vol. ix. · jitbe.'webt«raitemtorich 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny...

VOL. IX. DOVER, MOBRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, APBIL 26 1879. THE IRON ERA NO 20 (•OBLlfl ED EnSIDATCJUIATlI BENJJH.V6GKP. EDITOn AND PBOBIETOB. Offloe on Morris Street new BliwkweU. TRIMS 0V StIDBCKimU Iier*niiiu.T IK ADVMUE. u u e Year, - - - - - - - Tune months,- ------ a ; •2.00 1.00 - 60 ADVERTISING RATES. •M.O*. | 1 wt | 3 wxa. !! 4 Column. 1 " . iruR.' - ~ 1 Inoh. * 9 " 8 M 4 » ' ' B » 4 Oolumn. j. -M.li-' 1 VS i n 2 'I!, 2 n - 8 HO t GO 5 CD 10 00 Snot. tin 100 8 60 8 00 10 OD 12'SO 15 00 jl» CO 89'00 ft 1 25 a oo 8 78 850 1 25 5 85 6C0 800 10 00 8 HOB. 4CO e 50 0 00 1100 18 00 leas 10 35 00 4100 Bin. 9 1 GO a so 3 M> 4 GO 5 50 7 00 800 10 25 111 00 OHO.. t <J 00 10 00 It 00 IB OO 21 00 -85 60 29 50 IT 10 esoo luo. 175 8 50 450 5 50 0 50 8 50 10 00 18 60 82 OO 1*B.» 910 oo 17 00 .82 00 27 00 80 08 85 00 45 00 05,01 180 00 rBBOXimal ASDXO tOt XZTIUa. UKUI. ao- TioM't^oBMta.rsa xjma. - y •.. - : • .'" '•• HQMCE.QI'.A.TIIIO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, nr. Blackwall 4 Warren Sts., ESTABLISHED IN 1851. . T>nn& DEtTaS ind MEDICINES, PA1NT8, J~ Oili, aim; Brnshoa. Perfumer;. &e.,' •old br JAMES A. CllwDAliv He Woneer Druggist, or DOTor.' Store OPfiii onSUNDAYS far tin nlo of Heuiolnet onl/ frott fl to 10 A. M;, ami ftom.tolSI'.M, ill?"' . Dprai,N.j., of Women and Children, KUd of the < , ,*Ej« afid Efcr Ipecialtloe. iflreIIoiir.:TtoDA.M.,ltoB.nd7to8r.lt. ' JHW. 1 ..'!.'! K'—•« ; F. BTTiCKMB, ' . Counsellor at Law >;•.-.-/..'..•• AMD;'•-.' ;•'••: \ - y MASTER IN CHANGER*,' ' nooKAWAY. N.J; - .Oernor of Blackwoll and,fluliex Sti. ; DOVER, N.J. I. B. JOJ.LEY, Proprietor. florses and Carriages to Lot. .., : •«Trr T. OpjuiaelipratEaw AND kiflTBB M'OHANOEBY,* OfflM In tn» V>tionil Union B.nk DnlidloB. 3rAor»,m,Br., DOVEB, N. J. OVBH LABORATORY.' -pv A.ujikndAutjilpf ORES AN1) MI NEIl'A LS, i •;. >cASEFiiiMM4bi. v> '• J i AustofclwrgeiwWbeftinilahedobBPPlioBHom LONBBVIfU'lm i: P.,SANDBRSON,: In WAQOHud OUtBUOBWOOD WOBK, OPPOSITE pyrEajJEPor..- it WKEEL£,i»lo(r in Jr. Wpirift/tal Hod.' •FmttOflWUajijtiiiriij.'iliJ wagon 0118 mid VBUOSH, bolt ratio. Tv&rxnTnte, Worn l H d y l l r.iidltl.1* . All of UjoWui goJU.iii iSt boatlak. V known fcy pointers. FraST'OXjASB lAttttUGE ud ftjEIOH OKNAUEN'IB. | HurlnD had A large expeiienae formerly as -carriage bnldor, from linoriedee of It a;»g l ^ l 9"^'^i''' 1 <'* d *'° r : j o ! . Valley, »OT.,«n, 1878. . : ; 48-ly. JOHN DRUMMEIl'H AND1AIR : i MARY C. FORD, M.D. Homcaopaihlc'Physislan, > OBi'tftt^oiin^U PAS5AGE TICKETS RAM, HAMCE4 Co.'s STORE, PORT OHAM. .N,jJ. WOOpPOET HOUSE. 'IIOMAS BRIGHT, Proprietor. WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. hli«1d eaUblUbHl Hotel ii opon for llio leuoQ •nd 1* putioiUiIy dufnbie for tho»» leaking tirod luniraer rold«pc«. emitted SI tliabtftd dkn Uop.tooua iu future* of lak* and noun- i UWMIT, eiMlUnt hOfltlna *nd Hihlne.tnj lot '•••uktlt uainrpftwed brugr In IbttnglDr "wUcalar* uldrra M •boi 1»%I GEO MANN'S New Billiard Parlor and SALOON. BUckwoll St., DOYAT, just fitted up with new «nd elegant appointment*, otttn to the pleasure *«ektir ona of th» qnl- etast and most sleasnnt plncos of enjoyniont In town. THE BILLIAKD PARLORoon- taini two fine carom tables and isfittedup with everything neoensary far the enjoyment of tho game. HUPFEL'B LAQBS, tho flu. est boverBgo dn.uk, alwajs kept in fresh plies, andafull stock of 9enr.ua cheeses, Mneial wotew, Pine Apple Older, 1'roUeln, Sardines, eta. Q««rge will be nlwayn on hand to please bis friends, and will make ivfity stranger f«el at home. 52-8m : or Sale, Rent or Exchange. ThB fina property on the comer of Blast, rail an£ Essex street*^ rebeaUy oooiipied bj ' mlel O. Wiggins, Esq., wUch includ.. railing Bud store. Apply to #l ' 4841' K. V. U. BEARING, AE«,,l. BACKOFF'S VARIETY THEATRE BILIJARpPARLORS i^KOrr S1JH1CKER, Proprietor*. Sussex Bt, 81 Door from Canal ?,•-, Bridge, B0VBE. N.J. ; Tbo pirlori are ibonmRhl^ eanlppoa with .UiUon/ Md.4V«rr rtWiiUnwFW ttw .ilua is of tbe beitorfer. Tho B»r !• "applied ,K4tb,fA]&anipMt'i"Export Liner, tbe best ID llio World, fine dry Obiinp»ime«, roreisn ind domeRtlo lilqaon and tflDsi and ttu bast bjrandi of Ba*ari. •»-" SMITH AMEO1E, ?-V ^TTOBNEYS At LAW. OFFICE OVEBPIEIISOK'S HAT 8TOHE, ^'BLAOKl^EM, BTBEEl", r ' : ' & V V ;i iBTLAHDT St., near R0CKAWAY, N. J. a UDMUlUIlOrUDKB OF CJRUSHEBS aud PULVERIZEES. DBA.WIN0S AHD ESTIMATES FURNIBHEI) ILL HINDU OF MJCBIKEIIY. }nthe European Plan. Tlio rcHttu IJ nt, cafo >Dd lunoh- room at- snrpiMMl-ror-iilieappGSH aiid «o ol f ertloe.', Itoom* 60 cts. to$3 p«r »r, (8-toI1U li*r Ktik/ CoaTenieutlo.il srries and city rillroidfl. < ^. : •• IW.FUBNITUIU 1 ,, NEW MANAGEMENT. i •nion'indi hcerts,Lfictiires," Exhibitions U'Df T*r)6aifcliidi."TbB fEnterU ,11- In lirge, well ukted nlttt oomlorUble atn,'«nil pi*y J*» b*a «t .j-etionible tenni. Ajlply.to oi'.l/WHlTLOGlCijtl.EWIB, iltf In thn bolldinit. CHAS, BUCHANAN wiUiger'a Safes. " VOORHEES BROTHERS, MOBRISTOWN, ARrlcaltural ImpUmenta, Bcedi, ForllllcorB, An. PaiLti, Oils, O)ia>. oto. : L; 1 7?O0D 1 3 CsUtwtod MOWEKS and EEAPEBS, ; oxonaix korrlitown, Deo. 18tb. 1876. IN ALL ITS BEAHODE8 AT iNSERTING, EXTRAdTINfi, „ «™—__ —_„ raoUnj wu«w new teeth are luwrted. Wfl are now mat HbuatltalaotiorteBthfoi^. '. •••• £ i FIFTEEN; DOULARS.1 ALL. WOBK•/ WAHRAWTEIJ. CABPENTEB and BUILDER,; . H1A0KITE1L 81.. SOTBB, Hi J..-- Slate Roofing- rooty can be^put op., . iillii^-™"-^ 1 Dealer in ; Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dy« Stuff •'''•^ND ALsi-JPHARMACEtfTlCAJ rHYSIOUNS 4KD DE1LEBS SOPFLIEp S.T WJ PMOEa. POT. Geo. MsCracken ja jay-avivav, ."•••.•; CARRIAGE FACTORY in, til Beat IWlork isgthe Clieapeat LATEST STYfcl& ANCf? iiVipROVEMENTS ^^AaRiiOTBi" AS "BEPRE8ENTED; an^ ,PWNiriNa done at lowest possible rales ' '' POETIC. FORTY ACRES AND A MULE. , "Dem fobtjr tkuln IDH (tot mool," ' f > Said Jim,» odUon haod, ; : "Uaiibfl.otdiicblleiiafuol, -- - Sum«»uar about do hud, "Wen ITtiBft Lfnkum'B folks klm down, Wo nlggahe onder»tooJ Dny meant to do do t'JDR tip brown, And toUsU m ont do wood. ' 'Dem folty ihabit mundcJ nito[ Dutmool-woiioorJ Llmiqucnl; Bui all do land Ii inav.*o. Da tuool lioln't slioned bin lieol. "It'i mfglitj balid lo ilanJ do rents, Wld cotton Blttiu'cluitp, And d«n tie bill ob do expend IJOKLB ns btblnd, t bwp. "Di'm fobly aknbs ind Oat mool Atn'tou'y bilo.'r; Dt-7 mai« be-wlib I'd been to ichool- Up In do Norr iOBewli»r. ••ItKln'tnoiKiotolienilgn-. DoLnwd'Bpot oiiooyoibul; Up to «ln Norf la wb.r ho gwine, '^Ibaatosnafool." "you bettali wait," aa'id TJocla Jike, "And ala; wbar you w»i bawn; Jt'i nnllln but nucliinoa Hey tako. Up davr, to ratio da cavn, , * "Dt n't fool yooiof about DO tnob, JllnJ wot de ole man isj— : , Doj likes da brack man berry mncb, Bat llkea him fnr tvayT " ^; '•Yi>nl*tUli«roitjrji 'Long irld do cotton litnd; De Norr is cold., but coldah yot. Will bo do vile DIID'B liand,, 1 * TRUE FRIENDSHIP. TtffOIIE. .- .; ,-: ' ' '•/ Ob 1 'til a prlcolcai boon yo aik, OrhfoiUobolcoittreaiuro; : Nor wraith, nor farno, nor lioiior, triogi'. Bat trsDBitory pleasure. . : ' Ftiendiblp—tbo moils of tbo bcarU- Tlie llncst cord* It toncbes; III raolodj porvikdes tbo whole, NDI-Jealousy approaches, . It la tie dearest, purest, beet, * i Tbe choicest BIU or earth— - > ' A diamond of luslro brifiht— A gem of connticiH wortu. : A friend in aorrow'a iintkcst hoot, WUen angnleli pnlon tlio obeuk—. . A fdond when dlro minfortuno lower, Thl«laiLoTrkn(l[Bf,k. A friend to connaol vrbcu Tm riglit, To guide ma wlicn I'm wrong; Tbia is Ilia rrlondohip tbat I sock, '; The mbjoot ol my nong. . --1 If a man \yaUfJn$ola to know of bow :tlo imparUnde be) ia, let him go with is wife to a dres^mUker. \ When ma; joiinspludioa be saia to be iibJiSiJmBstBgiliftSjjeliintoifcih ionablo lu'Iowo.-lalaerjopo'ut kl& the flnto1i!ld'isioldeDpagh to'npank.' ^ . II inn 'funnjll Joatiliit .om« JpjoplB' lave that the; can; protect themBeUea iom old Sol by raising a pair o' Sol. .Ninety per cent.'to[ thejmlp/ol torange Vcter.'. "Tuifl'explainfl why stepping rthe'flkln'brfiWtonimd azuH A proltj giri'_wop> mkt Wh^ tto! Tbfl wliftlp' 'movo'fflili fcj velocity, irongfa'> 'dcns«''Wil7 'jot' 'wafer, tliat joald cany httn j AtiA J tbe : world in a rorinisjhfflUme; 1 •-.'•'• | /When yoa!sea ajoung fellow-anil bis iri promenading, towards-aiparflon'B ionne, you may iot tbegonrneyfloffnas walking matcb. ,'.,,, ., . -,^ _i q ' JiTbe.'WeBt«ra i TemtoricH 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny aro —ponding in the words ..ofHRnth.^to Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij g o ^ M ^ 1ffUj got" Jiabop Ofttflt Bnyi. tbe best"cnpitiil for starting iu life is "$"clear Irtnd, on bon- estlieMandttn enenrctio:w|ll." It cmy ^Vso, but milk js-genewlly giTen,*' ' -A li'en b'awk'is n hon Iiawk-; ••"- f , -Wboo JOB know itioaabe—*' BuLwlenjou kuowit isam.tla A'Tommy hawk ifl be. J "" (l " Owrogto.UiWihard.'timeW'UiBrftJs a meat deal of Buffering in Oil Oityrf A poor mabthero offered to pawn o doien eggs, o ponnd'Of augar/n quart'of. raol-j flsaesl aud a bait peck of ."potatoes' for.a glass of whiakey, r ;; f ' .'.CT V'. - 1 Sincf the announcement'.inado..by :a New York religipap weekly a row montliB ago, that it would giyaftpocket pieloljto eaob new snbtforiberi.'it 'hi* J™»^--^t a " 'doobled ibjjcircntation.in ,^o^»^p Kentucky; rvl-- ;..-.! Vf ^{ f T ' :; ^ A Western fiirl-brpkB tlo;epga(f ( Itecanae the 'fellow-'was affbahdy-le( that Bbewoidti'i^tOinUliaB?;.*^.^ aoted Itoof.bDBtily."... Sbor*hoBld.-;Tiave —lom'bered that's frieud'inJ-kueediU;a Of obarBG pqiwomnniflVe* did;Snohvt iingt bnt aappoBin^..now;for..tb'o «flke f-argument, as it were, ihaj ftjf«. was to go to olin«3b ior the purpoBo Bbowjn^ off.li^. i>°>- '"W" 8 '• lowed,nadsaw pnsB In.an' ibacccBSibly narrow ipaee between two honHeff gloat^ ig orer the Btolen. mo'raol. . When i lie IW the cat eating,tbe .fish be-add^o himkelf: "If tu'ese canning nnimalfl-eot K••a^eiyIefln.o8t1t•wi^o^ltfca^/^aoa and be retnrnod 1 borne, 1 ,'Moantimc ;.tb'- cathaa wetted, iaTing'itB'SnBpip.ons-a i to'tbe" wtblesomensai'of tLp^flah^lml Iwben.losawtliODODplo cotiDRiit.-she alsofell:tb«iUng'it>i Other oaU eaino, id R quarrel ienrinfld-oVerHho morsel, it they, .were.i»ei!!i3d, .wiUJHl f•tab wok; ho'lmdiparUl&n bf ttdltd. ui* ^ -MoBii^ : - :: Ou'Dniria'persona are ofli ontwittcd in the end. • • i .LOOXIKO ODTITOB ITHB GHTCEBM.'