jb sou j i-w r w ltq tufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/08/66/14/00073/00070.pdftbeti it ii ur ff i i...

TBETI IT Ii ur ff i i iI J I He t Ja I1f r i t J r I1- it t J I iI i 11 l I ii W it- i t I II y 7i e I i i ill Mt r tI- r E 11 t r I Ii d 1 R E1 Jb I fLW 1 tq- 1 3t6 It7iPtiremwtMiaud4 mtx ar a a aK pr yt yyJL r j r P U o- f ffr i r t r l n x t < + < > + = + + + BI jwNMMlir WM it- JtldMit f rg how oott4Sgro- wr Vfl like I think I would hive to aooUl ttu I didnt do what I was toldf- a yon think Id act ajr ma w wild An act w much like a little child XI dlilut target I wan Mil nut eight An would lite mown hue to keep me tote Drown I was a little dead An I didnt know what the old thing owned But Mid twa home I played so tough An It made my ma juat ery uro nonjtji didnt forget do you apono that I Would ever net w to inako her An dons yon npose Id behave just If I didnt forget I going on nine B1 cwild nmumber do suppose I wouldnt take are of my Sunday would gut mad at my cousin Without getting right away good again Pn T ho I wm Just torn bad An Ujclo Joo mya that Im like my dad An Aunt Lou thu dont suppose Ill nor be better ma xho knows tAn she IIUKH ma does with klw Iwcua Oho 8 ITU I forgot how old I wu- nuud V Cooko in Youth Companion HEll FIRST HUSBAND Were nt tho end of our string tlinta sure enough But tofioll for such n sum us 1000 donna Wo bvosunk three timed that mubh apiece besides nil our hard work bat it strikes moil would be tougher to tramp back to the State Nobody but a groonborn would Blvo n thuusnud fur that hole in tho as it stands Weve got to close With him thats nil of it mid for my putt Im dorm with mines old mining Ill strike hack for tlio old farm as soon s I get fiOO Rafo in my pocket Weve concluded to said Homer Craft the bigger and bluff tr of the two roan when it en mo to the final traniiictlons but I feel it in my Lens that we am doing n mighty fool Mi thing If I hadnt agreed with Wil lard here not to hold out beyond this late Id go book on the barRaiifnow I wee u fool not to stand out In black and white for a couple of thousand more In caw you strike it rich before our tracks resold This w only intruded to keep the newcomer up to the mark as Willard will knew but tho buyers was touched and ho answered war oaitly I myword gentlemen in that I should otTer n bonus in proportion to tho value of your work in tho mine As it id I am puttliiR every dollar I cat command into this Tbuture nud if my luck runs as yours did Ill be than yon arm as 1 bore n wife down in Denver depending It wrislata in tho day when Iho trans- fer made but the new proprietor pulled off his coat and went to work as won ns his predecessors left tho mine Hotamped In tho charge of giant powder and set it off working awk- wardly as ono unused to such labor nd undoubtedly ho failed to step back to n sate distance for tho exploding blast caught him and killed him in stoutly The two their few belongings Iu tho little cabin near tho tunnel hoard tho reverberation and Idoiwl at each other If ho dont strikers lead it wont be because bos stingy of powder said Craft dryly Come along Willard lots seo what the fool has done There wee a moment of blank dismay when they what had occurred Then Craft swooped down to grope among time broken ore while ho turned exalted facu toward his companion Wlllardl Its tho load the load I say its n lucky matter that no ono in the knows miDtPi T f9l I I WAsi- l1ti tt411i1d 7IIt t t Itall I Q Kid Ir 1 cry was on do- An Den but n ridiculous Tough frlelld I f take up very glo you like was 1 minors plICklng an Look hero Look herel tpwoh kWe deco- emI ttket A Mat the line ways p Touted you sympa- thy a arse Dome saw > > ¬ maae the tran fcrl Why Willard with dry trembling lips Bocauso well just retransfw it Uiats Hero Is the deed in his packet It is no robbery to take it back his thousand in its place A tliousnadl I wouldnt now nb nor 30000 for my share Why Willard richer than hoped Its n plain intervention of Providence in pur behalf To think how near we eamo to cheating ourselves And Willard feebly protesting himself to be overruled by bis stronger minted partner but his was sore over that breach of faith No ono appeared to claim the 1000 which tho stranger loft though it was advertised in the Denver papers and be was soon forgotten by all except Wil lard whom remorse preyed upon but not to tho extent of prompting him to rustitntion until it was too late Ho was seized with a chill ono day while at work and tup next was on his back raving with mountain laver li was known very soon that bo could Its the ovll that has come of our tttaohery Croft and it will come on you too if you dont make restitution They that are noarto death see clearer thou the living and I tell you that I wont rest quiet in my grave you hunt up woman give her back ht own If you lie if you promise f that tail I tell you till the day of year death t- He ed BJmpJy to quiet Wil lard end Intention