introduction to databases and sql paul c. shipe tga august 2010

Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

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0.1 Overview  The following are a few resources which were used in preparing this Introduction:  MySQL Tutorial, by Luke Welling, Laura Thomson  Learning MySQL, (from O’REILLY)  MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual  Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide (10.2)  Oracle Database 10g High Availability, White Paper


Page 1: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

Introduction to Databases and SQL

Paul C. ShipeTGA

August 2010

Page 2: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

0.0 Overview The following are our goals for this Introduction to

Databases and SQL:

Introduction to Relational Databases ANSI/ISO SQL Standard Hands On SQL Data Modeling Advanced Topics

Page 3: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

0.1 Overview The following are a few resources which were used in

preparing this Introduction:

MySQL Tutorial, by Luke Welling, Laura Thomson

Learning MySQL , (from O’REILLY)

MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide (10.2)

Oracle Database 10g High Availability, White Paper

Page 4: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

1.0 Databases and MySQL Basically, a database stores information in some

structured format. There are many different kinds of databases. Some

of the more traditional databases include:

Flat File Text Databases Relational Databases Object Oriented Databases Object-Relational Databases XML Databases

Page 5: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

1.1 Databases and MySQL Some of the more popular relational and object-relational

databases include:

Oracle DB2 SQLServer MySQL PostgreSQL Sybase Informix . . .

Page 6: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

1.2 Databases and MySQL We will use MySQL for our examples. Let’s look at the MySQL Web site, and get an idea of

the different types of resources that are available, mostly for free:

Documentation > View next to “English v5.0” Downloads > MySQl 6.0 - Alpha > Select from OS Documentation > Articles > White Papers Type ‘create table’ in the Search Field The mysql web site can be extremely useful

Page 7: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

2.0 ANSI/ISO SQL Standards

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language of relational databases.

In the computer industry, like many other industries, there are standards which are important to provide consistency. (Imagine if every database had a completely different language to learn, or if C++ or Java were not the same from platform to platform.)

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have worked on SQL Standards.

SQL-86 SQL-89 SQL-92 SQL:1999 SQL:2003 SQL:2006 A good review of the SQL Standards can be found at Wikepedia.

Remember Set Theory?Structured Query Language (SQL) is just away of creating a Venn diagram that willselect the rows of interest from the database tables.

Page 8: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

2.1 ANSI/ISO SQL-99 Standard

Although databases may vary from one to another on the basic structure of their implementation, most of the aspects of SQL are consistent from one database to another.

There are basically two parts to the SQL Language, DDL or the Data Definition Language, and DML or the Data Manipulation Language.

The DDL Language involves, creating, modifying and granting permissions on:

Databases Users Tables Indexes . . .

Page 9: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

2.2 ANSI/ISO SQL-99 Standard

The DML Language involves manipulating data inside the database. Statements such as the following comprise DML:

Insert Update Delete Select * . . .

The SQL Standard specifies the precise format of each of the statements, which make up the Standard.

Page 10: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

3.0 Databases,Users,Permissions

We will use Appendix A to Setup andConfigure the MySQL database.

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3.1 Databases,Users,Permissions Open a DOS Window in the Upper Left, we will use this Window to log into MySQL as the ‘root’ user.

Password should be TGA_2010

Open a DOS Window in the Lower Right, we will use this Window to log into MySQL as the ‘teachers’ user.

In the upper left:

C:\>mysql -u root -pEnter password: ********Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 11Server version: 5.1.49-community MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || mysql || test |+--------------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Don't forget the semicolon

Page 12: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

3.2 Databases,Users,Permissionsmysql> create database grades;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| information_schema || grades || mysql || test |+--------------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use grades;Database changedmysql> show tables;Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table stuff -> (stuff_id int not null primary key, -> stuff_name varchar(30) -> ) engine=InnoDB;Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.05 sec)

Page 13: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

3.3 Databases,Users,Permissionsmysql> show tables;+------------------+| Tables_in_grades |+------------------+| stuff |+------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe stuff;+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| stuff_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | || stuff_name | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all on test.* to teachers@localhost identified by 'TGA_2010';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Next, go to the Lower Right Window, where we will log on as the user ‘teachers’.

note the apostrophes

Page 14: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

3.4 Databases,Users,PermissionsC:\>mysql -u teachers -pEnter password: ********Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 14Server version: 5.0.51b-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use test;Database changedmysql> use grades;ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'teachers'@'localhost' to database 'grades'

Next go to the Upper Left Window, and grant the user ‘teachers’ privileges on grades.

mysql> grant all on grades.* to teachers@localhost;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

When creating a User, the DBA does not have to grant all, nor grant to *.

