jhp - consequences

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  • 7/31/2019 JHP - Consequences


    Once, there was time that animals were smarter and could

    communicate with humans and pine trees did not have sharp

    leaves. Galston, a chipmunk who was unusually intelligent,

    being smarter than usual humans, yawned from the highest

    tree in a forest in what now is North Korea.

    Theres nothing interesting going interesting going around

    here since we made a peace treaty with the humans, He

    mumbled. Its still winter so the acorns are yet to come; I

    guess Ill have to

    feed on the ones

    Ive saved from

    last fall.

    When Galston got

    to his food storage

    in the tree

    network, all he

    could do was

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    grumble, I should have known. There was a fat squirrel

    munching and crunching and chomping on all the nuts and

    acorns in the hole.

    I thought I have told you not to come into this hole, Galston

    sighed. You have your own storage hole is just two trees away

    from here.

    Its too far away. Wheezed the fat chipmunk, whose name is

    Chimquirrel, barely breathed because of his full stomach, I like

    it more here because I have to crawl a shorter distance. Mine is

    too far away.

    Youve got to move your lazy tail over there instead of stealing

    others property. Galston replied with a slight annoyance in his

    voice, You crossed the line of being lazy, youve become

    indolent! He screeched. His tan fur with black stripes puffed

    up as Galston got still madder.

    So what, Chimquirrel questioned, you now Im indolent, so

    what are you going to do about that?

    From now on, you can keep your cursed acorns in your home!

    Shouted Galston, getting mad, That way,

    Hey! a shining black crow came out of the woods. Its not

    time to fight!

    Whats wrong Lanny? Galston replied curiously, Is something


    Did you run out of food? Chimquirrel chuckled.

    No, something more terrible, Lanny panted, I think the

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    humans are trying to invade the forest so they can get more


    Galston became pale. The animals didnt have the power to

    stand against the humans. He shakily said Wha..... what

    s..s.sshould we d...do?

    Lanny shrugged Theres nothing we can do right now. Maybe

    we should just leave.

    Bu..but we ma..made a pea..ce treaty. Galston was frightened

    now. They.... sh..shouldnt try to in..invade.

    Chimquirrel was serious now. We have to do something about

    this, we cant let them take my dear acorns! We have to fight

    them back! Cimquirrel turned to Lanny. Get the message to

    all the other birds and spread the news far and wide. gather all

    the animals of the Korean peninsula. Tell them to come to this

    place 4 days after today!

    Aye-aye sir! Lanny replied with a confidence, It would be

    such an honor to be on a mission to protect the forest! With

    that, he flew away to the nearest animal colony.

    Galston never heard him so determined. So... Whats your

    plan commander? Galston replied, chuckling at the part

    when he said commander.

    Oh..... Well...... we fight against humans!

    We are hugely outnumbered compared to humans, Galston

    grumbled, and they have steel weapons. What can we possibly

    do to stop them?

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    Well... hmmmm... we got stones?

    Steel breaks stones. That had been knowledge. Galston


    WILL YOU STOP BEING DESPERATE! Chimquirrel screamed


    My plan is simple. Galston told Chimquirrel rather calmly,

    We attack the humans.... at night.

    At night? Chimquirrel wondered, What good is that?

    See. Most animals are nocturnal, which, by the way, means

    they are active at night. However, humans are diurnal, which

    means they are active during the day. Galston explained, So

    what Im trying to say is that we have a better chance of

    winning if we surprise attack them in the darkness of night, but

    first, we need to extinguish the fires.

    Hows that possible? Chimquirrel laughed, We dont have

    any devices to carry water!

    We could hollow out few tree trunks using the stone tools we

    have and the bones of the animals that have died recently. And

    we could request hawks to carry the hollowed out woods filled

    with water, two per one water carry, and we could pour it from

    overhead as we attack.

    You are a total genius. Lets do this! Chimquirrel was cheerful

    now. Now time to save our nuts!

    Only we dont have nuts right now. Galston sighed. Come

    on, weve got a forest to save.

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    The animals all came together as one under Gallstons

    leadership. They all worked together to invade the humans.

    Then, there was the first combat. It was one cloudless, grey

    night. The moon was almost full and the humans were sleeping

    in front of the forest with two guards holding torches. But the

    torches couldnt light far. The guards were sighing about how

    the government is now days, and how it is walking to the road

    of corruption.

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    The people were panicked and they ran around wildly, trying to

    run away as water fell down from the sky. They ran into each

    other, some ran into their own traps, Galston and Lanny was

    watching the war stats. When the humans camp was all

    chaotic, water spilling endlessly from above, humans running

    into each other, and screams that are likely to be heard in hell,

    the command was given. He whispered to the albatros Now,

    the second step, Devastation. The albatross puffed up with

    air, and made a series of ear-piercing shrieks which estimated

    about 50,000 Hz (Hz stands for hertz, a measuring unit for

    sound, or rather, the vibration frequency of the sound. The

    higher the frequency, the higher the sound.), which humans

    cant hear, but the animals can. As soon as the call had been

    made, the animals tumbled out of the trees that surrounded

    the clearing that the humans had run away into. Siberian tigers

    slashed and tore through human flesh, the Korean brown frog,

    carried by the Chinese egrets, dropped upon peoples faces,

    therefore disgusting them. The grey-red backed vole bit the

    humans ankles. The bulls cried Mooooooooo! and pierced

    the humans with its horns. However, the humans could do

    nothing because they were cringed by the sudden strike and

    blinded by the darkness. However, the animals could penetrate

    the darkness by their excellent night vision, so the humans that

    tried to invade the forest were all wiped out.

