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  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    Information Technology


    Prepared by:-Laxmi


    CRO 0!00"0

    #atch $o% &0

    1 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    'C($O)L*+,**$TComputers are an inherent part of the life today. Virtually, in every alk ofComputers are an inherent part of the life today. Virtually, in every alk of

    life, a person is expe!ted to "e a"le to use !omputers. # orkin$ knoled$elife, a person is expe!ted to "e a"le to use !omputers. # orkin$ knoled$eof !ontemporary information te!hnolo$y is a "asi! "read % "utterof !ontemporary information te!hnolo$y is a "asi! "read % "utter

    re&uirement ofre&uirement of CHARTERED ACCOUNTINGCHARTERED ACCOUNTING today. 'en!e, thetoday. 'en!e, the

    knoled$e a!&uired "y the student throu$h the study of the su"(e!tknoled$e a!&uired "y the student throu$h the study of the su"(e!t

    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYill "e very helpful in the lon$ run.ill "e very helpful in the lon$ run.

    )his is a pro(e!t depi!tin$ my vies the various !omputer !on!epts, hi!h

    have "een tau$ht to us as a part of *nformation )e!hnolo$y Course. * have

    opted for these topi!s, as these are some of those topi!s, hi!h help in

    extra!tin$ out our !reativity and "lendin$ it ith our knoled$e of a!!ounts.

    +oreover, they are very interestin$ and provide $reat ease of orkin$ in our

    day to day life. )he more * learnt a"out them, more useful they seemed to


    -irst of all, * ould like express my immense $ratitude toards Mr.

    Shashank Saxena and Mr. Satish Bhatia our *)) instru!tors ho

    su$$ested us the relevant topi!s and took all the pains for us to make the

    !ourse !omprehendi"le for us. )hereafter, * ould like to thank my parents

    and friends ho spent their pre!ious time helpin$ me $ather information on

    these topi!s and also $uided me at pla!es here * $ot stu!k.

    * hope this effort of mine ould !ome to *C#*s expe!tations and make a

    $ood impression on the examiner. #ll sorts of su$$estions and advi!e for theimprovement of this pro(e!t are most el!ome.

    2 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    PrefaceAs the part of *)) a pro(e!t has "een in!orporated in the !urri!ulum. )he

    pro(e!t is a!tually to develop softare to automate a task or a set of tasks. #

    student should sele!t the task himself. )he pro(e!t is in!luded in the

    !urri!ulum to test and develop skills of students in a!tual ork situation.

    Our !lassroom tea!hin$ and text"ooks $ives us thorou$h theoreti!al

    "a!k$round of different fun!tional areas, devoid of any pra!ti!al experien!e.

    )hese pro(e!t assi$nments $ive us an opportunity to pra!ti!al knoled$e,

    learn time mana$ement and develop a !apa"ility to individually handle

    learnin$. *t makes us understand the appli!ation of our !lassroom learnin$.

    )his pro(e!t trainin$ ill help us to develop various aptness for pro"lem

    analysis and de!isionmakin$.

    The Institute ! Chartere" A##untants ! In"ia /ICAI has provided a

    100 'ours Compulsory *nformation )e!hnolo$y )rainin$ hi!h has "een

    framed "y modifyin$ the old !urri!ulum of )rainin$. *t is framed in order to

    $et the pra!ti!al knoled$e a"out its appli!ation in various areas of

    professional knoled$e.

    )his ro(e!t is aimed at providin$ information a"out appli!ation softare

    relevant for #!!ountin$ and #uditin$. *n this pro(e!t * tried to $ive some

    important knoled$e a"out these appli!ation softares su!h asFun"a$enta% ! C$&uter' MS Ex#e%' Ta%%(and MS )*er)int

    Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    Table of Content.

    "% /ndamental ofCompter.

    % icro.oft *xcel-00&

    1% icro.oft Po2erPoint-00&

    3% Tally !%0

    3 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    5 O/COP4T*R


    4 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    C%assi!i#atin ! #$&uter

    Or+ani,atin ! #$&uter

    5 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    Today we use computer virtually in every environment, even in areasunconnected with number manipulation. Computer has entered into

    practically every sphere of human life. In now a days computers become anintegral part of our lives. Much of the work that we do today involves a

    computer in one way or the other. The car that we drive involves a

    computer-controlled ignition system; the traffic on the roads is controlledby computer-based traffic lights and so on.

    The word Computer! comes from the word compute! which means

    to calculate. It is an electronic device capable to solving problem ormanipulating data by accepting data, performing prescribed operation

    "mathematical and logical# on the data and supplying the result of theseoperation as output

    $efore starting any technical concept of computers we should firstdiscuss some historical concepts about computers. %ince last &' or (' years,

    we are living in the age known as Computer age!. There is any hardly walkof life where this term not being used. %o we can say that computer has

    created a revolution. This has changed the life of man as a whole.

    )*+T I% T* CM/T01

    Computers are electronic devices which have the ability to

    a# accept user supplied data

    b# accept, store and e2ecute programmed instructions

    c# perform mathematical and logical operations and

    d# display results as per the specified format.

    The basic operations performed by a computer have been

    listed below-

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    +ccepting data that has been represented in a waythat the computer can use.

    erforming arithmetic or logical operations on the

    represented data.

    3isplaying results.

    %toring results for later use.

    This definition is often referred as I% cycle.

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    C4+%%I5IC+TI6 5CM/T0

    Computer can be classified in following categories.


    b# Mini

    c# Mainframe

    d#%uper computer

    7.MIC0CM/T08- Microcomputers arethe smallest digital computers and are

    commonly known as ersonal Computers "C#.These computers use microprocessors as theirC/. They can be used on the network or as

    stand alone systems. These computers have

    high processing power and are slowlybeginning to replace mini and mainframe

    computers. There are two models ofmicrocomputers, the desktop and the portable


    9.MI6I CM/T08-They are more powerful than micro and they can support several users.They have larger 0+M and backing storage capacity and can process data

    more :uickly. Mini computers were basically developed for use in processcontrol system. 3-, 3-77 and ('' are its e2amples.

