jinf constitu

  JIN-F REPUBLIC DU C AMEROON REPUBLIC DU C AMEROON REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON  P PAIX AIX  T TRAVAIL RAVAIL  –P PATRIE ATRIE P PEACE EACE  W WORK ORK   F FATHERLAND ATHERLAND  . . This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. © Website:-  http://www.jinf.wetpaint.com Email :- [email protected] /  [email protected] Acc. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba. 1

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This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.com Email :- [email protected]  /  [email protected] Acc. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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  We the community dwellers of Kumba in the South – west province and beyond the globalsociety, residing within and out of the Republic of Cameroon do hereby create an apolitical, non-governmental organisation with objective to fight against poverty and corruption as our millennium goal.

Created since 2001 and registered in Buea, the south west province under the provincial registrar 

of common initiative groups and cooperative societies with certificate No. SW / GP / 03 / 27 / 3380 of the 05 th

March 2003.This certificate goes in compliance with Law No. 92 / 006 of the 14 th August 1992 relating to the creation of common initiative groups and cooperative societies and with decree No. 92 / 455 / PM of 23rd of November 1992, in application, in Cameroon.


Found under the armpit of Africa, Cameroon stands as the most diverse cultural heritage in subSaharan Africa; and the global community with more than 250 ethnic groups. In the South west province of Cameroon, in Meme – Division lays the town of Kumba. Kumba stays a mix - cultural heritage of Cameroonian and her neighboring Nigerian brothers. Located in the City of Kumba is situated JINF (Joint

Initiative Non-profitable Foundation) with its head quarters at Buea road.

Today; In the City of Kumba, because of Poverty and corruption, this town is filled with DiverseWorld of potential resourceful values lives in total abandon/ruins. Humans and youths have no distinction of personality since everyone hopes on the immediate for survival. Here the community dwellers do things asthey are presented without second thoughts, keeping aback developmental values. The youthful resourcesare driven into juvenile delinquency and other social-cultural malice for their own better understanding,leading us towards contentious abject poverty.

Since creation in 2001 and registered in 2003 as an association, JINF (Joint Initiative Non-profitable Foundation) has had as objective to alleviate poverty while fighting against corruption in her 

community Kumba, and the global society. Her realizations and backlashes lies beyond (read more onobjectives...)

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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01) Sect. I: - Name

The name for this apolitical, non – governmental, socio – cultural association shall be called JIN(Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION, hereafter referred to as J.I.N. -F.

01) Sect. II: - Headquarters

The headquarters' of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be in Buea road –Kumba. Her head office shall be found in Douala, the littoral province of Cameroon and other offices.Until such time that she shall have its own structure, then shall she have a potential arena for meetings? Shecould as well create local branch offices in her global community of diverse worlds, and rotational offices andmeetings in accordance to the hosting, by members, of the said association JINF.

01) Sect. III: - Objective

JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION is an apolitical, non – profitable, non –governmental organization with objectives to fight against poverty and corruption in her community of diverse

world resources and values for the benefit of her society and the global village.

The objectives of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION are to alleviate poverty andfight against corruption in her community of diverse world dwellers on the following resourceful and valuableaspects:-

Education and career orientation on youthful diversity.

Youth’s and human empowerment of potential resourceful values for development.

Socio-Cultural exchange on our diverse world potentials on the global marketplace as our platform.

Sports and her undisclosed diverse values to be instigated in our society.

Agriculture and advance technology for the increment of yields.

Tourism and her undisclosed resourceful destination as adventure links.

Youths and human empowerment on our virtual diverse worlds of interactive.

Health and sensitization campaigns on HIV/STI/TB/Malaria and other diseases.

Environmental protection while weeding endangering ecological species of virus.

Communication and her technological advancements on the global marketplace of interactive.

Grass Root Savings and Loans as Rural Finance for the picking and saving of member’s funds.

Wild life protection and forest conservation of our nature for the benefit of mankind.

Volunteering and Internship exchange of potential diverse resourceful values.

Virtual empowerment of our database security protection for our communities system of On and Off -line Users.

Researches and explorations of resourceful values in our communities and beyond.

Community exchange of diverse worlds and diverse values for the development of our society.

With these and other diverse potentials, JINF has as objective to meet her goal through her I3 principles of 

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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Inspiring in Peace, Innovating while Working, and Initiating our Fatherland Cameroon and the global village.With these principles that goes in accordance with the motto of Cameroon, we shall together attend our millennium developmental goals of ending poverty and eradicating poverty before 2015 while presenting our community on the global marketplace of interactive. 

