ipms sa no 5


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Modelling MAgazine


Page 1: IPMS SA No 5




l\1 o.5 APL I97B

Page 2: IPMS SA No 5

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Page 3: IPMS SA No 5

lntc!Fnati o,na I PlasiticMo delle!-si SocietySouth Afniea

BuaFtenl y lUo.5Editorial Address; P.O.Box 534, Isando, 1600.

I .P.M - S.A. BRAi\CHES.

Witwatersrand " Branch


Lowveld Branch.


Arthur CruickshankDave BeckerArnold ChurchAidan OwenKen Smy.

A11 correspondance to;P.O.Box 534, Isando, 16O0

Durban Branch.

Chairman: Garth Kno11,O5 Waller Crescent,Rose Glen,Durban.4ogt

Mike Patterson,P .O. Box 632 ,Nelspruit, 1'2r;re:.

F )t J( )e * * x Jt J+ J( t( )c J( x * rt t( )E )e )E x i( x J( )e

Magazine Subscriptions :

South Africa R.3.5OEurope ...R 4.ooEurope(airmail).... n 6.OONorth America(airmail ). . . . .USD 8.OtlAustralia/N .2. (ai-rmaif ). . .$,usD 7.U)

Overseas payment by InternationalMoney Order payable to:

I.P.M.S. - S.A.,P.O.Box 534, Isando, 1600,Republic of SouthAfrica.

Overseas cheques please add 12%

for bank collection charges.

J( + + )e J( J( * ie Je r( + J€ J( Je * J( * )e * + )e x * J( J( * )e t( )e )e * * )F * )(. J( )c x

At the re.ierrt {GM of the IP}ISSA Witttrateriran(1 Brancir, :rll of',"'lta Committee of feretf themselvesfor re-election and were retu::leCand Laurie Koerr iuas cr)*t)1)i-tl,f todeal with oLlr PR siJe ancl coveradvertisirrg of the Society.I was interrr.Ji,:J tr> featrrr': i.n'this issue the \4arrnon-Herr ington

mk . 111 , but the st orins of lastmoirth ,lid consi,Jerable damage toKlapperkop Museum and it has been,:losed for extensi,re repairs butI hope to finish the drawings int ime f ot the nr:.;< '; i s sue .

The ariicle on SAAF camoufiagewill no dout:t gi,ue rise to quit,:a fevu comrl;Jrl1j,- rvith regar:1 to soneof the sche-'rnes r as it is certaiirthat the-;e order s were not st r ic t 1yadher,: J t,t , but we wi I I ,Jea I ';vi t hthat at length in fut _rre issues.

ContenLs:News anil r,/ieqrs,...Mirage Fl(pari 2)...


Ai r c raf t of tlte SAAF .Stu\F Cam,:rrf laEe -.83sf,

Revir:ars:WilLran,s Brt:s C-46Rar:.'.r l.lres DC-4SAAF Decal- Sheet

Cote]:r: Phoio:Th.:r .SADii Centurion VI')77 Pret or ia Shr>rv.

( phot,l Ken Sn;' )

. . , .paEo:Afr ica. . . .Paqe

. . ..Page 7,...Paqs 7..'.Page 7

at t ir::




page I

Page 4: IPMS SA No 5


Mark Grossman of 6f-3O, 2Lhth St, Bayside, New york, fL364 would liketo correspond wittr anyone .intere,sted i*a L,/LZOOth scale ship rnodels. Heis also looking for any L/LZOOtlr scale ship by Eagle, pyro or Renwal, orany l/lOOOth scale ships by ASK, Saito or b"n*^, -Mark is also intexesterlin books t-ril P"o.hlts in WWll and would like any info on any books dealinqwi th South African P . o. W' s .

Andy Yanchus of AURORA reports that the coinoany has been bought out byMARX and all the kit- moulds ,have been acquired by MONOGRAM who will re-work them and re-issue the better kits in the future.

