is 15653 (2006): reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) is 15653:2006 iso 2710-2:1999 indian...

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary - Terms for engine maintenance [TED 2: Automotive Primemovers]

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Page 1: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion engines- Vocabulary - Terms for engine maintenance [TED 2:Automotive Primemovers]

Page 2: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR
Page 3: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR
Page 4: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR



i, ): ,-,-. IS 15653:2006

ISO 2710-2:1999

Indian Standard



ICS 01 .040.27; 27.020

@ BIS 2006


NEW DELHI 110002

May 2006 Price Group 7

Page 5: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

— ————.— .+I

Automotive Primemovers Transmissions, Steering Systems and Internal Combustion Engines-.

Sectional Committee, TED 2

NATIONAL FOREWORD IThis Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 2710-2: 19!39 ‘Reciprocating internal combustion engines— Vocabulary — Part 2: Terms for engine maintenance’ issued by the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of theAutomotive Primemovers Transmissions, Steering Systems and Internal Combustion Engines SectionalCommittee and approval of the Transport Engineering Division Council.

The sectional committee decided to align the Indian Standard with the corresponding InternationalStandard wherever feasible and wherever the domestic considerations were not so intense so as tohave standards different from the ISO Standards. This decision was taken with a view to upgrade-thequality of the products in line with the International Standards.

The text of the IS-O Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standardwithout deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.Attention is particularly drawn to the following: I

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they shouldbe read as ‘Indian Standard’.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practiceis to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

Page 6: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

Indian Standard



1 Scope

This part of ISO 2710 defines termsrelating to the characteristics ofengines and their components rel-evant to maintenance activities.

This part of I SO 2710 gives a clas-

sification of terms according to rea-sons for their use and definestypical means, failures and pro-cedures resulting in or from enginemaintenance.

NOTE For the translation of the

terms into a language other than Eng-lish, French or Russian, the termscommonly applied in the particular

countrv shall be used.

1 Domaine d’application

La presente partie de 1’1S0 2710

definit des termes relatifs aux ca-racteristiques des moteurs et deteurs composants, applicable aux

activites de maintenance,

La pr&ente partie de 1’1S0 2710

donne une classification des termes

selon [es raisons de Ieur utilisation

et d6finit des moyens, des d6-

faillances et des procedures types

qui entrahent des operations de

maintenance ou qui en decoulent.

NOTE Pour la traduction de termesclans une autre Iangue que I’anglais, Iefran$ais ou Ie russe, il y a lieu de sereporter aux termes couramment utili-

ses clans Ie pays concerne.

1 06nEiCTb npMMeHeHMJl

HacToRLqafl ~acTb 14C02710 onpe-

nenfleT Tep MblHbl, CBF13aHHble C

Xapa KTepllCTMKa Mkl DB14raTenefi kl klX


TeXHti~eCKOMy 06cnyxu BaHHIo.

liacToRL4aR ~acTb klCO 2710 RaeT

KJlaCC@WIKalJkl10 TepM14HOB B 3a B!4-

CklMOCT14 OT blX klCnOnb30BaH!4R I/l

onpenenReT Tklnkl~Hble cpegcTBa,

HeblCnpa BHOCTkl kl npO~e~ypbl, CBFl-

3aHHble C 06 CnyX(klBaH14eM DBklraTenfl.

flPklMEqAHklE Ilpti nepeaone Tepw+

HOa Ha DpyrKle R3blK14 KpOMe aHrJlklh-

cKoro, @paHuy3cKoro kmw pyccKoro,

nOflXHbl Mcnonb30BaTbcri TepMllHbl,

06b19H0 ynOTpe6nfleMble B flaHHOti


Page 7: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003IS() 2710-2:1999


2 Main definitions 2 Definitions principals 2 OcHoaHble onpegeneHbw

2.1 2.1 2.1failure defaillance Hf3MCIlpaBHOCTb

premature malfunction or break- panne Intempestlve ou dysfonc- npe~eBpeMeHHoe HapyueH~e @yHK-

down of a function or a component tlonnement Intempestif d’une fonc- lJkl14 Wlkl nOBpeXQJeHMe KOMnOHeHTa

or the whole engine tlon, d’un composant ou de mr~ acero DB~raTerrR

I’ensemble du moteur

2.2 2.2 2.2

inspection contr61e npoBepKaassessment of the condition of the evaluation de I’etat du moteur ou de oqeHKa COCTOFIH!4H m3~raTenfi km~

engine or a component ses composants erO KOMnOHeHTOB

2.3 2.3 2.3

maintenance maintenance TexlwYecKoe 06cnynmBanneany means or activity designed to tout moyen ou toute activite desti- nto6ble CpegCTBa kl gefiCTBklH, Ha-

assure the service Iite of an engine nes a assurer la duree de vie en npaeneHHble Ha npoOrreHfle cpoKa

service d’un moteur cnyX6bl gBuraTerrfl

3 Maintenance procedures 3 Procedures de 3 flpOLIeflypbl TeXHbI~eCKOrOmaintenance 06CJ’Iy)K~BaHWf

3.1 3.1 3.1adjusting reglage peryrmpowaprocedure to set a variable control procedure pour ajuster un meca- co3na H~e HaL160nee no~xognwx

mechanism of the engine to the nisme de commande variable du ycnoBMti gnfl pa60Tbl QBMraTenFI ‘np~

correct specification moteur a la specification correcte noMou~ pa3nkr~Hblx peryn~py~u~x

MeXa Hti3MOB

3.2 3.2 3.2

barring virage nporsopawsawe Bana{turning) (rotation) MeTOD “npOKpy WBaHklfi MeXaHk13MOB

a method of rotating an engine for methode pour faire tourner un mo- DBuraTenR c qenbto npo5egeHm3 npo-