01) Sect. IV:- Membership

The membership of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be open to all persons /children, regardless of their cultural heritage. ‘Diverse world of diverse resourceful values, for an emergingcommunity, towards the global marketplace of interactive’. Membership with JIN-F

• Shall be open to persons with (of) proven integrity and good conduct.

• Shall be open to persons with both sexes of at least 23 yrs of age for adults / 12 yrs for youths.

• Shall be open to governments, non - governmental and partner organizations with common

objectives and missions, to realize their diverse world passion of visions.

• Shall be open to whom that respects the rural financial obligations of JINF.

•Shall be open to affiliations with partners and organizations towards common initiatives

• Shall be ready to accept the objectives of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION and

decide to scrupulously comply to this constitution and the article of association guiding JIN (JointInitiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION, Cameroon.

• Shall be ready to perpetuate the socio-cultural values of our diversity with JIN (Joint Initiative

Non-profitable) FOUNDATION on the global common marketplace for the benefit anddevelopment of our communities.

01) Sect. V:- Area of jurisdiction.

The area of jurisdiction of the JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be within her 

communities of societies and beyond the global village of diverse values as a marketplace for interactive.With the use of the internet as a catalyzing tool for development; today, our jurisdiction goes beyond diverseworld of global communities.

Found in the City of Kumba in the South – west province of Cameroon, JINF spreads it web of linksto the various communities as link leaders in her society. From Kumba in the south west province of Cameroon as JINF common community; the global village of common commitments for the development of our societies resources on the virtual world. One world of One dreams of Diverse initiatives JINF.Diverse World of Diverse Dreams of Diverse I3 principles (Inspire, Innovate, Initiate), JINF.


ORGANISATION OF JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION

JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be made up strictly on one body. This bodyshall consist of the general assembly and the executive committee as her two main organs. However,eventualities shall give birth to ad-hoc committees for activities regarding the said association / foundationand its members.

These ad hoc committees shall be created and their reports presented to the general assemblywhen need arises, in accordance with the executive committee.

02) Sect. I: - The General Assembly.

The general assembly shall be a well dedicated organ of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable)FOUNDATION, based on the constitutional principles that govern her and her activities of membership.

• It shall comprise all members, affiliated / honorary / active and non-active members.

• It shall be the supreme organ of JIN ( Joint Initiative Non-profitable ) FOUNDATION

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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• It shall preside on all matters arising from and for the JINF either within the Platinum, Gold,

Silver or Bronze membership.

• It shall have a yearly convention in her mother community of Kumba as her headquarters’

whereby all members are expected to attend. However, rotational conventions could be held atthe request of the general assembly through votes.

• It shall meet once a year on schedule of agenda activities in her community; co-exist with other 

member communities, associations / organization, partners and collaborators for the success of her vision.

• Shall have a distinction of membership according to signatories, comprising of Bronze, Silver,

Gold and Platinum.

• It shall host extraordinary meetings at the request or motion of two third of its entire members,

present at any decision meeting.

• It shall define and setup long and short term visions for the said association JINF.

• Elections shall be presided over by the general assembly of JINF, creating an ad-hoc committee

for the running of issues.

• The general assembly shall include an executive committee / commission which shall comprise

of :- The chair executive officer / the delegate, the vice chair executive officer / the vicedelegate, the secretary general, the financial secretary, the treasurer, the social secretary /disciplinarian, information secretary and the honorary / wise members of ad-hoccommissions.

02) Sect. II:- The Executive Bureau.

The executive committee being the second main organ of JINF, which shall be voted for an officeterm of three years respectively, will have as responsibility to govern JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable)FOUNDATION and her activities towards realizations and maintenance.

• They shall present annual reports to the general assembly as to the running of the said

association, JINF.

• The executive committee shall be elected in accordance to the principles laid down in the article

of association of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION to govern her.

• Shall be the representative of the JINF, perpetuating the diverse values of her community and

the global village.

• Shall protect / defend the interest of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION whenever or wherever concerned.

• Shall be the governing organ of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION and her 

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.

JIN-F Platinum


25 USD per 2 – 3 Shares

13.750 frs cfa per 2 – 3 shrs.

23 USD per 03 – 10 Shares11. 500 frs cfa per03 – 10 shrs.

20 USD per 10 – 1oo..... shrs.10.000 frs cfa per 10 – 100.. shrs.

JIN-F Gold

100 USD /  50.000 frs cfa.

Construction: - 50 . 00 USD  25. 000 frs.

Insurance Policy:-30.00USD  15. 000frs.

Account creation :-10 .00USD  5. 000 frs.

Account credit: - 10. 00 USD  5. 000 frs.

