introduction to the strategic issues

IEG Stage Plan & Resource Allocation - Appendix B Project Brief Document Type Work Together Method Product Template Programme E-GOVERNMENT AND Public Access Project C051 INTERNET BASED TRANSACTIONS AND PRIORITY OUTCOMES Doc Ref & Issue Number PM/SR/04 INTERNET BASED TRANSACTIONS AND PRIORITY OUTCOMES Date 6 th May 05 Status Draft for consultation Author Pauline Meechan 1

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IEG Stage Plan & Resource Allocation - Appendix B

Project Brief

Document Type Work Together Method Product Template Programme E-GOVERNMENT AND Public Access Project C051 INTERNET BASED TRANSACTIONS



Date 6th May 05 Status Draft for consultation Author Pauline Meechan


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1 Stage Plan History Document Location This document is only valid on the day it was printed. The source of the document will be found in the Project Folder on the ‘O’ drive called 157 group under reports. Revision History Date of this revision:

Date of Next revision:

Revision date

Previous revision date

Summary of Changes Changes marked

05th Mar 2005 First draft Approvals This document requires the following approvals. Signed approval forms are filed in the Management/Specialist/Quality section of the project files. Name Signature Title Date of



Bill Errington Chairman of the BVPI 157 Project Group


Geoff Snelson Chairman of the IEG Steering Group


Steven Jewell MKC Head of IT and E-Government


Robin Tarling ICT + Print Service Delivery Manager HBS


Pauline Meechan Project Manager 1 Distribution This document has been distributed to:

Name Title Date of Issue


Chris Carroll To distribute to BVPI 157 Project Group and IEG Strategy Group


Damien Puljic To distribute to BVPI 157 Support team 1 Lucy Lumb Project Coordinator 1


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2 Table of Contents 1 Stage Plan History............................................................................................................ 2 2 Table of Contents............................................................................................................. 3 3 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 2

4 Plan Description........................................................................................................... 3 5 Quality Plan ..................................................................................................................... 4 6 Plan Prerequisites............................................................................................................. 4 7 External Dependencies..................................................................................................... 5 8 Tolerances ........................................................................................................................ 5 9 Monitoring and Control ................................................................................................... 5 10 Reporting........................................................................................................................ 5 11 Planning Assumptions ................................................................................................... 6 12 Graphical Plan................................................................................................................ 6

12.1 Gantt or Bar Chart................................................................................................... 6 12.2 Product Breakdown Structure ................................................................................. 6 12.3 Product Flow Diagram............................................................................................ 7 12.4 Activity Network .................................................................................................... 7 12.5 Financial Budget ..................................................................................................... 7 12.6 Resource Requirement Table.................................................................................. 9 12.7 Risk Assessment ................................................................................................... 11

13 Product Descriptions ............................................................................................. 11 Appendix........................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A - Stages 1 & 2 Completed Products ....................................................... 12 Appendix B – Summary of transactions published by transaction type ....................... 16 Appendix C – Stages 1 to 4 Target Table % by Directorate......................................... 18 Appendix D – Transactions for Stages 4 ...................................................................... 19 Appendix E – Outstanding transactions identified by the Priority Outcome that they address........................................................................................................................... 33 Appendix F Project Plan – Gantt Chart ........................................................................ 35 Appendix G Risk Assessment....................................................................................... 36 Appendix H – Number of Hits on MK Council Web Pages......................................... 39


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Stage Plan 3 Purpose The National Strategy for Local e-Government issued in November 2002 by the Office of the e-envoy and ODPM, set a target for all local government to achieve 100% capability in electronic delivery of priority services by 2005, in ways that customers will use. The local e-Government programme has been designed to ensure that e-Government investment brings about clear and sustainable benefits that will continue to have resonance beyond 2005 by addressing the role of e-Government as part of the ongoing local Government strategy, including the CPA process and the efficiency agenda. By the end of the local e-Government programme in December 2005, the ODPM aim is to have embedded e-Government within the mainstream agenda for local service delivery such that 'e' comes to stand for efficient, effective and engaging. The term e-Government will disappear as Councils appreciate the requisite contribution of technology to becoming modern customer focused and efficient service organisations. For Councils e-Government developments are a major opportunity for achieving efficiency gains, within all service areas, and the awareness of new ways of serving customers identifies effective ways of redeploying those gains into front line services. Local strategies and local determination of 'what fits', and how to use it are vital to success. The I&DeA together with the ODPM issued guidelines in the form of “priority outcomes” dividing the services provided by Local Authorities into 14 particular priority services or transformation outcomes. In September 2004 ‘The Explanatory Notes for Practitioners’ defined the deliverables in the forms of electronically enabled transactions and National Projects to meet the basic requirement to meet the December 2005 target, and also those that would give a rating of good or excellent to and comply with the March 2006 targets. In Milton Keynes we started the process of providing e-government in 2002 as part of a four year project. Our target for Stages 1 to 4 of this project was to achieve 88.94% and at the end of March 2005 the final figure for this stage of the plan was 90.53% (See Appendix B for summary by transaction type). In this the final stage we are working within the priority outcome framework. A list of all of the Milton Keynes outstanding transactions identified within the priority outcomes programme is given in Appendix D The Milton Keynes Council section of MK Web had over 5.5 Million hits in the last year. This figure has been growing month by month as we have added content and now regularly stands at over 400,000 hits per month. The latest figures are given in appendix H.

In Stage 3 we made progress in providing the Young People’s Website Web site "Milk n Beans" which was launched officially on the 23rd April 2005 at the Unity Cyber Center, Bletchley. The "React" Comments and Complaints system and the Job Vacancies system were made available to the public via the Internet. The citizen can now apply for a job on-line and they can not only send in a comment/complaint but also track its progress. The facility was also made


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available for citizens to make any payment to the Council either through automated telephone or on the Internet. The Transactions identified for the first phase of the Secure Transaction Portal were all completed and went live at the end of April. The transactions completed to date and a summary of the existing content can be seen in Appendices A and B. The last phase of this project will be the most demanding and will takes us up to 100% of services available electronically, allowing us to provide more sophisticated facilities. Integrated interactive transactions for the public to communicate electronically and service improvements for the Council will be made available interfacing directly with CRM, SAP and back office systems. This phase not only includes completing the e-enablement of all Local Authority services it also covers the requirement to provide “take up” measurement and determine efficiency gains. Stages 1 to 3 of this project are now closed and this document forms the basis for the stage plan for Stage 4 which is to be reviewed by the 157 project group at the next meeting and will be used as the basis for project management control throughout the stage. Target dates will be set for the remainder of the transactions for transferring the current PDF forms to interactive forms with automatic response and back end system integration. The total list of transactions to be included in this phase is given in Appendix D.

