j5 - nys historic newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1975-06-11/ed-1/seq-6.… ·...

(•; •• i 5 If* Si, *mi E STOCKTON AGENCY Joyce D. Martin Marian G. Basil Agents and Broken Ticonderoga Office Tel. 585-6705 Weekends and Evenings 585-2538 ox 597-3787 24-Hr. Service All Types of Insurance Specializing in perso- nal comprehensive package policies (which includes all autos and dwelling) low premium. I There are NO EXTRA CHARGFS for our travel serv ices The price of vour tickets is I rhe same whether you deal ' directly with the air or ship 1 lines or with us. Real Estate, Appraisals & Fall Travel Service Information. Licensed Real Estate Salesmen Tel. 585-6908,543-2501 585-6973,585-7663 585-7537 SCHROONLAKE NORTH HUDSON AKEA 2-BDRM. vr.round cottage in village... S^.TOO. Terms. 3-APT. House in village. . Rentals can make your payments $23,000 7-BDRM. Home, good con- dition, large enclosed porcn for antique or specialty business .... S21.500 NORTH HUDSON. 25 acres with small yr round house on Rt. 9. Asking S18.000 4-BDRM Home in town near beach. 2 Utility bldgs. S22.500 4 BDRM House. small guest cottage. Lake Rights $14,500 ACREAGE, Min. 5 acre lot. More avail. Some W/small stream. Wooded & seclud- ed. Power available in some areas...Terms. M. L.FRIEDMAN Broker, Schroon Lake, N.Y Phone 532-7400 BLUCK& CRUSHED - *'€.«;•, 24HGorsAOay ' •'• TltCEPI^l'':" Lower Montcalm Road r»«,« *,, »*«, «. » « ^ ^ _ ,,sa£«iwW't0 hear and e^th^W^3i|^rt'^/s#^^-\ V: .V-/- jfotfceifcurd^ <,ajmp m ^eiit. «»JW«wo ?<$$$$» in rejoin «o assess- ;;-*» l | | ^ € j ^ JMrs, Perey$adea»,5$5^4,0i ^f^i^tiS^*;iri^^^'«he'" -; Bill :^ari^ #^;ii$^0^ **J* 4 ***« ^«:l»:«aO ifcigitjtfjte appBcatloji of any teno* pejiso^ Jgelieving Wfliself to btS riipfc)^ Year ^fett«**-i#^d|o# house ojt'i'ial^e^rgi^'M^i^ is^m^ Bids sh Summer: Violin and fiddle month, orvearVCail lessons, instruments available. S46-7276. •;.*." v>\ ':' m experienced iristruction. For in- formation eaH 585-4446. '^ Essex Con^^o^il^jp , : . Support the hahdicaple^^ your comrrjunijty^, ^e j[ofe lowing ,sj^tce£,„ 1 arX<,#ow . available 3} s j%.W : gr|s4op. Lawn i Hons Furniture, repair & Wood tables made {p order Contact Chuck' Hayes,, Mine\ ille for Further Information 942-6671 ^^Sfpf? 2ftd day of feme, 1975 jBeiiJaM Colburn ;^r|l|#Bobie otytanj^lfafsdeit . , ;, , » clearly .marked course of about south 17* west qualified voters of'the ^Strict" j the west side of the signer, must state the at8 ^ilfii^ii§iiliii^^f' ' "" ^J^CEflQt BIDDERS ;'.'' 'I0& IS JiERgBY ,4fyt$C ^> * : „«...». ^ . ^ ^ . v , r^jBaC.tb" Section 103 iof the e ^S° *" P^ha^fe mM£ in Geuera! Municipal Law, that the ^^"^'^tl^l^felin- S§^» County Highway Depart. N( J5 '¥^SF^Mwm- meiat/EJizabethtown. New York that tiERgBS: GIVEN r ,_ lb* the County w -$e» County* .New Yorlc,. plain area 'ttieT^Bvihi^fflllM^^^- wiil-aceept "sealed bids for the "Court .. ..„„..,„ ,. ,.„..„_ •nWSf. M ^ n ^ f t t S i l ^ g i f t o puWas^ofoneNewSix-passen- ^ ^ M W ^ ^ i W ^ ^ H r M m&Wis;mmp^m^fjth e get« c fcgp Truck. J ^ " """ ' **"" ->«—*—* lake? the prbpe^/shftfflf, igave Specifications and proposal "tfate^aria be? §^mf^0^fi. forms may be obtained at the Dwellings and access of secon- office of the Essex County Su- dary importance. Please reply to perintendent of Highways. Eliz- Mr. NeillG; Hammond. Ayerst abethtown. New York. Laboratories, 685 Third Avenue. Sealed Bids must be filed in the New York. NY "10017. office of" the Essex County Su- If you need work done. Indus- trial Arts teachers can do it. and we're insured. For free estimates on painting, building docks, gen- eral repairs, call 9993 or 7575 for appointment. ELBA LEONARD OP ^mMmm Baldwin Road, REALTOR Ticonderoga GULL BAY Camp, small lake front with boathouse. furniture incl .. SI 9.900. " ROOM COLONIAL In \ illage on 1 -1 8 acres new \\ remodeled and redecorated $24,500 1 ACRFS \V STRFAM A- WATERFALL: J-Bdrm. house W fireplace. S25.0O0 4-BEDROOM HOME: W sep. income apt.. $39,000. PINE SPRINGS PARK: Almost new. homes W car- peting, drapes, dishwash- er, garbage disposal and much, much more on al- most 1 acre of wooded property $45,500. 585-6333 REAL ESTATE CHARMING, two-bedroom log house in Schroon Lake on paved road. Living room with fireplace. modern kitchen, oil burner, screen porch. Call 532-9217. PROPERTY FOR SALE House. 2-car garage and barn on 3 lots on Colonial St.. in town of Ticonderoga. Just remodeled. rewired, searched and surveyed. Shown b> app't. only. Call 585- 6161. Dick On. Colonial Street. Gull Bav. boat house on 50' lake front plus one Bdrm. modern apartment W fireplace. Use ii "sear round."" Its a great place for those who enjov all seasons Asking $35,000. Hayes Associates Realtors 6 Onnond Street Glens Falls, N.Y. 792-7647 BUSINESS SERVICES FRANK H. KINGSLEf mrck LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Branch Office 427Champlain Ave. Ticonderoga, N.Y. 585-9800 499-0279 Personalized Attention from John J. Gunning Branch Manager Nice building lot on Lake George outlet. 100 foot frontage $12,500. Some wooded, some clear, 1 parcel 70 acres; another parcel 40 acres .... $250 per acre. In Hague near Lake George - 4-Bdrm. home, modern kitchen, lovely fireplace, excellent summer home .... S22.500. 585-9800 USED BICYCLES Large Selection INSD3E EDGE Ski and Bike New location: 624 Glen Street, Glens Falls - Next to the Park. FOR SAIE 19"?4 20' Travel trailer: Prow- ler, used three months, like new $2,700. Call 547-8248. In keeping with the big Mara- thon Sale, Oswald Ford will be open this coming Sunday for browsing. Car owners can see the huge stock of new and used ve- hicles on this day and enjoy free hot dogs. Coke, popcorn, helium balloons - all dished up by two great clowns! Call me - Jim Towne - for details. 597-3747. Mobile home. 1970 Ritzcraft 12x50 2-Bdrm. furnished $3,500. Must be moved. Schroon Lake. 532-7521. For Sale: 2-Bdrm house with garage. One acre of land and gravity fed water. Call 543-6076. For Sale: Several chests, bur- eaus, chiffoneers. coffee table. 2 cedar-lined end tables, bent wood chairs, occasional stand, picture frames. 2 toilet chairs, new hall carpeting, lawn mower, old coal hods, 2 old trunks, 2 hallracks, mirrors, oak buffet and 500 books. Reason or selling: room needed. Mattie Dedrick 547- 8253. WiD yon tent as your boat? For vacation fishing by 'adult couple. Hague locality - June 30 thru July 6. Local references, deposit, etc. Please call 212 688- 3480 evenings. Attention Demonstrators Toys & Gifts. Work how thru December. Free Sample Kit. No experience needed. Call or write Santa's Parties. Avon. Conn. 06001. Phone 1 (203) 673-3455. Also booking Parties. Wanted: Tractor trailer body to cut down to Fit on 18" flat bed hay truck and overhang the cab. Call 532-7181. Wanted: Secretarial, office manager, girl Friday position. Reliable, mature person with pleasant personality wants full time job. Call 499-2059 after 5:30 p.m. Wanted: Berry pickers age 14 and up Vallev View Farm. telephone 585-7517. Job Wanted in marina service. motel, service station or restau- rant in Hague area for July & August, by Brent Welling, high school junior. Mail Friends Point. Hague, or phone collect 703 892-2455. $200 REWARD For information leading to re- covery of Mercury 20 hp outboard cate must accompany each bid motor, serial #2551904. stolen submitted perintendent of Highways on or b|fore 10:30 a.m.. June 19, 1975, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will be promptly notified by letter and must be prepared to enter into a contract to furnish the required material or services. The Essex County Superinten- dent of Highways reserves the right to reject or to waive any informalities in any and all bids. Bids should be clearly marked "Sealed Bid -- Six - Passenger Pickup Truck -- Specification No. 16-75." Edward A. Currier Essex County Superintendent of Highways Elizabethtown. New York Dated: June 2, 1975 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED BIDS TO RESTORE the underground electrical serv- ice to the former IP. Co. Ad- ministration building on Mont- calm Street. Ticonderoga, New York, will be received by the Board of Trustees in the office of the Village Clerk, Community Building, Montcalm Street, on or before the 17th day of June, 1975. at 7:30 p.m Specifications are available at the office of the Clerlu Monday,, through Friday, between the hours pf 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A non-collusive bidding certifi- dex dumber 1418J. arid, e^jtirelt in the Essex; CoubtylCIeftV (ice on June 2, 1975; a cop> which 1 may be exahiineo' f * "•" Office of the Essex County < Hizabethto " " * met day i name present i . , ,. York; the date of my birth is" ~Theap^xj^af^p^ip|^|h^ December 16, 1969; the place of lieni is ?7,^;^f^ 3 :^||§j} a my birth is Glens Falls; my pres- "cost| and; .dtspjpSjpi&eps^iFfet ent name is Tony Leigh Gonyo. "' """ **" I-at NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF Tentative Assessment Roll [Pursuant to sections 506 and 1526 of the Real Property Tax Law HEARING OF COMPLAINTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessors of the Town of Ticonderoga, County of Essex, have completed the tentative ass- essment roll for the current year and that a copy has been left with Town Clerk at the Community Building, where it may be seen and examined by any interested person until the third Tuesday, in June. The Assessors will be in atten- dance with the tentative assess- ment roll on June 9, and June 10, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., and on June 11, 12 and 13, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Civic Center. The Board of Assessment Re- view will meet on Tuesday, June 17 HARRY T. SHAW ; Attorney for Plaintiff Office and P.O. Address . 38 Broad Street Port Henry. New York 12974 Phone: 518 S46>-3331. To the Voters of the Putnam Centra] School District r^NlCPASQMQREEL^ESQ,:. S^^1^M#^f $C* fie Referee.. , '. / ; ?^®$%M$mSM&&'- ' . ftt^foMr ^ffitp^^eipf ofithe amMMiWW¥^MM^I0'he . rlagfcu3&d^ ischop};. '|iU.r|b.s|!|i' 3 '5ejicli^to.', of ' piiljli^, nSoheys ' i ^ j i b ^ b j | i i i e d . by any iffi&&:fcVim; district during thy se|e^Jd^|j|^fihiiie- diately pr^eW'^^"'^^^^ meeting, eicept'Satu^ay** Sun- DUE TO THE INCREASED day or hofid^y at ^ft Fvmam cost of gasoline during the 1974- Centr^'Scli^i,^ttt^^e-^)us 1975 school year the teanjSDOrta- of 9 a.m. and 3. : p,.i|b*rV'''; •>' tion budget is insufficient. At the The voting on the budget will Annual School District meeting take glace betweenttie'nour^of approval of the voters is request- 12:30, p.m. and 6j3fip.nl.iin!June ed merely for the purpose of 17, 1975, a'| the flttfnaift School transferring monies from an un- House. " ' ? . ', encumbered item to the trans- AND NfJTlCE IS At^OifiiyEN portatton Hem, on the current that petitions nominating £$M>- budget. Following is a resolution dates for the office bjf meinber of as proposed by the Board of the Board of Education must be Education. filed with the .clerit 1 of the district "Resolution not later than the 3utb;, dfty pre- . . . 1975, between tbe"hours"of"2 The Board of Education of the ceding thea»hu|i^e|lngi; - ' p.m. and 4 p.m. and the hours of P" 103 " 1 Central School is hereby The'^ow^gVi^drgs^be, 7 p m and 9 p m at the Town of authorized to transfer unencumb- filled on the|toard,ofEjBjicgtJom. Ticonderoga Civic Center, in said « « d monies within the 1974-1975 Trustee for',, five '•"y^lii A 0- :: M town, to hear and examine all ,*Mge» to die transportation bud- expired' ,,pm' 6f J ^ r ^ d ^ L V complaints in relationtoassess-M «??