Inspection and maintenance pur- teur a des fins de contrtde et de BepKkl kl TeXHM~eCKOrO 06cnyx(tiBaHw-1

poses maintenance

3.3 3.3 3.3

pressure-testing essai sous pression rncnb8Takweaamenrnenmleak testing of a component using essai d’etancheite d’un composant, onpeccomapressurised air, water or oil a I’aide d’air, d’e-au ou d’huile sous klCnblTa H14e Ha yle~Ky nOCpeBCTBOM

pression VlCnOnb30Ba H14R B03QyXa, BOQbl klnkl

Macna, Haxoflflwuxcfl non fla5neHkteM

4 Maintenance means 4 Moyens de maintenance 4 Cpegcma TexHhwecKoro06 CJI)0t01BaHUUI





4.1 4.1 4.1consumable part piece consommable pacxoanan wacrb

low-cost part which is renewed as a piece bon march~ qui est rempla- nemocmanasmumaerwmn~acrb

routine matter cee de fa~on systematlque 8eueBafl ~acTb mwrraTenfi, xmopafl3aMeHfleTcH KaK paCXOgHblti MaTepuan


Page 8: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999


4.2 4.2 4.2maintenance schedule programme de maintenance pernaMenT rexHHWecKoroa list of maintenance tasks to be Iiste des operations de maintenance 06cmyxmaanMnperformed at predetermined inter- devant @tre effectuees a intervalles nocnenoBaTenbHocTb onepau~h Tex-

vals reguliers Hn~eCKOl_O 06Cnyx~BaHm+, npou3-

BO~klMblX ~epe3 yCTaHOBJleHHble

klHTepBaJlbl BpeMeHkl


major overhaula rmaintenance activity in which the

engtne is stripped and the parts in-

spected and renewed as required

by ne’,v or reconditioned parts and

the engine then reassembled for


4.3revision generaleactivite de maintenance au tours de

Iaquelle Ie moteur est d6monte et

Ies pieces sent contrO16es et rem-

placees, si necessaire, par des

pieces neuves ou remises A neuf, Ie

moteur etant ensuite remonte pour

&re utilise


BUD TeXH!4~eCKOr0 06Cnyx(MBaHkm,

npkl KOTOpOM OCHOBHble ~aCT14 JJB!4-

raTenfi npoBepfitoTcfi 14 3aMeHfitoTcfl

HOBblMkl kln~ 0TpeMOHTklpOBaHHblM14,

nocne ~ero ~BkIraTenb co6upaeTc8

BHOBb W blCnOnb3yeTCfl KaK BOCCTr3-


4.4 4.4 4.4replacement part piece de remptacement CMeHHafi ~aCTb

a singie part or subassembly used piece Alementaire ou sous-ensem- oTgenbHan neTanb mw y3en, ~cnonb-

to replace a worn or failed part or ble servant a remplacer une pibce 3yeMble jlJIR 3aMeHbl BblUJeQLllklX 143

subassembly ou un sous-ensemble use ou cTpofl ueTanH wrw y3na


4.5 4.5 4.5retightening resserrage noaTnrrnBanrnetightening of screws, bolts and nuts serrage de vis, de boulons et 3aT8x(Ka BVTHT06, raeK ~ 6onToB

after a period of running-in, in d’ecrous apres une periode de rrocne nep~ona 3KcnnyaTa~~ti B

accordance with the requirements fonctionnement, conform6ment aux COOTBeTCTBbl14 C Tpe60Ba HWlM14 143-

of the engine manufacturer instructions du fabricant du moteur roToeKTenfl flB~raTenR



4.6 4.6 4.6recondition retouche(rework)

peMoHT(rehabilitation) aoccTaHoEmenrne

overhaul of single parts, subassem- revision de pieces elementaires, de peMOHT OTDeJlbHblX DeTanefi, y3nOB

blies, systems or the complete sous-ensembles, de systemes ou c~cTeM krrw gBvrraTenfi B uenoM

engine de moteurs entiers MeXa H!4~eCKLlM cnoco60M

I4.7 4.7 4.7reconditioned part piece remise en etat OTpeMOHTl@pOBaHHaZlWaCTb

(reworked part) (piece retouchee) oTnenbHaR fleTan b nn H y3en,

a single part or subassembly piece elementaire ou sous-ensem- OTpeMOHTVlpOBaHHble (BOCCTaHOBneH-

reconditioned (reworked) by me- ble remis en etat (retouches) par Hble) MeXaHkl~eCKklM cnoco60M

chanical processes des precedes mecaniques

4.8 4.8 4.8running-in rodage 06 KaTKarunning an engine in accordance fonctionnement d’un moteur selon nepuon 3KcnnyaTaw4~ nBk4raTenfl

with a programmed or suitable un plan programme ou ad6quat, nocne BbmycKa kmbr KantiTanbHoro

schedule after production or major apres la fabrication ou apres une peMOHTa Dnfl yny~ueHb4fi ycnoB14i

overhaul to improve friction condi- revision generale, pour ameiiorer TpeHklfl

tions and check for leaks Ies conditions de frottement et

verifier Ies fuites


Page 9: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO271O-2: 1999

4.9 4.9 4.9spare part piece de rechange 3anacHan Wambsingle part or subassembly held in piece elementaire ou sous-ensemble OTneJlbHaFl geTanb tin~ y3en,

stock as a replacement unit stockes en vue d’une utdisation Haxogfl Uuecfi Ha cKnane B Ka~ecTBe

comme piece de replacement 3anacHblx ~acTefi

5 Engine failures 5 Defaillances des 5 lievlcnpaBHocTl?lmoteurs flBwraTenn

5.1 5.1 5.1abnormal piston blow-by soufflage anormal des pistons npopblB ra30B Wepe3 nopiuenbexcessive passage of combustion passage anormal de gaz de com- npOpblB 0Tpa60Ta BulUX ra30B ~epe3

gases past the piston rings into the bustion, par Ies segments des pis- nOpUJHeBble KOllblJa B KapTep tlnklcrankcase or the scavenging room tons, clans Ie carter ou clans la npOayBO~Hy10 KaMepy

chambre de balayage

5.2 5.2 5.2belt sag detente de courroie npoB~cantse peMHndeflection of a belt at the centre of deflexion d’une courroie au milieu OTKJIOHeHVle peMHFI B CepeEklHe

the longest run between two belt de la plus grande Iongueur entre Hak160nee gnkIHHoro y~acTKa Mexny.

