jenni keast portfolio - direct response/mail

Jenni Keast: Portfolio - Direct

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Jenni Keast: Portfolio -


Product: Direct-Mail –Bermuda

(Click here to see the rest of my Amex Travel planners in my Portfolio.)

Amex Planners:

Client: American Express Travel

Target Market: American Express Cardholders

Agency: Bates & Lee

Tone: Sophisticated, lively style with a comic flair for the high-end traveler.

Challenges: (1) To overcome the impression of Bermuda as being too staid and (2) to sell Bermuda as a place to go off-season.

Published in: ‗In Gear‖ Dept., Roads to Adventure Mag. These product reviews were actually advertorial copy intended to move the reader to respond by migrating over to

the Buy Now section where they would order product. As the In Gear editor, I had established a level of expertise

that our readers trusted & were therefore more likely to buy the product I reviewed. The fact that I used many of

these products myself while on my many travel adventures for the publication, lent an added level of trust.

Headers: These add-on headers demonstrate how simple it is to turn an advertorial product ―review" into direct

mail copy (catalog). In some of these copy blocks I‘ve inserted benefit-driven headers, while others are simply

attention-getting creative.

To read more about advertorial product reviews, visit my Portfolio:

To view the ―In Gear‖ Feature Section of Roads to Adventure Magazine visit my Portfolio.

Catalog/Advertorial Outdoor Product Reviews- (with added Benefit-Driven Headers)

Following are some *advertorial outdoor product reviews (close cousin to catalog copy) to which which I‘ve added both benefit-driven

& creative headers.

These advertorial product reviews are similar to what you might read in a magalog. In other words, thickly disguised (or thinly–

depending on how well you do your job) editorial intended to cultivate trust in a customer or consumer in hopes that:

(1) they will become loyal to your brand and

(2) they will buy your product or services.

As long as a company is not being disingenuous about either the fact that they are not strictly an editorial publication or about the

actual merits of their product , it‘s considered perfectly ethical to use advertorial.

By and large consumers trust advertorial publications (magalogs) produced by their favorite brands and do so knowing that these

publications are not editorial (completely unbiased publications.)

If the truth be known, even so-called editorial publications, in deference to their existing or hope-they‘ll–become-advertisers do

product write-ups that favor particular products over others. Anyone who says otherwise is living in journalism school la-la land.

In my case, my ethical standards were satisfied in that at least 90% of the time, I actually tried out the products I wrote about before

extolling their praises. (And had a lot of fun doing it.)

You see, it was important to me that I slept at night … even if I had to sleep on the hard ground in a tent that I spent more time than I

would have like pitching in order to make nice with my conscience :)

So … without further ado, let‘s see what we can do to turn an advertorial product review into an instant selling piece (direct mail-

catalog copy) simply by adding a benefit-driven headline.


Product: Tessa Johnson‘s

Elegant Stationery of the West

Brew, Drink & Be Merry …

all From the Same


Product: Big Sky Bistro

Outdoor Coffee Press

Note: This has the double

advantage of being both a

benefit-driven & a creative

header. That’s always a good

standard to strive for, but if you

have to choose one over the

other, it’s always best to go the

benefit route.


Product: Cascade

Design – Sweetwater

Global Water

Express Kit

I‘m going to have fun with this next one, so pardon me while rather than use a benefit-driven header, I use the old intrigue-them-so-they‘ll-read-it approach.

The outdoor brew maker that will make your European friends jealous.

(Alternate Headers)

Expresso your inner cowboy. Reveal your outer European.

Make a shootin’ tootin’ cowboy jealous. Give him a shot from this.

They’ll Laugh When You Bring this Into the Woods.

Then Wish They Had One.

Product: GSI Outdoors Mini-Expresso Maker


Finally. A Rugged And

Roomy 4-Season Tent That

Takes The Sting Out Of

Winter Camping.

Product: Eureka Scorpion



The Cutting-Edge Tool that

Works in a Pinch … Makes One-

Tool-at-a-Time Opening a Cinch.

Product: Buck Knives


It’s official.

Alaska now has a

Monopoly on

scenic wonders.



Shoot a Moose.

Mush to Jail.

Don’t Collect


Or …

When She’s Not

Looking at Russia

through her


Palin Plays This

A Flameless Outdoor Lighter That Can’t Blow Out!


