j the pointer - university of wisconsin–stevens point · pdf filestevens point j the...

Wisconsin State University Stevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II , VOL. XI ----- ~--- ---- w _ ,s _c_o _N_ s,_N_S _T_A_T_E_U_N_l_v_ER_s_ ,r _v_ , _sT _E_V_E _N_S _P _O_ IN _T_ , _w_ ,_ sc _o_N_S_IN~,_T_H_U_ RS _D_A_Y~ , _M_A_Y_ l 6 ~·- ' 9_6_B __________ a_P _A_ G _E_ S _-_ N _O cc ._ J cc o_ Multi -Happe~ing Set To Happen On Friday Tlw 11.-.. 1 m11 lld1.•1•1"·111m: ,- t1uct1m• of C'U!l\!'lllJIOr,u·y 1 ,r t i~',,.?'::::. \. :::: :.::- ~.:. :: .'. §::U:~:}:, :, }:~'.q~;:t~f 1',,•,rnt,·,\ 1,, t h,· ~:,1,.·111ur11•l,t·nwQ' 111•,crpllon. ,;u1rcn1,. ln 1.,1 l ~nis,·1 ·U~. 11~· .. 11 •Jt111•11- lh,' hl.,<·k 1,.·.,111mu11i1y 1 ,nrt 1hr in~ "'11 k h.-!, I .,, 1h,· liut- Strnk•, T,•,1111J(' S)11<lr"rn11,• ,\n hd;..,.,n \, or.,.,:,· "11 :-11 .. 11,:, t:,. , m111,,11un ,,r L: S Film .- \1 ,·mw u,·,,, l 1111,•1,11) F,11,I C11l1un• 0;;~ ·::,,' ',~~:::,::'; ~: l.: :-~·.·;'.~·, ~.· .~:I ~:ri :;~:~·~:;:~~:~:·:{!'.;::.:~~· I ~\,11'.~~ ::::::::i "" ,~ ·\~ ~,;, ·,/:·::!:~ ·!:,t::~ ~!~ 1 f:/ 1 :::::~~~· :::~:;~::;::t 1 111 ~~~:::~ 1,.... .. ,11, .. ·cm S,,u, .. 1 u,.- ,·,..i1l• .. h,·,tul, .\ l'"'"" "'II 1 .. , hd,1 h,·~111· 1- 1•1\ ,,, 1•,_,-i. .,I 1, .. nun.: , ,. nin..: ,,1 11 ., 111 1n h,•n,on I 1•·111 , ,,- ., IIHhU .:1,·.;•fll, t1 l'. ,rk ,m S.,!urd. ,~ ,Ult\ \\Ill ""II· <h ,111, .m · 1lw 1:.-. 1\,. 111,• tlm11unhl ,l,trk Svmr vf th,· I 1' 1u1 ..... 1'h.• .. 1 1h,- l'nol,-r~111t1ml ,•, t•ni. t,• .,1un"I "'II 1.,, ,1 crr,,, !'1 ,··· .-i ,·_,,,. 11~ .,ml h.11. ,I th·,• ,..,mhnd, conh·,.1. kn, lun,-11 nu,. ., ~, nun,•• 1n ll~m,.; :0111\ h.uul,. - - Ne ls on Hall Evacuated I;- I For Military Occupancy · TII E t'JNAL AOTIVITY in the 53-year hi.story of Nel11on Hall as a reaidence hall will . be a fashion show. the feature event in a program commemorating the ancient. vine covered buildi ng, scheduled for Sunday, May 19 a t 2 p.m. Pictured here is a portion of the fi eld or exciting model s comJ) rised entirely of . Nelsonites Dreyfus Inaugurated In Pomp, Splendor

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Page 1: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

Wisconsin State University

Stevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II , VOL. X I -----~-------w_ ,s_c_o_N_s,_N_ S_T_A_T_E_U_N_l_v _ER_s_,r_v_, _sT_E_V_E_N_S _P_O_IN_T_, _w_ ,_sc_o_N_S_IN~,_ T_H_U_RS_D_A_Y~, _M_A_Y_ l 6~·-' 9_6_B __________ a_P_A_G_E_S _-_ N_Occ._Jcco_

Multi-Happe~ing Set To Happen On Friday

Tlw 11.- .. 1 m11 lld1.•1•1"·111m: ,- t1uc t1m• of C'U!l\!'lllJIOr,u·y 1,r t

i~',,.?'::::. \. :::: :.::- ~.:.::.'. §::U:~:}:,:,}:~'.q~;:t~f 1',,•,rnt,·,\ 1,, th,· ~:,1,.·111ur11•l,t·nwQ' 111•,crpllon. ,;u1rcn1,. ln

1.,1 l ~nis,·1 ·U~. 11~· .. 11 •Jt111•11- lh,' hl.,<·k 1,.·.,111mu11 i1y 1,nrt 1hr in~ "'11 k h.-!, I .,, 1h,· liut- Strnk•, T,•,1111J(' S)11<lr"rn11,• ,\n hd;..,.,n \ , or.,.,:,· "11 :-11 .. 11,:, t:,. ,m111,,11un ,,r L: S Film .-\1 ,·mw u,·,,, l 1111,•1,11) F,11,I C11l1un•

