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Volume 6, Issue 6

December, 2014-January, 2015

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Volume 6, Issue 6

December, 2014-January, 2015

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From the Editor’s Desk

CHRISTMAS has always been a reminder and dedicated celebration of


As Editor-in- Chief of the Lamplighter for the past years, I have been very fortunate to have worked with my wonderful staff, ETP supporters, and contribu-tors.

Many thanks to: Eric Nilsson ( our compositor), Barbara Daisak (our proofreader). Rod Colón (our ETP CEO), Carl E. Reid ( our ETP Chief Operations Officer), Jerrold (Jerry) Clifford (our generous all-year round contributor), and our 2014 contributors: Aaron Cohen, Markirah Shaw, Tara Sosa, Amanda Sherman, Tish Edwards, and Denise Hamilton. In the spirit of Christmas, I would like to share with you these two stories that I came across on the inter-net.



Aida A. Rodriguez

Christmas is for Love - Classic Tale

'Christmas is for love' is a short story that Will and Guy have found on the internet and we would like to share it with you, the author remains unknown. It is not funny but is worth reading when considering what the Christmas message means to each of us as individ-uals.

Christmas is for love. It is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for reuniting with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly covered packages. But, mostly Christmas is for love. I had not believed this until a small elfin like pupil with wide innocent eyes and soft rosy cheeks gave me a wondrous gift one Christmas.

Matthew was a 10 year old orphan who lived with his aunt, a bitter, middle aged woman greatly annoyed with the burden of caring for her dead sister's son. She never failed to remind young Matthew, if it hadn't been for her gener-

osity, he would be a vagrant, homeless waif. Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was asweet and gentle child.

I had not noticed Matthew particularly until he began staying after class each day [at the risk of arous-ing his aunt's anger so I learned later] to help me straighten up the room. We did this quietly and com-fortably, not speaking much, but enjoying the solitude

of that hour of the day. When we did talk, Matthew spoke mostly of his mother. Though he was quite young when she died, he remembered a kind, gentle, loving woman who always spent time with him.

As Christmas drew near however, Matthew failed to stay after school each day. I looked forward to his coming, and when the days passed and he continued to scamper hurriedly from the room after class, I stopped him one afternoon and asked him why he no longer helped me in the room. I told him how I had missed him, and his large brown eyes lit up eagerly as

he replied, 'Did you really miss me?' I explained how he had been my

best helper, 'I was making you a sur-prise,' he whispered confidentially. 'It's for Christmas.' With that, he became embarrassed and dashed from the

room. He didn't stay after school any more after that. Finally came the last school day before Christmas.

Matthew crept slowly into the room late that after-noon with his hands concealing something behind his back. 'I have your present,' he said timidly when I looked up. 'I hope you like it.' He held out his hands, and there lying in his small palms was a tiny wooden box.

'It's beautiful, Matthew. Is there something in it?' I asked opening the top to look inside. 'Oh you can't see what's in it,' he replied, 'and you can't touch it, or taste it or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights and safe when you're all alone.'

I gazed into the empty box. 'What is it, Matthew' I asked gently, 'that will make me feel so good?'

'It's love,' he whispered softly, 'and mother always said it's best when you give it away.' He turned and quietly left the room.

So now I keep a small box crudely made of scraps of wood on the piano in my living room and only smile when inquiring friends raise quizzical eyebrows when I explain to them there is love in it. Yes, Christmas is for gaiety, mirth, song, and for good and wondrous gifts. But mostly, Christmas

is for love.

Find this article here: http://www.guy-


There is another short Christmas story on page 9. In fact, there are a number of humorous Christ-mas tales at this link: http://www.guy-

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Multitask Your Way to A Job By Jerrold (Jerry) Clifford

Multitasking is the ability to perform more than one activity within the same time span. Some people feel that this is technically impossible or that they cannot do this. I don’t argue the merits of either argument here but it is a fact that it is possible to satisfy multiple objectives at the same time. For example, try lending money to someone and you will find that your memory improves while theirs gets worse!

When companies state that they want someone with the ability to multitask, they are really saying that if hired, you can expect to work in an environment where you will be constantly interrupted, or where priorities frequently change but deliverables and time frames must be satisfied regardless. This is the situation in many positions today where to keep costs down; companies are working with minimal staffs and may require employees to perform mul-tiple jobs in the same time frame.

For those who feel that they do not possess the multi-

tasking skill -- remember that life itself requires multitask-ing – you always breathe while doing something else.