Peter FI Smith ot 24 Fairford Road,Bj.rrainghamo F,44 BDJ, would like tohear from anyone interested in.post-nrar t/7Zna scale military aircraftmodels and Uth4tn scale civil airliners. Peter is interested in an ex-change of kits, photos, info etc.

IPMS DENMARK.: Torben Klein writes to say that at the moment their magis produced occasignally and in Danish but hope in the near future tobring out a regular magazine.

.I-PISS*-IVPXICO:- One of the newest Branches establishr:d. Their SecretarvrJavier Le6n has sent us a sample of a decal .slaeet for a Mexican AF A-24Dauntless. Quality is very good but a bit on the expensive side at 2.5OUS doll-rrs per sheet. We hope to have an exchange of magazines niit-h.them"

IPMS CANADA: Bob Migliari, the National Director s23r us a couple of thebranch magazines '?RTrr'.recently. Excellently produced, this monthly has L2pages per issue and the issues we received had articles on Norw AF.CF=lO!:the Canadian Leopard tank, the British.Army Training Ground in Canada'anda series on RCAF aircraft. Subs are 7.6 Can doltars per year from Box 626,Stn B, Ottawa, O"tario, KlP 5P7.

IPMS,9ERMANY: This branch also produces a monthly magazine tMitteilungenr,and although in German, it.s JO pages cover a variety of toDics, the latestissue containing .a article on WWl1 Luftwaffe codes and a really interestirglist of new. kits/ivtodels, which is of particular interest to the automobileenthusiasts. Subscription is DM J2 per year frorn Gtlnther Lindow, OertzenwegLzb; D-Iooo Berlin 37.

* t( * )e * )c i( )c J( )e x x r( * tc )t * * * * x Je * x )e J( * Je * J( * * )e

MIRAGE FI (Part 2) bv Ken Smv.4\,2r,,

I was hoping to deal in detail with the colour specifications forthe many variants of the Mirage Fl covered in the last issue, but as yetI have not received the specific information. S,: this month we will covertire insignias of the va::ious units that at the present day are equippedwith the Mirage Fl.The drawings I hope are self explanatoty, but would like to point out

that many French AF ai'rcraft carry two different unit insignia, o.r* onear:h side of the fuselage or finrexamples of this are shr:wn on the pageof drawings dealiirg nrith the French AF units. This point is descr:ibedin detail in the bookrFrench Military Aviationtmentioned in the lastissue of the Quarterly. One other point is that not all of the FLAZtsof No" I Sq SAAF carry insignia at the moment.I would like to acknowledge the assistance of paul Jackson and of JohnAndrade in the preparation of the drawings in this articre.

* )c ),1 * * * J( r * J( * )e X ).4 )e * * J( * J( * *. i( J( J( * * x *

PaEe 2

Page 5: IPMS SA No 5

( S itidt in )

v" ir-_Eg-v-! z " ssgss--VJ-A-s!s-.Colours: Dark recl flash outlined in

ye11.ow . BJ ack/ yellow tigerrshead , red eye s ,and mouth .

B LTck/ ye l- lov.r hornet wi thwhite v,rings

LeEl i \e,-3__sd^ s44t

(Poi:tr-rn )


( Bothfi.ns

Paie blue disc rwhitefDon Quijotetrdk blueaircrafti t"O '14t.

&Lg}ti: \g_:_1 Sq SAAF

Goldrbiue and blackeag 1e , whit e shi-e ld whitegr:ld c ros s ,b lueout 1i"ne. GcIdscroIi.All withye 1l-ow out line .

( Br"rth s ides )

Riqht : Unit CEAIvt.Codes 11.8-Ae etc


ye l loru sc rr:11b lack Ietters

( Bcthfins )


o\B.l ack d j.sq

,r:u t 1:'-ned :-'nrlk green andye i l.ow " Pa IeL;'Lue hornet withgaLd/,;el,lovtr ivingllink €'rres a,nd ta


-"-wh j,t e

r€ Left: No " 1l+l SCodes 1-O1 etc

black letteri.ng.