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1,.... .. ,11, .. ·cm S,,u, .. 1 u,.- ,·,..i1l• .. h,·,tul, .\ l'"'"" "'II 1 .. , hd,1 h,·~111·


1•1\ ,,, 1•,_,-i. .,I 1, .. nun.: , ,. nin..: ,,1 11 ., 111 1n h,•n,on I 1•·111 , ,,- ., IIHhU .:1,·.;•fll, t1 l'. ,rk ,m S.,!urd. ,~ ,Ult\ \\Ill ""II· <h ,111, .m · 1lw 1:.-. 1\,. 111,• tlm11• unhl ,l,trk Svmr vf th,· I 1'1u1 ..... 1'h.• .. 1 1h,- l'nol,-r~111t1ml ,•, t•ni. t,• .,1un" I "'II 1.,, ,1 crr,,, !'1 ,··· .-i ,·_,,,. 11~ .,ml h.11. ,I th·,• ,..,mhnd, conh·,.1. kn, lun,-11 nu,. ., ~, nun,•• 1n ll~m,.; :0111\ h.uul,.

- -

Ne lson Hall Evacuated I;- I

For Military Occupancy

· TII E t 'JNAL AOTIVITY in the 53-year hi.story of Nel11on Hall as a reaidence hall will . be a fashion show. the feature event in a program commemorating the ancient. vine covered buildi ng, scheduled for Sunday , May 19 a t 2 p.m. Pictured here is a portion of the field o r exciting models comJ)rised entirely of

. Nelsonites

Dreyfus Inaugurated In Pomp, Splendor

Page 2: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

"All happy /amities resemble each other, each unhappy family is un.happy in its own way.


.PARKl !\'Ci P HOBLE MS on . this ~ampua? Never · · · that ls'. if ~·ou ..r, fortunnle enough to own a veh icle which can be parallel parked m tl1111 man ­ner. Shoi·tly after this photograph was taken . however, the. fr:_0~1-l end o; llus sports car was•shccrcd off by a speed ing ga rbage truck ( J im I 1c r-son I hi1t u1

Nelson Coeds Will Bid Farewell To Old Home

Page 3: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

May 16, 1968

If You Ask Me Photos h,\' llrutt Stenulson

Qt1•:STI 01": - As a gnu.luatlng se nior, wh a t ure some of m ur JKl!'.o ifh·e and •w~11 tlw rr rJ•'<' tlons on }'OUr pllHt fou r )·ears in college'! ·

"improved degree of cultura l awareness now evident"

: ,1~;:; · ;:;~~'.;;7;~~e.Sc\r~:\ 2~~-c~ i!;rt~t~ In Engllsh t;'m:a 1ion .

• ~':~ll;ni; Point 1!115 chani::cd lmmc11 SC! I)' In the las t four .H,11s. n,i... tran~l llorm l )J.O r lod has \('ft me with bolh po~llil'e amt 1w1,;111i1·,· rcfh·~·lion.s.

Po~l11vf'ly. I rdh-cl on lhe lmprl.wcd degree ol cu l1ur11I 1111',ll,'•'rh'{o.s now 1•1•i1t,•nt In "J1rUR1·r.ssh•e Point ." I 11 l so cx1 ... nd ar1nm,it ion IO A (X> Foods ror 1hclr sueccssful change from 11 fo 0<1, ~l' I vier. N O 0 111' wn11,tcd 10 c11t 11 1. to one th11t e11erybody L"'lO t :s ea, r11 . After u Joni: hitrd road. AWS hu finally ob­tal1wd llbcrnll,:, '<I womcn·li hou1·s. New programs bci:un by tti._e G1,:cks 11 nd 01lwr organillll k> m1, lndudlng poll tica l spee<:h· ,~s. ca l'!O(• rnc(>s, fashion shows and popu\11r concerts, have h_e lp-ccl To make ou r c11mpu~ aware 11nd all1·••. 1..11.s tly. m11Jor Ml'.t' 1'h ,,ni;;w ... in 1h.- his t lour years hll\'t' he lped Lltcle Joe's 10 i;:row a hit blgi;:1•r. : .

:~s~~::·~~1~\i~~:!f2:r ;i~;~f ~.'.l~:~=~if l1~rs~el~i ft!: ; : ; 0#~~ ;t; ; ; ; : : : hom('y :'\'rl-"":'n 111111 from a dorm to 11n o!flcf' butldlng. 1,:••!•• 1..•-· .~ l' , ,, , - -

~h I am 111 1hr 111st s111i;:c5 o l my college eartt r, I 1·1111 onl) r<'IICt·t hop,• lmu the s1udc n1s of the lutul"e demand and obtam 1w;11l,·rnk. 1>0C1al and eu\tul"ll l exrellc11l~- \\'llh L.~.D. on 1hrlr side. how <'a n 1hcy Jost'?

"only few courses . .. are preparation for life" ,ll':111 111! Kno tt . 22 , from Ste1·ens Point. 729A Dlvb ion St. As I look bark on fou r years of college, I am am11ud 111 ,

the number or !acts it 15 l>055iblo ' to learn. When I cn1cred col!e~ I remember hcar lni;: 01·er 11ml O\'Cr thac this is a ' prcparn1ion for ll fe , bu1 oni)' a !cw courses 11re designed to do 1his.