. • On a reo«Dt trip of a weatern steamboat trend wan Barred at dinner ona da; which loafed at«inBly of coal oil. Thi raipfun aBked tbe. baker if ho - did ;nct know ihflt-kBrOHBno-had got into_tb« l Tliank!ng oar (Hondaftnd'pntronsthr.puat ^WilttnleeBatWiicUon In every pwtlcnlar. liclt tHel t ' '•'•• 31-1; ens, than ?" waa aaked. "Ob." he rUed, '"I w« *lrii&it WonH k i l l W " ' ,' [FOB IHB 1B0N EB4.1 ' FROM fHEjOLD WORLD. lUaUEY OF 1IEV. AND HZ* JOhEl'U 1. POTTER TOI'BIU<I&. Through tha furor ol a lady residing ; fctaccasunon, tbo following extracts ire taken from a )etfcr addressed to her. ittid TfifiornTi, Perain, Deo. 18, 1878, icloaing receipts for manaya forivnrdeil T tlio Buccosunna Ladies' MiHsiounr/ loeiety to Tehoran for tbe iiso of tho ssiorj, in winch «be writes : "We have been mating preparations open tfie girls' school, wbiob com- Eiuces to-day. A novr and Hpttcious lildEhg baa bioa flttod np for tbe use t tbie BOUOOI which tDvotved a good leal ol work aud expense, iu coDaidem- ion of wblcbl proposed tlio appropria- ion of the money you sent to liclp moot TwoWe girla bavo tlmu far been iromiscd, and now, at noon, half of tbat lumber bftve arrived, ranging ID years 'rom six tu ilfluoo, BO I would eatimate. 'lie house is fumitibed with Bach arti- >a as tbe papila have liucn acouatomed at borne, only better. In tbe homos if the uatiroe no obaira or tables nro to i round. TiiB food ia piled on a lurge iuud platter wbicli is plucod on tbe oor, oronad v.liioh tbo fumily is seated, It eating at tbe atme time, usiug only ;beir bands.. In tbo school a long tablo IOBbeen provided with a copper soup list], (tinned over which gives it a re- liance to pewter), tablo spooti: knifo ind fork, also a cute little cup, saucer md Ipoon for cacb seholor. Their food insists of obeeso, (somowbnt like our ittnge cbcoic, only laado very solty) ice, soup, dried, eour milk, bread and Of, tlie Iftttor^ they aro yery foud. 'be sour milk is altogether uew tome. b la prepared in little bulls and very ird. ; The Btoie-room is in the cellar, ind presents qnite a novol 1 Bight. Tbo .rangefit,thing in it, except tlio eour iilk, ia tbe roceptnelo eontainiug tbo toflao, which is taken lroin the tails of ibcop and supplying tbe placo of lard. IVben put up for' market it is packed in skins of animals—the fur or wool being loft on. Several of tbeso packu- ;ea nowlie on* tbe floor of tho cellur, 'bicli look very much like dead sbeep. The uninitiated would never dream tbat hnttbey .were cases of lut. When tho it is requirod for nse tbo skio ia simply oat and tbe fat dug out. I might write igofl in tbo endaavor to give.'ft full de- iription of oil thoir food and manner if using it, but time will uot permit ioront r preBoiit. • Wilt briefly refer tu ;boir be^i'TliBbGd itself ifl only a. ibick oamfortablo: theso they spread m the floor with a pillow nmde of calico ,na atuffe^ wltb eottbii'iiutH .it is per- eotly wand, wben . tbo bed is made. •' no'aool a quilt is supplied for a ;;"' '.Tlie natives, I Lblicve, often ill themselves tip in tbo bed. In the lowing these arc wound-up and- laid aside. Taking up tho bed and .walking no longer in ,'iny eyea a atrange thing do. Itis BO aleo with regard to go- g upon Itb'e housetops; aa it' Is a o6m- mon thing here for tbepeoplo to go up- m tbe roofs forBU airing. "Tboynre perfectly flat, made bf mad i n n mariner Mat they cannot bo injured by tbo ,ramp of feet, find furnish a mnob pleoe- mter walk' than on n street. Anotliur tbservatiou I made which bronght to Boriptaral references.' "While on be road we one day stopped, for lunch in an olive grovaV.wlien I eaw.tbo olivoa In every eloga ol growth, and -Ilia many ittlo trees Bpriugup' around the old toss. ' . ' " . foONTINDED MBIT WKSK.]'. '•"!( A Sbcelmcn or TurklHb'Jufltlce. .; Tbree'jeflra ago R yonag Ohristian Moronite in Turkey killed b, MiiiBnlmiiri in.. av bot-headed '(iunrrel. After lying iversfnoe in prison the mother of 'tba' ictim came forward last FobraDry and .aeisted on his belcg,sen teuc^.tQ death. Whatfollowod tiioConetanticoplo oor- reapondtint;of the Philadelphia Press ibusdesenues:" "AB tlie crime "was »ovan according to local judiciaUorms. obtained from Midhati Pasha, tba Governor of Syria, a firman for the .jtion.nnd aday waa fixed for the bang- lug: In vain the notables of nil creeds ind races, Mussulmans and Obrifitians, ippealbd to tbo old woman to be meroi- nl, for upon her word depended the ,fe of the Maronito. They ror-reflentcd D her tbat if be did do the deed it might JavobeeniD.eelMefeuce.; 1 that at nny rate i his gailt was not perfectly clear; :batbe hnd already grievously suffered in body and mind by his imprisonment, id that tbe peoplo of Boyrout did not want a capital execution in., tbeir midst. Naitber tho Turkish, Ulemaa, tho Greek id .Armenian, bishops, or tbe Turkish QaiuU could aoEtcu the obdtirate heart >l this fernfll;piegiira.; T have UioflS in"for iiis 'excoation,' she said, 'and i,[fatsis in,my bauds. I will/not ' nigbt of February 5, throe hours^afler midnight, ho was tukcii'fcora 1 ljli oeil nnd^le'd, to tbo plaoo of "exeoution;" 'An' immeuBe ^crowtl ^f rigft^ftaEbgrWi iround' ? tho-scaffold. BSiSyES: "ria>•«»« was told t>y tub'executioner -that ibe man's reln- ^uorized/allow'bim to go free on tbo payment of bl^od money.) Slie Bbrieked d fonmeil forvengeanca.^FDi;auliqur twitbatnniiiug tjits entreaties o^h isVofrfbn;w6nie*n"'apd obiidreD. In o meantime the' ; youiig man stood on 9^gullow«r;witli tbojialtya aboati'.hia ^.ofi^tembling'for bia life. Finally, worn out by tbo prayers of the^gfiople, toiftptaatyj the|1ib"figarfjto^bicb up the bid for. his ,-lifp, Out consented to Accept 8,000 francs.as, blpod-moocy. The hahgto^p lot'go'his hold 6(' bis ci- I peeted victim,' and handed him_over to s of boxes' ' E a d ^ A b a u t | flyeaxjagq' the Prairie adi recolpttor kflcping , long, ntne;'i .It wftasiinpiy to pa"* in atooolplfloe,; small enct down, i ^ IVKM-Allha 1 vitb l fine powilercil TheaDSottled between tbee'gB^^Uliem'from'accf 88 t0 tllfl Bh"v and presented ; 'oyaporationa of th( white-or s'piiil prUie'yolk.'•" The «pon m'entwaB'trled'iaa'tJune,beforo thoiu^ tensely hBt'Wftalher that saccceiled. Oi Uvking the" eggs oat of tbe packing a faw daya ago, they' were as frwb and w clean looking as Itfrash' laid, On .test Iagtbein;fortha tahK l tlioy coald lJ no be told frorafxeah.ones. hATASS FUNERAL. I felt mysolf lifUad np from my bod By mds invisible, ami swiftly boruo down he ever narrowing avenue of Timi •Sacb moment I piieaiid a century, and ^countered new empires, new peoples, itrango idi^as, and unknown faitba. So, it hat, I found nirttctf nt the end of tho vetm., at the end of Time, andcr a iloofl red eky uiora awful than the doep- 3t black. Men and women harried to and fro, •loir pale facoa reflecting tbe aocuraed" oinplexion of tbe braveus. A desolate iluiice rested upon all things. Then I '•?ardafar alow wnil.indescribably griev- iwelling and falling u^U, and ng with the notes of the storm •bat bogon to rage. Tbe wniling was answered by a grnau, and tbe groaning grew into thunder. The people wrung Ibeir hands nnd tore their hair, and a rofee, piercing and persistent, sbrieked ibove the turmoil, "Our lord and mas- ter, tbe Devil, is no more I" Then I, too, joined the mourners who bewailed tbe leatu of Batan. An old man came tomo and took me >y tbe band, "You also loved aud serv id him ?" he asked. I made no reply, or I knew not wherefore I lamented. He gazed iteadfa*tly in(o my eyes. "Thore ore gorrowg," heBaid.moanibgly, "that areboyond atteraaoe," "Not,tUeu, ike your sorrow," I retorted, "for your ;yca are dry, and there is no grief bo- iiuil tbeir pupils." HopbioQd his finger on my lips nud whispered, "Wait 1" The old man led the wny to a vast and )fty ball, filled to the fnrtbest comer' 'ith a weeping crowd. Tile multitado 'as, indeed, a mighty one, for all tbe people of every cgaof tbe world who lad worebippud and served tuu Devil ore assembled there to do for himtbe at offices for tlio dead. I "saw tlicre ion of my own day and' robogiiized ithers of earlier ngus, whose faces and tine Ind boon brought down to mo by irt aud by Lintory ; and I saw many otli- >'JObelougaj to tho Into couturios igh wbicb I had paused in my night H-ggresa down tbo avenue of Time. But is I was nbout to inquire concerning :hcse, tha old man checked ma. "Hush," JO said, "anil UaUm." And the rnultl- ;udi; cried with one voice, "Hark and iur the roport of tbe .autopsy I" ' ' From another apartment there came irlb Burgeons and physicians and phil- DsopbrrR and learned fnculities of alt Dies, cbnrged to examine Sutau's body >ud to discoyT, if they could, tbomys- o.ry of biscxiutoDOc/ i . l E'ort' f !Uief i p?o» ilobad BDIIS,• **if these/men *o( Bpionco n tell us wboreiD.Sutnn wastlie Devil; they can eeparute from bis mortal tarts the immortal principle wbiob, dfa- in£,u tshcel him frotnioursQlvas,twem'ay .till worship that.immortal principle to our own continued profit and tn tbo ucuding Rlory of our Into lord and mas- 3r." .With grave looks npnn their counte- nances, und with reluctant fitepB, ibree jelegates advanced from among tbe otb ir eages. Tbe old man beside me raised iis band to cotntnnnd. perfeot Bilence. Svery'soand'of woe was at the instant iurpreaaoj. I saw tbat ona was Oaten, iracclus nnotuer,and Cornelini Agtippa tUetbird.' , ..;.'. ,. . •. .' • ". -' 'Ye who h avo fuitbfally BcrveJ the master," said Agrippa, in a loud voice, 'must listen in vain for; the secret whfoh idr scalpels bavo disclose^, r ¥a fiavo aid barebotbtueb'eartaud tW.Boulof ii'm who ties iyonderv, His heart Ike our own hearts, fitly formed to throb •itb bo^pttssion^to slirink with rmtred, ad'to'Bwe.l'witbrcgo. But the mys- tery, of bis soul; would! blast the lips that itteredit."'! \TA"'/Vt'7* •'' " ' Itin old man bnrriedly drew ma' a ....._ ay apart out oftboorowd,' The maltt-J Lude.began to surge and sway witli fu- [DUB wrath. It Bought toniezeandreni] j pieeoes the learned and tenert(ble'.ineh rbo Laddiaseotoa the Peytl, yot refuaeu to publish the mystery of' his existence.' 'WbatrubblBh istbiayba tell its, you ibarlatan hookers and bower of corpses?" ixclnimod one. 