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3.5 Databases,Users,PermissionsFinally, In the Lower Right Window:

mysql> use grades;Database changedmysql> describe stuff;+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+| stuff_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | || stuff_name | varchar(30) | YES | | NULL | |+------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+2 rows in set (0.02 sec)


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3.6 Databases,Users,Permissions A Few Data Types in MySQL:

Numerical int float double String and Text char varchar blob Date date time datetime timestamp

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3.7 Databases,Users,Permissions A Few Privileges in MySQL

User create create temporary tables delete execute index insert lock tables select show databases update

Administrator all alter drop file process reload shutdown with grant option

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4.0 Basic SQL• Close all MySQL Monitors. Type ‘quit;’.• In the Lower Right Window, logon as ‘teachers’ again.

C:\>mysql -u teachers -pEnter password: ********Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MySQL connection id is 17Server version: 5.0.51b-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use grades;Database changedmysql> select * from stuff;Empty set (0.06 sec)

mysql> insert into stuff values (1,'Mouse');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> insert into stuff values (2,'Keyboard');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into stuff values (3,'Monitor');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

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4.1 Basic SQLmysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | Monitor |+----------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> update stuff set stuff_name='CPU' where stuff_id=3;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | CPU |+----------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from stuff where stuff_name = 'CPU';Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

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4.2 Basic SQL

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard |+----------+------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quitBye


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5.0 Transactions One of the problems with many people accessing and changing the same

database information, is keeping the data consistent. Transactions provide a way of grouping a set of SQL Statements so that they

either all succeed or all fail. A transaction ends with either a commit or a rollback. The default in MySQL is that each statement you type will autocommit. Logon as the user ‘root’ in the Upper Left, and as the user ‘teachers’ in the

Lower Right:

Lower Right as ‘teachers’

mysql> use grades;Database changedmysql>mysql> set autocommit=0;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Setting autocommit=0 will cause mysql to “not” automatically commit.

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5.1 Transactionsmysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard |+----------+------------+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into stuff values (3,'Hard Drive');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | Hard Drive |+----------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now Go to the Upper Left Window and select from stuff.

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5.2 Transactionsmysql> use grades;Database changedmysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard |+----------+------------+2 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Since the transaction started by the ‘teachers’ session has not committed the transaction, it is not available to other sessions.

Now in the Lower Right Window, commit the transaction.

mysql> commit;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

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5.3 TransactionsNow Select again in the Upper Left Window as root.

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | Hard Drive |+----------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now again in the Lower Right as ‘teachers’.

mysql> insert into stuff values (4,'Printer');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | Hard Drive || 4 | Printer |+----------+------------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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5.4 Transactionsmysql> rollback;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> select * from stuff;+----------+------------+| stuff_id | stuff_name |+----------+------------+| 1 | Mouse || 2 | Keyboard || 3 | Hard Drive |+----------+------------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quitBye


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5.5 Transactions

• A Few Types of MySQL Storage Engines:

MyISAM Default, No Transactions, No Foreign Keys

InnoDB Transactions, Foreign Keys

Berkeley DB Similar to InnoDB, but not as widely used

HEAP Stored in Memory, Fast, Unsafe

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6.0 Data Modeling Terms Entities are Things.

Relationships are links between entities. (1 to 1, 1 to many,many to 1,many to many)

Tables (Relations) hold a set of data in tabular form.

Columns (Attributes) belonging to tables describe the attributes that each data item has.

Rows in tables hold data items for each column in a table.

Keys are used to identify a single row.

Normalization is a process for improving database design.

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6.1 Data Modeling

Consider the following employee, department, skills set of data:

Empid Name Job Deptid Department Skills

10 Hamilton Hunt Programmer 100 Computers Java,C,Perl

20 Joe James DBA 200 Systems Oracle,MySQL

30 Frank Farmer Web Developer 100 Computers Java,XML

40 Reynolds Rap Accountant 500 Accounting Excel,123

50 Sam Smith CEO 600 Management Managing

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6.2 Data Modeling

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7.0 Implement Data Model Type the following into separate files using the Crimson editor.

create table emp(empid int not null, name varchar(100), job varchar(100), deptid int not null, primary key (empid), foreign key (deptid) references dept (deptid)) engine=INNODB;

create table dept(deptid int not null primary key, deptname varchar(30)) engine=INNODB;

create table skill(empid int not null, skill varchar(30) not null, primary key (empid,skill), foreign key (empid) references emp (empid)) engine=INNODB;

A foreign key constraint defines one ormore columns in a table as referencingcolumns to a unique or primary key inanother table. Foreign keys can preventthe entry of data for which there is nomatching value in the related table.

