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IME II IT u- I U I tY IJ- o II J II IJ L1 J Q- r II U 0- a U n n II q j a I II i 1 A PMAA tt t h u I a I 9N JI u W a r s i lE t 1 h HE 2e S ° I For Oflld Sara Tkrwt n fiWtla rfk I iO ii flffltfeafcreiWa Anemia I 9irWiTtol bi oj and aft oondltJonsflf jjljusUng Buy only flenttinit H tea on tlon prttt wopftr- Satd PRKS- oM Wowno N V All Drugglata SO cent end n FOltIi d roQU tIwwtko U- keSco S111ulsion Jlottnk the aa Wood tile ill trade- mark ItIP1frStf t t- r r I ii 0 W list salt t o t n i e et- Ub at Wntd are at re 1 alaluldlsa ee- e1sr II at eo- ltetdl tulrleltpo ale lutd louse rap- Ii alt I area t e Weak Q rl our jr i roaate os pearl Banrlrtpi > If there lit any Hier int rchcs qiay aytbat It wdne the Iwpinillon theme and the neap and to any jp etlc ability of h be feels pot To say that C TM one law Jilt iofia- aece so d oommenpletce enough Inn jpwdop a prwo IUy A few days a o A putty tittle W jed girl not owe Iwelvo of ages I suppose made a the of which will be iejt AS long a life lasU and which haft alreadyJ rodueed a change sanctlmonloua Arab prove an Immesurable blessing It 3nftttars not who this little grl Is when at was or What she said if sbo wero to gee this she would not know perhaps Slat preferred to her but still her Innocence confidence end the tone of put we to Infinite no retpecl I boa not what I was thing is what may be ftcrmcd the elasticity of some fin Itnrcs Every ono mutt be endowed with this quality to a greater or less degree else the stress of circumstances would often leave the body mind and A JUt In a pulie Apart condition thAt f would not well for triune lDi keup about the time you feel thdtat tho cards of life have been Its rftrefct1 to tb tr utmost tension and be 101 Jlsten with bated to hear wherp the power of tho pull Itself and you resume onca- raostvtfl Vour orjginal shape ft Httla i 0 vES fuiCrm j I I t9rllir Q toT het t u t r 1 IWb1e ubdrOOdl r- i 8 JneUt W i I ao4lO t- i erlU1II1 lI u tafJ of n 1 rlc tune i dn that may i t l1 ehlUDO I wonderful 3 mean breath 1a spout oft t zji r ataeroaponrtuiggTl efIletaid- C1ti farcb 20 a e 1Grlor liar t hu w L1e r t loveIter t 4 fl Iarepeffeherwbrur- r 9lejpbetbeolaeeetJaetoval- al a some pdz- Aylit 4- 3inrgetrl ymIrvyihr t a tea t ni- xeteetlLopdaedptankdlop thd aboy r l Ili r eeawa rat sensed is e e r r f L ask yeas l tit i I s 4 voles an- do manse lint wand d < < ° clal me se gray two about feTdlvIueu when be wecullarfiiat one of them wft In mftdoofI- n which the author ipjf In preface to the second that he bad unconsciously copied In Ws work sehlencw and pars whom he one fpaw for V ana thinkers in r respective i lilaiaM who omo magic pro v and malaria- i Vr edect by cto dogmas and doc innea that npf since have earned Wen know s0 much that they Venture an original w6n whamuch and such m on tho same sub ect aad forthwith they sot about to modify or retract as if It were Hiew tt aJfiatt I Know who to- wwtar bdRorusljsr I venture to- w y Ut from W sixteen up to Isis pjewt month of Wftnsh l tfie grace 180 4 Jd trade h r the blood of Mtfr broken beattt her i e owi vie of the men who have in ibnwWi7 the otosdi ol fgC Ps the r l O Is exempt t a proyiden 1 i Nimbi nt thQto f ro w 1ii t- DIt JOY foX J1 pJt- urulahtd w p ton Wo th no i IU the made ot l remember 1 bo end t l on JI in fotu9 a- men w t con y you couJ purify their mental of th IMina 1 i 2 r Kardld III 1uU iptaI com which they rightly are I OW have Qeb thAtt it hardly been t Of o tir r u lot dlapu bat ty to u 1 abe M of lime I think few cal ht bet red their tat aid o D Jo v 1 7A- tl J 0 r dnc but none lop te 4 fromtJ- L COIfa lobe a- o r f day pa t at 3 I l 9rVl u their edy I which 0 b e l all2d other was what oe are once I t c other authors bad read his youth i a meet echo as I e83 l tam a their acne one and fallen up steep ironld j sno men lo they nothing They 4tr aaislon has worddd- r they rt r s said rs mar fat lain W ii p black antI xbllo9I a y girl br k tb aq sweet scar of you I know paeonariy a beau the bf her id oter them I p to ItlI it tt otus have fleet IVf kndeto tkliklug a onewm Yir Ulu- r ala G > + ° and unworthy body into the luVgid remorseless waters of Crescent Uj may said that tho face their fatohtis M dark as death When to be taken In When will they quit playing the tool When 0 when will come the and magic day In which the fool will not nave to repent Of hlsfoll- yiSTpr Sprague the Mayor called around at a late hour last night to say would have some weather now LUAOE When In the city go to the St George which is now under the management Mr James Gamble who formerry con- ducted the Orange Bloom to the entire satisfaction of his guests Give him a call The U S Govt Reports snow Royal Baking Ponder superior to all COMO NOTES CprreepomJesee COMO March 20 Again Vo are called upon to record tbo appearance of a huge serpent as teen on tho east shore of Como and HOW