introduction to ucp 600 for importers

Introduction to UCP 600 for Importers

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Introduction to UCP 600 for Importers


  • Introductionto UCP 600for Importers

  • Introduction to UCP 600 for Importers

    Victor PenaVice President Americas Regional Trade Advisor

    Global Transaction ServicesCash Management Trade Services and Finance Securities Services Fund Services

  • 2These materials are provided for educational and illustrative

    purposes only and not as a solicitation by Citigroup for any

    particular product or service.

    Furthermore, although the information contained herein is

    believed to be reliable, the following does not constitute legal

    advice, and Citigroup makes no representation or warranty as to

    the accuracy or completeness of any information contained

    herein or otherwise provided by it.

  • 3UCP 600 Understanding & Application

    Review History & Process

    Comparison with UCP 500

    Overview of UCP 600 Articles

  • 4 The UCP is the work of the ICC, a private international organization founded in 1919.

    Remains, to date, the most successful set of private rules for trade ever developed.

    UCP 600 Sixth (6th) revision since its inception by theInternational Chamber of Commerce in 1933

    Included review - ICC Opinions, Decisions, DOCDEX cases, legal decisions, URR525, ISP98 and eUCP

    Review History & Process

  • 5Review History & Process

    *Seven Articles that have lead to nearly 60% of ICC Opinions are:- Article 9 Liability of Issuing and Confirming Banks- Article 13 Standard for Examination of Documents- Article 14 Discrepant Documents and Notice- Article 21 Unspecified Issuers of Contents of Documents- Article 23 Marine/Ocean Bills of Lading- Article 37 Commercial Invoices- Article 48 Transferable Credits

    Page 5

  • 6Review History & Process

    ICC National Committees were requested to vote on issues such as: On its face, Reasonable time, Negotiation - leave out or retain Introduction of new articles, splitting of others, parties or banks, Discounting of deferred payment undertakings Degree of review for inconsistency or non conflicting

    ICC unanimously approved 2007 Revision on 25th October 2006

    Effective July 1, 2007

    Page 5

  • 7 New terminology, concepts & wording introduced

    Re-organization of the rules

    Substantive & cosmetic changes

    Improved clarity, yet created new ambiguity


    IndependentIndependentIndependent DocumentaryDocumentaryDocumentary

    Whats not changed

    Comparison with UCP 500

  • 8Comparison with UCP 500

    UCP 600 (39 Articles)

    New: Article 2 Definitions Article 3 Interpretations Article 9 Advising of Credits

    & Amendments Article 12 Nomination Article 15 Complying

    Presentation Article 17 Original Documents

    & Copies

    UCP 500 (49 Articles)

    Not included in new Revision:

    Article 5 Instructions to Issue/Amend Credits

    Article 6 (part) Revocable Article 8 Revocation Article 12 Incomplete or

    Unclear Instructions Article 38 Other Documents Articles 2,6,9,10,20,21,22,

    30,31,33,35,36,46,47 content merged or amalgamated

  • 9Comparison with UCP 500

    No Change from UCP 500 legal status

    Rules apply to LC by incorporation into the LC - not by operation of the law

    Rules may be overridden by express terms in the L/C Rules are subject to interpretation by national courts

  • 10

    General Provisions and Definitions 1 - 5

    Liabilities and Responsibilities 6 - 13

    Examination of Documents 14 - 17

    Documents 18 - 28

    Miscellaneous Provisions 29 - 33

    Disclaimers 34 - 37

    Transferable Credit & Assignment 38 - 39

    UCP 600 39 UCP 500 49v.v.

    Overview of UCP 600 Articles

  • 11

    Use of SWIFT:

    This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Creditsfor Documentary Credits,, 2007 2007 RRevisionevision, ICC Publication , ICC Publication No. 600.No. 600.