'OTca have diaoovered [ no mystery iyou lie to our faoea," 'Pntthemto death 1" screamed others. "They wish toboard the secret for thoir advantage. We. eliall preseutly iavo' tr triumvirate' of' qaack's Betting tbemaalves np above1us,'in placa of him whom we bavo worshipped for the dig- nity. Of bis teacbinga, the .ingenuity of his intellect, tbe exalted dunraoterol bis mortality. To death with tbeso upstart ibiloabphers who Svonld ansurp tho soul af.Satan 1'.',.-;'. / •• "Wo bavfi sought only the Truth," re* _ilied the men of Bcienco, sobflrly, "but wo can not give you tuo Truth us. we found it. Our functions go not farther." And thereupon they, withdrew. . "ticivB Bee for ourselves," sbouted ibe foremost in: tbe.angry .orbwd, 'So* ;hBy' made tbeir way into the inner apartment where Lho'DeyiVthoSy hf in state. ThbiishndB preaaej afttr > them and straggled in'vain to'outer; tbe prBa-' ones of. death that they-too,, migbt iflis- joVer the true, essential quality of tbe jApartJid. ; Those who. gained;;entrance reverently but ongorly, apiu-oacbeifjtho aassivsliier of solid gold, studded with jUstccing Btotios, and rcaplon'daatTwiili ie mingled luetra of tbe'emomldytho :brysplite nud jasuor..,, Doizled, abmulc bnok with wild faCeB and bi ercd looks. Not a man ainongthem dared Blretcli forth bis hand to tear away tbo bandages and. oo'verhigs, with wbioh tlio Biirgcons had veiled tbeir work. , Thcu tho old man who, with me bad silently witnessed the tttmultrjona scene tlrow liirosolf tip ton grand' bwgb(, ; and aaid nlonfl: "Worshipper'j' .of'Saten, whoso majesty eveii'in d'eath holds -you subject, it is welUhtttyouhavb'notsio* cd tho mystery .before .the tiiao. A. va- riety of signs[opmbino to iasplfemewith liope that which has -Biialod the- H\>B of Ilio mon of scienco may yet *be' reycaled through faith. , Let na forthwith p«y the Instwid tribato to onr departed'lord.' Letuamaketb'btB memiDry a'i'fiacriflce worthy of. our. devotion; : My ; ; a i t .'catf kindle a 8re which', consumes iweighty ignota of gold as readily as it bdrnB tin- sel paper, and which leavCB behind no ashes nnd no regrets. Let every-nun bring bilbor all tho ^AH, wbother in coin, or in plate,"or in trinkets, tbat ho has earned in serving tbo DomoD, and ovary woman tlie gold file.has earned, and cast it into tbe oonsuminff fire. Then will the fnneral pyre bo worthy o: liim whom we mourn." "Well said, old man," cried tbo De< worshippers. "Thas we will prove thai ottr worship baa not been Uui 'you the pjre tvhila we go to fetch our gold." 'yes were fiied upon tlie face my coiujiauiou, b u l l could uot read the thoughts that occupied his brain. When Iturnod cguta tbe vast hall was empty of all save bim and mo. Slowly and laboriously we built the 'unerai pile in tbo centre of the apart' mstit. Wo built it of the costly woodi ;lmt weru ut baud, already sprinkled by levout mourners with the choicest epicen. We bcilt the pilo broad and high, and Irnpod it with gorgeous etnfTs. Thu old nan smiUul us be prepared the magii ii'o tb.it wu3 to consamp tbo gold which IIB Devil woi-ahlppom had gftne to fetch Witliin thu pvro be left nn ample epuoc r thoir sauriScc. 'fogotber we broagbt forth tbe De- mon's body, and placed it carefully in lOBitiou at tbo top of tha pile. Tbnn- lors rolled In tbe lofty space nbove 'our leada, and tho wliole building shook BO terribly that I expected it to fall, j an between roof and pavement. Crash came after crash of thunder, nearer and nearer to tbo pyre. Ligbt- lingsplajcd close around us—around tho old man and Sutan'o corpse, aud me. Still we waited for tbe multitude, but the multitude returned not. "Behold the obsequies 1" said tbe Did maq at loot, tbrusiiag his lighted torch into the midst of the pile. "You and I ire tbo only mourners, and we bare not n single ounce of gold to offer. Go yoi forth md bid all tho Dovil worship- pers to tie reading of tlio last will and aUitnont. Tlmy will come." I hastened forth lo obey tho old man's command, and speedily tbo funeral ball was thronged again. Thin time the Sa- .au Worshippers brought tbeir gold, nnd very man sought to make PICUPO for lie tardiness at tbo pyre. The air ;biok with explanations, "I tarried mly,"said one, "to be sure tbat I gntli jred all—all to tho very last pieco of jnld iuraypossession." "I have fetch- id," Baid nnotber, "the laborious ncca- mlatfon of fifty years, but I ohoorfully aacrifico it to tlio memory of our dear lord." Athird said: "Seo I briug a1t| if mine, even to the wedding ring of my lend wife." Tboro was a contention among tho Dqvil worsUippfira tu be the first to oast treasurca into tbe fire. The charmed flumes canght up tho gold, and streamed hijjh 'above tlia corpse, casting upon every eager face in tbe vast room 'a fierce r ollow Rluro,; The Demon's badyBhono iucandGiocat ;throngh its cerements. 3t.ill the the was fed by lianas iuoumer- iblo. slid still tbe old nun stood beside ba pyre, emiling strangely. ; < ' Tbo Devil worsblppers now cried with marse voices'! "Iiie,'wi}li tbe will I Let UB hear the" loaf, testament of our ieiir lord 1" •. . . ' "'•.'. '.'•- -. Tba old man opened a roll*of asbesto! paper, and began to read aloud, while ha hubbub of tho great throng died ,way into eiloac'e,- and the angry roar of tbo consuming flames subsided in a dull murmur. What tho old inua read wi ;hffl : To my wBllboloved subjects, tba whole 'orld, my faithful worshippers and loy. 1 aeryiton, •' greeting, and the Devil's inly blessing—ft perpetual curse! ITortiamuoU as I am oonsbioua ot tho anproacli of tbo cbango that limits every active existence,? yet being of sound mind and firm purpose, I do declare this to be "my lost will, pleasure, and ootn- mnbd oa'to tbe'diipoBulof my kingdom Bnd''eB)nt& 1 ' '•"""• '" " " To tlio wise I begiteath folly, .on J ia the fools/iialn.'f'Tu Uferricli-IIoavb the' wretotiediiBB of-tbo oartb^iind to tbe poor, the onguish of tbe unattainable. To tho just, ingratiluda ; and lothe tm. I decree tbe plaoa called hell to be olt>sed.fprerer, , , ' :, '* \\ decree that the toimopt, in -tee sim- ?loVbo tUvTdeo! 1 omVng'air my faithful mbjects, according to their merit. But tbapldosnies andjthe treasure; aboil ulso Se'dividad equitable'arootig my'subjects. .Tboreupon:5tbeiBalan: worshippers shrieked with one iCeoord: J'There ia no God but tbo Lord Dovil, and be is dead I " low let ns enter into our inheritance." Bnt the old man replied : '^Xa.wretch- ed 1 The"Davil is deud, and.with the miatordied'tbe world.' The' world ia dead 1" •'.',..', Then .they ! 6tood oghaat, "looking ut the pyro.' All at once tba gold- laden flambs Ifeaped in n blasiog column "* a ;iafl"ro6f and expired. And forth uom. the red emben of tbe Devil's heart there crept a small snnko, hissing hid- eously.' Tlie old man •cldtbh'ed ,nt the " Jnko to OtuBh it, but it slipped through is bands and made its way into thj lidat of the crowd. ' Judas Iflcariot aught up the snaVo and placed it in pjijbbftim. And wlieo'.be. did «>,>he Barth beneath us bejran to quiver as if n'tbeoonvulBion;of : dDfltb: J -Tbo lofty lillaraof tho lanaialeliiimber.reeled liko giants aiefcitf>.'fa* iBialnfefc" The Satan worshippers fell flat u upba their, faces ; tba old man and I stood olone.; OrHsh followed quick on crasli on .every side of Ufl.bat'it vaandt this time tbo concna- BidnWof tbaiideV; it ; ; was'tlid hbpoless iouadof tlLB^ .tacaoliog, of man's, strao- tUtes;"and fabrics, nod -the echo frnm tbe:other "worlds of this world's crack of doom. Then the stars began to fall.aud tlio fointerlights of heaven oame down i nfioD'Ultho ^ ^ V e e t 6 1 frozefi Bre. 1 Ano^tho chilJibu' am of'terror f and the mothers clasped tbeir dead babies to rown cold breuitfl,and,hurried(this WHY Btnl'tbtit-forBbfUer lliatwra "never Toiind. Light became bluet, fire lost its heat In tbe utter diioignnizfttioa of Na- tnru, and a whelming, flood .of tcbaoa inrged from th'o womb 1 of tho 1 miivene md Bwatlo.wod up the Satan worsbipperfl Then'-f : stt1d : to'ihn'old man as we Ht^a-iu fljtw°.A*W w ^«^?^ reI y noVvil and no good; no worlJ" aad'Tio ioa.a0I-W'^'--'-v i--'iOO['. But he amiied and shook -HB_ bead, and left'nie"toVwaBnBrbiqk:''tfeE3Pgh tbe oentanesr "Te£ aa'lie disappeared I • -- - over tbo rains of the; woi UNCLE JOHN DISCOURSES ON BABIE Haviof in u« last two screeds wreetlec with "Huflbauda" and "Wives," it unilly follow!* Umt I should this wtel tackle the rmitrimoninl comet wbicb we call "Bubiea," I enter upon tuia subject with con- Biderable misgivinR, UcaiiHo babiea nn hard subjects to handle. What knowl edge I bavo of them lias of course been gained almost exclusively by observa- tion. Never having been iu matrimonial linruess, and rover having been n nurse, it can't be expected tbat I am very wcli up in tbo subject. I suppose it is possible to know too much about babies. I judge tbis to bi fio in the case I was reading about only yesterday, wbcruin u wife astonished icr husband by presoutiug bun wiLk our at onadose. I can imagine thai the poor fellow's hair stood oo end, nnd I fancy I can bear bim Bay, as be first glanced at tbe brood, "Did any of them gut away V 1 Cables aro of various hinds. There are good babies and bad babies, pretty ibieu and homely bubics, fat babies nnd nn babies, laughing babies and crying babies, sweet temperod babies aud ill- natured babies, and HO on. But tbe baby tbat aboots his affbctii into tba heart of Uncle John has got to ieet one primary requirement. He, or ibe, as tbe case may be, must be a cleau .by. Of all the disgusting animated obj sntbefuce of tho earth, the one moat on titled to wear the champion belt is the bnby that sheds nasal toaru, I suppose It isn't tbe baby's fault, but some babias sally seem to be afflicted with chronic jrruption of tho nasal organ. I am very fond of babies, nnd can .olerute any brand of them except tuu lirty brand. I suppose I was u baby myself ones. Of coursel don't remem- jorwhcthorl waa or not, butlwiehl could mnerober. I would particularly ike to recall the' delighted exclamations it tbo young ludica—"Isn't ho sweet I" 'O, tholittlo darling I" "He's just too lovely for anytbiug I" " Do let me klBS liin I" "He's so hweet I could bug tha -ery Ufa out of him 1" No, I regret toaoy tbat I can't remem- ittr it. Wbon I was a young man, and wns itudyitig for the ministry, I boarded with a elder slater who bad a yearling baby. think that baby had tlie moat magnifl- seut set of Iung3 tbat over emitted sounds. Talk about your steam caliopes ud locomotive whistles, and fog-horns, 'lie voico of that.baby would have drowned them nil. . . , I Baid that I was studying for. the ministry