january issue 6

January 2013 Issue #6 Is WICCA a REAL Religion? The Spirit of the Wolf and the Raven Capricorn: Get to know the Goat Ritual Etiquette for the Kids OUT with the OLD & IN with the NEW Clean your Spiritual House for the New Year

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Spells, Rituals and News about everyday living for the Pagan, Witch, Wiccan and spiritualist in us all


Page 1: January issue 6

January 2013

Issue #6


REAL Religion?

The Spirit of the Wolf and the Raven

Capricorn: Get to know the Goat

Ritual Etiquette

for the Kids

OUT with the OLD

& IN with the NEW

Clean your Spiritual House for the New Year

Page 2: January issue 6

Harmony Hearth Brooms And

Faancy Hats

Handmade Witch Hats Time to conjure up a new

look for the stylish witch

that you are! Let your

spirit take flight in one of

these handmade magical

adornments. Boost your

supernatural presence

with one of these haute


Handmade Besoms

Sacred to the Goddess

and the God.

Represents the

Element of Water.

The Broom or Besom

is a purifying and

protective instrument,

used to cleanse the

area for magick or to

guard a home by

laying it across the

threshold, under the

bed, in windowsills or

on doors.

For more information and pricing please

contact Anne at

[email protected]


Page 3: January issue 6

Gensha Publishing

Maxine Byers

Lazy Witch

Gertrude Moon

Ingrid Jeffries


Loy Young

Lilli Ruby

Lady Ti-Eagle

Alena Orrison

Jamie Jensen

Maxine Byers

Jani Bass



Page 4: January issue 6


Want a Cuppa?

Moon Cookies

Am I Crazy

House Cleaning Ceremony


The Wolf Moon

The Spirit of the Wolf and the


The Moon Card

Ritual for New Beginnings

January Horoscope

Page 5: January issue 6

From the Editor

God/dess of the Month

January Calendar of


Plant / Herb of the Month

January Moon Calendar

Capricorn ~ Your Sign

CraftyWitch Book


Gem of the Month

Dear Gertrude

Pagan Parenting

January Astrology


Page 6: January issue 6


The holidays are over, the presents are

unwrapped and the tree and lights are put

away for another year. January has

always seemed a lonely month, cold and

dark it sits between the bright lights of

Yule in December and the promise of

spring in February.

In many forms of Paganism, January is

known as the Wolf Moon for during the

cold and deep snows of midwinter, the

wolf packs howled hungrily outside the

villages. It was a time to hunker down

and hold those dear to you close.

I have always liked January; I get excited

at the thought of a brand new year. The

promise of new things to come, of hope

for a brighter future, for peace and for

change on the horizon in the next twelve


Perhaps I am an eternal optimist, or

perhaps my faith in mankind isn’t totally

shattered by what I see in the world

around me. Perhaps I still have a few

naive beliefs that keep hope alive for a

future I dream of instead of the reality I

live every day of every year.

I have watched four children grow into

men and women I love and I’ve watched

them start their own families. I’ve

watched as my grandchildren came into

the world, and every birth is reason to

hope for a better tomorrow.

Birth and rebirth, whether it be another

grandchild, a new season, or a new year,

fills me with hope, happiness and the

promise of good things to come.

January is considered winter’s second

month. Sometimes called ‘The Gate of

the New Year’ and or ‘The Coming of

the Dark’.

It’s the reference to the Gate that

interests me the most. Since January

marks a New Year and many customs

celebrate the beginning of new things

then the ‘Gate’ makes sense to me.

After all, January stands for Janus, the

Roman God of Gates. He was called ‘God of the Gateways’ or ‘of the journey

or of the doorways’. He was protector of

the Gate of Heaven (which at times

symbolized the Goddess) and the Lord of

New Beginnings. He is often associated

to the Goddess Janus and or Juno.

The month of January also symbolized

many other forms of the Goddess such as

Hera, Freya, Hopi, Venus, and many


What does a Gate represent to you?

Here we are in the depth of winter—the

darkness—when the Goddess sleeps as

does the seasons and world. It was during

the Winter Solstice that she brought forth

the light…her son…the Sun– promising

that all would be reborn and would begin


So it’s fitting that January would

represent Gates, New Beginnings, New

Journeys & Doorways, don’t you think?

As we anticipate the coming year, like

the double-headed Roman god Janus, we

also reflect on the past year, drawing

lessons from its events, resolving to

make positive changes, and setting

personal targets for the New Year. In

classical times Roman citizens

exchanged strenae, gifts of well-being,

the attributes of the goddess Strenia, in

the hope that she would make the year a

sweet and fragrant one.

So use this dark and cold time to dream

of spring, to study your Craft, to make

plans for a new and plentiful New Year.

Renew your faith in the God/dess, in

mankind, in yourself.

This is what I wish for each of you; that

your hearts be filled with peace, hope,

happiness and the promise of a brighter


Happy January

Maxine Byers


Page 7: January issue 6

January 25 - Mental Day - Inspiration Today, just like the day before any Full Moon, you want to

prepare your mind to receive the Full Moon energies. That

means quieting your mind to any chatter of gloom and doom.

Inspire your mind to greatness that it can come up with a plan

to implement the intuitive impressions that you receive on the

Full Moon. If you haven't already seen the Avatar movie, I'd

encourage you to go and see it. If you have, reflect on the many

messages it had that were inspirational. Tomorrow you want to

take full advantage of the Moon Goddess's gift, providing an

opening to that psychic realm where you’re higher self-resides.

Full Wolf Moon, January 26, 08:40 pm PST

Although we receive the full impact of the Full Moon Energies

at the exact moment of the Full Moon time, the veil lifts ever so

lightly between the different dimensions for a full twenty four

hour period, twelve hours before starting at 08:40 am in the

morning of January 26, and ending at 08:40 am, on January 27.

If you are tuned in, you could receive impressions from your

loved ones that have gone on before you. Or from those in the

"death" realm that are striving to break down the barriers

between life and death in the name of freedom, much like the

Berlin Wall was broken down.

The most prized messages, no matter how fleeting, are from our

own higher self, by whatever name. Just like in the movie,

Avatar, we are the avatar for our higher self. Our goal is to

become a conscious avatar, which will allow us to become a

consistent winner in the game of life that we are now playing

with all our heart.

The Wolf Moon is occurring during Aquarius, the bringer of

freedom, the energy that Aquarius is pouring out to us.

January 27 - Mental Day - Clarity On the day after the full moon, it's a day to focus on putting

together a plan for the energies you received, put some form to

the messages. If you are a beginner or didn't prepare well so

you could receive the energies, then look at any areas of your

life where you have become trapped, no longer free. Make a

responsible plan of how to become free, without blaming and

overthrowing someone else. Be accountable for your part in any


January 30 - Emotional Day - Acceptance Today's a day to accept yourself, where you are on your journey

and with all the parts of you that are still left to balance. Then

turn your attention toward those meaningful people in your life

and accept them also. Acceptance is the forerunner to

unconditional love, to heartfelt relationships.