    This credit is subject to UCP 600This credit is subject to UCP 600

    40E:40E: Applicable RulesApplicable RulesUCP LATEST VERSIONUCP LATEST VERSION

    Use of telex or letter:

    Applicable when the credit expressly indicates that is subject to these rules - (SWIFT changes have been made to bring in line).

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 1

  • 12

    Binding on all parties unless modified or excluded by the terms of the L/C.

    Contrary to article 32 of the UCP, Contrary to article 32 of the UCP, ththis is credit remaincredit remainssvalid for subsequent valid for subsequent instalinstalllmentsments despite any shipment despite any shipment or drawing not made within the period allowed.or drawing not made within the period allowed.

    SubSub--Article 28(c) does not apply.Article 28(c) does not apply.

    Documents must not be dated earlier than the date ofDocuments must not be dated earlier than the date ofthe issuance of this credit.the issuance of this credit.

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 1

  • 13

    A Advising bank H HonourApplicant

    B Banking dayBeneficiary

    C Complying presentationConfirmationConfirming bankCredit

    I Issuing bank

    N NegotiationNominated bank

    P PresentationPresenter

    Banking day




    Complying presentationNominated bank

    Article 2 Definitions (UCP 500 - Part of Art. 2, 7, 9, & 10)NEW

    Certain terms are defined, so that they provide references whenCertain terms are defined, so that they provide references whensuch terms are used in the articlessuch terms are used in the articles

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 2

  • 14


    Pay at sightPay at sight

    Incur deferred payment undertakingIncur deferred payment undertakingPay at maturityPay at maturity

    Accept bill of exchangeAccept bill of exchangePay at maturityPay at maturity

    For credit available by For credit available by

    Sight paymentSight payment Deferred paymentDeferred payment

    Acceptance Acceptance

    Negotiation Purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on another bank)

    and/or documents under a complying presentation, By advancing or agreeing to advance funds to beneficiary, on or

    before the banking day on which reimbursement is due to thenominated bank.

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 2

  • 15

    Nominated Bank

    The bank with which the credit is available, or any bank in the case of a freely available credit

    BeneficiaryBeneficiaryAdvising Advising BankBank

    Issuing Issuing BankBank

    IssuingIssuing AdvisingAdvising

    Nominated Nominated BankBank

    Nominated Nominated BankBank

    L/C available with any bank

    Any bank is a nominated bank

    Nominated Nominated BankBank

    Restricted L/C

    Bank named in the L/C

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 2

  • 16

    Article 3 Interpretations (UCP 500 - Art. 47 & part of Art. 2, 20, 46)

    30 days 30 days fromfrom shipment dateshipment date 30 days 30 days afterafter shipment dateshipment date==Shipment date: 1 AUG 2007Shipment date: 1 AUG 2007 Maturity date: 31 AUG 2007Maturity date: 31 AUG 2007

    ff For determining maturity date, the words For determining maturity date, the words fromfrom and and afterafterexclude the date mentioned exclude the date mentioned (ISBP (ISBP 45,d)45,d)

    ff A credit is irrevocable even if no indication to that effect.A credit is irrevocable even if no indication to that effect.




    Overview of UCP 600 Article 3

  • 17

    For determining a period of shipment, the words from and after have different meanings

    From includes the date mentioned After excludes the date mentioned

    Shipment to be effectedShipment to be effectedfromfrom August 10thAugust 10th

    Earliest shipment dateEarliest shipment dateis August 10this August 10th


    Shipment to be effectedShipment to be effectedafter after August 10thAugust 10th

    Earliest shipment dateEarliest shipment dateis August 11this August 11th


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 3

  • 18

    f Independence Principle - L/C is a separate transaction from the underlying contract

    f Banks should discourage any attempt to include contract as integral part of L/C

    Contract No.123Contract No.123L/CL/C

    Details as per Contract Details as per Contract No.123, which is No.123, which is appended and forms an appended and forms an integral part of the credit. integral part of the credit.

    DiscouragedDiscouraged ????

