items math

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    ( 40 marks/ 40 minutes)

    Answer all questions.

    1. Write 31 468 in words. ( 1 mark )

    2. State the digit value of the numeral 5 in 65 !8. ( 1 mark )

    3. "ound off 53 6#8 to nearest thousand. ( 1 mark )

    4. $e%om&ose 45 2#6 in &la%e value. ( 1 mark )

    5. 'rrange the five digit given to make the greatest value. ( 1 mark)

    6. 24 54! 341 ( 2 marks )

    #. ake awa* 528 from 1 . ( 2 marks )

    4 + # + + 6 + 3

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    8. #45 , 1 ( 2 marks )

    !. 53 21! - 6#2 3 ( 2 marks)

    1. 21 534 , 15 ( 2 marks )

    11. al%ulate the num/er given and round u& to nearest ten. ( 2 marks )


    3#6 0 25 4

    What is the missing num/er ( 2 marks )

    35 21! 216

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    13. ind the total 2 thousands + 5 hundreds and 5 ones in numerals. ( 2 marks )

    14. ind the &rodu%t of 2453 and 3. ( 2 marks )

    15. What is the numeral that should /e added to 38 4 to get 4 ( 2 marks )

    16. 25 /o*s and 46 girls went to /ea%h. 42 %hildren %ould swim.

    ow man* %hildren %ould not swim

    ( 3 marks )

    1#. Shaui has 32! red &ens+ 254 /lue &ens and 543 /la%k &ens.

    ind the sum of &ens Shaui has.

    ( 3 marks )

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    18. *an and 5 of her friends have 335 stam&s ea%h. ow man* stam&s

    do the* have altogether

    (3 marks )

    1!. 7ak '/u has 1 53 eggs. e gives 54# eggs to 'mirul and 1 4

    eggs to Suhail. ow man* eggs does 7ak '/u have left

    ( 3 marks )

    2. ' fruits seller has 2 548 mangoes + 456 watermelons and 325&inea&&les. ow man* fruits does he have altogether

    ( 3 marks )


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    1. 3 8 written in word form is

    '. three thousand and eight

    9. three hundred and eight. three thousand eight hundred

    $. thirt* - eight thousand

    2. "ound off 12 !8# to the nearesthundreds.

    '. 12 !89. 12 !

    . 13

    $. 13 1

    3. ind the value of 3 686 + !45 and 8 is

    '. 4 659. 4 6#5

    . 4 #11

    $. 4 82

    4. 13 688 2 #56 0

    '. 16 249. 16 12

    . 16 284

    $. 16 444

    5.he differen%e of 15 25 and 13 628 is

    '. 1 5#6

    9. 1 622

    . 1 648

    $. 1 668

    6. Whi%h the following gives the answer of

    2 4

    '. 4 1 - 1 6

    9. 5 2 - 2 6

    . 6 - 3 5$. # 2 - 4 8

    #. 218 , 56 0

    '. 11 28

    9. 12 28. 13 418

    $. 22 218

    8.When 54 538 is the /roken downa%%ording to their digit values+ it


    '. 54 53 8

    9. 54 5 3 8

    . 5 4 5 3 8$. 5 4 5 3 8

    !.Whi%h of the num/ers /elow show that

    its digit 4 is in the &la%e value ofhundreds

    '. 23 48!9. 3# 64!

    . 5 24

    $. 64 3!8

    1. What is the /iggest value that %an /e

    formed from five digits 4+ + 6 + 8 andand !

    '. 4 68!9. 64 8!

    . 68 4!

    $. !8 64

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    11. 8 335 - 7 0 5 636.What is the value 7

    '. 2 6!!9. 2 #25

    . 2 #8!

    $. 2823

    12. 2 ! 625 - #6! 0

    '. 2 634

    9. 1 865. 1 24

    $. 1 685

    13.What is the num/er re&resented /* thewords shown a/ove

    '. 4 65

    9. 4 65

    . 46 5$. 46 5

    14. Su/tra%t 4 3 from 2 5.

    '. 13 49. 16 2

    . 24 8

    $. 35 2

    15.Whi%h of two num/ers makes 3 6

    '. 2 245 and 1 2#5

    9. 2 88 and #2. 2 5#5 and !#5

    $. 3 125 and 48

    16.Whi%h of the following is more than6

    '. 2 845 3 #59. 3 45 2 45

    . 4 665 1 1#5

    $. 5 #5 !6

    1#.Whi%h of the following has the smallestvalue

    '. 2 25 - 1 8#5

    9. 3 38 - 2 !65

    . 4 15 - 3 525$. 5 - 4 535

    18. 7ak :amel rears 5 52 %hikens. e sold 2 835 %hikens. ow man* %hiken does

    he have now

    '. 2 445

    9. 2 535. 2 5#5

    $.2 685

    1!. here are #48 /o*s and 665 girls in a

    a s%hool. ow man* &u&ils are there in

    the s%hool altogether

    '. 1 3#6

    9. 1 413

    . 1 428$. 1 436

    2. 'iman has 3 68 stam&s. 'lif has 5#5

    stam&s more than 'iman. ow man*

    stam&s does 'lif have

    '. 4 45

    9. 4 185

    . 4 255$. 4 365

    ort* - si; thousand and fift*

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    31. Whi%h of the following is in%orre%t

    '. 86 4 0 8 6 4

    9. #6 832 0 # 6 8 3 2. 64 52 0 6 4 5 2

    $. 43 251 0 4 3 2 5 1


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math



    ( 40 minutes / #0 questions )

    Answer all questions

    $. %&at is t&e 'lae alue o* t&e +i,it - in - 0 1

    ( $ mark )

    #. Fin+ t&e 'ro+ut 42$ an+ $00.