MIFIAGIE FI lJnit lnsignia (scare r/3

Page 6: IPMS SA No 5

iini.t ". ECz/L2" Codes L2-ZAColours:" VJhite l:and outl-i.ned in white


hlack , wiBIack/whBlack7/wh

(S'itrri fin") (Fort

tlnit : F:CLfi -.. S"SLeo_ l;NA_e! c_.


Black strigre wj.thuyei l.cuv cut Iine.

1",iEht bl ue


yci l.alv

(stno fir:)

I-tzf "c: Unit:Codes

#g --..Reci sirieid i.,ritiryel Iow liotrs rwhiteli.ght ni ng f lasi: .

( bot11 f J.ns )


ye1low hite

( .Dort f in )red numbers wittt

W_2/3.. yel1ow outtine\IO-MA e1-c

Y:ght:- Vn) ) scz/ 5-

Codes J-OA etc

f.ight bl. uest ripe


MIFIAGIE FIFnench Ain FoFcG!Unit lnsignia-9CALE: \/3trth.


.E,l_Ehrl : Unl ! _PgI3__3/3oCodes JO-FA et

white birds

yellonr flash

ith b j,-rck designs.hite scorpion.hite/brown dog. {:*i-


,/$ f 'f ffi['X /# 4/

(Fort fin) /:

fins )

(both fins )II


! IPM.S.-r;A Quarterly

Page 7: IPMS SA No 5

AIRCRAFT OF THE S.A.A.F. (Part 4 ) F v- Seg"rss- Dgs*lgp e-B


In 1940, when No"1 Sqdn SAAF was transferred to East Africa: do advanceparty was flortn up to Egypt to ferry down eighteen Gl-adiators atlotted tothe unit. The first nine fl€w south to Nairobi in July (RAF serials N 5789,5813,5815,5818 ,582L,5822,5826,J8JI and 5856 ) The foltowing month, nine morewere flown down to I(hartourn (RAF serials incI N 5820, 582415828,583O,58315B5Z and 5853) The Flight at Nairobi was reinumbererj No.2 Sqdn.in October.In April L941, No"94 Sqdn RAF handed over its twelve Gladiators to No.J

Sqdn SAAF (RAF serials N 2278,2280,2283,2285 ta 22)a,zz92 7o 2294) ttre unitalso flying Hurricane 1's,, In about July L94L, the Gladiators remaining inservice were given SAAF serial number=^ from about f33f to 135Oe ncs l34Zand 134:l being shot down over Gondar in August " .At the end of Sept, mostof the Gladiators t^ieIe pass-ed ort io Nr 237 (Rhod) Sqdn whilst a feur went ti')the OTU at Nakuru"

Some references quote Gl-adiator Mk.1 serial K 7922 as being given to theSAAF in Jan 1939 for evaluationrbut no record as yet been found of it inSAAF service, but it was on the strength of No.237 Sqdn in May L94L.


The Hart, basis of many varia.nts, appeared on the South African scene inf 93B when lOO surplus RAF aircraf t r{rere acquired f or the Training Scheme.These were given serials from 3O1 to {OO and were finished overall silverwith distinguishing coloured bands around the rear fuserlage. A further lotof about lJo aircxaft were delivdred from May I94L to Jan f94: for the RAFAir Training S6heme and were serialled from {Ot to -5OO, and from 2O4Z toabout 2069. Both bomber and trainer variants were delivered and schemeswere a variety of combinations of yellow, silver and camouflage,HAWKER HARTBEES

This aircraft was a variant of the Hart family specially designed to suitSAAF requirenents" The first four were built in England and tlie remaining65 at thq Aircraft Factory at Robertts HeightsrPretoria, under lieence.lThe iircraft were serialled BOt to 86g "

Initially they cartried an all silver scheme with coloured fuselage bandsbut were camouflaged in f94O for active service. On the outbreak of war,some wetre dtaf-led into units for cdastal defence. In May I94O, No.11(B)Sqtook 2{'Hartb"ees to Kenya-which were passed on to lo.4o'sq-*f,6" ift";;ii-re-eq.uipped with Battles. In Dec I94O; No.AI Sq SAKF also flew up to EastAfrica with Hartb'ees.At the end of the campaignrthe remaining aircraft were