a general snake hunt has been going on for several days It seems that as Mr Turner was going to the lake for water he saw a large heap of something which on getting closer ho found to be an Jmmeuse snake having a largo bass in his mouth which ho was attempting to swallow Mr Tur- ner sent to the house for his tOP but as the snake aUeceeded In swallowing the fish bo started toga off tried to him and struck the snake on the head but be was not to on Mr Turner thinking dis- cretion the better jumped aside and letting his snake more room him tho whole of tho rod Mr Turner says it was the moat beautifully snake ever saw was 10 to 15 lOut i d tab atilt be Tim Iteratd Mr Turner up In that manner or t i J end on the throat and covered with dlnmnntlahnn il ab rill men cease long looked for e e 1 e a that lie U ouabt we e be- held t as While nlnn ¬ ¬ j MAXUTKK 19 J I nolic ot of your oo respondent tat otfWge tre B generally mie all dead but I With to I 01 the MatMtW ttVW wd i cb every tree to tbM section are tall of btoftia temp of WKich I IJMMI u proof of what I Also many trW ttttl have qrannea tn l bnVft not been touched by the frewse that brought BO jjnicn ruin nod diva tatten to the beautiful Land qf JV w eta I wonldHke to sta e that Ibe peo- ple ou Urn Manatee estimate the orange drop ob the tide of the for the coming ftt 6000 boxes as line have seen grown In florida are ready JO ship lo marks Tomato pleats are In bloom With plenty of other kind of veget such as turnip beela lettuce There U a great mystery uaehed to a aweet itraln of music beard at nisjlit round the vicinity of Manatee Some attribute It to the tide others to the fth old legend runs that a beautiful Indian maiden commuted tulctde by jumping off the rocks be cause a faithless lover dfiiermd her but nonb prove any for the bcamuul music Is only hear bnigbtj and Hfnuy appreciated by who do hear ik Manatee b a nice clean little village with good board walks all round and- a flae spring of water J V Teaaley of Putnam county has several large contracts on the Manatee river A good many new corners are moving tip that section aad the hotels are pretty full of Northern tourist who will however soon bo going North if the warm weather prevails So great had been the Impression that all orange trees wore frozen that a fellow is com- pletely mobbed if he appears with o sprig of orange blossoms on the streets if Tampa I will rapt take up any more of your valuable Um so hoping you will enjoy the precious I sand 1 will conclude hop dg to receive your paper next Saturday M usual FU RU IAN iyJames Gamble the former pro pnetor of the Orange Bloom desires to Inform the nab remflvcd to the ST GEORGE OTEL where he Is prepared to entertain his pWsto in firstclass style fle wishes It kfaown that everything will be von under en- tirely new to give satisfaction to all J Retrospective- We ltd the pleasure a few days ago meeting Judge P D Ulaylon of The Judge in stopping with A J Reynolds of WOlaka and Is i H 1 i W h4n- f LA Mulch JIdhror 111114 that bet btlia pendhga weir II oil u r luth I would like to fishing r or tJ Q a I public fJi J i and guarantee j J ky nun Ie of Mra Revnolds Rills An j IMLIc MaL eev hover pieaeant timroduwu and assort gnat fiver year sal at las eve add is Rood cases maUl gemeat > ¬ ¬ > Fishing has been good born in the year sweet re be them deal of b- jary nod over to ke back At la ni stirring w away I give him the very picture of goad pd a 18 and can toll many remlnlsencej of the late b Hfp bet lei1 than when lira has some one to ui rt re better known as a camp kettle which by the Jutfcea Clayton In 1814 of a soldier for one pound of jffee It was taken through the whole the Revolutionary and the war W12 and used as ft syrup kettle It moved W Mtlftnd 1 lu aide and deserves to he lAMMlatix- unSjSSnftied Mr Beyaojds preserve riD keep them oft They will b much We them su Jack Dr visit from hU be o well pleased Jackson 1ft lull uni ow Ithftsrfon0 which presetted Hickory himself h s vary in Co bldIlmer 1811 end past some nlthoagh aearlg blind ale Jehlto to ke ne p caugh a- Cariyf playlrg around a floridd complexion sh a txpvayl te s health Judge 1i a groat talker I Ari Im ie war and enjoys ave e r le bg tiM MS mini been i Imptovl an d U listen and encourage him la his atarles- I Reynolds has a small iron pot bare a t p d n end Lire tab 4 r atlment was oresented her by the Judge A hleloty of Revolutionary fame Is at ai tdred taehea to this kettle It was bought to n father Dickey Werrda o oa ua war n uada o LIVE j r the old Liherty Boll was has a ads of beeswax and a wed th eee1nil snit sna ilea Me Schofield an era Park h aaas to it among da Southern ltaltr A of the auwntai in lrac of friends were at hIT three CQNSTIP folds baa a beautiful paint paased hemtvxa raw eah vea UrJJODrearna now appolutmeat 1 ketiuyap or drpwa aad rtding a at er Itr s charger sad an cld pet of a tine boy We you knita eervic