Where is that

lightweight, yet


windproof vest I

can invest in

without getting

fleeced? You’re

getting warmer.


Invest in this Vest &

your Money Won’t Be

Gone with the Wind.


Take a Wrong Turn? No Worries. This

Tool Sets You Right … Even at Night.

Product: Magellan‘s Pop-Out Magnifier

Client: Alta Vista and

Note: As the Product Copy Manger/Editor for AltaVista (now defunct), I oversaw

the production of over 20,000 product descriptions––hiring, training & overseeing some 80 writers

(mostly freelance). I even wrote quite a few myself to demonstrate what we were looking for in

terms of style & tone. These are just a few of the descriptions I generated during that period.

Section #III

Note: In the interest of saving space, Product Specs were eliminated from any and all copy blocks

Sony DVD=S53OD

Big Theater Effects Without

a Big Head in Your Way

Fire up your audio system. Sit back.

And prepare to be blown away without

having your view obstructed by a

beehive hairdo. This DVD can be

optimized for your loudspeakers and

your listening room. Sony engineers

gave the DVD-S53OD the important

adjustments required for optimizing your

surround sound.

Only Sony offers the Digital Cinema

Sound™ system that allows you to

enjoy ideal theater sound even when

you don‘t have ideal speaker

placement. A 4-Tap Weighted Average

Letterbox filter achieves greater stability

and reduces interline flicker and jagged

edges. SmoothSlow™ playback

provides enhanced slow-speed

performance in both forward and

reverse so you can scrutinize every

frame. And of course there‘s a pause

button so you can get popcorn without

missing a thing. Except the sticky floor.

Infinity SM-225 Floor Speakers

From Here To Infinity

If Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr had

these at the beach house, steam would

have been rising up from the ocean.

That's because any music played through

these speakers––including make-love-on-

the-beach background music–– comes out

with unparalleled sound. If you want loud,

it's LOUD, if you want kick-ass to your

bass, you‘ve got it with the floor-standing,

bass-reflex that lets you rock 'n roll

through the night.

The 1" Fastglass dome tweeter is

an exceptionally lightweight, responsive

new fiberglass composite that greatly

improves efficiency and power handling.

With 101db sensitivity, these

speakers will play loud even when driven

by low-powered receivers. And when the

bass is beefed up, the adjustable tweeter

level control lets you tweak your highs so

they're just right.

Perfect for the beach house and those

midnight swims.

Panasonic KX-TM150B Digital

Answering System w/Caller ID

Total Recall

Who was that person with the

thick, heavy accent who left that

cryptic message on your answering

machine? The only part you

understood was "Hasta la vista, baby."

No problem. You‘ve got his number.

With Panasonic's Caller ID data

feature that displays the name and

number with each message during

playback, you won't have to listen to

your phone messages ten times just to

figure out who called. Total recording

time for messages is 15 minutes so

everybody gets their 15 minutes of

fame on your machine, even if they're

already famous--like Arnold.

Advanced Microchip Technology

makes for improved voice recording

quality over previous models and Call

Screening Toll Saver lets you check

messages from a remote location.

Even better, the system will answer on

the first ring only if you have new

messages. If not, you can hang up and

avoid toll charges.

We Swear, You Can Control Offensive Language on TV!

TVGuardian - The Foul Language Filter

• Filters out profanity and offensive phrases

• Connects between your TV and VCR

• Offers three modes of filtering

• Installs easily

You may not be able to control celebrity over ―exposure‖ during televised Super Bowls, but you can do more than just cry ―Foul!‖ at

offensive words and phrases that spew forth from your TV.

It‘s common knowledge. Offensive language is imbedded in practically every movie and TV program today, even programming

intended for children. There‘s just no way you can predict when an expletive or other less-than- wholesome word or phrase is going

to jump out of the airwaves and into the sanctity of your home.

So rather than keeping your finger nervously glued to the Mute button, or foolishly yelling ―Blah, Blah, Blah‖ in a vain attempt to

drown out the words on an otherwise enjoyable movie or TV show (thereby missing what‘s going on), why not allow TVGuardian to

do the work for you?

TVGuardian works on virtually all TV programs and videos played through the VCR. Unlike devices based on the V-

Chip, TVGuardian does not require TV networks to assign special ratings, and TVG does not block programs. Simply pop in a movie

or turn on your favorite TV series and TVGuardian goes to work in the background editing out offensive language.