of keeping tbatpronlli- In dup the fever did ia work end Wllard wns laid In the eeiastory Craft teemed the for his partners earthly be nging and he wailed him lf WB1J5 work one day fa TAOVmrteHm rjut Jn great slope there was whioJithosewho Wp asked and vb and Put toloIOOOO weaver I B that my haunt you l hold lit rllat to- W o I the mine- r h OmU Yet amid aroMa IlIRt lie a its al- lowed con- science not recover s aril i qo I spoldgyS bra a d of kis puttuutty t 61ir attire blast ba 1 d d be rear 6iiretlmgrOk whoop Sete all enffesct- v re eIdiA kWgfd- r << + forne of the tedlWlpn threw him book viol ntly anfl hW rang with the tbendw uproar He staggwed not of the tunnel to find by stnrtlwl orpwd whose fears were relieved by no worse disaster a woman atnong thorn who n strangarlu only arrival the day before who lingered When the oth M dropped aw iy one by oneLot mo dress the scrntches pleas 1 have court pliuter hero I want to do it with a petulant childishiiosn as he objuctod- Aftnr all elmo seemed more child than woman DM ho observed her more oloSely I want M do it because In an awwl touo thny toll mo my husbiftidR- UUIII tn hU death In that Wasnt that dreadful And ha got rich nijvnr node money enough to pay back I hut 1000 lilt borrowed and tnke dire of mo us hn promised bnt it sooins too bath for tiny Kay If ho lied just lived another day ho would havo owned the boat mine hero Tho bargain was all made Just waiting to bo finished Deft you think that is hard on mo It did tho name to toll him that she was tho strangers Avlfe nor much of her nrtloss chnttur to put him In possiisslon of nil tho clronmstnnceo of her case how it had been lovd at first sight and hasty marriage between the young pair withoutconiitiug tho cost how the old invalid grandfather who was her only relative had advanced tilt capital out of his own small tho young husband had started out to conrjner fate how they had waited hoped and foared till sickness timid troubln brought thpin to such nbinlatr want that site had started out to trace n also rood few papers und KI missed tho news they would have told mud now at last tho story hind ended his wealth it would ho no great trouble to win her hu thought His wealth If that fool Willard were livlua 1m might say it was hot wealth but Craft know enough to guard that secret mi- le ah unless thdse stops which after him wore the ghostly Imuut to wring it from him for ho had heard them first when no ono was near Ho heard the measured tramp tramp now anti ha dwelt upon that thought nUll ho blanched lest others should hear it as it followed him day and night Ho tried by forco to shut his oars mid keep tho sound out but let hint press his haul to his barricade his oars with pillows and tramp tramp threatened him n tines louder than before Every ono iu the camp noticed some- thing wrong with hunt lIe was not himself they said Ho was off his balance oud the girl gonad do better than marry n man whoso symptoms pointed toward nn Insane asylum before long But she did marry him mid turning over things in tho cabin soon afterward- she found a paper which Willard had hidden away It was the deed of sale and written on It In WillanlB hard Delivered but stclen back from the dead mans pocket by Craft Tho oho was Isis legally as I hope to bo forgiven for my hiiro In the theft ono over know just what passed lietwoiui Craft and his wife It was Uill Dunks who camo along just as Craft rushed out into tho muttering crazily Thoso nteps end them And with thin words ho septa bullet through his head As to the money and mine of cmirse tho woman pot without legit trouble but it was as heir to lice first husliniid not as Crafts widow tlint she put In her claim Boston Transcript Ijo hltlg lb thll Road wait the not need rumorfor only head or tho ghostly II I oho I I botayjvflGtraiehpst hI camp having hover storp mid hew here- With foll- owed twi- light ¬ The Lout Ax The valley above Ban Damlano is beautiful with a rare loneliness Debris from the hlllsldcH once filled the floor across sod uiaclo a wide flat area Through tho deep bed of conglomerate thus formed the river has again cut a gorge within which it gracefully winds In long green or wooded slopes the mountains spread down on side to the fertile volley floor villages are planted on the edge of the lower ravino the sides of which precipitous with birch trees growing on their ledges now and then a waterfall leaping down crer thorn The floor of the ravine again is flat with grasd lawns of wonderful ver dare contained by the loops of the dear and hurrying Waters As wo drove along gazing at tho se- ries of beautiful pictures thus revealed- to ns we turned n corner and n long tendril of wild rose in full blossom reached out from the rooks on our right and probed the picture in So entrancqd woro we that an Ice ax my companion for 18 summers leaped out of time car- riage and I did not miss it till wp reached the trystfug place where our anon awaited us Aymonod went