Union and the majority served wi.th No.43 Sqdn until midwere withdrawn from use. One Hartbeesr.No.85l, is todayMuseum of Military HistoryrJohannesburg.Noglg ryqB Ig.$L lrABVARq,.The Harvard is truly a SAAF stalwartenow approaching 40 years continuous

service with the SAAF and only s1-ow1y beirrg phased out" Three Harvard Mklwere delivered to the SAAF in f94O,(serials f3of - 1303) but it was notuntil Dec L942 that the first of some 6JJ Harvard LIa/L11 were deliveredfor use at the Air Schools- These carried serials TOOI to 7633. In aboutL952, some 65 ex USAAF/USN aircraft were acquired (7634 - 7695) and laterin L96r about Jo re-built T-6c,s were bouglt (7699 - 7T2B) The last onesreceived were four ex-Belgian AF aircraft \7729 - 7732),three of the latternow acting- as tgate guardianst at various SAAF establishment.,'ir ,Pretoria"During their long career in SAAF service, the Harrzarrls have carried a wicle

variety of colour scheneq.and reaCers are referrerl to articles in AIRFIX

flown back to theL944, when theypreserved in the

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Page 8: IPMS SA No 5

Magazine for Oct/Nov lpll and WINGS OVER AFRICA for Jan and Nov L969 fordetails on some Qf these schemes.

*. J( * J( )e * * * J( * )e J( * Je J( *. iC * )e J( i( Je J( )e )C * ),a )e ++ i( )€ )e r+ J( )e Je*

S. A. A. F "- *C.amouf lage, Scf,gg: _- :_P3:j_Ar4s" _ L2E/ !24L by Ken Smy

During a visit to SADF Archives recently, I came across a file dealingwith camouflage instructions for SAAF aircraft operating in East Africaand summarize it here for the benefit of modellers,

The first fnstruction came from Combined Airthe foltowing inf orLnat ion:

9eges5l,+s-=.A/c type

Junkers 86Bat t leHurricaneGladiat or/truryHartbeesJunkers 5Z/3n/valentiaCommunications a/c

xthe under surface of

!c.g4daIs.Fuselage - all aircraftUpper wing * all :rircraftLower wins : fiill$:"= Junkers 86

- a1l other aircraftFin marking all aircraft

HQ dat ed 27 "7 "4C-, giving

Lower surfacesDark GreenBlackBlact/WfriteBlack/WhitexSi lverBlaqkYe llow

Upper surfacesDark GreenDark Green/Dark BrownDark Greenr/Dark BrownDark erown/tvtid stoneDark Green/Dark BrownDark erown/tvlid StoneDark _erown/Mid Stonethe upper wings were

A note on this order menti<lned that the upper surfaces of the Junkers 86were to be alte::,:,J to Dark Gteen/Dark Brown.

also painted black.

orang e/wh it e / Blue/ye 1 toworange/Blueorange/Blueorangelwhit e./Blueo r ang e/whit e / Btue / v er rowOrange/White/Blue (Blue nearest the

:rudder post )

In the meantime, HQ RAF ME had issued an order on 2O.8"(O as follows;tIt has been decided that the lower surfaces of all bomber an,J fighteraircraft(except for bomber/transports) are to be camouflaged pale-blue"Shipment Lof the special dope is ba route frgm the UK, but due to the delayin receipt of this, a lodally-prorluce-d- dope is to be used. Thi's'dope is ofa slight.ly darker shade than that us*ed in Eulqpe and is more Suited to theMiddle Eist\ sky" '"

'An amen,Cment to this Order !4/as issued

'a11 Army Co*operation aircraft are tolower sur faces ;.

HQ RAF ME issued another instruction on the l.lr.{o with regar,l to theapplication of roundals.

Alt service aircraft. - LJpper surfaces ReO/B1ue- Lower surfaces None except fighte:: aircraftFighter aircraf! - Lower si:r,faces Red,/Whit e/btue

A11 servicd aircrqft - Fuselage nearlwhite/eluelVellowA11 service alrcraft - Fin marking Redr/White/Blue 24"widex27'thighcode letters would be in grey dB" rrigrr with 6,, wide strokes.