    Article 4 - Credits v. Contracts (UCP 500 - Art. 3)


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 4

  • 19

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 5

    Article 5 - Documents v. Goods/Services/Performance (UCP 500 - Art. 4)

    f Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or performances to which the documents may relate.

    f In Credit operations all parties concerned deal with documents, and not with goods, services and/or other performances to which the documents may relate. (UCP 500 Article 4)

  • 20

    Place for presentation Bank with which the L/C is available, or Any bank, if the L/C is available with any bank, and Issuing bank

    L/C available with any bank L/C available with Bank XYZ

    1.1. Any bankAny bank

    2.2. Issuing bankIssuing bank

    1.1. Bank XYZBank XYZ

    2.2. Issuing bankIssuing bank

    Place for presentationPlace for presentation

    Expiry date

    Last day for presentation of documents

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 6

  • 21

    Article 9 - Advising of Credits and Amendments (UCP500 - Art.7, 11,b)

    By advising an L/C, the advising bank signifies: Its without any undertaking to honour or negotiate It has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the L/C

    or amendment The advice accurately reflects the L/Cs terms and conditionsNEW

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 9

  • 22

    Article 10 Amendments (UCP500 - Art. 9,d)

    Confirming bank must inform issuing bank of election not toextend confirmation to an amendment and may advisebeneficiary of amendment without its confirmation

    Partial acceptance = Notice of rejection

    Disregard any provision that the amendment shall be in force unless rejected by beneficiary within certain time

    Presentation that complies with the credit and not yet accepted amendment deemed to be beneficiarys acceptance of the amendment

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 10


  • 23

    Article 12 Nomination (UCP500 - Art. 10,c)

    By nominating a bank to accept a draft or incur a deferred payment undertaking, an issuing bank authorizes that nominated bank to prepay or purchase a draft accepted or a deferred payment undertaking incurred by that nominated bank


    Available with Available with Citibank N.A. by Citibank N.A. by deferred paymentdeferred paymentat 90 days after at 90 days after date of shipmentdate of shipment

    Citibank N.A.Citibank N.A. is authorized to :is authorized to :1.1. Incur a Deferred Payment Incur a Deferred Payment

    Undertaking (Undertaking (DPUDPU); and); and2.2. PrepayPrepay its DPU (its DPU (ieie early early

    payment before maturity)payment before maturity)

    Nomination does not obligate nominated bank to honour


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 12

  • 24

    Article 14 - Standard for Examination of Documents (UCP 500 - Art. 13, 21, 22)

    ff Must examine documents on their face to determine compliance Must examine documents on their face to determine compliance

    ff Other than the commercial invoice, description of goods, Other than the commercial invoice, description of goods, servicesservicesor performanceor performance,, may be stated in general termsmay be stated in general terms

    ff Disregard documents not required by L/C and may be returnedDisregard documents not required by L/C and may be returned

    ff Disregard nonDisregard non--documentary conditiondocumentary condition

    ff Documents may be dated prior to issuance date of LC, but notDocuments may be dated prior to issuance date of LC, but notlater than date of presentationlater than date of presentation

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

  • 25

    UCP 500: Reasonable time, not to exceed SEVEN banking days following the day of receipt of documents

    00 11 22 33 44 XX XX 55UCP 600UCP 600

    00 11 22 33 44 XX XX 55 66 77UCP UCP 500500

    MM TuTu WW ThTh FF SaSa SS MM TuTu WW

    UCP 600: Max. of FIVE banking days following day of presentation. Not curtailed or affected by other events.

    What is reasonable ?What is reasonable ?

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

  • 26

    Presentation Period

    Presentation including an original transport document must be made not later than 21 calendar days after date of shipment

    Transport document - Subject to Articles 19-25

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

    Data Not Conflicting

    Data in a document must not conflict with data in that document, other stipulated documents or the L/C

  • 27

    Unspecified Issuer or Content

    Other than invoice, transport document or insurance document, banks will accept the document if (1) its content appears to fulfill the function, and (2) it complies with 14(d)

    Example: L/C calls for Inspection Certificate

    Goods have been inspected and are certified to be in order.