back a mile or so to look for it Ho met some peasants and naked thorn if they had seen such a thing In the way Yes they answered lying in the middle of the road Why did you not pick it up thou Oh why should we It was not tho we net saidthe same saw It add left it ours Htlay where it fell till Aymonod found and brought safely book Coutemixirarjr Review An Old School Dill llr John Coltman Dr to John AUtra Ono year board sad twin SO 11U SO flu U 0 0 1 ir Ftvneh u 0 0 Lt P bl i Ue la Tontalno 0 Cla nfaQratlon- Hwaerii sud Ink tqra Catherine Button and Jlf F lee ours and next We It wnsnot e I do tlla hl f S II a t I Jt lVhfelura 1 a s o uijj- A bank f fIt J 1 k 1 o Oeinpleet oraeo reap 6 1 dept y J a ti < < > ± ABSOLUTELY THE SHORTEST AND OUF S7 ROUTE tHROUGH PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM CApS COMPARTMENT CARS DINING frv THOROUGHFARE COAOHiiJ L ilr3 TRAINS WITHOUT CHANGE TO ALL PCirr North sand 3NTcjX tx i ei ALL TRAINS DAILY JT JaekKmvllle rCil1 Everett Columbia Southern Ar Charlotte Washington Philadelphia Ar Asheville Southern Ar Mumli K C v noonn K mn iir i For full Information apply 6 any of tlsbi tsi Malltyiy t System or Its conncctldijo W A TURK C A BENSCOTEB S II HAROWIRK Put Agent Pan Agent At Conl Agent WASHINGTON De ATLANTA CX Florida Passenger Agent 212 Wwt Bay Street JACKSONVILLE March 17th ISDO Pimples Blotches 5 PRICKLY ASH POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Catarrh Malaria Makes and Kidney Troubles Are ntIreljirmoTea by PPP in Blood Poison Rheumatism Ham greatest blood partner oo V V P a Hot It hat rtonem more jrooil than monthi trearmantat Bprtnga Bend ttireo bottlta O o p Aberdeen prows County O lbnllditP Capt J D Jobnalon lightly inddliagreea pimple old chronic nlcerl utter boll ecteoa we may ear without coBtra P P P blood purtUor In the worldand Okla cancer Cured January and whoiebloodlila in tion benetttel by the won aod blooj prop irtlMcf PP Boot and riutlou from the teat of the and prennu any of the aor takenn eoralxbottlea and feel conndent that will Sect a core It bai alto relieved your medicine tree mj own prnoiial l y ssssfS wn By mm un Lilt DBUOOlflTB SELL IT cheerfully lay done me more LIPPMAN lOnUo Stan of tb ea VnOFBIICTOIt- SJptlagfl U Elpp auenio SaTona hOi l h I SOu L6 q j R w 1 j I L mAst NO U NO ee 0 t rflr1 TrlAltlS 1- 1UIt IL Itl 11 00 aJ e 20 pm Lv Jacks nntlle I 0 vm i h H v relt Ij Ii AnM HO IOr61m Ar 1 AOanGu 4 t S17am II H- nl1m 9apm ClllrfnnollQI 7tllI Umoro RR II oom m I IIIIm a OOm Ar UrrnllMlnA a III n pm tl20ru BL I II lOll Owner OenI KNOXVILLE TENN W D ALLEN FLA I P p Pp I Marvelous Cures Ash Poke Root e oar ° LtrPtlAN IAn an DBAR KluI bought cbattle r4J e 4 S f era 41 the and all It I bar atreogth 0 weaioned nerve bl to tb wonderful ropertk P ppp lor eropUonl of I Ioine lor 10111 An IIn- Jeellni and lIde IIrt prevailed my trlod eYor rem- eII 1 ry and trUA bu ID YRlnllnUi pp 1 WA need nbUl ood em now enurel malaria l8I nell lIT J D n all k a 11 elYlInAb Ga 10teb a o bet mkea IPPJIAN Ga1 Oserfemen1 bAn tr od p I are ears 48 lan l g And found greet de to orillea blood lro- lor e eon Dr Po lI IJlortur from ltomACb 1 to tba iigbet term 0 troublee Youre toll OAPT w kaoledn LaW rbumt eI for 3sar hevo bnt trld with oat rUr tIokaJl ALL l OD year medicine to m9 U 1r IJ u t i N 21RD- xssaee V 7avdrt h tit an cc IYn till Cl w r n Rope 8uurb t 1 a Macon I a29pm Matt l mu- Y a I n m 1 w- I t oats taint es m 0I0 l a Agent Met Pus r I r Old p Prickly and Potsa AsnanesN 0 July 21 180- 1tlatna DVI ol Ark three r and la roura JAIL bl IPRWTON t Ea weak gives whom eoncerer tnttf heD near wbere eroptionoa Qt For r and cured 0T and blood end sesee like fear rutimonvomrAiMayorOJSeguin- rsa permaneotcare Baqutme Tar a all cue Bros Savannah sour poisoned hn PwnUskin caocerottblrty It removes floor dleaee P Prickly Ash 0g14th1893 ms and L n08T Attorney at dues and Pan Ihave bottle of year P P and can I ell s id Greta County lf > > > > = = = = > < + > ° + MAGNETIC NERVINE It told with written cute oa nTeu Tobacco and lien Avurvr BEFORE AFTER soon the Drain canriMr Iiarreiieei Lost Power In either H- XPremntur Old Ac loun cauwd ueorer urUonoi the Drano am1 meat ID plain package by mall tn oddrei- ererboi rer IS order we elru- Clrculara roe Ouarauteo laraoi only bjr ovt i- cluilvo cleat AS A POEVEMTIVBfc- yellli ri llUU l c tlbl U Miln oaf V DWM eel la ttt MM MtvtAmf Anua with 2 norrnaft ml Ol w r For sale hy AcKEUMAS1 STEWAIIT Druggists and S la Agents Palatka Flu ap3 LIFE SEEDS will be tent at In order the public Adittn bleu SEED COTrltnm DM WewTork These tiny Capsules tpparioil to M difMSM Wl STEWART PLTlt F S1TBIJIn 111111 Jveoto4 to 11 1 no- G 1I U U en R I rI IQIII pal 81 sor n t n- on teau i AP te l theblooddN PACt ace to Ito v l a floe OPPtPliir- C b PeuralglaendWait- efnlneeeauedb ea Mental Softening nyer tror of Youth West 0 that etotal and don lee tte joys of l e cure ACKERMAN LA- N cc- s tekrcy7M r u vial pea 4dumy