pulleys under the application of a deux poulies, Iors de I’application flByMfl lllKklBaMkl np~ HaXaTklbl pyKOti

specified load d’une charge specifiee

5.3 5.3cold fuel filter clogging colmatage du filtre par du

(plugging) carburamt froid

blocking of fuel passage through a blocage du passage de carburant a

fuel filter due to the formation of travers Ie filtre a carburant, dil a la

wax crystals at low fuel temper- formation de cristaux de paraffine

atures Iorsque Ies temperatures des car-

burants sent basses

5.4 5.4compressor surge Iimite de pompage dubreakdown of the regular flow in a compresseur

turbocharger compressor resulting interruption de I’ecoulement regu-

In a rapid variation of flow rate for a Iier clans un turbocompresseur, pro-given pressure making a pulsating voquant une variation rapide du

noise at the turbocharger intake debit pour une pression donnse et

engendrant un bruit impulsif A

I’admission du turbocompresseur


3anrnpaHue Tonnrnnnoro*rnnbTpa npu HIm3Knx


npeKpa UeH~e nona~~ Tonn~Ba ~epe3

TOnnklBHblfi @lnb Tp 143-3a 06pa30Ba-

.H14fl napac@lHoBblx Kp14cTannoB npn

Hk13KMx TeMnepaTypax Tonrrb4Ba


nomma~ KoMnpeccopa

HapyweHue -HOpManbHOti nonaw4

B03flyXa KOMnpeCCOpOM T)fp60KOM-

npeccopa B pe3ynbTaTe Bo3Hu KHoBe-

Hkm npti onpefleneHHoM na6neH~ti

3Ha~blTenbHblX Kone6aHbIti CKOpOCTbl

noToKa, conpor30xDa0uieecR pMTMW

~eCKklM B3pblBOnOg06HblM lUyMOM

5.5 5.5 5.5

consequential damage dommage indirect Bmpwwoe noBpewenwe

damage caused to serviceable parts dommage de pieces en bon etat no6pexgeH~e, Bb13BaHHoe npefwecT-

asa result of failure of another part cons6cutif a la d6faillance d’une BylO~eil He!4CnpaBHOCTb10

autre piece

5.6 5.6 5.6

exhaust plume panache d’echappement nblMHblih BblXnOn

exhaust smoke emission due to 6mission de fumees d’echappe- nOBbllLleHHafi QblMHC)CTb Ha BblnyCKe,

unburnt fuel (black) or burned lubri- ment due ~ du carburant non brW3 Bb13BaHHafl HenOnHblM CrOpaH!4eM

eating oil (blue) (fumee noire) ou a de I’huile de TonnuBa

Iubrification brblee (fum6e bleue)


Page 10: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR


5.7huntingirregular or uncontrolled engine

speed variation

— at low frequency (surging)

— at high frequency (flutter)

5.8hydraulic lock(hydrostatic lock)engine prevented from turning due

to entrapped liquids in the combus-

tion chamber

5.9installation errorfailure due to incorrect/faulty instal-


5.10leak-off fuelreturn flow of excess fuel e.g.

delivered for cooling purposes

5.11lug-down(stall)loading that produces lower engine

speeds to a certain point, increases

torque and, in extreme cases, can

cause engine to shutdown or stall

5.12misfireno or incomplete combustion in one

or more cylinders causing irregular

engine operation

5.13overheatingengine condition when the tem-

perature of the coolant or an engine

component is abnormally high

5.7pompagevariation irreguliere ou incontr616e

de la vitesse de rotation du moteur

— a basse frequence

— a haute frequence

5.8blocage hydraulique(blocage hydrostatique)obstruction a la rotation du moteur

due a la presence de Iiquides pi&

ges clans la chambre de combustion

5.9erreur d’installation

defaillance due a une installation


5.10retour de carburantcirculation de carburant en exces,

par exemple delivre a des fins de


5.11$alentissement du moteur(calage du moteur)diminution jusqu’a un certain point

de la vitesse du moteur, augmenta-

tion du couple, due a une charge

excessive, pouvant clans des cas

extremes entra;ner I’arret du


5.12defaut d’allumagecombustion absente ou incomplete

clans un ou plusieurs cylindres,

enlrainant un fonctionnement irr&

gulier du moteur

5.13surchauffe&at du moteur Iorsque la tempera-

ture du Iiquide de refroidissement

ou de certains composants du

moteur est anormalement elev~e

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

5.7HepaBHoMepHan pa60Ta

HeKOHTpOnklpyeMble KOJle6aHLlR CKO-

pocTbI nBktraTenfl

— c Hr43Koti ~acToToJr (pacKaw4BaHr4e)

— C BbrCOKOti ~aCTOTOh (nyllbCalJklR)