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    ?. M+I6 50+M8-These are very large computers with a veryhigh capacity of main store. They are able to

    accept any high level language. 5or they canprocess large amount if data very :uickly,

    they are used by big companies, bank etc.

    They can be linked into a network withsmaller departmental computer,microcomputer or with each other. They act

    as host of large national and internationalcommunication networks, handling hundred

    of users. I$M&?7, IC4 ?@ are its e2ample.

    &. %/0 CM/T08-They are the most powerful

    computers. They use severalprocessors working simultaneously.

    Comple2 scientific application likeweather forecasting re:uires a largeamount data to be manipulated with

    in a very short time. C0+A =M-9&,+0+M-7','''. +0+M can perform

    one hundred million calculations in asecond. It can forecast of 7( days

    before whether in four minutes andfive second.

    10 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    0B6I+TI6 5 CM/T0

    +ll computer system performs the following five basic operations8Input, controlling, rocessing, output, storage. The figure drawn below

    provides a block diagram of the basic computer organiDation.

    11 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

    Program. 6










    L+i# Unit Centra%

    )r#essin+ Unit

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    I6/T /6IT- 3ata and instructions mustenter the computer system before

    computation. The input unit performs this

    task. 3ata and instructions enter input units

    in various forms, depending on the kind of

    device used.

    Input 3evices- There is several types of Input devices, as Eeyboard,Mouse, and ptical 0eader etc.

    a. Eeyboard8 - Eeyboard is an input device

    consisting of a set of typewriter-like keys that

    enable you to enter data into computer.The keys onEeyboard are Classified as follow 8

    +lphanumeric keys

    %pecial keys

    5unction keys

    b. Mouse8 - It controls the movement of thecursor or pointer. It is a small bo2 with a round

    ball on its bottom and 7 to ? buttons on the top. It

    is used for selection purpose.

    c. %canners8 - %canner is basically input device that are capable of

    recogniDing marks or character. Thus they are used fordata entry into the computer system.

    d. Foystick8 - Foy sticks are designed in the shape of handles that swivel in?G' acres. nable their users to control screen figures. It is used mostly for

    computer games.

    12 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    9. MM0A /6IT

    There is a storage unit of a computer known as memory. The

    information is stored and can be retrieved when needed. It stores theinstruction and data as long as re:uired.

    3+T+ %T0+B 3

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    "$#. %C63+0A %T0+B /6IT5or the computer memory is limited in

    siDe, it is insufficient for storing vast amount ofdata. $y using backing storage it is possible to

    store vast amount of data on a removablestorage medium. There are several types of

    secondary storage devices.

    a. M+B6TIC T+%This type of storage medium is e2tensively used for high speed and large

    volume of data transfer and storage purpose. The tape is normally 7.9(-9.'cm. )ide.

    b. TIC+4 3I%E

    It is a silvery plastic disk. It can store up to G''M$ ofdata. The information stored in C3-0M can be read only. ItcanHt be modified.

    c. 54A 3I%EThese are also called 5le2ible disks or 3iskettes.

    They are thin plastic disk on which data andprogrammes can be stored. They are lightly

    coated with ferrite. The fle2ible material cut intocircular pieces "( !, ? J! in diameter#.

    d. *+03 3I%E *ard disks store the computer operating system and applications and

    provide space for the userHs data. The storage capacity of the hard disk ismeasured either in megabytes or gigabytes. Today we have hard disks that

    can store 9'' B$ of data.

    ?. C6T0+4 0C%%I6B /6IT "C/#

    It is similar to our brain. It consists of two units called the arithmeticand logic unit and the control unit. The control unit interprets theinstructions stored in the memory. It controls and directs the other unit of

    computer. The +0IT*MTIC +63 4BIC /6IT "+4/# performs thecalculations and logic comparisons.

    &. /T/T /6IT

    13 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    This unit of computer which provides results to the user called theoutput unit. +n output can be an answer to a mathematical problem, a

    graph, a printed report etc. Thus output unit serves as a communication linkbetween the computer and the user through output devices.

    There are several types of output devices8 -


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    % +i7erent type of formla /nction.

    1% *xcel acro.

    3% Pi8ot Table 6 Chart.

    9% 5a8e the )orkbook

    % *xit the icro *xcel

    17 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    Mi#rs!t Ex#e%-

    Microsoft 2cel "full name Microsoft ffice 2cel# is a proprietary

    spreadsheetapplication written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft

    )indowsand Mac % =. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tablesand, e2cept for 2cel 9'' for Mac % =, a macro programming language


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    Immediately we will see the screen shown below.

    icro.oft *xcel Interface:

    Menu Bar:The menu bar is a special toolbar which displays a menu, such as the file

    and dit menus.

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    Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar:The %tandard toolbar and the 5ormatting toolbar "contain buttons and list

    bo2es that allow you to perform fre:uent tasks more :uickly than whenusing the menu bar. )hen you move the mouse pointer over a button or

    bo2, the name of the button or bo2 displays below it in a %creenTip.

    Formula Bar:The data displays in the formula bar. 2cel also display the active cell

    reference on the left side of the formula bar in the 6ame bo2.