Key milestones within the stage will be provided in the detailed project plan and a table of target % by type is given in Appendix C. This stage covers the period to the end of March 2006 when the BVPI statistics are next reported. The stage will be managed using Projxsoft and controlled by monthly meetings of the BVPI 157 group and highlight reports. The Chairman of the BVPI 157 group will provide an update to the IEG strategy meeting. The stage tolerances are set out below and will be monitored by the project Manager. The quality controls are given in the quality plan (section 5)

4 Plan Description Appendix F shows the proposed project plan to deliver the outstanding transactions and the National Projects included in the scope of stage 4 of this project. Individual project mandates will be raised for each of the national projects to authorize the expenditure and resources as those given in this plan are the best estimates at this point in time.

The development team will isolate the transactions that are relevant for the eGovernment Program and workshops will be organized with the user departments to enable the development team to understand how the processes work, along with demonstrating how the business benefits will be realised.

The implementation development times will vary with the complexity of the processes. From analysis of the workshops it will be possible to capture the information and implement the parts of the workflow to complete the end-to-end business process. This will include monitoring tools for the management team to view real-time performance indicators.

The secure transaction portal will be used to deliver Milton Keynes Council Services to Milton Keynes citizens via the Internet in a secure and consistent manner. By utilizing the Government


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Connect Register (formally known as the Government Gateway) and the commonly used Adobe Acrobat Reader, electronic request for service applications can be submitted from the internet and processed through Milton Keynes Council integrating into the back office systems to create a complete end-to-end electronic transaction.

The Request For Service Forms are to be created with Adobe software enabling us to deliver forms, which look identical to their printed copies, and so delivering a consistent message to the citizens in accordance with the Milton Keynes Communication Strategy.

As all Local Authorities are expected, according to the Central Government strategy, to deliver all feasible services through the Internet channel, it would therefore make sense for other access channels to utilize this facility. This will create a consistent input stream i.e. call centers representatives or receptionists can populate the electronic forms on the behalf of the citizen and so covering the input channels for phone, internet and in-person. Hence giving a consistent experience which ever channel the citizen decides to adopt.

User Acceptance Testing will commence with simultaneous citizen advertising and staff and manager training. This will prepare the department and the management team for the change in culture.

5 Quality Plan In order to carry out the business of providing relevant information for the transactions, department authors have been identified. It is the responsibility of these authors to create content based on the assigned transaction, and then to have the content authorised by their managers. The Development team will work along side the Users to identify the business process for the secure transactions. The user Manager will sign these off The navigation, look and feel of the website is the responsibility of the IT Support team. The team ensures that the published content meets the standards and adheres to MK Web development protocols set at the beginning of the project, and that the look and navigation process is uniform throughout the whole site. The Communications Manager is responsible for the approval of the design of templates and the consistency of the form design. Focus groups and user groups provide relevant feedback, as well as address any usability issues that may arise. The overall appearance of the site, as well as the overall quality, is the responsibility of the web master. The 157 Group approves the introduction of new webpages and ratifies the final publication of articles. 6 Plan Prerequisites

• Stabilisation of the requirements from ODPM. The goal posts seem to be changed approximately every six months

• Reliable access to the ESD-Toolkit to update progress for Central Government • Because of the impact of the projects defined in the PPP Contract we need to closely

integrate the deliverables from this project with those of SAP. This will ensure that we are not jeopardizing the PPP contract and that the strategy chosen fits with HBS’s long-term strategy for the contract.

• Integration with CRM and SAP projects


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• Sufficient hardware infrastructure to cover the requirements of this stage of the project 7 External Dependencies

• HBS long-term strategy of the web and web portals. • MK Web as Internet Service Provider for MKC’s web site.

8 Tolerances Any issues reported which will result in slippage of the project in time, budget or quality can be dealt with by the Project Manager if they are within the following tolerances:-

Time 10% Budget 5% Quality 0%

If the resultant slippage is going to be outside these tolerances the issue must be passed to the Project board. The Project Board will then be responsible for ratifying the out of tolerance implication of the issue or implementing any contingency plans to bring the project back on line.

The Project Board will meet only if there is an issue or an exception report, which cannot be dealt with by the Project Manager and is outside the tolerances given above.

9 Monitoring and Control The project has in previous years been monitored using a database to keep track of the progress of all 1537 transactions. If a transaction changed state, the change was made in the database for the relevant transaction so as to keep an accurate record of project progress. This has been superseded this year by a Central Government directive that all Authorities will use the ESD-Toolkit to monitor IEG progress. The ESD-Toolkit has been populated with the definitive list of transactions identified by Central Government and approved by the Audit Commission. Whilst this list is based on the previous Leap-Cupid list that we used as a foundation for the MKC list each transaction now has a new identification number. The two lists have been cross-referenced and reconciled. We now have to update the ESD-Toolkit with Milton Keynes’s progress to date Reporting tools are present in the toolkit that provide the ability to identify transactions in specific states, as well as provide a progress figure of transactions by category. These reports can be run at anytime during project development, and are useful in identifying the amount of progress made during the last reporting period. There is an administration function on the Portal Constructor software, which allows us to monitor on a regular basis the number of hits for each web page. The report for Phase 1 covering April 2003 to March 2004 is given in Appendix G. 10 Reporting Reporting comes in the form of highlight reports, which will be filed in Project Documents the Programme Management project in Projxsoft, together with minutes taken from the BVPI 157 Group meetings. Such meetings include BVPI focus groups run twice a year; user satisfaction reports twice a year and the IEG steering group, which take place every month. Reports will also be created automatically from the ESD-Toolkit database. They consist of a list of transactions and their ID numbers, broken down into relevant groups. The reports are customizable to show different aspects of the database and therefore it is possible to check the progress made against set targets.


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11 Planning Assumptions 1. Resources will be made available to the project as required see table below 2. User department involvement will be made available as required

12 Graphical Plan 12.1 Gantt or Bar Chart See Appendix F 12.2 Product Breakdown Structure

• Providing metadata details for all articles and system to automate the process for all new articles

• Setting up the DMZ server and authentication process for all new transactions together with the firewalls to ensure security is not breeched.

• Implementation of Government Gateway through Government Connect project • National Projects implementation

1. Encore - Environment and community online residents e-services designed to improve the quality of life by promoting healthier communities, creating safer and stronger communities. It covers transformation thecal environment, meeting transport needs more effectively by making journey planning easier. It assists with the promotion of economic vitality of locations and improvement of community and local business engagement

2. i-Tex SMS to e- mail link - This allows staff and citizens to communicate via sms

direct to outlook email boxes and allows staff to respond via outlook direct to sms. This facility can also be used to transmit evidential photos of for example rubbish that has been tipped and has reduced the need to send inspectors out in many instances.

3. Ryogens- This is a pragmatic, web-based system that helps practitioners from

different agencies to share information about children in a safe and secure manner. This helps local authorities deliver on the crime prevention and children’s agendas time efficiently and cost effectively. In particular in the Youth offending service areas

4. e-Democracy – The local e-democracy project aims to harness the power of new

technology to encourage citizen participation in local decision making between elections.