    Goods have been inspected and are certified to be in order.Signed


    Inspection Inspection CertificateCertificate

    Goods are certified to be of Singapore origin.



    Inspection Inspection CertificateCertificate

    99 88 991 AUG 20071 AUG 2007 1 AUG 20071 AUG 2007 1 AUG 20071 AUG 2007

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

  • 28

    Addresses of Beneficiary & Applicant

    Need not be the same between stipulated documents & the credit; but

    Must be within the same country as in the credit

    Disregard contact details of beneficiary and applicant (fax, phone, email) stated in the credit (ISBP 61)

    However, if they form part of consignee and notify party details intransport document, applicants contact details must be as stated in the credit


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

  • 29

    Shipper, Consignor, Transport Document Issuer Shipper or consignor of goods indicated on any documents

    need not be the L/C beneficiary, but must be consistent among all documents

    Transport document may be issued by party other than carrier/ owner/ master/ charterer, provided it meets the requirements of articles 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 14

  • 30

    Notice of refusal must be given no later than close of the fifth banking day following day of presentation

    After providing notice of refusal The bank may return documents to presenter at any time

    Article 16 Discrepant Documents, Waiver and Notice (UCP 500 Art. 14,b,c,d,e)

    Nominated/Confirming/Issuing bank may refuse to honour ornegotiate discrepant documents

    Issuing bank, in its sole judgment approach applicant for waiver


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 16

  • 31

    Single Notice of Refusal must state: the bank is refusing to honour or negotiate, each discrepancy in respect of the refusal, and one of the following:

    The bank is holding documents pending presenters further instructions

    The bank is returning the documents

    The bank is acting in accordance with instructions previously received from the presenter

    The issuing bank is holding documents until it receives waiver from applicant and agrees to accept it, or receives further instructions from presenter prior to agreeing to accept the waiver



    Overview of UCP 600 Article 16

  • 32

    Article 17 Original Documents and Copies (UCP 500 - Art. 20,c,ii)

    ff At least one original must be presentedAt least one original must be presented

    ff Original Document = apparent original signature, mark, stamp orOriginal Document = apparent original signature, mark, stamp orlabel of issuer of the doclabel of issuer of the documentument

    ff Also an Original = written, typed, perforated or stamped by theAlso an Original = written, typed, perforated or stamped by thedocument issuerdocument issuers hand; ors hand; oron original stationery; oron original stationery; orstates that it is originalstates that it is original

    ff L/C requires copies of documents, either originals or copies isL/C requires copies of documents, either originals or copies isacceptableacceptable

    ff Documents Documents in duplicatein duplicate, , in two foldin two fold or or in two copiesin two copies, , presentation of at least one original and remaining number ipresentation of at least one original and remaining number inncopies is acceptable.copies is acceptable.

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 17

  • 33

    Issued by beneficiary, made out in the name of applicant, and need not be signed (except as provided inarticle 38 Transferable L/C)

    Invoice amount in excess of L/C May be accepted by the nominated bank, but must not be honoured or negotiated in excess of L/C amount

    Description of goods, services or performance must correspond with L/C description

    Must be in the same currency as L/C

    Article 18 Commercial Invoice (UCP 500 - Art. 37)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 18


  • 34

    Courier and Post Receipts29Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting


    Road, Rail or Inland Waterway Transport Documents

    28Road, Rail or Inland Waterway Transport Documents


    Air Transport Document27Air Transport Document23

    Charter Party Bill of Lading25Charter Party Bill of Lading22

    Non-Negotiable Sea Waybill24 Non-Negotiable Sea Waybill21

    Marine/Ocean Bill of Lading23Bill of Lading20

    Multimodal Transport Document26Transport Document Covering At Least Two Different Modes of Transport