were father o veil An FAfatka rti IteynoWa en ocato tf hl emoudus Around mempiiea Ate truly the tick wins friend A ForBffious headacfes dyspepsia tiara All the school lt closed this Week By Mis Allen paied Lake Margaret E Illtf teacher and lice iie WlUlarnntrodcU Thursday Al these aviB biiJlJfaction to Ihelr patrons anti pupils sod fair ftvjra e attendance Was malalAlued The schools of MLwflS Williams will unite taro a at the Sulphur vlnga tuUnrdJ- yMr Carter of Georgia a large crowd at Saturday and Monday The program consisted of n lecture follow- ed by sleightofhand and venlil oqula performances Ills lecture on educa- tion Saturday night was excellent at and of the olden time to ignorance Hu lecture Monday night was on Nature the men some eicellent advice which if heeded will be of Inestimable value to them In the future After performing his leger demain tricks he were done so the little boys were dis- appointed to fad he hadnt swallowed tbe or choked himself with the lie also explained bow tbe Spiritual lets dead The closed With md Judy for the benefit of the little folks enjoyed very much though several wee tots were rery much agitated whoa the alligator swallowed Our people are still busy clearing and new planting that will here to something to eat Some have cut down trecsoih rs are waiting them to show some tlgq of j f S9 Pact sourstontach red dJseas est TUlYr ir PILLS CURE f I tt- FnmTli1i n March u neIghborhood JiJb tlill1l1 by Ute tea i aria the the I more labor on prtreaft tingtathtIrw lki and alb AN ABSOLUTE nnTES- cerNrpeHdew11 itersnd bit Tuesday Miss C Allen School a and lollitt nlo entertained ox end ¬ ¬ ¬ them Mr w D Allen is the on man the community who has an blooming trees saved a few b up tires during the freeze an C t3iv7ANTEJ A slxt of age healthy and vigorous a companion for the lemalnln of his life Widow or maldet preferable A little money wll Address can office Palatka Fla PINE TAR SYRUP uickly cote Coughs and Colds Second spi- omon streets ApyUmtlra by ecrttary BmltJi- WASHiwatoK March W Th D I heard orange blo- oms RYI Drug Storocoreer Dental seers of the Interior vIterday dent gentleman IIefald tb application of the Orleans Fa for en appeal front the d pertinent declaloa for cancel latlonlU indemnity Motion to ter auction of land In tie land dUtriotf- lnlog K cr t rr CarllilcV- VABBiKOTOir 18 Michael J Colb rta admlnsitriiteT of the late JamcJ W brought suit nftalnst l In tho supreme court of the district recover what la claimed to be due tor prosecuting a clam for Public nUdln atVackioBTlllJ- AOJMOBVJLLEI March It U is question of only uboqt four more and the n Jack onrtlla will be completed and by the government oflJolaU in this city Mammoth SawrmlU Kor Lit City LAKE Cmr Mawh 19 It U that a company Northern lumber mtk with abundant aspltal w Wy yatin near elt a wdinmotb- tavrtoiU plant possibly M large a one H tbero is in t- djtBWKJf Ala March 18 The gor- etam ot Inspectors at Roma yesterday the sleomer Tony isonBeed it too frail craft to ply waters of tb Coo and asses th- telp to Oadsden will a quit New La 1I1ZC of tIi J estate t r f i CdbJis II k o New cats Denver tb I read I for rump tW Coots ataamir Cease at a pipe << it nd Ray West Railway ttivtr 00 1LAKB WORTH STEAMJMW AND LAU ET PLOBIDA BOUTIlKaK R K TOJT- IM1 N JMVHt BiyAMBOAT CO omit I la 3 m US J89- Wl I tt 100 4 lp 4 Mt II 8 Wiw 8 tOi IMp p I S3 urn 13 4ft pm- lortT cip 1010HT ralatka a Int rlaeli n llBta UOOa Jlpchilis- ISOp j TraiUan mrk 9 jMfriAr 4 Ar Itmberton 1 Op An JlrooluBnUs JlJtisu roa 1SS s pm Ittl tat 10 m S4 toopm TJtta m nisun I SKalLv Too m S J4Tp I TZOP 363P- 5P terprla Mt Dor 7 TU SlS n I t MJSI- T J cMonTUI IniU naiT Iipre IT p ET Ar TltnitU wh n oop IT ert uiaaj 11 Ar JacIaon m tepteMi t 0p t exMpt Sunday t DaUjr to TltuiTllle Train No Y Ko IB Buffet Car Cincinnati and Jacksonillta to Tirol N Can between hints oorua JsckioniUle Jjrlor UiiDet fin n okiTlU Train No 38 Buffet Bleeping F und to Cinoimutl W B COFFIN WBUENIIAit n Blip J TAK W Sops Korida Southern Jt R Gee MgrIadVrlpftlit Co O Meat Jaek f- 1 i t j rr l THE Corrected ti tl xii e Table NQ i a Ar fhM r A 1481 rl hm 6th 1 j H 11 1 I a 411 II I tp m II aom t p 11 4 a 11 team 1tt f IOHam l1li aIO loaJam lur to II lUll 11C1am aatam a4il I 21 Ar Lv q IDOl 1180 Lv A Ilh tlttJllbcton 001111 n IBIUII uo i 0 lOpS lOp lOOp VOOIUD wll1lCrItk IOp IUp fOaD is RlIIDIIItI4I lUI r4 4511 Ar ButowLv JO 00 un aO pm 9 tIr 9111 10 314 11 00 pAt L f2 pm r a Y II IMam A Jr if 838 f I T 60p T t L II GOp II 1 20p Lv r10am UI0plf t T t LY At 10 B IIJO JknrIlDConD team T10 7l111aaa 00 a i5 t UII t III sW 12110p tOdSa LyJaeboDmOOAr Sropu t t 11116p Ii 91101111 LaGlWlgo MAR 111511111 Ito Y a hoist Palm L IiaDford t Lab W ICJ t BO 10 L Tilun t DuJuDOY1bW ii trop L da ty Jup1HrdUy is Yp Lf l00 Ar t Steamer laup t911lellDdIaDXnu t loteUkeWO1hLakeWortbLdIf IMp ty P I DaiaD lilY Daily MAN t bd Cbdr ratan to lOC bllIe lnln