intro to trees

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  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Introduction to Trees

    Maria Sabir

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Terminology Hierarchical data structure

    A tree consists of a finite set of elements,

    called nodes, and a finite set of directedlines, called branches, that connect thenodes.

    The number of branches associated with a

    node is the degree of the node. The number of branches directed toward the

    node is the indegree of the node.

    The number of branches directed away from

    the node is the outdegree of the node.

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    Terminology The sum of the indegree and outdegree is the

    degree of the node.

    If the tree is not empty, then the first node iscalled the rootnode.

    The indegree of the root node is, bydefinition, zero.

    With the exception of the root node, all of thenodes in the tree must have an indegree ofexactly one.

    All nodes in the tree can have zero, one, ormore branches leaving them (i.e., anoutdegree of 0, 1, or more).

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    TerminologyExample of a tree

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    Terminology In addition to root, many other terms

    are used to describe the attributes of a

    tree.A leaf is any node with an outdegree of


    An internalnode is a node with anoutdegree of at least 1 (i.e., not a leafnode).

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    TerminologyA node is a parent if it has successor

    nodes that is, if it has an outdegreegreater than zero.

    Conversely, a node with a predecessoris called a child.

    2 or more children with the sameparent are siblings.

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    Terminology Hence:

    The root node is the only node in the treethat does not have a parent.

    A leaf node has no children.

    An internal node has at least one child.

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    Parents: A, B, F Leaves: C, D, E, G, H, IChildren: B, E, F, C, D, G, H, I Internal Nodes: A, B, FSiblings: {B, E, F}, {C, D}, {G, H, I}

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    Terminology Two nodes are adjacent if a branch

    connects them.

    A path is a sequence of nodes in which eachnode is adjacent to the next one.

    Every node in the tree can be reached byfollowing a unique path starting from the

    root. The length of this path is the number of

    edges on the path.

    There is a path of length 0 from every node

    to itself.

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    The path from the root, A, to the leaf, I, isdenoted as AFI and has a length of2.

    ABD is the path from the root, A, to the leaf,

    D, and also has a length of2.

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  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Terminology The depth (or level) of a node is the

    length of the path from the root to the

    node. Hence, the depth of the root is 0, the

    roots children have a depth of 1, etc.

    The depth of a tree is the length of thepath from the root to the leaf in thelongest path.

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    Note the relationship between levels andsiblings.

    Siblings are always at the same level, but allnodes in a level are not necessarily siblings.

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  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Terminology The heightof a node is the length of

    the longest path from the node to a

    leaf. Hence, all leaves are atheight 0, a

    leafs parent is atheight 1, etc.

    The height of the tree is simply theheight of the root.

    The height of an empty tree is 1.

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    Terminology A tree may be divided into subtrees.

    A subtree is a tree thathas the child of a

    node as its root. Hence, a subtree is composed of a node and

    all of that nodes descendants.

    The first node in a subtree is known as the

    root of the subtree and is used to name thesubtree.

    Subtrees themselves can be further dividedinto other subtrees.

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  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Binary TreesA binarytree is a tree in which no

    node can have more than 2children/subtrees.

    In other words, a node can have 0, 1,or 2 subtrees.

    These subtrees are designated as leftand right child or left and right subtree.

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    Binary Trees

    Above is an example of a binary tree.

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    Binary Trees

    Below are more examples of binary trees.

    (a) is a nulltree. A null tree is a tree with no nodes.

    Note that a tree need not be symmetric.

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    Binary Trees

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Balance The distance of a node from the root

    determines how efficiently it can be

    located. The shorter the height of the tree, the

    less time it takes to access any givennode.

    This observations leads us to theimportant concept ofbalance.

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    Balance Factor To determine whether the tree is

    balanced, we calculate its balancefactor.

    The balance factor of a binary tree isthe difference in height between its left

    and right subtrees.

    B = HL - HR

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    Balance Factor ExampleB = HL - HR

    (a) B = (-1) (-1) = 0

    (b) B = (-1) (-1) =0

    (c) B = 0 (-1) = 1

    (d) B = (-1) 0 = -1

    (e) B = 0 0 = 0

    (f) B = 1 0 = 1(g) B = (-1) 1 = -2

    (h) B = 1 (-1) = 2

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    BalanceA tree is completely balanced if its

    balance factor is 0 and its subtrees are

    also completely balanced.Completely balanced:B = 1 1 = 0 andnodes B and C are

    completely balanced as well.

    NOT Completely balanced:B = 1 1 = 0 butnode C is not completely


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    Balance Because completely balanced trees occur so

    seldomly, we usually concern ourselves with

    nearlybalancedtrees. A binary tree is considered nearly balanced if

    the height of its subtrees differs by no morethan 1 (i.e., a balance factor of 1, 0, or 1)

    and its subtrees are also nearly balanced.

    From now on, when we speak of a balancedtree, we will be referring to a nearly balancedtree.

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    Full Binary TreeA fullbinarytree is a binary tree in

    which each node has exactly 0 or 2





    7 19


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    Complete Binary TreeA completebinarytree is a binary

    tree that is completely filled, with the

    possible exception of the bottom level,which is filled from left to right.