at that time, and of course it was essential that my mind shonld be trained in the line of meekness, humility and long suffering. But, I regret to say, Christian forboarauoe finally gave 3iit. I quietly, but with' mulice fore- thought, proceeded to invent a machine cure tbat bnby of crying. Myidea was tbat the young rascal bawled simply ',o hoar himself, and that if I could gat up a machine by means ol' which be eould not hear his own yawp, ho would BOOD give it up in disgust and become a reasonably quiet infant. After weeks of labor I produced the machine. It was constructed thns: An air.receiver made large enough to bold tho baby, attached t o ' vbioli was an air pump U> exhaust the air; A rubber tule was arranged to bo fastened over the baby'snoso' at one end, and tbo other eml to be outside of tho receiver. By this arrangement, when the baby vim placed in the receiver, ind'_ the air was exhausted around him, he could breath through the tube. As the air was grati- cally., pumped ont his voice would become JOBS audible, for you know there no Bon&d; where there Is no air. Fin- ally, as the process of .air exhaustion went on, the baby would find tbat his attempt tocry was a lamentable failnre. In •pito of hisxnoBt strenuous efforts, and the moat vigorous straining of bis Jungs, he ooald not get ont abound tbat be could bear, nud thus he wonld' give p tbo attempt in dingust. , Well, one day mysister went out to jeiid tbe afternoon and left me to mind tlie babj. As toon as ea« was gone the er commenced to howl and I wont up to my room and got tbe nin- chine. I fixed tbe baby.and went to work on the pump,. It worked ndmira- jly. Tbe cry got faintor and fainter, and tbe baby 'looked tbo "picture of mingled astonishment and disgust. *I enroplnrecl with the success cf my achievement that I went to work with redoubled vigor at tbe pumu, pay- Ing no further notico to the baby, but lolighted beyond measure us the orying jased to be audible. Just then my sister, having forgotten jomething, entered the room. I Bret learned.this by a scream that nearly, took .lie roof off..tha house, followed by>a bound towards the baby, and tbe.opsel : ;iilg of tbe receiver. . The cause of the excitement waa plain loogh.' The air tube had .slipped'off| .lib baby's noso.'aiid bb couitln't breiUie. His faco was as block.as my bat, and, in minute more- be"would bare been effcotnally cared 'of'crying.' i When my sister got through with tbnt „aebino there wasn't a piece of it as big as a malcb. I wenfawsy a shdrt time lormybealtb. "' ; I bar! been studying foraBaptistmiiv' Jster, but I afttrwarda found my mind drifting 'more toward rrcaby'vcrianistn, w it ; WD8 at that time—flf»y yenrs. The 3bctrine oHnfaot'damnntion seemed to imoad itafilf to,me. Tho resnlt.of it ill was th'iit I govo^p Iho.iaea of .being minisler. That abortive attempt to do humanity a Berrico by inventing a ran- cliino for carinB crying' babies cansed church tolonn a minister and led to its arcb._ RussianNihiliBU are as tinscrnpuloUB as ttey ara nnflncions. ItwonldbedifB- cnlt to inagino acythinB more' savage than the following letter sent to Baror Drcntolon, who escaped nBsoB«ination I abort time ago: "We know that yon &. not feur death ; hut wo also know tha. there ifl in tbiH worldaponon whom yon love passionately.' It i» your dwwiitar, Tbe committoehaTe, therefore, decidec to lull bei inyour stead," this screed/ from Tours truly, UNOLB JOBM, A young mnn who marries without fi kibl eans' of UU J..™V, r means of sapport, ora.ricb fatUr-in-law to feed i him, IB pronounced a -fool; bat if ayoung ' oman who weds, without possessing niiy knowledge of the first rudiments of fconaekoeping; who knows bow to 1 eat brend. bttt not low to maltd it, and wb'ose knowledge of domestio nffiwrBia limited to getting np in time to eat a cold breakfast, h» saidto have madon good match. Will tho female at tlie lioad of the CI&BH pleaBO stand up and , us why young women should not bfl as competent to preside- ! houseboU, as tho man who U lo providi for tba nme 1 When sue has answered this nueBtion satisfactorily wo will go down in our grab bag aud got another waanilrua for liwt A Dangerous Ride- Several ycare ago I was passing a day iu Dedbam, playing eht-M with tho Hon. Win, J}., mcmljfir from OongreHS, from Mass. It wan in the latter purt of July an unusually warm summer, I re- quested tbe proprietor of a livery stable in Boston to sucfl mo one of hh fufltt-st torsos attiiched to n ligbt gig, all of whicli Lo williugly did, knov.iug h..-. tu be a hntuan driver. Alter spending a quiet and undisturbed Jay engaged iu chess, my horso van brought to the door, tvUeii, Ibo aspect of tlio bf.-avc.is brenteciug athuntlcr etortn, I was per- suaded io wait and play ono game inure, giving it time to pasa over. It wna 1/ niue WIJOU I uutcred my gig, mul as my horse, wbicb had beeu utaudin^ liarncsscd for somo tiino, made a dash jut of the gnto, I folt tbo wheel ^rnto ijwn tho sido jiost. thinks I, if that is 'our game I will not balk yon, but let you go. Presently, turning the corner itertbe Dedbatu turnpike by tlio itage bouse (iu those days) lie carried me, in spite of nil my exertions, HOCIOHQ a o load of hay coming toward IHG Unit bad to drop to tlia bottom of the gig o save ay head, tbe gig-top being for- unalcly thrown Lack. XIJO evening was eitromolv hot, without a breath of wind, the clouds baviDg passed over 'ithoul rain, and the dust .was aimOH t iuBufforable. I was in a profuse jierHpi- iion in holding ou to the reins, and iu tbo most perfect astonish moat, OH II obild might have driven him in tho turning when going out. After pass- ing navernl vehicles, and tho toll-lioase, dtbout paying, all turnlug out nnd nukiug wny ia the greatest haste, BU|>- tosing- me iutoiicntcd, I was brought p forty minutea past nine beforo my ntber's duor in Muuiit Vernon street, he lioreo lookiDg as though be hnd been in a snow storm, unil the conclimnu, nicgout with bin lautcrn, discuvorcd ,t Lo hnd uu bit ia iiis muutb 1 I bud [riven hiui all tbo way from Dcdhnin ith Dothiugbut a thin leather strap vcr his nose, tbe bit having been olip- [ted under bis ciiin whea bnrneasod in ;Le dark by Mr. D 'a Irishman. IlrinniMr I>oivn a niacb Wolf. A man named Klrtloy was hat week ie hero of a remarkable wolfoboso in annas, wbioh the Henry couuty Demo- tTrar thas describes : <'Mr. Kirllc^r bad started out to subpmnn wituca&Cs uu Hillegras prairie, ia the . Bouthoustcrn part of tbls county, andwhlle ritliug leis- irely along be espied a lnrga black wolf Q a wheat field closo by. Spurring his lorse lo its utmost speed he at once ive chase, and for miles over Ibe prai- ies and through Soldo, with here and there a small skirt of timber, on tbo/ iped, tbe wolf in tbe lead, bnt the rider and his dauntless little borae always in igbt, an3 often OIOEQ upon his bocla. it was a reckless ride over feucea and :hrough farms. AB they passed fann- louses.the heroicridor shouted forbcip, ind others joined in tbo oliasB, until tba lumber of purauers whs a dozen or more; still the liinve little borso kept Ibe lend, ono after another of the fresh steeds foil to tha rear. Afterarnoe of twenty ir twenty-five, miles, and when within n quarter of a mile of Loffery Oity. a small lllage in Bt. Glnir county, the race end- id anil tie question, ol endurance was leteriaioed in favor of the rider aud his steed, wbioh ran directly over tbe wolf, nocking it down. Kirtley was unarmed, mt springing from his saddle ho graspod vicious animal by tlio month, In few minutes others came to bis nid, and a strong eordwns bound around tho mintb, Tendering it harmlosa, '.utheir excitement, however, tho parties Irew the cords BO tight that the animal died; of strangulation anil exhaustion ion after been cap tared. It proved to j a full-grown black mountain wolf, fully throe feet high," and would weigh >robnbly one hundred pounds, and even wikod much largor. It was cortainly a icions looking animalfora man to tack- A CosUy April Fool Joke. An omnaing little episode inconncc- ion with the observance of AII-FOOIB' ay occurred in Boston. On ono of tlio 'inclpal thoroughfares two teauiBters id left their teams standing, witli the tailboards touching. The fan-loving ilerks in a hardware store in the itnmc- liate vicinity conceived the idea of laining these two teams together, rtricb idea was promptly carried out. loon the drivers returned, and not no- ing wliat bad been dona to their tms, mounted their seats and with a imnllaneous "git" proceeded to start iff. Tbe fttart, o! eoursa, did not take ilaoo. - One .of th« drivers, looking irounil and discovering- tbo difficulty, got dawn, and undoing tbe'chain, which swortheight'orten dollars,.threw It loln'BPwagbn, and both teams imme- atelt drove off, ornid the frantic calls tbelcterks'to rerarn the chain. As >6tti tho tcaiDBtors "are unknown to the Jerks! it'is inoro than probable that •WeEr ^lariea'willhe diniinUhed just tbo iide of tbat 1 ohaiu.—Wtrrcesicr (iTass.) VfAXr CHAau»>-1he popular euro for (tarts,' and other 1 like excrescences, nro •itry nmnerouB, and vary ia almost every countty-.' ' One modei of charming them .way is to take an elder Bhoot and Tub t on'the part; then cutasmany notches m the twig as you have worts, put it in placa where it will soon decay, and, as , rots awaTi the warts will disappear. This Is'aBoathen. charm. In Yorkshire, ind throughout the north generally, tbe me fox warts is to take a block snail and ib the excrescences with it, then impale ,ona thorn, and leave it to pariah. s it dries up and disappears, tbe warts ill vanish. According to another form if the cbann, the warts must bo rubbed ith a fresh snail for nine successive IgliU. Still another wart cbann is to take tho abell of n broad tonn, and rob .he affected part wilb tbe inside thereof; barylbesbcll, nnd tell no "one about it id.wi the shall withers awny, so -will io warto. ' _ ^ Tm BBXCTT av Drrao "VODSO.—A Cbicngo: boy was so ''impressed by "IB Sunday'School novels with tho duaira- jilily and beauty of dying'yonng nnd ibiu quitting this wirkqd world that ho jommUted saioido. Tho eryiuff neces- sity of tbo times inSunday Bcboql liter- ature and teaching ia an infusion of p^od common'sense. If tbo now lights could (*ays tho Interior.) they would take tbo souls out of children which Ood put there and put in newt improved, patent HOOIB, made of chalk; and elmr- toal, lubricated, with tears and treacle.