Since companies desire people who can multitask, the next step is to incorporate multitasking abilities into your job skills. To start, utilize simple tasks. For example, if your normal job would involve a great deal of telephone use, try doodling while talking on the phone. This will get you used to using your hands while talking on the phone. Next, practice writing short phone conversation-related notes while talking. You are now performing basic multi-tasking.

If a business requires people who can multitask, they really want individuals who are good at it. So the next step would be to get good at multitasking. In our example, this would involve writing notes that relate to something other than the call you are on (such as a grocery shopping list or a reminder to get your car serviced). The key here is to wait for pauses in the conversation so you can temporarily think of something else. When your call ends you will have accomplished two objectives, seemingly at the same time.

Developing the multitasking ability further can help in landing a job. For example, you can start by browsing printed ads while eating dinner or web sites while satisfying the munchies or you can network with someone on the phone while reviewing your calendar. These actions can be extended to other daily tasks such as building a relation-

ship with someone while you are on a checkout line at a store (you are networking and shopping at the same time).

Learning to multitask well can help you find a job and is an important skill to have when you land. You can actually satisfy two objectives at the same time!

Stop Procrastination NOW By Rod Colón

Consider a bold idea: The way to begin to stop pro-crastinating is to choose to stop procrastinating. Giving up procrastination is actually a simple choice, and people just try to make it complicated. Test this idea for yourself. Think of something that you’ve been putting off. Choose a small, specific task one that you can complete in five minutes or less. Then do it today. Tomorrow, choose an-other task and do it. Repeat this strategy each day for one week. Notice what happens to your habit of procrastina-tion.

Some tips on overcoming procrastination: 1. Discover the Costs: Find out if procrastination

keeps you from getting what you want. Clearly seeing the costs of procrastination can help you kick the habit.

2. Discover Your Procrastination Style (awareness of procrastination style is key to changing your behavior):

a. Dreamers: have big goals that they sel-dom translate into specific plans

b. Worriers: focus on the “worst case” sce-nario and are likely to talk more about problems than about solutions

c. Defiers: resist new tasks or promise to do them and then don’t follow through

d. Overdoers: create extra work for them-selves by refusing to delegate tasks and neglecting to set priorities

e. Perfectionist: put off tasks for fear of making a mistake

3. Let feelings follow action: If you put off follow-ing-up on a new networking contact until you feel energetic about it, you might wait for months. In-stead, get moving now. Then watch your feelings change.

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4. Choose to Work Under Pressure: Sometimes people thrive under pressure. Put yourself in con-trol. If you choose to work with a due date staring your right in the face, then schedule a big block of time during the preceding week. Until then, enjoy!

5. Give Up “Some Day”: Procrastination rests on this vague notion: I’ll do it someday. Other people reinforce this notion by telling you that your life will really start when you… (fill in the blank) Us-ing this logic, you could wait your whole life to start living. Avoid this fate. Take action today.

Create Goals that Draw You Forward: A goal that grabs you by the heart strings is an inspiration to act now. If you’re procrastinating, then set some goals that excite you. Then you might wake up one day and discover that procrastination is part of your past.

Know When You Should Change Careers By Rod Colón

If, after thorough consideration with your Board of

Advisors and Board of Directors, you decide that you aren’t happy in your work and a change to another job within the same field would not bring satisfaction, you may want to consider a career change. Ask yourself the follow-ing questions:

1. Have I changed positions several times only to find that I’m still unhappy? Repeated chang-es of employment that don’t improve your job sat-isfaction may indicate a career problem, not a job problem.

2. Are my problems the result of personality or philosophical conflicts with my supervisor or fellow employees? If so, it’s more likely that you need a new employer rather than a new career. The exception occurs when the types of people usually found in your career field, regardless of the organization, don’t fit your personality or philoso-phy.

3. Am I unhappy with the work environment? If you don’t like to work constantly at a desk, for ex-ample, decide whether this is common to your ca-reer field or only to your job. Would you prefer outdoor work? You may want to look at other ca-reers if your career doesn’t provide the opportuni-ty for the type of work you desire. Is your prob-lem with the work environment common to the career or only to some jobs within the career field?

4. Am I constrained in expressing my values? Again, is this a function of your job or your ca-reer?

5. Is my position interesting? What are you inter-ests? Are you unable to satisfy them in your career or just in your current job?

