interstellar critique

“Interstellar” Movie Critique Rubric Introduction: You need to give your review of the movie. How many stars (out of 10) would you rate the movie. Provide support for your rating. What did you like? The acting, story, cinematography, the special effects, the ideas? Be specific- cite situations/quotes from the movie that were your own personal highlights. You should be taking notes as the movie plays so that you have material to use in your movie critique. Body Paragraphs (You will have 3): You may choose of the following topics/themes from the movie to research and explain. For each topic/theme, you must: 1. Give it a probability rating. How likely is it that this could happen or be created within your lifetime? 2. Provide at least one credible source per body paragraph . You may use a direct quote as long as you cite your source. (example below) Your quote should NOT take up more than a few sentences. The majority of your body paragraph should be your thoughts on the source’s information. (According to, “The probability of intelligent life developing on other planets is very likely.”) 3. Talk about the potential uses for the technology (assuming that it can be created) and/or the disadvantages of your topic/theme. Topics/Themes: Artificial Wormhole Creation A blight (disease) that wipes out most of the Earth’s crops Time dilation Gravity as the 5 th dimension (tesseract) Cryogenic stasis (freezing humans for long-term travel) Intelligent robotics that can control spacecraft, go on missions, etc. (TARS, CASE, KIPP) Other (with teacher approval) The ending? What happened after the credits rolled? Conclusion: Summarize what you liked about the movie.

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Interstellar Movie Critique RubricIntroduction: You need to give your review of the movie. How many stars (out of 10) would you rate the movie. Provide support for your rating. What did you like? The acting, story, cinematography, the special effects, the ideas? Be specific-cite situations/quotes from the movie that were your own personal highlights. You should be taking notes as the movie plays so that you have material to use in your movie critique.Body Paragraphs (You will have 3):You may choose of the following topics/themes from the movie to research and explain. For each topic/theme, you must: 1. Give it a probability rating. How likely is it that this could happen or be created within your lifetime?2. Provide at least one credible source per body paragraph. You may use a direct quote as long as you cite your source. (example below) Your quote should NOT take up more than a few sentences. The majority of your body paragraph should be your thoughts on the sources information. (According to, The probability of intelligent life developing on other planets is very likely.)3. Talk about the potential uses for the technology (assuming that it can be created) and/or the disadvantages of your topic/theme.Topics/Themes: Artificial Wormhole Creation A blight (disease) that wipes out most of the Earths crops Time dilation Gravity as the 5th dimension (tesseract) Cryogenic stasis (freezing humans for long-term travel) Intelligent robotics that can control spacecraft, go on missions, etc. (TARS, CASE, KIPP) Other (with teacher approval) The ending? What happened after the credits rolled? Conclusion: Summarize what you liked about the movie. Summarize what is likely to be developed/explored in the near or distant future. How did you interpret the ending? What happened after the credits rolled? Specifications:Two pages minimum. Size 12 font. Normal Margins. Arial or Times New Roman font. Bibliography with the specific link (copied) you visited for information plus 1-2 sentences about the information your found there.

Keeon Allen Interstellar critique piece 4/3/15

IntroductionInterstellar a science fiction drama filled with special effects and a thrilling story line that intrigues the viewers inspiring imagination. This movie was a 10 and 10 movie no doubt about it, the story line was reasonable and believable to an extent also the suspense with a tad bit of drama made interstellar a blockbuster in my opinion. I especially like the special effects that went along with the movie in tack with the realism of what space would be like no sound, no gravity, and no life adding on to the movie. This goes with part of the movie were matt daemon is trying to dock the restricted air ship port were it then explodes when the air pressure is released as an result killing his character and being completely soundless in space. This all contributes to my opinion interstellar one of the best movies of 2014.

Paragraph 1: Probability of this ever happening technology wise. Cryogenic statists?In my life time for interstellar being a possible outcome for us as a human race is almost virtually impossible to happen. Unfortunately the only closest thing we as the human race can get to is traveling past maybe mars by the time I am around 90 years of age, around my 90s which is in the next about 80s years and cryostats is is currently in development as I know with previos information, that I have read in science articles. Here is one The idea of suspended animation for interstellar human spaceflight has often been posited as a promising far-term solution for long-duration spaceflight a means for full cryo-preservation and restoration remains a long way off still. However, recent medical progress is quickly advancing our ability to induce deep sleep states (i.e. torpor) with significantly reduced metabolic rates for humans over extended periods of time.This being said you can tell we have not yet achieved cryo stasis, so the probability of this ever happening is about maybe 30% so no this is very unlikely for this to ever happen in my life span though our technologies are rapidly expanding almost every day so I might be wrong about this.

Paragraph two: Source and reliability As known NASA is a reliable source of information so there is pretty much a grantee we are advancing in cryostats is because it is important maybe even is essential for the travel to Mars as it being a long and tedious journey through space. Here described in the article the red planet it talks about the planes for long term exploration, heath issues and spacecraft exploration technologies.NASAs efforts for sending humans to Mars is well underway today, with spacecraft monitoring Mars from orbit and rovers on the surface.The International Space Station is testing systems and is being used to learn more about the health impacts of extended space travel. NASA also is testing and developing its next generation of launch and crew vehicles -- the Space Launch System rocket and Orion crewed spacecraft. This billion dollar project as described shows how long term technologies are still being developed and created so as a result I can see this being created in the near future since cryostats is has been in development since the 2000s.

Paragraph 3: if this technology was createdNow if we were able to create this cryostats is with no error. Are space travel and long distance travel in space would be possible and this will definitely advance us as species. The true fact is that cryostats might even cause longer life spans and other benefits. Though sleeping for long periods of time I think can cause some serious moral complications or maybe even brain complications as well. For example during the movie David owllens character says something along the lines vie waited years and then further on nays I was just getting nag tire of sleeping my whole life. This right here can cause problems for astronauts that have problems for sleeping for long periods of time because they think there just sleeping there life away. Though this problem might be unlikely its possible. Also the effect of sleeping for so long may cause complications like brain complications, starvation and so on. Why I think this is because as we now sleeping for long periods of time causes Diabetes, obesity, frequent head aches and heart disease described in the article Oversleep: How much sleep is too much sleep. Though our think we will be able to go around these effects since technology cannot be limited by our biology. The possibilities are infinite since technology and imagination can take us further to becoming more advance race.