Choirs Will Perform

'Celebration Of Man' ,\ compo!'it1on wrill<"n b~· rwo ol P~11lm Vil) b)' di;:ht U n•

l11cult)· mcmbcn< will be.' h1:;h• 1ori; m II mod11I , ch11nt-likc Jin<', lii::hted in II joint conccn TIIUl'S· ,1111) lh<'. acconwanlmc~t by 1hc day ni:;h1 . at \\'1sconsm State Un1,·cr,;11y Brau Choir. Uni\'C' rsi ty·Sl('\'Cns Pomt . ..' 'Six t.o,c Songs" by Brahms

About 200 musicians. includ- ,1 111 he suni:: by.' ™: Ora todo l

~ · "111 al)pcar cuhcr with the Uni- n:mc<'r1 iin~I fCIIIUr<' , l n; . Pa

.. ,a:"=.:ii~•;;.: s~~;~~ ;.;:~'.'';&, i'"co~~~;•:,:•m ~~-;:;::,:,;"•i_;:,".;"''~!'.~,.';";~ ";!;;,., '":';'';.,.,;:,m\";.'.,..;!•::•, . There are many th ings I ha1·e learned ln the pnst .fou r Smi_th _will di r<'ct both_ ~1~1lli ::!~'"~1

11:C~~Ji,;;'!1(' ,;'O~~r" ; ,:~;

Poge 3

Satellite Revolutions Shake Up Russians


CALL MERIT INC. · AREA CODE 414-273-1206

--~ "th, ability fQ learn and adapt' ' Inf: studenlS and an·~ r~1dcnt~, OlOru, 111 th<' bcgmni~; ~f U,~

~:1:·. ~h:=~~te \:';,:~t: 1~:~:g a~:\,~:l~t.En;.J!s::-: ~c;:1: ~f:<~i~l;G au'.:i,!-iJ:;~· m . I.tin 1::~~ Pt1inr l'Ublic ,ichool SY~· ., J forget most o! the tactual knowledge we ha \"c a~ m~. but The Sf)('C III I pc rformanel" :;1

TIil" dllITTIS :ii~ 11111 s I nlg lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr.l • we won·t Jose the \'ery ablllty to learn. U we ha2ri~:n up lhc .~lose or thi• C01Jcl"r1;, .:11 •1, ""Nanir 1011. 82'" by 13rahm.5.I I

; r;d c~.:ll~:~e;:f a~~~r\~!°7n bi~i:~~~nngcl~/~-~r~~fo~ ~a~·~ 1~ -~ 1~ichA "~:leb::~ ~~i~:~ncrl

1' ~~r 111~~~~1' a1~

1~1 u;:~~l~ ll~r~~

; were adaptl1·c to chani;:ing pro!essors. tests and d assei;. A S11 turda)' s 11rciildcnua1 ln.au;:u· ··Gloria P 11 tr i.. lollowc<I by

I truly educated person. In today's world. is one who can adapt ra1lo~ at WSU. . ch,iir presen1a1ion of tcn f.clcc­and make the most out of change. Written by Dean Blair, mu- tions of c<mtcmpor11 f)' and clus-,

1 This unh·ersl1y has given to me 11\0me of the lalcnts I wlll ,1tc dc 11artmcnt professor slncr .5lcal compositions.

need to become a useful citizen. The major Girl. as I hava 1958, the muslcal scorc Is for Studcnt J c" n Schneider . found It better to learn how I can help make this a better chorus, bra55 choir and eight will 11ccom1)ijny 1he choir. world, than to spend my time f:(l mplaln lng about a ll that male cantors. Bl11 ir is a grad- The chorus. founded las t fall Isn't rl(:ht. u111e ol the Eali tman . School of hy Smith, ha, mcmben1 from

I want lO save my ''protests" till che day I become know)· Music wher~ . he s1udicd lhcory the unlvcn. ity student body, and cdgeable cnou(:h to offer an.swerii ins1e.ad of questions a nd and composition. communi1ieii of Stevens Point, radical demands. He ,..<\ II direct three s;rouJlll Wln'On!i ln Rn11kl1, N, koosa, Mo­

I "friendly atmosphere that pre'lll ils"

caennls Holm, 21. Tigerton. majorlnt: In Business Administra­tion and Economics, from Tiaerton, 1908 College Avenue.

I think l)Je fr iendly atmosphere that prevails on our campui1 Is Its ercatest attribute. Ne,.,er aealn will I be in a sl1U 11 tion In which I can walk down !he s treet and greet so ma ny people and return so many smlles. I fee l the education I'"".e received throu&h conversation with a variety of students from dltferlng economics, social and · georgaphlc backgrounds wUJ stick wllh me and be more beneficial than any tcx1book print J'\•e memorized. ·

Thc numerous pro fessional fratern it ies and ori::anlzat!on-" cxlstlng cjn this campus arc al5o a great asset. It 's II shame

, that lhere·s such a lack ol acth•e participation In these or· ganlta!ions, for this Is our chance to associate with people havlnG slmllar lntcres ls. Herc you can ;et to see your In· struc:tors 1in an in formal situation and realize they' re almos t human 11,fter all.

My only complaints are the 1yplcal ones heard echoing throughout the corridors here e\•ery day, The registration

:~~·uJ:1 ~u~r!Y~~: a;ndd:::u'!'nC:

11:\1;~~ ~~~:i:: course oUettd!