    ( $ mark )

    -. - 3 #.-#

    ( $ mark )

    4. %rite t&e equialent *ration o* #/.

    ( $ mark ). onert # &ours to minutes.

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    ( $ mark )

    5. # / - 6 # /

    ( # marks )

    2. onert / $0 to +eimal.

    ( # marks )

    . 7o*ri saes "8 $.0 'er+a9. :ow mu& +oes &e sae in one week1

    ( # marks)

    . T&e 'ro+ut o* two num;ers is 5.4. * one num;er is -< w&at is t&e ot&er


    ( # marks )$0. T&e time ,ien *or a 8at&ematis test is 40 minutes. S&ura9a *inis&e+ t&e

    test in -4 minutes. :ow mu& time le*t 1

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    ( # marks )

    $$. -.20 = 0.5$ 6 #00

    ( # marks )

    $#. :aikal is $0 9ears ol+. :is mot&er is 4 times ol+er t&an &im. %&at is &is

    mot&er>s a,e 1

    ( # marks )

    $-. T&e loal news ;ulletin starts at 2.00 'm. T&e +uration *or t&e news is -

    munites. %&at time will it en+ 1

    ( # marks )

    $4. Drai,ram $ s&ows a retan,le.

    %&at is t&e *ration t&e +ia,ram t&at not s&a+e+1

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    ( # marks )

    $. Ea& 'aket &as $0 *is& ;alls. :ow man9 'akets o* *is& ;alls an ;e 'ake+

    wit& #-0 *is& ;alls1

    ( # marks )

    $5. 8ariana *ills $/ o* t&e ?u, wit& t&e lime ?uie. T&an s&e a++s #/4 o* t&e ?u,

    wit& water. %&at *rations o* t&e ?u, is *ille+1

    ( - marks )

    $2. A totals o* #$$ om'uters were sent to 42 s&ools. * all s&ools reeie+ t&e

    same num;er o* om'uters< &ow man9 om'uters +i+ ea& s&ool reeie 1

    ( - marks )

    $. T&ere are -4 00 En,lis& ;ooks< #- 5 8ala9 ;ooks an+ 25 8an+rin

    ;ooks in a li;rar9. :ow man9 ;ooks are t&ere alto,et&er1

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    ( - marks )

    $. #0 'assen,ers were in a train to 7o&or @a&ru. 5 'assen,ers ,ot +own at t&e

    'o& station. At t&e uala Bum'ur station 45 'assen,ers ,ot into t&e train.

    :ow man9 'assen,ers are in t&e train now1

    ( - marks )

    #0. Amalina starte+ &er ?ourne9 to 'o& at $.0 'm. S&e rea&e+ 'o& at #.-0'm. :ow lon, was &er ?ourne91

    ( - marks )


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    #$. A ;a+minton mat& start at . 00

    'm an+ en+s at $0 $ 'm. :ow

    lon, +oes t&e mat& last 1

    A. $ &our 4 minutes

    @. # &ours $ minutes

    . # &ours -0 minutes

    D. # &ours 4 minutes

    ##. A onert takes # &ours 4

    minutes to *inis&. * t&e onert

    start at . 00 'm< w&en will t&e

    onert en+1

    A. $0 . 00 '.m

    @. $0 . $ 'm

    . $0 . 4 'm

    D. $$ . 00 'm

    #-. # mont&s - weeks 6 $ mont&

    # weeks

    A. - mont&s 4 weeks

    @. - mont&s weeks. 4 mont&s $ weeks

    D. 4 mont&s weeks

    #4. 2 minutes 3 5-5 mintes .

    onert t&e answer into &our an+


    A. - &ours # minutes@. - &ours #$ minutes

    . 4 &ours # minutes

    D. 4 &ours $$ minutes

    #. !uan Fara& use+ $ minutes to

    was& &er lot&es. * s&e *inis&

    was&in, &er lot&es at $0 . #0 am.

    %&en +i+ s&e start was&in, t&e


    A. $0 . 0 am

    @. $0 . $0 am

    . $0 . $ am

    D. $0 . - am

    #5. Aiman is $ 9ears ol+. :is *at&er

    is # 9ears ol+er t&an &is. :ow

    ol+ is &is *at&er1

    A. -0

    @. -

    . 40

    D. 4

    #2. $ 3 # /

    A. $

    @. - /

    . # /

    D. $ /

    #. %&i& o* t&e *ollowin, is 4 / 5 in

    its sim'lest *orm 1

    A. # / -

    @. 5 / 2

    . 2 /

    D. /

    #. T&e *ration - / 4 is rea+ as

    A. T&ree *our

    @. Four t&ree

    . one quarter

    D. t&ree quarters

    -0. Fin+ t&e remain+er w&en 5#2 is

    +ii+e+ ;9 .