No 7i nIII all Doll Car Nw l11 halr Can 1tUca last fly D rl L JacksonVliitt A Jarf Raetver NOa11Tf- No N a1 wa 1e tNt Ka- w afe a0taln P9 S ac- e a B n atam 1Ypm sea 901 Aeeeair y US d POea aA trees r tree 5 io s na 1 sue z a web 7t1411 a e ltul toll Yaa1 Sn e 3aw espm lima a09ar 11 t DeLeueaprltge Helm II Yp a bop uae t01Tin storm 4 p rr lap S pseam a q ia0a a 41 12 JUnction Oabam t e Doa Ar Lt seam i ao m a t ini a uraa e 5 le a tnrl 11 as m T epop UOspmIOpOAm 1 Tam a G r tea p i 9mam a A ta4ap oaw acct Ito m r to sop lmia 111oaLv GIneetlller Snip 12355 40am ISspm IU Osage Lake am coo r loam Lr e9OSaat n weAr s0 p l lei ri nhmpa Ar a 00 a top ortaeade s ibpm Sham a 6 e0 1 a 1165 le aim 4 a i Ar rants GordaLv p e v p f r team 32 glees Sep stem i1 Ar Lv Y apt tie pia AL r Ar li 1oaS a r Ys eteesaerS eua Dee HowllndunRitetNechlede y 11605 Due Al 1115 Jupiter 40 aceeatr a I Iron L Juno 71a Like Wedh COOS Due Due iitaeilledail Ya 13 I Daily except MOnda betw pr Iunta nodal Carr is t1 w and N to York l < < < > > > = = << > + + + + Jacksonville St Augustine lncji River STATIONS S IYB6Ao5u Un h Bal3 p- lAtPaUtka Mateo LTBan Mateo City Iolut EauCjaUlo- fiarano RtuarT- Hutxi Senna 0B l081KOS5l0- I 0 A IMp Hiotoa rTOtmoid 103 al JS8p 1040a Daytona 1048 3 lp- iJ4Wi Aloe 13 ioop ite i aop sup BTATJOM- SwenJnplitr AllcU Btoirt- Jenten Edna TortPlew- St rude Melbourne Sarno EattflalU- Bockledf Cltjfolttt- Tltmrlll 13TpUO- Ulllla tfpIttK lit8aaMateoiJ i it- llv Bt JaebMnrlll OMp Sftp scop- I EAST COTAST AND WEST Via 61 Auo tlM On o OratftCltr J ft I W IimrU Juaet- Kolm 81ATJOK6 ot4JioI SlfATJONB o lytitia I SOOf fl 4 l p 0rlttdows9pJS- tPttenbo r i i1 nV Tle 1eN- AtOnnoDdJuDO VIa Ii n Lt fliP t nv I alpp UII1S1- M 1038 d L rip 1 ti Np Lak 1 1IIllIa At 12l pArOI1lIlR II SlIp JunOLI- lU JXI lOOp 1 ulIo LT 1GOp tort j SlOp 12 L U4a II IUlia iJr J r JI uOOa T topa OII lOGe I J Ia 61116 IISII it r p Rat ya- TLa le YCed lelnarrll auk SOUTH T x0 OM 0 OTa EO ib nil e T aa W i i 71 LY 1 Seep 915 Riviera 9a eec i1a6p o30i t5a aO4 1901 11215 SMa Lyrelaunt 1D 1 t Ar Baa 1 lOp e t1 mtJo 11i1p a rtlilaslap Op lop takFlllhn llAM Newpmvtoa n 7itmvllle 110711op ul p Daytona a 110i Lv UrmoLQ o a13p ACZaetltI1tta r a 11ip 564p BLLna1p adec y ides i3 rYaltttayA 1 1 5 Asap futin rvJn ter 434p St AU t1 ne 4 atap4 8 ArY1almlleaid Allots 41 COAST ta ro t a9 e A Tda T v one 910a- s r Tka 5t ItOWSL S Iilbs tI0L 4dp i a 11s0p Le 855 A1 Sltetpt N14 e Jn- t d31AsJII W aAYtaldo 11 7 AtopI amp S 4 4P qt t l a 1yxokl S- ouupp 9 ores rata Ohl y > < > > + + 1 tar o UBT Q I nt QU I II Ire yrafluaoatlo MmakulHtI1IlJtntli J1I IDTI1IUDd Bt 0 a aa uestlfIlA Ot 1100 stew y IfOWCtllStbtl Oy a Trilllu2IablttM fT1BIIIIICIrotWCalJlICboiJYI1I4IOWOIUbnB aeh extant rt1 t readers of dI be C op Dn1t j CROCK eq been Able to In a Md orvi one Marble YJt ea tr Cure nd 1 o to e Be C roedlgal 1elUI a tllat I t AngnetDM regal 88 a eon vein I lt tw 1M- 1I11k1qonal treatment Oa rbby Use C gdlreotly Naeamal AU St r I Granite 0 eillt ieo thereby destr ytug the nil IDC lf foundation of the 4t1eaae well d tJ rtl riam 880 a So tt 4if1 t l1t build I Conmate V of Artistic Pattern rom OltiilCItll t t Yo wure lor t and veel18q E dolt wOrk The St lqi haY laijb ft and I tUfli PrJ d t eter One HUnt reel den CopeAt I taro lad eqt to r l C k j fee II1oDIaIt It IN IOU II 1 Cat dfs 1 S J CU Prom f01 ne old LILlINTlIA JtJ i jrf I mUOQt of 8tMI9t- j r 1 t y P 1 j I tJ i rI n 1It JIrUI- i C iI n- n of y s ieh Mr IN PWTil JU Altwtslaedal eetwetJaektouvlneandStAuguaam4 spate a end a A btitlonafewdaa nolded4 c Tall Igik gkLOIIIDA A Theta 9emkee loin slope rreee JNtao Rue ana BK A0gos4tee bat 46eta Jt Aaga1 Ina Ts X1Wiq pest ap o dQflfO It4t delineate ttu keonaw n Tninaa TNnriT loempaeeaexd osapb wAeo 1teUt i p Oiatodwith ST AUOUSTINE arrMeartl ab SS4ettkpingCulesronPodtAngusbned edrfsl p1 edtolearnW lea ArNSauttaraRatt Oslo dreaded has tortes eye Dishcats tlue i cure to and Stone ark stn Also ssoatlast Fiteu train rgn ppo4 i realer thatisCatarrb Dafle old patriot at trteepeaetTroelor eal4cJsa Auto Jdukaavalas oOrelawa5teePIM- anty poetNvecnrekso tai Works to sew ew tWno tathe ttl bt4 iph r nataoaps a were user st Jutlealounoonatttutl- t disease a eia m w eel e moeLx F kll- BIda P80altTIATL e9wetaetlaxpsew ApypeetMWatdteau tnta- Cuye bltAken lnternaliq sell of baask7lsY I7 in i M Mr upon the blood 5111 mucous 81dgairowlYrw sable Iron and Wira tt q TL1UIEARIMUik furnished at r4awra Ja kooayllle in rAwera raaaag r loll taw agithe gltteetr LyAt711ltaroa- oonatltlltbn end 6ua ting is xtursion C sont Pruit Jars Rub r 118 proflrlotors ever asH o ed mush in Its qa OW ee IiL Marco IItte his Lvtel yl JeIIy Glasses at they 10J of Co e5GDdearceeollalted mT54L thetit to r teamer STAR NTHAL sad tat of s Mul 1 Olt cIotg1 Palettiurdaliy at p to Iea7gaq killed AddtnM11 q a Toted Obis 1 1 LS kcaem r- f tk1iJdmIi jd eg dO lemon y- r d f v W 1 t = >> > > > ° >

