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Page 1:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul
Page 2:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul

IntroductionThe book of Ephesians was written by Paul the Apostle to the Church in Ephesus, a port city in Asia Minor (Modern day Turkey), during his first imprisonment. He wrote it in AD 60 while still under house arrest and the letter was hand delivered to the church by his associate, Tychicus (Ephesians 6:21-22). Paul also wrote four other letters while under house arrest; Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians.

Ephesus was a fast and moving cosmopolitan society where people took pride in various abilities, backgrounds, skills and heritage. Paul took time to encourage the church and reminded them of the high position they had in the heavenly realms. The first believers there were disciples of John the Baptist who on Paul’s mission, not only received Jesus and were gladly baptized, but also received the Holy Spirit.

Paul established Ephesus as one of his missionary operation bases and for two years, he taught and grounded the believers at the Tyrannus Hall (Acts19:8-10). Ephesians is among the few letters in which Paul was not prompted to correct some error or heresy as he wrote. However, much later Apostle John wrote to the same church urging them to go back to their first love (Rev 2: 4-6).

Paul also took the aspect of the unity of the trinity in various chapters and encouraged the church to be like minded while at the same time urging the Church not to be caught up in “old habits” that were not agreeable to their holy calling. He wrote to this Church giving them assurance about their status in Christ, and throughout the letter, he assures them of the roots and structure of the church.

The book of Ephesians teaches us not to take pride in our works because our salvation is purely by grace and faith alone. Our works become the effect of an obedient walk with God, who ordained our roles before creation for the sake of the church and His glory. Paul also reminds us that we are engaged in spiritual warfare – that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, principalities and spiritual forces in heavenly realms. He therefore encourages us to put on the full armor of God so that we may be able to stand our ground (Ephesians 6:10-18).


Page 3:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul

MONDAYBible Reference: Ephesians 3:1-6

Icebreaker: What gift has anyone surprised you with that you did not think you deserved?

Reflection: A mystery is something that has a hidden meaning or revelation that is puzzling. The mystery Paul talks about in this chapter has three aspects mentioned. Firstly, Paul came to realize God’s supremacy in his circumstances when He chose him to bear this call through divine revelation. Paul considered his place as a prisoner of Jesus Christ for the sake of the Gentile Church and not a prisoner of Rome. God can call anyone and position them in any space He wills to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Secondly, he mentions the mystery of Christ; which was unknown under the law and prophets. It was only after Jesus came that it could be known through the revelation of the Holy Spirit and through God’s spoken word by the Prophets and Apostles. Coming to faith only happens through the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the word of God. The last aspect of the mystery is that Gentiles are included together with the Jews in the inheritance and become sharers of the promise. Everyone who believes qualifies to be a partaker of God’s inheritance - regardless of their background. We are bound with each other and with Christ in the mystery of fellowship in this glorious inheritance.

What action do any of the three aspects of this glorious mystery call you to?

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the benefits of being included in the inheritance of Your Kingdom. Teach me to be a faithful bearer of this gospel without complaint or excuses. Holy Spirit continue to do Your work in me and reveal that which I need to know to be effective. I thank you for Your church and the promises that You have in store for us both now and in eternity, Amen.

Bible Reference:Ephesians 3:7-9

Icebreaker: Have you ever been assigned a task and you felt unqualified to carry it out? What did you do?


Page 4:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul

Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul says he was less than the least of all God’s people, yet this grace was given to him (1 Corinthians 15:9). The most powerful thing about the grace of God is that to every believer who is open to receive it, God uses them for His glory. He used Paul to preach to the Gentiles the mystery of God’s boundless and hidden riches. Without God’s help, Paul would not have been able to do God’s work. Whenever we feel our role is minor or unqualified in a task, we may be right, but we should remember that God’s grace makes the difference and this grace is available to every believer today!

What is God asking you to do for Him?

Prayer:Thank you God that your grace is the power that makes the difference in what I think I cannot do. I pray and ask that I will seek to depend on the grace of God in whatever task You ask me to do. Help me not to assess myself based on human standards, in Jesus name, Amen.

Bible Reference: Ephesians: 3:10-13

Icebreaker:When have you felt unwelcome somewhere?

Reflection: Paul helps us to unravel some of the deep mysteries of our faith that we have received through the gift of Grace. The mystery of God’s great wisdom and divine power has been given to us - the church of Jesus Christ, to have access in to the heavenly realms against powers and principalities thus becoming victorious. In the past, the children of Israel did not have direct access to God and they faced the penalty of death for approaching Mt. Sinai where God met Moses. They were as well denied from accessing the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and Temple (Exodus 19:11-13, Hebrews 12:18-24). Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we who are believers have not only been adopted as children, but also been given divine access to God through prayer. In prayer, we have the freedom to individually approach the creator of the universe (God) anytime, with boldness and confidence (Hebrews 4:14-16). From today’s reflection how can your experience of communing with God become better?


Page 5:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul


Prayer:Dear Lord, how glorious Your mysteries are! Thank you that even in my foolishness You choose to reveal and unravel these deep mysteries to me. I pray that I will keep an open heart and mind to be taught by Your Holy Spirit and receive Your grace, as I walk in the light of these revelations. In Jesus name, Amen.

Bible Reference:Ephesians 3:14-18a

Icebreaker: Who or what powers your life?

Reflection: Paul had witnessed the Ephesian Christians become believers in Jesus Christ and get filled with the Holy Spirit and for this reason, prayed kneeling down before the Father. It is in the Father, that we become children who belong to the family of God. Paul prayed that God out of His glorious riches would strengthen them with power through His Spirit in their inner being. This was so that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith. Receiving Jesus is important, but Jesus dwelling in our hearts by the Holy Spirit is more important. Paul also prayed that they may be rooted, established in love and fellowship. There is power, wonder working power, when believers who are rooted and established in love tap into the power of the Holy Spirit. A transformation from inside-out takes place by the Spirit of God.

What lesson do you learn from Paul about praying for others?

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, teach me to pray in the same way that Paul did for the believers so that I may experience the mystery of Your power that raised Jesus from the dead. May this power be made manifest in the lives of those around me and may Christ dwell in our hearts, Amen.

F R IDAYBible Reference:Ephesians 3:18b-21

Icebreaker: Where have you visited or stayed at and felt at home? What made it feel like

Page 6:… · Reflection: Through the grace of God, Paul became a servant of the gospel. In these verses Paul


Reflection: As far as the heavens are from the earth, as far as the east is from the west is the love of Christ for His people (Psalm 103: 11-12). Christ’s love is all inclusive, inexhaustible and self-sacrificing. It’s at the cross that we see Christ’s love for us (wide and long, high and deep). The mystery of God’s love is beyond comprehension and yet can be experienced in our lives today. All glory goes to God who because of His great love, is able and willing to do immeasurably more for us beyond what we ask or dare to imagine according to His overwhelming power!

How has the mystery of God’s love that is beyond comprehension impacted your life?

Prayer:Father, help me to comprehend how wide and long, high and deep is Your love. Thank you God for Your endless love and overwhelming power. Help me to always remember that nothing is impossible with You, Amen.

Memory verse for the weekEphesians 3:20-21“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Prayer of SalvationLord Jesus, I come to You to confess that I have sinned. I have not obeyed you and instead, I have led my life as I thought best and as it pleased me. Forgive me of my sin and come into my heart. Take charge of my life from this day onwards. I believe You sent Your Son to die and pay for my sins. I receive Your gift of salvation and make You Lord and Savior of my life today. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of life and make my life new again. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.