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    Status Bar:The status bar displays a brief description of the command selected

    "highlighted# in a menu, the function of the button the mouse pointer ispointing to, or the current activity in progress. Mode indicators, such as

    nter and 0eady, display on the status bar and specify the current mode of

    2cel. )hen the mode is 0eady, 2cel is ready to accept the ne2t commandor data entry. )hen the mode indicator reads nter, 2cel is in the process

    of accepting data through the keyboard into the active cell. In the middle ofthe status bar is the +utoCalculate area. The +uto Calculate area can be

    used in place of a calculator to view the sum, average, or other types oftotals of a group of numbers on the worksheet. Eeyboard indicators, such as

    6/M "6um 4ock#, C+% "Caps 4ock#, and %C04 "%croll# show which keys areused.

    Selecting a Cell:To enter data into a cell, you first must select it. The easiest way to select acell

    "make it active# is to use the mouse pointer to the cell and then click. +nalternative method is to use the arrow keys that are located Kust to the right

    of the typewriter keys on the keyboard. +n arrow key selects the celladKacent to the active cell in the direction of the arrow on the key. Aou know

    a cell is selected "active# when a heavy border surrounds the cell and theactive cell reference displays in the 6ame bo2 on the left side of the formula


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    To *nter the )ork.heet Title:7. Click cell +7. Cell +7 becomes the active cell and a heavy bordersurrounds it.

    9, Type 5un %un %oKourn 7st Ltr %ales in cell +7. The title displays in theformula bar and in cell +7. The te2t in cell +7 is followed by the insertion

    point. The inserton point is a blinking vertical line that indicates where the

    ne2t character typed will display.

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    ?. oint to the nter bo2. )hen you begin typing an entry, 2cel displays

    two bo2es in the formula bar8 the Cancel bo2 and the nter bo2.

    &. Click the nter bo2 to complete the entry. 2cel enters the worksheet titlein cell +7.


    The +utoCorrect feature of 2cel works behind the scenes, correcting

    common mistakes when you complete a te2t entry in a cell. +utoCorrectmakes three types of corrections for you8

    23 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    7. Corrects two initial capital letters by changing the second letter tolowercase.

    9.CapitaliDes the first letter in the names of days.

    ?.0eplaces commonly misspelled words with their correct spelling.

    +utoCorrect will correct the spelling automatically of more than &''commonly misspelled words.

    !ntering Column Titles:To enter the column titles, select the appropriate cell and then enter thete2t, as described in the following steps.

    7.Click cell $9. Cell $9 becomes the active cell. The active cell reference inthe 6ame bo2 changes from +7 to $9.

    9.Type Mall in cell $9 2cel displays Mail in the formula bar and in cell $9.

    ?.ress the right arrow key. 2cel enters the column title, Mail, in cell $9

    and makes cell C9 the active cell.

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    &. 0epeat %teps 9 and ? for the remaining column titles in row 9. That is,enter Campus in cell C9, Telephone in cell 39, )eb in cell 9, and Total in

    cell 59. Complete the lost entry in cell 59 by pressing the 6T0 key.

    To !nter Ro" Titles:7.Click cell +?. Type ankaK and then press the down arrow key. 2celenters the row title $ahamas 0epose in cell +? and cell +& becomes the

    active cell.

    9.0epeat %tep 7 for the remaining row titles in column +. nter rakash in

    cell +&, %unil in cell +(, %udir in cell +G, and Total in cell +>. The row titles

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    display as shown in.

    To !nter Numeric Data:

    #a.ic ath /nction.:

    %preadsheets have many Math functions built into them. f the most basicoperations are the standard multiply, divide, add and subtract. These

    operations follow the order of operations "Kust like algebra#.

    Calculating a Sum:To %um a Column of 6umbers7. Click cell $> and then point to the +uto%um button on the %tandardtoolbar. Cell $> becomes the active cell.

    9.Click the +uto%um button. 2cel responds by displaying N%/M "$?8$G# inthe formula bar and in the active cell $>. The $?8$G within parentheses

    following the function name %/M is 2celOs way of identifying the cells $?through $G. 2cel also surrounds the proposed cells to sum with a moving

    border, called a mar:uee.

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    ?.Click the +uto%um button a second time. 2cel enters the sum of the first:uarter sales in cell $>. The %/M function assigned to cell $> displays in the

    formula bar when cell $> is the active cell.

    )hen you enter the %/M function using the +uto%um button, 2cel

    automatically selects what it considers to be your choice of the group ofcells to sum. The group of adKacent cells $?, $&, $(, and $G is called a

    range. + range is a series of two or more adKacent cells in a column or rowor a rectangular group of cells.

    To Co#$ a Cell to djacent Cells in a Ro":

    1.)ith cell $> active, point to the fill handle. The mouse pointer changes toa cross hair.

    9.3rag the fill handle to select the paste area, range C>8>. 2cel displays ashaded border around the paste area, range C>8>, and the copy area, cell


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    7. Click the +uto%um button on the %tandard toolbar. 2cel assigns theappropriate %/M functions to cell 5?, 5&, 5(, 5G, and 5>, and then

    calculates and displays the sums in the respective cells.

    '8erage /nction:

    The average function finds the average of the specified data (Simplifies

    adding all of the indicated cells together and dividing by the total number of

    cells.)The synta2 is as follows.

    N+verage "first value, second value, etc.#

    Te2t fields and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the

    +verage 5unction.

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    Ma% Function:

    The ne2t function we will discuss is Ma2 "which stand for Ma2imum#. This

    will return the largest "ma2# value in the selected range of cells.

    $lank entries are not included in the calculations of the Ma2 5unction.

    Te2t entries are not included in the calculations of the Ma2 5unction.

    2ample of Ma2 Cells to look at +ns.Ma2

    Nma2 "+78+ +7, +9, +?, +& ?'

    Nma2 "+78+&, 7''# +7, +9, +?, +& and 7'' 7''

    Nma2 "+7, +?# +7, +? ?'

    Nma2 "+7, +(# +7, +( 7'

    Min Function:

    The ne2t function we will discuss is Min "which stands for minimum#. This

    will return the smallest "Min# value in the selected range of cells.