JIN-F Silver 

50 USD /25.000 frs cfa

Insurance Policy :- 30 USD15. 000 frs

Account creation :- 1o USD5. ooo frs.

Account credit :- 10 USD5.000 frs

JIN-F Bronze

25 USD /12.500 frs cfa.

Insurance Policy :-12

USD  6.000 frs

Account creation: - 10. oo USD5.000 frs

Account credit: - 3. 00 USD2. 500 frs


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activities in her community and the global village.

• Shall be responsible for all action(s) and act(s) of JINF including the creation and running of the

various ad-hoc committees on diverse world of values.

• Shall seek for reports from the various ad-hoc committees for audits and presentations to the

general assembly.

• Shall inform the general assembly of upcoming events concerning JINF.

• She shall develop, present and execute micro and macro projects for JIN (Joint Initiative Non-

profitable) FOUNDATION.

• Shall be the authority towards members of her community of Diverse World of potential values in

compliance and respect to the laws and obligation binding our systems society and beyond.



03) Sect. I:- Finance

With the introduction of Grass Root Savings and Loans by JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable)FOUNDATION, it shall create a platform for mix rural finance on a global community marketplace of diverseworlds. Financial resources for JINF shall be derived either from

• Adherence fees. ( membership )

• Trust fund. ( Platinum / Gold / Bronze / Silver membership )

• Grass Root picking fund. ( Gold / Bronze / Silver membership )

• Investment fund. ( Platinum / Gold / Bronze / Silver membership )

• Interest from income generating activities. ( Ad - hoc committees )

• Grants / donations.

• Supports / sponsorship.

• Partnership.• Organizing events.

• Legacies and other…

03) Sect. II:- Socials

Solidarity amongst co-members is an exceptional inquest of successes towards capacity buildingand the development of our community. JINF has as priority to create coexistence amongst members onmutual understanding of her global marketplace, to fight and end poverty before 2015. Social assistanceshall be offered to members of JINF as laid down in the article of association of the said association /foundation.

Our social insurance policy scheme shall be beneficial to members during moments including: -

Sickness, Marriage, Birth, Insurance, Sendoff, eventualities and death. No member shall benefit from thisscheme twice a year in accordance for other members to be beneficiaries.

Other socio – cultural activities shall be presented by JINF and her diverse world of potential valuesas tool kit for development of our community on the global marketplace of interactive against our millenniumdevelopmental goal of alleviating poverty and fighting against corruption before 2015.



04) Sect. I: - Into

The amendments and dissolutions of JINF (Joint Initiative non-profitable Foundation) shall dependstrictly on the general assembly which will agree on the terms of vote as to any change in either the

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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constitution or the article of association. All members of JINF shall maintain acquired rights / obligationsadapted to them as to the present situation of the body.

With the introduction of a partnership bond amongst members shall pave the way for organizationalsecrets for the benefit of the said association towards achieving it goals.

04) Sect. II: - Amendments and Dissolutions.

To be inserted below with approved signatures and dates of amendments or dissolution by the generalassembly and its members.





















Sec. Gen. Fin. Sec President.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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The present article of association shall precise the interpretation of the constitution and define theorganization and functioning of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION and it’s objectives. Notwithstanding, collaborations with other affiliated partners and organizations shall be considered for therealization of her objectives as our millennium goal of ending poverty and corruption before 2015.

The interpretation and functioning of this body / association (JINF) which has two main organsstands in compliance with law No. 92 / 006 of the 14th august 1992, stating the creation of associations withcommon initiatives and cooperative societies in our community, Cameroon. With decree No. 92 / 455 / PM of the 23rd of November 1992, it provides the application and functioning of JINF in Cameroon and the globalvillage of marketplaces. JINF has a certificate with registration no. SW / GP / 03 / 27 / 3380, of the 05th March2003 in Buea; the south west province of Cameroon.



Art. I:- Name

The name of this association shall be called JINF, hereafter known to as Joint Initiative Non-profitable Foundation.

Art. II a: - Headquarters’

The headquarters of this association/foundation shall be in Buea road, Kumba. In content, the

headquarters of JINF is found in Kumba - Meme division, in the South-west province of The Republic of Cameroon. Other ad-hoc / branch offices shall be created in respect of future representation in our community and the global village as her marketplace.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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Her head office shall be situated in Douala for the smooth functioning of activities for the saidassociation (JINF). Other sub branches shall be created in respect to the inspiration of opportunity venturesfor the benefit, and development of our communities on the global marketplace. Diverse World of DiverseDreams for the benefit of our community and mankind.

