introduction to the structural approach to cooperative learning

Introduction to Cooperative Learning Principles of Teaching Payam Shoghi

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Here is a presentation that presents an introduction to the structural approach to cooperative learning, a very effective and versatile approach through which classroom teaching-learning sessions can come alive and be made more student-centered.


Page 1: Introduction to the Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning

Introduction toCooperative Learning

Principles of Teaching

Payam Shoghi

Page 2: Introduction to the Structural Approach to Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning?* Definition *

“An instructional arrangement in which small groups or teams of students work together to achieve team-success in a manner that promotes the students’ responsibility for their own learning as well as the learning of others.

[Mercer & Mercer, 2001]

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What is Cooperative Learning?

Superior to individual/competitive learning Students work together in small groups to

maximize their own and each other’s learning Provides students the opportunity to practice

skills or learn content given by teacher Largest empirical and research base of any

educational innovation

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What Cooperative Learningis NOT?

Any group-work is NOT cooperative learning. If not done well… Groups get into conflicts and power struggles A member sits quietly, too shy to participate One member does the work, while the other

members talk about unrelated things A more talented member comes up with all the

answers, dictates to the group, or works separately, ignoring other group members

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Cooperative Learning needs to be Structured

It does not occur by chance Facilitate learning; don’t allow things to just

happen Cannot be based on the assumption that all

students have proper social and learning skills Occurs best only when essential components

for each cooperative learning activity are ensured

Need to be learned, practiced and mastered

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Three Standards of Cooperative Learning

Active Listening

Happy Talk

Everyone Participates

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Teaching Methodology in Cooperative Learning




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Six Key Elements of Cooperative Learning

Teams Classroom Management Will to Cooperate Skill to Cooperate Four Basic Principles Cooperative Learning Structures

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Concept 1: Teams

What is a Cooperative team?

Strong, positive team identity among students

Four members (preferably)

Endures over time


Teams learn to learn together

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Concept 1: Teams…

How are teams formed?

Based on friendships or interests? – Can have discipline problems; exclusivity: leaving others out

Random teams? – Can end up with four low achievers on the same team

Teacher assigned heterogeneous teams?–Maximize the probability of peer tutoring and improving diverse-background and cross-gender relations

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Concept 1: Teams…

How big should teams be?

Four per team: Allows pairs work which doubles participation

Teams of more than four do not allow for enough participation and are harder to manage

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Concept 2: Management

Room and Seating Arrangement Quiet Signal Class Rules and Consequences Giving Positive Attention Teacher and Student Modeling Blackboard Management

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Concept 3: Will to Cooperate

Three ways in which the will to cooperate is created and maintained:Teambuilding


Task and reward structures, including recognition systems

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Concept 3: Will to Cooperate…

Teambuilding and Classbuilding

Team and classbuilding provide unique learning experiences not offered by traditional methods that focus only on academic content

Found in workplace–should be in classrooms too

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Concept 4: Skill to Cooperate

Developing Social Skills (a defining characteristic of Cooperative Learning)Modeling





Reflection (debriefing)

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Concept 5: Basic Principles

Four Basic Principles of Cooperative Learning

Positive Interdependence

Individual Accountability

Equal Participation

Simultaneous Interaction

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Concept 5: Basic Principles…

Positive Interdependence

The success of every team member is not possible without success/contributions of each

The success of a team is not possible without success or contribution of each member

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Concept 5: Basic Principles…

Individual Accountability

Each student is responsible for a unique portion of a team’s learning product

Whatever the form of individual accountability, the contribution of each individual is valuable to the team

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Concept 5: Basic Principles…

Equal Participation

Every student is actively involved in the learning process

No passive learners

Success of the team depends on participation of all team members

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Concept 5: Basic Principles…

Simultaneous Interaction

Discuss Topics: All students discuss views in pairs

Share Answers: All students engage in choral response

Receive Help: Students ask a teammate and receive immediate help

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Three Basic Types ofStructures


Thinking Skills

Information Sharing

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Examples of Cooperative Learning Structures

Agreement Circles Blind Sequencing Circle-the-Sage Corners Fan-N-Pick Find My Rule Find Someone Who Find the Fib Flashcard Game

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Cooperative Learning Structures… Formations Four “S” Brainstorming Idea Spinner Jigsaw Problem Solving Line Ups Match Mine Mix N Match One Stray Pairs Check

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Common Cooperative Learning Structures

Inside/Outside Circle Numbered Heads Together Round Robin Think-Pair-Share Timed-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Write-Share Pair-Discussion Pair-Discussion-Share Group Discussion

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Benefits of Cooperative Learning Teambuilding and cooperation Breaking down of differences Development of social skills Provides for more than one “teacher” Mastery Higher Order Thinking skills Communication skills Better comprehension and longer retention Children enjoy learning Enhanced classroom discipline Students motivated as effort is acknowledged

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Superior to Traditional ApproachesCooperative Group Traditional GroupPositive interdependence No interdependenceIndividual accountability No individual accountabilityHeterogeneous Random/HomogeneousShared leadership One leaderResponsible to each other Responsibly only for selfTask and effort emphasized Only task emphasizedSocial skills directly taught Skills assumed or ignoredActive teacher supervision Teacher teaches contentGroup processing occurs No group processingMutual assistance Individual/competitive work

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From traditional to Cooperative Learning

“A good class is a quiet class.”

•“Learning involves healthy noise.”

“Do your own work.”

•“Help your partner learn/solve.”

“Sit quietly.”

•“Get up and look at what the others did.”

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Cooperative Learning supports the Learning Principle

I Hear – I Forget I See – I Remember I Do – I Learn I Discover – I Understand

Cooperative Learning ensures the students are using all their faculties while learning and therefore learn better.

Thus, students benefit not only from WHAT they are learning but also from HOW they learn.

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Cooperative Games

Same principles as Cooperative Learning Not just any game is ‘Cooperative Game’ These are specific games designed after

years of experimentation and observation Help teach children cooperation and key

moral values Nobody wins or loses in these games Care should be taken not to make these

games competitive