    0 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

    2ample Cells to average +nswer


    "+78++7, +9, +?, +& G9.(


    "+78+&, ?''#+7, +9, +?, +& and ?'' 77'


    "+78+(#+7, +9, +?, +&, +( G9.(

    Naverage"+78+9, +

    +7, +9, +& (.??

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    $lank entries are not included in the calculations of the Min 5unction.

    Te2t entries are not included in the calculations of the Min 5unction.


    of min

    Cells to look





    +7, +9, +?,+&




    +9, +? and


    Nmin "+7,+?#

    +7, +? 7'

    Nmin "+7,


    +7, +("displays the



    IF Function:

    I5 function will check the logical condition of a statement and return one

    value if true and a different value if false. The synta2 is

    =IF (condition, value-if-true, value-if-false) value returned may be either a number or te2t

    if value returned is te2t, it must be in :uotes

    2ample of I5

    typed into column$

    Compares +nswer


    is " .@( P7#


    NI5 "+?P7, QAesQ,Q6oQ#

    is "7.?> P7#


    NI5 "+(P7'''', .', .'(#

    is "7&'''P 7''''#


    NI5 "+GP7'''', .

    ', .'(#

    is "&(? P



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    car purchase in the first e2ample. There are a few things that we must knowin order for this function to work. To calculate the loan we must know a

    combination of the following

    "rate# interest rate per period

    "60# number of payments until repaid


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    9. 5rom the 0ecord Macro dialog bo2displayed, enter a name for the

    macro in the Macro name8 te2t bo2.

    ?. To begin recording, click E.&. erform the actions you want the macro to record. +ctions can be any

    combinations of 2cel commands. To stop recording, from the Tools

    menu, point to Macro and click on %top 0ecording.

    To assign a s&ortcut 'e$ to t&e macro:7. In the menu bar click on view tab P click on macros and click on view


    () 5rom the Macro dialog bo2 displayed, select the macro name "if

    recorded before# to which you want to assign a shortcut key.

    Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010
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    *) Click the ptions button to display the Macro ptions dialog bo2.

    +) Type a letter into the Ctrl te2t bo2. This combination key will be

    used to invoke the macro.

    ,) Click E to return to the Macro dialog bo2.

    -) Click on the Cancel button to close.

    To run a macro using t&e Tools Macro command:7. 5rom the view menu, point to Macro and click on view Macros.

    9. 5rom the Macro dialog bo2 displayed, click on the name of the macro

    you wish to run in the Macro name8 list bo2.

    ?. Click the 0un button .6ote8 If you wish to edit or delete a macro, Kust

    click on the particular button.

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    To run a macro using t&e assigned s&ortcut 'e$:

    ress Ctrl(, with ( is the button which you assigned.

    To create a toolbar .or s&ortcut to a macro8

    7. Click on the office button and click on e2cel options.

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    9. )indow The e2cel options appears.

    ?. Click on the customiDe option in the list on the left hand side. In the

    Uchoose commands fromH option click on macros.

    &. +s soon as you click on it the list of all recorded macros appears. %elect

    the macro for which a shortcut toolbo2 is desired and click on addP the

    name of the macro appears on the list in the right hand side. Then click

    on ok.

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    (. +s soon as you will click on ok a small icon for the macro appears ne2t

    to the undo button.

    G. 5or running the macro you Kust have to click on the toolbo2.

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    Pi8ot table and chart. :2cel is a fantastic and powerful tool to analyDe data and report findings,trends and different data relationships. *owever, sometimes we have toanalyDe large amounts of data and produce reports based on this data and

    present it to your boss and colleagues. $ut, thankfully 2cel has shortcutswithin itself V these shortcuts are the ivot Tables and 0eports.

    The key to remember is that pivot table can analyDe numeric relationships in

    a snap, and produce reports and charts with Kust one click without goingthrough all steps to create a chart or report from scratch. It is really a

    shortcut within 2cel.

    7. pen the 2cel application and go to 5ileP6ew to open a brand newspreadsheet. *ere we take fictitious data Aou enter all the data into the

    spreadsheet and format accordingly. This is the most time consuming stepbecause as we will see the ne2t steps are :uite short.

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    9. Bo to Insert Pivot Table and select pivot table option.

    ?. The create pivot table window appears as shown below.

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    nter the range. *ere you have to enter the range of the data that you want

    to analyDe. +lso enter the location where you want the pivot table report to

    be placed. Then click on ok.

    &. The ne2t step is to build the ivot Table by dragging items from the ivot

    Table 5ield 4ist pop-up window "or you can select the item and then click

    +dd To! and you select the area where you want to place the items.# $ut,

    the :uickest way is to select, drag and drop. Aou can select and drop any

    item"s# to the column labels,! row labels,! and report filter,! and

    values!. The combinations are endless, and you can see in a snap how the

    different items would relate to one another.

    (. Click on City and drag it to the Column label! section.

    G. Click on %taff and drag it to the 0ow label! section.

    >. Click on sales and drag it to the values! section. 6ow, you have created a

    table showing all the %alespersons and the sales made by each within thefour maKor cities. +lso, the table shows the total sales in each of the four


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    . +s you complete dragging options a simple pivot table will appear in front ofyou at the location you have specified.

    @. Thus a brand new professional looking report has been created with thehelp of pivot table option.

    7'.6ow, if you want to see how this information will look on a chart, all youhave to do is click on the ivotChart option.

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    77.+s soon as you will click on it a window appears showing the variouslayouts of pivot charts. Aou can select any layout depending upon how you

    want to represent your information. Then click on ok.

    79.+s soon as you will click on ok the pivot chart pane and the pivot chart willappear.

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    7?.Aou can change the layout and colors as per your suitability through the

    pivot chart tools options.