Start howling! The Wolf Moon begins its phase on Friday,

January 11, 2013, 12:45 pm with the New Moon. Although

you can't see the Wolf New Moon, as that's its dark moon

time, be ready for a pull on your emotions as the Earth, Moon

and Sun are in direct alignment. The more you can connect

with the most prized of all the emotions, love; the more you

can ride your emotions right into your intuition. More access

to your intuition (your physic realm) is the promise of the

Moon Goddess and the reason to fully embrace the following

seven-day magical full moon period. Three days before the

Full Wolf Moon is the time to prepare your physical body to

receive the magical moonbeam rays on the full moon. That

means focusing on the quality/virtue of self-discipline and

putting it into practice in your life. No one can tell you what

to do, the virtue is Self-Discipline, it's up to you to look at

your physical body and for one full day give attention to it,

have a full on relationship with it. You want, at the end of the

day, to feel like "Hey, I've got my body back in control and

out of any of its excesses". And if you happen to be someone

that's always in control discipline wise, maybe even

fanatically so, then move more toward balance; which usually

means introducing some fun into the discipline. You want

your body strong and in control enough, it can receive

without resistance the full moon energy.

January 24 - Emotional Day - Beauty Two days before the full moon arrives, you want to start off

the day by dressing yourself so you feel so beautiful. Adorn

yourself. After all, your body is your own unique art piece.

Show love for yourself by what you put on your body. It will

make you feel good about yourself since you took the time

and attention to beautify the outer you. Also today, connect

with your inner beauty, shine a light on all the qualities that

you have developed that help you express your love more in

the world to others.

Then radiate this inner and outer beauty through a smile.

Swerve out of the way today of any ugly relationship dramas;

just don't be available. Remind yourself that today is the

second day before the full moon, a day to prepare your

emotions so you can receive the wonder, the magic of the

Moon Goddess's rays.

January 25 - Mental Day - Inspiration Today, just like the day before any Full Moon, you want to

prepare your mind to receive the Full Moon energies. That

means quieting your mind to any chatter of gloom and doom.

Page 8: January issue 6

The Spirit of the

Wolf and Raven

During Wolf Moon

~ by Lillie Ruby

The time of the Wolf Moon is upon us. It is the time of

communication and guidance and tapping into the Spirit of the

Wolf. A tradition from generations of Native Cultures, Wolf

Moon is the time of listening in the still cold air to the wolves

and bitter winter winds howling at the door. In the quiet still that

winter brings, it is the month to develop your intuition and

spiritual guidance by embracing the Spirit of the Wolf.

The Spirit of the Wolf is the pathfinder and guide who walk

with the spiritual guidance of the Raven. Wolf and Raven work

in synergy connecting the Earth and the Heavens. When a wolf

totem is present, your teachings and intuition will come from the

Earth. When a raven totem is present, your teachings are

spiritually sent from the unseen planes. Together they link in

harmony to guide and nurture. They are not enemies, but

partners in life.

Wolf Spirits are nurturing and will help you build strong family

relationships. Folklore is filled with stories of lost children,

particularly twins, raised by wolves. In these tales feeding a set

of twins by the wolf metaphorically refers to nurturing and

balancing the two sides of man.

Join with the Spirit of the Wolf during your January rituals. Call

upon him when working on boundary issues about authority and

democracy. His love of ritualistic behavior will help you

establish order and harmony in your life and family.

Wolf Spirit Medicine teaches loyalty and affection. If you call

upon a wolf as a ritual companion, know that you both have

chosen and he will be with you for a lifetime. With the Wolf

comes The Spirit of the Raven. The Raven is a Spiritual

Messenger. His information feeds the soul.

This powerful totem is a natural information gather and teacher,

so it should be your choice it you need to work on your

communication. Wolves travel great distances to gather

information and then return to the Wolf Pack to share. They will

teach you about reading body language.

The howl of the wolf calls out to the heavens and can help you

empower your manifestation sessions through singing, chanting

and toning. Listen carefully as this totem does and your intuition

will grow.

Wolf will guard for you safety while it teaches you. You will

know when the Spirit of the Wolf is around. You will feel its

intense direct stare of communication. You will hear its howls

and feel it settle at your feet providing strength, protection, and


A Fifth Generation Psychic, LILLIE RUBY has been a Professional

Energy Channel and Clairvoyant for the past 3 decades. For more

information go to: http://prairiespirit.webs.com



Page 9: January issue 6

I was riding my Harley in Colorado, following my new friend from Cortez to Grand Junction. We were going through a canyon, and unfortunately I don't remember the name. Anyway, following my friend at 65 mph or so, I "heard" someone calling me. I looked around the area, as well as I could while riding my bike on a winding road, and spotted a huge rock cliff. I acknowledged him (her?) as well as I could, with the little concentration I could allow, when my friend pulled over RIGHT AT THE BASE OF THE CLIFF. I did a silent meditation, introducing myself to the rock face and although I "heard" nothing, I knew there was some level of communication happening. After maybe five minutes, I was "told" I could leave. I didn't know my new friend well, and had no desire to admit to him that I was "talking to rocks", I said nothing. BUT, as soon as the cliff "told" me that we were through, my friend asked me if I was ready to head out again. Another trip, I was passenger in another friend's car, making our way over the Sierra Nevada in California. We were going over the Sonora Pass, when I "heard" someone calling to me. I saw a huge rock face and knew he (she) was the one calling to me. I was the passenger, as I said, and couldn't say anything to my friend that I'd never had any sort of "metaphysical" conversation with. Less than a minute later, my friend asked me if I needed to use the restroom, there was a rest area ahead. "Sure", I said, thinking I could find out what my new acquaintance had to say. Along the trail leading to the lookout area, I spotted a rock that was perfect to perch on and would have some undisturbed time to communicate. Again, after a few minutes, I was told that we were finished, and I could leave. AGAIN, my friend that was driving the car showed up nearly immediately and asked if I was ready to leave. Unfortunately, in neither of these conversations, did I come out with any conscious recollection of what was said, but I was sure that I'd made an incredibly important connection. I've been attracted to Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevada in California, since I was very young. I was actually more than attracted; it was more of a fascination. I had the opportunity to walk to the top, 10.5 mi. one way, to 14,500', TWICE! Both times I had the feeling that I was walking into Sacred Space. People I would meet on the trail were extremely friendly. It seems others had the same feeling (that they were in sacred space), even if it wasn't conscious. I've done many miles, hiking in the Eastern Sierra, and usually people are very stand-offish, and give the reaction that they're not happy that they have to share the out-of-doors experience with anyone else. On the Whitney trail, people would actually stop and talk to each other, asking if they were headed to the summit and wishing them luck. If they were headed


Am I CRAZY ??? By Lady Ti-Eagle

Temple of Wiracocha, Raqchi, Cusco Region, Peru

down the trail, they were congratulated for making it to the top. The mountain, "SHE", is Majestic! and people just FEEL it. Ok, how do I know she is a "she"? I had ridden my Harley to the base of Mt. Whitney to visit the area and to reconnect with the awesome energies. After my visit, I was riding on the highway to cross the mountains on the other side of the valley, I said "goodbye Mount Whitney". Suddenly it dawned on me that the name Mount Whitney just didn't fit. So, at 70 mph on a motorcycle, I said "MOUNT WHITNEY? MOUNT WHITNEY? That's not your name. What is your name?" "WILLOW" was the reply. "Willow? Why Willow??????" That just seemed ridiculous for an awesomely majestic rock cliff that is the highest point in the contiguous U.S. and just feels MAGICAL. Well, I guess she has a bit of an attitude about her choice of names, because her reply was (a very SNARKEY) "Because I LIKE it!” Needless to say, I greet "Willow" each time I'm in the area. I had a trip planned to go to Peru, and to visit Machu Picchu. I stopped in a local library to look at any book on Peru, as I had never been to South America. I opened the first book I found on Peru, and the first picture I saw was of a rock face, not as artistic, but as clear as the faces on Mt. Rushmore. I was in a hurry so I didn't read about it, but for some reason, it stuck in my mind. I went back to the same library, I found what I had thought was the same book, but couldn't find the same picture. Oh well, guess I was mistaken. So,,,,,,,, off to Peru. I hadn't remembered the face, as I had no idea where it was, so it was no longer important.