How does it work?

TVGuardian works by monitoring the closed caption content and muting the sound when it detects profanity. The closed captioned

signal is a hidden signal that is embedded in the video signal of most broadcast television and videotapes. If you have the closed

captioning on your TV turned on, it also modifies the closed caption text, replacing it with a more acceptable substitute. (Rest of copy

is product specs.)

Ferret out Fibbers, Save Secrets and Track Time in Tokyo with a Truth Detector Spy Watch

Get four high-tech gadgets in one with the Truth Detector Spy Watch.

• Know who's telling the truth and who's not, instantly

• Make sure your mission plans don't get stolen with a 3-level secret message encoder

• A high-tech mission alarm alerts you when it's time for action

• Be an agent anywhere with accurate time in 24 cities around the world

Good news for closet CIA operatives and wannabe Secret Service agents. You don‘t need to be the long arm of

the law to find out who‘s lying and whose not. You just need an arm.

With The Truth Detector Spy Watch— an advanced system that uses real lie detector technology—you can

determine whether that mechanic who asked you if you were ―sitting down‖ while he gave you that outrageous

repair quote is on the up and up or just jerking your timing chain.

Ferreting out falsehoods is easy. Just ask the person you're testing (of course you don‘t tell them that‘s what

you‘re doing) to hold their index and middle fingers against the biofeedback sensors. With their fingers still on the

sensors, ask them a question, like, ―Do I really need a new engine?‖ As they answer, press the SET button

once, which brings up a chart. The more bars appear on the screen, the less likely it is they‘re being honest. Look

for other clues, such as rapid eye movement or a flushed face to help you decide.

But truth detection is just the tip of the iceberg! This multi-use spy gadget also incorporates a 3-level secret

message encoder (for the ultimate in security), a high-tech mission alarm (which will not self destruct in 60

seconds) and accurate time in 24 international travel destinations around the globe.

Isn‘t this good news? Now you can be a Secret Agent Man without them giving you a number or taking away your


Fido Fed Up With Not Being Fed?

AutopetfeederFeed your pets at a set time every day, even if you have an unpredictable schedule.

• Never forget to feed your pet again

• Promotes better pet health — they won't overeat

• Food stays fresh and clean

• You decide when and how much your pet eats

• Keeps pet fit and trim

You called home and told Fido you‘d be late for dinner. Not yours—his. Since Fido can‘t talk, ergo he can‘t answer the phone, your

words were lost. All he knows is that he‘s hungry—again.

Save your therapy money over the guilt you feel for forgetting to feed Fido (or feline Fifi) and hook on to the Autopetfeeder—the

ultimate low-maintenance pet feeder that will guarantee—as God is your witness—that your pet will never go hungry again.

The Autopetfeeder automatically dispenses your pet's favorite dry food. Just fill the see-through container with pet food (Caution: a T-

Bone will jam it), and the Autopetfeeder will release a pre-determined amount of food at any time of day you choose. It's perfect for

any pet owner with an unpredictable schedule, or for anyone that simply wants to take a quick weekend trip without letting their pets

overeat or go hungry. No more letting your social life be determined by your pet!

Designed for either cats or dogs, this remarkable feeder can be programmed to dispense food up to eight times a day, seven days a

week, 365 days a year. Food is delivered to the bowl over several minutes, using a slow-moving auger, which is totally pet safe, even

if Fido or Fifi sticks his or her eager little tongue up the food chute! An additional stirring mechanism inside the

storage container minimizes the possibility of clogs and jams.

Each Autopetfeeder includes a dishwasher-safe bowl for easy cleaning and a 24-hour programmable timer with built-in battery

backup. A non-chewable cord ensures pet safety. Available in small, medium and large sizes.

Those Dirty Rats—Get Rid of Rodents Easily Without Glue or Poison!

Rat Zapper

• Rid your home of rodents without seeing or touching them

• Electric shock exterminates rodents instantly

• Red strobe light indicates when the chamber needs to be emptied

• Battery-operated - place it anywhere you have a rodent problem

Have you noticed? That the best-laid plans of men to catch mice go astray? Rats may be even harder to entrap.