it darnel lhma we e fiery In Ut i anducc xer pe end beat Vr the remora pj be- kellta tae I t i ire I alad0rhllat lelsa0 SdJliyag > = = ° ° + ° ° > Sick Abed But Miserable With Chronic MalariaS- uch is the depressing condition- of in this state Months of creeping rigors cold no appetite listless tired out and genuine cause the anxious question Victims of Malaria Should Know What take Why searching af new medicines Qr doctors bills when d bot- tle of the oldest malarial remedy- on the market will reliefWintersmiths Chill TonicH- as for generations been used in every county this section It to your family and neighbors 4 NEVER FAILS IN Chills and Fever Dengue Ague Bil- ious Fever ilaQrlppc Tried and True i ES 00 SOU rCLIX LE BRUN8 II Not I sery VlAJtS ALL aUUORTxsarrr LAD DR aiD PEJIYROYAL O on IIt r 1 r i t 3da SUCCESSs Jo show fl- Ea PHISu- tiske1pM6nIJYIIRitO feadre- re msr Nat t- ACltltWLN k I1NWAR1- 11tsoaykl aadi m A3hefe14g11ke 0 ¬ ¬ < JACKSONVILLE vr- IP YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY ij Fertilizers or Fertilizer Material And obtain1 their Special Low Prices Cash wlthorder Dpa miss tnli U opportunity of n llfellmo to obtain fertilizers at about cost to manufacturer SOUTHEIIN OFFICE anti WABEJIpUSE at JACKSONVlLJ i tLAf i- Rearof 20 West BayStreet on Riverfront midway between Main and Laura Slteote iS SiBd lor Focket iA The Clyde Steamship CQ New York Charleston and Floirda tines Magnificent Steamsftips of his Line are appoint- ed to Sail as follows Calling at Charleston S C Both Ways IlrritO BII iar mn at 3 pm Friday at pm Monday April 8th at 3 pw A rlIS nt3pm Wednesday April SUli at ap in Tiie f y at 3 pm STANDARD TIME CI1KKOKE- KAtnOXOUlN SBJIINVILB 1UOQUOI3- CHKKORKR April 14th It- Thurtdny April letliatl- Bundaj Will at 030am April SOta at 8JO a m- Tbur M at 11 ft Sunday ttbat WO p m April SOth May CLYDES ST JOHNS RIVER LINE Tile Iron Steamers CITY 01 AND FREDERICK DeBARYL- cnvq Jacksonville from foot of Laura Street at 380 p m and Falatla at 845 p m dally except for Sanford Enterprise and Intermediate Landings Leave Sanford 000 n tn and Enterprise 030 a Palalka 0p m dally except Sqbdaj for Jacksonville and Intermediate Landing General Pnaaenjer and Tlcbeltorlcr 88 V Any StrtctJacliioavlIUFi FH mONHONOEIt Jn Fla A J COLE 1 Green York 6 Green New York 204 west Day 8U Jacksonville III T1IEO G EOER T M HOWARD Art Ml Howling llrecn K w York via jacMonttue LESLIE Superintendent Jacksonville Fla WM P CLYDE CO Gen Agts 13 Ho lelaw r Arc FklUilelpliln 8 Jiowllni arena New THE AMERICAN EXOTIC SEVEN OAKS FLORIDAH- ave for the Nine Ytan been Importing anil grouting most of the Economic Fruit of the tropics and warm countries of the world Vo cannot Innumerate the various species of all the but If Interested send for our catalogue It tells the story Stock Is second to none In size and quality Our paces below the lowest Make wants Known and we will cheerfully aid you in making seleci lions for When for catalogue wu shall appreciate It if you will paper R D HOYT Seven Oaks Fla Do You Remember This Winters Freeze Not altogether a pleasant recollection It nipped many promising Btbemo ll It undid the work pf years H irdly any port of the United States eBcaped I They were almost all ia it v Now take out your map Let your eye rest on the corner That Is where SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA located And that Is the only teotlon that Jack Frost tailed to touiKlheavljy It Did California V Speaking of Coltfornl It has nneioollfd climate It Is the Spot Choice Borqesi And Is the surest place for investments The Italy of America for the Home Seeker and the Fru rp r This a Fact Not Fiction i If you whh further faa embodied Jn Pflmph ts With compete full data v In pr on or by totter la Of the Greatest BallrotfUn the World The Santa Fe Route Mr 81880N located at Oh ttan osalileiin- gm tll team It a pjeasnre to tend C W- And pj n about the IfflproyedToarlrtlfleliwr14- Via from Oh a hronghVrlthoBtchwigotoIosAn l6Mii iitiH c Ii J I- W m- J j fJh 1 J j 1 l1 j- J I 0 MJE I To i V FertHii81i C c t i- J r Meniorandaijook 1i m t t l l I t ift1 lOit Jr t Ii 1- tI I zr i I From STHAIIIItS r 8iiGY aU AL Tb i1i1 y riUlh at IIO d SKllIiOJR d Irll1th Thursday m ArOO Q IN Tue 1 rll 121h at m SE3IIN6 E 1D April IGth at 3110 1 26th in York direct JACKSONVILLE t l m and K n CLYDE A Tt Art JNO r JA New i NURSERIES a treOlnll that we hays In J I l Not Touch I 4 r t IE Maps lll nRor f r i Ninth ata and the Latch Stffl ij1 r e I I Santa F l blaboatU n QoridubtedWittWffJX nfL i I f J r tJ AAp- x cv lTQ y BDarlillg L1 o1 x for a r NMr11rk 1rnm3acktotE ihIV s Florida t uotw Ap a Tot41 Dt DIurIlium ITN ahu l April 15thatgO0 tn 15N4atIOppym Tuesday 8xetat20pin t m CllltONE1 r hew Slde Wheel Saturday wilrg ToairJt I rare t applying ra a Southwest Ilf i traced C Aud Apply to- E F BIBSON who Agent At Naito g le a1a P 11a t the kSttJSlty i t- Ask PerrllcohaiUV f d c tk- x > > > > > < < < +