5. e-Trading Standards – The project aims to enable the sharing of electronic data

among Trading Standard services in a usable format for business planning and enforcement purposes. The project will also validate local authority trader data.

6. PARSOL – We have already engaged in the PARSOL project and have reached

level two stage. The project ultimately will assist the local authority to build effective and transparent online planning and regulatory services by providing a range of toolkits, standards, guidance materials, schemas. Systems and software. Planning systems include expert advice, fast-track applications, enforcement, data


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monitoring and electronic consultation. Regulatory systems include online licensing, business self-assessment and regulatory information access.

7. Nomad – This project will create a comprehensive set of deliverables that should

enable any local authority wishing to establish mobile computing operation to do so with ease and confidence of success

8. Valuebill – Valuebill enables cheaper, faster, more accurate synchronisation of

property information for the purposes of Revenue collection, through the establishment of electronic data sharing protocols across local and national databases. In particular links with the Valuation office

9. e-Benefits – The aim of this project is to provide an improved service for people

entitled to claim benefits and to provide local authority customers with a more co-ordinated, streamlined approach to claiming benefits. It aims to improve cost effectiveness, reduce inefficiencies and transform the service offered to the users of local authority benefits systems, whether through direct service provision, or indirectly through intermediaries such as registered landlords.

• The more complex transactions include for example

1. Implementation of the Adobe forms solution 2. Providing a single point for change of address to update all back office systems for all

departments who need to have these details. 3. Allowing for on-line application for licenses including the ability to pay any fees on line. 4. Provide the facility to report and monitor on line any housing repairs. 5. Providing interactive transactions for Environmental issues such as requests for waste

sacks and Compost bins. 6. On line application for bus passes. 7. Cabinet on line – providing a web cam facility for Council meetings.

12.3 Product Flow Diagram

To follow - This will be completed as and when required 12.4 Activity Network

To follow - This will be completed as and when required 12.5 Financial Budget In stage 3 an Allocation of £140k is to be made available from the e-Government grant for this year. The total budget available was £220k. Details of the spend and commitment of the under spend for the year of £141K are given below.


BVPI 157 2004/2005 budget analysis

Invoiced RIT Supplier Budget Code Amount Date Order Details


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RITL0179 BLUEPOINT YRA117 532201 10.62 APWK03 25 pin male RITL0229 CIVICA YRA117 532202 153.82 APWK03 PC Anywhere RITL0233 MERCATOR YRA117 532202 13248.00 APWK22 SNAP software

RITL0510 LOCAL YRA117 532202

3000.00APWK28 Annual subscription

LASC RITL0583 CIVICA YRA117 532202 611.80 APWK30 Dreamweaver RITL0583 CIVICA YRA117 532202 715.00 APWK30 Flash RITL0646 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202 30600.00 APWK30 License or Artemis RITL0646 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202 11250.00 APWK30 Consultation for Artemis RITL0646 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202 475.00 APWK30 Installation charge

RITL0646 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202

4590.00APWK31 Annual support 15% of

License RITL0721 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202 259.19 APWK33 Expenses for installation RIT0894 ARTIFAX YRA117 532202 394.68 APWK41 Expenses for training RITL1089 MKWEB YRA117 532202 2000.00 APWK52 Conversion Creation workRITL1038 CIVICA YRA117 532202 202.35 APWK51 VISIO STD 2003 RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 2350.00 APWK52 Modify automated HTML

validation RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 1250.00 APWK52 Realtime WAI AA

validation RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 1450.00 APWK52 Development of in built

style RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 2500.00 APWK52 Rebuild the templates

and content RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 3000.00 APWK52 Review and reformat

existing content RITL0738 Apollo YRA117 532202 600.00 APWK52 Produce user guidelines RITL0582 Radius YRA117 532202 362.50 APWK42 half day consultancyfor

ATP Total Invoiced £79,022.96 Commited ARTIFAX YRA117 400.00 Outstanding

consultancy fees Software-AG YRA117 90000.00 Government gateway Radius YRA117 17000.00 Remaining charges

(Internet and chipand Pin)

CIVICA YRA117 600.00 4 x Adobe Pdf writer for HR

CIVICA YRA 117 400.00 4 x Paintshop Pro Community

People YRA117 6000.00 Consultation finder

Parsol YRA117 10000.00 Interface to radius


7000.00 2 x Scanners and training for Internet use


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MKWeb YRA117 10000.00 Teenagers and Childrens templates

Total Committed £141,400.00 Carry forward 2003/04 Capital budget £220,423 Spent or committed to date

This chart will be updated and reported in the monthly highlight reports.

The budget in this phase for the National projects is £310K. The committed and proposed spend is as follows:-


Estimated spend

Encore £30,000

i-Tex SMS to e- mail link £20,000

Ryogens £40,000

e-Democracy £20,000

e-Trading Standards £17,000

Parsol £60,000

Nomad £40,000

Valuebill £10,000

e-Benefits £20,000

E-Procurement £35,000

E-Admissions £18,000

TOTAL £310,000.00

These figures are estimates and will be subject to change as more detailed project mandates are produced to define scope and spend and resources required for each project so that the resources and be authorized to ensure cost justification of implementation of these packages.

In addition there will be a cost for the Adobe forms solution software estimated to be £250K subject to up to 40% discount. This will be subject to a separate project mandate and it has been indicated by the Client that this will be funded from the Milton Keynes lease budget. 12.6 Resource Requirement Table


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Project Management structure Corporate programme Manager

IEG Steering Group

Project Team

Project Board

Senior User

Geoff Snelson Executive

Steven Jewell Senior Supplier HBS

Project assurance

157 Group – R.East, B.Errington, A.Farr, D.Gallagher, J.A.Hammond, S.Marsh, D.Merritt,E.Richardson, A.Roberts, K.Searle, G.Smith, B.Varney, I. Vass, P.Wheeler

Project Manager Pauline Meechan

Env Team 15 authors 2 or more publishers

Res Team 15 authors 2 or more publishers

L&D Team 15 authors 2 or more publishers

N/S team 15 authors 2 or more publishers

Working Teams

Project Support Admin Support, Not yet identified

Project support will provide assistance to all working teams on content collection and design

Staff resource requirements are as follows

e-Gov and National projects

Role Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total

Project Manager 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 65

Operations support 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 70

Technical support 4 18 24 24 34 34 34 40 50 40 40 40 382

Business Analyst 65 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 40 485

Web Development Staff 5 89 114 154 174 150 150 160 130 130 130 120 1506

TOTAL 74 151 178 228 258 234 235 255 245 235 215 200 2508


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12.7 Risk Assessment The immediate risks have been identified and these are set out together with their impact and any contingency plans in appendix G