Few of them actually fall for the poison plan, glue-board gimmick or ultrasonic ultimatum. For the occasional gene-

deficient rodent that does take the bait, you‘re left with a hideously contorted smelly carcass that lays prostrate

behind your refrigerator. Not exactly sanitary—or safe. Especially when you consider that rats carry a host of

germs of several diseases—including plague, food poisoning and typhus.

With the Rat Zapper you never have to handle the body. Or be left with that dreaded kitchen carnage. How does it

work? First, you bait the trap with ordinary dry pet food, or Rat Zapper‘s specialty bait. Then, when the rodent

enters the long blue plastic

box searching for his midnight snack . . .Holy Voltage Batman! It gets the shock of its short rat life. That‘s

because the electronic system senses the rat‘s presence, and then delivers enough electrical energy to send him

off to his Great Reward—quickly—so the rodent never suffers.

Disposal is clean and easy. First, a red strobe light on the top blinks when it's time to empty the chamber. Then

you just tip the Zapper over a proper waste receptacle and say good riddance to Rizzo. To use the Zapper again,

simply add new bait, turn the system on and put it back wherever rats tend to ―hang‖ and do their rodent thing. It‘s

the perfect no-fuss, no-muss, and guiltless rat-elimination system ever! (Rest of copy is product specs)

This copy was written strictly for

fun as few clients would want to

go this far with this particular

subject matter!

⌘ Coldwater Creek ⌘ Territory Ahead ⌘ Miscellaneous

The style of catalog copy writing in this section fits one or more of the following types:

⌘ Quietly upscale descriptive ⌘ Narrative ⌘ Snob Appeal ⌘ Image All the

Way You, You, You ⌘ Jes‘ Folks

French knot big shirt (V.1)

Being ―all buttoned up‖ never looked

this alluring. Slightly proper, but still

full-on feminine, this Asian-inspired,

French-knot pale pink big shirt

crafted in India is just destined to

travel—with you in it of course. All-

over embroidery, gently flared

bottom and a front breezy opening

make it a perfect pairing with loose

silky pants or your just-can‘t-part-

with pair of lived-in jeans. Elegant,

yet whimsical, frog-knot closures

beg to be unbuttoned—just for the

fun of it. Linen/rayon. Machine

washable, cold. Imported. Misses S-

M-L and XL; petites PS-PM-PL and

PXL; women‘s 1X-2X and 3X. $55.

French knot big shirt


Anata kawaii. Translated that

means ―you are cute‖ in

Japanese. And you will be in this

Asian-inspired, French-knot big

shirt made in India. With that kind

of cultural heritage, this shirt is

destined to travel—with you in it of

course. Slightly proper, yet full-on

feminine with intricate

embroidery, gently flared bottom

and breezy opening that makes

this soft salmon stunner a perfect

topper for loose silky pants or your

just-can‘t-part-with pair of jeans.

Elegant, yet whimsical, frog-knot

closures beg to be unbuttoned—

just for the fun of it. Linen/rayon.

Machine washable, cold.

Imported. Misses S-M-L and XL;

petites PS-PM-PL and PXL;

women‘s 1X-2X and 3X. $55.

Pintuck Detail Jacket and Dress Set

Heaven knows you never liked purple

prose. All those maudlin metaphors

and precious moments…pleaseeee …

that‘s just not your style. But the color

purple—now that‘s a different story.

Especially when your favorite color is

displayed so richly on this plum

gorgeous jacket and dress set that

sheathes you in slits—throwing out

some decidedly leggy curves that

takes even you by surprise. A loose-fit

jacket over the sleeveless, zip-back

dress makes you feel even more lá de

da. But since life is not all flowy and

dramatic, pretty pintuck detail on the

agoya shell buttoned-jacket adds just

the right amount of needed nuance.

Polyester and Polynosic; hand wash

cold. Imported. Misses S-M-L-XL; (21"

dress; 36‖ jacket) women‘s 1X-2-X-3X.