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Post on 03-Feb-2021




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    Ii urff i i iIJ

    I He t Ja I1f r i t J r I1-it t JI iI i 11 l Iii W it- i t I IIy 7i e I


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    r E11 t r

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    1 3t6 It7iPtiremwtMiaud4 mtx ar a a aK pr yt yyJL r jr









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    + = + +


    BI jwNMMlir WM it-JtldMit f rg how oott4Sgro-wr Vfl like I

    think I would hive to aooUlttu I didnt do what I was toldf-a yon think Id act ajr ma w wild

    An act w much like a little childXI dlilut target I wan Mil nut eightAn would lite mown hue to keep me tote

    Drown I was a little deadAn I didnt know what the old thing ownedBut Mid twa home I played so toughAn It made my ma juat ery uro nonjtji

    didnt forget do you apono that IWould ever net w to inako herAn dons yon npose Id behave justIf I didnt forget I going on nine

    B1 cwild nmumber do supposeI wouldnt take are of my Sunday

    would gut mad at my cousinWithout getting right away good again

    Pn T ho I wm Just torn badAn Ujclo Joo mya that Im like my dadAn Aunt Lou thu dont supposeIll nor be better ma xho knows

    tAn she IIUKH ma does with klw IwcuaOho 8 ITU I forgot how old I wu-

    nuud V Cooko in Youth Companion


    Were nt tho end of our stringtlinta sure enough

    But tofioll for such n sumus 1000 donna Wo bvosunk threetimed that mubh apiece besides nil ourhard work

    bat it strikes moilwould be tougher to tramp back to theState Nobody but a groonborn wouldBlvo n thuusnud fur that hole in tho