13 Product Descriptions To be provided as part of the project plan.


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Appendix Appendix A - Stages 1 & 2 Completed Products Stages 1 and 2 covered collating information on various transactions and setting up the weblets listed below. Stage 1 was primarily setting up the web pages and providing information. Stage two expanded the content and added some more sophisticated facilities. Stage 3 Covered some of the interactive transactions to provide self service facilities for the public in particular the ability to register and track a complaint and to apply on line for any Council vacancy. The website now covers the following :- • A to Z - A complete guide to the council's services, that provides a telephone number for direct contact with the right person at the council and a link

to the appropriate web page for further information. This has been updated to include metadata as per the Central Government standards • Adult Education – Provides details and information on course programmes for adults. • Adult Services – Link to details and information on Financial and Welfare benefits • Archaeology – Provides information on the history of archaeology in Milton Keynes and what it has brought to the area. The weblet includes a

timeline of Milton Keynes history, a database of excavations and links to various relevant external sites. • Asylum Seekers – Information for and about Asylum Seekers in Milton Keynes. Includes links to other organisations, such as Amnesty

International. • At home – Provides key information links relating to your house such as Council Tax bands, House repairs etc • At Leisure – Provides key information relating to sport, tourism and events etc. • At School - section bringing together information and services supplied by the LEA, this weblet contains the latest MK news affecting schools,

parents and governors, Policy documents and consultation papers, Teaching and school support vacancies, Governor resources and Curriculum support.

• At work - A new section providing information on redundancy, vacant property register etc. It also acts as a link page to associated information and service for both employers and employees.

• Benefits – Weblet providing detailed information on Housing and Council Tax Benefit and now includes the ability to put in personal information into a benefit calculator to provide indications of eligibility and potential amount.

• Building Control – Describes what Building Control is, the service objective and information on Building Control services. • Chief Executive – Provides information on the Chief Executive Office and the Councils objectives and priorities. Also included is Local Agenda 21

and IDEA Report. • Child Minding – Details on The Early Years & Childcare Team aims and CIS (Childcare Information Service). • Children’s Services – Information on various services available to children and youth projects • Community Development – This weblet consists of information on community events and projects set up by the Community Development &

Regeneration team.


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• Complaints – Information on how to make a complaint or comment about the Council. A new complaints system called React has been developed and is now in full use across the council. This has now been opened to the public to log their own complaint via the internet. It has also been upgraded to include Freedom of information and Data protection requests for access to information and the ability to track progress.

• Contracts – A description of the contracts unit and placing OJEC Notices. • Council Jobs – Listings of Council jobs and information on how to apply. This has now been updated to include the ability to complete the

application form and apply for a job on line. • Council News – Local news about the council and links to external, related sites. • Council Tax – Information about Council Tax and many useful links to other parts of the site relating to this subject. See also payments • Countryside – Provides a multitude of information on topics relevant to the countryside and activities available to the public • Crematorium – Weblet for The Crownhill Crematorium and Cemetery. Provides help and information on funerals and deaths. • Day Nurseries – Provides information on local nurseries, their aims, staff and commitment and their locations. • Development Control – Weblet covering planning applications and various other areas, like Garden Hedges and mobile phone masts. • Elections – Information on local elections, voting, wards and MP’s. • Emberton Park – Information on Emberton Park, Season 2003 including facilities, services and charges. • Environmental Health – Details on Health and Safety and information on Environmental Health Services. • Ethnic Minority Achievement Support Service EMASS – Weblet for The Ethnic Minority Achievement Support Service, which provides quality

support to raise the achievement of minority ethnic pupils. • Finance – Providing information on various aspects of Finance including direct debit mandates, VAT Returns and various downloadable forms are

available. • Finance and Corporate – Main page for this directorate. Links to other areas of finance. • Freedom of Information – Information and details on the Freedom of Information Act. See also Complaints • Hanson Centre – Weblet for the Hanson Environmental Study Centre. • Highways – Provides information on highways in Milton Keynes, including complaints and maintenance. • HomesMK – a large weblet covering many aspects and services relating to homes in Milton Keynes. • Information sharing – Provides information for parents, children, carers, and agencies on services provided by the Council to support families • Job Vacancies - A new web based system has been set up where vacancies can be advertised on the web site and citizens can apply on line.

This is now available to the public. See Council Jobs • LA21 – Detailed information on Local Agenda 21. • Learning Development – Main page for this directorate with links to such services as, Youth Services and Adult Education. • Learning Disabilities – Information on the services available for people with learning disabilities. • Leisure Facilities – Providing information on the leisure facilities available in Milton Keynes, contact details and applications for bookings.


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• Library Services – Listings and information on libraries in Milton Keynes and the various services available. • Licencing – The weblet provides access, downloads and information on relevant licence application procedures, as well as the department's

contact details. Downloadable forms are available and these will be made interactive in Stage 4 • Local Plan Review – Weblet consists of details for plans and reports for Milton Keynes. Mki Observatory has also been created to give plans for

development of Milton Keynes and ability to share information with development partners. • MKC Forms – Weblet holding a list of downloadable forms relating to many different parts of the Council these will all be made interactive in stage

4. • MkCouncil – Home page, with links to other areas within the site. This has been redesigned to be more user friendly. • Music Services – Provides up-to-date information on all music events and other music areas, like tuition. • My Neighbourhood - In addition a new facility has been provided in collaboration with MK Web called “My Neighbourhood”. This is situated on

the MK Home page and allows a member of the public to type in their post code, or street name, and obtain key information relating to the area such as Council Tax bands, Bin Collection and local MP etc. This is linked to a mapping system so that the precise location of for example the nearest rubbish tip can be seen.

• Older People – this weblet covers services for older people. • Outdoor Education – Information on outdoor educational events and projects. • Parishes – Describes how Milton Keynes is split into parishes and the clerks for each one. Also includes statistics and surveys relating to parishes. • Parks and Open Spaces – Provides information on forthcoming events, play areas, grass, trees, hedges etc. and includes details for various

contacts. • Passport to Leisure – Provides information for residents on discounted access to leisure facilities for Milton Keynes residents. • Payments - The facility to pay via the Internet and automated telephone is now currently available • Registrars – Information on registering births, deaths and marriages and booking a function room. • Room Bookings – Details on rooms and booking venues for meetings, conferences etc. On Line booking facilites will be part of Stage 4

deliverables • Schools Library Service (sls) – Information about Milton Keynes’ School Library Service and detailed descriptions of the services that they

provide. This will be enhanced by the provision of a system to allow online booking of museum and exhibition space as part of Stage 4 • Sheltered Housing – A list of sheltered housing and details about each one. • Sports Development – A detailed weblet covering sports activities in Milton Keynes including school 6-a-side tournaments, Disability Sport, rugby

festivals and codes of conduct. Also includes links to external sites relating to this subject. • Statistics – Covers a multitude of statistics and information for Milton Keynes including information from the 2001 Census. Examples include

unemployment figures, current and future populations and estates and settlements in Milton Keynes.