    To 5a8e a )orkbook:

    )hen you save a workbook, you have two choices8 5a8e or 5a8e '.%To save a document8

    Click the Microsoft ffice $utton

    Click %ave

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    Aou may need to use the %ave +s feature when you need to save aworkbook under a different name or to save it for earlier versions of 2cel.

    0emember that older versions of 2cel will not be able to open an 2cel9''> worksheet unless you save it as an 2cel @>-9''? 5ormat. To use the

    %ave +s feature8

    Click the Microsoft ffice $utton Click %ave +s

    Type in the name for the )orkbook

    In the %ave as Type bo2, choose 2cel @>-9''? )orkbook

    To minimi>e a 2orkbook 2indo2:Click on the MinimiDe button in the top right-hand corner of the workbookwindow.

    To clo.e a ?le:Click on the office button and click on Close.

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    Aou will be asked if you wish to save any changes you have made to the file.%elect Aes to save, or 6o to ignore the changes.

    If you are saving a new file, the %ave +s dialog bo2 will display. In the 5ile

    name te2t bo2, enter a name and click on the %ave button.

    To exit icro.oft *xcel:5rom the 5ile menu, click 2it.

    If you have saved all the changes made in the active workbook files,Microsoft 2cel will close.

    If you have not saved all the changes, the %ave confirmation bo2 will be

    displayed.To save the current workbook file before e2iting, select Aes.

    To e2it without saving the file, select 6o.To cancel the e2it command, select Cancel or press sc.

    Ms 2cel 9''> is easy to work upon and very useful when the data you have

    to deal with is of a large magnitude.

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    Content.: 'bot Po2erPoint

    /ormatting 5lide +e.ign

    Object. and 'nimation

    5etting the 5lide Timing.

    icro.oft Po2erPoint 00&oweroint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you

    everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation.oweroint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and

    presentation management tools. It is much more user-friendly and intuitivelayout than its predecessors. Therefore it is a presentation package that you

    can use to produce with ease a series of slides or overhead transparencies

    to make your presentation interesting and effective.%tarting oweroint8

    Click on the %tart button, point to rograms, followed by Microsoft ffice

    and click on Microsoft oweroint as shown below

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    The Microsoft oweroint screen

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    +rrangement of Tools in oweroint 9''>

    T&e MS O/ce Button contains t&e main 0le .unctions

    6ew, pen, %ave, %ave as, rint, rint review, etc.

    The Luick +ccess Toolbar contains shortcuts to %ave, /ndo, and 0epeatach 0ibbon Tab displays a 0ibbon that provides a set of Tool Broups.

    The 0ibbon Tab and the Tool Broups in the 0ibbon correspond to theMenu and Toolbar in )ord 9''' and 9''?

    The 6ame of each Tool Broup is listed at the bottom of the Broup

    *xample -In the *ome Tab, the third Tool Broup is named 5ont

    The name Q5ontQ is under the 5ont Tool BroupTo change the Tool Broups being displayed in the 0ibbon

    Click on the appropriate 0ibbon Tab

    *xample -The *ome Tab contains Tool Broups for the most commonlyused Tools

    Clipboard, 5ont, aragraph, and %tyle tools in )ord

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    %ome Tool Broup bo2es have a small arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.

    If you click on this arrow, oweroint will open a 3ialog $o2 which offers

    More options and settings related to that Tool Broup

    In oweroint 9''>, you will find that tools with similar uses are organiDed

    so that they are usually found within the same Tool Broup or at least within

    one 0ibbon. If you do not find a tool in the 0ibbon you think it should be in,try e2ploring the other 0ibbon Tabs.

    ,etting 5tarted

    Create a Ne" Presentation

    M% ffice $utton PP6ew V 6ew resentation window opens up

    The M% ffice $utton is located in the top left corner of the word 9''>


    To start a new file from scratch8

    Choose $lank 3ocument! and press Create!

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    There are templates available on the left panel for creating a presentation ofa specific type "i.e. photo album or calendar#.

    O#en an !%isting Presentation:

    M% ffice $utton PP pen

    5ind your presentation in the pen! window

    oweroint9''> will open files created with older versions of

    oweroint"W.ppt# as well as oweroint9''> files "W.ppt2#

    O#en a 0le .rom a di1erent 2ersion or .ormat:oweroint9''> will automatically convert a document from a compatible

    version of owerointAour document will open in Compatibility Mode.

    This will prevent you from using certain tools in ffice 9''> which arenot compatible with ffice 9''? or 9'''

    )hen you finish editing a document be careful to save any converted

    documents in their original format

    Sa2e a document under a di1erent Name3 4ersion3 orFormat:M% ffice $utton PP %ave +s..

    In the bars at the bottom of the %ave +s.. sub window.

    7. Bive your document a new name in 5ile 6ame!.9. %elect the version and format from %ave as type!.

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    Sa2e t&e current documentM% ffice $utton PP %ave -To save your file click %ave

    dd a Ne" Slide:

    *ome Tab PP%lides PP 6ew %lide Click on 6ew %lide $utton. It adds a new slide in the default layout.

    Title and Content!

    Click on the arrow at the bottom corner of the 6ew %lide button. Aou

    can select the slide layout from the 3efault 3esign allet

    Click 4ayout $utton. Aou can select and change the slide layout.

    Click 3elete $utton to delete the current slides.

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    @ie2ing 5lide. in )ork.pace

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    Slide Sorter8Bive thumbnails of all the slides in the presentation. 4ets you see the big

    picture. +llows you to%ort, move, add and delete slides easily. /seful at the end of the proKect.

    Notes Page:3isplays the page layout of the notes and the slides. +llows you to

    rearrange the notes and compare them to the content of your slide.

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    Slide S&o":lay the presentation from the beginning.

