introduction to go

Introduction to Go GDG Korea DevFair 2014 장재휴 Developer, Purpleworks

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Page 1: Introduction to go

Introduction to GoGDG Korea DevFair 2014

장재휴Developer, Purpleworks

Page 2: Introduction to go

Simple can be harder than complex

단 순 함 은 복 잡 함 보 다 어 렵 다 . 생 각 을 명 쾌 하 게 해 단 순 하 게 만 드 려 면 굉 장 히 노 력 해 야 한 다 . 하 지 만 결 국 그 럴 가 치 가 있 다 . 일 단 단 순 함 에 도 달 하 면 , 산 을 움 직 일 수 있 기 때 문 이 다 .

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What is Go

OOP in Go

Concurrency in Go

Real world Go

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What is Go

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Why Go?

Statically typed languages ➔ Efficient vs Hard to write

Dynamic language ➔ Easy to use vs Slow

Speed vs Safety vs Ease to use

Concurrent programming is hard(thread, lock, mutex)

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What is go

A modern, general purpose language.

open source

Statically typed languages

Feel dynamically





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OOP in Go

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1. Object via struct and method

No Classes. No "Objects"

But Go is object-based

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Object in Go

package main

import "fmt"

// Type Declaration (Struct)type Rect struct { width int height int}

// Declaring a Methodfunc (r *Rect) Area() int {func (r *Rect) Area() int { return r.width * r.height}

// In Actionfunc main() { r := Rect{width: 10, height: 5} fmt.Println("area: ", r.Area())fmt.Println("area: ", r.Area())} Run

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Object in Go II

// Type Declaration (built-in type)type Rects []Recttype Rects []Rect

// Declaring a Methodfunc (rs Rects) Area() int {func (rs Rects) Area() int { var a int for _, r := range rs { a += r.Area() } return a}

// In Actionfunc main() { r := Rect{width: 10, height: 5} x := Rect{width: 7, height: 10} rs := Rects{r, x} fmt.Println("r's area: ", r.Area()) fmt.Println("x's area: ", x.Area()) fmt.Println("total area: ", rs.Area())} Run

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2. Code reuse

No Inheritance

Composition over inheritance principle

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Composition in Go

// Type Declaration (Struct)type Address struct { Number, Street, City, State string}

// Embedding Typestype Person struct { Name string AddressAddress}

func main() { // Declare using Composite Literal p := Person{ Name: "Steve", Address: Address{Number: "13", Street: "Main", City: "Gotham", State: "NY"},Address: Address{Number: "13", Street: "Main", City: "Gotham", State: "NY"}, } fmt.Println(p) fmt.Println(p.Address)} Run

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Composition in Go II

// Declaring a Methodfunc (a *Address) String() string { return a.Number + " " + a.Street + "\n" + a.City + ", " + a.State + " " + "\n"}

func (p *Person) String() string { return p.Name + "\n" + p.Address.String()return p.Name + "\n" + p.Address.String()}

func main() { p := Person{ Name: "Steve", Address: Address{Number: "13", Street: "Main", City: "Gotham", State: "NY"}, } fmt.Println(p.String()) fmt.Println(p.Address.String())} Run

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3. Polymorphism via interface

Interface is just set of methods

Interface define behavior (duck typing)

"If something can do this, then it can be used here"

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Interfaces in Go

type Rect struct { width int height int}type Rects []Rect

func (r Rect) Area() int {func (r Rect) Area() int { return r.width * r.height}

func (rs Rects) Area() int {func (rs Rects) Area() int { var a int for _, r := range rs { a += r.Area() } return a}

// Interface Declarationtype Shaper interface {type Shaper interface { Area() intArea() int}}

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Interfaces in Go II

// Interface Declarationtype Shaper interface { Area() int}

// Using Interface as Param Typefunc Describe(s Shaper) {func Describe(s Shaper) { fmt.Println("Area is:", s.Area())fmt.Println("Area is:", s.Area())}}

// In Actionfunc main() { r := Rect{width: 10, height: 5} x := Rect{width: 7, height: 10} rs := Rects{r, x}

Describe(r)Describe(r) Describe(x)Describe(x) Describe(rs)Describe(rs)} Run

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The Power of Interface

Writer interface in standard "io" package

// Writer interface { Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error)}

Fprintln function in standard "fmt" package

func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)

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The Power of Interface

In handle function, just write to io.Writer object

func handle(w io.Writer, msg string) { fmt.Fprintln(w, msg)}

The os.Stdout can be used for io.Writer.