Art. II b: - Intro

The City of Kumba stands as a cornerstone of hope and diverse directions of links for an emergingcommunity of our society, Cameroon; and the global marketplace. With diverse paths of recourses that layaccordingly on directions concerning our community, JINF’s objectives are to organize opportunityrealizations of micro and macro projects for developmental values. With the possibilities of recreationalfacilities, JINF has as mission to eradicate poverty and corruption in her community before 2015 and asvision to educate and empower youths and humans on our diverse values. The I3 principle of JINF goes asInspire in Peace, Innovate while working and Initiate our fatherland, Cameroon and the global village as amarketplace. With these principles that goes in accordance with our motto, we shall together work t

Art. III: - Objective

The objective of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be defined otherwise asher vision and mission.

The vision of JINF is to create catalyzing tools for development in our community towards anetworking village of the global world of international communities. Diverse World of Diverse Dreams.

The mission of JINF is to use her I3 principles ( Inspire, Innovate, Initiative ) to fight against poverty,and corruption in her community before 2015 through voluntary services and others, and the implementationof micro and macro projects for the benefit of our community and the global village. 

• Education and career orientation of youths and humans. JIN Training – E School of distance learning

and capacity building.

• Youth’s empowerment through the ‘YouVol’ project, whereby youths shall volunteer and work while

striving to gain knowledge, for the development of our society on the global platform.

• Culture on diverse world with the ‘MeusRoom’ project, whereby youths and humans will have an

arena to present and exchange her cultural diversity.

• Sports and her undisclosed values around the ‘Mbhood’ project of Mbo – Barombi community.

• Agriculture and advance technology with the ‘Greeen Cameroon’ project on local enriching products

including palm oil, cocoa, bush mango, oranges, maize etc...

• Tourism and her diverse resources with a path finding team on touristy values of our society.

• Human empowerment on virtual diverse worlds of networking.

• Health and sensitization campaigns on HIV / STI / TB / Malaria and other diseases including socio –

cultural malice affecting our community.

• Environmental protection through the implementation of the ‘We – Envi village’ project; consisting of weeding our environmental village community from natural changes.

• Communication and her technological advancements as a catalyzing tool for development.

• Grass Roots Savings and Loans project on community grassroots picking and savings of funds for 

the benefit of members and others.

• Wild life and forest conservation through the ‘RAN Cameroon’ project on rain forest action network of 

activities in our equatorial community and the global village.

• Volunteering and Internship towards capacity building on scouting and path finding of historical

values and recourses.

• C2IA project for the protection of our virtual diverse world, setting up a security system network of 

communities on and offline Users towards advance challenges of the global village against internetswindlers.

• Socio-cultural presentation of our diverse values on Cameroon Kisses project for the orientation of 

youths and humans on diverse aspects of our heritage.

• Researches and explorations of resourceful values of our communities and beyond. Community

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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exchange of diverse worlds and diverse values for development.

• Environmental protection of our nature, habitats and her multiple inhabitants.

JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION stands a key association of members for anemerging community of organizations / associations and partnerships / collaborations and others for the

development of her diverse world of values and resources.

The interest of JINF shall be to serve her community as a catalyst of technological learning andapplications through charitable undertakings in other to empower youths and humans for the alleviation of poverty and the fight against corruption before 2015 as our millennium development goal.

Art IV: - Area of Jurisdiction

The area of jurisdiction of JIN (Joint Initiative Non-profitable) FOUNDATION shall be our communityof Kumba, in Meme division, Cameroon and the global village of diverse worlds as a marketplace. Thisvillage / marketplace include users of the internet, On and Off – Liners.

Art V: - Membership

i:- Membership adherence.

Conditions for membership has been laid down in part one of section iv of the constitution for JIN(Joint Initiative No -profitable) FOUNDATION. However, objections to the admission of an applicant shall beapproved by at least two third of the general assembly, attended by at least four fifth of its actual members.Membership shall be classified on four potential levels including i.e. Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronzemembers.

• Adherence fee for Bronze membership:-

25. 00 USD / 12. 500 frs. cfa including a grassrootsinsurance policy and a grassroots savings account worth 3.00 USD / 2.500 frs. cfa.

• Adherence fee for Silver membership:-

50. 00 USD / 25.000 frs. cfa. Including a grassroots insurancepolicy, a grassroots savings and loans account worth 10. 00 USD / 5.000 frs. cfa including an e-payaccount for virtual operations.

• Adherence fee for Gold membership:-

100.00 USD / 50. 000 USD frs. cfa. Including a constructionaccount, a grassroots insurance policy and a grassroots savings and loans e-pay account for virtualoperations.