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• Street Care – An interactive picture whereby clicking on the item in the picture such as a hole in the road takes you to the appropriate web page to report the problem. This has been expanded to include village scene and Highways.

• Street lighting – Provides information and advice on lighting services, traffic signals and crossings. Provides a place where people can report faulty lighting.

• Tenants Involvement – Weblet describing how tenants can be more involved with the Councils Housing Service. • Town Management – Information on the management of Milton Keynes. • Trading Standards – A link to the home page for Milton Keynes Council's Trading Standards Division, which provides detailed information and

consumer advice for local residents and traders. • Transport – This weblet covers a wide range of topics relating to transport, including downloadable bus timetables, parking, community transport,

speed checks and much more. • Waste Recycling – Provides details on various subjects relating to waste and recycling, including refuse collection, abandoned cars and plans for

reducing waste in Milton Keynes. • Your City - A new section on providing facts and figures on Milton Keynes and Information pertaining to major issues and development proposals

affecting the city. In time links to forums seeking residents opinions will appear in this area. • Your Council A comprehensive compendium of information about how the council works, access to the latest policy documents, Best Value

reviews, access to minutes and agendas, and calendar of Council meetings, Councillor, MP and MEP information, Local Strategic Partnerships, electoral statistics and much more.

• Your Family- Links to relevant areas including on the Web sites, which are related to the Family. This area will continue to grow as other topics are covered.

• Your Street – Links to any site relating to the Street such as gritting and street lighting.


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Appendix B – Summary of transactions published by transaction type

E-Gov Transaction progress report 31/03/2005 Actual Forecast

BVPI 157 Interaction Type 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006

Providing Information

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

520 48.62

260 85.03

96 100.00

0 100.00

Collecting revenue

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

28 77.27

3 86.36

4 96.97

0 96.97

Providing benefits & grants

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

19 42.59

8 72.22

1 75.93

7 100.00


• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

38 39.19

28 76.35

15 95.95

3 100.00

Regulation (such as issuing licences)

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

46 44.50

9 53.00

16 69.00

30 99.00


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Applications for services

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

162 37.56

49 51.63

79 75.95

71 98.37

Booking venues, resources & courses

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

14 50.67

3 60.00

9 96.00

0 96.00

Paying for goods & services

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

3 6.94

23 70.83

10 97.22

0 97.22

Providing access to community, professional or business networks

• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

12 24.47

7 38.30

29 100.00

0 100.00


• Total types of interaction e-enabled • % e-enabled

0 0.00

2 28.57

0 28.57

2 57.14

3 100.00


0 0.00

844 43.55

390 70.77

261 90.53

114 99.29


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Report generated for: Milton Keynes

Report generated by : Pauline Meechan

Report generated on: 01/04/2005 17:42:36 Appendix C – Stages 1 to 4 Target Table % by Directorate

Transaction targets 2002 to 2005

Description 2002/3 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 31/12/2005

Project Stage 1 Project stage 2 Project stage 3 Project stage 4 Trans

number no of trans

feasible Actual % published

Actual no published % of total

Target to be published % of total

Target to be published

% of total

Target to be published % of total

5 Providing information 712 43 374 52.54% 580 81.46% 620 87.08% 712 100.00% 6 Collecting Revenue 168 15 75 44.64% 80 47.62% 140 83.33% 168 100.00%

4 Providing benefits and grants 49 0 29 59.18% 30 61.22% 40 81.63% 49 100.00%

9 Consultation 91 7 64 70.33% 64 70.33% 80 87.91% 91 100.00% 2 Regulations 47 0 40 85.11% 40 85.11% 40 85.11% 47 100.00% 1 Applications for services 335 14 190 56.72% 280 83.58% 320 95.52% 335 100.00% 3 Booking venues etc 49 11 25 51.02% 45 91.84% 49 100.00% 49 100.00%

8 paying for goods and services 58 7 31 53.45% 33 56.90% 50 86.21% 58 100.00%

7 Providing access to the community 10 50 7 70.00% 7 70.00% 10 100.00% 10 100.00%

10 Procurement 18 0 10 55.56% 15 83.33% 18 100.00% 18 100.00%

TOTALS 1537 18 845 55.00% 1174 76.38% 1367 88.94% 1537 100.00%

ACCTUALS 969 63.04% 1207 78.53% 1495 90.53%


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Appendix D – Transactions for Stages 4 The following are the transactions identified in the ESD-Toolkit as not yet e-enabled and will therefore form the scope of Stages 4 in accordance with the project plan in appendix F

BVPI 157 Outstanding transactions to be completed by 31/12/2005 Priority Outcome Directorate Department

Transaction type PID

Sec AppPID name

E Democracy Chief Executive Democratic Services

Applications for services 362 Elections - voting

E Democracy Chief Executive Democratic Services

Applications for services 364

Elections - electoral register

E Trading Standards Environment

Development and Design

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 466

General information (location, facilities etc.)

E Trading Standards Environment

Development and Design

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 669

Grounds maintenance - landscaping

E Trading Standards Environment

Development and Design

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 670 Play facilities

E Trading Standards Environment

Environmental Services

Applications for services 413 Pollution control - air

E Trading Standards Environment

Environmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 421 Prosecutions register


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E Trading Standards Neighbourhood Services

Multiple occupancy homes

Applications for services 150

Safety inspection - homes in multiple occupation

E Trading Standards Neighbourhood Services

Multiple occupancy homes

Applications for services 716

Homes in multiple occupancy - register


Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 40

Special educational needs [SEN] - transport

E14 Learning and Development Education

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 4

Educational awards and benefits - free school meals

E14 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 23

Educational awards and benefits - education maintenance award

E14 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 50

Private nurseries - nursery grants

E15 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 300 Young carers

Fire Service Environment

Environmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 423 Home safety

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 804

Enforcement - non-residential


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Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Applications for services 806

Fire certificates - offices

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 806

Fire certificates - offices

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Applications for services 811

Health & safety - construction regulations

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 811

Health & safety - construction regulations

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 812 Schools

Fire Service Environment

Planning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 814 Railway regulations

G12 Learning and Development LibrariesApplications for services 449

Children's library service

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 160 Adopting

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 250 Babysitting service

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services

Providing benefits & grants 250 Babysitting service


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G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 260

Respite care for children

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services

Providing benefits & grants

260 Respite care for children

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 264

Hospice care for children

G17 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 266 Child protection

G17 Neighbourhood Services Council run sheltered housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 103 Homeless

G17 Neighbourhood Services Council run sheltered housing

Providing benefits & grants 103 Homeless

G17 Neighbourhood Services Council run sheltered housing

Applications for services 105

Housing association tenants

G17 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 9

Special educational needs (SEN) - assessment

G17 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 10

Special educational needs (SEN) - placement in mainstream schools


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Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 11

Special educational needs (SEN) - disabled students allowance

G17 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 31


G2 Neighbourhood Services Adult Social Care

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 311 Wills and testaments

G2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 26

Educational and related European opportunities

G2 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 755

Village halls (advice, grants etc.)