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Post on 20-Jul-2020




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Page 1: ir P9 i - · IME II IT u-I U I tY IJ- o II J II IJ L1 J Q-r II U 0- a U n n II a q j I II i 1 A PMAA


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1 A PMAA tt t h uI




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I For Oflld Sara Tkrwt n fiWtla

rfk I iO ii flffltfeafcreiWa AnemiaI 9irWiTtol bi oj andaft oondltJonsflf jjljusUng

Buy only flenttinit H teaon tlon prttt wopftr-

Satd PRKS-oM Wowno N V All Drugglata SO cent end


FOltIi droQUtIwwtko U-

keSco S111ulsionJlottnk

the aaWood





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r I ii 0 W list salt t o t n i e et-Ubat Wntd

are at re 1 alaluldlsa ee-

e1sr II at eo-

ltetdl tulrleltpo ale lutd louse rap-

Ii altI area

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jr i roaateos pearl Banrlrtpi


If there lit any Hier intrchcs qiay aytbat It wdnethe Iwpinillon theme and

the neap and to anyjp etlc ability of h be feels pot

To say that C TM one law Jilt iofia-

aece so d oommenpletce enough Innjpwdop a prwo IUy A few days a oA putty tittle W jed girl not oweIwelvo of ages I suppose made a

the of whichwill be iejt AS long a life lasU andwhich haft alreadyJ rodueed a change

sanctlmonloua Arabprove an Immesurable blessing It3nftttars not who this little grl Is whenat was or What she said if sbo wero togee this she would not know perhaps

Slat preferred to her but still herInnocence confidence end the tone of

put we to Infiniteno retpecl I boa not what I was

thing is what may beftcrmcd the elasticity of some finItnrcs Every ono mutt be endowedwith this quality to a greater or lessdegree else the stress of circumstanceswould often leave the body mind and

A JUt In a pulie Apart condition thAt

f would not well for triunelDi keup about the time you feelthdtat tho cards of life have beenIts rftrefct1 to tb tr utmost tension andbe 101 Jlsten with bated to hearwherp the power of tho pull

Itself and you resume onca-

raostvtfl Vour orjginal shape ft Httla

i 0vES fuiCrmj


t9rllirQ toT het t u t


1IWb1e ubdrOOdl


i 8 JneUt Wi


ao4lO t-ierlU1II1 lI u



n 1 rlc tune

i dn that may


t l1 ehlUDO

I wonderful





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r ataeroaponrtuiggTl efIletaid-C1ti farcb 20

ae 1Grlor liar t hu wL1er t loveIter

t4 fl Iarepeffeherwbrur-

r 9lejpbetbeolaeeetJaetoval-al

asome pdz-Aylit 4-

3inrgetrl ymIrvyihrt a tea t



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clal me segray

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wecullarfiiat one of them wft




which the authoripjf In preface to the second

that he bad unconsciously

copied In Ws work sehlencw and parswhom he

one fpaw forV ana thinkers in r respective

i lilaiaM who omo magic pro


and malaria-

i Vr edect by cto dogmas and doc

innea that npf since have earned

Wen know s0 much that

they Venture an original

w6n whamuch and such

m on tho same subect aad forthwith they sot about to

modify or retract as if It were

Hiew tt aJfiatt I Know who to-

wwtar bdRorusljsr I venture to-

w y Ut from W

sixteen up to Isis pjewt month ofWftnsh l tfie grace 180

4 Jd trade h r the blood of Mtfr

broken beattt her i e owi vie

of the men who have in

ibnwWi7 the otosdi ol

fgC Ps ther l O Is exempt t

a proyiden1 i Nimbi nt thQto

f row 1ii




foX J1 pJt-urulahtd w p ton

Wo th no

i IU

themade ot l remember

1 boend t

l on


in fotu9 a-

men w

t cony

you couJ purify their mental

of th IMina


2 r Kardld III 1uU iptaI comwhich they rightly are


OW haveQeb thAtt

it hardly beent Of

o tirru lot dlapu

bat ty to u1

abe M

oflime I think few

cal ht



tat aido





J0 r

dnc but none lop te4 fromtJ-

L COIfa lobe a-


f day pa t at3 I


9rVl utheiredy

I which0

be l

all2d other was what

oe are once

I t c

other authorsbad read his youth

ia meet echo as



l tam

a their acne one and fallen up steep

ironld jsno men

lo theynothing They4tr

aaislon has worddd-

r theyrt r s said

rs marfat lain W

ii p blackantI

xbllo9I a y


k tb aq sweet

scar of you

I know paeonariy abeau the

bf her id oter them

I p

to ItlI it ttotus have fleet

IVf kndeto tklikluga

onewmYir Ulu-

r ala





and unworthy body into the luVgid

remorseless waters of CrescentUj may said that tho facetheir fatohtis M dark as death