• Adherence fee for Platinum membership: -

25. 00 USD / 13. 750 frs. cfa. per 01 to 03 investment shares;23.00 USD / 11. 500 frs. cfa. per 03 to 10 investment shares;20. 00 USD / 10.000 frs. cfa. per 10 to 100 and more investment shares.

Applicants into JINF shall enjoy temporal membership (with all rights and obligations) for threeconsecutive general assemblies before confirmation.

To become a wise/honorary member of JINF, he/she must have attended at least one convention of JINF that usually takes place in Balengou in partnership with the Mbeutchoutang Foundation.

ii:- Membership expulsion/ loss .

Membership shall as well be lost by she/he that portrays / presents ungentlemanly behaviors;

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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When a member dies

When He/She must have been identified as a financial defaulter and is brought forth the generalassembly by the financial bureau.

Lost when a member resigns from the association / JINF.

When a member spies out the principles of this organization as secrets to others.

When he enters into any personal negotiations for the benefit of individualism not JINF.

iii :- Membership reinstatement

Reinstatement of a member into JINF shall be approved by the executive bureau in accordancewith the general assembly, when

He / she shall reapply as a new member and fulfill the same engagements as any other admitted

new member.

If he / she were a financial defaulter, the member shall engage him/her self to all financial damagesincurred whereof.

He / She shall not receive any policy schemes if having benefited already from.

Members will never be reinstated if found guilty of any ungentlemanly and otherwise behaviors as tothe damage of the associations image.




The organisation of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) shall be governed by thegeneral assembly and the executive committee. The general assembly stands as the main body of theassociation, including the executive bureau, the ad-hoc committees and the foundation members and her diverse organs for the functioning of activities.

Art. VI a.) : - The General Assembly.

The general assembly shall comprise of all members of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitableFoundation).

Shall take decisions for JINF towards activities in her community of Diverse Worlds and valuesfor her benefit and the global community.

Shall validate act (s), action (s) decision (s) and sanction (s) taken by the executive committee(ex-co ) and other intended ad- hoc committees.

Shall be the supreme organ of this association, JINF.

Art. VI b.) : - The Executive Committee.

The executive committee shall comprise the Chair Executive Officer / delegate, the vice Chair Executive Officer / Delegate, the secretary general, the treasurer, the financial secretary, informationsecretary, the wise men and the disciplinarian / protocol.

They shall study, deliberate and execute decisions for the general assembly as the main organof JINF’s body.

They shall meet to program activities of the general assembly, at the request of the delegate /CEO (Chair Executive Officer) when need arises.

They shall have a-for meeting before any gathering of the general assembly, to discuss and planon agenda issues of activities towards her objectives and realizations.

They shall prepare and present reports on activities for JINF.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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They shall endorse donations and others for the realization of activities including micro andmacro projects of the JINF.

Shall perpetuate and safeguard the diverse socio-cultural heritage of our community for thedevelopment of our society on a global marketplace.


a.) The general assembly shall stand as the supreme organ of power for the functioning of JINF, that will beresponsible to take act (s), action (s) decision (s) and sanction (s) in compliance with the executivecommittee (ex-co ) and other intended ad- hoc committees for the smooth running of activities.

b.) The executive bureau shall be the steering board of powers for the general assembly of JINF. Thisbureau shall comprise of:-

b.i.):- Delegate / CEO (Chair Executive Officer)

∼ The delegate shall be the chair executive officer of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation )

representing her in all her activities when called upon.

He/She shall preside over JINF and her activities, while ensuring the smooth running of theassociation.

∼ Shall stand as a core representative of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation ) wherever 

and whenever need arises.

∼ Shall have a casting vote in case of a tie amongst members, concerning decisions for JINF

∼ Shall be a co signatory with the financial secretary and the treasurer to facilitate transactions.

∼ Shall endorse donations together with co-signatories for the realization of activities including micro

and macro projects of the JINF.

∼ Shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation )

whenever or wherever need arises.

b.ii.):- Vice Delegate / Vice CEO (Chair Executive Officer)

The vice delegate chair executive officer of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation ) shallcollectively with the president and other executive committee members, ensuring the smooth running of JINF and as well as He / She

∼ Shall take actions and decisions in the absence of the Delegate / CEO.

∼ Shall have the right to veto in the absence of the president on decisions and tie votes amongst


∼ Shall immediately response to the position of Delegate / CEO at the resignation of one as the interim

delegate / CEO before future elections planned by the executive bureau within limitations.

∼ Shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation )

whenever or wherever need arises.

b.iii.):- The Secretary General.

The secretariat bureau controlled by the secretary general shall together ensure efficient running of activities for JINF. The office of the secretary general shall comprise of secretary general, a secretary andtwo assistants for the functioning of activities including.