    Turn nff

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    Insert Tab

    dd Te%t "it& Te%t Bo%es:*ome Tab PP 3rawing PPTe2t $o2In oweroint all te2t is contained in Te2t $o2es.

    Click on Te2t $o2 $utton PP Click anywhere in the slide

    3rag circle corner points or s:uare side points of the Te2t $o2 to

    change its siDe.

    Click within the bo2 to type te2t.

    Mo2e Te%t Bo% $ring the cursor over the te2t bo2 borders.

    Cursor changes to the move icon "Cross with arrowheads#. *old the

    mouse and move the te2t bo2.

    Aou can also nudge the te2t bo2 by selecting it and pressing the

    keyboard arrow keys.

    0otate the te2t bo2.

    o $ring the cursor over the green circle to rotate the te2t bo2

    Therefore in the same way you can move the same obKects in a


    Format Te%t Bo%

    %elect the te2t bo2. The 3rawing Tools Tab appears.

    Click on the 5ormat tab. 5ormat the selected te2t bo2 in the %hape


    o %hape 5ill8 Changes the fill color.

    o %hape utline8 Changes the color, width. 4ine styles of outline.

    o %hape ffects8 +pplies visual effects to the te2t bo2.

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    Format te%t in Te%t Bo% %elect and highlight the te2t in the te2t bo2.

    Click on the *ome Tab

    In the 5ont Broup and aragraph Broup, you can format the 5ont,

    %iDe, color and %tyle of the selected te2t.

    dd 8ord rt 9Fanc$ Te%t:Insert Tab PP Te2t PP )ord +rt

    Click on the )ord+rt button PP select the style you like+ )ord+rt Te2t $o2 appears in the slide. Type in.

    Format 8ordrt %elect the )ord+rt in the slide.

    The 3rawing Tool Tab will appear at the right end of the 0ibbon Tabs.

    Click on the 5ormat Tab.

    5ormat the selected )ord+rt in the )ord+rt %tyles Broup.

    'dd 5hape. Insert Tab PPIllustration PP %hapes

    Click on the shape button to see the list of the available shapes

    %elect the %hape.

    Click on anywhere in the slide to insert the selected shape.

    /ormat 5hape. %elect the %hape. 3rawing Tool Tab appear

    Click on the 5ormat tab. 5ormat the selected shape in the %hape


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    o %hape 5ill8 Changes the fill color.

    o %hape utline8 Changes the color, width. 4ine styles of outline.

    o %hape ffects8 +pplies visual effects to the te2t bo2.

    Lay one .hape o8erA nder another: %elect the shape.

    The 3rawing Tool Tab will appear.

    Click on the 5ormat tab. +rrange the order in the +rrange Broup8

    o $ring to the front

    o %end to back.

    ,ropB 'lign and Rotate 5hape.:

    )hile holding the shift key, click on the obKect you wish to group.

    3rawing Tool Tab appears.

    Click on the 5ormat tab.

    To group the obKects8 Click on Broup button in +rrange Broup.

    To align the obKects8 Click on +lign button in +rrange Broup. To rotate the obKects8 Click on 0otate button in +rrange Broup.

    %hapes in a group can still be move and edited individually, and will

    continue to correspond to their group after being changed.

    'dd an image from a ?leInsert Tab PPIllustration PPictures

    5ind the picture file you want to insert in the browser window.

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    'dd an image from Clip 'rtInsert Tab PPIllustration PP Clip +rt%earch for the Clip +rt and other media in the right-hand search panel.

    Check in! verywhere! bo2 under %earch in! for more e2tensive results.

    /ormat an image and Clip 'rt5ormatting process is basically the same as formatting te2t bo2!, )ord

    +rt! or %hape!.

    %elect obKects "image or clip art#. icture Tool Tab appears.

    5ormat obKects using +dKust Broup, icture %tyle Broups and +rrange


    Move bKects.

    /ormatting 5lide +e.ign

    +e.ign Tab

    C&ange t&e Bac'ground3esign Tabs PP$ackground PP$ackground %tyles

    Click on the 5ormat $ackground button at the bottom.

    5ormat $ackground window appears.

    o Aou can set the color, solid or gradient, transparency or choose

    picturete2ture fill.

    o Click on Close button to apply changes only to the current slide.o Click on +pply to +ll to apply changes to the entire slide

    C&ange t&e T&eme

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    3esign TabsPPThemes

    Move the mouse over the theme button to preview different themes

    on your current slide.

    Click on any theme button to choose the theme, which will be applied

    to all the slides in your presentation.

    Colors8 Changes the color scheme of the current theme.

    5onts8 Changes the font of the current theme ffects8 Changes the effects of the current theme

    Formatting Presentation in Slide MasterThe %lide Master acts as a template for your entire presentation. +lteringanything on the slide master will change it for all the slides in your

    presentation.resentation >%lide Master

    %lide Master Tab appears on the left-hand side of *ome Tab

    !dit t&e Slide Master:Click on the %lide Master Tab provides a set of %lide Master 5ormatting


    dit Master

    Master 4ayout

    dit Theme


    age %etup

    Close- click on close button to go back to the 6ormal

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    +nimation Tab

    Create Custom animation e1ects .or objects:+nimation Tab PP+nimations PP Custom +nimation

    Custom +nimation anel appears on the right hand side of the current


    %elect the obKect you wish to apply animation Click the add ffect button and choose the animation style.

    5re:uently-used effects are found in ntrance! styles in the


    Click the lay button to preview the animation.

    Modi.$ nimation !1ects and order o. nimatedObjects

    CustomiDe animation effects under Modify in Custom +nimation anel.

    %tart V how to start the animation

    3irection- direction the animation %peed- speed the animation

    Change orders of animated obKects8

    o %elect the obKect under the list Modify

    o *old on the mouse and bring up or down to change the order of


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    Create a Slide Transition:%lide transitions are animation effects that appear between slides. )hile

    they look fancy, these transitions can be distracting if overused. If it oftengood to keep this kind of animation to a minimum.