When to be takenIn When will they quit playingthe tool When 0 when will comethe and magic day Inwhich the fool will not nave to repentOf hlsfoll-

yiSTpr Sprague the Mayor calledaround at a late hour last night to say

would have someweather now LUAOE

When In the city go to the St Georgewhich is now under the managementMr James Gamble who formerry con-

ducted the Orange Bloom to the entiresatisfaction of his guests Give him acall

The U S Govt Reportssnow Royal Baking Pondersuperior to all



COMO March 20Again Vo are called upon to record

tbo appearance of a huge serpent asteen on tho east shore of Como andHOW a general snake hunt has beengoing on for several days It seems

that as Mr Turner was going to thelake for water he saw a large heap ofsomething which on getting closer hofound to be an Jmmeuse snake havinga largo bass in his mouth which howas attempting to swallow Mr Tur-ner sent to the house for his tOP butas the snake aUeceeded In swallowingthe fish bo started toga offtried to him and struck the snakeon the head but be was not to

on Mr Turner thinking dis-cretion the betterjumped aside and letting his snake

more room him thowhole of tho rod Mr Turner says itwas the moat beautifully snake

ever saw was 10 to 15 lOut



tabatilt be

Tim Iteratd

Mr Turner

up In that manner



i J

endon the throat and covered with

dlnmnntlahnn il


rill men cease

long looked for

e e 1 e a

that lie U ouabt we










I nolic ot of your oo respondenttat otfWge tre B generally mie all

dead but I With to I

01 the MatMtW ttVW wd i cbevery tree to tbM section are tall ofbtoftia temp of WKich I IJMMI uproof of what I Alsomany trW ttttl have qrannea tn l

bnVft not been touched by the frewse

that brought BO jjnicn ruin nod divatatten to the beautiful Land qf JV w

eta I wonldHke to sta e that Ibe peo-ple ou Urn Manatee estimate theorange drop ob the tide of the

for the coming ftt 6000boxes as line have seengrown In florida are ready JO ship lomarks Tomato pleats are In bloomWith plenty of other kind of veget

such as turnip beela lettuce

There U a great mystery uaehed toa aweet itraln of music beard at nisjlitround the vicinity of Manatee Someattribute It to the tide others to the

fth old legend runs that abeautiful Indian maiden commutedtulctde by jumping off the rocks because a faithless lover dfiiermd her butnonb prove anyfor the bcamuul music Is onlyhear bnigbtj and Hfnuy appreciatedby who do hear ik

Manatee b a nice clean little villagewith good board walks all round and-a flae spring of water

J V Teaaley of Putnam countyhas several large contracts on theManatee river

A good many new corners are movingtip that section aad the hotels arepretty full of Northern tourist whowill however soon bo going North ifthe warm weather prevails So greathad been the Impression that all orangetrees wore frozen that a fellow is com-pletely mobbed if he appears with osprig of orange blossoms on the streetsif Tampa

I will rapt take up any more of yourvaluable Um so hoping you will enjoythe precious I sand 1 willconclude hop dg to receive your papernext Saturday M usual FU RU IAN

iyJames Gamble the former pro

pnetor of the Orange Bloom desires toInform the nab remflvcdto the ST GEORGE OTEL wherehe Is prepared to entertain his pWstoin firstclass style fle wishes It kfaown

that everything will be von under en-

tirely new

to give satisfaction to all

J Retrospective-We ltd the pleasure a few days ago

meeting Judge P D Ulaylon ofThe Judge in stopping with

A J Reynolds of WOlaka and Is


H 1 iW


LA MulchJIdhror 111114


btlia pendhga



u rluth

I would like to fishing

r or

tJ Q a


public fJi



and guarantee




nun Ie of Mra Revnolds Rills An j



eev hover

pieaeant timroduwuand

assort gnat

fiver year


at laseve add is Rood







Fishing has been good born in the year

sweet rebe themdeal of b-

jary nodover to keback At

la nistirring w

away I give him the very picture of goad

pd a 18 and can toll many remlnlsencej of thelate b Hfp betlei1 than when lira has some one toui rt

re better known as a camp kettle which

by the Jutfcea ClaytonIn 1814 of a soldier for one pound of

jffee It was taken through the wholethe Revolutionary and the warW12 and used as ft syrup kettle It

moved W Mtlftnd 1

lu aide and deserves to helAMMlatix-unSjSSnftied Mr Beyaojds preserve

riD keep

them oft They will bmuch We them su


visit from hUbe o well pleased

Jackson 1ft lull uni

ow Ithftsrfon0which presetted

Hickory himself



vary in Co bldIlmer 1811 endpast somenlthoagh aearlg blind ale Jehlto to kene p caugh a-

Cariyf playlrg around a floridd complexionsh a

txpvayl te s health Judge 1i a groat talker


Im ie war and enjoysave

er lebg tiM MS mini

been iImptovl an d U listen and encourage him la his atarles-

I Reynolds has a small iron potbare a

t p d n endLire

tab 4 ratlment was oresented her by the Judge A

hleloty of Revolutionary fame Is atai tdred taehea to this kettle It was bought

to n father DickeyWerrda

o oa uawar

nuada o LIVE j r

the old Liherty Boll was has aads of beeswax and a wed th

eee1nil snit snailea Me Schofield an era

Park h aaas to it amongda Southern ltaltr A of the auwntai in lracof friends were at hIT three CQNSTIP folds baa a beautiful paint

paased hemtvxa raweah vea UrJJODrearna

now appolutmeat 1 ketiuyap or drpwa aad rtding aat er Itr s charger sad an cld pet

of a tine boy We you knitaeervic were

father o veil An FAfatka rti IteynoWa en

ocato tf hlemoudus Around mempiiea

Ate truly the tick wins friend

AForBffious headacfes dyspepsia


All the school ltclosed this WeekBy Mis Allen paied LakeMargaret E Illtf teacherand liceiie WlUlarnntrodcU Thursday Althese aviB biiJlJfaction to Ihelrpatrons anti pupils sod fair ftvjra eattendance Was malalAlued Theschools of MLwflS Williamswill unite taro a at theSulphur vlnga tuUnrdJ-

yMr Carter of Georgiaa large crowd atSaturday and Monday Theprogram consisted of n lecture follow-ed by sleightofhand and venlil oqulaperformances Ills lecture on educa-tion Saturday night was excellent at

andof the olden time to ignorance Hulecture Monday night was onNature the mensome eicellent advice which if heededwill be of Inestimable value to them Inthe future After performing his legerdemain tricks hewere done so the little boys were dis-appointed to fad he hadnt swallowedtbe or choked himself with thelie also explained bow tbe Spiritualletsdead The closed With

md Judy for the benefit of thelittle folks enjoyed very muchthough several wee tots wererery much agitated whoa the alligatorswallowed