• m °'Wf/*>yer m'TW^^^^m^^'l ments, on- the application of any g ^ «* ° f &*&*, <*°m '^IP^^^M^f* person believing himself to be tte attreAt school.year." <- ;; P 1S D jJfriStt$Agg^^ aggrieved. NEED A HAND Carriage House Construction Framing Additions Decks Call 792-7929 499-2094 DRINKING OUT OF CONTROL? Contact P.O. Box 145 Port Henry, New York Alcoholics Anonymous 546-7121 546-3538 Oswald Ford's huge Marathon Sale gets underway this Saturday. The most exciting buys on new and used cars will attract buyers from the entire North Country area. Oswald Ford plans to sell 77 cars in just seven days by quoting almost unbelieveable prices. Call Jim Towne for de- tails. 597-3747. For Sale: 5-room Ranch style home. 1 Vi baths, laundry room, W/W carpeting, thermo wind- ows, double garage, patio, full basement. By appointment only. 585-6073. For Sale: Hand tools, fishing, archery equipment, check writer, plus misc. items, 585-6073. serial May 23. 1975. at Roger's Rock campsite. Hague, N.Y. Call 201 427-0070 evenings. All replies in confidence. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Ticonderoga Central School District is seeking applicants for the following posi- tions: Elementary School Sec- retary, Middle School Secretary. Applicants must be skilled in shorthand, typing and mathe- matics. Apply at Superintendents office. Ticonderoga Central High School. Tel. 585-6674. CARD Of THAWS The family of the late Stanley Frasier wishes to express their thanks and sincere appreciation For Sale: Fleetwood trailer, to the Hague Volunteer Fire De- 3-Bdrm 12x60*. new Irving room partment, the New York State carpet, must be seen to be appre- Transportation employees, Dr. dated. Call 585-9878 after 5 p.m. Tom and nurses at Moses Lud- ington Hospital and for all the . For Sale: 1972 Chevy Dump cards and donations from people Truck C60 - $8,000. Call LY7- all oyer. AJs " " "" " 3359. or write Box 93, Crown ahdlNatives! T h e Board of Trustees reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted. ^Marjorie McCormick Village Clerk NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED BIDS FOR THE RE- pair of the roof of the Village of Ticonderoga Community Build- ing. Montcalm Street, will be re- ceived by the Board of Trustees on or before the 17th day of June, 1975, at 7 p.m. in the office of the Village Clerk, Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, N.Y. Specifications are available in the office of the . Clerk Monday through Friday. A non-collusive, bidding certifi- cate must accompany each bid submitted.. Dated June 1, 1975 Desmond H. Allen Elliot Shaw Lois Gunning Assessors NOTICE OF SPECIAL School District Meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings Clerk. Board of Education NOTICE Annul School District Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the in- habitants of Moriah Central Sch- ool District qualified to vote at school meetings in said district A SPECIAL SCHOOL DIST- will be held in the schoolcafeteria rict Meeting of the inhabitants of £ S ^^^ T u ^ a '$»f Central School District, Town, of ^'J^kj^J**^- ^¥* Newcomb, NewYork, ojuuified to s^fgtime * r the tea^acao4.of vote at school meetings in said ^* * j ^ ^ « ^ airtfiorlzed by district, will beJield nTthe school m \ •%5f OB ."** r 7 " r i j'' J ; building in the Village of New- And Notice is also given that a candiditfe to fea^^lrSB'onm;' Each petitioii m*iMk& du€cufof# the' clerJTdir^^ip^^ittulst::.. *^te-^e-^J^?1afli5 , ;|e«iitt^'^'" the candidate "im^'ntfl|t;4^poe' the specifje^ji^i^^l^tiPl^i candidate is nomftate^ at least th&lefigth oT'flielernfe of/ office an^'the namtj#tfeSiii&t- ^cuntbepK " '<•-' ;::•';-•^ ; -'- : Dated* A^rff^iSJTS.: 1 : - Mrs. H^betn^riSninjS ,- ^•-Cl&k; "' •"• ..•*--'• V ' - ^ i w . 1 . : " Mt HarJand X..;'J^|i^ttSsT« denti; Board 6f Mtfcit»hi'-^-V" ..-.,?•. SUPREME COURT „. w ,„__.. „. „,„„- _ i^$^"-^6o^re r5f, -j. ,. comb, New York, on Tuesday, ^ofthesfatertent of tiie.am- •ZW8fflffitjffitiJfat&.{- July 22, at7:3&pW. t EJXS.T^for -°«* «£ W T # " * .** * TSIJSIFlGp^lJSY^ P j a i n ^ v- the fonowmg^rpose: ,; *^^ i^e.^mg yea^^^ TnattteJolo#tduca^^ .... ,,. ~~ , HKflJoneys, may be obtained^ JOHN JPAflD^ik'PA^iEll- ^ta#aye*1n ^^m-S^^^^^^m* Central ^Schobl District of the Town of Newcomb be authorized That a-'fax is hereby~wtb& «>d3p.in. NOTirFTORinnPHs: therefor in the amount of not ^ d notIce . ,s •«» g 1 ^ that NOHCE TO BIDDERS e xceedmg $20,000. fajbe-levied fehhons nommating candidates SEALED BIDS TO FIIRNKH ^ collectedtoannual install- f « deposition of member of the and install SzLSLZ^S^ ments m *"<** *<*** » d in such ^ r d of Educaton must be filed Z^^T^stZ ^un^maybedetennine^by «*£** lftL*«_^ legatedsfassig^olg/jiyb^eili ditors, and successors'in interest o f the named defendants' and generally all person's having or claiming under, by, or through said defendants who may be Alcohol Causing Family Problems? Al-Anon can help! Contact P.O. Box 145 Port Henry Call 546-7121 963-7147 Point. N.Y. Lake Champlain: 3-Bdrm. yr-rd 2-story on 100' lake shore w/ sandy beach, 2-car garage, land- scaped 'A acre S38.00O. Ti: 4-Bdrm.. 2-story w/2-car gar- age on 1"/J acre, in excellent condition $22,000. Westport: 4-Bdrm. Victorian, exc. cond. good local. Top fir. apt.forincome if desired $23,900.00 Port Henry: Good invest, two income apt. building, exc ^ond.. $11,000. BAIRD REALTY Genevieve Baird Port Henry 1518)546-7276 Continental Homes DiMMn ol WftMttUm Your builder/dealer BobMetthe Schroon Lake 532-7474 AKC Registered Sheltie (Min- iature Collie) puppies. Very af- fectionate temperment. Call after 5:30 p.m. 962-8271. ( , 1 '•' " i.ii fi "i ••• j •i.Ml.r' USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Int T6 Crliv Dozer. $2700; Int. TD-9 Cra. Ldr t $3500; JD 440 Skidder $10,500; JD 350B Cra. Ldr. $11,500. Wilson's Heavy Equip. Inc. Plaitsbargh, N.Y. 561.7990 our hour ,-/Eat • and or before the 17th dav of June Pnncipal amount of not exceeding L£nZL™£ ^ J T S ^ T Bl»«>thereinandtO-thferespectiv^ iwonfolilce^thankthe neigh- 1^75. at 7U5 n.Sntel^of ^ S ^ t S ^ S ^ S i ^ X ^ ^ E ^ * * * * ? « * « «r widoTo? bo« andfriends of Mary Rawson the V,lla$e <lerk, Montcalm St., g J S ^ J J ^ ^ S S £L ^ 2 «w ^ld by Eugene^Williams l" # f i 6 d i # » d a y 10.1975) for thef Ticondemga. New York. Specifi- J ^ a v a h S * ^ yhoseterm empire!.tenjrfSS' PteW <u\n fo'page'11.' kindness 4 and sympathy during- cations are available at thei cleric's ana W*™^ J < = & =—^ Hi—^__V - the family's recent bereavemenf; office, Monday through Friday. Mrs. Adelaide Surprenant.' .A non-cpllusive bidding certifi- ' "';• < "' -;•• -'i 'i ' : -r cate must accompany each bid submitted, " * The Village Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted. Mariorie J. McCormick Village Clerk Nadeau's Safemark on Farm Service Tires delivered, mounted, loaded or balanced. All types batteries and chains. Dealer In Trojan Seed corn; Wire, barbed and woven; Exxon plastic twine, sisal twine. Arrico fertilizer, Fort Or- ange Feeds. Tel. 547-8296 NOTICE OF COMPLETION , ofTentativeAssessinentkoQ . I^aanttoSectkM»506aiHl " 1^26 of tlieReal Property Tax bf HEARING OF COMPLAINTS <•" NOTICE TO BIDDERS Schroon Lake: Furnished Apt. also housekeeping room for gent- leman, private bath and entrance, r ,„ ___ $16 per week. Trailer space that the Assessors of die town of General Municipal Law* that the available. 532-7548. North Hudson. County of Essefe Essex County Highway Depart- have completed the tentative, ntent. Elizabethtown^ New York House for Rent: Schroon Lake. Assessment^ Roll for the curreit wiH accept ^ealpd hids for the Essex County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVENf pursuant to Section 103 of the small 3-Bdrm next to lake. $125 Y ear and mai a ^Py B ** m t pjjirchase of Bituminous Concrete per month plus utilities. Call 532-howe, Bernard Colburn, North td be used on *"— "—*- 7529 Saturday and Sunday. R.&C. OTT EXCAVATING CO. Colonial Street, Ticonderoga, N.Y. I Move The Earth \ll n i ' h OF DIGGING CONCRETE JOBS •>. u. r S\ stems Sidewalks & Patios s. (>!n ,v Leach Beds Piers & Footings HAVE BA( KHOE WILL TRAVEL I i< .miIt-ruga .N.Y. Crown Point, New Yorh »"- 6if.l 597-3802 Two room furnished ment, utilities included. 546-7848. apart- Call One room bachelor s apt. All utilities. Call 585-2054. Lot suitable for 60 K 65*, 12' wide mobile home in'beautiful section of Pearl Street. Has water and lights and sewer hookup. School close by. Call 597-3340. Hudson, New York, where it miay" Highways, be seen and examined by apjf 1 Specifications and proposal interested person until the third forms may be + obtained at the Tuesday in June. ;... office of the Essex'County, Su- Tne Assessors will be in at- perintendent o f Highways. Eliza- tendance with the tentative Aisfe belhtown, JNeW., York, essment Roll on Friday. June 13, Sealed Bids must be filed in the and Saturday. June 14. between office of tiie Essex County^ Su*' the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.rii* penntendent of Highways on or and on Tuesday. June 17. be- before 10,30a^m., June 19, 197S tween the hours of 4 p.m. and S at which time the bids will be P m - . publicly opened and read aloud. The Board of Assessment Rek Tne successful b!dder\ will be view will meet on Tuesday, Jum* promptly notified by letter and 17, between the hours of 4 p.m. must be prepared to enter into the and occumed u v Hanna Gill and 8 p.m. -a*;T*^%;J,«J,Ul| the Quired ^ S S S A S S j i t May 30. 1975 > " Board of Education Newcomb' Central School Dorothy PV Donahue School District Clerk j f, > , . *• ',:,. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NEW YORK Supreme Court * Ewex Conaty - Essex County-C3uunpIahr ^ National &uik,PIalBtilf, EwexCoanQr Index #14019 vs George E. Guy, Nancy P. Gay, VUIage of Port Henry and Port Henry Oil Corp., Defendants ^ NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT, TO JUDGMENT of Foreclosure and Sale dated the 24tkday of May, 1975,1 will sell at,pubhc auction in front of the Essex Theatre, Broad Street, Port Henry, Town of Moriahv Essex County, State of New York, which is the site, of the mortgaged premises, on the 30th day of June,' 1975, aft 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of that day the premises directed by said judgment t o b e sold and described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection of two stohe walls at an iron pipe in the east tine of lands now owned Anctknt AUCTION ^ 7 :;> PI^TOWtK|,AR<xi^,NEWYO»K. Antique a to be held at Nelion's Dance BWI, on Rte n Iwlf ttay between Granville and Salem, New York on Saaday, W I S , at 1 p.m. The preview from 10 a.m. until Auction ume. •> t *'t i Full sized brass bed; round oak table with clawfeet; cherry drop leaftable; oak drop leaf table>oak ice box; pressback ' cMd sf rocker and others; several commodes; gingerbread , clocks and other 8-day clocks {child's roll top desk?lariins , writing desk; early jelfy cupbdard in the old red; large * ' pine cupboard; earty dough box; piano stooh organ stooh several sets of chairs and others^ fulUi 9 eri.mttpl6 rope bed; fulf sped pine beds country store cheese botj • secretary with glass^doors; dome topped trunks:' varfou* flfpesotstandsj large'quantityoak, pirte and Walnut ftttm^ tore; several pairs of fireplace irons* brass hat rack/ i£S£S P *V f *!'J am P s ^ a ted 1870^4 others; JSSS? "?**?** s and,oth f i!s; wooden dasner churns; broad ax; large assortment i andpnntsj old baskets; books; cards elry and bottles. Irbii and tin pie "pieces; large Assortment ( of glass, i ^itZS^vJS U8 ^ fi ^ ,ta «^« wwtaoMl,rtiig •*•-•• *** * f t *riday, Satunlay and Sunday, June M, ^atldngSpaee IteftwhrntotaSold • Manager, Dick Forrest - Home Phone638-8645 anytime Auctioneer, WullamtfatsuUwSr. & William Barsalaw Jr. i^Tx-s lv_^ ; H **?