The lady I was traveling with had been to Peru a couple of years prior, and knew a bit of what was important to see. She insisted on going to the Sacred Valley. We took a day-tour to the upper end of the Valley, to an archaeological site, Ollantaytambo. On the other side of the valley, I saw the face! It was the same face I'd seen in the book in the library! It was AMAZING! According to the locals, this face is natural. This guy, Wiracochan, was the messenger of Viracocha, the creator god of the pre-Inca. I knew I was in the company of someone SACRED, so, standing on a bridge over a small river, I greeted him and identified myself. In a rich, deep, amazing voice, I HEARD "Hello Little One". Needless to say, I nearly fell off the bridge!

How amazing is this wonderful planet. There are magical places, and "power spots" in unexpected places. More stories to share. Watch for me and keep your ears, eyes and MIND open!

Love and Light Lady Ti-Eagle

Page 10: January issue 6

Goddess of the Month


Recently I've been asked, "What God

or Goddess should I call on for help

with . . . ". Well, the ". . . " stands for

dozens of different need that

individuals have from money or good

fortune to getting a rock out of their

shoe. Though I've studied a great deal,

there are hundreds of gods and

goddesses who offer help and guidance

for all kinds of situations. The other

challenge I run into is what pantheon

or group of gods/goddesses does an

individual work with. Again, there are

hundreds!!! Because of these two

needs that many Wiccans and Pagans

have particularly with they are starting

down a new path, I'm going to begin

focusing on the "Action or Need" and

then select four or five gods/goddesses

that can assist in what an individual

may need.

One very important thing to remember

when selecting and working with any

goddess or god. You need to build up a

relationship with a deity before asking

for their assistance. Also you may find

one deity easier to talk to or follow that

another. I may prefer one goddess

while you prefer another one for the

same purpose. That's fine. It's just

important that you have built a

relationship (this is done through

studying that deity, doing ritual to the

deity and sitting with the deity while

having a discussion). If, after building

a relationship, you feel the deity has

reached out to you, it is time to ask the

deity for their assistance. If it doesn't

"feel good", don't ask. Move on to

another deity. I must admit that this is

why I have chosen to use the Earth

Goddess and the Sun God, which

pretty well covers most probably

situations. This is my remedy and good

for me. You may well come up with a

different solution.



Usually Change and Renewal are

though about in the Springtime,

however, as we are just passing the

Celebration of the New Year, I thought

it would be a good place to start.

Change and Renewal, two conditions

most people think about at as the New

Year begins. We often want to lose

weight, get a new job or home, develop

better relationships with family

members and others in our normal

sphere of movement. Here are a few

deities you might wish to read up on as

they all have something to do with

Change and Renewal, though that's not

all they do!!

The "Changing Woman" ~ Also known

as Estsanatlehi or Turquoise Woman is

one of the Native American Goddesses

of Change. Found in the Apache and

Navajo Traditions and teaches us to

honor all nature cycles within and

around us. She is called the Changing

Woman because of her support in

following one's own path and accepting

the changes within it. Estsanatlehi is the

Wife of the Sun.



Wonderful "Hera", the most beautiful of

all the Greek Goddesses and wife of the

most notorious playboy of all the Greek

Gods, Zeus, is the goddess of Women,

Marriage and Birth. She represents

renewal and fertility and is the Guardian

of Unions between two people. Call on

Hera for New Beginnings and

Possibilities. If you prefer to call upon

her by her Roman name, it is "Juno".

When asked, she will bring love into

your life! She worked at it long




"Psyche" is another Greek Goddess and

takes care of one's Soul focusing upon

supporting those desiring self-discovery

and personal growth. Psyche shows you

the path to Integrate all of your

experiences into your being and ways to

turn them into positive changes and

growth. An important goddess for

students and those making big

advancements in their lives.



Egyptian Goddess "Repent", the

Mistress of Eternity who is associated

with Spring, youth and renewal.


One of the strongest and most potent

goddesses to call upon is the Hindu

Goddess of Time and Change, "Kali".

She is extremely strong and one must

practice very precise language with Kali as

She will talk you at your word and totally

shake up your world, turning it upside

down and inside out in about as much time

as it takes to shake a blanket!!! She is

powerful, quick, sometimes violent and

dark in her actions. A good Goddess to get

to know BUT call upon her gently and with

great caution until you get to know and

understand her. (http://www.wikipedia/)

Of course, if you are in a bind and need to

call upon a goddess for quick support, you

can ask assistance of most any of the Crone

Goddesses, particularly "Hecate". They

usually have plenty of time to help you

make your transitions from one thing to

another and are usually very patient and

understanding. I have found them

remarkable confident ants, particularly

since then never tell your secrets!!!

Take a few minutes to look these ladies up

and get to know them so when you need

some assistance with changes in your life,

they will be ready and waiting for you

when you need them!!

Many Blessings

~ LazyWitch

Page 11: January issue 6



The Moon Card in the Rider Waite Smith

Deck of Tarot Cards

Appearance of the Moon Card In the Moon card in the Rider Waite

Smith deck of Tarot Cards you can see a

dog and wolf howling and baying at a

moon. This is outside at night, although

there seems to be quite a lot of light in

the picture. There is a Scorpion climbing

out of the water. You can see two stone

pillars and a pathway leading up into the

distant mountains beyond.

Symbols in the Moon Card There are two faces showing on the

Moon, so it is an indication that there are

at least two sides to any matter. There is a

lot of blue (water) symbolizing emotions

and matters of the heart and the secret,

inner self.

The Moon is often associated with the

Water sign Cancer, which is the sign of

motherhood. The Moon is the symbol for

women and is a strong force in the female

monthly cycle.

For men and women it is about your

feminine side, needs, emotions and

instinctive reactions.

The Moon can be that almost surreal

place between waking and sleeping

and it can sometimes be quite

difficult to tell what is real and what

is your imagination.

The Pillars are often considered to be

the other side of the pillars in the

High Priestess card, so instead of

being on the outside, (in the waking,

conscious mind) and looking towards

the inside (the unconscious, dream-

like) mind as you are in High

Priestess Card, with the Moon Card

you are trying to make that

connection from the inner, dream-like

world to the outer waking world.

The Moon Card Upright This card symbolizes Intuition,

psychic matters and dreams, possible

deceit and misunderstandings, maybe

a need to clarify matters, especially in


This is especially important if this

card appears in readings relating to

legal or official matters.

It can also be a card of self-delusion,

unrealistic expectations and a

tendency to see things through rose-

tinted spectacles.

It may be that you have lost your way

and are wandering rather aimlessly.

The Moon also brings the promise of

the unknown and this can be a

frightening thought.

The night-time is a time of darkness

and a time when our fears and

anxieties come out to haunt us. It can

also be a time to see things in a totally

different light, as things look very

different by night than they do by day.

This card may also be to do with

imagination and creativity. It can also be

inspiring and enchanting and hold the

promise that everything your heart

desires can be yours.