A primary key constraint declares one or morecolumns whose values uniquely identify eachrecord (row) in the table.Their values must be unique and not null.

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7.1 Implement Data Model Run each file by using the following command three times

mysql –u teachers –p grades < file.sql

Then go into MySQL

Verify that the tables are there. (show tables;) Look at the table on 6.1. Create an insert.sql file to insert this data. Use the command above to run the script. Use select statements to check that the data is there select * from emp; select * from dept; select * from skill;

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8.0 Queries Try a few queries on the new tables:

use grades;

select * from emp;

select empid,name from emp;

select * from emp where job='Programmer';

select empid, name, e.deptid, d.deptname from emp e, dept d wheree.deptid = d.deptid;

select name,s.skill from emp e,skill s where e.empid = s.empid;

Try ‘tee filename’ to spool to a file. ‘notee’ to stop spooling.

Shorthand aliases

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8.1 Queries• A Few Additional Queries

select count(*) from emp;

select max(deptid) from emp;

select deptid, count(*) from emp group by deptid;

select * from emp where deptid in (select deptid from dept where deptname='Accounting');

select now();

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8.2 Queries

• A Few Additional Queries

select name, deptid*2 from emp;

select name, sqrt(deptid) from emp;

select concat("My Name is: ",name) from emp;

select table_name, engine from information_schema.tables;

Try to duplicate the data on 6.1. Can you?

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8.3 Queries

• MySQl also supports



Spatial Datatypes

Regular Expressions

Limited XML Support (More in 6.0)

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9.0 Stored ProceduresBeginning with MySQL 5.0, the ability to program with stored procedures andfunctions has been included. This provides a powerful programming capability for database development. Consider the problem of inserting a newemployee into our emp database. By using a stored procedure, several SQLstatements can be grouped together and be committed or rolled back dependingon success or failure.

Type the following into a file and run it in MySQL

delimiter //create procedure insert_new_employee (in empid int,in name varchar(30),in job varchar(30), in deptid int,in skill varchar(30))begin insert into emp values(empid,name,job,deptid); insert into skill values (empid,skill); commit;end //

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9.1 Stored ProceduresMake sure to set autocommit=0

mysql> call insert_new_employee(70,'Paul Payne','Accountant',500,'Quattro'); -> //

Select * from emp; Select * from skill;

In the above example, we provided the value of 70 for the empid. The waythat it would actually be done is that the stored procedure would searchthe table for the largest empid, increment, and assign that value programmatically. Also, there would be error trapping which would detect an error and rollback instead of commit in that case.

Our example has included only SQL, but a nice programming environmentexists for the stored procedures and functions.

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10.0 MySQL Administrator

• We will Use Appendix B to install MySQL GUI Tools.• Use “localhost” as the Server Host.• Type in the root password.• Use the GUI Tool to find:

UsersDatabasesTables. . .

• Try using the MySQL Query Browser.

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11.0 mysqldumpWe will use the mysqldump command to backup a database and copy

it to a new database.

mysqldump --opt –u teachers –p grades > backup.sql

Look at the backup.sql file.Create a new database, and then Recover the backup.As root, you will need to create the newdatabase andgrant access to teachers.

mysql –u teachers –p newdatabase < backup.sql

Check that all tables and data are there.use newdatabase;show tables;select * from emp;

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12.0 Other Concepts Indexes. Indexes are smaller support tables which order a particular

column or columns of a table to make disk access faster. Stored Procedures. A stored procedure is a group of SQL statements

that form a logical unit and perform a particular task. Partitioning. Partitioning addresses the key problem of supporting very

large tables and indexes by allowing users to decompose them into smaller and more manageable pieces called partitions.

Clusters. For database systems which have very large numbers of users accessing the data, clusters of computers can be used to access the database, preventing bottlenecks which can occur when a system is hosted by just one computer.

Replication. Replication allows you to take one database, make an exact copy of it on another server, and set one of them (the slave) to take all its updates from the other (the master). The slave reads the master's binary logs, which store all statements that change a database, and repeats these on its database, keeping the two in exact sync.