&*• »#• *mt~~*mff*mtr- aceVor o* claim to have an to«e*e«fetl» within described real property, aH ol wjwse names are unknown to plaintiff, c OofHwaata. ids TS£Tl£'%1L c %&f'News of the Town oTWorlah boundedand described as fol- " k»wi:" • - : Beginning at an iron pipe driv- en into the ground at the north )EKQQA ggMTlNKI mSSmmtmmmmtmmmit: iiiiimn HUM m. eaat corner of a parcel of land now owned by Paul Reed, party of the flr ?t P£& f 8 * d PV* heuig north- oerly 148 feet from a spike driven Masons and Wof C join to raise funds PACE ELEVtN The Morning Sun Lodge of CaurCnwhar «M *l!L Ce ^ er °u ? rttok St l ee i' Masons « nd P olf * Henr y Co « n «« There will be a car crusher in 5?.4 St km til? " ~ ^ - - - ^ B h t s of Columbus have Joined theTown of Mooahthia month interest of the taxpayers, qf the ,. district and in the interest of the ,.«««.*. -~.A ana r \ 1} otQie! ^ forcesTto jointly sponsor a fund June. It will be located at the better education of tiie young- cornet and 55.8 feet from the raising project for the benefit of Town Landfill site on Pelfishcr sters of the Moriah Central (^nti^W^'W^^tkWW oriWd' Miass wass celebrated in By Frartpls Copney Phone 546-7447 In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, entered in the above entitled action on the 16th day of May, 197S, I, the un- dersigned, the Referee is said judgment named, wilt sell public auction at the front steps the State Bank of Albany build tog, Port Henry Bmtoh, South tiflulngjrtdngVaidiaijdioflleed, nbttorYc Lake aiamplaTn,' Main Stfeet^Port Henry, New J f * degrees # feet West aSjSwSmmffi *i»tliu«pt A.U. »,, V " ^»«»M»J5 fnvjhvi tvw. MIV Menem «i JUTTH J.»«JUI»JI sue vn HfJi fhTE^ e f X r hw ¥ 2 D the ^ ^ n » f Moriah Boy Scotts. Road. Anyone wishing to dispose School, and she has agreed to iZtfTSrJ^ 0wn l 4 b y 0n ^^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ UIie 15 ' ^h ofajunkcaris*equested 1 totakeit stand for re-election. He knowl- Snnrt. 7 o A ^ ., I^L m * «W«>toatioii* will host a Chicken to the area noted^and have It edge of the workings of the schopl system have drawn praise from throughout the area, she is that ...... type of board member who wants some offJce» and leave their name, and to know the reason "why"--and Stroll in (heir cars will be picked up. she has found out many answers. the Motherhouse chapel. Dinner for guests of die jubUarians was held in the main dining room of the Motherhouse, followed by a reception from 3 - 5 p.m. for friends. Mrs. Catherine Scozza- fawa and Wfcs. Mary Gill Browne of Port iJenty, were invited guests for the auspicious occas- ion. . .".• „, ', ,,-'; , Honor S t f Student thaParah, and Margot Tolosky. These students have an overall average of at least 90 and have been recommended by the faculty council. If these students main- tain, at least an 87.5 average and continue to meet the other re- quirements for membership in die National Honor Society, they will be inducted into full mem- bership next year. 57 t. -1 iui" ttut. Am., Zf T..I.. it ^ «-»» xl r " - *","**'' «"»«>^"w» «* g""»v«fl t u m w j u uror v«t» w|« »e piv«;u up. sue jias tuunuout many answers,. J&r ^n^J^^ilr^ 3^*ef*>an Jronpipednven and with 4 fulf course Chicken Otherwise the owner will have the She will be running fora flve-yeaj ^'A-^ft^ftS^HS »?i L gt0Wid . J b{t !* tt \ t * 0 Barbeque, everyone Should haye dispose of their itinkc4ri at their term of office. Her opponent will F^KSSETiS l~ft A SSSLSSf* //» d , plR *l 1,emg ^ m0ait *V»Fto* afternoon. For; ojwt expense. be Ronald Cadmus also a resident b /*T ,J Jte2S t0b lit * W * !?«?«rt^ 3 ***•»- * tho»ewh,owishtoe:atott:thelam , Gradnate* ofMoriah. * « * ! « nVtacflbad « followa: steeled *ef ,„ » ^UA u*- ^ A _ _* t _ __,. .. t ... u* l ^ ^ M f t T S r e n Rogoza Everyone is urged to turn out Magna cum laude, and vote for the candidat of your therein described as , PARCEtNO .All those tracts pt. land sitfw** *e Vi«ig( ... Henry, Couaty^f Essex and State of ^ew to)fk, bounded *nd def cribed as jfoljpwsi * .Ail that tract or parcel of land ,. x ,^ r .._., T ,-„ ^„ At present seven seniors are Appaiently, through some ov- society members: Karen Collier, ersigp. on the part of Moriah Patricia Collins, Carol Genier ^enftalSch^l officials, the. name Riddle, Bernadette Kudlacik, Lisa of Ka^en C«|nt, danghter of Mr. Lacey, Diane Lahendro, and Bri- _, %gwrS. flarpid Grant, Moriah, an Thompson. Along with the 14 tainment, plan to attend "Salute was left off the Honor Roll of die members that were inducted, to America," Saturday evening, -*-*•-* *of the third quarter. We Moriah Central has a total of 21 important part in the program with songs that virtually consti- tute an all-time hit parade. The students will be paying tribute to famous people in the world of music, dance, sports, pioneers in new adventures, as well as his- torical names. They will ack- nowledge various states, the frontierlands, wild west, south- land, and honor those associated therewith. Members of the freshman class will be selling tickets for the event - $1.25 for adults and 50 cents for students. For an evening of family enter- ing will be held on Tuesday, Jutie 24, at 7:30 p.m .at the school Everyone is urged to come and take a long, hard look at your budget -- this is the meeting where your opportunity to makV cuts in the cost of operation is provided. Speak u p o n this date or - forget it! College, Tarrytown. New York. Mrs. Rogoza was one of three girls graduating with ...-.,,. , .^-. ~,~ „. ..^ .„«.. honors in the sociology depart- , v , 7 ->P«5 beginning, <*jnfaining clitticens are scheduled-to be meijh Her grandparents, Mr. described M W ; . m * deed of^ 0,fl4 t atres of land, more-or less;, coming off the pit at noon time, and Mrs. Joaeph-Sparacino, at- the same ftpm WiMigm D.,Mu~ and peing a portion of the Sjune' and will Keep on coming unfil 6" tended the ceremonies. Follow- hollandctaltopar^oftHefest JWff conveyed to John F, p.m.with somebf the finest cooks ing his graduation ^om.Monah part dated September 3rd, 1943, Powell (now deceased) and Eliza, in the nbrth country keeping a Central School, het husband, Leo, and not yfeUecoMed. - *• , «beth Powell by Thomas W, Md- watchful eye On them. 'Tc~addto attended Hudson VaHey Com- v.«.*i„™i n ««Allthattrart or parcel of land Donald, as Executor of the Ust the festivities^ New York State munity College at Troy and grad- „ , „ . Jf™rtL „f situate, 3n the illage of Port ^dl andTestaments Annie I, Senator Ronald Stafford and his uatedin 1970. He also graduated pJ^'^^L^S^Jf^ Henry, Cototy of Essex and State Marron. by deed dated May,7th, wife will be present, alongVith from Hofstra University, at Sm^ZyCamSKnd^u of New Yorfe^hich was deeded 1938, and recorded in the Essex U.S. Congressman; Robert Mc-" Hempstead, New York ii 1973 Sr h!T« vio*f th^ nr UM gLiber 213 of Deeds at and Bugle Corps will also be Security and safety at Marymount ^ ^ c l ^ S ^fa^l rage aao. entertaining the guests. College, s Being the same premises con- All proceeds from the occasipn MCS Election veyed to John Paddeau and Pat- will be turned over to the various The residents of Moriah sociology from choice The annual district..meejf. are happy to announce it now and members. Advisors are William ^j* a.l«rw •»*»(»» ^* »-«.»»• irvrw WWVI^K'S* by Thomas Marroh and jwjfe to George W. Wallace June 24th, 1891, tne deed thereof being re- corded in Essex County Septem- ber 2nd. ^1891, in Boo* 101 of time! Cen- Office on July 28, 1972, in Book 521 of Deeds at Page 193. May 31, 1975 WILLIAM POTSKOWSKI Referee KING, MURPHY & FITZSIMMONS Attorneys for Plaintiff 27 Division Street Saratoga Springs, New York Witherbee*. surveyed in' July 1808 by D.M. Arnold and beginning at a'point in the eas|erlyjine of the premises hereby''conveyed and Dated distant 35.6 feet' northwesterly from the center of Prospect Street (Village name 1 being Brook St.); thence along the said easterly line north 30 degrees west 135.6 feet; thence north 80-V4 degrees east 64.7 feet;-thence south ll-Vi degrees east 117.2 feet to the place of beginning, being a piece n i^^ -«*^-»-,r-.| of triangular shape" containing 0/06/716/7/7/3/ 3792 square feet more or less and BaM** rturs ; n are part of the premises deeded BaiUQ QUG III by S.H, Witherbee and others to •%--.,-.-, Dr\!n + Thomas Marron aforesaid June Of UWu r Villi 16th, 1888.and tecorded in the Conflnn^ ^n, page t EssexXtounty C|erk> Office Aug- -- ust 31st, 1888 in Book 95 of Deeds at Page 131. Also-all that certain other piece of land in Pott Henry aforesaid and-consisting.of a strip 60 feet (sixty .feet) in,width and extend- ing from Brook Street, so-called,. sled run down the side of an area' mountain site, yet to be chosen. Board of Education, which will be held in the cafeteria of the school Craft Hill ...The "Craft Hill Shop" is now located in the Dr. Abare Block on Broad Street in Port Henry. Items sold at Craft Hill are handicrafted by area craftsmen. The young lads will be practicing on Wednesday, June 25, between Stop in and look around. If you siderations will allow "Our staff studies indicate that 93 percent of the state's 18.5 million population will be within approximately one hour traveling- time of the viewing areas." Locations and dates included on the bafge route in our area for.the next several years, and have been assured of a spot in the 1980 Olympic prograni. So do yourself a favor, come, and bring the family this Sunday, Fathers Day, June 15, and have an enjoyable day, and at the same time, help the Scouts and give your support to the. efforts of these two fine organizations, who are. attempting to break down long standing barriers and work together, towards a common goal. A charge of only $2.50 per person will be made, which at today's prices is a bargain! You all come now! P.H.F.D. to meet The Port Henry Fire Depart- ment, will hold their regular monthly _ meeting, this Thursday evening, June 12, at the De- partment rooms, starting at 7:30 p.m. Chief Waldron has re- quested that Every member be in the hours, of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. The term of Eugene Williams, which is for five years, is up for grabs, as Mr. Williams has de- cided not to run for re-election. As we go to press it appears that Port Henry Post Master, Pat Tom will be vying for that seat on the educational board. There is an unexpired term of Albert Koblenz for the length of two years which has to be filled at this" time. Presently it is being very well handled by the appointee, Gerald FarreU, Mineville, the same dist- rict, that Koblenz represented for so many years. FarreU is a dedicated board member who un- derstands the workings of busin- ess, having been a member of he Business Communityforall of his working life, and has acted wisely on most issues being presented to the board for consideration. He has announced his candidacy and east .dtjjmto, n% ^ownerl jjy, aint 5 n County, PJattsburgh, July Raines, andJknowu as the Ariel 9 . n . E s ^ County, Crown Point, place and are also a part of the j^y 13.15. Saratoga & Wash- premises mapped in July J.868for ington Counties, Ft. Edward, July S.H. & J,G. Witherbee as. afore- 17 „i$. Schenectady County, Scot- saia % Excepting and reserving j S( jujy 21-23; and Fulton & from the last parcel a piece of Montgomery Counties, Fonda, V "^lTehau",7j|fy a o^/fpendan-ce formis^meeting.' ttls^is beuipepp^>se^y Dongas An- *egina McCarthy and Sr. Mary land heretofore deeded to Thom- as Marron by George W, Wallace and wife described asfollows,to wit: All that certain parcel of land July 25-26 Selection of the stoppoing sites was made after staff meetings - _ with local Bicentennial represen- lying in Lot No f JL1 of;the lands of tatives. In order to be considered S.H, At J,G. "^Vitherbee formerly as stopping sites, locations must as subdivided by survey