The Moon Card Reversed The Moon card in the Reversed Position

indicates someone who is quite

disconnected from the physical world.

They may spend a lot of time in an

almost dream-like state, perhaps a lot of

time meditating and very little time on

practical action. Dreams may be quite

dramatic and disturbing and some of the

intuitive insights or premonitions may be

quite frightening.

~ Amanda Goldston

Article Source:


Amanda Goldston is a Tarot Author and

Coach, with over 16 years’ experience of

reading tarot cards. Through her online

and offline courses, books and programs,

she shows people how to read tarot cards

in order to develop Intuition and

Creativity understand themselves and

others and develop empowered decision-

making skills.

She is the author of "Develop Your

Intuition through Tarot."

For all of Amanda's products and

services, as well as a free Tarot Card of

the Day Reading please visit


Page 12: January issue 6


JAN 1st - HAPPY NEW YEAR - Many blessings of the New Calendar Season! May all your Wishes and Desires come true!

JAN 9th - Wednesday - WEATHER PERMITTING ~ Daytime Gathering in Rathdrum at our Gathering Place. Time: 11:30am - about 2:30pm. Bring a luncheon dish to share. We will be working on "Crocheting a Spell" so bring some thread or yarn and a crochet hook or two. If you don't know how, we have an excellent teacher who will be on hand to help us and discussing Magickal things!! We will also be discussing our Spring New Age Bazaar. Hope you will attend! Contact Janie for directions - 208-964-4396.

JAN 10th - DARK OF THE MOON - Good night to do decreasing, banishing and elimination spells and prayers. Particularly good for Crone Magick.

JAN 11TH - NEW MOON - Good night for New Beginning spells and prayers. Particularly good for Maiden Magick.

JAN 23rd - Wednesday - WEATHER PERMITTING ~ Evening Gathering in Spirit Lake at our Gathering Place. Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm. Bring a dinner dish to share. We will be learning how to make beaded Pentacles and Trees of Life so bring all those seed beads you've been collecting and beading wire (a really good replacement is florist wire from Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. It's very inexpensive and works very well). We'll be discussing Magickal things and working on the plans for the Bazaar. Contact Janie for directions.

JAN 26th - FULL MOON – (Wolf Moon) - Best night for POSITIVE spells and prayers. Particularly good for Mother Magick.

NOTE: Those of you in the North Idaho Area who would be interested in having a booth at

our Spring New Age Bazaar, please contact Janie at 208-964-4396.

We are looking for we are looking for Reiki and

Body Workers as well as vendors selling hand-crafted items and toys, items pertaining to New

Age Practices, New Age Books and Art, New Clothing (that would be suitable for New Age individuals [NOT USED), ceremonial items,

soaps, lotions, oils, candles, etc. Vendors will need to bring their own tables and awnings.

There will be a small space fee which will need to be paid in advance to cover rental of the

area. The more vendors the less the fee. Bazaar site is yet to be named but it will be in

Kootenai County Idaho. 12

Page 13: January issue 6





Often called a Spider Plant when a solid color and an Airplane

Plant in its variegated form, the Cholorphytum comosum is

perhaps one of the easiest house plants to grow and propagate.

These are the grassy looking plants that send of graceful stems

of whitish flowers that turn into "plantlets". These plantlets can

grow on their stems for a year or more, depending upon

growing conditions.

There are many different variations in each color grouping;

usually the differences can be seen in the width of the leaves at

the base growing area. Some are almost two inches wide while

others are almost hair fine. There is a third variation where the

white outline is a lemon color. These are hard to find and rare

and should not be confused to a plant that is having stress

problems (lack of water, lack of light, lack of humidly which all

cause yellow nasty looking leaves). There is also a new

variation where the leaves cork-screw, most interesting when it

can be found!

For magick purposes, the all green verities encourage protection

and healing whereas the white variegated kind encourages the

setting and keeping boundaries. I couldn't find any magickal

information on the yellow or the cork-screw varieties. As soon

as I can locate and buy a few plants of these types, I'll let you


Though Spider/Airplane Plants are usually considered indoor

plants, during certain times of the year (late spring and into

summer) they can be grown very successfully outdoors as long

as they receive lots and lots of water and are shaded from harsh

late morning to late afternoon sunshine and reflective light.

Strong, hot sun will rapidly kill this most forgiving plants (the

leaves are only a few cells in thick and loose moisture very

quickly so they are made for hanging baskets in trees, under

canopies, deck awnings and porch covers. In Zones 8-11 their

pots and baskets can be placed on the ground and the "plantlets"

will happily and quickly root themselves into the soil. In cooler

climates, you can do this by placing a pot/basket on top of a

larger pot or raised bed that is well protected from cool winds.

Make sure the plantlets can touch the potting soil in the larger

planting pot/bed as they will need all the time outdoors to set

the roots before coming in for the fall. They will need to be left

like this for several weeks during the spring/summer for rooting

to take place. Water both Mother plant and the soil around and

under the baby plantlets! Again, use caution with the sun and

keep humidity high!!

These wonderful plants can also be propagated by clipping the

stem of the plantlet at least half way up the stem, planting both

stem and plantlets in soil or directly in water. Be sure the

plantlets have well developed roots BEFORE clipping and

planting. A well-developed root ball/system will encourage

healthy, quick growth. You might want to allow the plantlets to

sit in water for two or three days to absorb a good about of

water prior to planting. It seems to give them a better start.

Spider/Airplane Plants LOVE being pot bound! That's when

they produce more and more plantlets. I have seen very

productive plants "climbing" out of their pots and sending off

shoot after shoot so if you do decide to repot your

Spider/Airplane Plant, go only one size up UNLESS you are

wishing to slow down the off-shoot stem growth. Gently tease

out the old soil and place new soil in the pot, gently watering

and adding new soil in as necessary. These plants don't like

being planted very deep so if you have an interesting shallow

pot (something like a fancy tulip, daffodil or amaryllis dish)

would be wonderful!

Besides their beauty, easy of growth and propagation,

Spider/Airplane Plants are regarded as marvelous air cleansers,

particularly in new homes, apartments and offices!! Be sure to

use larger, more mature plants for this. Get different variations

and place one in every room.

So medium to bright light or well filtered sun (NO HOT

DIRECT SUN), plenty of water and high humidity! That's all it

takes!!! Oh, and by the way, Spider/Airplane Plants are

considered nontoxic so they are reasonably safe around pets

BUT cats particularly like the dangling plantlets to play with,

so hang them or place them high for their protection and your

own sanity!!

Happy Growing



"Cottage Witchery", by Ellen Dugan

Page 14: January issue 6

Ritual For New Beginnings

By Ingrid Jeffries

When we want to make changes and new beginnings in our lives we often must first make room for the new changes by releasing old habits, people or ways in which we currently

use our energy which are no longer working for us. This can be in any area of your life, so before doing this ritual, first

begin by looking at the person, job or lifestyle that you feel is hampering your efforts. Decide what you need to release

to allow change and new thoughts and attitudes to have room to root and grow in your life. Next determine where

you want to grow or change: spiritually, monetarily, emotionally, physically or intellectually. Once you know where you need to let go and what you wish to change

about your life, you will be ready to do the ritual.


