introducing sociology

INTRODUCING SOCIOLOGY Defining the Discipline and Its History

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. INTRODUCINGSOCIOLOGYDefining the Discipline and Its History
  2. 2. What is sociology?Per Kendall, sociology is the systematic study of human society and social interaction Multiple scopes of analysis (macro, micro) Based on scientific research, not common sense, hunches, personal convictions, etc.It is possible to systematically to study groups of peoples because: People are social beings People act in routine, predictable ways (most of the time)
  3. 3. Do people act in predictable ways?When you woke up this morning, how did you choose to dress?Clearly the deck is stacked in favor of people acting inpredictable ways and thus a scientific study of society ispossible!
  4. 4. Sociology helps us debunk socialmythsAnswer true or false to the following statements:1. The South was less segregated in 1950 than it was in 18902. States that have legalized gay marriage have much higher divorce rates3. The reasons that people commit suicide cannot be measured by anything individualistic ones (ex. a sense of personal despair)4. Countries with an established church (i.e. the Catholic Church in Spain, the Church of England) have higher rates of religious devotion than countries without a history of an official state church.
  5. 5. The answer to all these isFALSE!!!1. Jim Crow Laws didnt take effect until the early 1900s. Until then, it was quite common for white males to get haircuts, for example, from black barbers.2. 5 out of the 10 states/jurisdictions with the lowest divorce rates are part of 9 jurisdictions that recognize/perform gay marriage (Link to article)3. Certain social groups are more likely to commit suicide and suicide is more prevalent in times of social change4. The US has never had an official state church, yet church attendance is far higher than in Western European countries (many of whom still have a state church)
  6. 6. Why sociology over casualobservation? Common sense is not at all common, nor does it make sense Our observations are biased by our own assumptions and experiences What seems like individual choices might actually be socially conditioned responses (ex. What we wear) Things are not what they seem -Famed sociologist Peter Berger
  7. 7. The Study of the PainfullyObvious? Link
  8. 8. Locating Sociology Among theSciencesGeology SociologyPhysics Psychology Anthropology Political ChemistryScienceBiology History Physical Sciences Hybrids Social Sciences
  9. 9. Sociology and BiblicalRevelationWe are created in Gods image (Gen. 1:27) andthus, sociology teaches about ourselves andGod. Sociology is practical for ministers in thatit helps us: Understand society Understand group dynamics Equips to do research on people Helps us sift between social myths and realitywhen making sense of social changes Separate data from interpretation
  10. 10. Sociology and Biblical Revelation,pt.2 Sociology has many common assumptions ofthe biblical worldview, but diverges greatly inothers. Emphasison structures, institutions, andprocesses, rather than ultimate meaning or theexistence of God Sociologists do, however, study world faiths todetermine their social and subjectivesignificance While most sociologists are value-free in theirresearch, their pre-existing assumptions affectthe types of questions they ask and how they
  11. 11. Sociologys Original Sin Combination of Scientific Revolution (17thcentury) and 18th century political revolutions(USA, France) upended existing assumptionsof society In this environment, French philosopherAuguste Comte proposed that society wasgoverned by scientific laws (statics anddynamics) Coined the term sociology from Latin socius(social) and Greek logos (study of) Sociologists would be high priests of this newreligion
  12. 12. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) French sociologist who pioneeredthe structuralist approach tosociology Believed that social factsgoverned society Made a lasting contribution tosociological thought in his studiesof religion and suicide Performed the first truesociological study
  13. 13. Karl Marx (1818-1883) Father of communism and greatlyinfluenced the conflict theory withinsociology Believed all societies could be dividedinto the oppressed and oppressors Believed that the workers wouldeventually overtake the rich and set upa socialist state All social institutions (religion, family)ultimately supported the means ofproduction
  14. 14. Max Weber (1864-1920) Father of the symbolic interactionistperspective in sociology-a bottom-up approach to studying society Most famously know for his workThe Protestant Ethic and the Spirit ofCapitalism Believed the world was movingtowards an iron cage of rationality Was said to have debated the ghostof Marx
  15. 15. W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963) First American-American to receivea PhD from Harvard and firstAmerican-American sociologist Known for his publication of ThePhiladelphia Negro and The Soulsof Black Folk-integrating the African-American experience of double-consciousness into formal sociology Co-founder of the NAACP in 1909
  16. 16. Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) Most influential sociologist of 20thcentury-advocated the functionalistperspective Saw society as well-oiled machinethat seeks equilibrium and stability Each person and institution serves afunction that makes society worktogether and dysfunctional parts willbring down the whole
  17. 17. C. Wright Mills (1916-1962) Advocated a conflict perspective(like Marx) but did not see ahappy ending for society Coined the term sociologicalimagination-the idea thatseemingly personal troubles arelinked to social trends Believed that a power elite,comprised of military, political,and economic elites, ruled thenation