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13.0 What A DBA Does Installing and Upgrading the Database Server/Tools Allocating system storage. Creating database storage structures, database objects,

and modifying as needed. Enrolling users and maintaining security. Monitoring database access. Monitoring database performance and optimizing as

necessary. Planning for backup and recovery. Backing up and Restoring as Needed.

Page 42: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

14.0 Loading Grades SchemaDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `students`;CREATE TABLE `students` ( `Student` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `WeightedAverage` float(6,2) NOT NULL, `Rank` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '1/1', PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`Student`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO `students` (`Student`,`WeightedAverage`,`Rank`) VALUES ('Blackstone, Harry',90.40,'1/4'), ('Burton, Lance',62.80,'4/4'), ('Copperfield, David',84.20,'3/4'), ('Houdini, Harry',88.80,'2/4');

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14.1 Loading Grades SchemaCREATE TABLE `grades` ( `student` varchar(70) NOT NULL, `test_date` datetime NOT NULL, `grade` int(11) NOT NULL, `weight` float(4,2) NOT NULL default '1.00', `key` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (`key`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO `grades` (`student`,`test_date`,`grade`,`weight`,`key`) VALUES ('Copperfield, David','2008-09-15 00:00:00',85,1.00,0), ('Copperfield, David','2008-10-12 00:00:00',81,1.00,1), ('Copperfield, David','2008-11-02 00:00:00',79,1.00,2), ('Copperfield, David','2008-12-15 00:00:00',88,2.00,3), ('Blackstone, Harry','2008-09-15 00:00:00',90,1.00,4), ('Blackstone, Harry','2008-10-12 00:00:00',87,1.00,5), ('Blackstone, Harry','2008-11-02 00:00:00',93,1.00,6), ('Blackstone, Harry','2008-12-15 00:00:00',91,2.00,7), ('Burton, Lance','2008-09-15 00:00:00',57,1.00,8), ('Burton, Lance','2008-10-12 00:00:00',65,1.00,9), ('Burton, Lance','2008-11-02 00:00:00',60,1.00,10), ('Burton, Lance','2008-12-15 00:00:00',66,2.00,11), ('Houdini, Harry','2008-09-15 00:00:00',84,1.00,12), ('Houdini, Harry','2008-10-12 00:00:00',89,1.00,13), ('Houdini, Harry','2008-11-02 00:00:00',91,1.00,14), ('Houdini, Harry','2008-12-15 00:00:00',90,2.00,15);

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14.2 Loading Grades SchemaCREATE TABLE `passwords` ( `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(45) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO `passwords` (`name`,`password`) VALUES ('Dennis+Reed','1100+College+St%2C+MUW29'), ('Jean+Green','3161+Prutsman+Rd.'), ('Jim+Rome','A+very+good+password%2F'), ('Larry+Hamlin','5+Ector+Street%2C+Apt.+G'), ('Laura+Morris','4+Chadwick+Wade+Drive'), ('Norissa+Martin','684+Gale+Drive%2C+Apt 2'), ('Rosalie+Wolfe','59713+US+Hwy+50');

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15.0 CSAT Work

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16.0 Indexes and PerformanceWe will create the wfs_feature table below, and populate it with many dummy records using a stored procedure to demonstrate the performance improvements possible by using indexes.

create table wfs_feature(feature_id int not null primary key, feature_type varchar(64), feature_long float, feature_lat float, feature_owner varchar(30)) engine=InnoDB;

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16.1 Indexes and Performancedelimiter //

create procedure populate_wfs_feature (in startid int,in endid int)

begin declare rndnum int; declare loopvar int; set loopvar=startid;while loopvar < endid+1 do select floor(1+(rand()*9)) into rndnum;

if rndnum=1 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Node',-77.7,38.6,'ORNL'); elseif rndnum=2 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Sensor',-75.7,39.6,'Ft Bragg'); elseif rndnum=3 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Observation',-79.7,33.6,’LA'); elseif rndnum=4 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Group',-77.7,38.6,’ORNL'); elseif rndnum=5 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Feature',-72.7,39.6,’DC'); elseif rndnum=6 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:LocationHistory',-77.7,38.6,'ORNL'); elseif rndnum=7 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Sensor',-77.7,38.6,'Kentucky'); elseif rndnum=8 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Sensor',-77.7,38.6,'SanDiego'); elseif rndnum=9 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Sensor',-77.7,38.6,'Ontario'); elseif rndnum=10 then insert into wfs_feature values(loopvar,'snet:Sensor',-77.7,38.6,'Detroit'); end if; set loopvar=loopvar+1;end while;end //

