itil intermediate certification - service strategy

: t:la r::l:: :: l tt: llt : TO CERTIFY TTIAT lntermediate' E x a rnin ation : : Interm ediate Lifucycle'Stream NUMBER I :l ::: This errificate rernains tlrc propcrly ofTIE APM Gloup Ltd anrl shall be retumed irnmediately on request. Tlrc APM Group Ltd, Sword House, Totleridge Road, High Wycornbe, Buckingharnshire, : HPi3 6DG, England ::: ::: :: Telephone - .44 (0) 1494 452450.Frx '14 (0) 1494 459559. =, r:r Register€dinrFnglandNo286.1n2 ,,, ..,, ,:: f[n-@ is a Regisrereil Trade MarF otlre Oflce of Goveiament Comrne+ce:in the United :]. :: :r ::The Swirt:lqgiiY is a Trade \4a* of tlre Ofllci:ijfCovernrnent Coriiaerqe : r::::: Tlre OGC logoO is a Registcred Trade Mark of thc OIfice of Govemment Commerce. : -: t: ffifiil' I .: OGC

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. : t:la r::l:: :: l tt: llt : TO CERTIFY TTIAT lntermediate' E x a rnin ation : : Interm ediate Lifucycle'Stream NUMBER I :l ::: This errificate rernains tlrc propcrly ofTIE APM Gloup Ltd anrl shall be retumed irnmediately on request. Tlrc APM Group Ltd, Sword House, Totleridge Road, High Wycornbe, Buckingharnshire, : HPi3 6DG, England ::: ::: :: Telephone - .44 (0) 1494 452450.Frx '14 (0) 1494 459559. =, r:r RegisterdinrFnglandNo286.1n2 ,,, ..,, ,:: f[n-@ is a Regisrereil Trade MarF otlre Oflce of Goveiament Comrne+ce:in the United :]. :: :r ::The Swirt:lqgiiY is a Trade 4a* of tlre Ofllci:ijfCovernrnent Coriiaerqe : r::::: Tlre OGC logoO is a Registcred Trade Mark of thc OIfice of Govemment Commerce. : t: ffifiil'I .: OGC