6. Am I frustrated that I’m not using my skills and abilities? Is this a job-related or career-related problem?

Reassess First, determine what alternatives careers fit your in-

terests and abilities. Then, find out what additional educa-tion or training you need, how long it takes to prepare for the field and what it will cost. Make sure to leverage your network for this process. Also determine whether the edu-cation or training is available nearby and whether you can get the necessary skills while continuing your current job or if you need to return to school. Be Realistic

What are the job opportunities in the new field? Are the jobs in a desirable location, and will the pay meet your requirements? Be aware that when you change careers, you often have to start over at the entry-level salary.

What kind of risk taker are you? Are you willing to give up the security of your current position and career and take a chance? Do you expect to be significantly more satisfied in the new career? In the final analysis, decide whether the probable advantages of a new opportunity sufficiently outweigh the disadvantages and whether you are willing to assume any risk involved.

You must also be prepared to discuss your decision persuasively with prospective employers who may question whether you will be happy with such a career change. It is important to convey to employers that you have consid-ered and planned for this change carefully and that you believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The Mind-Set of the CEO of Me, Inc. By Rod Colón

As the CEO of Me, Inc. taking stock of your busi-ness(career) and reflecting on who you are and what you want to do are paramount to navigating a successful Me, Inc. Enterprise. To move more easily, and as painlessly as possible, through this process think of yourself as a “prod-uct or service” ready to launch into the marketplace. Take the time to renew, repackage, and revitalize yourself, and to showcase what you can do and how you can add value or become invaluable to a client (employer).

Finding a new client is difficult work. There are lots of things to do when you’re trying to find the ideal position within your existing employer or outside. Remember not to get too overwhelmed by the process. It might be better to break things down into steps that are more easily man-ageable. Your client search or as we call in Me, Inc terms “business development” requires handling everything from a disciplined routine and follow-through plan to making solid decisions and choosing what is best for you and your Board of Directors (family/loved ones).

Keep positive and upbeat. As my good friend Michael Goldberg (Knock-Out Networking) states “try to roll with the punches, or at least learn how to duck”. It’s tough to

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think positively when you’re feeling negative and recover-ing from rejection. But never forget that employment is always an “At Will” agreement … fidelity is never part of the fine print. You provide great service to the client and the client will provide you with an opportunity to succeed. Nothing more and nothing less. It’s business not personal … don’t forget it as you manage your Me, Inc. Enterprise.

Business Intelligence is a core component of Me, Inc. It’s okay to leverage your network for help. I repeat, it’s okay to ask your network for help. People want you to succeed and they actually feel good doing it. You will lev-erage your network for connections, mentorships, spon-sorship, business intelligence and much more. But many students and professionals are reluctant to call on friends and family for assistance. Excuses like “It’s been too long since I’ve spoken to them,” or “They are too busy to bother with me” are too often the out. Yes, they may be busy and pressed for time but also flattered that you’ve reach out to them. It’s a win-win conversation.

Remember you are the CEO and in charge of this process, and you’re the person ultimately responsible for its outcome. Think of everything in Me, Inc. as business decisions you will make along the way. It’s an empowering experience being the CEO of Me, Inc.

When Networking and Passion Meet By Rod Colón

I have a special reverence for those occasions when I meet a person and step into his or her life for the very first time. You never know what surprises await. The person you’re about to meet may have won a Pulitzer Prize, climbed Mt. Everest, or served time for bank robbery. As a person’s story gradually unfolds before you, it will be quite easy to tell if there are sparks of mutual interest that could ignite for future encounters.

Whenever you first meet someone, you take a risk — but that’s how all good relationships start. They start with an element of chance, the chance that the other person might become a good friend or perhaps a trusted business associate based on common interests, shared experiences, and perhaps some good old-fashioned intuition.

But if you’re not willing to risk a first encounter, there’s little hope of developing any relationships. Call me foolish, but I relish these opportunities because, even when the worst-case scenario does occur, I still end up learning a great deal about human nature. There is never any real failure in the connection laboratory, just occasion-al setbacks.

In reality, first-time connections are golden opportuni-ties for future relationships and in the business world, connections and relationships are everything. Just try con-ducting business without them! You won't get very far and that will be especially true in the 21st century jobscape where the opportunities for business growth will be heavily

dependent on the strength and abundance of personal rela-tionships.