func main() { msg := []string{"hello", "world", "this", "is", "an", "example", "of", "io.Writer"} for _, s := range msg { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) handle(os.Stdout, s)handle(os.Stdout, s) }} Run

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The Power of Interface

The http.ResponseWriter can be used for io.Writer.

localhost:4000/hello-world (http://localhost:4000/hello-world)

localhost:4000/this-is-an-example-of-io.Writer (http://localhost:4000/this-is-an-example-of-io.Writer)

func handle(w io.Writer, msg string) { fmt.Fprintln(w, msg)}

func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { handle(w, r.URL.Path[1:])handle(w, r.URL.Path[1:]) }) fmt.Println("start listening on port 4000") http.ListenAndServe(":4000", nil)} Run

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Concurrency in Go

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What is concurrency

Composition of independently executing computations.

It is not parallelism.

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Go's Concurrency is

Easy to understand.

Easy to use.

You don't need to be an expert!

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Go's approach

In UNIX: processes connected by pipes:

find ~/go/src | grep _test.go$ | xargs wc -l

In Go: goroutines connected by channels

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Fundamentals #1 - Goroutine

Independently executing function.

The go statement launches a function call as a goroutine

go f()go f(x, y, ...)

It's not a thread

Very lightweight

A goroutine has its own stack

A goroutine runs concurrently

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Goroutine example

func f(msg string, delay time.Duration) { for { fmt.Println(msg) time.Sleep(delay) }}

func main() { go f("A--", 300*time.Millisecond) go f("-B-", 500*time.Millisecond) go f("--C", 1100*time.Millisecond) time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)} Run

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Fundamentals #2 - Channel-based communication

Channel allow goroutines to exchange information and synchronize.


chan intchan<- string // send-only channel<-chan T // receive-only channel

Create channel

ch = make(chan int)


ch <- 1 // send value 1 on channel chx = <-ch // receive a value from channel ch

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Communicating goroutines

func f(msg string, delay time.Duration, ch chan string) { for { ch <- msg time.Sleep(delay) }}

func main() { ch := make(chan string) go f("A--", 300*time.Millisecond, ch) go f("-B-", 500*time.Millisecond, ch) go f("--C", 1100*time.Millisecond, ch)

for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { fmt.Println(i, <-ch) }} Run

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Communicating goroutines II

type Ball struct{ hits int }

func main() { table := make(chan *Ball) go player("ping", table) go player("pong", table)

table <- new(Ball) // game on; toss the ball time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) <-table // game over; grab the ball}

func player(name string, table chan *Ball) { for { ball := <-table ball.hits++ fmt.Println(name, ball.hits) time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) table <- ball }} Run

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Goroutines give the efficiency of an asynchronous model.

But you can write code in a synchronous style.

"Don’t communicate by sharing memory . Instead, share memory by communicating."

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Real world Go

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Microchats for everyone

Instantly create a channel any topic, location or event

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Message Flow

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Action of message processing worker

1. save message to datastore 2. fetch channel information 3. fetch user information 4. publish

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Measure First

ruby version

go version

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RPC-bound jobs are very common

Excuting next job while waiting

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Concurrency II

Run synchronously

err1 :=

c, err2 := msg.fetchChannel()msg.setChannel(c)

u, err3 := msg.fetchUser()msg.setUser(u)

if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil { /* ... */}

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Concurrency III

Run concurrently

errc := make(chan error)

go func() {go func() { err := errc <- errerrc <- err }()

go func() {go func() { c, err := msg.fetchChannel() msg.setChannel(c) errc <- errerrc <- err }()

go func() {go func() { u, err := msg.fetchUser() msg.setUser(u) errc <- errerrc <- err }()

err1, err2, err3 := <-errc, <-errc, <- errcerr1, err2, err3 := <-errc, <-errc, <- errc if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil { /* ... */ }

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Using SQL can be slow

Using redis is good, but fault tolerance is too hard.

Solution: Timeout waiting

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Caching with control variance

func fetchUser(id string) (*User, error) { var u *User var err error

done := make(chan *User) go func() { u, _ := findFromRedis(id)u, _ := findFromRedis(id) done <- u }()

select {select { case u = <-done:case u = <-done: case <-time.After(REDIS_TIMEOUT * time.Millisecond):case <-time.After(REDIS_TIMEOUT * time.Millisecond): }}

if u == nil { u, err = findFromSql(id)u, err = findFromSql(id) if err != nil { return nil, err } saveToRedis(u)saveToRedis(u) } return u, nil}

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Before and After

ruby version

go version

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Go is... not so great

Go is young language

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Thank you

장재휴Developer, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])