PXS-PS-PM-PL and PXL. (19" dress;

33‖ jacket). $89

Coldwater Creek


You‘re thousands of miles away in Belize, in San Pedro on the

Anbergris Cay. In the morning you swim with the sting rays. In

the evening you sip the Chilean wine with the ruggedly

handsome boat captain—a direct descendant from a British

pirate, he tells you. You know about pirates. And you know what

to wear…that flowing little blue and white batik-look print

number. Cool, airy and tropical—with just a little reserve. ―One

piece or two‖? the waiter asks as you reach down to fasten your

side tie. ―One,‖ you reply. Is he flirting with you? Or maybe it‘s

the wine. ―Lovely dress,‖ whispers the dark-skinned Nigel in his

crisp English accent. Hmmm? You answer him dreamily as the

person who wants your job stands over your chair asking

snidely asking you if you had too much sun at lunch. Oh well, it

doesn‘t matter. You have the dress. She doesn‘t. USA-made of

imported rayon; dry clean. Regular S-M-L. Blue & white print.

Back zipper. [R01473] $138

Long Oval Coral Pendant Necklace (Ver. 1)

You can‘t be. Not when you‘re wearing a pendant this unique.

Made of re-constituted coral inlay stone distinguished by a slight

matrix that runs through it—making this stone very unMatrix

like: natural, bright and unusually shaped. You simply won‘t find

another exactly like it. If you do, get worried—you‘re probably

not real. 2.4" long oval pendant slides along an 18" serpentine

chain of sterling. Imported. $49

Long Oval Coral Pendant Necklace (Ver. 1)

Call it ―Neo-Matrix‖. Meaning what? Meaning that in this

case, it‘s the matrix (running through it) that makes this

wonderfully alluring pendant so very unMatrix like.

Natural, bright and unusually shaped, you simply won‘t

find another exactly like it. If you do, get worried. You‘re

probably not real. But then, only Neo would know for

sure. 2.4" long oval pendant slides along an 18"

serpentine chain of sterling. Imported. $49


―Don‘t cast your pearls before swine,‖ your mother

always said during your pig-tailed prepubescence.

Later, in your early twenties, you learned the hard way

what she meant. So now you dress in a way that shows

that you know your worth: Classic, simple clothes and

the jewelry to match. Like these shiny oval mabe pearl

earrings set in sterling silver. Graceful, yet with a

clean, contemporary design, they succeed wonderfully in

bringing out your understated beauty—day or night.

Love. Success. Happiness—the pearl symbolizes all of

this. And you‘ll never settle for anything less. About 1"

long and 5/8" wide. USA-made. Specify Eurowires or

clips. [R70151] $75 pair

Peterman‘s Catalog style-

Overkill yes, but a fun example

of the narrative style

Coldwater Creek.

Touché for this Torchiere

It was the glass that launched a thousand lamps. Over a hundred years

ago, one artist‘s obsession with creating an art form out of discarded stained

glass gave birth to the now-famous, Tiffany Lamp. Louis Comfort Tiffany‘s

unparalleled craftsmanship brought more than just comfort to the well-heeled

homes of such turn-of-the-century notables as Mark Twain and Cornelius

Vanderbilit––it also brought a sense of beauty and style never before seen in

the American home. This classic pink rose touchiere buffet lamp continues the

Tiffany tradition with its bold colors, opalescent sheens and a slight variation in

glass shape, color and placement—making this glass act a one-of-a-kind

treasured keepsake. Measures 9" x 24". Imported.

Alternate Header: A Glass Act

Dale Tiffany Pink Rose Torchiere


Coldwater Creek: Category: Home Décor

Coldwater Creek

Product: Pewter Medallion

An Uncommon Loon

It‘s the spirit of the northern lakes, a haunting cry that reaches over caverns of time and calls us back to a place where creatures flew over still, dark lakes and never heard the sound of man. The loon has much to tell us, if we but listen.

Designer Ken Kantro has captured this ancient bird in a stunning pewter medallion hat hangs gracefully on the end of a 24‖ sterling silver chain—forever reminding us that we were not the first to bathe under the light of a pale summer moon. $45.00

Pre-Adam’s Family

Volatile, but with real family values. Rarely leaves its nest. Screams a warning one moment, shrieks with laughter the next, cries inconsolably when thinking of the past (and it‘s a long one), and yodels—whenever. Sound loony? No, it‘s just the ―Loon Family‖—birds of a black and white feather that stick together, no matter how crazy things get. To celebrate the world‘s oldest bird (20 million years, to be-not-so exact), designer Ken Kantro has crafted this stunning pewter medallion with the image of the ancient loon forever captured on the end of a 24‖ sterling silver chain. $45.00


The Woman In the Red Dress

Gilda leaves her gilded cage looking for love

in all the right places. Secretly hoping that in

one of the street cafes or out-of-the way book

stores of Provence, she‘ll find him. She raises

her standard when she wears her fiery, but

feminine, red dress that suggests, rather than

seduces. The top flows effortlessly from its

padded shoulders and curves ever so slightly

above the graceful skirt. The slit on the side

reveals just enough leg to fire the imagination

of the young man standing in the corner. He

didn‘t come looking for just anyone. He was

tired of the games, weary of the empty-

headed women who gave too willingly and

settled so easily. He wanted the one who

would make him want to be a better man. He

wanted the woman with the red dress.