    UCP 600 UCP 500

    Overview of UCP 600 Transport Articles

  • 35

    New SWIFT 700 fields for transport details:

    Place of Final Destination/ For Transportation to / Place of Delivery


    Port of Discharge/ Airport of Destination44F

    Port of Loading/ Airport of Departure44E

    Place of Taking in Charge/ Dispatch from / Place of Receipt


    Overview of UCP 600 Transport Articles

  • 36

    As AgentAs AgentForFor MasterMaster

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders

    As AgentAs AgentForFor Master, Master, Takashi Takashi YanagawaYanagawa

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 600600

    500500 50050088999999

    Must appear to indicate name of carrier

    Signed by carrier, master or named agent

    If signed by agent, need to specify for whom - carrier or master - it is signed

    Article 19 Transport Documents Covering at Least TwoDifferent Modes of Transport (UCP500 - Art. 26)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 19

  • 37

    Must appear to indicate name of carrier

    Signed by carrier, master or named agent If signed by master, name of master is not necessary

    If signed by agent, need to specify for whom,carrier or master - it is signed

    Article 20 Bill of Lading (UCP500 Art. 23)Article 21 Non-Negotiable Sea Waybill (UCP500 Art. 24)

    MasterMaster 600600 99500500 99

    As AgentAs Agent

    ForFor Master,Master, John DoeJohn Doe

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 99500500 99As AgentAs Agent

    ForFor MasterMaster

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 99500500 88

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 20 & 21

  • 38

    B/L containing indication that it is subject to a charter party

    Signed by master, owner, charterer or named agent If signed by master, or owner, or charterer, their

    names are not necessary

    If signed by agent, need to specify for whom master, owner or charterer - it is signed

    Charter Party Bill of Lading (UCP500 Art. 25)

    Master, Owner or Master, Owner or ChartererCharterer 600600 99

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 22

  • 39

    Agent signing for owner or charterer must indicate name of owner or charterer

    As AgentAs Agent

    For For ChartererCharterer, , John DoeJohn Doe

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 99

    As AgentAs Agent

    ForFor Owner, John DoeOwner, John Doe

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 99

    As AgentAs Agent

    ForFor MasterMaster

    ABC ForwardersABC Forwarders600600 99

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 22

    Charter Party Bill of Lading (UCP500 Art. 25)

  • 40

    Port of discharge may be shown as a range of ports, or geographical area, as stated in L/C (ISBP 106)

    e.g. L/C calls for shipment to Asian portsNEW

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 22

    Charter Party Bill of Lading (UCP500 Art. 25)

  • 41

    Must appear to indicate name of carrier

    Signed by carrier or named agent

    If signed by agent, need to indicate that agent has signed for or on behalf of carrier

    Must indicate date of issuance, which will be deemed tobe the date of shipment, unless.

    Specific notation of actual date of shipment, even not called for in the credit, will be deemed to be the date ofshipment

    Article 23 Air Transport Document (UCP500 Art. 27)


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 23

  • 42

    If it does not identify the carrier, any signature or stamp of railway company is accepted as being signed by thecarrier (ISBP 172)

    Transport document marked duplicate is accepted as an original

    Transport document will be accepted as original whethermarked as an original or not (also applicable to inlandwaterway transport)

    f For rail transport document:

    f Road transport document marked for consignor or shipperor bear no marking for whom the document has beenprepared is the original



    Overview of UCP 600 Article 24

    Road, Rail or Inland WaterwayTransport Documents(UCP500 Art. 28)

  • 43

    Insurance document Insurance policy, insurance certificate or declaration under open cover

    Issued and signed by insurance company, underwriter or their agents or their proxies

    Signature by agent or proxy indicated as being for or on behalf of insurance company or underwriter

    ABC Insurance Co. Ltd.ABC Insurance Co. Ltd. ABC Insurance Co. Ltd.ABC Insurance Co. Ltd.Agent forAgent for