of Arnold be capable 0 f accommodating a MJ^-^MHSS *at heretoforereferredto^ Beginning 250 foSt barge and offer eight feet d n i S wfll bl heldtani at a point in t W n t e r 0 f Brook water dep th. The announced dmner will be held in hi. St. distant 15.9 feet westerly from nute ls tentative, pending local the east line of lot No, 11 and being the S.E. corner of lot deeded "to -Wallace and wife aforesaid by Thomas Marron and wife by deed dated October 6th, 1888; thence south 80-Vi degrees west 17 feet; thence north 11-Vi degrees, west 10.8 feet; thence south 40 degrees east 35.6 feet to acceptance of the program and endorsement of a series of com- munity requirements designed to assure the safety of the vessel and the comfort of visitors both on board and in the area adjacent to the barge stopping site.. Locally-arranged Bicentennial festivals will take place in con* the place of beginrjing, containing junction with each barge stop, a piece of land of triangular shape Communities designated as stop- 261 square feet more or-less, pmg sites have been asked: to Also expecting and reserving respond to the ommission with a any-iron ore-and minerals as festival proposal by Aug. 1,1975; excepted and reserved by S.H. & The current barge route, will be J.G.JWHherbee from their grant- finalized after proposals are re- ees. r ' * ceived. Being the same premises con- The barge willofferover 10,000 veyed to John paddeau and Pat- square feet of exhibit space, ricia Havard-Paddeau-fay-deed-^xhibits on board the two-level dated April 10, 1972, and re- deck of the vessel will depict New corded in the Essex County York and the life of flew Yorkers Qerk's Office on May 19,1972>ht at the time of the American Revo- Book 516 of Deeds at JPage 121. Jution. The barge exhibits are * PARCEL NO-2 J ,', being designed by Johnson Hehr, All that piece- or parcel of land Nehin of Buffajo. Ifaecfor of the situate in the Viflage t>f>Porf barge proiect is Philip Johnson. l^©ILIO!E Blotter < Police action last week Included the investigation of the reported theftofa'21-inch Panasonic television set from the High School. As reported by principal John Herbert) the serial number of the set is, CTTFS266\ It is believed thaf the-set Was stolen sometime in March or April., Police are also currently investigating the explosion and subse-' quent fire on the But** property on take George Avenue. Ticon- deroga police are working in conjunctibn with the State B.C.I, in this mvestigatipn. '* . v - ' Officers Allen W Peters issued a speeding ticket tcv Joseph laSose of Chttooneau Road for speeding on Lord Howe Street on June S, The ticket was isaued on June 6, at HM5 p.m. after police officers had received a complaint about above mentioned and his speeding* - • , .' , « On June 5> OnScer°Cross investigated the reported vandalism at the rest room at the ferry landing site t?;20p.m. Three windows and screens, two door screens and an outside light were reported «broken there, Two rocks and One beef bottte°was found and identi- fied a* the objects used. The case is still under investigation and the area is presently under surveillance. . facer Ott investigated % report from Andrew Powvoraflk of Alexandria Road that two whitewall tires had been stolen from hut garage, on June 3 , a t 2:50 p.m. Powvorznik reports that the tires ^«tt*:si«eVl95j£l4.-, Si«iT**JiW''«l»'"^8^; •;',.'.,• "Vr Of&wOtt investigated the' reported theft of fourteen 8-track ! tape* from tlw car of Janies Carmody Oh J«»*e 3,1975, at9;45p.m. 4The Carmody car was parked in the Doctor's parking lot at m e *(Jbses LudingtoB Hospital wheti the theft reportedly.o^rred, < important' (O- You and to'Your Department. Plan now to be on hand! Anniversary Time Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 11, 1975, Msgr. Noel V. Zim- merman, pastor of St. Patrick's Church in Port Henry will cele- brate his 40th jubilee in the Priesthood. The event will be celebrated with a Mass, open to the public, at 4 p.m. in St. Patrick's Church in Port Henry. 6 p.m. a his honor at the Knights of Columbus Home in Port Henry. Everyone in the community is invited to attend and the price of admission will be a covered dish of your choice, At present over/ 200 have signified that they will be on hand foRthe auspicious occasion. If yousj|taye not been contacted, or. if yoti are just hearingrvabotitit, come any- way -r everyone is, welcome.. Bring youfiself ^ d your •son, Moriah.' This in itself, is not according to me intent of the boards that originally formed the present district, as it breaks the "Gentlemen's Agreement" that was agreed on, which states that persons from the existing dis- tricts, at the time the new district was formed, shall oppose individ- uals from within that district alone, and each district shall maintain their own representa- tives. Up until now, this stipula- tion has been honored. FarreU is in the Mineville District and Anson in the Moriah District. This agreement had much to do with the formation of the new District in the first place (1 hap- pen to know, as I was a member of one of these Boards that took action.) Another post upforelection is that of board member and clerk of the board; Margaret Kolodzy, of Moriah, who has done much to guide the Workings of the present board. She has given unselfishly extend our congratulations! Engagement Announced ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neaves of Moriah, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Rob- in to John Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carpenter, Port Henry. Robin graduated from Plattsburgh State University Col- lege with a BA degree in History, with the class of 1975. Mr. Carpenter received his BA in History from the same college with the class of 1974. He is now employed by the U.S. Postal Service at Falls Church, Virginia. Both are Moriah Central School graduates also. A wedding date of Sept. 13 has been set. Honor Society On Thursday evening, May 29, the National Honor Society of Moriah Central School held its annual induction of provisional members into full membership in the society. The induction was held in the school auditorium with many parents and friends in at- tendance. Msgr. Noel Zimmer- man was guest speaker. Those inducted were: Martina Bezon, Jean Garvey, Joseph Har- vish, Debra King, Patricia King, Frederick LaVallie, Kathie Mc- Ginness, Kevin Murdock, Cheryl Myers, Jeanne Nels, Jeffrey Ow- en, Mary Simpson, Wendy Sleeper Genier, and Carole Stone. These students have maintained an average of 87.5 or more through high school and have been recommended by the faculty council on the basis of character scholarship, leadership and ser- vice. As president of the National Honor Society, Bernadette Kud- lacik announced that four present sophomores, and one junior will be taken into provisional mem- bership in the society. These stu- dents are: Susan Cadmus, Tam- mie Gonyea, June Pattison, Mar- CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-DODGE -IMPERIAL- I nternational Trucks and Scouts Sales and Service 24-Hr. AAA Service Towing, General Repairs VINCENT S. JERRY & SONS, he. MAIN ST. CROWN POINT would like to be a member, either stop in and sign up or drop a note to Craft Hill. Box 193, Port Henry. SSJ's Celebrate Seven Sisters of the Order of St. Joseph celebrated their jubil- ees on May 31, at the Mother- house of the Order in Watertown. Those who celebrated their Gold- en Jubilee were: Sr. Mary Eugenia Maurer; Sr. Mary Hor- tense Cavanaugh, Both members of the faculty of Mater Dei Col- lege at Ogdensburg. Sr. Mary Isabelle Moore and Sr. Mary Adelaide Mason, both stationed at the Motherhouse. (Sr. Ade- laide was a long-time resident at Port Henry, and has many friends in the area.) Three members of the Order celebrated their Silver Anniversary. They were Sr. Mary William Argy, of the Diocesan Education Department; Sr. Mary Catherine Laboure Goodbout both are instructors at St. Josephs School in Massena. A concele- SABARU Coming soon The incredible front wheel drive and world's only 4 wheel drive car. ~." The Mercedes of Japan Wheelocks Garage WHEELOCK'S GARAGE TROUT BROOK BUICK P0MTIAC Opel GMC SALES-SERVICE-PARTS I ¥ AUTO REPAIRS T All makes cars & trucks Complete body & fender service Electric and Acetylene Welding We have 74 left overs and good 1970-1974 used cars available now! Hague Road 585-3350 Ticonderoga, N. Y. FKI0BY AUTH0MZH CHEVROLET SERVKE ' Wheelock's Gamge welcomes any Ti- conderoga sue* Chevrolet owner to firing their cars to us fqr authorized factory working warranty service^ f . S Wheelock's Chevrolet, wet 50 years servicing your automotive need*. WHEnoors Gall fcoltets* for w *««* §<«« ajpfH&ifttWifent FUIL LINE SPECIALISTS From Pickup to Pa/star FOSTER TRUCKS, l«. Route 7, South Middletury, Vermont DI3I38&-W., . _. WTERMATIONAL TRUCKS 3 1. sALE&a/id COrVlPLETEglRyjgS,^ Make Father's Day something special. Give him Recliner or Mattress to show him thai you care Master Charge - Bank Americard & Revolving Charge FURNITUP "SEftVltfG THE AREA FOR JO YEARS." . , t Phone! (SO?) 877-3131 Cemcj- of Maw & Green otrects, VerEeoiies, Vt, Brennan and Mrs. June G. Tur. MCS Comer By France Turgeon 1975-76 Football and Basketball Cheerleaders. On Monday, June 2, the 1975- 1976 cheerleaders were picked. Tryouts numbered some 50 - 60 girls from grades 8 thru 11. This year things will be a little dif- ferent as the varsity cheerleaders will also be attending the football games to cheer the players onto die field. The following are those picked for MCS' next year of sports are: Varsity; Juliet Firlik, Lee Dav- is, Jennifer Firlik, June Pattison, Kathy Karkoski, Sally Spechock, Sue Cutting, Dianne Wojcik, Jean Pattison, with Shelley Hammond and Sheila LaMour as subs. Junior varsity cheerleaders are; Kathy Gilbo, Val Stevenson, Candy Jaquish, Wendy Dewyea, Colleen Harland, Kathy Wheel- ock, Janie McGinness, Alice Bry- ant with Tammi Veneto, Toni Waldron and Stacey Gilbo as subs. Freshmen Class The Freshman Class of the Moriah Central School will spon- sor "Salute to America" on Saturday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. The dance recital will be a preview of the Bicen- tennial year of 1976. It will cover the years 1775 to the present time. Nostalgia will play an June 14. Band On Saturday, June 14, the MCS Band will host the 1975 Fort Ti- conderoga Flag Ceremonies in Ticonderoga, New York. Partici- pants will include the Moriah Jr./Sr. Bands. Take Pride in America, see the Fort Ticonder- oga Flag Ceremonies. A great Marathon Sale is start- ing at Oswald Ford, Danne- mora, accord- ing to Jim Towne. This Ford agency will be open 24 hours a day for 7 days commencing this Saturday. Bargains galore for both new and used cars with prices so low Oswald Ford plans to sell 77 cars in one week. Call me for details at 597-3747. Oswald Ford Dannemora will be open for browsing this Sunday June 15, re- ports Jim Towne. Car owners may see the great- est selection of new and used cars In the entire North Country - some 250 vehicles - and at the same time enjoy free hotdogs, free Coke, free popcorn, and free balloons. Two Marathon clowns will also be on hand to entertain. FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 15 Smart shoppers shop Lazarus LAZARUS DEPT. STORE Midd I e b ury, Vt. '•MajoaaasBaassaeaoooac)^^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! SPECIALLY EQUIPPED ! SPECIALLY PRICED ! •""•""••aBttWffl. 1975 Limited Edition MONARCH? •250 off! 1975 limited Edition GRANADAS •OCA 0 ff, PLUS THE "BRUSH BONUS" BEST DEAL - BEST SERVICE Come See Us For /•* ' 10* COURT ST. MIOPLEBURY (ROUTE/SOUTH) 802-388-4985 M lfbmr Friends, Just Across, Tits lass" V- : 4 m w- J - t #ii, W'.'-.' ^;i •a •;%£>* %• '-•;<• i'-i-'A, I K> £

