james madison. war hawks $, land – southerners wanted florida, westerners wanted canada while...

James Madison

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Page 1: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

James Madison

Page 2: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

War Hawks

• $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada

• While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Page 3: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

I. War of 1812A. Causes:

1- Madison claimed GB was hostile to USA:a. Impressment of American ships/sailors

b. Northwest Territory’s Native Americans were being furnished weapons by the British to use on Americans

c. Spanish (allies of GB) allowed run away slave haven in Florida and the threat that GB would attack the USA from Florida

d. American embargo hurt GB’s food supply and war with France made GB desperate

Page 4: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

B. Concerns:

• 1-USA was militarily weak and

unprepared and had to use privateers

• 2-War hawks pushed for war with GB and wanted to push them

out of Canada

• 3-The USA tried to attack Canada from

Detroit, Fort Niagara, and Lake Champlain

and• all three campaigns

failed (lost forts Michilmackinac,

Detroit, and Dearborn)

Page 5: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Oliver Hazard Perry

• Ordered to take control of Lake Erie, but when he got there, no boats

• Had to build his fleet (9 ships) using barns and anything else

Page 6: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Amazing Perry!

Moved ships overland around Niagara Falls to attack British war ships on Lake Erie in 1813

Page 7: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Hero Commodore PerryIn 1813 and forced the British out of Fort Detroit

After his ship was destroyed, he rowed to Niagra and won the battle

Page 8: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

• In winning the battle, Perry secured control of the entire Great Lakes region with stories of his death defying courage, and leadership. The significance of the victory went beyond American shores. Never before had Britain lost an entire fleet in battle! When Britain lost Lake Erie her “World Crown” came tumbling down. “Britannia ruled the waves”… no more.

Page 9: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

His Battle Flag motto: Don’t give up the ship, in honor of Lawrence who died on the


Page 10: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

• Following the triumph, Perry ferried Harrison's Army of the Northwest to Detroit where it began its advance into Canada. American victory at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813.

• Hailed as hero, Perry was promoted to captain.

• 1819: Perry becomes ill with yellow fever and dies, on August 23, his 34th birthday.

Page 11: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Oliver Hazard Perry

“I have met the enemy and they are ours” His Battle Flag motto: Don’t give up the ship, in honor of Lawrence who died on the Chesapeake.

Page 12: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

4. 1814 – British captured Washington D.C. (1,000 Am. Vs. 6,000 Br.)a. Dolly Madison save important papers and GW portraitb. Capital and Pres. House burned: later had to paint it

white to cover the scorch and called it the “White House”

Page 13: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

5. Bombardment of Fort McHenry, Baltimore inspired

F.S. Key to write the nation’s anthem

“Star Spangle Banner”

Page 14: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

C. Dec. 24, 1814, Treaty of Ghent 1- Was to end the fighting. No one won or lost, but the USA

gained the world’s respect, a sense of patriotism, and national identity

2. January 1815 - Battle of New Orleansa. 8,000 British troops attack at New Orleans to close off the

Mississippib. Andrew Jackson, “Old Hickory,” positioned Americans

behind cotton bales to stop the Britishc. 2,000 British killed and 20 American casualties

Page 15: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Nothing lost, nothing gained

Page 16: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Old Ironsides and Hickory

Page 17: James Madison. War Hawks $, Land – Southerners wanted Florida, Westerners wanted Canada While England was busy with Napoleon in Europe, take Canada

Nationalism – Pride in being American!