OCTaHOBKa nBr4raTenfl, Bb13BaHHafl

nonanari~eM xmwocTt.I BcropaHw3

5.9FlorpeluHocTb c60pKlll

He!4CnpaBHOCTb JJBWaTeflR,

HaFr HenpaBklnbHo17 c60pKoFr



5.10nraoTe~KaronnMBaO&paTHblil nOTOK k136blTO~HOr0

TonrruBa, nogaBaeMoro c ~enbro


5.113arnoxaHne asrnrarenncHrmKeHuecKopocT~ flm4raTenn u

nOBblUJeHLle Kp~RUJerO MOMeliTa npkl

HarpyXeHkl14, ~TO MOXCeT Bb13BaTb B

npeflenbHoM cny+ae ero ocTaHoBKy

5.12nponycK cropanw

npOnyCK BCnbllUKW

oTcyTcmr4e cropaHrwr wwr HenonHoe


lJWlllHfl~aX, Bb13blBa1011Jee HepaBHO-

MepHyro pa60Ty nBwaTenfl

5.13meperpesCOCTOflHkle DBMraTerrR, xapaK-

Tepb13yeMOe HeHOpMallbHO BblCOKOli

TeMnepaTypoFr oxnaflktTen8 mrti Bbl-

COKIAMH TeMnepaTypaMkl KaKkIX-flH60

~acTefi nBvwaTen5i, ecneflcTBMe npe-

BblUJeHMFl TeMnepaTypbl oTpa60-



Page 11: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999


5.14 5.14 5.14postcombustion postcombustion noropanueexhaust flames due to malfunctions pr&.ence de flammes clans Ies gaz nna Mfi Ha BblflyCKe ~3-3a HapylJJeHklfl

of the combustion process d’echappement, due A des anoma- npo~ecca cropa Hm

lies clans Ie processus de combus-


“5.15 5.15 5.15unbalance balourd auc6ananca situation which occurs in rotating desequilibre clans Ies parties tour- ge@eKT Bpauatowxcfl 9acTeti,

parts when the centre of gravity is nantes Iorsque Ie centre de gravit6 Bb13BaHHblti HecoBnaneHneM ~eHTpa

not identical to the centre of rota- n’est pas identique au centre de TflXeCTkl C lJeHTpOM Bpa~eHklR, 9T0

tton causing excessive vibrations rotation, entrahant des vibrations Bb13blBaeT HeHOpMaflbHble Bk16paUkw


5.16vapour lock in the fuel

systemthe partial evaporation of fuel in the

carburetor or fuel injection system

disrupting the flow of fuel usually

resulting from localized overheating

or high ambient temperatures

5.17vapour lock due to

overheating of fuel in thefuel system

unstable operation of the engine

caused by boiling of fuel in the fuel

system due to high ambient tem-


5.16d6samorqage du circuit de

carburantevaporation partielle de carburant

clans Ie carburateur ou clans Ie sys-

teme d’injection de carburant, qui

interrompt I’alimentation en carbu-

rant, ce qui resulte en general d’une

surchauffe Iocalisee ou de tempera-

tures ambiantes etevees

5.17desamorgage dii a une

surchauffe du carburantclans Ie circuit de carburant

fonctionnement Instable du moteur

provoque par I’ebullition du carbu-

ranl clans Ie circuit de carburant en

raison d’une temperature ambiante


5.16napoBan npo6Kaqacmwbtoe ~cnapeH~e TonnuBa B

Kap610paTOpe klflkl CklCTeMe BflpblCKa

Tonnkr Ba, npu KoTopoM HapyuaeTcfl

nona~a TonnklBa, Bb13BaHHOe rna-

BHblM 06pa30M MeCTHblM Ileperpe-

BOM mrr~ BbicoKt4M~ TeMnepaTypaM~

oKpyxcaOueti cpe~bl

5.17napoBan npo6Ka, E03HHKlUan B

pe3ynbTaTe neperpeBaTOnnlUB3 BTOnnUBHOh


HecTa6kmbHafl pa60Ta uBkIraTenrI,

Bb13BaHHarl KklfleHLleM TOnJlkl Ba B

TOnnklBHOh CklCTeMe k13-3a BblCOKOti

TeMnepaTypbt oKpyxaOqeti cpenbl

6 Component failures 6 Defaillancesde 6 He~cnpaBHocTn fleTanetipieces/composants n y3noB ~BwaTenn

6.1 6.1 6.1abrasion abrasion a6pa31#BHblti-U13HOCremoval of surface material by entry enlevement de matiere en surface CpblB MaTep~ana c noBepxHocTti

of hard foreign particles scoring/ par entree de pafiticules etrang~res BCne~CTBUe flpOHkl KHOBeH!4H TBepDblX

scratching the surfaces dures rayant/eraWant Ies surfaces ~acTkm, ocTa Bnmouux Ha noBepx-

HOCTflXCne~bl BBkrge60p03fl

6.2 6.2 6.2bedding-in pattern chemin d’enlitage npmpa60TKasmooth reflective wear pattern usure, d’aspect Iisse et refl6chis- MflrKklti (nflaBHblti) B3aUMHblh k13HOC

created between two contacting sant, g~neree entre deux pibces en nByX KOHTaKTklpytOUUX fJeTaneil B

parts during initial operation contact au tours du fonctionne- Ha~anbHbtir nepuoD3KcnnyaTa UvrkI

ment initial


Page 12: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999


6.3 6.3 6.3carbon residue residu de carbone ‘oTnoweHrneyrneponacarbon deposits on parts as a result depdts de carbone sur Ies pieces, caxa

of Incomplete combustion resultant d’une combustion incom- ymepoaHble oTnoxeHwl Ha ueTanfix,