Page 15: January issue 6


a crystal or shell, etc. creating a little bundle. Consecrate your request ‘bundle’ by passing it through the incense smoke or spritzing it with spring water or hold it and envisioning white light surrounding it. Saying your affirmations again, bury this wrapped crystal or shell in the earth to ground it. Affirm that the forces of heaven and earth are working together to assist in the manifestation of your request. Then voice what you want to release, that blocks you from manifesting your desire. This is your ‘Death Arrow’. Again address how this has served you and how you are now ready to be free of its limiting conditions Set it on fire (in a safe predetermined place, a fireplace or pot with a lid works well if you are indoors, a campfire or specially dug pit if you are outdoors) As it burns affirm your positive inspirations and how this ritual serves all beings by removing the blocking energies being released, not just for yourself. After the death arrow is burned, thank the divine entities that are helping you achieve your inspiration. Meditate on ‘Life Arrows’ accomplishment and feel the joy of manifesting your request. Songs or music of thanksgiving are nice. As is just drumming. Try to envision others also benefiting from the manifestation of the ‘Life Arrow’. Then dedicate the merit of your ritual for all beings. For example a simple prayer is: “Throughout my life and in this moment I dedicate the accomplishments of this ritual to be of benefit to all beings so that they too may experience increased wisdom and love, health and prosperity while sickness, famine, warfare and suffering be abolished for every being, so all beings can live in peace and harmony together. So may it be.”

In this ritual you write down what would be the most revitalizing, inspiring, beautiful thing you could manifest in one or all of these four areas: Work, health, relationship, money. This summary or list is called your Life Arrow. (Ask the Divine aspect of your inner self to help you be clear as you write your lists and perform the ritual.) Wrap this, your summary or list, around a crystal or shell or pretty rock and tie it with a green or pink ribbon or sting creating a little request ‘bundle’. Bless it and envision it happening in your life. Then on another piece of paper write down all the reasons you don't or won't do the aforementioned. Try to find the core fear or issue that blocks you from manifesting. If you feel this is related to a person or situation, you want to address why you have allowed it in your life and the purpose it has served in your growth. This is the death arrow. Sprinkle it with a little olive oil and fold it to be burned. Creating the Space for Ritual: Now create a sacred space for yourself either inside or out. Begin by purifying the area by doing one or all of the following: Creating a circle with salt Smudging* yourself and the area with a sage stick or incense, Spritzing with distilled or spring water to which the oil of sage, or frankincense, myrrh, cedar or elemi has been added. (If you don’t have the oils just water is fine.) Envisioning the area filled with a white pearlescent rainbow light Light a candle or campfire, have a picture of your favorite Deity, God/dess, Saint or inspiring individual, flowers, feathers, shells, etc. or whatever creates a sacred sense of beauty and peace for you. These should be the center focal point of this space. If you are not allergic, it is nice to keep a stick of incense burning. (The Tibetan and Indian made incense are generally the cleanest and do not create the allergic reactions that some of the cheaper grocery store varieties do.)

Instrumental music can also be a nice addition, particularly if there is a lot of background noise as in the city. The Ritual itself: Call in the Great Spirit, the God/dess or your divine self or whomever you make sacred requests to, to be present. You might even ask the devas, protectors and earth guardians, or one or several of the Archangels to be an intermediary to amplify your request. These beings of light must be ASKED for their assistance before they can help us. The Archangels associated with the signs of the Zodiac* are: Aries and Scorpio: Phaneul, Uriel, Kamael Taurus and Libra: Haniel, Anael Gemini and Virgo: Raphael Cancer: Gabriel Leo: Michael Sagittarius and Pisces: Zadkiel Capricorn and Aquarius: Cassiel, Zaphkiel *Judaism, Islam and Christianity all have different names for the same angels. Thank them for their previous help and blessings in your life. If you have a specific memory where you felt divinely aided, mention it. Ask for help manifesting whatever it is that is important to you now. Create an affirmation for your present request, for example: "Divine order and love constantly surround me.” “My heart is open to receiving" “I am manifesting _____”, (perfect health, lavish abundance, etc.) “I am at peace with my power.” Etc. Whatever feels and sounds right for you is best. Repeat this many times like a chant in order to seal this affirmation in your consciousness. (This affirmation will also help you whenever you might begin to doubt your Life Arrow manifestation at a later time, after the rituals completion, but before you experience its full manifestation in the world.) Now voice your request by repeating what you've written and wrapped around

Page 16: January issue 6

The Goat - Capricorn

December 22 to January 20

Traditional Capricorn Traits Practical and prudent

Ambitious and disciplined

Patient and careful

Humorous and reserved On the dark side....

Pessimistic and fatalistic

Miserly and grudging


Capricorn Astrology December 23 – January 20

Modality: Cardinal

Element: Earth

Ruler: Saturn

Season: Winter

10th Sign of Zodiac

Metal: Lead

Stone: Amber, Onyx

Color: Purple, Brown

Anatomy: The knee,

bones, skeleton

Keywords: tenacious,



disciplined, wise,

ambitious, prudent,


Page 17: January issue 6

The sign Capricorn is one of the most

stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal

types. These independent, rocklike

characters have many sterling qualities.

They are normally confident, strong

willed and calm. These hardworking,

unemotional, shrewd, practical,

responsible, persevering, and cautious to

the extreme persons, are capable of

persisting for as long as is necessary to

accomplish a goal they have set for

themselves. Capricorn are reliable

workers in almost any profession they

undertake. They are the major finishers of

most projects started by the 'pioneering'

signs; with firm stick-to-it-ness they

quickly become the backbone of any

company they work for.

Capricorn make of themselves,

resourceful, determined managers; setting

high standards for themselves and others.

They strive always for honesty in their

criticism of self, they respect discipline

from above and demand it from those

beneath them. In their methodical, tough,

stubborn, unyielding way, they persist

against personal hardship, putting their

families and/or their work before their

own needs and welfare to reach their

objectives long after others have given up

and fallen by the wayside. In fact when

practical ability allied with the drive of

ambition are required in employees to

make a project succeed, Capricorn are

the people to hire. They plan carefully to

fulfill their ambitions (which often

include becoming wealthy), they are

economical without meanness, and able to

achieve great results with minimum effort

and expense. Because of their organizing

ability they are able to work on several

projects simultaneously.

They have a great respect for authority

but may not, if they reach high rank, be

willing to listen to other opinions on

things they are directly responsible for.

As the ranking authority figure in a given

situation they expect their underlings to

off their cleverness by luring their

adversaries into traps and confounding

them with logic.

In their personal relationships they are

often ill-at-ease, if not downright

unhappy. They are somewhat self-

centered but not excessively so, wary and

cautious around people they do not know

very well, preferring not to meddle with

others and in turn not to allow

interference with themselves, thus they

tend to attract people who do not

understand them. Casual acquaintances

they will treat with diplomacy, tact and,

above all, reticence. They make few good

friends but are intensely loyal to those

they do make, and they can become bitter,

and powerful enemies. They sometimes

dislike the opposite sex and test the

waters of affection gingerly before

judging the temperature right for

marriage. Once married, however, they

are faithful, though inclined to jealousy.

Most Capricorns marry for life.

Their occupations can include most

professions that have to do with math or

money and they are strongly attracted to

music. They can be economists,

financiers, bankers, speculators,

contractors, managers and real estate

brokers. They excel as bureaucrats,

especially where projects demanding

long-term planning and working are

concerned, and their skill in debate and

love of dialectic make them good

politicians. They are excellent teachers,

especially as principals of educational

establishments where they have the

authority to manage and organize without

too much intimacy with the staff

members. If working with their hands,

they can become practical scientists,

engineers, farmers and builders. The wit

and flippancy which is characteristic of

certain Capricornia’s may make some

turn to entertainment as a career.

be as self-disciplined as they themselves

are, and to perform every task undertaken

to the highest standard. They are,

nevertheless, fair as well as demanding.