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Page 1: J5 - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1975-06-11/ed-1/seq-6.… · i 5 If* Si, *mi E STOCKTON AGENCY Joyce D. Martin Marian G. Basil Agents and Broken

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^J^CEflQt BIDDERS ;'.''

'I0& IS JiERgBY ,4fyt$C ^> * : „«...». ^ . ^ ^ . v , r^jBaC.tb" Section 103 iof the

e^S° *" P ^ h a ^ f e mM£ in Geuera! Municipal Law, that the ^ ^ " ^ ' ^ t l ^ l ^ f e l i n - S§^» County Highway Depart.

N( J5 '¥^SF^Mwm- meiat/EJizabethtown. New York that

tiERgBS: GIVEN r , _ l b * the County w-$e» County* .New Yorlc,.

plain area ' t t i e T ^ B v i h i ^ f f l l l M ^ ^ ^ - wiil-aceept "sealed bids for the "Court .. . . „ „ . . , „ ,. , . „ . . „ _ •nWSf. M ^ n ^ f t t S i l ^ g i f t o puWas^ofoneNewSix-passen- ^ ^ M W ^ ^ i W ^ ^ H r M m&Wis;mmp^m^fjthe get« cfcgp Truck. J ^ " """ ' **"" - > « — * — * lake? the prbpe^/shftfflf, igave Specifications and proposal "tfate^aria be? §^mf^0^fi. forms may be obtained at the Dwellings and access o f secon- office of the Essex County Su-dary importance. Please reply to perintendent of Highways. Eliz-Mr. NeillG; Hammond. Ayerst abethtown. New York. Laboratories, 685 Third Avenue. Sealed Bids must be filed in the New York. NY "10017. office of" the Essex County Su-

If you need work done. Indus­trial Arts teachers can do it. and we're insured. For free estimates on painting, building docks, gen­eral repairs, call 9993 or 7575 for appointment.


^mMmm Baldwin Road, REALTOR Ticonderoga GULL BAY Camp, small

lake front with boathouse. furniture incl .. SI 9.900.

" ROOM COLONIAL In \ illage on 1 -1 8 acres new \\ remodeled and redecorated


1 ACRFS \V STRFAM A-WATERFALL: J-Bdrm. house W fireplace. S25.0O0

4-BEDROOM HOME: W sep. income apt.. $39,000.

PINE SPRINGS PARK: Almost new. homes W car­peting, drapes, dishwash­er, garbage disposal and much, much more on al­most 1 acre of wooded property $45,500.


REAL ESTATE CHARMING, two-bedroom log house in Schroon Lake on paved road. Living room with fireplace. modern kitchen, oil burner, screen porch. Call 532-9217.

PROPERTY FOR SALE House. 2-car garage and barn

on 3 lots on Colonial St.. in town of Ticonderoga. Just remodeled. rewired, searched and surveyed. Shown b> app't. only. Call 585-6161. Dick On. Colonial Street.

Gull Bav. boat house on 50' lake front plus one Bdrm. modern apartment W fireplace. Use ii "sear round."" Its a great place for those who enjov all seasons Asking $35,000.

Hayes Associates Realtors

6 Onnond Street Glens Falls, N.Y.





Branch Office

427Champlain Ave. Ticonderoga, N.Y.

585-9800 499-0279

Personalized Attention from John J. Gunning Branch Manager

Nice building lot on Lake George outlet. 100 foot frontage $12,500.

Some wooded, some clear, 1 parcel 70 acres; another parcel 40 acres.... $250 per acre.

In Hague near Lake George - 4-Bdrm. home, modern kitchen, lovely fireplace, excellent summer home ....




Ski and Bike New location: 624 Glen Street, Glens Falls - Next to the Park.

FOR SAIE 19"?4 20' Travel trailer: Prow­

ler, used three months, like new $2,700. Call 547-8248.

In keeping with the big Mara­thon Sale, Oswald Ford will be open this coming Sunday for browsing. Car owners can see the huge stock of new and used ve­hicles on this day and enjoy free hot dogs. Coke, popcorn, helium balloons - all dished up by two great clowns! Call me - Jim Towne - for details. 597-3747.

Mobile home. 1970 Ritzcraft 12x50 2-Bdrm. furnished $3,500. Must be moved. Schroon Lake. 532-7521.

For Sale: 2-Bdrm house with garage. One acre of land and gravity fed water. Call 543-6076.

For Sale: Several chests, bur­eaus, chiffoneers. coffee table. 2 cedar-lined end tables, bent wood chairs, occasional stand, picture frames. 2 toilet chairs, new hall carpeting, lawn mower, old coal hods, 2 old trunks, 2 hallracks, mirrors, oak buffet and 500 books. Reason or selling: room needed. Mattie Dedrick 547-8253.

WiD yon tent as your boat? For vacation fishing by 'adult couple. Hague locality - June 30 thru July 6. Local references, deposit, etc. Please call 212 688-3480 evenings.

Attention Demonstrators Toys & Gifts. Work how thru December. Free Sample Kit. No experience needed. Call or write Santa's Parties. Avon. Conn. 06001. Phone 1 (203) 673-3455. Also booking Parties.

Wanted: Tractor trailer body to cut down to Fit on 18" flat bed hay truck and overhang the cab. Call 532-7181.

Wanted: Secretarial, office manager, girl Friday position. Reliable, mature person with pleasant personality wants full time job. Call 499-2059 after 5:30 p.m.

Wanted: Berry pickers age 14 and up Vallev View Farm. telephone 585-7517.

Job Wanted in marina service. motel, service station or restau­rant in Hague area for July & August, by Brent Welling, high school junior. Mail Friends Point. Hague, or phone collect 703 892-2455.

$200 REWARD For information leading to re­

covery of Mercury 20 hp outboard cate must accompany each bid motor, serial #2551904. stolen submitted

perintendent of Highways on or b|fore 10:30 a.m.. June 19, 1975, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will be promptly notified by letter and must be prepared to enter into a contract to furnish the required material or services.

The Essex County Superinten­dent of Highways reserves the right to reject or to waive any informalities in any and all bids. Bids should be clearly marked "Sealed Bid -- Six - Passenger Pickup Truck -- Specification No. 16-75."

Edward A. Currier Essex County Superintendent

of Highways Elizabethtown. New York

Dated: June 2, 1975


SEALED BIDS TO RESTORE the underground electrical serv­ice to the former IP. Co. Ad­ministration building on Mont­calm Street. Ticonderoga, New York, will be received by the Board of Trustees in the office of the Village Clerk, Community Building, Montcalm Street, on or before the 17th day of June, 1975. at 7:30 p.m

Specifications are available at the office of the Clerlu Monday,, through Friday, between the hours pf 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A non-collusive bidding certifi-

dex dumber 1418J. arid, e^jtirelt in the Essex; CoubtylCIeftV (ice on June 2 , 1975; a cop> which1 may be exahiineo' f * "•" Office of the Essex County < Hizabethto " " * met day i name present i . , ,. York; the date of my birth is" ~ T h e a p ^ x j ^ a f ^ p ^ i p | ^ | h ^ December 16, 1969; the place of lieni is ? 7 , ^ ; ^ f ^ 3 : ^ | | § j } a my birth is Glens Falls; my pres- "cost| and; .dtspjpSjpi&eps^iFfet ent name is Tony Leigh Gonyo. "' """ **"


NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF Tentative Assessment Roll

[Pursuant to sections 506 and 1526 of the Real Property Tax Law


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessors of the Town of Ticonderoga, County of Essex, have completed the tentative ass­essment roll for the current year and that a copy has been left with Town Clerk at the Community Building, where it may be seen and examined by any interested person until the third Tuesday, in June.

The Assessors will be in atten­dance with the tentative assess­ment roll on June 9, and June 10, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., and on June 11, 12 and 13, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Civic Center.

The Board of Assessment Re­view will meet on Tuesday, June 17

HARRY T. SHAW ; Attorney for Plaintiff Office and P.O. Address . 38 Broad Street Port Henry. New York 12974 Phone: 518 S46>-3331.

To the Voters of the Putnam Centra] School District

r^NlCPASQMQREEL^ESQ,:. S ^ ^ 1 ^ M # ^ f $C* f ie

Referee.. , '. • • / ; ?^®$%M$mSM&&'-' . ftt^foMr ^ff i tp^^eipf ofithe

amMMiWW¥^MM^I0'he . rlagfcu3&d^

ischop};. '|iU.r|b.s|!|i'3'5ejicli^to.', of ' piiljli^, nSoheys ' i ^ j i b ^ b j | i i i e d

. by any iffi&&:fcVim; district during thy se|e^Jd^|j|^fihiiie-diately p r ^ e W ' ^ ^ " ' ^ ^ ^ ^ meeting, eicept'Satu^ay** Sun-

DUE TO THE INCREASED day or hofid^y a t ^ f t Fvmam cost of gasoline during the 1974- C e n t r ^ ' S c l i ^ i , ^ t t t ^ ^ e - ^ ) u s 1975 school year the teanjSDOrta- of 9 a.m. and 3.:p,.i|b*rV'''; •>' tion budget is insufficient. At the The voting on the budget will Annual School District meeting take glace between ttie'nour^ of approval of the voters i s request- 12:30, p.m. and 6j3fip.nl.iin!June ed merely for the purpose of 17, 1975, a'| the flttfnaift School transferring monies from an un- House. " ' ? . ', encumbered item to the trans- AND NfJTlCE IS At^OifiiyEN portatton Hem, on the current that petitions nominating £$M>-budget. Following is a resolution dates for the office bjf meinber of as proposed by the Board of the Board of Education must be Education. filed with the .clerit1 of the district

"Resolution not later than the 3utb;, dfty pre-. . . 1975, between tbe"hours"of"2 T h e B o a r d o f Education of the ceding t h e a » h u | i ^ e | l n g i ; - ' p.m. and 4 p.m. and the hours of P"103"1 Central School is hereby T h e ' ^ o w ^ g V i ^ d r g s ^ b e , 7 p m and 9 p m at the Town of authorized to transfer unencumb- filled on the|toard,of EjBjicgtJom. Ticonderoga Civic Center, in said « « d monies within the 1974-1975 Trustee for',, five'•"y^liiA0- : :M town, to hear and examine all ,*Mge» to die transportation bud- expired',,pm' 6f J ^ r ^ d ^ L V complaints in relation to a s s e s s - M « ? ? • m °'Wf/*>yer m'TW^^^^m^^'l ments, on- the application of any g ^ « * °f &*&*, <*°m ' ^ I P ^ ^ ^ M ^ f * person believing himself to be tte attreAt school.year." <- ; ; P 1S D jJfr iSt t$Agg^^ aggrieved.

