intro to mass communication: ch 1

How aware are you!

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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How aware are you!

How aware are you that media affects your life?

68.8% of our waking hours we are exposed to media messages.

We cant escape it...

What are your must havemedia sources?

There is an inescapable symbiosis between us and the media.

We need... informationThey need... revenue

How do we define mass communication?

MASS COMMUNICATION:Technology-assisted transmission of messages to mass audiences.

To be media literate we must be able to recognize the different forms of communication for what they are.

Mass communication is a process that targets technologically amplified messages to massive audiences.

MEDIATED COMMUNICATION carried out by the means of technologycan be contrasted by face-to-face communication.

Interpersonal and Group communication are NOT mass communication.

Mass communication is ONLY possible through technology.

AUDIENCE:The mass audience is eclecticand diverse.

DISTANCE:The mass audience is beyond the communicators horizon. (sometimes thousands of miles)

FEEDBACK:The mass audience generally lacks the opportunity for immediate feedback... The response is delayed.

Mass communication cannot exist without technology...Printing pressesBroadcast transmittersInternet

Another form of mediated communication is SOCIAL MEDIAFacebookTwitterYoutubeBlogs

Unlike some forms of mass communication, social media is accessible to almost anyone.

Basic components of media literacy...Linguistic LiteracyVisual Literacy

Linguistic LiteracyReading skillsWriting skills

Visual LiteracyStill imagesMoving images

Technical codes

Why does this mean peace?


Public transportation

Sign language

What a difference a hat makes!

Film Literacy ... Who is the good guy?

Do you think that affects us outside the movie theatre?

REMEMBER: media literacy...Being able to analyze and evaluate media messages.

What are ways you have noticed different types of media shaping the way you think about the world?

Do you think this is positive or negative?

Why do companies invest billions of dollars in advertising?

Do you think it makes a big difference?

What's your favorite brand?

Can you attribute your fondness to the advertising about the brand?

According to some, one of the most powerful advertising mediums in the world is:

Word of Mouth

Why do you think that is?

What are the risks of weak media literacy?

How does communicating through mass media and social media differ from other human communication?

How do critical thinking skills figure into media literacy?

Mass Communication is Purposeful.It can be used to...InformPersuadeAmuseEnlighten

Anyone ever had a life changing media experience?

(Perhaps it challenged your personal values)

What has been the most society-unifying episode in your own media experience?

5 Key Questions of Media LiteracyWho created the message?

5 Key Questions of Media Literacy

What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

5 Key Questions of Media Literacy

How might different people understand this message differently than me?

5 Key Questions of Media Literacy

What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented or omitted?

5 Key Questions of Media Literacy

Why is this message being sent?

Now... Lets apply our Media Literacy

What messages do you receive?

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