Among their equals they are not always

the most pleasant of work fellows for they

are reserved and too conservative, valuing

tradition more than innovation, however

valuable the latter, and they are often

humorless. There is also a tendency to

pessimism, melancholy and even

unhappiness which many Capricorn are

unable to keep to themselves, especially if

they fail personally. In the extreme this

trait can make them a very depressed

individual; ecstatic happiness alternating

with the most wretched kind of misery

which is so subconsciously buried that he

or she should seek help if such emotions

become frequent. For the above reason,

capable Capricorn should spend many

hours in meditation, gathering the

strength to control such inner emotions.

The swings in mood are not the only

reason some Capricorns deserve the

adjective based on their name -

capricious. They can be surprisingly and

suddenly witty and subtle for the quiet,

reserved individuals they seem to be, and

they also have a tendency to ruin things

by unexpected and utterly irresponsible

bouts of flippancy. In certain individuals

in whom the characteristic is strong, the

temptation to do this has to be resisted

with iron self-control. Another

unexpected quality in some Capricorn is

an interest in the occult which persists in

spite of their naturally skeptical turn of


Their intellects are sometimes very subtle.

They think profoundly and deeply,

thoroughly exploring all possibilities

before deciding on a 'safe' alternative.

They have good memories and an

insatiable yet methodical desire for

knowledge. They are rational, logical and

clearheaded, have good concentration,

delight in debate in which they can show

Capricorn! About Your Sign...


Page 18: January issue 6

The CrafTy WiTCh’s Book Review

The Small-Town Pagan's Survival Guide: How to Thrive in Any Community

By Bronwen Forbes

How many of you out there live in small towns where

you don’t have access to any pagan events, groups, or

shops? Do you know anyone else who is pagan that you

can connect with? Once you find them, how do you

connect with them? Where do you to connect when you

don’t know anyone else? How do you tell others about

your religion and/or spirituality? Bronwen Forbes has

some ideas for you!

This is a great book for everyone, whether you live in a

small town or not, whether you’re experienced or

inexperienced in your path, whether you’re a solitary

practitioner or prefer to practice with others. Forbes

offers advice on how and when to come out of the

broom closet, how to approach meeting other pagans in

your area, how to meet your pagan material needs (think

altars!) in a small town, how to connect with others

online, and how to start your own groups or covens. She

speaks from experience, having lived in both small

towns and urban areas and having started several groups

and covens over the years. She also supports her suggestions

with advice from others. She collected surveys from other

pagans living in small towns and offers their ideas as well as

her own on various topics.

I appreciated Forbes’ approach to the topics in this book.

They’ve come out of her experiences as well as others’

experiences living in small towns or making the transition to

small towns. She doesn’t offer her ideas as the “right” or

“only” way to do things, but offers them as they are,

suggestions. When she doesn’t know or isn’t sure, she will

admit it and offer the information she has, from her research

or her survey respondents. You know what else I like about

The Small-Town Pagan’s Survival Guide? It’s realistic.

Forbes doesn’t sugar-coat things: she offers the pros and

cons and lets the reader make his/her own choices. She

acknowledges the good things about starting your own

coven, but also acknowledges the challenges. I love her

down to earth attitude.


Bronwen Forbes co-founded Free Spirit Alliance and taught

at various Pagan festivals, Pride Days, and conferences

across the United States. She published fiction with

Graveyard Publishing and two nonfiction books with

Llewellyn: Make Merry in Step and Song and The Small-

Town Pagan's Survival Guide. Bronwen Forbes passed away

shortly before the publication of The Small-Town Pagan's

Survival Guide in 2011. She taught workshops at Pagan

Pride festivals, gatherings, bookstores, conferences and, most

recently, at Circle Sanctuary’s 2009 Beltane festival. Her

first book, Make Merry in Step and Song, is a collection of

the English folk dances, songs, and plays she grew up with in

Berea, Kentucky. She swears that watching a live

performance of the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance at age nine

is what marked her as Pagan. Her second book, Mint Juleps,

Mud Pie and Macbeth, is a comic novel about a mishap-

driven musical production of Shakespeare’s cursed play and

the Wiccan assistant stage manager who has to solve the



Page 20: January issue 6

Dear Gertrude

Dear Gertrude

Is Wicca a 'real' religion???? I mean, I have never been to a

wiccan church or anything. How do you know if it's a REAL


Curious & Confused

Dear Curious & Confused,

Thank you for your very good question. I also understand your


"Religion" is defined by Webster as, "The service and worship of

God or the supernatural.: commitment or devotion, religious faith

or observance.: a person, set, or institutionalized system of

religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. . . . ". According to this

definition, Wicca is indeed a religion, one that is governmentally

religion by the government of Great Britain and the United States,

just to name two countries.

Though there are a few Wiccan "Churches" or "Gathering Houses",

Wiccans celebrate holy days or Sabbats in either an already-

formed coven, a small group or as a Solitary Practitioner. As

unusual as this may sound, Wiccans are not the only religious

group that worship in this manner. There are the Native Americans

who still follow or are rebuilding their own old religions as well as

black Americans who have chosen to rebuild those religions native

to Africa. There are many religions around the world that practice

at home temples or alter where only one or two individuals worship

in the name of their personally selected divinity(s).

A little history first. What is known as "Wicca" today was

developed in England in the late 1940's and early 1950's by Gerald

Gardener (Gardner) and his group of followers. They claimed to

follow the "Old Ways" of Nature and Celtic Worship practiced by

the Ancient Witches of England. Before they could declare this

new religion and have it acknowledged by the British Government,

(which was important as practicing Witchcraft was outwardly

legally in Britain at that time) the group was required to develop

"tenants" or rules and guidelines by which this New Religion

would be instructed and accepted. After studying the tenants of the

world’s top four or five religions practiced in Great Britain at the

time, the Gardener Group came up with tenants that reflected (or

mirrored) the practices of these other religions but in words that

were mistakenly "Earthy and Ancient". Thus Wicca was born.

Wicca reached the United States in the Mid-50's and has spread

from coast to coast here as well as in most other free religious

nations around the world.

Wicca has changed over the last 50 years since its arrival from

Britain. In some cases it has focused more on the Female part of

Nature than it did originally. Also the worship of nearly all

gods/goddesses and divinities/deities is now accepted very broadly.

The mixing of one group of deities from one part of the world with

those from another is not unheard of ,as long as the main tenant

remains, Do What Ye Will, But Harm None.

For someone coming from a very structured religious background

of say Christianity, the Wiccan religion must seem almost non-

existent or, at the very least, extremely confusing. Wicca is an

honor-bound religion. There is no one looking over your shoulder

telling you right from wrong or what to think and when. We learn

that our individual personal observance of deity (Goddess and/or

God) is totally at our own discretion. We learn that our thoughts

are our own and that we have a direct link with our deity(s) that we

in some cases, keep in mind many of our early religious learning’s

(such as the 10 Commandments) as they were established as rules to

make society operate more smoothly.

Most Eclectic Wiccans borrow from many different religions, ancient

and present day, developing their own "words of wisdom" or paths to

follow. Those Wiccans who chose to follow "Traditions or Trads" are

following guidelines that have been set forth by individuals who, over

the last 50 years, established their own Wiccan ideas and rules.

