ipms project background and approach

Background and approach IPMS project Dirk Hoekstra Market-Oriented Smallholder Development: IPMS Experience-Sharing Workshop ILRI, Addis Ababa, 2-3 June 2011

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Presented by Dirk Hoekstra at the opening of Market-Oriented Smallholder Development: IPMS Experience-Sharing Workshop, Addis Ababa, 2-3 June 2011.


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Background and approach IPMS project

Dirk Hoekstra

Market-Oriented Smallholder Development: IPMS Experience-Sharing Workshop

ILRI, Addis Ababa, 2-3 June 2011

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Outline presentation

• Background

• Approach

• Diagnosis and planning

• Implementation

• Concluding remarks

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Policy environment

• The Ministry started formulating new policies aimed at transforming subsistence agriculture into a more market oriented agricultural system some 10 years ago.

• This was reflected in the PASDEP for the period 2005-2010.

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PASDEP Emphasis

From subsistence To market oriented

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PASDEP Emphasis

Gender balanced development Increased cooperative/private sector involvement

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CIDA Ministerial visit to Ethiopia resulted in willingness to finance

IPMS project

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How do you implement such a market oriented strategy??

• What should be the approach? Will it be the same as for food security and natural resource management?

• How do we design/test it?

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Possible answer to the approach question

• Adopting a participatory market oriented commodity value chain approach– So what does it mean and how does it

complement previous approaches• Development through field testing and


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Participatory market oriented commodity value chain approach

Production based on improved technologies

Inputs /services

Processing and marketing Agri business


Agri businesspublic sector

Research , extension education

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Project components


Studies and documentation

Recommendations for scaling out

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Testing in 10 Districts

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The process

Diagnosis & planning

Commodity development

Knowledge/skillsdevelopmentM&E and learning

M&E and learningCommodity development


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Role of partners and IPMS

• Partners are implementing the interventions• IPMS acts as:– Facilitator: for the introduction of the new

approach through technical assistance and finance for partners

– Partner: for extension and research (studies, documentation, synthesis) activities

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Diagnosis & planning

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Initial planning

• Diagnose/determine – Farming systems – different resources/potentials– Marketable commodities – which ones?– Value chain actors roles and linkages

• Design – Production, input/service, processing and marketing

interventions– Knowledge and capacity development interventions to

fill diagnosed gaps

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Diagnosis & planning methods and processes

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Gender diagnosis

• Butter & women in rural areas in all Regions

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Toolkit to diagnose HIV/AIDS situation and idea sheet on potential interventions

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Use of agri chemicals Lowering water tables

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Implementation1st round

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• Commodity value chain interventions

• Knowledge/skills development interventions

• Monitor, evaluate and learn

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Commodity development

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Awareness (demand) creation in District and communities

• Workshops, meetings

• Study tours

• Demonstration

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Dairy value chain development 1

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Dairy value chain development 2

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Knowledge management and capacity development

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Overall approach

• Based on diagnosed gaps in knowledge and skills– Service providers– Value chain actors in particular farmers.

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Ethiopian Agricultural Portal

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Use of Woreda Knowledge Centre

Computer use and internet access Documentation from various sources

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Other methods of knowledge capturing and sharing

Study tours Field days

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Capacity development service providers

Subject matter training Computer training

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MSc/BSc education and research Assessing market potentials coffee varieties Presenting results to the beneficiaries

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Farmers skills and knowledge development in FTCs

Demonstration areas Class room teaching with audio

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Women skills development

Practical training husband and wife Targeting women groups

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Drama group to increase awareness on HIV/AIDS

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Training materials and working papers

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Monitoring & evaluation and learning

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Methods and tools

• Follow up visits by service providers

• Field days

• Meetings platforms/Woreda Advisory and Learning Committees (formal and informal)

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Implementation 2cd round

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Sequential interventions

Production of bananas Ripening of bananas

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Sequential interventions

Onion seed production Certification

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Sequential interventionsFlowering of leguminous plants in communal grazing areas Which can be used for apiculture

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Concluding remarks

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So was a new approach developed?

• At District level– Various knowledge management interventions operational– Service providers and farmers capacitated for market oriented development– Linkages between producers, other value chain actors and service providers

operational– Change to commercially oriented agriculture using modern technologies– Alternative input supply , service delivery systems and marketing intervetions

operational– Role of extension starts changing from input supplier to knowledge broker and

facilitator of linkages • At regional and federal level

– EAP operational and increased understanding of the importance of knowledge for development

– Selected regional and federal level staff capacitated for market oriented development

– Increased understanding of value chain development

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Main lessons & lessons

• Development is a continuous process which requires continuous engagement new responses and involvement of new actors and service providers

• Role of commercially oriented value chain actors can be the engine for development

• Key areas for future development, to increase production in the Districts: – Regional/federal level support system– Supply of inputs and services and – Processing and marketing of products beyond the District.

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Thank You