Collegiqte Notes Sandmann Show Art In Exhibition

Both Illinois $Lite i;~.::: :a::rthern Illinois U. ~ w~i~~e7.en:a;::;n:rt ;!cu:t7,

centJy did away Wllh worpen's houn , thus thlnkllli lhemse)V('S ~e lh~~~:~rd ~~Vc:p~n: libe.rals when Northwest m came along and not only abolished Campus of the Unlvenity of women's hours bu t al.sci approved a new rule whlc:h allows Wisconsin for an annual invi­students 01·er 21 10 k~ and consume liquor In their rooms. tatlonal art elthlbh. At the same time vlsltallon hours were extended. The hours The exhibitions will Include are from noon 10 12:30 a.m. Sunday thro1Jah Thursday, and 30 prints by ten Wisconsin print-noon to 2 a .m. Friday a Saturday. maken, Sandmann's lhrtt In-

performing his work Thun.dll)' ,i lncc. Port Edwards and Wau­ni i;ht : the poem. ··o aeddus'" P U.

by English facul1y member Aller II liummcr reecu. the Mary Shumway. will be SUl\l; group will be rf0rg11 nized In by the Unl\'ersily Choir : parts the !a ll .



Work Study Students FULL TIME - PART TIME

WHERE: Hous·ng De partme nt.

WHEM: All S7..mer.

PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week.

.Physical Labor $2.00 Per Hour

Clerico! $1.S0. $ 1~ 0 Par Hou,

Port Time - 15 Hour Week

Physical and Cieri~ $1.25-$1.45 Per...._.H,.


Room 256 Main The Northem Star )~~~k ~1~.i..:1:e~!bl'!°:i ,~ Jlri"orthem Wlnola U. !form.·: ' '----------------

-.~ (If you flunk, ot ltast you 'll bt owoke.) Exam Pill. And before long you're feol•

Suze you've used NoDoz to help you ing more alert and with ii again . tlay awake the night before a.n exam. You aee, NoDoz helps bring you up

But have you e·ver thOught ol taking to you r usual level of alertness, so you NoDoz to make yourself a little sharper don' t just i ii there in a !09; it 's 9'ot what during the exam itself? i i takea to help restore y6ur percephon,

;:~~· :i~i~: :11noeu~~- those 9

u ys ~:::~~;1~d even your ability to

who doe:in'I have to cram like mad the In fact.NoDoz contains the strongest night before. (Even so, you're probably atimulanl lor your mind that you can not getting your usual amount of sleep.) lake without a prescription. Yet it's nor

,( And let's say the morning of the big habit forming . exam, you find you rself head ing fo r Okay, but what about the guy who clan, kind of drow1y and unwou nd goofs off all term and bas lo jam overy• and wondering if The Great Bra~ bas thino in the night before .

· deserted.youintheni9ht. Are we saying NoDoz will keep hi.to. What do you do? h:om Ila ming out? You panic, that '• what you do. Nope. Or, if you happened to read this ad. We're ju1t saying

you walk coolly over to tb&watercool&r he'll be a le rtandawake. ud waah down a couple ol NoDoz, the As he llunka,

Page 4: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

Poge 4

August Graduates

SUt; SCHNEIDER, pictured above, has been chosen ai. ncxl year's editor of the Iris. (Bruce Stcnulson Photo) I

Listed ·

Moy 16, 1968

Creativity Workshop Planned For Summer


S to 7 Persons

Pa rt ly Fu rnished

CALL 344-7414


10% lo 20% OFF

1,11i,i:11i;e Billfohb k K e~· Shaving Kit.-; Co~mellc Kit~ J t>welry c­\\r111ches Tra\'CI C l1M'.k& Musle Box~ Jk.-er S lelns rFf'gurlnes A UIU'!he Ca.'ie8 Gm ltenm


Page 5: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

Moy 16, 1968

Students Direct Children· s Theatre

''Loll i1'0p Princess" nnd " The

Canoe Trip Is Set For Summer

I ·-'5~9(0

(?ii(}IA'I (J/ Jrm,r,

)a,br, ,,~::~.~g~,B~_ Antigo Molle Jewelry M1nitowt>C Rummeles, Inc. Sauk City Ziemke & Becker Beaver Dam James W. Schultz Manitowoc WilHamsoo's Shawano Thlmke Jewelers Dodgeville O. f . Nelson Jewelry Menomonie Chastan Jewelers South Milwaukee Rades, Inc. Edgerton Karl F. Tempel Monroe Pandow Jewelry Sparta Hoaa & Wenzel Elkhorn Walter Kullbera New Glarus Zweifel Jewelry sturgeon Bay Draeb Jewelers Fon<! du lac Krail Jewelry Oshkosh J. f . Krumrich Co. Watertown · Warren's Jewelry f!~!;vi~: Ctyd~~ }~~!i Po~aae W. H. h!•loney & Son Wausau J. R. Brushert, Inc. Ke nosha Gottfredsen & Nicoll P~nceton R. E. Ha~an Whitewater Joseph Jewelry Madison £, W. Parker, lnc. Richland Centtr Speidels Wis. Rpds. J.E. Daly Jewelry Co.