An Instrr:ctiotr was issued by HQ RAF ME for information purposes givingdetails of the colour ="ti"*". used onthe aircraft "p.=^ttJ ;y-see6waon civil flights in the region.

on the 23 .LO.4A , which state,J that ,be pa'interi liqhi (ME) blue on the

Page 6

(continued on page 8 )

Page 9: IPMS SA No 5

KIT REVIEWS: WILLIAMS BRoS Curtiss C-46*,(\17il by Dave Becker

Though not too well known in South Africa, the C-l+6 is one of the manyimportant aircraft of WWll and should be represented in any large collect-ion of models.

The Wiiliams Bros kit is an le*hellent representation of the aircraft andwhen placed next tp a model o{ a,Dakota, ,rn" can appreciate what a i-argeaircraft it was, A11 parts ard.wrapped in plastic anO there L-- a choiceof three or four bladed proppellers as well as plastic and rubber tyres.

Decals for two USAAF aircr:aft" a Chinese one and an aincraft of theFlyingiTiger airli.ne are give4 together with details of hbw to build thevarious C-46 versions. An IPMS leaflet gives details of several otheralternat ives.

This is one of the better kit.s on the market, and is well worth buying,

KIT REVIEWS: RAREPLANES Douglas DC-4 _(t/72+4\ by Dhve BeckerA very welcome addition to the range of vacuum-formed kits available

is the Douglas DC-d, which gives up a lot of possibilities for the SoutLhAfrican modeller. For in addition to the SAAF DC-4rs with the ear,Iy orangefin and the later'white fin with or:ange tips., there are the currbnt oneswith the camouflaged scheme and a host of civil schemes, such as SAA,Suidwes Lugdiens, Wne1a, Trek, and others"

The kit itself comes in a large strong box with a photo of the model andplus a drawing of a Capital Airlines aircraft on the cover" Parts consistof six sheets of vacuum-formed parts plus transparencies and include partsfox the Merlin engined DC-{m also, which means that ah RRaF Canadair maybe built, however, the windonrs must be altered for this version..

The only major fault with the kit appears to be the shape of the fin andthe modeller should refer to photographs for the true shape. Another pointto bear in mind is that two different types of carburettor intakes are usedon the DC-4, and both are found on SAAF DC-4"s.

REVIEW: Decal Sheet - SAAF Insignia" by Dave Becker.

Up tiII now., one r:f the main problems to the modeller of modern SAAFaircraft has been to find suitable insignias. Some sheets have been pro-duced in th'e pastr not+bly the A vd Merve sheet some years ago and now nolonger avaitabterwhich ,t.rforSr,:ately suffered from bai regisler and someinaccurate colours" Another sheet, consisting of four casile= only, andwithout the white outline was also available in Pretoria for a time aswell as the sheets from the FROG Canberra, Buccaneerrshackleton, FUJIMIand MATCHBOX Mirgae'111 and TAIvIIYA Buccaneer, sorye,o-i. th*se being avail-able separately.

Most of these sheets suffered from deficiences in some form otr other sothe introduction of a new sheet on AJ size paper which largely correctsthe faults of the previous offerings is a most welcome step.Most of the sheets examined displayed good register though some had a

1ittle variation in the sfraOe of- blue .rrO tfr" smudging of the gold on therspringboksr. The sheet has been designed for use with t/7Zna scale air-craft but modellers should be able to adopt some of the sizes to use forother scales "

It is worth noting that one fuIl*size aircraft, there is a slight varia*tion in size between those having the painted 'castle' and those with thedecals now in use, the latter being slightly smaller. There is also somevar'iance in the shade of the blr.re between the two versions"

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Page 10: IPMS SA No 5

The sheet consists of:8 x 66,,1 8 x 54,,r 4 x 48", 6 x 36,,, L2 x 3o", L2 x 24',, L2 x lB" castles,

strips of orangerwhite and blue, four rows of 2\'r numerals, six rows of 8"numerals, two sets of rSA Air ForcetandtsA Lugmag?f and L6'Bly Af/Keep Offlsigns, the lat'ter unfort rrrrately too large for t/7Zna scale aircraft .