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Page 1: VOL. IX. · JiTbe.'WeBt«raiTemtoricH 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny aro —ponding in the words ..of HRnth.^to Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij go^M^ 1 ff U j got" Jiabop Ofttflt


T H E I R O N E R ANO 20



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10 0018 6082 OO1*B.»

910 oo17 00

.82 0027 0080 0885 0045 0005,01

180 00rBBOXimal ASDXO tOt XZTIUa. UKUI. ao-

TioM't^oBMta.rsa xjma. - y •.. -: • .'" '••

H Q M C E . Q I ' . A . T I I I OPHYSICIAN & SURGEON,nr. Blackwall 4 Warren Sts.,

ESTABLISHED IN 1851. .T>nn& DEtTaS ind MEDICINES, PA1NT8,J~ Oili, a i m ; Brnshoa. Perfumer;. &e.,'•old br JAMES A. CllwDAliv He WoneerDruggist, or DOTor.' Store OPfiii onSUNDAYSfar tin nlo of Heuiolnet onl/ frott fl to 10 A.M;, ami ftom.tolSI'.M, ill?"'

. Dprai,N.j.,of Women and Children, KUd of the

< , ,*Ej« afid Efcr Ipecialtloe.iflreIIoiir.:TtoDA.M.,ltoB.nd7to8r.lt.' JHW. 1 . . ' ! . ' ! K'—•« ;


. Counsellor at Law• > ; • . - . - / . . ' . . • • A M D ; ' • - . ' ;•'••: \ - y


- .Oernor of Blackwoll and,fluliex Sti. ;

DOVER, N.J.I. B. JOJ.LEY, Proprietor.

florses and Carriages to Lot. . . , :

•«Trr T.

OpjuiaelipratEawAND kiflTBB M'OHANOEBY,*

OfflM In tn» V>tionil Union B.nk DnlidloB.3rAor»,m,Br., DOVEB, N. J .

OVBH LABORATORY.'-pvA . u j i k n d A u t j i l p fORES AN1) MI N E Il'A LS,

i • ; . >cASEFi i iMM4bi . v > '• J iAustofclwrgeiwWbeftinilahedobBPPlioBHom



OPPOSITE pyrEajJEPor..- i tWKEEL£,i»lo(r in Jr. Wpirift/tal Hod.'•FmttOflWUajijtiiiriij.'iliJ wagon

• 0118 mid VBUOSH, boltratio. Tv&rxnTnte, W o r n

l H d y l lr.iidltl.1* .

All of UjoWui goJU.iii iSt boatlak.V known fcy pointers. FraST'OXjASB

lAttttUGE u d ftjEIOH OKNAUEN'IB. |HurlnD had A large expeiienae formerly as-carriage bnldor, from • linoriedee of It

a;»gl^l9"^'^i'''1<'*d*'°r :

j o ! .Valley, »OT.,«n, 1878. . : ; 48-ly.



MARY C. FORD, M.D.Homcaopaihlc'Physislan, >






WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.hli«1d eaUblUbHl Hotel ii opon for llio leuoQ•nd 1* putioiUiIy dufnbie for tho»» leakingtirod luniraer rold«pc«. emitted SI tliabtftddkn Uop.tooua iu future* of lak* and noun-i UWMIT, eiMlUnt hOfltlna *nd Hihlne.tnj lot'•••uktlt uainrpftwed brugr In IbttnglDr"wUcalar* uldrra M •boi 1»%I

GEO MANN'SNew Billiard Parlorand SALOON. BUckwoll St., DOYAT, justfitted up with new «nd elegant appointment*,otttn to the pleasure *«ektir ona of th» qnl-etast and most sleasnnt plncos of enjoyniontIn town. THE BILLIAKD PARLOR oon-taini two fine carom tables and is fitted upwith everything neoensary far the enjoymentof tho game. HUPFEL'B LAQBS, tho flu.est boverBgo dn.uk, alwajs kept in fresh

plies, andafull stock of 9enr.ua cheeses,Mneial wotew, Pine Apple Older, 1'roUeln,Sardines, eta. Q««rge will be nlwayn onhand to please bis friends, and will makeivfity stranger f«el at home. 52-8m

:or Sale, Rent or Exchange.ThB fina property on the comer of Blast,

rail an£ Essex street*^ rebeaUy oooiipied bj

' mlel O. Wiggins, Esq., wUch includ..

railing Bud store. Apply to # l '

4841 ' K. V. U. BEARING, AE«,,l.


i^KOrr S1JH1CKER, Proprietor*.Sussex Bt, 81 Door from Canal?,•-, Bridge, B0VBE. N.J. ;

Tbo pirlori are ibonmRhl^ eanlppoa with

. U i U o n / Md.4V«rr rtWiiUnwFW ttw.ilua is of tbe beitorfer. Tho B»r !• "applied,K4tb,fA]&anipMt'i"Export Liner, tbe best IDllio World, fine dry Obiinp»ime«, roreisn inddomeRtlo lilqaon and tflDsi and ttu bastbjrandi of Ba*ari. • » - "


^'BLAOKl^EM, BTBEEl", r ': ' & V V ;i

iBTLAHDT St., near





}nthe European Plan.Tlio rcHttuIJ

nt, cafo >Dd lunoh- room at-snrpiMMl-ror-iilieappGSH aiid

«o ol f ertloe.', Itoom* 60 cts. to $3 p«r»r, (8-to I1U li*r Ktik/ CoaTenieutlo.ilsrries and city rillroidfl. < . : ••IW.FUBNITUIU1,, NEW MANAGEMENT.

i •nion'indi

hcerts,Lfictiires," ExhibitionsU'Df T*r)6ai fcliidi." TbBfEnterU

,11- In lirge, well ukted nlttt oomlorUbleatn,'«nil pi*y J*» b*a «t .j-etionible tenni.Ajlply.to oi'.l/WHlTLOGlCijtl.EWIB,

iltf In thn bolldinit.


wiUiger'a Safes. "


ARrlcaltural ImpUmenta, Bcedi, ForllllcorB,An. PaiLti, Oils, O)ia>. oto. :

L ; 1 7 ? O 0 D 1 3 CsUtwtodMOWEKS and EEAPEBS, ;

oxonaixkorrlitown, Deo. 18tb. 1876.



„ «™—__ —_„ raoUn j wu«wnew teeth are luwrted. Wfl are now mat

HbuatltalaotiorteBthfoi^. ' . •••• £ i



Slate Roofing-

rooty can be put op., .


Dealer in; Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dy« Stuff



Geo. MsCracken

j a j a y - a v i v a v , ."•••.•;CARRIAGE FACTORY in, t i l

Beat IWlork isgthe Clieapeat


^ ^ A a R i i O T B i " AS "BEPRE8ENTED;

an^ ,PWNiriNa done at lowest possible rales' ' '


"Dem fobtjr tkuln IDH (tot mool," 'f>Said Jim,» odUon haod, ; :

"Uaiibfl.otdiicblleiiafuol, -- -Sum«»uar about do hud,

"Wen ITtiBft Lfnkum'B folks klm down,Wo nlggahe onder»tooJ

Dny meant to do do t'JDR tip brown,And toUsU m ont do wood.

' 'Dem folty ihabit mundcJ nito [Dutmool-woiioorJ Llmiqucnl;

Bui all do land Ii inav.*o.

Da tuool lioln't slioned bin lieol.

"It ' i mfglitj balid lo ilanJ do rents,Wld cotton Blttiu'cluitp,

And d«n tie bill ob do expend

IJOKLB ns btblnd, t bwp.

"Di'm fobly aknbs ind Oat moolAtn'tou'y b i lo . ' r ;

Dt-7 mai« be-wlib I'd been to ichool-

Up In do Norr iOBewli»r.

••ItKln'tnoiKiotolienilgn-.DoLnwd'Bpot oiiooyoibul;

Up to «ln Norf la wb.r ho gwine,

'^Ibaatosnafool ."

"you bettali wait," aa'id TJocla Jike,"And ala; wbar you w»i bawn;

Jt'i nnllln but nucliinoa Hey tako.Up davr, to ratio da cavn, , *

"Dt n't fool yooiof about DO tnob,JllnJ wot de ole man isj— : ,

Doj likes da brack man berry mncb,Bat llkea him fnr tvayT " ^;

'•Yi>nl*tUli«roitjrji'Long irld do cotton litnd;

De Norr is cold., but coldah yot.Will bo do vile DIID'B liand,,1*

TRUE FRIENDSHIP.TtffOIIE. .- .; ,-: ' ' '•/

Ob 1 'til a prlcolcai boon yo aik,OrhfoiUobolcoittreaiuro; :

Nor wraith, nor farno, nor lioiior, triogi'.Bat trsDBitory pleasure. . : '

Ftiendiblp—tbo moils of tbo bcarU-Tlie llncst cord* It toncbes;

III raolodj porvikdes tbo whole,NDI-Jealousy approaches, . •

It la tie dearest, purest, beet, • * iTbe choicest BIU or earth— - > '

A diamond of luslro brifiht—

A gem of connticiH wortu. :

A friend in aorrow'a iintkcst hoot,WUen angnleli pnlon tlio obeuk—. .

A fdond when dlro minfortuno lower,


A friend to connaol vrbcu Tm riglit,To guide ma wlicn I'm wrong;

Tbia is Ilia rrlondohip tbat I sock, ';The mbjoot ol my nong. . --1

If a man \yaUfJn$ola to know of bow:tlo imparUnde be) ia, let him go withis wife to a dres^mUker. \When ma; joiinspludioa be saia to be

iibJiSiJmBstBgiliftSjjeliintoifcihionablo lu'Iowo.-lalaerjopo'ut kl& theflnto1i!ld'isioldeDpagh to'npank.' ^ .

II inn 'funnjll Joatiliit .om« JpjoplB'lave that the; can; protect themBeUeaiom old Sol by raising a pair o' Sol..Ninety per cent.'to[ thejmlp/ol torangeVcter.'. "Tuifl'explainfl why stepping

rthe'flkln'brfiWtonimd azuHA proltj giri'_wop> m k t

W h ^ t to !

Tbfl wliftlp' 'movo'fflili fcj velocity,irongfa'> 'dcns«''Wil7 'jot' 'wafer, tliat

joald cany httn jAtiAJ tbe: world in arorinisjhfflUme;1 • - . ' • ' • |

/When yoa!sea ajoung fellow-anil bisiri promenading, towards-aiparflon'B

ionne, you may iot tbegonrney floffn aswalking matcb. , ' . , , , ., . -,^ _i q '

JiTbe.'WeBt«raiTemtoricH 'irtto* callingtor likely young women, and mnny aro—ponding in the words ..of HRnth.^to

Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij g o ^ M ^ 1 ff Uj got"Jiabop Ofttflt Bnyi. tbe best"cnpitiil for

starting iu life is "$"clear Irtnd, on bon-estlieMandttn enenrctio:w|ll." It cmy^Vso, but milk js-genewlly giTen,*'

' -A li'en b'awk'is n hon Iiawk-; ••"-• f , -Wboo JOB know itioaabe—*'

BuLwlenjou kuowit isam.tlaA'Tommy hawk ifl be.J " " ( l "

Owrogto.UiWihard.'timeW'UiBrftJs ameat deal of Buffering in Oil Oityrf Apoor mabthero offered to pawn o doieneggs, o ponnd'Of augar/n quart'of. raol-jflsaesl aud a bait peck of ."potatoes' for.aglass of whiakey, r;; f ' . ' .CT V'. -1 Sincf the announcement'.inado..by :a

New York religipap weekly a row montliBago, that it would giya ft pocket pieloljtoeaob new snbtforiberi.'it 'hi* J™»^--^ta"'doobled ibjjcircntation.in , ^ o ^ » ^ pKentucky; r v l - - ;. .-.! Vf { fT ' : ;

^ A Western fiirl-brpkB tlo;epga(f (Itecanae the 'fellow-'was affbahdy-le(that Bbewoidti ' i^tOinUliaB?;.*^.^aoted Itoof.bDBtily."... Sbor*hoBld.-;Tiave—lom'bered that's frieud'inJ-kueediU;a

Of obarBG pqiwomnniflVe* did;Snohvtiingt bnt aappoBin^..now;for..tb'o «flkef-argument, as it were, ihaj ftjf«.