Wings s999 ,

1 s:ff 5

SHIPPY SHOES 'Corner of Moin

& Weter

You May Pick Up Your

Graduation Announcement Orders EMMONS UNIVERSITY STORE

Across from Baldwin Hall

* 2 Bishop's Charity Game Tickets

At Fo~um * Dinner Restaurant

* Motel Expenses

* Autographed Packer Football



for the Come out to Robby's

Hamburger in Town and

Weekend Win A Packer


for sign up

Contest!! /



1. No' limit to numbe, of ent,iet, ·

2. No _purchase neceno,y.

3. In coH of o duplicotfl enl,y, o drewint will be held ot 7 r.'M:, June 6 1968.

4. Conteif end, 6 P.M., Thursday, ...._.. Moy 30, 1968.

S. Employee, o/ Robby'• ond iffl­mediate fomilies moy not enhr this· cont8st.

~RoN~~!!T C#!< k • I" «'f"OD<I# SHOPPING CENTER


Page 6: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

Page 6

:Jhe (/·eekvine

TIi t NEW PA:\' IIELLE:\' IC COl!NCIL for the 1968·69 school year is com­posed of the following members. from left to right: seated - Sharon Nessa, Al­pha Sigma Alpha. President; Noreen Steward, Delta Zeta, Vice President; Nan ­cy Olson, Alpha Phi. Secretary, and Marilyn Cantwell. Theta Phi Alpha, Treas­urer. Stanling - Yvonne Kramer, Delta Zeta: Sue Pooch, Delta Zeta; Cindy Stcllemacher, Theta Phi Alpha; Lynn Keiffer, Alpha Sigma Alpha; Anne Kay­ser. Alpha Sigma Alpha: Judy Polzin . Alpha Phi; and Becky Blahnik, Alpha Phi (Tom Kujawski Photo) ·

Jc11ne1te. n blue-eyed blonde, isa freshman mujorlng in diet• ies and journ11llsm. She reside with her parents, ~lr. and Mrs. Paul Kekh. at 2~ Ridgewood Drh-e in Park Ridge. Jeanene has also lived In New Y o r k Oty : Donna and Alpine, Tex• as, lndl1mapolis: Honolulu and \Vnhinwa. Hawaii: and lleidel­bert, Germany.

Miss Kelch ls II member of AlphaElgma Alpha Sorority, Alpha lta Alphu (Profession­al Die etics Fraternily) and the Home nomics Club. Her fav­orite pastimes include travel­iJ:W; dancing. water 1kling. cook


Students· Headquarters

Bcren's Barber Shop Three Barbers

You may be next Pho{le: J.M-'19Jf,

Nex1 to Sport Shop



($49.75 per week) WRITE BOX 567

Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481


Men wonted to erect and operate , amusement rides.

Will Train Contact:

Skubcck Amusement Co. Inc. Box 218

Escanaba, Michigan 49829


1319 WATER






~ ade To Your Order


Moy 16, 1968



Page 7: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

May 16, 1968

History Society . . Donates Books ,

\ 'h, ,\ l11h,, ,,,,. , ,. . 1 .. , 11 l1<•~ t11 ~,,.,1 ,t.·1 :-. ., 111,11:11 l hJ-h11y 11 &;1. "' " "' 11·1~ ,~,nnh•tt lh, · lulk.i"· ' 11, ""1k~ ,., 1111 rnu, ,·r,c lh 11 . tu.u,, I\ :.1 .1 h11 1:1 \Oll;lll l'S m 1{11,,111111 . 1•1t1h'II h,1' Roh(•rt

:/,, \:'..i~~ d ; ~;.:\ra11;i1:~1:\J~~ .. ,,.uhl,~t 1''11o•ml,hi1• .. t ~tu ... \\11

1 ... ,1..1 .ot~ I \ ' I l.f"nl1P , 111, \',,11111111111,1 ll,•i.;1m,·~ In

I ,, 11•1n ~m·n1••' ,\n l1111, ~t1n:, 11,,11 liwliu,I F St.11r : l'fh1 him •amt th,• llun:.;.,n III Sodl' t I 1 111 : :11! I I' .1 , \·~" Y,·.u t,~,;. "" h u,•111,,1 1 .. n:,1


1t::.: 1t~'. •. ./'1f::'. ,111111~•11 l'uhh,· , h v n ,


WSU Student To Participate In Summer Lab

On MH)' :;, ltol.1t.•1·1 E . Kuc•

11l i,:. 11 Junior 1md H Blolui,:)' l\111,lur 111 \\'l.sconsin Stule Un· il·f'nil) , S1f'1•,•n, Pnml. w :, ~

aw,mll'<I :, l !lliS Summer :-.SF Rr~,·11rch Gnml In lhc Murlnc Sd1,nc,·~ lrorn 11w Gull Coa~I Rr~N, rth l .. abor,,tur)'. Oc,•,m S1,r inl!~. Mis~i~~ir,pi. TIM? 1.,1~ ornlor)' Is luc;t ll"d un the Gulf Cu;,s t , ll<'HI' Dilu:d. a p11ruJCI• 1111111: I)' \ ,:C,O mlll•s Mllllh of Wl.scon~ln Sta te I Jnlwrslty ,