    as it stands Weve got to closeWith him thats nil of it mid for myputt Im dorm with mines old miningIll strike hack for tlio old farm as soon

    s I get fiOO Rafo in my pocketWeve concluded to

    said Homer Craft the bigger and blufftr of the two roan when it en mo to thefinal traniiictlons but I feel it in myLens that we am doing n mighty foolMi thing If I hadnt agreed with Willard here not to hold out beyond thislate Id go book on the barRaiifnow Iwee u fool not to stand out In black andwhite for a couple of thousand more Incaw you strike it rich before our tracksresoldThis w only intruded to keep the

    newcomer up to the mark as Willardwill knew but tho buyers

    was touched and ho answered waroaitly

    I myword gentlemen inthat I should otTer n bonus

    in proportion to tho value of your workin tho mine As it id I am puttliiRevery dollar I cat command into thisTbuture nud if my luck runs as yoursdid Ill be than yon arm as 1bore n wife down in Denver depending

    It wrislata in tho day when Iho trans-fer made but the new proprietorpulled off his coat and went to work aswon ns his predecessors left tho mine

    Hotamped In tho charge of giantpowder and set it off working awk-wardly as ono unused to such labor

    nd undoubtedly ho failed to step backto n sate distance for tho explodingblast caught him and killed him instoutly

    The two their fewbelongings Iu tho little cabin near thotunnel hoard tho reverberation andIdoiwl at each other

    If ho dont strikers lead it wontbe because bos stingy of powder saidCraft dryly Come along Willardlots seo what the fool has done

    There wee a moment of blank dismaywhen they what had occurredThen Craft swooped down to gropeamong time broken ore while ho turned

    exalted facu toward his companionWlllardl Its

    tho load the load I say its n luckymatter that no ono in the knows

    miDtPi T f9l II


    l1ti tt411i1d7IIt

    t t Itall

    I Q


    Ir 1cry



    An Den



    Tough frlelld


    ftake up


    glo youlike



    minors plICklng

    anLook hero Look herel



    emI ttket










    a arse






    maae the tran fcrlWhy Willard with drytrembling lips

    Bocauso well just retransfw itUiats Hero Is the deed in hispacket It is no robbery to take it back

    his thousand in its place Atliousnadl I wouldnt now

    nb nor 30000 for my share WhyWillard richer than hopedIts n plain intervention of Providencein pur behalf To think how near weeamo to cheating ourselves

    And Willard feebly protestinghimself to be overruled by bis

    stronger minted partner but hiswas sore over that breach of

    faithNo ono appeared to claim the 1000

    which tho stranger loft though it wasadvertised in the Denver papers and bewas soon forgotten by all except Willard whom remorse preyed upon butnot to tho extent of prompting him torustitntion until it was too late

    Ho was seized with a chill ono daywhile at work and tup next was on hisback raving with mountain laver

    li was known very soon that bo could

    Its the ovll that has come of ourtttaohery Croft and it will come onyou too if you dont make restitutionThey that are noarto death see clearerthou the living and I tell you that Iwont rest quiet in my grave youhunt up woman give her backht own If you lie if youpromise f that tail I tell you

    tillthe day of year death t-

    He ed BJmpJy to quiet Willard end Intention of keepingtbatpronlli-

    In dup the fever did ia workend Wllard wns laid In the

    eeiastory Craft teemedthe for his partners

    earthly be nging and he wailed himlfWB1J5 work one day fa

    TAOVmrteHm rjut Jn great slope therewas whioJithosewho




    and PuttoloIOOOO




    that my haunt youl


    lit rllatto-

    W o

    Ithe mine-


    h OmU

    Yet amidaroMa IlIRt lie






    not recover




    I spoldgyS bra

    a d

    of kis puttuuttyt

    61ir attire blastba 1 d d be


    whoop Sete all enffesct-

    v re eIdiA kWgfd-







    North sand 3NTcjX tx i eiALL TRAINS DAILY

    JT JaekKmvllle rCil1Everett

    Columbia SouthernAr Charlotte



    Ar Asheville SouthernAr Mumli K C vnoonn K mn iir i

    For full Information apply 6 any of tlsbi tsi Malltyiy tSystem or Its conncctldijo

    W A TURK C A BENSCOTEB S II HAROWIRKPut Agent Pan Agent At Conl Agent


    Florida Passenger Agent212 Wwt Bay Street JACKSONVILLE

    March 17th ISDO

    Pimples Blotches 5


    AND POTASSIUM Catarrh Malaria

    Makes and Kidney TroublesAre ntIreljirmoTea by PPP

    in Blood Poison


    Ham greatest blood partner oo

    V V P a HotIt hat rtonem more jrooil thanmonthi trearmantat BprtngaBend ttireo bottlta O o p