Imported crinkle rayon; dry clean. Regular S-

M-L-XL (skirt about 36‖ long); petites PXS-

PS-PM-PL (31‖) In red (040). [R21873] $98

the set Women‘s 1X-2X-3X. [R218743] $108

the set.

From Boring to Beautiful…Belle Notte’s Linens are Transforming the Bedroom

If your bedroom doubles as your bored room, then it‘s time to change your linens. California bedding designer Kathleen McCoy has

the answer for those decorating deficient doldrums: luxury linens that bring the outdoors inside.

McCoy mutters the mantra of the new millennium: Simplify. Make home your haven. She also knows that what should be the ultimate

haven within our home—the bedroom—is often relegated to the back burner when it comes to decorating priorities. Rather than

being shown off proudly, it‘s the one room in the house that we often shut off as soon as the doorbell rings. ―They‘re

here…quick, shut my bedroom door!‖ is the familiar last-minute cry.

Bringing in the Outdoors

Belle Notte Linens have changed all that. McCoy, who founded the company just four years ago, approaches the job of designing

bedrooms as passionately as she once approached her wedding gown creations. Maybe with even more passion when you consider

that the romantic aura she creates with her bedding designs help keep the nuptial fires burning long after the gown has faded. With

an emphasis on texture, Bella Notte‘s luxurious pre-softened linens, which include duvet covers, throws, pillow shams, curtains and

sheets, tend to have a high ―touch factor.‖ They also reflect the popular trend of buyers wanting more natural and inviting, vintage-

inspired prints.

McCoy meets the need for this earthy ambience by choosing tones and hues inspired from nature itself, like muted lilacs that make

one think of freshly picked Spanish lavender and sage greens reminiscent of a wild California garden. McCoy‘s line of fashion

bedding is constructed from over 13 types of fabrics such as silk, linen, chenille and velvet. While using many of these fabrics for bed

linens isn‘t new, it‘s her talent for employing innovative applications and finishing techniques for these classic fabrics that make these

creations truly one-of-a-kind.

Boil, Boil…She Does it Vat Way

McCoy‘s secret for creating that soft and natural vintage look is simple. She literally throws bolts of varying types of fabric into a giant

vat that contains a particular dye lot. The color adheres to the fabrics differently, giving each fabric its own unique variation on a

theme. The result when all put together? A harmonious, yet non-monotonous look that makes one feel that their bedroom has been

transported into the middle of a mountain meadow, reflecting all the subtle shades and hues that nature brings. Read Page

Two on Next Slide ….

Advertorial feature web article written for Udeco, profiling Bella Notte‘s


From Boring to Beautiful…Belle Notte’s Linens are Transforming the Bedroom

Continued from first slide …

Linens That Let You Have a Life

In spite of their beguiling good looks, McCoy‘s linens are low-maintenance. Most luxury linens not only carry a hefty price tag, they

require special care and cleaning. Not so with Bella Notte‘s bedding. Most of them are washer and dryer safe. In fact, McCoy‘s linens

loved to be laundered; they become softer and more supple with each wash. They‘re also child and pet friendly. It was her own

bustling brood that inspired her concept of durable luxury. ―For my own bed, I wanted something really gorgeous—that didn‘t have to

be off-limits to my kids and animals,‖ says Mc Coy. ―And it had to be something that would keep looking and feeling great in spite of

all the traffic.‖

Everyone’s an Artist

As unique as McCoy‘s bedroom creations are, she‘s not exclusive about her products. McCoy is an artist and believes that her

customer should feel similarly inspired when putting together their own bedroom look. That means not doing the traditional bedding

thing that often discourages pieces from one line of linens to be mixed with pieces from other lines. McCoy‘s pieces are designed for

the customer to be able to create eclectic,

truly individualized bedrooms that reflect their own unique style. And she doesn‘t care if the duvet cover is hers, but the pillow is from

―somewhere else.‖

Escape to Home

Belle Notte is an Italian phrase that means ―beautiful night.‖ For most of us having a beautiful night conjures up an image of getting

away from home. Images of a Tuscan villa or a bed and breakfast in the middle of wine country come to mind. McCoy, however, has

proven that you don‘t have to leave home to create an amorous ambiance.