G4 Learning and Development

Community and Economic Development

Applications for services 822

Media and publicity protocols

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 401 Advice to business

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 683 Licence - credit

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 683 Licence - credit

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Paying for goods & services 683 Licence - credit

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 710 Food and agriculture


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EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 787 Advice to consumers

G6 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 791

Food labelling and composition

G7 Neighbourhood Services Dealing with housing crime

Applications for services 99

Housing - communitysafety

G7 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 48

Performance/stage licences for school age children

G7 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 612 Dogs - registration

G7 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services Consultation 845

Food business - health promotion

G7 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services Consultation 851

Recycling -general information

G7 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 475 Pavements

G7 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 568

Road safety - pedestrian crossings

G7 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 573

Roads - school crossing patrols


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EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 798

HAZCHEM information

G7 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 798

HAZCHEM information

G8 Finance and Resources Legal services Applications for services 821-3 Estates management

JVA Learning and Development

Community and Economic Development

Applications for services 638 Sports employment

R10 Neighbourhood Services Adult Social Care

Providing benefits & grants 279

Parking permits (blue badge)

R10 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 18

School holiday schemes

R10 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 19

After and/or before school childcare

R10 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 20 Childminding

R10 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 51 Instrumental tuition

R10 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 704

Instrumental provision - assisted purchase scheme


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Learning and Development Education

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 704

Instrumental provision - assisted purchase scheme

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Providing benefits & grants 317

Marriage - arrangement and ceremony

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 318

Marriage - registering a building of worship

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Booking venues, resources & courses 318

Marriage - registering a building of worship

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Collecting revenue 318

Marriage - registering a building of worship

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 422 Training courses

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 698

Marriages historical searches

R10 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 703

Major emergency incident

R10 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 610

Local land charges - personal search

R10 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 808

Fire certificates - hotels/boarding houses

R10 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 808

Fire certificates - hotels/boarding houses


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Learning and Development

Community and Economic Development

Applications for services 336

Municipal golf courses

R13 Learning and Development

Community and Economic Development

Applications for services 838

General arts information (inc. location, events)

R15 Neighbourhood Services Housing advice

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 114

Council estates - parking

R16 Neighbourhood Services Adult Social Care Consultation 832 Benefits and bills


Applications for services 70 Current claim


Applications for services 73 Renewal

R19 Neighbourhood Services Adult Social Care

Providing benefits & grants 280 Disabled bus pass

R19 Neighbourhood Services Adult Social Care Procurement 287 Direct payments

R2 Learning and Development Childrens Services Applications for services 263

Residential care for children

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 1

Educating your child at home


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Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 7

Psychology, psychiatry or social work services

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 21

Services for childminders

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 52

Paid work or work experience and school aged pupils

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 53 Parents centres

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 751

Residential study centres

R2 Learning and Development EducationApplications for services 840

Educational support for looked after children

R21 EnvironmentEnvironmental Services

Applications for services 752

Health and safety at work - advice and training

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 85

Housing allocations - hard to let/easy access properties

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 88

Mutual council home exchange


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Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 90

Housing allocations -rehousing decision appeal

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 90

Housing allocations -rehousing decision appeal

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 124

Housing - insurance claims against the council

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 125

Property demolition - services for council tenants affected by - alternative housing

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 129

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 132

Home improvements - temporary accommodation

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 135

Home improvements - renovation grants

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Providing benefits & grants 139

Housing repairs - emergency out of hours repairs

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 140

Housing repairs - communal areas

Home modernisation - council properties


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Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 141

Housing repairs - council property

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 142

Housing repairs - overdue repairs - discretionary allowance

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 142

Housing repairs - overdue repairs - discretionary allowance

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 143

Housing repairs - decoration and disturbance allowances

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 156

Home ownership service - services and communal repairs

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 156

Home ownership service - services and communal repairs

R27 Neighbourhood Services HousingApplications for services 666

Surveying (major repairs)

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 666

Surveying (major repairs)


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Neighbourhood Services Housing

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 712

Housing allocations - furnished tenancies

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing advice Applications for services 108

Existing private tenancy

R27 Neighbourhood Services Housing advice

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 109

Existing council tenancy

R4 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 800 Arson reduction

R4 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 800 Arson reduction

R7 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Regulation (such as issuing licences) 744

Licence - highway projection

R8 EnvironmentPlanning and Transport

Applications for services 618

Archaeological consultancy

R9 Finance and Resources REVENUES AND BENEFITS/FINANCE Procurement 828 Tenders

R9 Finance and Resources REVENUES AND BENEFITS/FINANCE Procurement 830 Procurement policy


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Value Bill Finance and Resources REVENUES AND BENEFITS/FINANCE

Applications for services 61

Band reductions (incl. disability)


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Appendix E – Outstanding transactions identified by the Priority Outcome that they address This table identifies the National Project that address the priority outcome where we still have services which have not been e-enabled

National Projects required to meet 2005/06 targets

Priority number

Priority Service Priority Outcome

PID numbers

National Project to support this priority outcome

MKC Solution

00 All All All secure transactions GC Register This is the Governement Gateway – MKC already committed to this

01 Schools G01 017, 014, 013, 012 Schools Admissions and CRM In House developed form to be linked to EMS for 2006/7 admissions

02 Community Information G02 311, 26, 755, 638, 263, 001, 007, 021, 052, 053, 751, 840

ENCORE Part covered by job Vacancies system

02 Community Information R04 800, RYOGENS

03 Democratic Renewal G03 362, 364 e-Democracy Legislation required to commence

03 Democratic Renewal G04 822 Multimedia content

04 Local Environment G05 485, 487, 499 Public access to GIS Planweb already made available via Mki and Portals

04 Local Environment G06 466, 669, 670, 413, 421, 150 716, 401, 683, 710, 787, 791

e-Trading Standards

04 Local Environment G07 099, 048, 612, 845, 851, 475, 568, 573, 798,


04 Local Environment R07 744 LAWS, ENCORE and CRM

04 Local Environment R08 618 PARSOL

05 e-Procurement G08 821, 822, 823 Working with business SBA and e-Procurement

05 e-Procurement R09 628, 830 Workflow


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National Projects required to meet 2005/06 targets