Networking: The Rest of the Story By Terence H. Seamon Oct 18 2014 Sometimes a job hunter gets weary. After weeks and months of effort --working your butt off, day in and day out, going to group meetings, listening to experts, volunteering some time each week, commiserating with other job hunters, sending out resumes, and so much more that a diligent job seeker does-- it's not unusual to slump in a chair and simply not know what to do next. You've done everything that the experts say you should be doing. You are staying in good shape. You are maintaining a positive attitude. You are learning new skills. You are putting yourself out there. But all this energy and effort is not producing the one out-put you most desire: the job offer. You may find yourself looking up to heaven and asking, "What else can I do?" Here's one small piece of advice: Don't just sit there. The idea is action. Action of almost any kind is better than inaction.

Keep reading:



Why networking feels so ‘icky’ By Beryl Lieff Benderly November 04, 2014 Givers of career advice constantly remind ambitious pro-fessionals that networking is essential to advancing a ca-reer. But cultivating the acquaintance of influential or knowledgeable people in the hope that they can help boost you up the ladder of success can, as our colleague Adam Ruben noted in a recent column, feel “icky.” He’s not the only one who finds the process of ingratiating oneself to potentially useful strangers slimy and distasteful. In an article entitled “The Contaminating Effects of Build-ing Instrumental Ties: How Networking Can Make Us

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Feel Dirty,” published last month in Administrative Science Quarterly, Tiziana Casciaro of the University of Toronto (UT) in Canada; Francesca Gino of the Harvard Business School; and Maryam Kouchaki of Northwestern Universi-ty in Evanston, Illinois, explore the emotional effects of purposely seeking contact with people in order to gain ca-reer benefits, which they term “instrumental networking in pursuit of professional goals.” They explain that “unlike networking in pursuit of personal goals and unlike net-working that emerges spontaneously, instrumental net-working for professional goals can impinge on an individ-ual’s moral purity—a psychological state that results from a person’s view of the self as clean from a moral stand-point and through which a person feels virtuous—and thus make him feel dirty.”

Read more here:



5 Job Search Fears And How To Conquer Them

By Heather R. Huhman @heatherhuhman October 16,

2014 – 9:33 AM

With Halloween approaching in a few weeks, it’s the per-fect time for job seekers to recognize and conquer their job search fears. When it comes to finding a job, there are a number of fac-tors that scare job seekers. Whether it’s becoming unem-ployed for six months or being nervous about the inter-view process, looking for a for a job can be scary. As you continue to search for jobs this fall, it’s time to conquer your fears and build more confidence as a job seeker. To get you started, here are five job search fears and how to conquer them:

Keep reading:



The Top 10 Keys to Writing Attention-Capturing Subject Lines

by Curt Keller | October 24, 2014 All the great email content in the world isn't going to do your brand a bit of good if no one opens your email—which is why you need attention-grabbing headlines. So apply these top tips and become a master at writing subject lines!

Read more:



10 Advanced Job Searching Hacks To In-

crease Your Job Prospects By Gerald Buck, Published October 28, 2014 Everyone finds themselves on a job search at some point in their lives. Whether you’re between jobs, or you’ve graduated and you’re setting out on the first step in your career path, this is something we will all experience at some point. Like death and taxes, it’s inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as either of those things. With so many people on the prowl, and competition be-coming more heated by the day, you’re going to need every edge you can get. That’s why I’m here to show you 10 of the most advanced tactics and hacks that you can employ to improve your job prospects and jumpstart your career.




How to differentiate good and not-so-good recruiters

by Beecher Tuttle Candidates complaining about recruiters, calling them un-helpful, unethical and even immoral is as old as the hills, and nothing provokes comments on eFinancialCareers like a debate over their merits and pitfalls. Truth be told, there are plenty of good, helpful, ethical recruiters in the business. I spent nearly four years working as a recruiter and saw them first hand. However, there are also some that skirt the line of professionalism who you wouldn’t want to represent you. Below is a guide to how one should go about choosing what recruiters to work with and who should be avoided.

See the suggestions here>>


A Seasonal Job – Should I Take It? By Guest Blogger Paula Reuben Vieillet, President

and Founder of Employment Options Inc. Many jobseekers wonder if they should accept a seasonal position. For one thing, it seems like a lot of information to learn for only a few weeks or months of work. Some job seekers feel that working at a seasonal position will not leave them a lot of time to look for a better job. Nonethe-less, I recommend seasonal employment for many reasons. [Text omitted]

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FILL GAPS IN EMPLOYMENT On your resume, seasonal positions help branch over gaps of unemployment. It gives you direct and proven experi-ence in your desired field. It shows that you are ready to work and willing to work. These are important qualities for any employer and will help with any gaps that have oc-curred in your work history.