\ , ,·,·111111~ lh,• ,ton ,11vn l\\)m His prujt.-ct 11 11d credl.'n ti11l1 1·, h,n,>1 "~ l, ,,t,•n1111 11en• w1' 1'\' l'l'alm,te<I IJy II oommilt~ Jl, 111 ,,r l.,·., n1111i.: H,•,,.una·,; I of the lnburo lur)' hl•udi.'d by Dr, I- I I. 1· I I L 11 1'111 Al. I' ll:\ 'l'llt:'l'A JJl'l'Hented a book do:iation to the WSU library. From W 11 ltl'r ,\ bl,u11. ~··nlv,· mur inc 111,'.,' \'

1innm:1•··;'.:1;th)·;:·~, 1

> a. I f l blului,:1,1 1111 _ ,, ,,u, "' 11.,. ,,,i.:.m,£.i· l' l : J 11Uh.'1> Au g usty n , President ; Sa lly Troyimos ki, Treas ure r ; Edmund Przy- Ii i,. ,,...,_;,.-..: , l"-"ll'l'"'"' the• el-o-

,. .. ,, _ •1.,, 1.,1 1,1, ,.J,.•,i- 1l., th,.• byh1ki. :1cccpl ing the donation : and Diane Schmahl , Secretary. l&b Holden lugicul t1i,tri1>1.Uiuu ul Ol•h·i'iiJ

l-'u1,,1e 1 _

'" I'' ""'""' "h .. l,11·,lnp Phulol ,m,I h,11·111 ,cl, ·~ in lh(• l id,,! wah•rs

, ,, ., I ,. -.•.,i.·h 111 th,• uf Mi,sl.-ippi Suunll , Gulf uf l HALl>\\'IN IIALL COUNCIL (known as the Motivational 011cration or Ba ld· 1



-;1i:;~\. 'I ti I I I' .. . a M d Att d s d study LL'/ e t~;·~1:,u~~!1; : .:tt.1~;::~

11,/:1~:~~ \~Ill or MOB) \\ill h~ve as officers next ye~r (le ft to .right) : E arl Aldlidge.

,,.,fl, ,,, .. hi moumum 111 111,- a son en s I tu ents 11st' thl' 111 uj,·ct nnd UCI Ui his Secretary, Mike Wahng, T reasurer ; Al Szcp1, Vice President; and John B rene-

t ::: :"~'11 · '111 \ ' ... :~i',:'.(:1,·'~/ ~~: United Nations ... Ut~\l.~r Ns•· G, ,ml \\lit J>1v d d c I :._m _an_. _P_, ... _ ,_dc_n_, _c_Bo_ b_ H_o,_dc_n_P_h_o_to_l -------------

::, :·.· ::::::. ·,·;::•;,", ... ~·:"~:·,~:" Summer Seminar I On M ississL'ppi Trip ~~::·:,.":::;:·",~ .. :,·.:;':::, ·"~'.:~:IAI h G I::~:;,"~.::::·;:~:·.:.:::~·:,~;:. Hosman Available '1

~' ,1::,_.,:,:,;1:~;~!t:,111 l>t• ht ld Sll'H'n ~1111!,('ln ~tmor IJUII ::~·l. H~~; ~:·.1,\,!~;~.t~\1:.~~ p a amma I n i,u .... t .. .... mm: UL lhl' •, auk h ~ ,1 licil'IIC(' and hls tur) SIU• Thlll)•four Sh11t.nt s und 11\o dUll-d aclllhl('S !he ~IUdc nt~ d, of !ht ulhl'r lt'M'll rch ,md lt!U l icN~. F'r.tnklln lndlc!ited th11 t l hC' For Information ,.,,,,,, "", '" ' ""'"" , ., ... , ' """ ' ' '"" " ·') "'" ·~ 11,,olo<, '""''""'' " ·" '""" '" """' "'' """ ' '~'''" '" '""' ' ""'' "'"""" ol " " ' ·'''"" Donates $50 , ,,ro.leel \\ OUld dl'ek talente d O E . .

. , !':~~~,~· -s~~:s.~.: ~1r;.u~:;;1.: ./11:1 :::~'~\ ~;1:;1 ~~rn/1~ •• ~11~:1 t-;;. :·:r~1.,lnlu .;:~'.:1~\ l.~~tuu:1::~ :~.~ ,,u~tf .~;: ~:' 1.1. ;~1:·1:1:. :--.:: . ~~i;n~~li: li~e ~~re~:,~~ w~ ~ ng 1neeri~g Kapfer Receives I l!nill'1I N,1tiuos liummcr "'min• IC'IIM\'I' IJ I,. I u J.:Y f1l'ld lriJI ry, 1Hiologru11h , or nmkc IOUr• ~r, 11_1, ,if ,.~n1111t• r du,-_,,c_,,.. in ' 111,•mhC'rli uf Al11h,, Ciumma l d ·I II I . t ' but • Rlchnnl llo,1mm. fl~lll,•

R h G ur,i;1 ,~1~·:\ ;·u~;~,• ~t;., stucknts I m~I'~' IJ~1~~:~.C 1~:1::~~~·nt~i.., 1rii, ~ : .. ,. ,·~~

1i~im~~ )~:,':t sl~:1:~,;1~ :~

1;:;.'."\~:~:.t' ;~~~"'~!10: un:unmou,-ly a1•µro\'ed .. 11 do- "~ ~; :l c~:,.~ ~.~:'Q::·ll' 11. ;;;; 10