Priority number

Priority Service Priority Outcome

PID numbers

National Project to support this priority outcome

MKC Solution

06 Payments R10 279, 018, 019, 020, 051,

704, 317, 318, 422, 698, 703, 610, 808

e-Pay Radius on line paymnents

07 Libraries Sports and Leisure R13 336, 838, LAWS

07 Libraries, Sports and Leisure G12 449, Smartcard


Transport R15 114 E Democracy

09 Benefits R16 832, 070, 073, e-Benefits and workflow

10 Support for Vulnerable People G17 160.250. 260. 264. 266, 103, 105 009, 010, 011, 031,


10 Support for Vulnerable People R19 280, 287 Workflow and Single assessment process

10, 11 Supporting vulnerable people and new ways of working

R21 752, NOMAD

14 Making it easier for citizens to do business with the Council

G25 061 CRM, Value Bill, and NLPG

14 Making it easier for citizens to do business with the COuncil

R27 085, 088, 090, 124, 125, 129, 132, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 156, 666, 712, 108, 109



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Appendix F Project Plan – Gantt Chart Sub project number

Description Apr May JulJun Aug Sep NovOct Dec Jan Feb Mar

Total Number of days Resource

C051/3 Digital signatures 10 10 10 30 TS

C051/16 Infrastructure upgrades 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 70 OS

C051/17 Cabinet on line 20 20 20 60 AP TSC051/18 I-TEX SMS/ Internet interface 10 10 10 10 10 50 TSC051/19 Government Connect Register 4 4 8 8 8 8 40 TSC051/20 Transaction Identification 40 40 BAC051/21 Transaction procedure & specification 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 35 395 BA'sC051/22 Transaction development and Testing 60 60 70 70 80 80 80 80 70 70 60 780 AP'sC051/23 User acceptance and sign off 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 PMC051/24 Web browser front end for SBS Flare

and Uniform 8 8 8 8

32 AP TSC051/25 Parsol planning application level 3 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 60 APC051/26 Encore 5 15 20 40 APC051/27 Ryogens for Youth Justice 10 10 10 10 40 APC051/28 e-Trading Standards 20 20 20 20 80 APC051/29 Smartcard further development 5 5 10 20 20 20 20 100 TSC051/30 NOMAD mobile working 20 40 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 600 BA TS AP C051/31 Valubill link revs and bens and NLPG 10 10 10 30 APC051/32 e-Democracy 10 10 10 10 10 50 AP

2508 TOTAL number of days 79 148 177 227 257 234 236 251 241 231 221 206 2508


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Appendix G Risk Assessment

RISK LOG Form 029 Ref; PM/SR/01 Version: 1

Programme; C051

Project ; Stage 4 BVPI157 and National Project implemetation project


Risk Identifier: 0001

Description: The Infrastructure items e.g. DMZ servers, authentication, and security firewalls not ready on time or inadequate

Risk Category: Technical

Probability: Medium

Impact: Could delay the start of the more complex transactions and cause the project to overrun

Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Investigate the possibility of changing the sequence of the sub projects to work on those where the infrastructure has been completed Owner: Steven Jewell Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: 28 May 03

Date of last update: 17th Jun 2004

Current status: on going

Risk Identifier: 0002

Description: Inability of Milton Keynes staff to participate in the project due to existing priority workloads.

Risk Category: Commercial

Probability: Medium

Impact: will cause delays in project deliverables Could mean testing is not done rigorously enough to identify all problems. Any substitute staff doing the testing may not be able to resolve some of the queries because they do not know the history or have local knowledge.

Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Back fill posts to free up staff. Raise the profile of the project and ensure that Authors and their Managers know the target dates for the work for their departments and that the Managers are committed to the project Owner: Project Board Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: May 05

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: Constant

Risk Identifier: 0004

Description: Sickness absence of key staff Risk Category: Commercial

Probability: High

Impact: Difficulty in keeping to schedule if absence occurs at a critical point Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure that other standby staff with the required skills are identified in plenty of time to maintain the target dates


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Owner: Project Manager Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: May 05

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: Constant

Risk Identifier: 0005

Description: Impact of the tender for the web services causing disruption to programme if current supplier does not get awarded contract

Risk Category: Technical

Probability: Medium

Impact: Loss of development time during change over of Web service provide Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure that the impact if service provider changes has minimal impact Owner: Steven Jewell Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: May 05

Date of last update: 6th may 05

Current status: Current

Risk Identifier: 0006

Description: Breach of security of the DMZ and Councils’ data networks

Risk Category: Technical

Probability: Medium

Impact: Major impacts include leakage of confidential/personal information. Corruption of data. Fraudulent/malicious alteration to Council business systems

Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Implement appropriate firewall protection and monitor regularly with penetration testing by independent specialists Owner: Operations manager

Author:Pauline Meechcan Date identified: 10/6/03

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: Constant

Risk Identifier: 0007

Description: Server Capacity insufficient Risk Category: Technical

Probability: High

Impact: Slippage on the implementation plan and potential cost implications Proximity: immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure that Monitor growth of database sizes. Identify additional funding if server capacity upgrade required. Specify server to allow for ease of data expansion Owner: Project Board Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified:10/06/03

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: Constant

Risk Identifier: 0008

Description: Inability to provide 24/7 support requirement to maintain availability of service.

Risk Category: Technical

Probability: Medium

Impact: Service users unable to interact with the Council. Could result in complaints being made. Payroll costs may also be increased

Proximity: immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure that out of hours coverage encompasses all required skills. Identify additional funding requirements and investigate alternatives to in house provision. Owner: Steven Jewell Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: 10/06/03

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: on going


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Risk Identifier: 0009

Description: Failure of hosting services provided to MKWEB by their ISP

Risk Category: Technical

Probability: Medium

Impact: Total loss of Internet services. Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure disaster recovery procedures are in place and adequate Owner: Project Board Author: Pauline Meechan Date identified: 10/6/03

Date of last update: 6th may 2005

Current status: current

Risk Identifier: 0010

Description: failure to retain web development staff to the project for stage 4 Risk Category: Commercial

Probability: High

Impact: Project would cease and E-Government targets would not be met Proximity: Immediate

Countermeasures: Ensure that other standby staff with the required skills are identified in plenty of time to maintain the target dates and that the budget is identified to pay the increased costs Owner: Project Board Author: Pauline Meechan

Date identified: May 2005

Date of last update: 6th May 2005

Current status: Constant


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Appendix H – Number of Hits on MK Council Web Pages