was to go to olin«3b ior the purpoBoBbowjn^ of f . l i^ . i>°>- ' " W " 8 '•

lowed,nadsaw pnsB In.an' ibacccBSiblynarrow ipaee between two honHeff gloat^

ig orer the Btolen. mo'raol. . When i lieIW the cat eating,tbe .fish be-add^o

himkelf: "If tu'ese canning nnimalfl-eotK••a^eiyIefln.o8t1t•wi^o^ltfca^/^aoaand be retnrnod1 borne,1 ,'Moantimc ;.tb'-cathaa wetted, iaTing'itB'SnBpip.ons-a

i to'tbe" wtblesomensai'of tLp^flah^lmlIwben.losawtliODODplo cotiDRiit.-shealsofell:tb«iUng'it>i Other oaU eaino,

id R quarrel ienrinfld-oVerHho morsel,it they, .were.i»ei!!i3d, .wiUJHl f•tab wok;ho'lmdiparUl&n bf ttdltd. ui* -MoBii^:-::Ou'Dniria'persona are ofli

ontwittcd in the end. • •

i .LOOXIKO ODTITOB ITHB GHTCEBM.'.• On a reo«Dt trip of a weatern steamboattrend wan Barred at dinner ona da;which loafed at«inBly of coal oil. Thiraipfun aBked tbe. baker if ho - did ;nctknow ihflt-kBrOHBno-had got into_tb«

lTliank!ng oar (Honda ftnd'pntrons thr.puat^Wilt tnleeBatWiicUon In every pwtlcnlar.

liclt tHel t' • '•'•• 31-1;

ens, than ?" waa aaked. "Ob." herUed, '"I w« *lrii& it WonH k i l l W "

' ,' [FOB IHB 1B0N EB4.1




Through tha furor ol a lady residing; fctaccasunon, tbo following extracts

ire taken from a )etfcr addressed to her.ittid TfifiornTi, Perain, Deo. 18, 1878,icloaing receipts for manaya forivnrdeilT tlio Buccosunna Ladies' MiHsiounr/loeiety to Tehoran for tbe iiso of tho

ssiorj, in winch «be writes :"We have been mating preparationsopen tfie girls' school, wbiob com-

Eiuces to-day. A novr and HpttciouslildEhg baa bioa flttod np for tbe use

t tbie BOUOOI which tDvotved a goodleal ol work aud expense, iu coDaidem-ion of wblcbl proposed tlio appropria-ion of the money you sent to liclp moot

TwoWe girla bavo tlmu far beeniromiscd, and now, at noon, half of tbatlumber bftve arrived, ranging ID years'rom six tu ilfluoo, BO I would eatimate.'lie house is fumitibed with Bach arti->a as tbe papila have liucn acouatomedat borne, only better. In tbe homos

if the uatiroe no obaira or tables nro toi round. TiiB food ia piled on a lurgeiuud platter wbicli is plucod on tbeoor, oronad v.liioh tbo fumily is seated,It eating at tbe atme time, usiug only

;beir bands.. In tbo school a long tabloIOB been provided with a copper souplist], (tinned over which gives it a re-

liance to pewter), tablo spooti: knifoind fork, also a cute little cup, saucermd Ipoon for cacb seholor. Their foodinsists of obeeso, (somowbnt like ourittnge cbcoic, only laado very solty)

ice, soup, dried, eour milk, bread andOf, tlie Iftttor they aro yery foud.

'be sour milk is altogether uew to me.b la prepared in little bulls and veryird. ; The Btoie-room is in the cellar,

ind presents qnite a novol1 Bight. Tbo.rangefit,thing in it, except tlio eouriilk, ia tbe roceptnelo eontainiug tbotoflao, which is taken lroin the tails of

ibcop and supplying tbe placo of lard.IVben put up for' market it is packed in

skins of animals—the fur or woolbeing loft on. Several of tbeso packu-;ea now lie on* tbe floor of tho cellur,'bicli look very much like dead sbeep.

The uninitiated would never dream tbathnttbey .were cases of lut. When thoit is requirod for nse tbo skio ia simply

oat and tbe fat dug out. I might writeigofl in tbo endaavor to give.'ft full de-iription of oil thoir food and manner

if using it, but time will uot permitiorontrpreBoiit. • Wilt briefly refer tu

;boir be^ i 'T l iBbGd itself ifl only a.ibick oamfortablo: theso they spreadm the floor with a pillow nmde of calico,na atuffe^ wltb eottbii'iiutH .it is per-eotly wand, wben . tbo bed is made.

•' no'aool a quilt is supplied for a;;"' '.Tlie natives, I Lblicve, often

ill themselves tip in tbo bed. In thelowing these arc wound-up and- laid

aside. Taking up tho bed and .walkingno longer in ,'iny eyea a atrange thingdo. I t i s BO aleo with regard to go-

g upon Itb'e housetops; aa i t ' Is a o6m-mon thing here for tbepeoplo to go up-m tbe roofs forBU airing. "Tboynreperfectly flat, made bf mad inn marinerMat they cannot bo injured by tbo,ramp of feet, find furnish a mnob pleoe-mter walk' than on n street. Anotliurtbservatiou I made which bronght to

Boriptaral references.' "While onbe road we one day stopped, for lunch

in an olive grovaV.wlien I eaw.tbo olivoaIn every eloga ol growth, and -Ilia manyittlo trees Bpriugup' around the oldtoss. ' . '

" . foONTINDED MBIT WKSK.]'. '•"!(

A Sbcelmcn or TurklHb'Jufltlce. .;Tbree'jeflra ago R yonag Ohristian

Moronite in Turkey killed b, MiiiBnlmiiriin.. av bot-headed '(iunrrel. After lyingiversfnoe in prison the mother of 'tba'ictim came forward last FobraDry and

.aeisted on his belcg,sen teuc^.tQ death.Whatfollowod tiioConetanticoplo oor-reapondtint;of the Philadelphia Pressibusdesenues:" "AB tlie crime "was»ovan according to local judiciaUorms.

obtained from Midhati • Pasha, tbaGovernor of Syria, a firman for the.jtion.nnd aday waa fixed for the bang-lug: • In vain the notables of nil creedsind races, Mussulmans and Obrifitians,ippealbd to tbo old woman to be meroi-nl, for upon her word depended the,fe of the Maronito. They ror-reflentcdD her tbat if be did do the deed it might

JavobeeniD.eelMefeuce.;1 that at nnyrate i his gailt was • not perfectly clear;:batbe hnd already grievously sufferedin body and mind by his imprisonment,

id that tbe peoplo of Boyrout did notwant a capital execution in., tbeir midst.Naitber tho Turkish, Ulemaa, tho Greek

id .Armenian, bishops, or tbe TurkishQaiuU could aoEtcu the obdtirate heart

>l this fernfll;piegiira.; T have UioflSin"for iiis 'excoation,' she said, 'andi,[fatsis in,my bauds. I will/not

' nigbt of February

5, throe hours^afler midnight, ho wastukcii'fcora1 ljli oeil nnd^le'd, to tbo plaooof "exeoution;" 'An' immeuBe ^crowtl frigft^ftaEbgrWi iround'?tho-scaffold.

B S i S y E S : "ria>•«»« was toldt>y tub'executioner -that ibe man's reln-

^uorized/allow'bim to go free on tbopayment of bl^od money.) Slie Bbrieked

d fonmeil forvengeanca.^FDi;auliqur

twitbatnniiiug tjits entreaties o ^ hisVofrfbn;w6nie*n"'apd obiidreD. Ino meantime the' ;youiig man stood on9^gullow«r;witli tbojialtya aboati'.hia

^.ofi^tembling'for bia life. Finally,worn out by tbo prayers of the^gfiople,

toiftptaatyj the|1ib"figarfjto^bicb

up the bid for. his ,-lifp, Out consented toAccept 8,000 francs.as, blpod-moocy.The hahgto^p lot'go'his hold 6(' bis ci-

I peeted victim,' and handed him_over to

s of boxes'

' E a d ^ A b a u t | flyeaxjagq' the Prairiea d i recolpttor kflcping

, long, ntne;'i .It wftasiinpiy to pa"*in a toool plfloe,; small enct down, i^ IVKM-Allha1 vitb lfine powilercil

TheaDSottled between

tbee'gB^^Uliem'from'accf88 t 0 tllfl

Bh"v and presented ;'oyaporationa of th(white-or s'piiil prUie'yolk.'•" The «ponm'entwaB'trled'iaa'tJune,beforo thoiu^tensely hBt'Wftalher that saccceiled. OiUvking the" eggs oat of tbe packing a fawdaya ago, they' were as frwb and wclean looking as Itfrash' laid, On .testIagtbein;fortha tahK ltlioy coaldlJnobe told frorafxeah.ones.

hATASS FUNERAL.I felt mysolf lifUad np from my bod Bymds invisible, ami swiftly boruo down

he ever narrowing avenue of Timi•Sacb moment I piieaiid a century, and^countered new empires, new peoples,itrango idi^as, and unknown faitba. So,it hat, I found nirttctf nt the end of thovetm., at the end of Time, andcr ailoofl red eky uiora awful than the doep-3t black.Men and women harried to and fro,

•loir pale facoa reflecting tbe aocuraed"oinplexion of tbe braveus. A desolateiluiice rested upon all things. Then I'•?ardafar alow wnil.indescribably griev-

iwelling and falling u^U, andng with the notes of the storm

•bat bogon to rage. Tbe wniling wasanswered by a grnau, and tbe groaninggrew into thunder. The people wrungIbeir hands nnd tore their hair, and arofee, piercing and persistent, sbriekedibove the turmoil, "Our lord and mas-ter, tbe Devil, is no more I" Then I, too,joined the mourners who bewailed tbeleatu of Batan.

An old man came to mo and took me>y tbe band, "You also loved aud servid him ?" he asked. I made no reply,or I knew not wherefore I lamented.He gazed iteadfa*tly in(o my eyes."Thore ore gorrowg," heBaid.moanibgly,"that areboyond atteraaoe," "Not,tUeu,ike your sorrow," I retorted, "for your;yca are dry, and there is no grief bo-iiuil tbeir pupils." HopbioQd his finger

on my lips nud whispered, "Wait 1"The old man led the wny to a vast and

)fty ball, filled to the fnrtbest comer''ith a weeping crowd. Tile multitado'as, indeed, a mighty one, for all tbe

people of every cgaof tbe world wholad worebippud and served tuu Devilore assembled there to do for him tbeat offices for tlio dead. I "saw tlicreion of my own day and' robogiiized

ithers of earlier ngus, whose faces andtine Ind boon brought down to mo by

irt aud by Lintory ; and I saw many otli->'JO belougaj to tho Into couturiosigh wbicb I had paused in my night

H-ggresa down tbo avenue of Time. Butis I was nbout to inquire • concerning:hcse, tha old man checked ma. "Hush,"JO said, "anil UaUm." And the rnultl-;udi; cried with one voice, "Hark andiur the roport of tbe .autopsy I" ' 'From another apartment there cameirlb Burgeons and physicians and phil-

DsopbrrR and learned fnculities of altDies, cbnrged to examine Sutau's body

>ud to discoyT, if they could, tbomys-o.ry of biscxiutoDOc/ i.lE'ort'

f!Uiefip?o»ilobad BDIIS,• **if these/men *o( Bpionco

n tell us wboreiD.Sutnn wastlie Devil;they can eeparute from bis mortal

tarts the immortal principle wbiob, dfa-in£,u tshcel him frotnioursQlvas,twem'ay.till worship that.immortal principle toour own continued profit and tn tboucuding Rlory of our Into lord and mas-3r."

.With grave looks npnn their counte-nances, und with reluctant fitepB, ibreejelegates advanced from among tbe otbir eages. Tbe old man beside me raisediis band to cotntnnnd. perfeot Bilence.Svery'soand'of woe was at the instantiurpreaaoj. I saw tbat ona was Oaten,

iracclus nnotuer,and Cornelini AgtippatUetbird.' , ..;.'. ,. . •. .' • ". -'

'Ye who h avo fuitbfally BcrveJ themaster," said Agrippa, in a loud voice,'must listen in vain for; the secret whfohidr scalpels bavo disclose^, r ¥ a fiavoaid barebotbtueb'eartaud tW.Boulofii'm who ties iyonderv, His heartIke our own hearts, fitly formed to throb•itb bo^pttssion^to slirink with rmtred,ad'to'Bwe.l'witbrcgo. But the mys-

tery, of bis soul; would! blast the lips thatitteredit."'! \ T A " ' / V t ' 7 * •'' " '

Itin old man bnrriedly drew ma' a ....._ay apart out oftboorowd,' The maltt-J

Lude.began to surge and sway witli fu-[DUB wrath. I t Bought toniezeandreni]j pieeoes the learned and tenert(ble'.inehrbo Laddiaseotoa the Peytl, yot refuaeu

to publish the mystery of' his existence.''WbatrubblBh istbiayba tell its, youibarlatan hookers and bower of corpses?"ixclnimod one. 'OTca have diaoovered [no mystery iyou lie to our faoea,"

'Pntthemto death 1" screamed others."They wish to board the secret for thoir

advantage. We. eliall preseutlyiavo' tr triumvirate' of' qaack's Betting

tbemaalves np above1us,'in placa of himwhom we bavo worshipped for the dig-nity. Of bis teacbinga, the .ingenuity ofhis intellect, tbe exalted dunraoterol bismortality. To death with tbeso upstartibiloabphers who Svonld ansurp tho soulaf.Satan 1'.',.-;'. / ••

"Wo bavfi sought only the Truth," re*_ilied the men of Bcienco, sobflrly, "butwo can not give you tuo Truth us. wefound it. Our functions go not farther."And thereupon they, withdrew. .