Regardless of Traditional Wicca or an Eclectic path, one thought

prevails and runs through each path, "Do What Ye Will, But Harm

None." After all, what better rule could anyone carry through his or her


If you are looking at Wicca for the first time or are trying hard to decide

if you are suited to our ways, there are many books that explain how

one person or group of people see Wicca as well as many, many

websites and Facebook walls to investigate. Be of good heart ~ very,

very often one begins to read one tradition which looks really good to

them and then finds another that looks equally as good. You aren't

being fickle or wishy-washy. It's ok. Wicca is different to every person

who becomes involved with it. Our personal concepts are as many and

varied as the stars in the sky. That is part of Wicca's beauty.

Perhaps it might be easier for new individuals just to enjoy the concepts

of Nature, a power greater than ourselves at work in our lives and our

world. Allow the actual Religion of Wicca to finds its way within you.

Read what you can but allow it to play within your life and establish its

own course. It will, you know, just as sure as the trees grow leaves in

the Spring, the birds lay and hatch their chicks and the snow comes

every Winter (well, at least in snowy parts of our world). These are all

part of Nature's workings and part of the Religion of Wicca. The Love

of the Goddess and God in your life or, if you so desire, a whole group

of Gods and Goddesses to help you through each of your days. This is

your decision. There is no rush to accept or decline and what you accept

today, you can adjust your thinking on tomorrow if there is a true

necessity to do so.

One last thing to keep in mind. Should any one person or group tell you

that you MUST do something in Wicca THEIR WAY AND ONLY

THEIR WAY, and that your way is WRONG, my personal

recommendation is to run in the opposite direction. Others Wiccans will

tell you to just be very careful of them as they may not have your best

interest at heart.

Remember, Wicca is a highly personal and personalized religion. It is

based on what is in your heart and in your mind. No one could or

should ever tell you that you are wrong about anything dealing with

Wicca. Just remember, do what ye will, but harm none!

With the Greatest Blessings and Love

Gertrude Moon, CC


make stronger each and

every time we chose to

pray or talk to that

particularly deity. We

make no confession to

our gods/goddesses

UNLESS we chose to

do so or deem it

necessary. We tend to

follow our hearts and,

Page 21: January issue 6




This unusual looking form of quartz nearly always

attracts attention. Looking like it contains tiny tree or pieces of roots or moss, Dendritic Quartz contains

branchy looking mineral deposits that snake through the stone. Children are drawn to it because of the minerals'

unique designs. Once you pick up a Dendritic Quartz it is difficult to put it down!!

Our attraction to this little gem is understandable as it facilitates closeness with nature and a connection to the

Earth Mother. It also encourages us to reach back into our past, to the beginning of time and to connect, recall

and better understand ourselves and our planet. Those who wish to practice past-life regression would be wise

to wear or hold this stone during their regression

session. For those of you who are do divination work for others may find this stone extremely helpful as well

when trying to get to the bottom of a client's current life. Of course, every child should have one of these in their

treasure trove of stones as it will keep them open to learning about the Earth and themselves. My boys use to

go to sleep with them in their hands. I never understood why those little finger clutched these beautiful pieces of

nature so tightly, now I do. It can be used to activate the chakras and to sustain the

opening of the chakras to facilitate purity in the total connection to the higher consciousness. It can also be

used to treat disorders of the skeletal system, the nervous system and the small capillaries and to promote

the alignment of the bone structure of the physical body.

~ Lazy Witch

Dendritic Agate assists one in perceiving the self-

imposed limitations and patterns that have created

our experiences. It helps us to examine our

behaviors and provides the stable determination to

make necessary adjustments. It provides a

wholesome, truthful ‘reality check’.


Page 22: January issue 6

Moon Cookies

Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes Ingredients:

2 1/2 Cups all-purpose flour

1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

2 Sticks of butter (1 Cup), softened

2 1/2 Cups sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Preparation: Blend flour, baking soda, and baking powder together. In another bowl, cream the butter

and sugar together. Add the egg to the butter and sugar and mix well. Add vanilla extract. One cup at a time, add the flour mix into the wet ingredients. Mix until it's nice and doughy. Flour your hands, and roll dough into pieces about the size of a golf ball. Squash it down

and shape it into a crescent, and then flatten it down. Another option is to roll the dough out and cut it with crescent cookie cutters -- be sure to flour your cookie cutters before you use them, or the dough won't come out as well.

Bake on an ungreased baking sheet at 350 for about ten minutes, until the sides begin

to brown.

Make icing with the following ingredients:

1 8-oz block of cream cheese, softened

1 stick butter, softened

4 Cups powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 tsp. milk

Blend the cream cheese and butter together, and then gradually add in the

powdered sugar. Add the vanilla and mix well. Blend in the milk (add a little more if

your icing doesn't seem creamy enough). After your moon cookies have cooled, use this to frost them. Optional: add silver sprinkles to your cookies while the frosting is still wet, or dip half the cookie in chocolate and frost the other half in white.


Page 23: January issue 6


House Cleaning Ceremony

No one really likes to clean, but

we all know we feel better when our

physical space is tidy. It's one of life's necessary chores. Start your new year off with a good thorough

cleaning, and then follow that up with a spiritual cleansing. This is a

great ritual to perform before Imbolc -- remember that for many of our ancestors, washing came only

a few times a year, so by February, a house was probably smelling

pretty ripe. Pick a bright sunny day to do a clean sweep, and then invite friends and family to join you in a

blessing of your home. First, do a complete physical cleaning of your house. Put on some music and

thoroughly clean every room. Strip sheets off the beds, turn the mattresses, dust every surface, and

vacuum every floor. Sort through those piles of paper on your desk, and get rid of things you don't need to

keep; file everything else. Gather up the kids' toys and put them in baskets

for easy storage. If you need to get rid of things, do it now -- set aside a box for charity and put gently used

items in it. Set aside another box for trash, and see if you can fill it up!

Once your house is clean -- and this assumes you did the kitchen as well -- it's time to

have some fun. Call up some friends and invite them over for a potluck. Cook up some

Imbolc-themed comfort foods, such as Braided Bread or Beer Battered Fish & Chips, and have

a small potluck celebration. Ask each guest to bring a small token to bless your house --

pebbles, shells, interesting bits of wood, beads, etc. You'll also need the following

A bowl of water Some sea salt

A smudging bundle of sage or sweetgrass

A blue candle Some Blessing Oil A bowl or bag

Begin at the front door -- it is, after all, where you welcome

guests into your home -- and go through the house in a sunwise direction (clockwise).

Ask your guests to help you by smudging the perimeter of

each room with the salt, sage, candle flame and water. You may wish to say some sort of

incantation as they do this, something like:

With the purifying power of


with the clean breath of air, with the passionate heat of

fire, with the grounding energy

of earth

we cleanse this space.

1. As you pass from room to room, anoint each door and windowsill with the Blessing Oil

by tracing the shape of a pentagram or other symbol of

your tradition. This prevents anything negative from crossing into the home. If you

like, you can offer a small incantation as you do this,

something like: 2.

May the goddess bless this

home, making it sacred and pure,

so that nothing but love and joy

shall enter through this


3. Finally, once you've gone

through the house, ask each of your guests to deposit their blessing token in your bowl or

bag. Keep it in a place of honor in your home -- on the mantel

or in your kitchen is a good idea. Gather around the dinner table, break out the goodies,

and enjoy a feast with your friends and family!