Page Impressions

Weblet Name

May04 Jun04 Jul04 Aug04 Sep04 Oct04 Nov04 Dec04 Jan05 Feb05 Mar05 Apr05

Monthly Totals 336572 372502 358031 473668 497441 533158 696736 391087 453206 448419 469560 81318

adulteducation 12684 13267 18828 22272 28044 18028 17020 12180 23592 19474 20044 1960 archaeology 624 701 792 1270 1468 1708 1990 1023 1095 1315 1094 122 at_home 2293 2460 2499 3385 3263 3495 4303 2682 3294 3128 3750 948 at_leisure 2473 2287 2392 3126 3354 3841 4353 2618 2912 2669 2849 773 at_school 45179 43371 39421 50387 64271 66443 90572 47520 69459 63570 72482 8961 at_work 4136 4259 4562 6091 5629 5877 8478 4378 4880 5217 5714 1093 benefits 2986 3424 3346 5218 5990 6056 7275 3714 3662 3765 3952 516 best-value 1125 1036 1593 2238 2927 2636 4477 2486 2441 2229 2870 1174 broadband 3589 1816 2455 4038 2760 2315 2417 1529 1612 1604 1578 207 building_control 6700 6725 7393 9285 8967 11089 12702 6258 6946 7437 6833 914 chief_executive 2691 2925 2994 4055 3931 4572 6269 3758 4010 4335 5537 2404 communitydevelopm... 26 16 11 21 12 14 9 12 19 18 20 0 complaints 1953 2274 2458 3370 3203 3625 4427 2503 2299 2196 2484 724 council-jobs 13676 20712 15572 12813 14340 17334 20265 12317 19661 11848 7838 792 council-news 4613 5600 5284 5946 7336 8794 14470 7664 5704 5310 6197 2192 council-tax 9624 9086 10317 12250 12616 13432 16028 9526 11305 10772 10231 1190 countryside 3142 3304 3402 5661 6394 6897 9533 4037 4629 4084 4377 659 crematorium 2888 2808 2835 5121 6118 5506 11227 4716 4798 4837 4392 731 culture-economy 50 28 24 41 37 34 21 40 44 34 35 2 day_nurseries 2357 2504 2657 3669 3723 4017 4825 2712 2897 2866 2872 330 development-contr... 10570 9744 9927 13607 13146 17863 24238 8538 10259 11069 10985 1540 elections 4343 10441 2664 12261 10451 8544 6913 2643 2309 2479 3014 446 emass 1329 1390 1118 1948 3622 2532 5818 2634 2647 2650 2124 245 embertonpark 4271 4269 5682 6187 3177 2737 3582 1854 2892 4517 6734 1120 emergencyplanning 1566 1500 1418 2297 2121 2783 4937 2121 1786 1943 1694 243 environment_direc... 2840 3040 3507 3944 3889 4199 4496 3528 3994 3598 3889 1025

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environmental-hea... 2563 2803 2969 5075 4378 6457 7931 3909 3445 3867 3539 532 finance 637 713 501 1104 1567 1251 1806 1211 1239 1486 1198 143 finance_corporate 2209 2404 2410 3181 3161 3472 4099 2748 2533 2489 2700 782 find-the-nearest 6110 14627 6373 7273 7184 6237 8294 8455 11342 11628 11298 2357 hanson_centre 1043 894 912 1680 1787 2184 2129 1269 1309 1218 1286 141 highways 2200 2063 2094 3819 7358 4805 8228 3377 2995 3315 3403 442 housing-mkc 3536 3661 3631 4890 4841 6092 7999 3127 3783 3550 3485 555 housing-needs 4469 4406 4459 5970 6390 7338 8436 4411 5021 4691 4888 564 housing-service 2688 2659 2578 4544 5013 6240 8465 3997 4460 4742 5221 1100 information-shari... 2187 3223 3070 4019 3535 4340 4900 2367 2259 2289 2311 337 la21 2648 2191 2276 3750 3737 4374 7677 3398 3262 3541 3697 489 learning_developm... 4276 4749 4879 6448 7110 8428 9441 5514 6224 5937 5801 1115 leisure_facilitie... 6458 5718 6532 8219 7480 8188 10042 5591 7762 7214 7698 937 library_services 10224 9801 11170 13868 13350 15497 18277 13305 13461 14045 14356 1766 local_plan_review 5988 5085 6188 7780 7499 8778 13122 7682 8166 8515 8435 1124 mkc_forms 2060 2504 2140 2699 2272 3800 5114 1864 1939 2390 3115 744 mkcouncil 24501 35102 28988 30306 30678 33841 40196 30669 39071 42653 53648 15133 music_service 4399 4028 3768 5354 6101 5358 6339 4084 4412 4194 4595 500 neighbourhood_ser... 10640 12556 12243 16951 16783 19884 23342 12260 12290 12291 11531 1916 outdoor-education 1551 1494 1497 3072 2795 3221 3810 2073 2205 2082 2143 300 parishes 1180 1126 954 1775 1959 1922 2302 1543 1558 1378 1542 194 parks-and-open-sp... 6060 6130 6130 9719 8343 13654 17242 8789 8586 9593 7536 967 passporttoleisure 1104 941 1007 1689 1729 1757 1652 1105 1289 1406 1162 131 regeneration 1307 1227 1219 2041 2784 2214 4049 1832 2070 2059 2066 315 registrars 1796 2338 2351 3793 4503 4444 5530 2902 3848 3504 3307 553 remodelling 756 414 633 1134 1437 1356 3231 1056 1330 1432 1149 104 rent-first 774 488 338 747 1726 1101 1307 1111 1092 1063 1109 121 repairs-and-impro... 1662 1919 2010 2848 2544 3573 4202 1965 1915 1750 1589 189 room-bookings 795 789 775 1479 1654 1755 2207 996 1095 1010 906 134 sls 8468 8346 9258 11091 10744 8400 17834 5058 4251 4095 4377 647 sponsorship 982 1145 1112 2196 2266 2031 3530 1388 1298 1451 1382 149 sportsdev 6418 5814 7126 10056 10778 13315 15241 9362 10440 23696 11784 1753

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IEG Stage Plan & Resource Allocation - Appendix B


statistics 8593 9158 10437 12117 12321 13128 17131 9937 10567 10651 9575 1258 street_lighting 1402 1359 1487 2756 2814 3241 4553 2187 2274 2144 2017 263 street-care 5347 6106 6100 7796 7785 9091 12016 6393 5857 5839 6989 2583 tenant-involvemen... 1427 1503 1420 2767 2279 2446 3087 1809 1640 1662 1478 140 transport 11977 12982 13820 17914 16663 19845 27028 20195 17594 14204 16465 2609 urban-design 1108 933 991 1474 1688 1701 2658 1458 1713 1648 1743 242 waste 14066 14348 13514 18507 16927 18061 25553 19561 19155 15790 23752 3234 your_city 2075 2277 2169 2747 3039 3074 4368 3023 3360 3778 5562 1539 your_council 6491 7781 7778 9433 9822 12660 15214 7328 7250 6959 8190 1876 your_family 863 844 629 1195 1616 1276 1911 915 1100 997 923 118 your_street 762 714 806 1292 1530 1602 1724 1124 1154 1100 991 129 youthservices 3044 4152 4138 6599 6682 7355 12874 5748 6446 6109 6029 782

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IEG Stage Plan & Resource Allocation - Appendix B