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    Perfect Binary TreeA perfectbinarytree corresponds to

    a tree in which each node has 2

    children (except for the last level inwhich each node has no children).

    Intuitively, a perfect binary tree has nomissing nodes.

    A perfect binary tree has the maximumnumber of entries for its height.

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    Perfect Binary Tree Note:

    A perfect binary tree is a full binary tree inwhich all leaf nodes are at the same level.

    A perfect binary tree is a special case of acomplete tree.


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    Binary Tree Structure The representation of a binary tree structure

    is relatively straightforward.

    We need a variable to store the data at thenode and 2 pointers to the left and rightsubtrees.

    Node {int dataNode *leftNode *right


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    Binary Tree Structure

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Binary Tree TraversalsA binarytreetraversalrequires that

    each node of the tree be processed

    once and only once in a predeterminedsequence.

    The 2 general approaches to thetraversal sequence are: Depth-first


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    Depth-First Traversal In the depth-first traversal, the

    processing proceeds along a path from

    the root through one child to the mostdistant descendant of that first childbefore processing a second child.

    In other words, in the depth-firsttraversal, you process all of thedescendents of a child before going on

    to the next c


  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Depth-First Traversals The 3 standard depth-first traversals

    are shown below.

    The numbers represent the order inwhich the nodes are processed.

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    Preorder Traversal In the preorder traversal, the root node

    is processed first, followed by the left

    subtree and then the right subtree.

    Preorder = root node beforethe left and right subtrees.

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    Preorder Traversal

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    Preorder Traversal

    PseudocodepreOrder( root ) {

    if (root is not null)process(root)preOrder(root->leftSubtree)preOrder(root->rightSubtree)

    end ifreturn


    Note that we process theroot node first, then the leftsubtree, followed by theright subtree.

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    Inorder Traversal In the inorder traversal, the left subtree

    is processed first, followed by the root

    node, and then the right subtree.

    Inorder = root node inbetweenthe left and right subtrees.

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    Inorder Traversal

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    Inorder Traversal PseudocodeinOrder( root ) {

    if (root is not null)inOrder(root->leftSubtree)process(root)inOrder(root->rightSubtree)

    end ifreturn


    Note that we process the leftsubtree first, then the rootnode, followed by theright subtree.

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    Postorder Traversal In the postorder traversal, the left

    subtree is processed first, followed by

    the right subtree, and then the rootnode.

    Postorder = root node afterthe left and right subtrees.

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    Postorder Traversal

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    Postorder Traversal

    PseudocodepostOrder( root ) {

    if (root is not null)postOrder(root->leftSubtree)postOrder(root->rightSubtree)process(root)

    end ifreturn


    Note that we process theleft subtree first, then the rightsubtree, followed by the rootnode.

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    Depth-First Traversals Note that in the depth-first traversals

    we use a stack.

    Remember: the depth-first traversalsutilize recursion, which is implementedusing a stack.

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    Breadth-First Traversals In a breadth-firsttraversal, the

    processing proceeds horizontally from

    the root to all of its children, then to itschildrens children, and so forth until allnodes have been processed.

    In other words, in the breadth-firsttraversal, each level is completelyprocessed before the next level is


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    Breadth-First Traversal

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    m.ali shahid

    Breadth-First Traversal

    PseudocodenodeToProcess = root

    loop (nodeToProcess not null)


    if( nodeToProcess->left not null)enqueue(nodeToProcess->left)

    end if

    if( nodeToProcess->right not null)


    end ifif( not emptyQueue)

    nodeToProcess = dequeue()else

    nodeToProcess = null

    end if

    end loop

    Note that the breadth-firsttraversal makes use of the

    queue data structure.

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    Traversals and Function

    Pointers Traversal algorithms are a great use of

    function pointers.

    For example, you can write 1 traversalalgorithm and have it perform many differenttasks.

    Example: myTree.inorder(myFunc)

    This performs an inorder traversal of the treeand, at each node, can display the contents,modify the contents, etc. depending on thefunction that is passed to it.

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    General Trees A generaltree is a tree in which each nodehas an unrestricted outdegree.

    Many real world situations can be modeledwith general trees.

    Therefore, we need to be able to processgeneral trees.

    To process a general tree, however, we firstconvert the general tree into a binary tree.

    We now describe this process.

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    General Trees Here, each node has 2 pointers:

    The left pointer points to the nodes oldest

    child(i.e., left-most child). The right pointer points to the nodes next


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    m.ali shahid

    General Trees

  • 8/8/2019 Intro to Trees


    n-ary TreesAn n-arytree is a generalization of a

    binary tree whose nodes can have no

    more than n children. Implementations:

    You can use the implementation justdiscussed to implement an n-ary tree OR

    Since you know the maximum number ofchildren for each node, you can let eachnode point directly to its children.

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    m.ali shahid

    n-ary TreesExample of a ternary tree

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    Alternate Implementation We have assumed we are using


    However, we could have just as easilyimplemented our tree using an array.

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    Alternate Implementation

    Here, our tree is stored in

    a 2D array. The numbersstored with a node are theindices of the left and rightchildren of the node in thearray.