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16.2 Indexes and Performancemysql> delimiter ;mysql> set autocommit=0;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> call populate_wfs_feature(1,5000000);Query OK, 1 row affected (3 min 37.81 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from wfs_feature;+----------+| count(*) |+----------+| 1000000 |+----------+1 row in set (2.83 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from wfs_feature where feature_type='snet:Sensor' and feature_owner='Kentucky';+----------+| count(*) |+----------+| 110537 |+----------+1 row in set (3.38 sec)

mysql> create index comp1 on wfs_feature(feature_type,feature_owner);Query OK, 1000000 rows affected (1 min 9.26 sec)Records: 1000000 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> select count(*) from wfs_feature where feature_type='snet:Sensor' and feature_owner='Kentucky';+----------+| count(*) |+----------+| 110537 |+----------+1 row in set (0.73 sec)

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17.0 MySQL Connector/J (Client/Server)To Install MYSQL Connector/J:

Copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin to $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext


Insert the code on the next page into “”


java select

Page 50: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

17.1 MySQL Connector/J (Client/Server)import java.sql.*; public class select { public static void main(String argv[]) { try { Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grades?user=teachers&password=ARC_2008"); stmt = con.createStatement( ); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from dept"); System.out.println("\nDeptid Deptname\n");

while( )) { int a= rs.getInt("deptid"); String str = rs.getString("deptname"); System.out.print(" " + a); System.out.print(" " + str); System.out.print("\n"); }

stmt.close( ); con.close( );

} catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace( ); } }}

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Appendix A.1 Installation of MySQL 5.0• Go to• Click on Downloads at the top• Click on “Download >>” under MySQL Community Server• Click on Windows• Select “Pick a Mirror” for “Windows ZIP/Setup.EXE (x86)”• Click “No Thanks”• Download mysql-5.0.51b-win32.exe into c:\mysql• Double-click this file to extract Setup.exe into c:\mysql• Double-click Setup.exe to start the MySQL Installer

Click RunClick Next on the Welcome ScreenSelect “Complete” and click NextClick Install

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Appendix A.2 Installation of MySQL 5.0

Click Next on the Two Informational ScreensEnsure that Wizard Configuration is selected and click Finish

Wizard ConfigurationClick Next to ConfigureSelect “Standard Configuration” and click NextMake sure that the following two are checked

Install as a Windows ServiceInclude the bin directory in the PATH

Then click NextType in the root password twice, and click NextClick ExecuteClick Finish

• Check Start > All Programs > MySQL > MySQL Server 5.0

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Appendix A.1 Installation of MySQL 5.0• Go to• Select the Windows version• Download mysql-5.1.49-win32.msi into c:\mysql• Double-click this file to start the MySQL Installer

Click Next on the Welcome ScreenSelect “Complete” and click NextClick Install

Allow the install (if Windows 7 or Vista) Click Next on the Enterprise screen Click next on the monitor service

Page 54: Introduction to Databases and SQL Paul C. Shipe TGA August 2010

Appendix A.2 Installation of MySQL 5.0Click Next on the Two Informational ScreensEnsure that Configuration Wizard is selected and click Finish

Wizard ConfigurationClick Next to Configure. Allow MySQL to make changes.Select “Standard Configuration” and click NextMake sure that the following two are checked

Install as a Windows ServiceInclude the bin directory in the PATH

Then click NextType in the root password twice, and click Next. Use

TGA_2010 for the password. Do NOT check enable root access or create anonymous account

Click ExecuteClick Finish

• Check Start > All Programs > MySQL > MySQL Server 5.0

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Installation of MySQL WorkbenchGo to sure that Windows is selected for the platform and download mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.25-win32.msiDouble-click the downloaded file to install it Allow the install Click Next Choose Complete and Next Click Install Allow the install Uncheck the launch MySQL Workbench and click Finish

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Appendix B.1 Installation of MySQL Tools

• Go to• Click on Downloads at the top• Scroll down to MySQL Tools• Click “MySQL GUI Tools”• Select “Pick a Mirror” for “Windows (x86)”• Click “No Thanks”• Download mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r12-win32.msi into c:\mysql• Double-click this file to install the Tools

Click RunClick Next on the Welcome ScreenAccept the License and click NextClick Next on the “Destination Folder” Screen

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Appendix B.2 Installation of MySQL Tools

Select “Complete” and click NextClick InstallClick Next on two Informational ScreensClick Finish

• Check Start > All Programs > MySQL • Run the MySQL Administrator

Login as localhostrootpassword