∼ Ensuring the smooth secretariat running of JINF together with other ex-co members.

∼ He/She shall commit his/herself in taking down all minutes of meetings for JINF .

∼ Convey all documents of JINF to the central bureau/general assembly, during conventions &

meetings for revision, amendments, dissolutions etc…

∼ Write / seek for governmental & non- governmental collaboration and partnership when need


∼ Shall have the right to veto on decisions and tie votes amongst executive members of the

general assembly during elections.

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∼ They shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation )

whenever or wherever need arises.

∼ Shall be the main data base server for JINF and her activities.

b.iv):- The Financial Secretary.

∼ The financial secretary and her bureau shall book keep all grass roots savings and loans activities of 

JINF and present audit reports.

∼ Shall provide audit reports to the executive bureau and general assembly when called upon with her 

ad-hoc committee comprising of the vice financial secretary and two other assistants.

∼ He / she shall be a co-signatory with the delegate / CEO and the secretary general for financial

transactions of JINF

∼ He / she shall be subjected to audit and audit reports at the motion of the general assembly when

need arises in response to the executive bureau as complainer.

∼ Shall collect funds during activities and deposit to the treasurer for further transactions within the

grassroots savings and loans rural financial house.

They shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF ( Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation )whenever or wherever need arises.

b.v.) :- The Treasurer.

∼ The treasurer shall collect and deposit all funds of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation)

after every meeting as well as activities from the financial secretariat concerning ad – hoccommittees.

∼ This bureau of the treasurer shall comprise of two other assistants and collective revenue teams


∼ They shall be subjected to audits & reports at the motion of the general assembly towards activities

regarding funds of JINF.

∼They shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation)whenever or wherever need arises.

b.vi.:- The Wise Men / Platinum Members.

∼ The wise men are a set of persons dedicated by JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) to

monitor and control her activities towards success. They shall comprise a delegate, a vice , a sec.including three other members.

∼ The wise men / platinum members shall stand as the pillars to JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable


∼ They shall be advocates of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation).

∼ Consultants to JINF on all their activities events, schedule and organization of program in and

around her community and the global village.∼ They shall have casting votes of platinum membership with JINF towards elections and other 

matters concerning the organization.

∼ They shall stand as watch dogs and change control committees of activities for association.

∼ They shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation)

whenever or wherever need arises.

b.vii.):- The Disciplinarian / Protocol.

∼ The disciplinarian who shares the better understanding of order shall ensure and maintain

protocol in all meeting activities and events of JINF. This will be made possible with the relay of 

commitments from the general assembly to the executive∼ In order for her to function, she will as well have an ad-hoc committee including a vice and a

secretary for data information’s and updates.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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∼ He / she shall perpetuate the diverse values of the JINF and demonstrate exemplary figures and

role models in the community of membership and the global village.

∼ Shall impose fines to unscrupulous members of JINF as defaulters of conduct codes.

∼ Protect the interest and otherwise of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) whenever 

or wherever need arises.

b.viii.):- Information secretary.

∼ She shall inform the general assembly being the main organ of JINF, concerning act events on her 

interest towards developmental values.

∼ Shall have a bureau consisting of a vice secretary and two secretaries for the organization and

orientation of activities, informing the general assembly and the community.

∼ Shall inform her society and the international community on her various events, organizing and

presenting them on the global platform of interactive.

∼ Shall protect the interest and otherwise of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) whenever 

or wherever need arises.

b.ix.):- Ad hoc Committee.

Ad-hoc committees shall be created when need arises especially during events of JINF and her ‘DiverseWorlds of Diverse Dreams’. Such committees as to the duration of activities shall present their reports to thegeneral assembly through the executive bureau on the running of their various programs / projects.


Art. VIII: - Voting

Voting for the post of responsibility for JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) shall be of two forms; Secret balloting and Open balloting.

∼ Open balloting by show of hand and

∼ Secret balloting using electorate forms presented by the disciplinary commission.

∼ The forms for balloting at a particular session for the post of responsibility of JINF shall be

decided by the general assembly through voting.

∼ The voting of a member that dies in the post of responsibility is handled after the burial of the

member by an interim bureau and later voted for by the general assembly.

∼ All members have equal rights to vote except the Delegate / CEO, vice Delegate / CEO,

Secretary General and the wise men commission with veto powers. I.e. four powers to veto onact(s) and action(s).

Art. IX: - Elections

Elections for the post of responsibility for JINF shall be mandated for the period of three years fromthe installation of commissions and executive officials.The wise men have the right to counter veto on decisions and on ties when need arises.The electoral mandate of each member can be renewable for another one term only.By-elections shall be conducted for a post left vacant for at least two months without any tangible reasons toconvince the general assembly.



