensure that you pay closer attention to your aims. Patience and collaboration are needed, rather than competition. Save any competitive urges for a demanding sport or solo adventure rather than projects that require the co-operation of other people. Avoid rash decisions and stressors that trigger your temper and this can be a rewarding phase during which your motivation is strong and your achievements satisfying.

TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX URANUS (8th House to 4th House)Entering 5 May 2015Now is the time to take a chance and explore new and unusual experiences, to tackle life's problems in an inventive and original way. You are eager to branch out and express your true potential with your sights keenly focussed on the future rather than the past. You feel alive and energetic, prepared to venture forth into unexplored territories, particularly those involving metaphysics, science and computers. And chances are that you will be presented with plenty of opportunities. You may even discover healing or teaching talents that you never knew existed. Make the most of these energies while they last, although do not throw caution entirely to the wind.

TRANSITING CHIRON SEMISQUARE RADIX CHIRON (8th House to 10th House)Entering 6 May 2015This can be a time when you discover something about the purpose and meaning of your life. Sometimes it will be linked with earlier life events, times of pain and/or healing.

TRANSITING URANUS OPPOSITION RADIX PLUTO (9th House to 3rd House)Entering 10 May 2015This is an intense time when your emotional attachments will be challenged. This can be traumatic and leave you feeling quite vulnerable. Therefore it is a good time for entering therapy, or taking any action which will help you gain insight into your deeper levels and your life.