plete B03Hkl Ka10~Vle B .pe3ynbTaTe cr-opa HMH


6.4cavitation corrosion(erosion)removal of surface material

caused by a liquid experiencing

local pressure fluctuations resulting

In vapour bubble formation and col-


6.4corrosion par cavitation(erosion)enlevement de matiere en surface

provoque par des variations locales

de la pression des Iiquides, entrai-

nant la formation de bulles et Ieur


6.4KaBUTa~UIOHHaRKOpp03Wn3p031mcpblB MaTep~ana c noBepxHocTn non

B03uefiCTBkleM nOKanbHblX Kone6aHMti

nar3neHm+ BWIUKOCTkr, np~Bom3UtixK

06pa30BaHwo H nocne~yO~eMy

CXnOnbl BaHk10 napOBblX ny3blpbKOB

6.5 6.5burnt

6.5carbonisation 3aKOKCOBaHHbltiyWaCTOK

(charred) phenomene de depbt a la surface y~aCTOK nOBepXHOCTkl fleTanL.1, nOKpbl-

descnptlonof a surface area that is d’une~iece consistanten un recou- Tblti CnOeM 3a KOKCOBaBlU14XCFl npO-

coated with a layer of carbonised vrement par couche de produits de nyKTOB cropaHflfl

combustion products combustion carbonises

6.6 6.6 6.6chipping 6caillage BblKpaUIMBaHPlesurface damage due to particles endommagement de la surface nOBpeXDeH!4e nOBepXHOCTkl, Bb13BaH-

being broken off caused by high d’une piece par des particles d&a- Hoe oTpblBoM ~acTHu MaTep~ana

local pressures chees par des pressions locales k13-3a BblCOK14X nOKaflbHblX QaBneH14fi


6.7 6.7 6.7combustion residue residude combustion oTnoMenme n~O~yKTOBsolld deposits of combustion prod- depdssolides deproduits decom- cropaHwn

ucts with carbon residue bustion accompagnes d’un residu narap

de carbone TBepnble 0TnOXeH14fl npOflyKTOB CrO-

paHm+ c oTnoxeHueM caxw

6.8 6.8 6.8crevice corrosion corrosion de fissure KOHTaKTHaX KOpp03Wl

damage to metallic surfaces in con- deterioration de surfaces m&alli- noapexneH~e MeTannu~ecK~x no-

tact caused by chemical reactions .ques en contact, provoquee par des BepXHOCTeil, HaXOfiFIUEXCfl B KOH-

that take place in the crevice reactions chimiques qui prennent TaKTe, Bb13BaHHOe XLIMW-leCKlflM14

place clans Ies fissures peaK~klfiMM MeMy l?lHOpOflHblMIA


6.9 6.9 6.9corrosive -pitting corrosion parpiq~re KOpp03UltiHblfi nMTTWlr

wear consisting of small holes and usure avec apparition de petits M3Hoc, xapaKTep~3y0uHhcfl noRBne-

Spots caused by a corrosive trous et de taches engendrbspar H!4eM He60nbuIbIx JJblpOK U llflTeH,

mechanism un mecanisme de corrosion Bb13BaHHblli B03DekTBkleM KOppO-

3VrirHoro MexaH143Ma






Page 13: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

6.10dewpoint corrosioncorrosion caused by condensed

combustion products on areas with

low surface temperatures in the

combustion chamber or the ex-

haust duct

6:11-electrolytic corrosioncorrosion caused by the electrolytic

reaction of two different metals

with interposed liquids

6.12fatigue crackcrack on a component after pro-

longed repeated loading

6.13fatigue fracturefracture of a component due to the

extension of a fatigue crack

6.14fretting rust

corrosion due to micromovement

between two contacting surfaces

6.15frictional fatigue fracturefatigue fracture enhanced by fric-


6.16glazeinterference with the correct seat-

ing of the ring on the bore or liner

wall when deposits caused by

combustion gum

face grooves

fill the honed sur-

6.17hairline crackfine, barely-visible surface crack


6.10corrosion au point de reseecorrosion causee par des produits

de combustion condenses sur des

surfaces froides, clans la chambre

de combustion ou clans Ie conduit


6.11corrosion electrolytiquecorrosion provoquee par Feaction

electrolytique de deux metaux diffe-

rent en milieu Iiauide

6.12fissure de fatiguefissure sur un composant, suite a

I’application prolongee d’efforts


‘6. 13rupture de fatiguerupture d’un composant due au

prolongement d’une fissure de


6.14corrosion par frottementcorrosion due a un mlcrodeplace-

ment entre deux surfaces en


6.15rupture de fatigua par

frottementrupture de fatigue accentuee par Ie


6.16lustrageinterference avec Ie positionnement

correct des segments clans Ieur

Iogement ou sur la paroi de la

chemise, survenant Iorsque des

depds provoques par Ie gommage

remplissent Ies gorges taillees sur

Ies surfaces

6.17microcraquelurefissure superfic~elle fine, a peine



pOBaBLU14MMCFi npODyKTaMkl CrOpaH14R

B MeCTaX C H!43Kkl Mkl TeMne~aTypaMbl

noBepxHocTeti B KaMepe cropaHur+

WIM B BblXJIOn HOti Tpy6e

6.113neKrponuTwecKan Koppo31anKOPP03UR,Bb13B.3HiiaFl311eKTPOllUTM-~ecKofi peaKu~eti DByX pa3n~~tiblxMeTWIJIQBBXWDKOilCPe~e