NEED A HAND Carriage House


Framing Additions Decks

Call 792-7929 499-2094


Contact P.O. Box 145 Port Henry, New York

Alcoholics Anonymous 546-7121 546-3538

Oswald Ford's huge Marathon Sale gets underway this Saturday. The most exciting buys on new and used cars will attract buyers from the entire North Country area. Oswald Ford plans to sell 77 cars in just seven days by quoting almost unbelieveable prices. Call Jim Towne for de­tails. 597-3747.

For Sale: 5-room Ranch style home. 1 Vi baths, laundry room, W/W carpeting, thermo wind­ows, double garage, patio, full basement. By appointment only. 585-6073.

For Sale: Hand tools, fishing, archery equipment, check writer, plus misc. items, 585-6073.

serial May 23. 1975. at Roger's Rock campsite. Hague, N.Y. Call 201 427-0070 evenings. All replies in confidence.


Central School District is seeking applicants for the following posi­tions: Elementary School Sec­retary, Middle School Secretary.

Applicants must be skilled in shorthand, typing and mathe­matics. Apply at Superintendents office. Ticonderoga Central High School. Tel. 585-6674.

CARD Of THAWS The family of the late Stanley

Frasier wishes to express their thanks and sincere appreciation

For Sale: Fleetwood trailer, to the Hague Volunteer Fire De-3-Bdrm 12x60*. new Irving room partment, the New York State carpet, must be seen to be appre- Transportation employees, Dr. dated. Call 585-9878 after 5 p.m. Tom and nurses at Moses Lud-

ington Hospital and for all the . For Sale: 1972 Chevy Dump cards and donations from people

Truck C60 - $8,000. Call LY7- all oyer. AJs " " "" " 3359. or write Box 93, Crown ahdlNatives!

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted. ^Marjorie McCormick

Village Clerk


pair of the roof of the Village of Ticonderoga Community Build­ing. Montcalm Street, will be re­ceived by the Board of Trustees on or before the 17th day of June, 1975, at 7 p.m. in the office of the Village Clerk, Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, N.Y. Specifications are available in the office of the

. Clerk Monday through Friday. A non-collusive, bidding certifi­

cate must accompany each bid submitted..

Dated June 1, 1975 Desmond H. Allen Elliot Shaw Lois Gunning Assessors

NOTICE OF SPECIAL School District Meeting

Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings Clerk. Board of Education

NOTICE Annul School District Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the in­habitants of Moriah Central Sch­ool District qualified to vote at school meetings in said district

A SPECIAL SCHOOL DIST- will be held in the schoolcafeteria rict Meeting of the inhabitants of £ S ^ ^ ^ T u ^ a * £ '$»f Central School District, Town, of ^'J^kj^J**^- ^ ¥ * Newcomb, NewYork, ojuuified to s^fgtime * r the tea^acao4.of vote at school meetings in said ^ * * j ^ ^ « airtfiorlzed by district, will beJield nTthe school m \ •%5fOB."**r

7"ri j ' ' J ;

building in the Village of New- And Notice is also given that a

candiditfe to fea^^lrSB'onm;' Each petitioiim*iMk& du€cufof# the' clerJTdir^^ip^^ittulst::. .

*^te-^e-^J^?1afli5 ,;|e«iitt^'^'" the candidate "im^'ntfl|t;4^poe' the specifje^ji^i^^l^tiPl^i candidate is nomftate^ at least th&lefigth oT'flielernfe of/ office an^'the namtj#tfeSiii&t-

^cuntbepK " '<•-' ; : : • ' ; - •^ ; - ' -: Dated* A^rff^iSJTS.:1: • - Mrs. H^betn^riSninjS , -

^•-Cl&k; "' •"• ..•*--'• V ' - ^ i w . 1 . :" Mt HarJand X..;'J^|i^ttSsT«

• denti; Board 6f Mtfcit»hi'-^-V" •

. . - . , ? • .

SUPREME COURT „ „.w ,„__. . „. „,„„- _ i^$^"-^6o^rer5f,-j. , .

comb, New York, on Tuesday, ^ofthesfatertent of tiie.am- •ZW8fflffitjffitiJfat&.{-July 22, at7:3&pW.t EJXS.T^for -°«* «£ W T # " * "® .** * TSIJSIFlGp^lJSY^ Pja in^ v-the fonowmg^rpose: ,; * ^ ^ i ^ e . ^ m g y e a ^ ^ ^

T n a t t t e J o l o # t d u c a ^ ^ . . . . , , . ~~,HKflJoneys, may be obtained JOHN JPAflD^ik'PA^iEll-

ta#aye*1n ^^m-S^^^^^^m* Central ^Schobl District of the Town of Newcomb be authorized

That a-'fax is hereby~wtb& «>d3p.in. NOTirFTORinnPHs: therefor in the amount of not ^ d n o t I c e .,s •«» g 1 ^ that NOHCE TO BIDDERS exceedmg $20,000. fajbe-levied fehhons nommating candidates

SEALED BIDS TO FIIRNKH ^ collected to annual install- f « deposition of member of the and install SzLSLZ^S^ m e n t s m *"<** *<*** » d in such ^ r d of Educaton must be filed Z^^T^stZ ^un^maybedetennine^by « * £ * * l f t L * « _ ^

legatedsfassig^olg/jiyb^eili ditors, and successors'in interest of the named defendants' and generally all person's having or claiming under, by, or through said defendants who may be

Alcohol Causing Family Problems? Al-Anon can help!

Contact P.O. Box 145 Port Henry

Call 546-7121 963-7147

Point. N.Y.

Lake Champlain: 3-Bdrm. yr-rd 2-story on 100' lake shore w/ sandy beach, 2-car garage, land­scaped 'A acre S38.00O.

Ti: 4-Bdrm.. 2-story w/2-car gar­age on 1"/J acre, in excellent condition $22,000. Westport: 4-Bdrm. Victorian, exc. cond. good local. Top fir. apt. for income if desired

$23,900.00 Port Henry: Good invest, two income apt. building, exc ^ond..


BAIRD REALTY Genevieve Baird

Port Henry 1518)546-7276

Continental Homes

DiMMn ol WftMttUm

Your builder/dealer BobMetthe

Schroon Lake 532-7474

AKC Registered Sheltie (Min­iature Collie) puppies. Very af­fectionate temperment. Call after 5:30 p.m. 962-8271. ( ,

1 ' • ' " i.ii fi • "i • • • j •i .Ml.r'

USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Int T6 Crliv Dozer. $2700; Int. TD-9 Cra. Ldrt $3500; JD 440 Skidder $10,500; JD 350B Cra. Ldr. $11,500.

Wilson's Heavy Equip. Inc. Plaitsbargh, N.Y. 561.7990

our hour ,-/Eat

• and or before the 17th dav of June Pnncipal amount of not exceeding L£nZL™£ ^ J T S ^ T Bl»«>thereinandtO-thferespectiv^ iwonfolilce^thankthe neigh- 1 75. at 7U5 n . S n t e l ^ o f ^ S ^ t S ^ S ^ S i ^ X ^ ^ E ^ * * * * ? « * « «r widoTo?

bo« andfriends of Mary Rawson the V,lla$e <lerk, Montcalm St., g J S ^ J J ^ ^ S S £ L ^ 2 « w ^ ld by Eugene^Williams l" #fi6di#»day 10.1975) for thef Ticondemga. New York. Specifi- J ^ a v a h S * ^ yhoseterm empire!.tenjrfSS' PteW <u\n fo'page'11.' kindness 4and sympathy during- cations are available at thei cleric's a n a W*™^ J< = & = — ^ Hi—^__V -the family's recent bereavemenf; office, Monday through Friday.

Mrs. Adelaide Surprenant.' . A non-cpllusive bidding certifi-• ' "';• < "' -;•• - ' i ' i ':-r cate must accompany each bid

submitted, " * The Village Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids submitted.

Mariorie J. McCormick Village Clerk

Nadeau's Safemark on Farm Service

Tires delivered, mounted, loaded or balanced. All types batteries and chains.

Dealer In Trojan Seed corn; Wire, barbed and woven; Exxon plastic twine, sisal twine. Arrico fertilizer, Fort Or­ange Feeds.

Tel. 547-8296

NOTICE OF COMPLETION , ofTentativeAssessinentkoQ . I^aanttoSectkM»506aiHl "

1^26 of tlieReal Property Tax b f


Schroon Lake: Furnished Apt. also housekeeping room for gent­leman, private bath and entrance, r „ ,„ ___ „ $16 per week. Trailer space that the Assessors of die town of General Municipal Law* that the available. 532-7548. North Hudson. County of Essefe Essex County Highway Depart-

have completed the tentative, ntent. Elizabethtown^ New York House for Rent: Schroon Lake. Assessment^ Roll for the curreit wiH accept ^ealpd hids for the

Essex County

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVENf pursuant to Section 103 of the

small 3-Bdrm next to lake. $125 Year a n d mai a ^ P y B ** mt pjjirchase of Bituminous Concrete per month plus utilities. Call 5 3 2 - h o w e , Bernard Colburn, North td be used on *"— " — * -7529 Saturday and Sunday.

R.&C. OTT EXCAVATING CO. Colonial Street, Ticonderoga, N.Y.

I Move The Earth \ l l n i ' h OF DIGGING CONCRETE JOBS •>. u. r S\ stems Sidewalks & Patios s. (>!n ,v Leach Beds Piers & Footings

HAVE BA( KHOE WILL TRAVEL I i< .mi It-ruga .N.Y. Crown Point, New Yorh »"- 6if.l 597-3802

Two room furnished ment, utilities included. 546-7848.


One room bachelor s apt. All utilities. Call 585-2054.

Lot suitable for 60 K 65*, 12' wide mobile home in'beautiful section of Pearl Street. Has water and lights and sewer hookup. School close by. Call 597-3340.

Hudson, New York, where it miay" Highways, be seen and examined by apjf 1 Specifications and proposal interested person until the third forms may be+ obtained at the Tuesday in June. ;... office of the Essex'County, Su-

Tne Assessors will be in at- perintendent of Highways. Eliza-tendance with the tentative Aisfe belhtown, JNeW., York, essment Roll on Friday. June 13, Sealed Bids must be filed in the and Saturday. June 14. between office of tiie Essex County^ Su*' the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.rii* penntendent of Highways on or and on Tuesday. June 17. be- before 10,30a^m., June 19, 197S tween the hours of 4 p.m. and S at which time the bids will be P m - . publicly opened and read aloud.