"ticivB Bee for ourselves," sboutedibe foremost in: tbe.angry .orbwd, 'So*;hBy' made tbeir way into the innerapartment where Lho 'DeyiVthoSy hf instate. ThbiishndB preaaej afttr > themand straggled in'vain to'outer; tbe prBa-'ones of. death that they-too,, migbt iflis-joVer the true, essential quality of tbejApartJid. ; Those who. gained;;entrancereverently but ongorly, apiu-oacbeifjthoaassivsliier of solid gold, studded withjUstccing Btotios, and rcaplon'daatTwiiliie mingled luetra of tbe'emomldytho

:brysplite nud jasuor..,, Doizled,abmulc bnok with wild faCeB and biercd looks. Not a man ainongthemdared Blretcli forth bis hand to tearaway tbo bandages and. oo'verhigs, withwbioh tlio Biirgcons had veiled tbeirwork. ,

Thcu tho old man who, with me badsilently witnessed the tttmultrjona scenetlrow liirosolf tip ton grand' bwgb(,;andaaid nlonfl: "Worshipper'j' .of'Saten,whoso majesty eveii'in d'eath holds -yousubject, it is welUhtttyouhavb'notsio*cd tho mystery .before .the tiiao. A. va-riety of signs[opmbino to iasplfemewithliope that which has -Biialod the- H\>B ofIlio mon of scienco may yet *be' reycaledthrough faith. , Let na forthwith p«y theInstwid tribato to onr departed'lord.'Letuamaketb'btB memiDry a'i'fiacriflceworthy of. our. devotion; :My ;;ait .'catfkindle a 8re which', consumes iweightyignota of gold as readily as i t bdrnB tin-sel paper, and which leavCB behind noashes nnd no regrets. Let every-nunbring bilbor all tho ^AH, wbother incoin, or in plate,"or in trinkets, tbat hohas earned in serving tbo DomoD, andovary woman tlie gold file.has earned,and cast i t into tbe oonsuminff fire.Then will the fnneral pyre bo worthy o:liim whom we mourn."

"Well said, old man," cried tbo De<worshippers. "Thas we will prove thaiottr worship baa not been Uui

'you the pjre tvhila we go to fetch ourgold."

'yes were fiied upon tlie facemy coiujiauiou, bu l l could uot read thethoughts that occupied his brain. WhenIturnod cguta tbe vast hall was emptyof all save bim and mo.

Slowly and laboriously we built the'unerai pile in tbo centre of the apart'

mstit. Wo built it of the costly woodi;lmt weru ut baud, already sprinkled bylevout mourners with the choicest epicen.

We bcilt the pilo broad and high, andIrnpod it with gorgeous etnfTs. Thu oldnan smiUul us be prepared the magiiii'o tb.it wu3 to consamp tbo gold whichIIB Devil woi-ahlppom had gftne to fetch

Witliin thu pvro be left nn ample epuocr thoir sauriScc.'fogotber we broagbt forth tbe De-

mon's body, and placed it carefully inlOBitiou at tbo top of tha pile. Tbnn-lors rolled In tbe lofty space nbove 'ourleada, and tho wliole building shook

BO terribly that I expected it to fall,j an between roof and pavement.

Crash came after crash of thunder,nearer and nearer to tbo pyre. Ligbt-

lingsplajcd close around us—aroundtho old man and Sutan'o corpse, aud me.Still we waited for tbe multitude, butthe multitude returned not.

"Behold the obsequies 1" said tbe Didmaq at loot, tbrusiiag his lighted torchinto the midst of the pile. "You and Iire tbo only mourners, and we bare notn single ounce of gold to offer. Go yoi

forth md bid all tho Dovil worship-pers to tie reading of tlio last will and

aUitnont. Tlmy will come."I hastened forth lo obey tho old man's

command, and speedily tbo funeral ballwas thronged again. Thin time the Sa-.au Worshippers brought tbeir gold, nndvery man sought to make PICUPO forlie tardiness at tbo pyre. The air

;biok with explanations, " I tarriedmly,"said one, "to be sure tbat I gntli

jred all—all to tho very last pieco ofjnld iu ray possession." " I have fetch-id," Baid nnotber, "the laborious ncca-mlatfon of fifty years, but I ohoorfully

aacrifico it to tlio memory of our dearlord." A third said: "Seo I briug a1t|if mine, even to the wedding ring of mylend wife."

Tboro was a contention among thoDqvil worsUippfira tu be the first to oasttreasurca into tbe fire. The charmedflumes canght up tho gold, and streamedhijjh 'above tlia corpse, casting uponevery eager face in tbe vast room 'a fierce

rollow Rluro,; The Demon's badyBhonoiucandGiocat ;throngh its cerements.3t.ill the the was fed by lianas iuoumer-iblo. slid still tbe old nun stood besideba pyre, emiling strangely. ; <' Tbo Devil worsblppers now cried withmarse voices'! "Iiie,'wi}li tbe will I

Let UB hear the" loaf, testament of ourieiir lord 1" •. . . ' "'•.'. '.'•- -.Tba old man opened a roll*of asbesto!

paper, and began to read aloud, whileha hubbub of tho great throng died,way into eiloac'e,- and the angry roar of

tbo consuming flames subsided in a dullmurmur. What tho old inua read wi;hffl :

To my wBllboloved subjects, tba whole'orld, my faithful worshippers and loy.1 aeryiton, •' greeting, and the Devil'sinly blessing—ft perpetual curse!ITortiamuoU as I am oonsbioua ot tho

anproacli of tbo cbango that limits everyactive existence,? yet being of soundmind and firm purpose, I do declare thisto be "my lost will, pleasure, and ootn-mnbd oa'to tbe'diipoBulof my kingdomBnd''eB)nt&1' '•"""• '" " "

To tlio wise I begiteath folly, .on J iathe fools/iialn.'f'Tu Uferricli-IIoavb the'wretotiediiBB of-tbo oartb^iind to tbepoor, the onguish of tbe unattainable.To tho just, ingratiluda ; and lo the tm.

I decree tbe plaoa called hell to beolt>sed.fprerer, , , ' :, '*

\\ decree that the toimopt, in -tee sim-?loVbo tUvTdeo!1 omVng'air my faithfulmbjects, according to their merit. Buttbapldosnies andjthe treasure; aboil ulsoSe'dividad equitable'arootig my'subjects.

.Tboreupon:5tbeiBalan: worshippersshrieked with one iCeoord: J'There ia noGod but tbo Lord Dovil, and be is dead I" low let ns enter into our inheritance."

Bnt the old man replied : '^Xa.wretch-ed 1 The"Davil is deud, and.with themiatordied'tbe world.' The' world iadead 1" • ' . ' , . . ' ,

Then .they !6tood oghaat, "lookingut the pyro.' All at once tba gold-laden flambs Ifeaped in n blasiog column"*a;iafl"ro6f and expired. And forthuom. the red emben of tbe Devil's heartthere crept a small snnko, hissing hid-eously.' Tlie old man •cldtbh'ed ,nt the" Jnko to OtuBh it, but it slipped through

is bands and made its way into thjlidat of the crowd. ' Judas Iflcariotaught up the snaVo and placed it in

pjijbbftim. And wlieo'.be. did «>,>heBarth beneath us bejran to quiver as ifn'tbeoonvulBion;of:dDfltb:J-Tbo loftylillaraof tho lanaialeliiimber.reeled liko

giants aiefcitf>.'fa* iBialnfefc" The Satanworshippers fell flatuupba their, faces ;tba old man and I stood olone.; OrHshfollowed quick on crasli on .every side ofUfl.bat'it vaandt this time tbo concna-BidnWof tbaiideV; it; ;was'tlid hbpolessiouadof tlLB .tacaoliog, of man's, strao-tUtes;"and fabrics, nod -the echo frnmtbe:other "worlds of this world's crack ofdoom. Then the stars began to fall.audtlio fointerlights of heaven oame down

i nfioD'Ultho ^ ^ V e e t 6 1 frozefi Bre.1 Ano tho chilJibu' am of'terror f and themothers clasped tbeir dead babies to

rown cold breuitfl,and,hurried(thisWHY Btnl'tbtit-forBbfUer lliatwra "neverToiind. Light became bluet, fire lost itsheat In tbe utter diioignnizfttioa of Na-tnru, and a whelming, flood .of tcbaoainrged from th'o womb1 of tho1 miivenemd Bwatlo.wod up the Satan worsbipperfl

Then'-f :stt1d :to'ihn'old man as weHt^a-iu fljtw°.A*Ww ^ « ^ ? ^ r e I ynoVvil and no good; no worlJ" aad'Tio

ioa.a0I-W'^'--'-v i--'iOO['.But he amiied and shook -HB_ bead,

and left'nie"toVwaBnBrbiqk:''tfeE3Pgh tbeoentanesr "Te£ aa'lie disappeared I• • -- - over tbo rains of the; woi

UNCLE JOHN DISCOURSES ON BABIEHaviof in u« last two screeds wreetlec

with "Huflbauda" and "Wives," itunilly follow!* Umt I should this wteltackle the rmitrimoninl cometwbicb we call "Bubiea,"

I enter upon tuia subject with con-Biderable misgivinR, UcaiiHo babiea nnhard subjects to handle. What knowledge I bavo of them lias of course beengained almost exclusively by observa-tion. Never having been iu matrimoniallinruess, and rover having been n nurse,it can't be expected tbat I am very wcliup in tbo subject.

I suppose it is possible to know toomuch about babies. I judge tbis to bifio in the case I was reading about onlyyesterday, wbcruin u wife astonishedicr husband by presoutiug bun wiLkour at ona dose. I can imagine thai

the poor fellow's hair stood oo end, nndI fancy I can bear bim Bay, as be firstglanced at tbe brood, "Did any of themgut away V1

Cables aro of various hinds. Thereare good babies and bad babies, pretty

ibieu and homely bubics, fat babies nndnn babies, laughing babies and crying

babies, sweet temperod babies aud ill-natured babies, and HO on.

But tbe baby tbat aboots his affbctiiinto tba heart of Uncle John has got toieet one primary requirement. He, or

ibe, as tbe case may be, must be a cleau.by.Of all the disgusting animated obj

sntbefuce of tho earth, the one moaton titled to wear the champion belt is thebnby that sheds nasal toaru, I supposeIt isn't tbe baby's fault, but some babiassally seem to be afflicted with chronic

jrruption of tho nasal organ.I am very fond of babies, nnd can

.olerute any brand of them except tuulirty brand. I suppose I was u baby

myself ones. Of coursel don't remem-jorwhcthorl waa or not, b u t l w i e h lcould mnerober. I would particularlyike to recall the' delighted exclamationsit tbo young ludica—"Isn't ho sweet I"'O, tholittlo darling I" "He's just too

lovely for anytbiug I" " Do let me klBSliin I" "He's so hweet I could bug tha-ery Ufa out of him 1"

No, I regret to aoy tbat I can't remem-ittr it.Wbon I was a young man, and wns

itudyitig for the ministry, I boarded witha elder slater who bad a yearling baby.think that baby had tlie moat magnifl-

seut set of Iung3 tbat over emittedsounds. Talk about your steam caliopesud locomotive whistles, and fog-horns,'lie voico of that.baby would have

drowned them nil. . . ,I Baid that I was studying for. the

ministry at that time, and of course itwas essential that my mind shonld betrained in the line of meekness, humilityand long suffering. But, I regret tosay, Christian forboarauoe finally gave3iit. I quietly, but with' mulice fore-thought, proceeded to invent a machine

cure tbat bnby of crying. My ideawas tbat the young rascal bawled simply',o hoar himself, and that if I could gatup a machine by means ol' which beeould not hear his own yawp, ho wouldBOOD give it up in disgust and become areasonably quiet infant.