0r llM't;n:~:r~g.'he u~'.: esearc rant frum \hC' 11\'U \HJhht: llllil'l'riilly ll'ilhuul l'l'1•f111 and h.ul tu 111')' came hHl'k lll1h 11 la n1 nnc l UII· ,\p1•1U,\IIU.1h'l} !lu scl,•.ct. C(i l• rml ion of S50 !or thc Core /UlllCt'~."' l l' rSily of \\'iSCOllli ln l\ludison

J .. hn I) K;,1,1t•r . :,,.,..11,i:11 ,• li1Stc111-. l11 \\'iscot1~in parllci11a- lhdr """ 1,111~ Fn' il J,'ccht - iuml colll'c tlo.ns 1md-o.1· pho to- l l,·;w ~lmh•nl,-, r;,ri~ln}! from 111~ l'roj,.·,~:t" u l Its Muy 1 rllt>l"ling. Funds will he ,-ul!ent'<I fi'Um l\tll bt• 111

: ~I I· '

)!;tif I!I1l·ilIHl!i!ii!JJ f Jllti1lJ!!i~r~~~~TI:§1,ll!ii!i~~jj , • I . , ,,u ,·· 1,,1, 1t.·11~1n,11 .,- " ;" -~·kl'l~,l

111 , ut:~


1 ,._~ I ;• lo• h , ..c hi) ,·wk.- ,1 ,~·st,•rs. ~,/ 11oC' ll111g up nit•ul, a nd ..i,1m- 1 •!1ould be 11,c nt lu lhc \\'SU chronl11i1h.in uf ,~,.1r,l's, und

• ,1, ,,,,I 11..i,1 '""k ·•l•J• ll,·a- i,,u1m,m f,hllh) mci n,,·n lh•-r IV()!,; ,1 l,u., I rri1, ln mg u1, aftl" I' 111l'm; Berm<- found;,hun. C'UJpl<,ynwnt Ot•!)11lu111t1l''> 101

, ' ",I: 1~· und,Tt ,, k,• n 1,.;~t 1~',';,,~;:::~~ .~~~!~::~ars;: I!:~",.-'.~~- ;;,·;,•;. ~l'f' s.•,i:~1~~ ~~:!~;11~1~-:~1~r: 1~:~:,~ar~~·/,'.~. I b'~)\u'\';~:. ~~~:~::::.:n1; ~1u1knr~

ri::'.::~l~. ,.l'::~:~:lll mi:;;~~~::: ·:;:~ :~::::::i;"~'.1/;~,t::m~'''.~:,~:~: s~~~ ~;~~:~;:'kl Dick M11l,•r, tlunn di- Research Grant :·r~:.i1':'.:t~1 ·~1.~i"n:i:~ .. wlth Dr. Library Book Due May 28

l l" .S. ofhciul,, . le Is (•xpech'tl d111C' n!,-l11•rr lh('re,,ul1 Oihf"rlM'rwns,1hum,,d(' 11,c_, I A d d T D hi --- - --S,•cn•h1t') G,:rw1;1.J li. Than! !\',,.-..1 fulluw<'( I 11'11 "' tu lrl11 were D,,1,• Bt-ckl•r. (1mr, war e O a • ;.i,·.~.('~::C'l 111111

lhl' \\l:,wn~ln :::::·11~.11:,·.~:·l>•::'.'.'.~:~ ..... ~;.!~r~; :1;u;;~~~111

;~:~::.:, ~:.r,ie·I, ;~~:'. 1 Dr \\'toldcnmr D,,hl. PrulC'~ Attention 1 JI ,• "ill ,•, ,n, " ' ·" ,,c;11k1111c nwr.:h ,1111 ~1111 ... . 111111 huil11C'r ~t Cu,·,1.-11. F ,. ,1 n k 11:wni. j ~or uf (.iC'r11i.1 n ,nu Rwi;;h111, SI, d t f

) ,1,.:.:\,r',7.·~~-,;,~: ... '.It ~)\~'.'. I \('11~ J'uu,, ,,I 1ht• l'Ud uf lhl' l~!.oru~,,nl 01i' pt:u ~ ltd~:''*'Y- 1>*';·· ~11~·) llue~t . b,\lt•n ,/ :'" &nmt by tlie wsu n c~t'J.rch Summer t•n •, hh , !1 ,,n,f,•tT,,loh• In Sk• ''.f ,, rumi ,• ,1111111,.'n.nr. ,11111 lu E,_,•Jyn ll ,1111i- , Du,m,· llaqr l lhi, ,. l)c\'II ;,11m·,letJ

8 l't'M'•••• ·h I U en s.