    +nimation Tab PP+nimations PP Transition to this slide

    Move the cursor over the transition buttons to preview the effects.

    Click on the transition effect button to apply the slide transition


    Click on Transition %ound button to apply sound effect for transition.

    Click on Transition %peed button to adKust the speed.

    Click on +pply to +ll to apply the same transition effect to all the


    C&ange t&e Order o. Slides:

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    Setting t&e slide timings:

    5or setting time gap between every slide you have to set the slide timings.

    erform the following steps to do so8

    7. %elect slide show option from main menu.

    9. Click 0ehearse timing option.

    ?. The clock shows the time for every slide to be displayed.

    &. Click Une2tH button from the rehearse toolbar to set the time for the

    ne2t slide.

    (. +fter the timing for the last slide is set, a dialogue bo2 is displayed.

    This shows the total time for the entire presentation. It has been shown


    G. Click on the UyesH button.

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    T'LL !%0

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    'bot tally

    )hy 2e .e Tally

    ;o2 create a company by reference of


    +i7erent type of 8ocher 2ith DC'5*


    Trial #alance

    Pro?t 6 Lo..

    #alance .heet

    5tock .mmary

    +ay book

    Ratio analy.i.

    Ca.h 6 fnd Fo2 .tatement

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    T'LL !%0I$TRO+4CTIO$

    Tally is a versatile accounting package and is also based windowing

    interface. +ll screens in Tally are viewed as windows possessing the

    following V

    + title bar that displays the name of the application. + tally icon to the left

    "of the user# that pulls down a menu comprising restore, move, siDe,minimiDe and ma2imiDe menu items. Three small buttons to the right "of the

    user# that activates minimiDe, ma2imiDe, and closer of the window.

    There are many accounting packages are available in the market, Tally

    remains the undisputed king of all financial accounting packages availablein India. Tally is capable of handling any kind of transaction you would

    need, whatever your business. In order to use tally, you neither need toneither learn new accounting methods nor should change your e2isting

    style of handling accounts. The information can be fed as well retrieved atrandom and all human errors can be corrected.

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    Operation of Tally

    The area of the Tally is very wide, you could be the owner, financialcontroller, accountant, manager or an auditor. +ll that is re:uired to learn

    Tally is fundamental knowledge of accounts and familiarity with basicaccounting terminology. This means that you should understand certain

    basic terms like an account, a debtor, a creditor, assets, liabilities, capitaletc.


    Tally is a Multi dimensional software it keeps on updating itself by latestchanges taking place in the commerce world. In market many version of

    tally are available and the latest version @.' do comply with

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    In order to explain the 2orking of tally 2e need totake p a. .ome example regarding generaltran.action of any enterpri.e%

    !%am#le:;Faya X Faytee +ssociate starts a new business and following transactiontook place which is to be recorded in Tally @.' software.

    7. Introduce capital in business 0s. 7'''''-9. 3eposited Cash in bank 0s. (''''-

    ?. urchase order for %anKay X company arahar daal 9'' k.g.Y 7'.'' k.g.

    &. Made purchases in cash 0s. &''''-

    (. %ale order for M% +nuragX com. Masoor daal ('' k.g.Y 7(.'' per k.g.

    G. Cash %ales to customers "0aKesh# 0s. 9''''-

    >. sales return to prkashX company 0s.7('''-

    . 0ent paid to landlord 0s.7(''-

    @. lectricity charges paid 0s. 9(''-

    7'.Cash received as commission 0s. 7'''-

    77.aid salary to %taff 0s. 9'''-

    79.Charged depreciation on +ssets 0s. G'''-

    7?.$rought +ssets 0s.7'''-

    7&.%crap %old 0s. '''-

    7(.(S %ales ta2

    ,ate2ay Of Tally

    'cconting Information V It is for the creating accounting ledger of

    parties, accounting groups, cost centers, cost categories X voucher types

    In8entory information V To is option to create stock items, stock groups,

    units of measure etc.

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    'cconting 8ocher - To create vouchers for accounting such as

    payment, receipts, Kournal, sales, purchases, contra etc.

    In8entory 8ocherV To enter the stock Kournal.

    Import of data V To import data from another Tally version.

    #alance .heet V This is an option to show the balance sheet of the


    Pro?t 6 Lo.. accont- This is an option to show the profit and loss

    account of that company.

    5tock 5mmary V This option shows the summary of the stock items.

    Ratio 'naly.i. V The tally calculates various ratios used for decision

    making. This option shows the various ratios automatically calculated byT+44A. V This is a option which shows several type of account

    statements as8 trial balance, day book, ledgers, sales register, urchase

    register etc.

    lti acconting printing V to print the account books like cash book,

    ledger, Kournal, sales register, purchase register etc.

    Hit-This is an option which helps the user to e2it out of the T+44A.

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    It is the area in which you actually work. Aou can activate this area eitherby clicking any where in this area or by pressing ZCtrlP ZMP key


    +lthough Tally supports mouse commands, you can e2ecute all commands

    in plain nglish from the keyboard by typing them in this area. Aou canactivate this area either by clicking anywhere in this area or by pressingZCtrlP Z6P key combination.

    The very first in recording transaction in Tally is the Creation of Company

    ;o2 to Create ' Company G

    + company is basically a file where transactions relating to a particularcompany are entered. + company may be a sole proprietorship, partnership,

    Koint stock or any other company where there are transactions present.

    T&ere are .ollo"ing ste#s ta'en to create a ne" com#an$

    In order to create company Select Company Info

    %elect option V create company!