6.12ycTanocTHafl TpetqrnHa

Tpeu~Ha B neTan~, Bbt3BatiHafi UnH-

TeJlbHOti nOBTOpfllO~etiCfi Harpy 3KOil

6.13yCTanOCTHblti U3110M

k13noM geTan H, Bb13BaHHblfi pa3Bkl-

TkleM yCTaJIOCTHOti Tpel.l&lHbl

6.14@peT’rUHr KOpp03MnKOPP03VVI, Bb13BaHHaFl He60nbUJkIM

B3akl MHblM nepeMe~eH~eM DByX

KOHTa KTUpylOwMX nOBepXHOCTeil npbl

Hb13KoM naBneHktu

6.15“yCTanOCTHbli% L13nOM TpeHltlfl

yCTallOCTHblti 143noM, Bb13Ba HHblti



klHTe@3ePeHl+?fl nO 0THOl14eHLl10 K

npa BflnbHoMy pacnonoxeH~O Koneu

B klx rHe3DaX klnbl B CTeHKe 060r’IO~K14,

Bf13Hkl Ka10~aR B cny~aflx, Korna

naKooTnoxeHm 3anon HfloT xeno6K~,

06pa30Ba BLll~eCfl Ha nOBepXHOCTU

6.17BonocnHan TpeqrnnaTOHKafl, enBa 3aMeTHafl Tpeu.w Ha


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IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

6.18 6.18 6.18heat discoloration decoloration par la chaleur TennoBoe rn3MenenrneuBeTa(tempercooling) changement de couleur d’un com- no6excanocrmchange of colour of a component posant, do a un echauffement u3MeHeHtie w3eTa EeTankr 6cnencrBKe

due to overheating excesslf neperpeBa

6.19 6.19 6.19high-cycle fatigue (HCF) fatigue a haute fr6quence BblC~KO~WKnOBan yCTaJIOCTb

metal fracture due to high fre- (HCF) no6pexfleHtie MeTanna ~3-3a LIMKnkv

quency cyclic loading in the elastic rupture du metal par une charge ~eCKOti Harpy3K14 C BblCOKOti ~aCTOTOti

region cyclique a haute frequence clans Ie B ynpyroh 06nacT~ HarpyxeHwn

domaine elastique

6.20 6.20hot -spot

6.20point chaud Memnblti neperpeB

Iocallsed overheating due to expo- surchauffe Iocalisee due a une MeCTHOe nOBbllUeHkle TeMnepaTypbl

sure to combustion gas or exhaust exposition aux gaz de combustion BCJleJJCTBkle HapylLleH14R npouecca

gas ou aux gaz d’echappement CrOpaHklfl klflkl BblnyCKa 0Tpa60TaB-

UMX ra30B


6.21 6.21lacquering gommage naKO06pa30BaHme(varnishing) couche mince de residus d’huile de cwnontenrne naKa

a thin film of lubricating oil residues Iubrification polymerises ~ la sur- TOHKaFl flneHKa nOJlklMep!430BaHHblX

polymerised on to the surfaces of a face des composants (exemple: OCTaTKOB CMa30~HOr0 MaClla, npkl-

component (e.g. pistons, valves pistons, soupapes, etc.) ropemuwx K noBepxHocT~ neTarrk4

etc.) (Hanp. nopwHR, xnanaHa LI Tn.)

6.22 6.22 6.22low-cycle fatigue (LCF) fatigue a basse frequence ManouHKnonan ycranocrbmetal fracture due to low frequency (LCF) noBpexaeti~e rdeTanna~3-3a u~xnM-cyclic loading in the plastic region rupture du m&al par une charge ~eCKOil Harpy3K!A C Hk13KO17 ~aCTOTOti

cyclique a basse frequence clans Ie B nnacTti~Hoh 06rIacTM HarpyxeHtifl

domaine plastique

6.23 6.23 6.23mixed friction frottement mixtb cmaeiuaHHoerpenHefriction between two components frottement entre deux composants, TpeH~e DByX geTaneti, conpo60x-

due to breakdown of the lubricant dil a la rupture de la couche de

film causing metal-to-metal contact

DalOUeeCR pa3pblBaMkl MaCJlflHOti

Iubrifiant qui a entrahv5 un contact nneHKti, Bb13blBa10UVlMkl KOHTaKT

m&al-m&al MeTanna c MeTannoM

6.24 6.24 6.24nozzle dribble suintement d’injecteur non7eKan~e *OpCYHKM

dribbling of fuel into the combustion apparition de gouttelettes de car- no4TeKaHHe Tonn~Ba B KaMepy

chamber due to malfunctioning of burant clans la chambre de com- cropaHIm H3-3a HebICnpaBHOh pa60Tbl

the injector bustion, due & un mauvais @OpcyHK~

fonctionnement de I’injecteur


Page 15: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999


6.25 6.25 6.25piston burning tmcrassernent du piston Harapoo6pa30BanMe(charring) presence de d4p&s durs et som- TBePJJbleLI TeMHbleOTJTOX(eHWlHahard and dark depositson a piston, bres sur un piston provenant des nopuHe .scnegcTwre r3blcoK~x TeMne-

originating at higher temperatures temperatures elevees paTyp

NOTE A similar process to varnish- NOTE Processus similaire au gom- flPklMEqAH14E 3TOT npouecc nono6eH

ing, see lacquering(varnishing). mage,voirgommage. naKoo6pa30aaHWo,CM.naKoo6pa30aa-Hue.