    Aberdeen prows County O

    lbnllditP Capt J D Jobnalon

    lightly inddliagreea

    pimple old chronic nlcerlutter bollecteoa we may ear withoutcoBtra P P Pblood purtUor In the worldand

    Okla cancer Cured


    and whoiebloodlila intion

    benetttel by the wonaod blooj prop

    irtlMcf PPBoot and

    riutlou from the teat of theand prennu any of theaor takenn eoralxbottleaand feel conndent thatwill Sect a core It bai alto relieved

    your medicine tree mj own prnoiiall

    y ssssfS wn By mm un LiltDBUOOlflTB SELL IT

    cheerfully lay done me more LIPPMAN lOnUoStan of tb ea VnOFBIICTOIt-

    SJptlagflU Elpp auenio SaTona hOi

    lh I

    SOu L6 q j

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    Umoro RR II oom mI IIIIm a OOm Ar UrrnllMlnA a III n

    pm tl20ru BL III





    P p PpI

    Marvelous CuresAsh Poke Roote oar °LtrPtlAN IAn an

    DBAR KluI bought cbattle r4Je 4S fera41

    the and all It I baratreogth 0 weaioned nervebl to tb wonderful ropertkP p p p lor eropUonl of IIoine lor 10111 An IIn-

    Jeellni and lIde IIrt prevailedmy trlod eYor rem-

    eII1 ry and trUA bu ID YRlnllnUi p p 1 WA need

    nbUl ood em now enurelmalaria l8I nell lIT J Dn all k a 11 elYlInAb Ga10teb



    Ga1 Oserfemen1 bAn tr od pI are ears 48lan l g And found greetde to orillea blood lro-

    lore eon Dr


    lI IJlortur from ltomACb1 to tba iigbet term 0 troublee Youre toll

    OAPT wkaoledn LaWrbumt eI for3sar hevo bnttrld with

    oat rUr tIokaJl ALLlOD year medicine to

    m9 U 1r IJ




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    and la rouraJAIL bl IPRWTONt Eaweak gives whom eoncerer

    tnttfheD near wbere

    eroptionoa QtForr

    and cured0T andblood end sesee likefear rutimonvomrAiMayorOJSeguin-

    rsa permaneotcare Baqutme Tara all cue Bros Savannahsour

    poisoned hn PwnUskin caocerottblrtyIt

    removesfloor dleaee

    P Prickly Ash

    0g14th1893 ms and

    L n08TAttorney atdues andPan

    Ihavebottle of year P P and can

    I ell

    s id Greta County lf










    + >



    MAGNETIC NERVINEIt told with written


    oa nTeuTobacco and lien

    AvurvrBEFORE AFTER soonthe Drain canriMrIiarreiieei Lost Power In either H-XPremntur Old Ac loun cauwd

    ueorer urUonoi the Drano am1

    meat ID plain package by mall tn oddrei-ererboi rer IS order we elru-Clrculara roe Ouarauteo laraoi only bjr ovt i-cluilvo cleat

    AS A POEVEMTIVBfc-yellli ri llUU l c tlbl U Milnoaf V DWM eel la ttt MM

    MtvtAmf Anuawith 2 norrnaft ml Ol w r

    For sale hy AcKEUMAS1 STEWAIIT

    Druggists and S la Agents Palatka

    Flu ap3


    will be tent at In orderthe public Adittn

    bleu SEED COTrltnm DM WewTork

    These tiny Capsules tpparioilto

    M difMSM Wl


    PLTlt F

    S1TBIJIn 111111Jveoto4 to 11 1



    U UenR I rI IQIII pal81 sor n t


    on teaui

    AP tel theblooddN PACt ace



    l a floe OPPtPliir-C

    bPeuralglaendWait-efnlneeeauedb ea


    nyertror of Youth West 0 thatetotal and don lee tte joys of l e cure



    N cc-s tekrcy7M

    r uvial pea 4dumyit

    darnellhma we



    i anducc xer pe endbeat

    Vr theremora pjbe-kellta


    I t iire

    I alad0rhllat lelsa0



    = =

    ° °




    Sick AbedBut MiserableWithChronic MalariaS-uch is the depressing condition-of in thisstate Months of creeping rigorscoldno appetite listless tired out

    and genuine causethe anxious question

    Victimsof MalariaShould Know


    takeWhy searching af

    new medicines Qrdoctors bills when d bot-tle of the oldest malarial remedy-on the market will


    Chill TonicH-as for generations been used inevery county this section It

    to your family andneighbors


    Chills and FeverDengue Ague Bil-

    ious Fever ilaQrlppcTried and True




    I sery

    VlAJtSALL aUUORTxsarrr



    O on IItr

    1 r it

    3da SUCCESSs Jo


    fl-Ea PHISu-tiske1pM6nIJYIIRitO feadre-

    re msr Nat t-

    ACltltWLN k I1NWAR1-11tsoaykl aadi m A3hefe14g11ke






    IP YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY ijFertilizers or Fertilizer Material