    Article 28 Insurance Document and Coverage (UCP500 Art. 34-36)

    ABC Insurance Co. Ltd.ABC Insurance Co. Ltd.By proxy forBy proxy for

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 28

  • 44

    All originals must be presented, if the document indicates that more than one original has been issued

    Cover Note not acceptable

    Insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of insurance certificate or declaration under open cover

    Issued no later than shipment date, or it appears from the document that cover is effective from a date no later than shipment date

    Issued on 8 AUG 2007

    Effective Date1 AUG 2007

    Insurance PolicyInsurance Policy

    Issued on 1 AUG 2007

    Shipped On Board1 AUG 2007

    Bill of LadingBill of Lading

    Issued on 8 AUG 2007

    Effective Date1 AUG 2007

    Insurance PolicyInsurance Policy

    Issued on 1 AUG 2007

    Shipped On Board1 AUG 2007

    Bill of LadingBill of Lading

    Article 28 Insurance Document and Coverage (UCP500 Art. 34-36)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 28

  • 45

    Min. 110% of CIF or CIP value, if L/C does not indicate insurance coverage required

    If CIF or CIP value cannot be determined from documents take the greater of the following:

    Amount for which honour or negotiation is requested; or Gross invoice value of the goods

    Place of taking in charge or Place of taking in charge or shipmentshipment

    Place of dischargePlace of discharge or final or final destinationdestination

    as stated in the L/C

    Risks covered at least : NEW

    Article 28 Insurance Document and Coverage (UCP500 Art. 34-36)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 28

  • 46

    L/C should state type of insurance required and additional risks to be covered

    If L/C uses imprecise terms such as usual risks or customary risks, bank will accept insurance document without regard to any risks not covered

    If L/C requires insurance against all risks, bank will accept insurance document containing any all risks notation or clause, without regard to any risks stated to be excluded

    Insurance document may : Contain reference to any exclusion clause Indicate that cover is subject to franchise or excess



    Article 28 Insurance Document and Coverage (UCP500 Art. 34-36)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 28

  • 47

    Partial drawings or shipments are allowed

    Presentation of multiple sets of transport docs evidencing shipment on the same means of conveyance (e.g. vessel, aircraft) from different ports/places on different dates and for the same journey to the same destination not partial shipment

    AAA BBB CCC = L/C quantity= L/C quantity

    Port APort A

    Port BPort B

    Port CPort C

    B/L B/L AA AUG 1AUG 1AUG 1

    B/L B/L BB AUG 7AUG 7AUG 7

    B/L B/L CC AUG 9AUG 9AUG 9

    Take latest of the shipment dates as date of shipment (Aug 9 in the above example) (ISBP 89)

    Same vessel and voyageSame vessel and voyage Same destinationSame destination

    Port DPort D

    Article 31 Partial Drawings or Shipments (UCP 500 Art. 40)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 31

  • 48

    Presentation of multiple sets of transport docs evidencing shipment on more than one means of conveyance within the same mode of transport(e.g. shipment by truck) will be regarded as partial shipment, even if shipped on the same day for the same destination (ISBP 89)

    AAA BBB CCC = L/C quantity= L/C quantity

    AUG 1AUG 1AUG 1

    AUG 1AUG 1AUG 1

    AUG 1AUG 1AUG 1


    Partial ShipmentPartial ShipmentTruckTruck AA

    TruckTruck BB

    TruckTruck CC


    Overview of UCP 600 Article 31

  • 49

    Article 37 Article 37 Disclaimer for Acts of an Instructed PartyDisclaimer for Acts of an Instructed Party(UCP 500 (UCP 500 Art. 18)Art. 18)

    f Bank instructing another bank to perform services is liablefor that banks charges

    f Issuing bank is liable for charges that cannot be collectedor deducted from the proceeds

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 37

  • 50

    Transferable credit An L/C may be made available by the transferring bank to a second beneficiary



