jan. 5 duty roster welcome to our club! service above self

Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self We meet Thursdays at 12:00 PM New Location: Rodeway Inn 1701 North Lake Avenue Estes Park, CO 80517 United States District Site Venue Map What’s Your Plan? Advance directives and why they're important This week's program will feature Mindy Rickard, Larimer Advance Care Plan Team Lead. She will discuss “What’s Your Plan? How can you have a say in your end-of- life care?" Her presentation will cover such questions as: Who would make your medical decisions if you were unable to speak for yourself? Mindy Rickard "Learn how to put a plan in writing and to effectively communicate your plan with your loved ones and the medical community," Rickard said. The Larimer Advance Care Planning Team can guide individuals 18 years and older at no cost in the process of completing their advance directives. Posted by Rita DuChateau Jan. 5 Duty Roster Invocation: Kerrie Hill Song & Pledge: Dave Evans Guest Intro: Mike Connelly Scribe: Pete Sumey Greeter: TBD Program Intro: Rick Taylor Jan. 12 Invocation: Larry Williams Song & Pledge: Dave Evans Guest Intro: Chip Sproul Scribe: Kerrie Hill

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Page 1: Jan. 5 Duty Roster Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self

Welcome to our Club!

Service Above SelfWe meet Thursdays at 12:00 PMNew Location: Rodeway Inn1701 North Lake AvenueEstes Park, CO 80517 United States

District Site Venue Map

What’s Your Plan? Advance directives and whythey're important

This week's program will feature Mindy Rickard, Larimer Advance Care Plan TeamLead. She will discuss “What’s Your Plan? How can you have a say in your end-of-life care?" Her presentation will cover such questions as: Who would make yourmedical decisions if you were unable to speak for yourself?

Mindy Rickard "Learn how to put a plan in writing and to effectively communicate your plan withyour loved ones and the medical community," Rickard said. The Larimer Advance Care Planning Team can guide individuals 18 years andolder at no cost in the process of completing their advance directives.

Posted by Rita DuChateau

Jan. 5 Duty Roster Invocation: Kerrie Hill Song & Pledge: Dave Evans Guest Intro: Mike Connelly Scribe: Pete Sumey Greeter: TBD Program Intro: Rick Taylor

Jan. 12 Invocation: Larry Williams Song & Pledge: Dave Evans Guest Intro: Chip Sproul Scribe: Kerrie Hill

Page 2: Jan. 5 Duty Roster Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self

Holiday Cheer - Rotary Style! Greeter: TBD Program Intro: Claudine Perrault

Upcoming Events

Club Board MeetingWasson Room, LibraryJan 03, 2017 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Duck Race Committee MeetingNicky's RestaurantJan 12, 2017 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Foundation Board MeetingComfort InnJan 19, 2017 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM


Jan 05, 2017Mindy Rickard"What's Your Plan"

Jan 12, 2017Estes Valley Fire District ChiefDavid WolfWhat is my role in fire prevention?

Jan 26, 2017Committee ChairpersonsRoll up your sleeves and get towork!

View entire list

Executives & Directors

PresidentThor Homme President ElectKathy Groesbeck TreasurerLongley Parker Secretary

Page 3: Jan. 5 Duty Roster Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self

Posted by Rita DuChateau

Dec. 22 meeting notes

President Thor Homme called the meeting to order at noon. Tara Moenning gavethe invocation, Dave Evans led us in song and pledge, and Phil Moenning presidedover the introduction of many guests and visiting Rotarians. Scott Thompsonshared a Christmas story.


President Thor asked Rotarians to to show their gratitude for the RodewayInn staff when the tip jar comes around.There will be no meeting on Dec. 29.Scott Thompson will lead the Jan. 5 meeting, as Thor will be out of town.Roger and Verlene Thorp’s anniversary open house begins at 2 p.m. today.Bob Brunson is back in the hospital and hoping to be back home soon.

Happy Money

Sue Fereday was surprised and happy that her daughter-in-law is pregnant.Randy Skeie was happy that his daughter Lori and wife Verjean werejoining us today.Jack Overly was happy to share the news that Mary’s tests came back “allclear.”Pete Sumey was happy for Mary Overly and for Sue Fereday.Jack Dinsmoor was happy to return to the club he joined 23 years ago andpledged to bring John Sypher back as well.Visiting Rotarian Richard Kimple was happy that his Ellinwood, KansasRotary Club exceeded its fundraising goal for a splash pad project, withthanks to our club members for donations.Wayne Newsom said he was happy for Rob Ludlum, who alwayscontributes to Happy Money.Trudy Collar said she has taken a work leave of absence until April, and herfirst order of business will be to help her daughter settle into a new job inAustralia.Anne Slack was happy for the Salvation Army Bell Ringers and asked for

Rita DuChateau Sergeant-at-ArmsRandy Skeie Past PresidentPete Sumey Club AdministrationKarol Rinehart Community ServiceRoger Thorp Fund DevelopmentKathy Groesbeck International ServiceDave Evans MembershipScott Thompson Youth/New Generation ServicesDmitri Galcovski

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Join Date

Ward NelsonJanuary 7, 20107 years Bill SmithJanuary 8, 198730 years Bruce BrownJanuary 8, 200413 years Wayne NewsomJanuary 10, 198037 years Kerrie HillJanuary 14, 199918 years Pete SumeyJanuary 14, 200413 years Gene OjaJanuary 19, 1989

Page 4: Jan. 5 Duty Roster Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self

volunteers to help her husband Gordon fill out his duty roster.Thor Homme was happy to see Pete and Lois enjoying the celebration.


Brad Rosenbaum introduced his guest and one of today’s musical entertainers, WillThomas. Will played several pieces on mandolin. Pete Sumey and Dave Evansthen led carols, accompanied on keyboard by guest Tim McLemore. Pete and Daveadded three new tongue-twisting verses to “Deck the Halls,” courtesy of Pogo thePossum. They also sang while club members passed the poinsettias around eachtable until winners were determined.


Thor thanked Karol Rinehart for facilitating the party, the Sinnotts for the poinsettiasand the Overlys for the roses. Thor ended the meeting with The Four-Way Test andChristmas wishes.

Submitted by Rita DuChateau, scribe

Rotary Quote of the Week

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new yearfind you a better man." - Benjamin Franklin, 1755

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Bulletin EditorRita DuChateau(If you have any comments or questions, please contact the editor)

28 years Jeff LiddleJanuary 24, 20134 years Rick TaylorJanuary 24, 20134 years

Rotary Club of Estes Park Welcomes You!

Visit our web page at: www.clubrunner.ca/estesparkLike us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/estesparkrotary

Page 5: Jan. 5 Duty Roster Welcome to our Club! Service Above Self