See Paula Rueben Vieillet's remaining reasons here:


Welcome to This Issue’s Tech

Tip! Proceed with Caution…

All the Things a Hacker Can Find Out About You on

Public Wifi Your vacation, your job, your passwords

By Sarah Laskow smith- October 15, 2014

If you own a computer or a mobile phone, chances are you have done something very risky with it—connected, perhaps without even knowing that you have, to a public Wifi network. Most coffee shops or trains or hotels don't have hackers hanging out in them and snooping over their Wifi networks. But some do, and those people can find out a disturbing amount of information about anyone whose Wifi-enabled device happens to be overly friendly.

The Dutch site De Correspondent published (and Matter republished, in English) an account of what, exact-ly, an "ethical hacker" could determine, or at least infer, about the people around him at public coffee shops. That included:

Read more:



Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram: How of-ten should I be active?

By Katie Swinehart Nov 9 2014

Have you ever heard a commercial so many times you began to loathe the very company it represents?

Need I say more? Okay, I’ll give it to ya that this one was pretty funny, but you get the point!

Although Social Media is now king, we can still apply the same lessons: How do you successfully advertise, or post, frequently enough to be informative without being annoying? Just as peak posting times go, there are no mag-

ical answers to “How often should I post on each plat-form,” however, there are general guidelines to follow. See more>>

Facebook - Global Armchair Career Net-working Tool By Don Philabaum Nov 9 2014

“Show me any of my friends, or friends of friends, who graduated from my college and work at IBM and have a title of VP of Mar-

keting.” That’s an example how you could use Facebook’s

Graph Search to build your professional network. Facebook is the equivalent of a global phone book. If

you are not listed, you don’t exist. When it was founded nearly 10 years ago, few thought it would become the defacto online community for over a billion users world-wide. But it has.

One of the reasons Facebook has been able to snag a huge user base and keep folks using their free product is because they are constantly innovating, designing new ser-vices, and incorporating tools and ways their product can “change the world” and “change your world.” Read more>>

Are you living your life through a screen? By Ashleigh Auld Nov 8 2014

I’m a huge fan of live music. I love the atmosphere of being in an arena, park or field with thousands of strangers all united by their love of an artist or band. It’s infectious and can be quite moving to hear everyone singing the same lyrics that have affected each person in a different way. I was absolutely buzzing to go and see John Mayer earlier this month at the O2 and whilst it was awesome I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people that spent the major-ity of the concert taking photos and videos (which, may I just add, will probably never be re-watched).

It seems to be happening more and more that people are taking endless photos, selfies and videos of the things going on around them, watching scenes play out through the tiny screen of their iPhone or iPad rather than taking in the full view. This isn’t an attack on smartphones – it’s incredible to be able to document moments so easily and share them with the people you love but are people forget-ting to really be in the moment? Readmore>>

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, 201


Lamplighter Contributors for 2014

Aaron Cohen Markirah Shaw Tara Sosa


ril &


y, 20


Amanda Sherman



st &






Tish Edwards

Denise Hamilton

All Iss



Jerry Clifford Rod Colón

Carl Reid

Lamplighter thanks you all for your contributions and readership. We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

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Lamplighter Staff

Lamplighter Survey As you can see, a number of changes have been made to Lamplighter to make reading easier and more enjoyable. The articles have been crafted to be both light-hearted and informative, and navigation through Lamplighter has been made less clunky.

Please take a moment to answer the four Survey questions by clicking this link:Lamplighter Survey

A Warm Witty Short Christmas Story It was the day after Christmas at St Peter and St Paul's church in Borden, Kent, England. Father John, the vicar, was

looking at the nativity scene outside when he noticed the baby Jesus was missing from the figures. Immediately, Father John's thoughts turned to calling in the local policeman but as he was about to do so, he saw lit-

tle Nathan with a red wagon, and in the wagon was the figure of the little infant, Jesus. Father John approached Nathan and asked him, 'Well, Nathan, where did you get the little infant?' Nathan looked up, smiled and replied, 'I took him from the church.' 'And why did you take him?' With a sheepish grin, Nathan said, 'Well, Father John, about a week before Christmas I prayed to Lord Jesus. I told

him if he would bring me a red wagon for Christmas, I would give him a ride around the block in it.'

Keep reading: http://www.guy-

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July 20, 1969