    A. -

    @. 4


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    D. 5

    -$. Ta;le $ s&ows t&e num;er o*

    'u'ils in t&e t&ree s&ools.

    S&ool Num;ers o* 'u'ils! $ 45

    Q 25

    " $ $-

    TA@BE $

    Fin+ t&e total num;er o* 'u'ils in

    t&e t&ree s&ools.

    A. - #25

    @. - 4#-

    . - 45D. - 4

    -#. Dia,ram $ onsistssquaresof equal size.


    What is the fraction ofthe shaded


    A. 1 / 4

    . 1 / !". ! / 4D. # / 4

    --. Ta;le # s&ows t&e totals 'rie o*

    t&ree items.

    tem !rie

    Ditionar9 "8 -5 . 0

    Stor9;ook "8 $


    Total "8 5# . 40

    TA@BE #

    %&at is t&e 'rie o* t&e 'en 1

    A. "8 2 . 0

    @. "8 2 . 0

    . "8 . 0

    D. "8 . #0

    -4. amaria& sae+ "8 #2 in

    8ar&. T&en s&e sae+ anot&er

    "8 50 in A'ril. alulate

    amaria&>s sain, in ;ot&


    A. "8 5-5

    @. "8 2-. "8 -5

    D. "8 -

    -. T&ere are $ 00 workers in a

    om'an9. * all t&e workers in t&e

    om'an9 are +ii+e+ into ,rou's< &ow man9 workers are

    t&ere in a ,rou' 1

    A. -00

    @. -$0

    . -#0

    D. --0

    -5. T&e sum o* t&ree num;ers is

    - #. * two o* t&e num;ers are

    -$ #4 an+ -< t&en t&e ot&ernum;ers is

    A. 4$ #

    @. 4# #4

    . 4- $-#

    D. 44 00#

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    -2. - # 3 # 22 3 0

    "oun+ u' t&e answer to nearest


    A. 0 500

    @. 0 200

    . $ 000

    D. $ $00

    -. Bina &as - #$0 stor9 ;ooks.

    8astura &as $ 0-5 stor9 ;ooks.

    :ow man9 ;ooks +o t&e9 &aealto,et&er1

    A. 4 #45

    @. 4 #54

    . 4 4#5

    D. 4 45#

    -. T&ere were4 2# ,oats an+ - $

    ows. %&at is t&e +i**erene

    ;etween t&e num;er o* ,oats an+ows 1

    A. 5$

    @. $5

    . 4

    D. 5

    40. n a room< t&ere are 45 &airs in a

    row. T&ere are rows. :ow

    man9 &airs are t&ere in t&eroom1

    A. 400

    @. 4$0

    . 4$#

    D. 4$4


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    #0 questions / 40 minutes

    Answers all questions. S&ow 9our work.

    $. %rite 2# 04- in wor+s.

    #. Dia,ram $ onsists o* squares o* equal siGe.

    %&at is t&e *ration o* t&e s&a+e+ 'arts.

    -. !artition t&e num;er -0 2

    4. "oun+ o** -4 2# to t&e nearest &un+re+s.

    . %&at is t&e 'lae alue o* t&e un+erline+ +i,it 1

    5- 4

    5. -00 520 = 4-

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    2. 4 C -

    . Fin+ t&e 'ro+ut - an+ 4-


    $ 6 $

    - 5

    $0. onert t&e im'ro'er *ration to mie+ num;er.




    # C -

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    $#. 5 =

    $-. -# -#$ C $0

    $4. 4-5 4#4

    $. T&ere are $4 - &ikens an+ 52 +uks on a *arm. :ow man9 animals are t&ere on t&e *arm alto,et&er 1


  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    $5.T&ere are 40 'u'ils in a s&ool ;us. $5 o* t&em are ;o9s.

    %&at is t&e *ration o* ,irls in t&e ;us1 %rite t&e answer in

    t&e sim'lest *orm.

    $2. "earran,e t&e +i,its < 2< 0 < - an+ 5 to *orm t&e num;er

    wit& t&e lar,est alue an+ smallest alue. T&en *in+ t&e

    +i**erene ;etween t&em.

    $. A&ma+ S&auqi &as -25 eerise ;ooks. :is sister &as 4-

    more eerise ;ooks t&an &im. :ow man9 eerise ;ooks

    +o ;ot& o* t&em &ae1

  • 8/13/2019 Items Math


    $. -00 stu+ents atten+e+ an eamination . 4 o* t&em 'asse+.

    :ow man9 o* t&em *aile+1

    #0. T&ere are $0 000 '&otos in $0 al;ums. :ow man9 '&otos are t&ere

    in al;ums 1