Page 24: January issue 6

Ritual Etiquette for Children

By Alena Orrison

Often times when we are invited to attend a public ritual, we ask if children are allowed to attend. It can be difficult to find child care but we also want our children to participate in worshiping the Gods and Goddesses of our chosen path. If the answer is, “please, no children,” we find ourselves either deciding to skip the ritual this time or asking friends and family if they can watch our child(ren) for a couple hours. If the answer is, “yes, children are welcome,” usually there is an unspoken, “but they have to be respectful and quiet.” How can we teach our children to participate in a ritual with other people if they don’t attend one? Sometimes rituals involve chanting, drumming, dancing or other activities that, to a child or an outsider, can seem like a big party. It can be difficult in the moment to reign in an especially enthusiastic child. The key is to prepare them ahead of time by explaining to them what is generally expected and to tell them to follow your lead while in circle. It is also helpful if you already have rituals with your children, as then they will already have some idea of proper etiquette when in circle. Here are some good guidelines for almost any ritual that your child may attend. Welcoming If there is a new child, don’t ignore them when you play games. Tell them your name and ask them to play with you. And don’t forget to share! In the Circle It is a time of celebration and fun, but there is a time and a place for everything. In either the youth circle or the adult, we must always be mindful of others. If you are in circle, you should only leave when necessary and with a door cut for you. Ask your parent to leave with you if that is needed. If there is a meditation, we need you to keep quiet, sit still and listen to the story that is being told. This is to make

sure that everyone can enjoy their time in circle. Making noises, giggling, talking and acting out can spoil it for everyone. Sacred Space A circle is a time for magical work and it is very important that everyone respect each other. Don’t laugh or make fun of someone if they make a mistake. Don’t talk while others are doing their part in the circle. You wouldn’t want them to interrupt you after you have put time practicing your part. Courtesy Be kind to each other when playing, whether it is before or after the circle. It is important to remember your manners and not make fun of others. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Everything comes back to us threefold so if you are unwilling to share or be nice, then others will be too. Clockwise Unless you are told otherwise, always move clockwise (the way the hands on a clock move) when in circle. A good way to remember is to follow the direction of your left hand when you are standing at the edge of the circle and looking into the center. Ritual Tools Even the adults are not allowed to touch another’s ritual tool without that person’s permission. If you want to see a pretty wand, ask the person who brought it if you can touch it. Drums Like ritual tools, these are another kind of ritual instrument for the adults. If you want to play the instrument, ask the person who owns it. Always be gentle with an instrument because it is someone’s special tool. Ritual Fire As a young person, you should never play with fire. Keep a safe distance away so that you don’t get 24

Pagan Parenting

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hurt. No one wants to make a trip to the emergency room from an event. Watches and Toys These can be fun but before you go into circle, leave it with your parent to hold onto. Watches and toys can make it hard to pay attention and you won’t be able to have as much fun. Barefoot This is okay so long as the weather is warm for outdoor circles and it isn’t wet or muddy. For indoor rituals, it isn’t necessary but sometimes it makes it easier to dance and to not hurt someone if you accidentally step on their feet. It can also make it more comfortable and make it easier for you to focus more on the ritual. Touching Most Pagans are very friendly and like to hug or even kiss on the cheek. If you do not like this, tell your parent or the High Priestess. Also, be aware that you might like to hug but not everyone else does. So if someone tells you not to hug, then just be polite and shake their hand instead. If someone touches you in a way that you do not like, tell a trusted adult right away.

Confidentiality It is exciting to take part in circle and celebrations, but your classmates, teachers and friends may not understand what you are talking about. You might also want to speak to your parents before telling others what happened in circle. We are not ashamed of our religion, but not everyone worships the way we do and they often do not understand our ways. So be careful in what you say to anyone who isn’t Pagan. Just as important as having good etiquette, it is important to have fun participating in rituals to honor our deities and ancestors. Relax, and enjoy yourself. Note to Parents Children sometimes might have questions that they do not ask because they either do not know what to ask or are nervous. Keep an eye on your child during ritual and make a mental note of anything that they seemed to not understand. Then later, when you are at home, you can help prompt them to discuss the ritual by asking questions such as, “What did you think of the meditation?” or “When the Elements were called, what did you feel?” Make sure to ask open-ended questions, those that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no, to encourage conversation.

Photo 1: http://www.magnetictimes.com.au/images/uploads/Pagan-

Pride-Day-ritual-circle-4-220902.jpg Photo 2:

Anchorage Pagan Network Lammas 2006

Page 26: January issue 6

The Astrology of January


By: Ingrid Jeffries



Page 27: January issue 6

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” -James Barrie Presently Earth is experiencing key planetary alignments in the constellations of Aries and Capricorn* along with its alignment to the Galactic center. This is a time that seers through the ages have written about. These frequencies of light stimulate evolutionary energies that require us to embrace ‘Beginner’s Mind’, to be open to new information, to remain curious rather than critical, and to allow for a ‘leap of faith.’ January’s planetary emphasis in the sign of Capricorn can aid us in accomplishing much work if we are patient and persistent. Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, is in the sign of the mystery and transformation, Scorpio. This is a stalwart placement that supports longevity and commitment. Projects that are begun now have staying power. Two planets that have long been associated with the Wise Ones, Wizards, and Crones, are astrologically prominent, Pluto and Saturn. These two encourage us to think about the ‘long run’ and what we can commit our energy to, and the ‘karma’ we are creating as well as supporting. Generally these are solitary energies where some of our best work and planning is done alone or behind the scenes. Group activities over the course of this month may require greater flexibility and open mindedness. When the planet of communication and community, Mercury, connects with the planetary rebel, Uranus, words, communications, and events can take an interesting and unexpected turn. This can be a creative combination as long as one can remain unattached to a specific outcome. Trust will be a key issue for many of us. The Capricorn New Moon occurs on 1/11 with a host of planets lined up in this sign, motivating us to act on our New Year’s resolutions. This lunar cycle encourages us to be accountable and own our power.

Any frustrations or disagreements that occur may have to do with a lack of emotional and /or visionary flexibility. This New Moon supports remaining open to new information in our personal relationships and allowing for deeper understanding and commitment in our professional relations. The Aquarius Full Moon occurs on 1/26. There are gregarious and expansive energies operating with the Sun and Leo Moon in friendly aspect to Jupiter, a planet associated with faith, fortune, and greater opportunity. Aquarius is a sign linked with the future, technology, revitalization, and collaboration. We reach the mid-winter point in the northern hemisphere in this sign on Feb 1-3rd. Many cultures celebrate this period of increasing light with fire ceremonies. To the Europeans this was Imbolc or Candlemas, a time when winter stores ran low and food more scarce. To symbolize their faith in a better future they put a candle in every window and would light it at dusk with a prayer. This is the perfect time to focus on how you want to live, to re-affirm your hopes and dreams for the future. As Henry Ford said,” Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right.” *The planets are located in Capricorn and Aries in tropical western astrology whereas in Vedic or sidereal astrology these alignments take place in Sagittarius and Pisces. In either case it is ultimately the 90 degree aspect between the planets that is most significant.

Ingrid Jeffries is an internationally known counseling astrologer with over

20 years’ experience. She is available for private consultations in office or by phone. She can be reached at 303 697-

8309. To find out more about her classes and sessions go to