Art. XII:- Banking ( Grass Roots Savings and Loans )

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Funds of the association shall be deposited into an account accredited to JINF; or through theGrass Roots Savings and Loans project, created or designated by the general assembly on a majority vote.

The account of JINF shall have three signatories including the delegate / CEO, the secretary generaland the financial secretary to ensure smooth financial transactions for the benefit of the association.

In the absence of any three of the member’s signatures, funds can be withdrawn from the accounton exception by two of the three members decided upon.

These action shall be boosted upon by the acceptance of at least two third of the executivecommittee members present at any activity.

For the various funding schemes created, their credits shall be deposited by their committee

president to the treasurer through the financial secretariat, whom shall intern save these funds intoJINF’s accounts whereof.

With the help of the financial bureau and the treasurer including the delegate, shall ensure thesmooth running of the financial activities of the JINF and present audit reports at the motion of thegeneral assembly.

The Grass Roots Savings and Loans activities of her members shall be audited by the financialsecretary and later reported to the executive committee for approval.

Membership of GRSL of JINF shall be open to all members registered to the said association /foundation.

Membership of GRSL of JINF shall be endorsed by registration and terminated incase of defaultsfrom membership activities proposed by the financial secretary and voted by the general assembly.

Art. XIII:- Finance

The source of finance for JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) shall be incurred fromvarious activities and events including:-

Registration for membership on the various activity options.

Enrolment towards various project activities proposed by JINF.

Adherence for membership shall include Bronze, Silver; Gold and Platinum

The trust funding scheme, Investment funding scheme,


Income generating activities,

Savings and loans funding scheme.

Insurance policy scheme.

Fines of members proven guilty of offence.

Optional investment funding scheme.

Grass roots picking of funds.

The execution of micro and macro projects.

Scheduled events and other.

E-pay operations. Partnership/affiliation with governments, organizations and member associations.

Sponsorship and support from governments and organizations.

Fund raising activities on our marketplace.

Collaborations with government and non-governmental organization.

Organization of activities on our diversity towards development values.

Path finding on destinations against nature for the benefit of mankind.


Art. XIV:-

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The social assistance guarantee for each member of JINF shall be described on the variousfunding schemes provided by the article of association. Whereas with other social-cultural malice tormentingour communities nowadays, JINF has as objective to alleviate poverty while creating awareness of our enriching values.

Our socio-cultural package with JINF comprises of its various funding schemes to the beneficial

interest of the association and its members. These various schemes before ratification of applicants fromeach of the commissions, members must have fulfilled some of the obligations instituted by JINF ( JointInitiative Non- profitable Foundation ) for the accreditation of these policies.

Art. XIV a :- The Trust / Sinking Fund.

The trust funding scheme comes as the solidarity and mutual trust amongst members which will beout to alleviate members during tenderness and hardship as well as joyful moments. The trust fund shallsolicit JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) and members with equal right and obligations towardsdonations on events including

i.) Send-off :-

When a member is being transferred to a new location with an up to date data records of positive reports, the general assembly shall reward the member with donations spelled out.

ii.) Marriage :-

During wedding of members with positive report from the executive bureau, JINF donates the couplespositively and otherwise.

iii.) Illness :-

With the presentation of a sick booklet with at least three days of proven hospitalization report,the association JINF donates a sick reward help slip to its members according to his / her initialregistration criteria’s on his / her insurance policy scheme.

iv.) Death a ) :-

During the death of members, the association helps the bereaved family with either funds fromthe insurance scheme or otherwise only if he / she weren’t a financial defaulter.

vi.) Death b ) :-At the lost of any biological parent / child ( less than 21 years), the association helps the member from itsfunding schemes. It should be noted that the member concerned enjoys this benefits but once for each


 vi.) Death c ) :-Death of a residing person in the residence of a member of JINF , shall receive assistance from the

association accordingly including he/she’s registration criteria’s.

vii.) Birth :-

During the birth of a member’s wife or of a member, the association donates a token to the family/persons involved.

Art. XIV b :- The Savings and Loans Fund / Grass Roots Savings and Loans.

The grassroots savings and loans funding scheme shall be created to safeguard the interest of thegeneral assembly and its members on various issues concerning.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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i.) Ordinary Savings: - towards the socio - economical malice affecting our communities i.e. the fight

against poverty and corruption.

ii.) Ordinary Loan:- Mutual trust and coexistence amongst members to fund when need arises. Theinterest reproduced during these transactions goes to the interest of JINF.