6.26 6.26 6.26pitting piquage nrmmmwlocalised removai of surface ma- enlevement Iocalisb de mat&iau de MeCTHOe BblKpaUJMBaHkle MaTepklalla

teriai due to weakening of the surface dCi A un affaiblissement de nOBepXHOCTkl ~3-3a ocna6neHw+

material structure by mechanical or la structure du materiau par action CTpyKTypbl MaTep~ana non MeXaHl+

chemical action mecanique ou chimique 9eCKblM IArll.1 XklMbl~eCK14M B03DehCT-


6.27 6.27 6.27ring gumming gommage de segment de 3aBMcaHrneKonbqalightness of a piston ring in the pis- piston 3aneraH~e nopwieBoro Konwa Bton ring groove due to the deposit semage d’un segment de piston KaHaBKe nOplJJHfi E13-3a OTJIOX(eH1.lh

of combustion products clans la gorge d’un segment de pis- npOJJyKTOB CrOpaHWl

ton, dti au dep6t de produits de


6.28 6.28 6.28ring scuffing usure par frottement d’un npHxBarbmeHne Konb&partial seizure of a piston ring on segment de piston WCTW+Hblil 3an~p nopuHeiorothe cylinderlinersurface grippage partiel d’un segment de KOJlbl.@110nOBePXHOCTMBTYJIKU

piston sur la surfacede la chemisedu cylindre

6.29 6.29 6.29ring sticking collage de segment de piston 3aKOKCOBaHble KOnb~a

locking or gluing of a piston ring in blocage ou collage d’un segment de nprnropaHrne KonbMa

the piston ring groove due to the piston clans la gorge de segment de cTonopewe ww 3aeflati~e nopume-accumulation of deposits piston, do il I’accumulation de Boro Konbua a KaHaBKe ~3-3a

d6@ts HaKonneHw+omoxeti~h

6.30 6.30 6.30score rayure Ha~mpfurrow-likemechanicaldamageto a d&eriorationmecaniqued’une sur- MexaHwecKoe noBpexqeH~e no6epx-surface in the form of scratches in face, ressemblant a des sillons, HOCTU B mue f50p03D no Hanpa-

the direction of motion sous forme de rayures clans Ie sens aneHkru3 m3HxeHbm

de replacement

6.31seizuredestructive effect between twosurfaces that normally move rela-tive to one another in which theparts or components in contact areheld tight enough to resist relativemovement

6.31grippageeffet destructifentre deux surfacesqui normalementse deplacentI’unepar rapporta I’autre,par Iequel Iespartiesou Ies composantsen con-tactsent suffisammentetroitementmaintenuspour resistera un mou-vement relatif

6.313anwppa3pywa0wee noBepxHocTHoe no-

BpeX(neHMe JJByX B3aklMOgetlCTBy10 U&lX

noBepxHocTeh, npti KOTOpOM KoHTaK-

Tblpylo~Me DeTarrti ygepxnaatoTcfl

OTHOC1’lT~flbHO JJpyr ~pyra HaCTOllbKO

CIWlbHO, ~TO npeflflTCTByK3T OTHOCL.l-

TenbHOMy flBblXeH1.110





10 I

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IIS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

6.32 6.32 6.32shaft misalignment desalignement des arbres Ht?COOCHOClb BanOB

directional deviation or axial mis- deport directionnel ou d&aligne- OTKJIOHeH1-le HanpaBneHm3 oceti

alignment between the shafts of -merit axial entre Ies arbres de deux BaflOB flByX COeJJblHfleMblX y3J10B,

two connected assemblies, e.g. ensembles relies entre eux, par Hanp. DakwaTenb-reHepaTop

engine/alternator exemple: moteur/alternateur

6.33 6.33 6.33surface crack craquelure -superficielle noBepxnocmoe noBpe~eHMesmall injury or opening in the sur- petite d6tr%ioration ou ouverture He3HaqVrTenbHoe noBpeWeHvre B

face superficielle BMfle KaBepHbl blnbl TpeuMHbl Ha


6.34thermal crackingirregular deep crack on part of aworking surface due to thermalstresses

NOTE On a plain bearing journal it isfrequently accompanied by discolorat-ion.

‘6.34craquelure thermique

fissure profonde et irreguli&e sur

une partie de surface travaillante,due A des contraintes thermiques

NOTE Sur un palier Iisse, elkss’accompagnent frequemment d’unedecoloration.

6.34TepMtswecKoe pampecKwBaHtae

HePWylF@Hble rny60KvIe TPewl’lHbl Ha

pa60~eti r10BePXHOCT!4 fleTank4,



nPktMEqAH14E Ha rnagKofi wekeBaJla 3T0 ~aCTO MOX(eT COnpOBOX(J1.aTbCfl

k13MeHeHbleM UBeTa.

6.35 6.35 6.35thermal fatigue fatigue thermique

failure of metal due to thewnal

repMvmecKan ymanocrb

defaillance d’un metal due A des noBpexfleHtie rdeTanna r3cnencTwre

cycling chocs thermiques cycliques u~xn~~ecwx Tennor3blx ynapoe

6.36toeing pattern

gear contact pattern

&36 6.36trace de pincement nnTHO KOHTaKTa

trace de contact entre des engrena- ClleJJblkOHTFIKTa3Y6beB llleClePeH


6.37 6.37 6.37valve seat pitting piquage de siege de soupape rmmmr ceanaKnanaHa

indentations in the surface of a marque a la surface d’un sibge de cnen OT ynapa B cenne xnanaHavalve seat soupape