The Board of Assessment Rek Tne successful b!dder\ will be view will meet on Tuesday, Jum* promptly notified by letter and 17, between the hours of 4 p.m. must be prepared to enter into the a n d o c c u m e d uv Hanna Gill and 8 p.m. - a * ; T * ^ % ; J , « J , U l | the Quired ^ S S S A S S j i t

May 30. 1975 > " Board of Education Newcomb' Central School Dorothy PV Donahue School District Clerk

j f, > , . *•

',:,. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NEW YORK Supreme Court * E w e x Conaty

- Essex County-C3uunpIahr ^ National &uik,PIalBtilf,

EwexCoanQr Index #14019

vs George E. Guy, Nancy P . Gay, VUIage of Port Henry and Port Henry Oil Corp., Defendants


PURSUANT, TO JUDGMENT of Foreclosure and Sale dated t h e 24tkday of May, 1975,1 will sell at,pubhc auction in front of the Essex Theatre, Broad Street, Port Henry, Town of Moriahv Essex County, State of New York, which i s the site, of the mortgaged premises, on the 30th day of June,' 1975, aft 10 o'clock in the forenoon, of that day the premises directed by said judgment to b e sold and described a s follows:

"Beginning at the intersection o f two stohe walls at an iron pipe in the east tine of lands now owned


AUCTION ^ 7 : ; > PI^TOWtK|,AR<xi^,NEWYO»K. Antique a to be held at Nelion's Dance BWI, on Rte n Iwlf

ttay between Granville and Salem, New York on Saaday, W I S , at 1 p.m. The preview from 10 a.m. until Auction u m e . •> t *'t i

Full sized brass bed; round oak table with clawfeet; cherry drop leaf table; oak drop leaf table>oak ice box; pressback ' cMd sf rocker and others; several commodes; gingerbread , clocks and other 8-day clocks {child's roll top desk?lariins

, writing desk; early jelfy cupbdard in the old red; large * ' pine cupboard; earty dough box; piano stooh organ stooh several sets of chairs and others^ fulUi9eri.mttpl6 rope bed; fulf sped pine beds country store cheese botj • secretary with glass^doors; dome topped trunks:' varfou* flfpesotstandsj large'quantityoak, pirte and Walnut ftttm^ tore; several pairs of fireplace irons* brass hat rack/ i £ S £ S P * V f *!'Ja mP s ^ated 1 8 7 0 ^ 4 others; J S S S ? "?**?** W«s and,othfi!s; wooden dasner churns; broad ax; large assortment i andpnntsj old baskets; books; cards elry and bottles. Irbii and tin pie "pieces; large Assortment (of glass, i

^itZS^vJS U 8 ^ fi^,ta«^« wwtaoMl,rtiig • * • - • • *** * f t *riday, Satunlay and Sunday, June M,

^atldngSpaee IteftwhrntotaSold • Manager, Dick Forrest -

Home Phone638-8645 anytime Auctioneer, WullamtfatsuUwSr. & William Barsalaw Jr.

i^Tx-s l v _ ^ ; H


» # • *mt~~*mff*mtr-

aceVor o* claim to have

an to«e*e«fetl» within described real property, aH o l wjwse names are unknown t o plaintiff, c


i d s TS£Tl£'%1Lc%&f'News of the Town oTWorlah b o u n d e d a n d described as fol- " k»wi:" • -: Beginning at an iron pipe driv­en into the ground at the north

)EKQQA ggMTlNKI mSSmmtmmmmtmmmit: iiiiimn


m. eaat corner of a parcel o f land now owned by Paul Reed, party of the flr?t P £ & f8*d PV* heuig north-

oerly 148 feet from a spike driven

Masons and Wof C join to raise funds


The Morning Sun Lodge of CaurCnwhar « M * l ! L C e ^ e r °u ? r t t o k Stleei' M a s o n s «n d Polf* H e n r y Co«n«« There will be a car crusher in 5?.4 S t km til? " ~ ^ - - - ^ B h t s of Columbus have Joined theTown of Mooahthia month

interest of the taxpayers, qf the „ , . „ „ district and in the interest of the

,.«««.*. -~.A ana r \ 1}otQie!^ forcesTto jointly sponsor a fund June. It will be located at the better education of tiie young-cornet and 55.8 feet from the raising project for the benefit of Town Landfill site on Pelfishcr sters of the Moriah Central

(^nti^W^'W^^tkWW oriWd' Miass wass celebrated in By Frartpls Copney Phone 546-7447

In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, entered in the above entitled action on the 16th day of May, 197S, I, the un­dersigned, the Referee is said judgment named, wilt sell public auction at the front steps the State Bank of Albany build tog, Port Henry Bmtoh, South tiflulngjrtdngVaidiaijdioflleed, nbttorYc Lake aiamplaTn,' Main Stfeet^Port Henry, New J f * degrees # feet West aSjSwSmmffi

* i » t l i u « p t A . U . » , , V " ^»«»M»J5 fnvjhvi tvw. M I V Menem « i JUTTH J.»«JUI»JI sue vn HfJi

fhTE^ e f Xr hw¥ 2D t h e ^ n » f Moriah Boy Scot ts . Road. Anyone wishing to dispose School, and she has agreed to iZtfTSrJ^ 0wnl4 b y 0 n ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^U I i e 1 5 ' h ofajunkcaris*equested 1 totakei t stand for re-election. He knowl-Snnrt. 7 o A ^ ., I ^ L m * «W«>toatioii* will host a Chicken to t h e area noted^and have It edge of the workings of the schopl

system have drawn praise from throughout the area, she is that

. . . . . . type of board member who wants some offJce» and leave their name, and to know the reason " w h y " - - a n d

Stroll in (heir cars will b e picked u p . she has found out many answers.

the Motherhouse chapel. Dinner for guests of die jubUarians was held in the main dining room of the Motherhouse, followed by a reception from 3 - 5 p.m. for friends. Mrs. Catherine Scozza-fawa and Wfcs. Mary Gill Browne of Port iJenty, were invited guests for the auspicious occas­ion. . .".• „, ', ,,-';

, Honor S t f Student

thaParah, and Margot Tolosky. These students have an overall average of at least 90 and have been recommended by the faculty council. If these students main­tain, at least an 87.5 average and continue to meet the other re­quirements for membership in die National Honor Society, they will be inducted into full mem­bership next year.

57 t. - 1 iui" ttut. Am., Zf T..I.. it «-»» xl r " - *","**'' «"»«>^"w» «* g""»v«fl t u m w j u uror v«t» w|« » e piv«;u up. sue jias tuunuout many answers,. J&r ^ n ^ J ^ ^ i l r ^ 3 ^ * e f * > a n Jronpipednven and with 4 fulf course Chicken Otherwise the owner will have the She will be running fora flve-yeaj ^ ' A - ^ f t ^ f t S ^ H S » ? i L g t 0 W i d . J

b { t ! * t t \ t * 0 Barbeque, everyone Should haye dispose of their itinkc4ri at their term of office. Her opponent will F^KSSETiS l~ft A S S S L S S f * / / » d , p l R * l 1 , e m g ^ m 0 a i t *V»Fto* afternoon. For; ojwt expense. be Ronald Cadmus also a resident b / * T , J J t e 2 S t 0 b l i t * W * ! ? « ? « r t ^ 3 * * * • » - * tho»ewh,owishtoe:atott:thelam , Gradnate* ofMoriah. *«* !« nVtacflbad « followa: s tee led *ef ,„ » ^UA u * - A _ _ * t _ _ _ , . . . t . . . u* l ^ ^ M f t T S r e n Rogoza Everyone is urged to turn out

Magna cum laude, and vote for the candidat of your

therein described as , PARCEtNO

.All those tracts p t . land sitfw** h» * e Vi«ig( ... Henry, Couaty^f Essex and State of ew to)fk, bounded *nd def cribed as jfoljpwsi *

.Ail that tract or parcel of land

,. x,^r.._., T , - „ ^„ At present seven seniors are Appaiently, through some ov- society members: Karen Collier,

ers igp. on the part of Moriah Patricia Collins, Carol Genier ^ e n f t a l S c h ^ l officials, the. name Riddle, Bernadette Kudlacik, Lisa o f Ka^en C« |nt , danghter of Mr. Lacey, Diane Lahendro, and Bri- „ _, % g w r S . flarpid Grant, Moriah, an Thompson. Along with the 14 tainment, plan to attend "Salute was left off the Honor Roll of die members that were inducted, to America," Saturday evening, -*-*•-* *of the third quarter. We Moriah Central has a total of 21

important part in the program with songs that virtually consti­tute an all-time hit parade. The students will be paying tribute to famous people in the world of music, dance, sports, pioneers in new adventures, as well as his­torical names. They will ack­nowledge various states, the frontierlands, wild west, south­land, and honor those associated therewith. Members of the freshman class will be selling tickets for the event - $1.25 for adults and 50 cents for students. For an evening of family enter­

ing will be held on Tuesday, Jutie 24, at 7:30 p.m .at the school Everyone i s urged to come and take a long, hard look at your budget -- this is the meeting where your opportunity to makV cuts in the cost o f operation is provided. Speak up o n this date or - forget it!

College, Tarrytown. New York. Mrs. Rogoza w a s one of three girls graduating with

. . . - . , , . , .^-. ~,~ „ . . . ^ .„«. . honors in the sociology depart-, v , 7 - > P « 5 beginning, <*jnfaining clitticens are scheduled-to be meijh Her grandparents, Mr.

described M W ; . m * deed of 0,fl4tatres of land, more-or less;, coming off the pit at noon time, and Mrs. Joaeph-Sparacino, at-the same ftpm WiMigm D.,Mu~ and peing a portion of the Sjune' and will Keep on coming unfil 6" tended the ceremonies. Follow-hollandctaltopar^oftHefest J W f f conveyed to John F, p.m.with somebf the finest cooks ing his graduation ^om.Monah part dated September 3rd, 1943, Powell (now deceased) and Eliza, in the nbrth country keeping a Central School, het husband, Leo, and not yfeUecoMed. - *• , «beth Powell by Thomas W, Md- watchful eye On them. 'Tc~addto attended Hudson VaHey Com- v.«.*i„™in„

««Allthattrart or parcel of land Donald, as Executor of the Ust the festivities^ New York State munity College at Troy and grad- „ , „ . J f ™ r t L w « „f situate, 3n the i l l a g e of Port ^ d l andTestaments Annie I, Senator Ronald Stafford and his uatedin 1970. He also graduated pJ^'^^L^S^Jf^ Henry, Cototy of Essex and State Marron. by deed dated May,7th, wife will be present, alongVith from Hofstra University, at Sm^ZyCamSKnd^u of New Yorfe^hich was deeded 1938, and recorded in the Essex U.S. Congressman; Robert Mc-" Hempstead, New York i i 1973 S r h ! T « v i o * f t h ^ nr

UM gLiber 213 of Deeds at and Bugle Corps will also be Security and safety at Marymount ^ ^ c l ^ S ^fa^l rage aao. entertaining the guests. College, s

Being the same premises con- All proceeds from the occasipn MCS Election veyed to John Paddeau and Pat- will b e turned over t o the various The residents of Moriah

sociology from choice The annual district..meejf. are happy t o announce it now and members. Advisors are William

^ j * a . l « r w • » * » ( » » ^* » - « . » » • i r v r w W W V I ^ K ' S *

by Thomas Marroh and jwjfe to George W. Wallace June 24th, 1891, tne deed thereof being re­corded in Essex County Septem­ber 2nd. 1891, in Boo* 101 of



Office on July 28, 1972, in Book 521 of Deeds at Page 193.



KING, MURPHY & FITZSIMMONS Attorneys for Plaintiff 27 Division Street Saratoga Springs, New York

Witherbee*. surveyed in' July 1808 by D.M. Arnold and beginning at a'point in the eas|erlyjine of the premises hereby''conveyed and Dated distant 35.6 feet' northwesterly from the center of Prospect Street (Village name1 being Brook St.); thence along the said easterly line north 30 degrees west 135.6 feet; thence north 80-V4 degrees east 64.7 feet;-thence south ll-Vi degrees east 117.2 feet to the place of beginning, being a piece n i^^ - « * ^ - » - , r - . | of triangular shape" containing 0 / 0 6 / 7 1 6 / 7 / 7 / 3 / 3792 square feet more or less and BaM** rturs ; n

are part of the premises deeded BaiUQ QUG III by S.H, Witherbee and others to • % - - . , - . - , Dr\!n + Thomas Marron aforesaid June O f UWu r Villi 16th, 1888.and tecorded in the Conflnn^ ^ n , p a g e t

EssexXtounty C|erk> Office Aug- --ust 31st, 1888 in Book 95 of Deeds at Page 131.

Also-all that certain other piece of land in Pott Henry aforesaid and-consisting.of a strip 60 feet (sixty .feet) in,width and extend­ing from Brook Street, so-called,.

sled run down the side of an area' mountain site, yet to be chosen.

Board of Education, which will be held in the cafeteria of the school

Craft Hill ...The "Craft Hill Shop" is now

located in the Dr. Abare Block on Broad Street in Port Henry. Items sold at Craft Hill are handicrafted by area craftsmen.