Our people are still busy clearing andnew planting

that will here tosomething to eat Some have cut down

trecsoih rs are waitingthem to show some tlgq of

j f



sourstontachred dJseas est


f I tt-FnmTli1i

n March uneIghborhood

JiJb tlill1l1

by Ute

tea i





more labor on

prtreaft tingtathtIrw lki

and alb



cerNrpeHdew11 itersnd


TuesdayMiss C

Allen School


and lollittnlo


ox end




them Mr w D Allen is the onman the community who has anblooming trees saved a few b

up tires during the freeze an


t3iv7ANTEJ A slxtof age healthy and vigorousa companion for the lemalnln

of his life Widow or maldetpreferable A little money wll

Address canoffice Palatka Fla

PINE TAR SYRUPuickly cote Coughs and Colds

Second spi-

omon streets

ApyUmtlra by ecrttary BmltJi-

WASHiwatoK March W Th


I heard orange blo-oms


Drug Storocoreer


of the Interior vIterday dent



tb application of the Orleans Fafor en appeal front the d

pertinent declaloa for cancellatlonlU indemnity Motion toter auction of land In tie

land dUtriotf-

lnlog K cr t rr CarllilcV-

VABBiKOTOir 18 Michael JColb rta admlnsitriiteTof the late JamcJ Wbrought suit nftalnst l

In tho supreme court of the districtrecover what la claimed to be due

tor prosecuting a clam for

Public nUdln atVackioBTlllJ-AOJMOBVJLLEI March It U is

question of only uboqt fourmore and the n Jackonrtlla will be completed and

by the governmentoflJolaU in this city

Mammoth SawrmlU Kor Lit CityLAKE Cmr Mawh 19 It U

that a company Northern lumbermtk with abundant aspltal wWy yatin near elt a wdinmotb-tavrtoiU plant possibly M large a oneH tbero is in t-

djtBWKJf Ala March 18 The gor-etam ot Inspectors at Roma yesterday

the sleomer TonyisonBeed it too frail craft to plywaters of tb Coo and asses th-telp to Oadsden will

a quitNew



of tIi









k o





read I




Coots ataamir





< <

it nd Ray West Railwayttivtr00



omit I la 3 m US J89-

Wl I tt

100 4 lp

4 Mt II8 Wiw

8 tOi IMpp

I S3 urn 13 4ft pm-

lortT cip

1010HT ralatkaa Int rlaeli n

llBtaUOOa Jlpchilis-

ISOpj TraiUan mrk

9 jMfriAr4 Ar Itmberton1 Op An JlrooluBnUs

JlJtisuroa 1SSs pm

Ittl tat10 m

S4 toopmTJtta m


I SKalLv Too m




Mt Dor7 TU

SlS n I


MJSI-T J cMonTUI IniU naiT Iipre IT p

ETAr TltnitU wh n oop IT

ert uiaaj 11

Ar JacIaon m tepteMi t 0p

t exMpt Sunday t DaUjr

to TltuiTllle Train No YKo IB Buffet Car Cincinnati and Jacksonillta to Tirol NCan between hints oorua JsckioniUle Jjrlor UiiDet finn okiTlU Train No 38 Buffet Bleeping Fund to CinoimutlW B COFFIN WBUENIIAit

n Blip J T A K W Sops Korida Southern Jt R Gee MgrIadVrlpftlit CoO Meat Jaek


1i tj



Correctedti tl xii e Table NQ i

a Ar fhM rA

1481 rl hm6th 1j H 11 1 I a 411 III tpm

II aomt p 11 4 a 11 team1tt f IOHaml1li aIO loaJamlur to II lUll11C1am aatam a4ilI 21 Ar Lv q

IDOl 1180 Lv AIlh tlttJllbcton 001111n IBIUII uo i0 lOpS lOp lOOp VOOIUDwll1lCrItk

IOp IUp fOaDis RlIIDIIItI4I lUI r44511 Ar ButowLv JO 00 unaO pm 9 tIr9111 10 314 11 00 pAt L f2 pm

ra Y



if 838f IT 60p T t


II GOpII 1 20p Lv r10am

UI0plft T t LY At10 B

IIJO JknrIlDConD teamT10 7l111aaa00 a i5 t UII t III sW12110p tOdSa LyJaeboDmOOAr Sroput t 11116pIi


LaGlWlgo MAR 111511111

Ito Y a hoist PalmL IiaDford t Lab W ICJt BO 10L Tilun t DuJuDOY1bW iitrop L

daty Jup1HrdUy is Yp Lf l00Ar t

Steamer laup t911lellDdIaDXnu tloteUkeWO1hLakeWortbLdIf IMp ty

P I DaiaD lilY

DailyMAN tbd Cbdr ratan to lOC bllIe lnln No 7i

nIII all Doll Car Nw

l11halr Can 1tUca last



JacksonVliitt A

Jarf Raetver


No N a1 wa 1e tNt Ka-


afea0taln P9 S ac-ea B n atam 1Ypmsea 901Aeeeair


US d POea aA trees rtree 5io s na

1 suez a web 7t1411 a e ltul toll Yaa1

Sn e 3aw espmlima a09ar11 t DeLeueaprltge HelmII Yp

a bop uae t01Tin storm4 p rr lap S pseam a qia0a a 41 12 JUnction Oabamt e Doa Ar Lt seam i ao ma t inia uraa e 5 lea tnrl 11 as m Tepop UOspmIOpOAm