All the items mentioned above are on one sheet of carrier film which hasan overall varnish, so each itern must be cut out separately,.An instructionsheet is included with the decals giving sizes oftcastles'applied to thevarious aircraft types, and the basic colour schemes used. This is however<inly a generai guidL

Several mistakes unfortunately have app€ared on the instruction sheet "The Albatross and Buccaneer have dark sea grey upper surfaces, not extradark sea greyrlikewise the Wasps are finished in overall dark sea grey notextra dark sea grey. The extra dark sea grey on the anti-glare panels andwings of Harvards has recqntly been replaced by dark sea grey" The Merlinhas all the top sufaces in white, not just the fuselage, and the Mercuriushaq a white tailplane. No camouflaged TransalIs have had fin flashes. Sincethe appearance of the sheet, there has been several changes to SAAF aircraftincluding the camouflaging of the DC-{'s, and a revision of the markingson the transports and light aircraft types.The sheet is highly recommended and we now await the follow-up sheet which

will feature the I springbok' rounda.ls.*J()€)f*JCJ(J(rti(J(*i(-*)e*)..J()€*)e*)eJe)++J()e+*)t**)tx**J(*)(.tc


Still kicking your heels about those kits you never bought when theyr,\rere on the market? Well, why not subscribe.to the'Kit Collectors ClearinqHouse Monthly". pubtished at'321J Hardy Drive, Edmond, Oklahoma, 73034. '

This eight page monthly carries some Jo ads per issue re old kits etcaircraft, AFV, ships, c,ars, etc and contains also much gen on new kits asweIl. Subscribers can insert free ads for their wants and sales etc, andcosts US dollars 7.5O (airmail) by International M?ney Order

J€ *te )e)e t( x * JCi( * J( i( * * )+ )e * )+ * ).4 i( + * + J+ J( i( * )' ,( + x * * )e x x l{- x * x

Camouflage Schemes - East Africa "(""qt lqggg)SABENA Aircraft

Silver a1l over. BLack/Yellow/Red vertical stripes onrudder. Registration letters in black on both sides offuselage and wings to be underlined in Black/Vet,tow/neaBlack/Silver " BLack/Ye1lo/Red stripes on rurlder, wingtips and elevators.

Both types have the word TBEICIQI"IE'? in black on both sides of the fuselage.An amendment issued on 16.1f.4O stated that the under surfaces of theSABENA Ju JZ/jm were now painted Yellow.

With the introduction of the Maryland into service, SAAF Tech Order A186was issued on the 22.IO 40 to cover this type.

Lockheed LIA

Junker s 52/3n

Camouflage: Upper surfacesLower surfaces

Roundals: Upper surfacesFuse lageLower surfaces

Dark Green/Dark BrownLight Blueorange/Blueox ang e /wlni t e / BLue / Y e1 towNone

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Page 11: IPMS SA No 5

Left: Mi-raqe irlC cf F.Cl/Lccdeci L2-YT.

(phcto via Paul Jackson)

Be lonr: Mi raqe FLCZ No . 2O5of 3 Sqdn SAAF.

(photc; Ken S*y )

Above; )iirage F1AZ lio.2l7of Nr--. I Sqcin SA.i\F

( photo: Ken S*y )

Right:l"lira9e Flc of EC2/L21)_72coded

(phoio via Paui Jackso,r )

Page 12: IPMS SA No 5

Above: Hartbees 829but was with(phot r:: SAAF )

probab 1 y didNo.43 Sqcin in

not see service inthe Union during

East AfricaL94?-ry.



Above: Gladiator N5815 served rvith both No.1 & 2 Sqdn SAAF inEast Af rica aud was later passed on to No "23'/ (Rhodesia)Squaclron. (photo: via Ken S*y)