    The next day, the animals celebrated their victory by stealing

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    the steel weapons and tools that humans used and using it for

    themselves. Galston announced We shouldnt be too proud of

    ourselves. There are more battles to come and if we lose

    concentration even for few minutes, Im sure thats when the

    humans will strike, and we will be wiped out. Even after that

    speech, the animals got a succession of victories. Then one

    day... Chimquirrel watched the battle from a tree high above

    and thought I dont like the way that Galston always becomes

    the hero. I was the one who first came up with the idea of

    fighting against the humans, not Galston!Its simply just not

    fair!I also want credit!

    The next day, the animals all again tasted the sweetness of

    victory when the humans ran away from their forest.

    Jealousy was stuffed into the mind of Chimquirrel. He grew

    more hatred for Galston each day. Then, finally, he decided to

    betray his own race.

    Thunder clashed and lightning flashed from above.

    Chimquirrel breathed heavily. He took a lot of nuts and fled to

    the human world to tell the humans that it is only a one

    chipmunk that is leading the animals and if they kill the

    chipmunk, the animals would be defeated.

    So the humans set out to kill the chipmunk the fat squirrel had

    told them about. The humans could find the chipmunk in the

    place where the fat squirrel who claimed himself as

    Chimquirrel, told them he would be. The chipmunk was

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    enjoying a nut from a tree hollow. The human carefully

    withdrew an arrow, nocked the arrow on his bow, pulled back

    on the string. Time seemed to slow down. The mans fingers

    were trembling when he finally released the arrow. It hit the

    chipmunk directly in the stomach as the chipmunk fell down

    from the tree. The threat has finally been gone. Lanny woke up

    by some rustling leaves. He was about to shout Who are you

    to disturb my sleep! but when he found out that it was the

    humans, he froze. Then, when he found out that one humans

    was aiming a bow at Galston, Lanny knew it was too late and

    went to tell the news. He heard a light thunk as Galstons body

    fell towards the dirt. The animals all fell in despair. Some wept,

    some howled, but one thing was for sure. The animals lost

    hope. They began leaving the forest one by one, but then,

    Chimquirre appeared.

    Animals! he declared. We are very upset about Galstons

    death. However, even though Galston is not with us now, we

    shall continue our fight! We shall enjoy the freedom when the

    humans are completely wiped off the surface of the earth! The

    next day, the humans were preparing to launch an attack for

    the animals, confident that they will win, but of course, they

    stood no chance because their leader had died. The rest of the

    animals were too dumb to think of any tactics. The animals ran

    around wildly and all the animals got separated. Then,

    Chimquirrel came up, giving animals orders or tactics but he

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    always stayed behind, afraid that he will die. However,

    Chimquirrels tactics werent efficient enough. His tactics only

    brought death to the animals, but the animals still thought they

    were winning because of Chimquirrels brain washing speech.

    Once, Chimquirrel told bulls to crash into houses to take down

    humans but when a bull crashed into a house with a full force,

    the house merely partially broke down, sending shattered clay

    bricks, straws, and wood to people nearby. If Galston had been

    alive, none of this would have happened. Galstons objective

    was to defend the forest while Chimquirrels objective was to

    kill the humans. months passed by. Most of the animals had

    died and some have left. Now, there are only seventy animals

    left. Still, Chimquirrel couldnt wade out of the swamp of

    corruption. Now and then, he would steal animals food to eat

    himself and left the defence to other animals. The

    consequences were severe. In less than one month, number of

    animals remaining decreased from seventy to merely fifteen,

    and ten had left so there were only five left. In no time at all,

    the remaining animals have been slaughtered. From

    somewhere high above, soul of the warrior saw this. Galston

    mumbled This is leading to the destruction of the forest. He

    felt a sharp stab on his mind. That was the forest he had

    learned everything, and payed his life to defend it. His mind

    was already fractured from when he found out that Chimquirrel

    had betrayed him but now, it shattered, with his soul.The tiny

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    fragments of his soul went into the pine trees of the world.

    Then, the pine trees grew sharp, pointy leaves and no humans

    could interfere with them. The war left humans with nothing

    but a lot of dead caracas that had to be removed. The humans

    in that area were frightened, and ran away from the forest.The

    trees were useless because the leaves stabbed anyone who

    dared to enter the forest. However, todays, his hatred has

    gone, so the leaves are not as stiff as they used to be. And till

    now, little bits of Galstons soul exist in every pine tree and will

    exist for ever.

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    The author of this book, Jung Hyun Park, was born on the year

    1999 and on the February 23rd

    . He is a fan of insects and loves

    to collect them. He was born in South Korea but is now living

    in India for five years, from 2007 to 2012, and is planning to go

    back to Korea in the summer of 2012. He has a weak heart but

    other than that, there isnt much about his life.