    And obtain1 their Special Low Prices Cash wlthorder Dpa miss tnli Uopportunity of n llfellmo to obtain fertilizers at about cost to manufacturer


    Rearof 20 West BayStreet on Riverfront midway between Main and LauraSlteote iS SiBd lor Focket


    The Clyde Steamship CQ

    New York Charleston and Floirda tinesMagnificent Steamsftips of his Line are appoint-

    ed to Sail as followsCalling at Charleston S C Both Ways

    IlrritO BIIiar mn at 3 pm


    at p mMonday April 8th at 3 p w

    A rlIS nt3pmWednesday April SUli at a p inTiie f y at 3 pm





    April 14th It-

    Thurtdny April letliatl-

    Bundaj Will at 030amApril SOta at 8JO a m-

    Tbur M at 11 ftSunday ttbat WO p mApril SOth May


    CITY 01AND

    FREDERICK DeBARYL-cnvq Jacksonville from foot of Laura Street at 380 p m and Falatla at

    845 p m dally except for Sanford Enterprise and IntermediateLandings

    Leave Sanford 000 n tn and Enterprise 030 a Palalka 0 p mdally except Sqbdaj for Jacksonville and Intermediate Landing

    General Pnaaenjer and Tlcbeltorlcr 88 V Any StrtctJacliioavlIUFiF H mONHONOEIt Jn Fla

    A J COLE1 Green York

    6 Green New York 204 west Day 8U Jacksonville IIIT1IEO G EOER T M HOWARD Art

    Ml Howling llrecn K w York viajacMonttueLESLIE Superintendent

    Jacksonville Fla

    WM P CLYDE CO Gen Agts13 Ho lelaw r Arc FklUilelpliln 8 Jiowllni arena New


    SEVEN OAKS FLORIDAH-ave for the Nine Ytan been Importing anil

    grouting most of the Economic Fruitof the tropics and warm countries of the world

    Vo cannot Innumerate the various species of all the

    but If Interested send for our catalogue It tells thestory

    Stock Is second to none In size and qualityOur paces below the lowest Make wants Knownand we will cheerfully aid you in making selecilions for

    When for catalogue wu shall appreciate Itif you will paper

    R D HOYT

    Seven Oaks Fla

    Do You Remember This Winters FreezeNot altogether a pleasant recollectionIt nipped many promising Btbemo llIt undid the work pf yearsH irdly any port of the United States eBcaped IThey were almost all ia it vNow take out your mapLet your eye rest on the cornerThat Is where SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA locatedAnd that Is the only teotlon that Jack Frost tailed to touiKlheavljy

    It Did California VSpeaking of Coltfornl It has nneioollfd climateIt Is the Spot Choice BorqesiAnd Is the surest place for investmentsThe Italy of America for the Home Seeker and the Fru rp r

    This a Fact Not Fiction iIf you whh further faa embodied Jn Pflmph tsWith compete full data v

    In pr on or by totterla

    Of the Greatest BallrotfUn the World

    The Santa Fe RouteMr 81880N located at Oh ttan osalileiin-gm tll team It a pjeasnre to tend C W-And pj n about the IfflproyedToarlrtlfleliwr14-Via from Oh a

    hronghVrlthoBtchwigotoIosAn l6Mii iitiH

    c IiJI-W

    m-J j

    fJh 1J j1l1 j-J


    MJE IToi V

    FertHii81i C c ti-



    Meniorandaijook 1i

    m tt

    l lI t ift1lOit

    Jr tIi 1-tI




    FromSTHAIIIItS r

    8iiGYaU AL Tb i1i1 y riUlh at

    IIO d SKllIiOJR d Irll1thThursday

    mArOO Q IN Tue 1

    rll 121h at m SE3IIN6 E 1DApril IGth at 3110 1

    26th in

    York direct



    m and

    K n CLYDE A Tt ArtJNO

    r JANew




    treOlnll that we hays InJ



    Not Touch I4


    t IE


    lll nRor



    Ninth ata and the Latch Stffl ij1 re I I

    Santa Fl

    blaboatU nQoridubtedWittWffJX nfL

    iI f





    xcv lTQ y

    BDarlillgL1 o1x



    NMr11rk 1rnm3acktotE ihIVs Florida

    t uotw Ap a Tot41 DtDIurIlium ITN


    lApril 15thatgO0tn 15N4atIOppym

    Tuesday 8xetat20pin tm CllltONE1



    Slde Wheel











    Ilf itracedC

    AudApply to-E F BIBSON who Agent

    At Naito g le a1a P11a t

    the kSttJSlty it-


    PerrllcohaiUV f