Art. XIV c :- The Investment Fund / Platinum membership.

The investment funding scheme shall be set up by JINF for the functioning, orientation andrealization of micro and macro projects that concerns the association. These projects shall include‘MuseRoom, Eco Dreams, We Envi Villages, Lonely Planet, Cameroon Kisses, C2IA,GrassRootSavings&Loans, RAN Cameroon, and others.

Art. XIV d :- The Grass Roots Savings and Loans Insurance Policy.

The GRSL ( Grass Roots Savings and Loans ) insurance policy scheme shall be introduced toguarantee members of JINF, with a registered insurance policy on issues concerning:-

Birth of a member’s child into his / her family.

Sickness when a member has a proven hospital credentials of at least three days rest.

Death when a member dies as to undefined circumstances.

When a members’ parent i.e. identified mother or father falls ill.

When a members child dies

Art. XIV e :- The Optional Investment Fund

The optional investment funding scheme shall be created in accordance to investment opportunities

involving JINF and her activities towards the development of her community while empowering youths andhumans.

Art. XIV f :- Events formalities.

During activities concerning JINF in any region, we understand representatives have to be presentfor the safeguard of our interest. Representatives shall be of at least three in number during events.Formalities towards scheduled programs and events shall be hosted by ad hoc commissions for the proper change control of events and activities.


Art. XV a:-

The exemplary discipline of the JINF shall be observed by the follow up of member towards theconstitutional norms and the article of association, of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation).Punctuality shall be registered by members during events and activities of JINF and failure to do so shallobserve sanctions from them by the disciplinary council of the association. Other ungentlemanly behavior shall be registered as

Rowdiness during meetings.

Interruption of members during discussions especially the executive bureau.

Defaulters of yearly conventions and traditional rites of our community.

Late comings to meetings/events & activities.

Unjustified absence to meetings/events & activities.

Rowdiness and interruption of members during meetings/events.

This document and all its contents a re confidential to JINF. No form of reproduction, whether electronic or physical, of this document, in full or in part, is permitted without prior consent, in writing, from JINF. ©Website:- http://www.jinf.wetpaint.comEmail :- [email protected] /  [email protected]. No. 0680 of FTSL – Kumba.


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Unjustified absence towards volunteer activities of JINF.

Disrespect towards traditional heritage and their custom norms of JINF and her members.

Absence towards wake-keeping and burials. ( ad-hoc committees )

The lick of association secrets.

Unjustified absence during yearly and sixth month’s conventions.

N.B.:- Marriage / Birth / Death defaulters by JINF representative members shall be severely punished.

Art. XV b:-

Loan / funding scheme shall implement sanctions to defaulters and their sorties / guarantors who fail tocomply to the payment methods / conditions on interest rate laid down by the financial secretariat of theexecutive committee .


Art. XVI:- Appreciations .

Appreciations towards JINF and her activities shall be tolerated through awards and other events that seekto put first the objectives of JINF and her mission to alleviate poverty and fight against corruption

Art. XVI a: - General assembly.

The general assembly shall enjoy beneficial interests during the coordination of activities in and around her community. It should be noted that each end of year scheduled, there shall be a fund rising campaigns topromote the activities of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) accordingly.

Art. XVI b: - Executive committee.

A token amount shall be fixed by the general assembly at the beginning/ending of the associationsyearly, and be allocated to the executive committee for the smooth running of their bureaus and variousactivities.

Art. XVI c: - Ad hoc commissions / committees.

The creation of commissions shall be accredited after the dissolution of bureau according to their performance during active services for JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation). All their reports shallbe presented to the executive bureau and later served to the general assembly for ratification. 

Art. XVII: - Dissolution.

The properties of JINF (Joint Initiative Non- profitable Foundation) on dissolution shall be left to thegeneral assembly to decide on the terms and conditions of each member of the association during thatperiod.

Art. XVIII :- Management .

i.) Resource management:-

The general assembly of the association shall have the powers to amend and dissolute thepresent constitutional terms and article of association only by a majority of at least two-third of the generalassembly, attended by at least four fifth of all JINF Members.

ii.) Liability management:-

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The liabilities incurred by the general assembly during the functioning of its organs shall be decidedby JINF and its general assembly members. All members shall incur a ration ate amount depending on their dedications of acts and actions during activities of JINF investment opportunities.

iii.) Assert management:-

The asserts of JINF acquired during the organization and functioning of events and activities of thesaid association shall be shared on interest rates of each member during dedications on scheduled activitiesfor the said association.

Diverse World of Diverse Dreams, of Diverse I3 principles (Inspire, Innovate, Initiate); JINF.