    Bive the name of the company - it is a mandatory field

    Bive the mailing name of the company V it is an optional field

    +ddress of the company - it is an optional field

    Bive the name of statutory compliance V that is India

    Bive the name of %tate V which is optional but if

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    Currency symbol of the company

    Maintain the method of accounting

    5inancial year from

    $ooks beginning from

    Tally vault assword

    /se security control

    6ow select default values.

    Then a message bo2 will come then press enter to create a company.

    nce you have created a company then you are ready for maintaining

    account for the company.

    'ccont CreationIn order to create accounts in tally. There is an option known as

    +ccount Info. Through which ledgers are created. Bo to +ccount Info.

    Creation of the ledger:5irstly we have to create ledgers through main

    gateway or pressing alt c key on the voucherHs account name


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    *xample:- If Capital account is to be Created Type Capital +ccount%elect group Capital and +ccept Aes.

    Aou can also +lter the ledger by using +ccount Info. V 4edgers V +lter.

    This is how all accounts are Created. In Tally two accounts are alwaysavailable Cash X rofit +nd 4oss +ccount.


    + voucher is primary document for recording the financialtransation.recording and analyses are easy for different type of transaction

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    because Tally provides 7G different predefined voucher. They pertain toboth accounting and inventory.

    Type of @ocher:

    There are 7G vouchers which can be used for recording transactions Xsome are optional. we can see these voucher in top right side in every

    voucher columns.

    +ate of @ocher: The top right of the voucher bo2 displays thedate of voucher and the day of the week; this date indicates the current

    date on which you are entering the voucher. The same date appears asthe current date at the Bateway of Tally. Aou can change date by pressing

    Z59P Eey.

    Particlar: In accounting vouchers this column contains theinformation about the ledgers you debit or credit. )hen To or Cr is

    displayed, specify the ledger to credit. )hen $y or 3r is displayed, specify

    the ledger to debit.

    +ebitACredit: This column takes value of transactions therefore;specify the amount of the transaction here. If you debit a ledger, the

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    amount goes into the debit column and if you credit a ledger, the amountgoes into the credit column.

    $ote: The voucher entry is completed only when debit X credit bothamount total are matches.

    $arration:In this column, you can mention the details of the entry. +tthe end of the voucher, there is a common narration for the wholevoucher. The option for writing narration, for each entry will be present

    only if you had set the option U/se narration for each entryH in the

    accounting vouchers section of the voucher configuration menu UAesH.

    'ccept key: Wen !e done entry in voucer and press enter "ey tanvoucer as" +ccept or 6ot.

    Contra @ocher

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    Payment @ocher

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    Receipt @ocher

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    P4RC;'5* OR+*R

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    5tep--stock item creation

    5tep-1- pass Kournal entry in inventory voucher.

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    ITT Project

    Prcha.e @ocher

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    P4RC;'5* *$TR I$ I$@OIC*

    5or doing work in purchase invoice click on +% I6

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    5ale 8ocher

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    Prcha.e retrnAdebit note

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    ornal @ocher

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project Option

    nce you have entered the vouchers, based on the information in thesevouchers, Tally automatically generates all these reports. In order to get

    any report all you have to do is to enter vouchers. Tally gives you

    ma2imum benefit of the data that has been entered through vouchers. Ittakes care of all reporting based on these transactions and automaticallypresents them in comprehensible format.

    Aou can view reports like the Trial $alance, rofit and 4oss +ccount,$alance %heet, %tock statement, 4edger X %ummaries, %ales, urchase

    and other registers, Cash and 5und 5low %tatements, Cost Centre +nalysis

    etc.5ollowing are some of the reports generated by Tally8

    Fust press enter on the 3isplay option on the Bateway of Tally. 5ollowingmenu will displayed.

    73 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    @ie2ing Trial #alance

    + trial balance is consolidation of ledger balance. Tally display trialbalance through 3isplay trail balance option. The $alance on an account is

    the difference between the total of the debit side and the total of the

    credit side. +t the end of an accounting period all the accounts arebalanced and the balances listed. $oth sides of this list, called the trialbalance, should balance. $ecause of the duality concept, every debit

    should have a credit. In a trialAou can +lso view each and every 4edgerand $ooks of +ccounts

    $OT*: - 5or detailed Trial $alance ress +lt 57 key combinations.

    74 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    @ie2ing Pro?t 'nd Lo.. 'ccont

    Tally displays the profit and loss statement from theGate*a( ! Ta%%(/

    itself. %L statement !an "e display either in hri,nta% r 0erti#a%

    format. ress the 1)< key. )his ill "rin$ up the profit and loss #!!ountof the finan!ial =ear on the s!reen.

    $OT*: - 5or detailed Trial $alance ress +lt 57 key combinations.

    75 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    @ie2ing #alance 5heet

    Tally places importance to $alance sheet. Aou can view the condition ofcompany. $alance sheet also may be horiDontal or vertical. +t the

    UBateway of TallyH select $alance %heet option. It displays the closing

    balances of the primary groups 4iabilities and +ssets.

    To see detailed 0eport ress Z+ltP Z57P

    Aou can alter the balance sheet periodically, Column wise etc.

    5TOC( 54'R

    76 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    In tally by help of stock summary we can see the stock of our goods.

    +' #OO(

    77 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    The 3ay $ook contains all the vouchers that have been entered till date"both inventory and accounting#. *owever you are permitted to restrict the

    amount of information you wish to see by using the change period option.

    C'5; /LO) .tatement

    79 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    Cash flow statement help management in the decision making process.Cash flow statement can be displayed and printed by display option.

    $OT*:using +lt report can be printed.

    /4$+ /LO) .tatement

    5und flows are same helps to management for decision making as well ascash flow.

    90 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

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    ITT Project

    91 Laxmi Lakhmani CRO 0290010

  • 8/11/2019 ITT PROJECT LAXMI.doc


    ITT Project

    The *nd