You can stay right where you are, snugly ensconced within the four corners of your romantic-inspired Belle Notte bedroom and begin

the beguine once again. To complete the transformation, just throw in some well-placed scented candles, a home spa evening, a

little aromatherapy and you have the ultimate respite from the daily vicissitudes and stresses of life.

For related editorial web content in the category of Homes and Home Décor Visit my House Styles Guide located

in my Portfolio.

Day-O. Day oh oh oh. Daylight come

and she want to leave home. With or

without Belafonte, you're taking off to

Bermuda… Antigua…Barbados—

wherever sun and rum come together

and let you forget about acquisitions and

mergers and efficiency experts. The only

thing you want to be efficient about is

getting that smooth, perfectly painted-on

tan. As for mergers? Well, after your

feet slip into your cushiony Sedona Sun

Sandals and the rest of you pours into

that fabulous little tangerine sun

dress, then maybe you'll see what the

night life has to offer.

With wide, supportive leather straps;

sunny, tapestry footbeds; and sure-

footed molded synthetic soles. Get

outside and see what happens. Imported

Territory Ahead – Spec


It's hard to find sailor pants that don't--well,

well make you look a sailor. Not that that's

bad--it just wasn't quite the look you were

going for. You want the adventurous feel of

authentic navy pants, but without the swab-

the-decks utilitarian effect. Not to worry, with

these thoroughly modern maritime trousers

that feature a flattering flat front and decidedly

nautical flair, you can play sailor without ever

having to enlist.

Details include: a bandless natural waist, four-

button front flap, jeans-style rise, straight but

roomy legs, and back darts that slim the lines

through waist and hips. Anchor buttons keep it

traditional--but with a touch of flair. Machine

wash. Imported in two colors: Navy; White.


You‘re thousands of miles away in Belize, in San Pedro on the Anbergris Cay. In the morning you swim with the

sting rays. In the evening you sip the Chilean wine with the ruggedly handsome boat captain—a direct descendant

from a British pirate, he tells you. You know about pirates. And you know what to wear…that flowing little blue and

white batik-look print number. Cool, airy and tropical—with just a little reserve. ―One piece or two‖? the waiter asks

as you reach down to fasten your side tie. ―One,‖ you reply. Is he flirting with you? Or maybe it‘s the wine. ―Lovely

dress,‖ whispers the dark-skinned Nigel in his crisp English accent. Hmmm? You answer him dreamily as the

person who wants your job stands over your chair asking snidely asking you if you had too much sun at lunch. Oh

well, it doesn‘t matter. You have the dress. She doesn‘t. USA-made of imported rayon; dry clean. Regular S-M-L.

Blue & white print. Back zipper. [R01473] $138

Sedonna Sun Sandals

Your life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue.

Your favorite sandals are no different. Earthy, yet

colorful, they're as close as you can get to feeling

shoeless. Because everyone knows you'd go barefoot

all the time if you could—tripping the light fantastic

over fields of pumpkin-colored Mexican Hat

Coneflowers or golden Santa Phlox. In lieu of that you

do the next best thing; you slip into your cushiony

Sedonna Sun Sandals with tapestry footbeds and don

your new floaty sundress. Just so you can go outside

and dare the ephemeral Arizona sky to come a

tumblin' down, a tumblin' down.

Long Oval Coral Pendant Necklace (Ver. 1)

Call it ―Neo-Matrix‖. Meaning what? Meaning that in this

case, it‘s the matrix (running through it) that makes this

wonderfully alluring pendant so very unMatrix like.

Natural, bright and unusually shaped, you simply won‘t

find another exactly like it. If you do, get worried. You‘re

probably not real. But then, only Neo would know for

sure. 2.4" long oval pendant slides along an 18"

serpentine chain of sterling. Imported. $49

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*My new portfolio is a work in progress as I transfer over years of writing material over

from one platform to another.