    ApplicantApplicantApplicant FirstBeneficiaryFirstFirst




    11 22 33 44

    1.1. L/C applicationL/C application

    2.2. Transferable creditTransferable credit

    3.3. Request for transferRequest for transfer

    4.4. Transferred creditTransferred credit ((Credit has been made available Credit has been made available to a second beneficiary)to a second beneficiary)

    Article 38 Transferable Credits (UCP 500 - Art. 48)


    (May be the(May be theIssuing Bank)Issuing Bank)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 38

  • 51

    Transferred credit must accurately reflect the terms and conditions of the credit, including confirmation

    Second beneficiarys documents may be sent to issuing bank if first beneficiary fails, on first demand, to:

    Present its invoice (and draft, if any), or Rectify discrepancies in its invoice (where such discrepancies did not

    exist in second benes invoice)NEW

    Article 38 Transferable Credits (UCP 500 - Art. 48)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 38

  • 52

    38 (k): Second beneficiarys documents must be presented to transferring bank

    Second beneficiarys documentsFirst beneficiarys draft & invoiceDocuments after substitution




    Article 38 Transferable Credits (UCP 500 - Art. 48)

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 38

  • 53

    Bank not obligated to effect transfer

    All charges relating to the transfer are for the account of first beneficiary

    If L/C allows partial drawings or shipments, it can be transferred in part to more than one second beneficiary

    Transferred L/C cannot be transferred to any subsequent beneficiary

    Must determine the handling of subsequent amendments

    Rejection of an amendment by one or more second beneficiary doesnot invalidate the acceptance by any other second beneficiary

    Allowable changes:- credit amount - unit price - expiry date - period for presentation- latest shipment date - percentage of insurance coverageFirst beneficiarys name may be substituted for that of the applicant

    Honour or negotiation of transferred L/C may be in the second beneficiarys country

    Overview of UCP 600 Article 38

  • 54

    Overview of UCP 600 Articles

    Article 7 Issuing Bank Undertaking (UCP500 part of Art. 9,a)

    Article 8 Confirming Bank Undertaking (UCP500 - 9,c and part of Art.9,b)

    Article11 Teletransmitted and Pre-Advised Credits and Amendments (UCP 500 - Art. 11,a,c)

    Article 13 Bank to Bank Reimbursement Agreements (UCP500 - Art.19)

    Article 15 Complying Presentation NEW

    Article 25 Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting(UCP 500 Article 29)

    Article 26 On Deck, Shippers Load and Count, Said by Shipper to Contain and Charges Additional to Freight(UCP 500 Art. 31,i,ii and Art. 33,d)

  • 55

    Overview of UCP 600 Articles

    Article 30 Tolerance in Credit Amount, Quantity and Unit Prices(UCP500 - Art. 39)

    Article 32 Installment Drawings or Shipments (UCP 500 - Art. 41)

    Article 33 Hours of Presentation (UCP 500 - Art. 45)

    Article 36 Force Majeure (UCP 500 - Art. 17)

    Article 27 Clean Transport Document (UCP 500 Art. 32)

    Article 29 Extension of Expiry Date or Last Day for Presentation(UCP 500 Art. 44)

    Article 34 Disclaimer on Effectiveness of Documents(UCP 500 - Art. 15)

    Article 35 Disclaimer on Transmission and Translation(UCP 500 - Art. 16)

  • 56

    Any Questions?

    Our Technical Trade Specialists are happy to answer your technical LC questions. Please mention that you attended our Introduction to UCP 600 for Importers Webinar!

    Barbara Fernandez in Tampa, FL

    Phone: 1-813-604-7088

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Victor Pena in Tampa, FL

    Phone: 1-813-604-7042

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Our Trade Bankers are available to provide additional information about our trade services, our trade finance capabilities, and our global network. Please contact:

    Phyllis Kai-Kee in New York, USA

    Phone: 1-213-239-1749

    E-Mail: [email protected]

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