6.38 6.38 6.38vermiculated pattern trace vermicu16e BepMlflKyJIJipHafi CTpyKTypa

wear pattern consisting of wavy, trace d’usure compos~e de gorges b13HOC B BMDe BOflOKHllCTblX TyHene-

tunnel-shaped grooving or marking ou de marques sinueuses en forme 06pa3Hblx nflTeH mwr KaeepH

de tunnel

6.39 6.39 6.39wear rate taux d’usure CKOpOCTb H3HOCa

amount of wear referenced to mesure de I’usure par rapport aux BenkwHHa u3t+0ca, OTHeCeHHaJl K

operating hours heures de fonctionnement Hapa60TKe B ~aCaX


Page 17: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

-.IS 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

7 Fluid failures 7 Defaillances des fluides 7 liapyIJJeHbIfixmw+ecKoro cocTaBa)KVlflKOCTeti

7.1 7.1 7.1degraded oil huile usagee OTpa60TaHHOe MacnoJII in which the additives have huile clans Iaquelte Ies additifs se Macno, yrpaTm3uee cMa30wib\e M

become depleted and thus the oil sent degrades, I’huile ayant en con- MOIOUJkle CBOtiCTBa B pe3ynbTaTe

has inefficient lubricating and sequence perdu ses propriet6s de cTapetiufi

cleansing properties Iubrification et de nettoyage

7.2 7.2

oil studge crasse d’huileresidues of degraded lubricating oil residus provenant d’une huile de

andlor substances absorbed by the Iubrification usagee etlou de

oil over a long working period and substances absorbees par I’huile

which have a muddy appearance pendant une Iongue periode defonctionnement et qui ont un

aspect boueux

7.2ocanoK B Macneumanmrpfi3eBble oTnox(eHw+, 06pa3ytouwecfi

B Mepe Cpa6aTblBa Hllfl CMa30~HOr0

Macna flhmru b13 BeulecTB, a6cop6w

pyeMblX MaCnOM BTe’-leHI’le JJlTklTenb-

HOti pa60Tbl

7.3 7.3 7.3degraded coolant refrigerant usage 0Tpi360TiiHHblii OXJIZtflUTWlb

coolant in which the anticorrosive refrigerant dent Ies additlfs d’antl- oxnan~Tenb, B KOTOpOM Bce aHTm

and additives have been consumed corrosion et autres ont ete con- KOpp03MOHHble u ,qpyrwe ,Qo6a BK!A

sommes 6blnkI DaCXODOBaHbl

8 Reconditioningprocedures

8.1glaze-bustingtreatment given to the running sur-

face of the cylinder liners when an

engine is fitted with new piston

rings to improve the lubricating 011

reterrtion properties

8 Procedures deremiseenetat

8.1traitement antilustragetraitement subi par la surface de

travail des chemises de cylindres,

Iorsqu’un moteur est equipe de

nouveaux segments de pistons,

pour amellorer Ies proprieties de

retention d’hulle

8 ~noco6blBOCCTaHOBneHVlfi

8.1xoHuHroaaHue06pa60TKa pa60~efi f10F3epXHOCTkl

~kln UHQpOBblXBTynOK, npOb13BOgtiMafl

npfl yCTa HOBKe Ha JJBUraTene HOBblX

nOpUJHeBblX Koneu c uenbo

yny~ueH~fl cBoFtcTB no ygepxaHuto


8.2 8.2 8.2to dress out Iissage aoccTaHoBneHmerloaepxHocTma mechanical means of removing moyen mecanique de supprimer Ies Mexa H~~ecKtie Mepbl no yCTpa HeHkltO

small surface defects petits defauts de surface He60nbuI~x ge@eKTOB nOBepXHOCTeti


Page 18: IS 15653 (2006): Reciprocating internal combustion …jr{/ i,) IS 15653:2006 ISO 2710-2:1999 Indian Standard RECIPROCATING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES — VOCABULARY — TERMS FOR

Is 15653:2003ISO 2710-2:1999

Alphabetical index

A G postcombustion 5.14pressure-testhtg 3.3

abnormalpistonblow-by 5.1 glaze 6.16abrasion 6.1 glaze-busting 8.1adjusting 3.1


H recondition 4.6racondiiioningprocedures 8replacementpart 4.4retightening 4,5reconditionedpart 4.7rework 4.6reworkedpart 4.7ring gumming 6.27ringscuffing 6.28ringsticking 6.29running-in 4.8

B hairlinecrack 6.17heatdiscoloration 6.18high-cyclefatigue(HCF) 6.19hotspot 6.20hunting 5.7hydrauliclock 5.8hydrostaticlock 5.8

barring 3.2bedding-inpattern 6.2beltsag 5,2burnt 6.5

c I

‘inspection 2.2carbonresidue 6.3cavitationcorrosion 6.4charred 6.5charring 6,25chipping 6.6cold fuelfilterclogging 5.3combustionresidue 6,7componentfailures 6compressorsurge 5.4consequentialdamage 5.5consumablepart 4.1corrosivepitting 6,9crevicecorrosion 6.8

sinstallationerror 5.9

score 6.30seizure 6.31shaftmisalignment 6.32sparepart 4,9stall 5.11surfacecrack 6.33


lacquering 6.21leak-offfuel 5.10low-cyclefatigue[LCF) 6.22Iugdown 5.11


Itempercooling 6.18thermalcracking 6.34thermalfatigue 6.35to dressout 8.2toeingpattern 6.36turning 3.2


maintenance 2.3maintenancemeans 4maintenanceprocedures 3maintenanceschedule 4,2ma]oroverhaul 4.3misfire 5.12mixedfriction 6.23


degraded coolant 7.3degraded oil 7,1dewpoint corrosion 6.10


Eunbalance 5.15


nozzle dribble 6.24electrolytic corrosion 6.11engine failures 5erosion 6.4exhaust plume 5.6


valveseatpitting 6.37vapourlockin the fuel

system 5.16vapour lock due to overheating of

fuel in the fuel system 5.17varnishing 6.21vermiculated pattern 6.38


oil sludge 7.2

Foverheating 5.13

failure 2.1fatigue crack 6.12 P-fatigue fracture 6.13fluid failures 7 piston burnirtg 625fretting rust 6,14 pitting 6.26frictional fatigue fracture 6,15 plugging 5.3


wearrate 6.39


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I..Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promoteharmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods andattending to connected matters in the country.


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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewedperiodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes areneeded; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision: Users of Indian Standardsshould ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. TED 2 (480).

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