The young lads will be practicing on Wednesday, June 25, between Stop in and look around. If you

siderations will allow "Our staff studies indicate that

93 percent of the state's 18.5 million population will be within approximately one hour traveling-time of the viewing areas."

Locations and dates included on the bafge route in our area

for.the next several years, and have been assured of a spot in the 1980 Olympic prograni.

So do yourself a favor, come, and bring the family this Sunday, Fathers Day, June 15, and have an enjoyable day, and at the same time, help the Scouts and give your support to the . efforts of these two fine organizations, who are. attempting to break down long standing barriers and work together, towards a common goal. A charge of only $2.50 per person will be made, which at today's prices is a bargain! You all come now!

P.H.F.D. to meet The Port Henry Fire Depart­

ment, will hold their regular monthly _ meeting, this Thursday evening, June 12, at the De­partment rooms, starting at 7:30 p.m. Chief Waldron has re­quested that Every member be in

the hours, of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. The term of Eugene Williams, which is for five years, is up for grabs, as Mr. Williams has de­cided not to run for re-election. As we go to press it appears that Port Henry Post Master, Pat Tom will be vying for that seat on the educational board. There is an unexpired term of Albert Koblenz for the length of two years which has to be filled at this" time. Presently it is being very well handled by the appointee, Gerald FarreU, Mineville, the same dist­rict, that Koblenz represented for so many years. FarreU is a dedicated board member who un­derstands the workings of busin­ess, having been a member of he Business Community for all of his working life, and has acted wisely on most issues being presented to the board for consideration. He has announced his candidacy and

east .dtjjmto, n% ^ownerl jjy, a i n t 5 n County, PJattsburgh, July Raines, andJknowu as the Ariel 9.n. E s ^ County, Crown Point, place and are also a part of the j ^ y 13.15. Saratoga & Wash-premises mapped in July J.868 for i n g t o n Counties, Ft. Edward, July S.H. & J,G. Witherbee as. afore- 17„i$. Schenectady County, Scot-saia % Excepting and reserving j S ( jujy 21-23; and Fulton & from the last parcel a piece of Montgomery Counties, Fonda,

V"^lTehau",7j|fyao^/fpendan-ce formis^meeting.' ttls^is beuipepp^>se^y Dongas An- *egina McCarthy and Sr. Mary

land heretofore deeded t o Thom­as Marron by George W, Wallace and wife described as follows, to wit: All that certain parcel of land

July 25-26 Selection of the stoppoing sites

was made after staff meetings - _ with local Bicentennial represen-

lying in Lot No f JL1 of; the lands of tatives. In order to be considered S.H, At J,G. "^Vitherbee formerly a s stopping sites, locations must as subdivided by survey of Arnold b e c a p a b l e 0f accommodating a M J ^ - ^ M H S S *at heretoforereferredto^ Beginning 250 foSt barge and offer eight feet d n i S wfll b l held ta ni at a point in t W n t e r 0f Brook o £ w a t e r d e p t h . The announced dmner will b e held in hi. St. distant 15.9 feet westerly from nute ls tentative, pending local the east line of lot No, 11 and being the S.E. corner of lot deeded "to -Wallace and wife aforesaid by Thomas Marron and wife by deed dated October 6th, 1888; thence south 80-Vi degrees west 17 feet; thence north 11-Vi degrees, west 10.8 feet; thence south 40 degrees east 35.6 feet to

acceptance of the program and endorsement of a series of com­munity requirements designed to assure the safety of the vessel and the comfort of visitors both on board and in the area adjacent to the barge stopping site..

Locally-arranged Bicentennial festivals will take place in con*

the place of beginrjing, containing junction with each barge stop, a piece of land of triangular shape Communities designated as stop-261 square feet more or-less, pmg sites have been asked: to

Also expecting and reserving respond to the ommission with a any-iron ore-and minerals as festival proposal by Aug. 1,1975; excepted and reserved by S.H. & The current barge route, will be J.G.JWHherbee from their grant- finalized after proposals are re-ees. r ' * ceived.

Being the s a m e premises con- The barge willofferover 10,000 veyed to John paddeau and Pat- square feet o f exhibit space, ricia Havard-Paddeau-fay-deed-^xhibi t s on board the two-level dated April 10 , 1972, and re- deck of the vessel will depict New corded in t h e Essex County York and the life o f flew Yorkers Qerk's Office on May 19,1972>ht at t h e t ime of the American Revo-Book 516 of D e e d s at JPage 1 2 1 . Jution. The b a r g e exhibits are

* PARCEL NO-2 J ,', being designed by Johnson Hehr, All that piece- or parcel of land Nehin of Buffajo. Ifaecfor of the

situate in the Viflage t>f>Porf barge proiect is Philip Johnson.

l ©ILIO!E Blotter

< Police action las t week Included the investigation of the reported theftofa'21-inch Panasonic television set from the High School. A s reported b y principal John Herbert) the serial number of t h e se t i s , CTTFS266\ It i s believed thaf the-set Was stolen s o m e t i m e i n March or April.,

Police are a l so currently investigating the explosion and s u b s e - ' quent fire on the But** property on t a k e George Avenue. Ticon­deroga police are working in conjunctibn with the State B.C.I, in this mvestigatipn. '* . v - '

Officers Allen W Peters issued a speeding ticket tcv Joseph l a S o s e o f Chttooneau Road for speeding on Lord Howe Street o n June S, The ticket w a s isaued on J u n e 6, at HM5 p.m. after police officers had received a complaint about above mentioned and h i s speeding* - • , . ' , «

On June 5> OnScer°Cross investigated the reported vandalism at the rest room at the ferry landing site t ? ; 2 0 p . m . Three windows and screens, two door screens and an outside light were reported

«broken there, Two rocks and One beef bottte°was found and identi­fied a* the objects used. The case is still under investigation and t h e area i s presently under surveillance.

. facer Ott investigated % report from Andrew Powvoraflk o f Alexandria Road that two whitewall tires had been stolen from hut garage, on June 3 , at 2:50 p .m. Powvorznik reports that the tires

^«tt*:si«eVl95j£l4.-, Si«iT**JiW''«l»'"^8^; •;',.'.,• "Vr

O f & w O t t investigated the' reported theft of fourteen 8-track ! tape* from t lw car of Janies Carmody Oh J«»*e 3 , 1 9 7 5 , a t 9 ; 4 5 p . m . 4The Carmody car was parked in t h e Doctor's parking lot at m e *(Jbses LudingtoB Hospital wheti the theft reported ly .o^rred , <

important' (O- You and to'Your Department. Plan now to be on hand!

Anniversary Time Tomorrow, Wednesday, June

11, 1975, Msgr. Noel V. Zim­merman, pastor of St. Patrick's Church in Port Henry will cele­brate his 40th jubilee in the Priesthood. The event will be celebrated with a Mass , open to the public, at 4 p . m . in St. Patrick's Church in Port Henry.

6 p .m. a his honor at

the Knights of Columbus Home in Port Henry. Everyone in the community i s invited to attend and the price of admission will be a covered dish of your choice, At present over/ 200 have signified that they will b e on hand foRthe auspicious occasion. If yousj|taye not been contacted, or. if yoti are just hearingrvabotitit, c o m e any­way -r everyone i s , w e l c o m e . . Bring youfiself ^ d y o u r

•son, Moriah.' This in itself, is not according to me intent of the boards that originally formed the present district, as it breaks the "Gentlemen's Agreement" that was agreed on, which states that persons from the existing dis­tricts, at the time the new district was formed, shall oppose individ­uals from within that district alone, and each district shall maintain their own representa­tives. Up until now, this stipula­tion has been honored. FarreU is in the Mineville District and Anson in the Moriah District. This agreement had much to do with the formation of the new District in the first place (1 hap­pen to know, as I was a member of one of these Boards that took action.)

Another post up for election is that of board member and clerk of the board; Margaret Kolodzy, of Moriah, who has done much to guide the Workings of the present board. She has given unselfishly

extend our congratulations! Engagement Announced

' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neaves of Moriah, wish to announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Rob­in to John Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carpenter, Port Henry. Robin graduated from Plattsburgh State University Col­lege with a BA degree in History, with the class of 1975. Mr. Carpenter received his BA in History from the same college with the class of 1974. He is now employed by the U.S. Postal Service at Falls Church, Virginia. Both are Moriah Central School graduates also. A wedding date of Sept. 13 has been set.

Honor Society On Thursday evening, May 29,

the National Honor Society of Moriah Central School held its annual induction of provisional members into full membership in the society. The induction was held in the school auditorium with many parents and friends in at­tendance. Msgr. Noel Zimmer­man was guest speaker.

Those inducted were: Martina Bezon, Jean Garvey, Joseph Har-vish, Debra King, Patricia King, Frederick LaVallie, Kathie Mc-Ginness, Kevin Murdock, Cheryl Myers, Jeanne Nels, Jeffrey Ow­en, Mary Simpson, Wendy Sleeper Genier, and Carole Stone. These students have maintained an average of 87.5 or more through high school and have been recommended by the faculty council on the basis of character scholarship, leadership and ser­vice.

As president of the National Honor Society, Bernadette Kud­lacik announced that four present sophomores, and one junior will be taken into provisional mem­bership in the society. These stu­dents are: Susan Cadmus, Tam-mie Gonyea, June Pattison, Mar-


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would like to be a member, either stop in and sign up or drop a note to Craft Hill. Box 193, Port Henry.

SSJ's Celebrate Seven Sisters of the Order of

St. Joseph celebrated their jubil­ees on May 31, at the Mother-house of the Order in Watertown. Those who celebrated their Gold­en Jubilee were: Sr. Mary Eugenia Maurer; Sr. Mary Hor-tense Cavanaugh, Both members of the faculty of Mater Dei Col­lege at Ogdensburg. Sr. Mary Isabelle Moore and Sr. Mary Adelaide Mason, both stationed at the Motherhouse. (Sr. Ade­laide was a long-time resident at Port Henry, and has many friends in the area.) Three members of the Order celebrated their Silver Anniversary. They were Sr. Mary William Argy, of the Diocesan Education Department; Sr. Mary

Catherine Laboure Goodbout both are instructors at St. Josephs School in Massena. A concele-

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Brennan and Mrs. June G. Tur. MCS Comer

By France Turgeon 1975-76 Football and Basketball Cheerleaders.

On Monday, June 2, the 1975-1976 cheerleaders were picked. Tryouts numbered some 50 - 60 girls from grades 8 thru 11. This year things will be a little dif­ferent as the varsity cheerleaders will also be attending the football games to cheer the players onto die field. The following are those picked for MCS' next year of sports are:

Varsity; Juliet Firlik, Lee Dav­is, Jennifer Firlik, June Pattison, Kathy Karkoski, Sally Spechock, Sue Cutting, Dianne Wojcik, Jean Pattison, with Shelley Hammond and Sheila LaMour as subs. Junior varsity cheerleaders are; Kathy Gilbo, Val Stevenson, Candy Jaquish, Wendy Dewyea, Colleen Harland, Kathy Wheel-ock, Janie McGinness, Alice Bry­ant with Tammi Veneto, Toni Waldron and Stacey Gilbo as subs. Freshmen Class

The Freshman Class of the Moriah Central School will spon­sor "Salute to America" on Saturday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. The dance recital will be a preview of the Bicen­tennial year of 1976. It will cover the years 1775 to the present time. Nostalgia will play an

June 14. Band

On Saturday, June 14, the MCS Band will host the 1975 Fort Ti­conderoga Flag Ceremonies in Ticonderoga, New York. Partici­pants will include the Moriah Jr./Sr. Bands. Take Pride in America, see the Fort Ticonder­oga Flag Ceremonies.

A great Marathon Sale is start­ing at Oswald Ford, Danne-mora, accord­ing to Jim Towne. This Ford agency will be open 24 hours a day for 7 days commencing this Saturday. Bargains galore for both new and used cars with prices so low Oswald Ford plans to sell 77 cars in one week. Call me for details at 597-3747.

Oswald Ford Dannemora will be open for browsing this Sunday June 15, re­ports Jim Towne. Car owners may see the great­est selection of new and used cars In the entire North Country - some 250 vehicles - and at the same time enjoy free hotdogs, free Coke, free popcorn, and free balloons. Two Marathon clowns will also be on hand to entertain.

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