Tam a Gr tea p i9mam

a Ata4apoawacct

Ito m rto sop lmia111oaLv GIneetlllerSnip 12355 40am ISspmIU Osage Lake amcoo

r loamLr e9OSaat

n weAr s0pl lei rinhmpa Ar

a00 a top

ortaeade s ibpm Shama 6 e0 1 a1165 le aim4 ai Ar rants GordaLv p


v p f r team32 gleesSep stemi1Ar Lv Y apt tie pia


li1oaS a rYs

eteesaerS euaDee HowllndunRitetNechlede y 11605Due Al 1115Jupiter 40 aceeatr a

I IronL Juno 71a Like Wedh COOSDue Due iitaeilledail Ya13

I Daily except MOndabetw prIunta nodal Carr is


N toYork
















St Augustine

lncji River


SIYB6Ao5u Un

h Bal3 p-


MateoLTBan Mateo

City Iolut



Hutxi Senna

0B l081KOS5l0-

I 0 A IMp


rTOtmoid 103 al JS8p1040a

Daytona 1048 3 lp-

iJ4Wi Aloe

13ioop ite

iaop sup



AllcUBtoirt-JentenEdnaTortPlew-St rudeMelbourneSarnoEattflalU-Bockledf




lit8aaMateoiJi it-

llv BtJaebMnrlll

OMp Sftpscop-

I EAST COTAST AND WESTVia 61 Auo tlM On o OratftCltr J ft I W IimrU Juaet-Kolm 81ATJOK6 ot4JioI SlfATJONB o


I SOOf fl 4l p 0rlttdows9pJS-



i i1


Tle 1eN-


VIa Ii

nLt fliPt

nvI alpp UII1S1-M1038 d

L rip

1ti NpLak 1 1IIllIa At

12l pArOI1lIlR II SlIp JunOLI-lU JXI lOOp 1

ulIo LT1GOp tort j


L U4a


IUlia iJr Jr JI uOOa T topa OII

lOGeI J Ia

61116 IISII



Rat ya-

TLa le YCed lelnarrllaukSOUTH T

x0 OM 0 OTa EO ib

nil e T aa W i i 71 LY 1Seep 915 Riviera 9a

eec i1a6p o30i t5aaO41901

11215 SMaLyrelaunt 1D 1 tAr Baa 1 lOp e

t1mtJo 11i1pa

rtlilaslap Op loptakFlllhn llAM Newpmvtoa n7itmvllle 110711op ul p

Daytona a110i

Lv UrmoLQo a13p

ACZaetltI1tta ra 11ip 564pBLLna1p

adec y

idesi3 rYaltttayA 1

1 5

Asap futinrvJn ter 434p St AU t1 ne 4

atap4 8ArY1almlleaid Allots 41


ta ro t

a9e A Tda T v

one910a-s r Tka 5t

ItOWSL SIilbs tI0L 4dp

ia 11s0p Le 855

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aAYtaldo 11 7

AtopI amp

S 4


qt tl

a1yxokl S-

ouupp 9ores

rata Ohly







1 tar o UBT

Q I nt QU I II Ire yrafluaoatloMmakulHtI1IlJtntli J1I IDTI1IUDd Bt

0 a aa uestlfIlA Ot

1100 stew y IfOWCtllStbtl Oy a Trilllu2IablttM fT1BIIIIICIrotWCalJlICboiJYI1I4IOWOIUbnB aeh

extant rt1 treaders of dI be

C op Dn1t jCROCK


been Able to In a Md orvi one Marble YJtea tr Cure nd 1


to e Be Croedlgal 1elUI a tllat I t AngnetDM

regal 88 a eon veinI lt tw 1M-

1I11k1qonal treatment Oa rbby Use C

gdlreotly Naeamal AU St r

IGranite 0

eillt ieothereby destr ytug the nil IDC lf

foundation of the 4t1eaae well d tJ rtl riam 880 a So tt 4if1 t

l1t buildI

Conmate V of Artistic Pattern rom OltiilCItll t t Yo

wure lor t and veel18q Edolt wOrk The St lqihaY laijb ft and

I tUfli PrJ dt eter One HUnt reel den CopeAt I

taro lad eqt to r l C kj

fee II1oDIaIt It IN IOU II1

Cat dfs 1 SJ CU Prom f01

ne old LILlINTlIA JtJi jrf I

mUOQt of 8tMI9t-

j r1 t


1 jI tJ



1It JIrUI-i

C iI n-


of y s ieh Mr IN PWTil JU Altwtslaedal eetwetJaektouvlneandStAuguaam4spate a end a A

btitlonafewdaa nolded4 c Tall Igik gkLOIIIDAA

Theta 9emkee loin slope rreee JNtao Rue ana BK A0gos4tee bat 46eta Jt Aaga1Ina Ts X1Wiq pest ap o dQflfO It4tdelineate ttu


TNnriT loempaeeaexd osapb wAeo 1teUti p

Oiatodwith ST AUOUSTINE arrMeartl ab SS4ettkpingCulesronPodtAngusbned edrfslp1 edtolearnW leaArNSauttaraRattOslo dreaded has tortes eye Dishcats tlue

icure to and Stone ark stn Also ssoatlast Fiteu train rgn ppo4 i realer

thatisCatarrb Dafle old patriot at trteepeaetTroelor eal4cJsa Auto Jdukaavalas oOrelawa5teePIM-anty poetNvecnrekso tai Works to sew ew tWnotathe

ttlbt4 iphr nataoaps a were user st Jutlealounoonatttutl-

t disease a eia m w eele moeLx

Fkll-BIda P80altTIATL e9wetaetlaxpsew ApypeetMWatdteau tnta-

Cuye bltAken lnternaliq sell of baask7lsY I7 in i M

Mrupon the blood 5111 mucous 81dgairowlYrw sable Iron and Wira tt q TL1UIEARIMUikfurnished at r4awra Jakooayllle in rAwera raaaag r

lolltaw agithe gltteetr


oonatltlltbn end 6ua ting is xtursion C sont Pruit Jars Rub r118 proflrlotors ever

asHoed mush in Its qa OW ee IiL Marco IItte his Lvtel yl JeIIy Glasses atthey 10J of Co e5GDdearceeollalted mT54L

thetit to r teamer STAR NTHALsad tat of

s Mul 1 Olt cIotg1 Palettiurdaliy at p to Iea7gaq killedAddtnM11q aToted Obis 1 1 LS kcaem r-

f tk1iJdmIi jd egdO lemon y-

r df v

W 1 t