.···\,)::/:j;::::::?:2'..:E . ~:iilt\;~;::':i'.;,,:?~~::;~r:~ ~'.f }i'.::.\rf ~E;;:;:i:·:::i ! [f,;~::f ~g:f tf i.:?:t~ I 1. ;?]f !f ~::::.~::i'."·~r;!;:; ~:p~~.~=~~.t _, .... , ~,. -1 ur i.;1.ult, ,.·tu,h i,uh lkal th,~Jl'I . Ill" l1 i,hln hl ,111jl i,ml " k-c tllrf'.lOur J ,·h,ml UrU.,n. TI1um1,~ Vancil' Citrmun} from June to St>1>! l Full T ime

";'""''" :!:·:;:;><.~:;:,; ~;·,;;::;~'.,~'~'. )!~~'.:t:;~;;:;;:::~::;,:=:i~ii ~.~"~"'.;i~~'" a,,;,"'"""1 .::!;, •:~;;,;~ .:,;J<:;::•~1 ;: Su;:;• ::~:~ons


1 .. ,:~1:'.. ~;·~~'°!. Happiness / S, . . I .-\liPII ,\ GAMMA l'Utsmt.:NT Tom Meye r presents ::·.~~~b~:::,u:1a~;us~l~~'l.ll:l~:i;~~: 15 $2,000

,•,mu;:r,, 1,111, 1·.:,~,·l lll'lml',-. 19 a c heck to Dr. J immie L . Franklin as the initial COil· 11 ryl of Sflokt>n GC'rman bJM'd Scholars hips

tI;/()~::{}\I~t}rf ~1~~::::':~:,~:I lf i~l~:i{f ~::11;~;;1f 1;f ;gg:1E.i Ef0~~~fl~f },y:::.~~'.::'. ';I ~;4:~i:f t~~n 1,ru.\'m1.1td~ n 111i1.... ~oulh· ll'bl uff tlw cu.,~t !rum Bil, ,,:,,;,_

Tiw) ,·ulk•,·1<-d ~1i('crn1c11~ m

. , \~ ':•·a~~:::, ~\~;;r1/;'r:1/., :,.~ldf~';_.~i I •.·~ 1hf'm n•m r, Nl<'(I on hu.1rd 1111i.J

• 1 :~i',,. ·~:'.,u:1~i1/t';!nc:n H;;d l:t I l,•,·1t-, I mrn1) ,rot.•ciml'n, of \ •,,n<Jlb \\ ,11 ("1 lnh,,hil ,UUJ,,, I

11w ,wxt ti:,) . Dr Gru,be lkek,•1·. IC'd a ;:rou1• of 16 on l

11hl· lll."r r11c. lu !h,111~,.l1111d 1r J'l'UXlm1,1,•I.~· JO, n uh·~ uth• I C'J,-\ uf llilo.\'l TIit') "'-' J>tll,

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ost_;. J,'UU·1'11E-IWAU chairman Lennie S ippel pre­~,· as th" .iwards for the t a p contributing orga niza-

11(,us tt, ~l.11·~· .Swc~uy. President or Roach Hall, :wd Karc:11 Lamers. fres ident or Associated Women StuJ<·nt:;. r Peter Ko olchasscn Photo)

uul tlw 1r,111I un th,• '")' t1;,ck I tu lilt.' Gulf Cu,,,1 L.1buru tor1·.1

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junk. And when you un get practk,lly any1hing

•hol:rn~f~ George is I nal expnt with oth,r

peop::•t :~:~yit comH to )'Our diamond, ,.., ·re goinr to 1uir:gut th,t you ignore him. . .

Becauteunleu UndeGeon::e 111tr11ned ir:emologbt, h• probably know1 little more 1h,n yo~

dO ·~:!ia,.~~~!~«I diamond i• in1p«ted by• rernolo,;1t and b,cked by a written P VPIM ruarantee. H, "'al11.1tu It for cant wtight, color, cut

,nd ~~~':t ,ny time during your lifetime. if J OU, 1Yerw,nttotradeyour r inginforamor,u:ptn11v1 .A11.CUTtdr:lnr, we'll ~ kt it b,dt.At lt'1 full

nlu~n Un ell Ge,orse sin you that kind of

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A"--dfw-pas•...ddiasnWo,11,IMlt .... rok ........ &N u.tlt.Wt ai ll,e A,m;&.-...1 '-1,on llow,i. l •IU,,RUArlCa" .. .......... . ...... kt ... ~ .

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Germann' s Jewelry 112 G,onf -~venue


Page 8: J THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · PDF fileStevens Point J THE POINTER SERIES VI II, VOL. ... WHEM: All S7..mer. PAY SCALE: F"l!!J';ime - 40 Hour Week. .Physical

Page 8 THE POINTER Mey 16, 1968

Pointers Finish The Weekend With Mediocre Success Oshkosh Pitchers Shutout Pointer Title Ambitions

issue ul , 11,. l'vlnh,r, you \\On' l 11<1,·I' lo rt'ad ""~' murc of m)' prf'JUdic<'d ar1iclN unht nl'XI fall ,d1<'n 111,, Canhna1s a nd Thin~ 1,ill II(' 11h1ylni;; in lhl' World Sl'nt'~. lh(' Packen \\'ill llf' \\innin.; their lourth st raii;;ht l1Tlc. ;,nd lht' i 6' t'rlli "ill de. motbh tlw Bus1on Cl'llic~

Good tuck on your finals and ha,·e a a:ood summer, whether it be, workin1,: or c111 rrylna: a riOe for your uncle. tSam J

!,-------""""' -

Buban. t'ark h1 11 SWWl Hayward

Attend the nlO,·le, re1Jl1 larly, In no o ther way can )'OU ic:el st, nmr h oul of fife fn r so lillle.


Turtle Necks BAN-LON)

Shippy MASTt~~ng

Tennis Team Splits In Triangular Meet


"Mother's Old Time Piano Music" THURSDAY FRI. - SAT. 9:00 - 1 :00