After weeks of labor I produced themachine. I t was constructed thns: Anair.receiver made large enough to boldtho baby, attached to ' vbioli was an airpump U> exhaust the air; A rubber tulewas arranged to bo fastened over thebaby'snoso' at one end, and tbo othereml to be outside of tho receiver. Bythis arrangement, when the baby vimplaced in the receiver, ind'_ the air wasexhausted around him, he could breaththrough the tube. As the air was grati-cally., pumped ont his voice wouldbecome JOBS audible, for you know there

no Bon&d; where there Is no air. Fin-ally, as the process of .air exhaustionwent on, the baby would find tbat hisattempt to cry was a lamentable failnre.In •pito of hisxnoBt strenuous efforts,and the moat vigorous straining of bisJungs, he ooald not get ont abound tbatbe could bear, nud thus he wonld' give

p tbo attempt in dingust. ,Well, one day my sister went out to

jeiid tbe afternoon and left me to mindtlie babj. As toon as ea« was gone the

er commenced to howl and Iwont up to my room and got tbe nin-chine. I fixed tbe baby.and went towork on the pump,. It worked ndmira-jly. Tbe cry got faintor and fainter,and tbe baby 'looked tbo "picture ofmingled astonishment and disgust. *I

enroplnrecl with the success cfmy achievement that I went to workwith redoubled vigor a t tbe pumu, pay-Ing no further notico to the baby, butlolighted beyond measure us the oryingjased to be audible.Just then my sister, having forgotten

jomething, entered the room. I Bretlearned.this by a scream that nearly, took.lie roof off..tha house, followed by>abound towards the baby, and tbe.opsel:

;iilg of tbe receiver. .The cause of the excitement waa plainloogh.' The air tube had .slipped'off|

.lib baby's noso.'aiid bb couitln't breiUie.His faco was as block.as my bat, and, in

minute more- be"would bare beeneffcotnally cared 'of'crying.' i

When my sister got through with tbnt„aebino there wasn't a piece of it as bigas a malcb. I wenfawsy a shdrt timelormybealtb. "' ;

I bar! been studying foraBaptistmiiv'Jster, but I afttrwarda found my minddrifting 'more toward rrcaby'vcrianistn,w it;WD8 at that time—flf»y yenrs. The3bctrine oHnfaot'damnntion seemed to

imoad itafilf to,me. Tho resnlt.of itill was th'iit I govo^p Iho.iaea of .being

minisler. That abortive attempt to dohumanity a Berrico by inventing a ran-cliino for carinB crying' babies cansed

church to lonn a minister and led to

its arcb._

• RussianNihiliBU are as tinscrnpuloUBas ttey ara nnflncions. ItwonldbedifB-cnlt to inagino acythinB more' savagethan the following letter sent to BarorDrcntolon, who escaped nBsoB«ination

I abort time ago: "We know that yon &.not feur death ; hut wo also know tha.there ifl in tbiH worldaponon whom yonlove passionately.' I t i» your dwwiitar,Tbe committoehaTe, therefore, decidecto lull bei in your stead,"

this screed/ from Tours truly,UNOLB JOBM,

A young mnn who marries withoutf i kibl eans' ofU U J . . ™ V , r means of

sapport, ora.ricb fatUr-in-law to feedi him, IB pronounced a -fool; bat if ayoung' oman who weds, without possessingniiy knowledge of the first rudiments offconaekoeping; who knows bow to1 eatbrend. bttt not low to maltd it, andwb'ose knowledge of domestio nffiwrBialimited to getting np in time to eat acold breakfast, h» sa id to have madongood match. Will tho female at tlielioad of the CI&BH pleaBO stand up and

, us why young women should not bflas competent to preside-

! houseboU, as tho man who U lo providifor tba nme 1 When sue has answeredthis nueBtion satisfactorily wo will godown in our grab bag aud got anotherwaanilrua for liwt

A Dangerous Ride-Several ycare ago I was passing a day

iu Dedbam, playing eht-M with tho Hon.Win, J}., mcmljfir from OongreHS, fromMass. I t wan in the latter purt of July

an unusually warm summer, I re-quested tbe proprietor of a livery stablein Boston to sucfl mo one of hh fufltt-sttorsos attiiched to n ligbt gig, all ofwhicli Lo williugly did, knov.iug h..-. tube a hntuan driver. Alter spending aquiet and undisturbed Jay engaged iuchess, my horso van brought to thedoor, tvUeii, Ibo aspect of tlio bf.-avc.isbrenteciug athuntlcr etortn, I was per-

suaded io wait and play ono game inure,giving it time to pasa over. It wna

1/ niue WIJOU I uutcred my gig, mulas my horse, wbicb had beeu utaudin^liarncsscd for somo tiino, made a dashjut of the gnto, I folt tbo wheel ^rntoijwn tho sido jiost. thinks I, if that is'our game I will not balk yon, but let

you go. Presently, turning the corneritertbe Dedbatu turnpike by tlio

itage bouse (iu those days) lie carriedme, in spite of nil my exertions, HO CIOHQao load of hay coming toward IHG Unitbad to drop to tlia bottom of the gig

o save ay head, tbe gig-top being for-unalcly thrown Lack. XIJO evening

was eitromolv hot, without a breath ofwind, the clouds baviDg passed over'ithoul rain, and the dust .was aim OH t

iuBufforable. I was in a profuse jierHpi-iion in holding ou to the reins, and iu

tbo most perfect astonish moat, OH IIobild might have driven him in tho

turning when going out. After pass-ing navernl vehicles, and tho toll-lioase,dtbout paying, all turnlug out nndnukiug wny ia the greatest haste, BU|>-tosing- me iutoiicntcd, I was broughtp forty minutea past nine beforo myntber's duor in Muuiit Vernon street,he lioreo lookiDg as though be hnd beenin a snow storm, unil the conclimnu,

nicgout with bin lautcrn, discuvorcd,t Lo hnd uu bit ia iiis muutb 1 I bud

[riven hiui all tbo way from Dcdhninith Dothiugbut a thin leather strapvcr his nose, tbe bit having been olip-

[ted under bis ciiin whea bnrneasod in;Le dark by Mr. D 'a Irishman.

IlrinniMr I>oivn a niacb Wolf.A man named Klrtloy was hat weekie hero of a remarkable wolfoboso inannas, wbioh the Henry couuty Demo-

tTrar thas describes : <'Mr. Kirllc^r badstarted out to subpmnn wituca&Cs uuHillegras prairie, ia the . Bouthoustcrnpart of tbls county, andwhlle ritliug leis-irely along be espied a lnrga black wolfQ a wheat field closo by. Spurring hislorse lo its utmost speed he at onceive chase, and for miles over Ibe prai-

ies and through Soldo, with here andthere a small skirt of timber, on tbo/iped, tbe wolf in tbe lead, bnt the riderand his dauntless little borae always inigbt, an3 often OIOEQ upon his bocla.it was a reckless ride over feucea and:hrough farms. AB they passed fann-louses.the heroicridor shouted forbcip,ind others joined in tbo oliasB, until tbalumber of purauers whs a dozen or more;

still the liinve little borso kept Ibe lend,ono after another of the fresh steeds

foil to tha rear. Afterarnoe of twentyir twenty-five, miles, and when within n

quarter of a mile of Loffery Oity. a smalllllage in Bt. Glnir county, the race end-id anil t ie question, ol endurance wasleteriaioed in favor of the rider aud hissteed, wbioh ran directly over tbe wolf,nocking it down. Kirtley was unarmed,mt springing from his saddle ho graspod

vicious animal by tlio month, Infew minutes others came to bis nid,

and a strong eordwns bound around thomintb, Tendering it harmlosa,

'.u their excitement, however, tho partiesIrew the cords BO tight that the animal

died; of strangulation anil exhaustionion after been cap tared. I t proved toj a full-grown black mountain wolf,

fully throe feet high," and would weigh>robnbly one hundred pounds, and evenwikod much largor. It was cortainly aicions looking animal for a man to tack-

A CosUy April Fool Joke.An omnaing little episode in conncc-

ion with the observance of AII-FOOIB'ay occurred in Boston. On ono of tlio'inclpal thoroughfares two teauiBtersid left their teams standing, witli the

tailboards touching. The fan-lovingilerks in a hardware store in the itnmc-liate vicinity conceived the idea oflaining these two teams together,

rtricb idea was promptly carried out.loon the drivers returned, and not no-

ing wliat bad been dona to theirtms, mounted their seats and with a

imnllaneous "git" proceeded to startiff. Tbe fttart, o! eoursa, did not takeilaoo. - One .of th« drivers, lookingirounil and discovering- tbo difficulty,got dawn, and undoing tbe'chain, which

swortheight'orten dollars,.threw Itloln'BPwagbn, and both teams imme-atelt drove off, ornid the frantic callstbelcterks'to rerarn the chain. As

>6tti tho tcaiDBtors "are unknown to theJerks! • i t ' is inoro than probable that•WeEr lariea'willhe diniinUhed just tbo

iide of tbat1 ohaiu.—Wtrrcesicr (iTass.)

VfAXr CHAau»>-1he popular euro for(tarts,' and other1 like excrescences, nro•itry nmnerouB, and vary ia almost every

countty-.' ' One modei of charming them.way is to take an elder Bhoot and Tubt on'the part; then cutasmany notchesm the twig as you have worts, put it inplaca where it will soon decay, and, as, rots awaTi the warts will disappear.

This Is'aBoathen. charm. In Yorkshire,ind throughout the north generally, tbeme fox warts is to take a block snail andib the excrescences with it, then impale,ona thorn, and leave it to pariah.s it dries up and disappears, tbe wartsill vanish. According to another form

if the cbann, the warts must bo rubbedith a fresh snail for nine successiveIgliU. Still another wart cbann is to

take tho abell of n broad tonn, and rob.he affected part wilb tbe inside thereof;barylbesbcll, nnd tell no "one about it

id.wi the shall withers awny, so -willio warto. ' _

Tm BBXCTT av Drrao "VODSO.—ACbicngo: boy was so ''impressed by "IBSunday'School novels with tho duaira-jilily and beauty of dying'yonng nndibiu quitting this wirkqd world that hojommUted saioido. Tho eryiuff neces-sity of tbo times in Sunday Bcboql liter-ature and teaching ia an infusion ofp^od common'sense. If tbo now lightscould (*ays tho Interior.) they wouldtake tbo souls out of children which Oodput there and put in newt improved,patent HOOIB, made of chalk; and elmr-toal, lubricated, with tears and treacle.

Page 2: VOL. IX. · JiTbe.'WeBt«raiTemtoricH 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny aro —ponding in the words ..of HRnth.^to Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij go^M^ 1 ff U j got" Jiabop Ofttflt

THE IRON ERA;and l»n>|i*r

m.i which charcb

l » : \ 4 H. l i n ; r .

S.iuinlay, April SO,

"TliFj its':*! to lire good wben you<>.ii h*re didn't they?" said Al. Do-id to[ f t Bui,ri.'-ntnr Martin l ie otLar day «bile "7 » u j nun*Laving h'TB wuun({ (or No. 3 to go by. i mnn"

"'•Y^,1' Raid Cfa«iter, "we U T « . on butur-milk fine] graM, and it n*ed U> Uk« t«»otj-Bi% IKIHW lo make a trip lo lloboken nuil|,H,t. I don't nii-an gnu* eiwitly but waf r,.r..«*.n, wii.th )* pretty tuM U*e sam*tL.uK-" O.libfclloinv Cheater. I don"! know

living on lhatkind of fare for ft wbilt, if itii.ii'k- ti»<- halt *>• P-tsh? as you ar«. But thet-i-K-l Iw,k fciiith "all flfcsb in gia*s" ao<l >Ut

a],t w. flatter foits :rAi of s'3oknp« Ki

Tilt Dutf Of A'ASS

tbe foll'j»iag, cfiiiwrrninB l ieB ^ J M . will L* r'( ixitiTtfct; Tmust U ma.it teUeen t i e sfcte3I»y ami the .bird Monday ii

S«Uwick P<"t, t . l S , o

inch, but the : tii n E! to be coa-1 Tii r-fg i l l in New Jer*»? t.u> b

He in a rmloi-Viter acd l ir t


sai at L'tml,otics <-f A*-

) h k district for repair* of tbe liigibe receiTri ii'fl.

Abraham LncWru

r.Uttinight that

11 frrowil I I ilo r.fjt m* tit inn apy in min, l>ntif tli.i Iv.rt M'-rrin fr»lk« W l not I w i . firmly

forth u-ni-kH in(-«-t fnr I 'p fnUDc. nor Laidthe formdiitinnn for tlie Vict jarJ of tbelx.nl which in here flourishing to day.

Wan it buttermilk tba boyfl used to talein llieir dinner cans iasMa'l of coffee, wbecfirvn.ftn Jrihn ILagnrs (pfcMe Ui I'm a*heii

fi'iinf; down hill to pr^vtnt Hie train runningw«»j will. Uro ; and when the tnfpneM WMcomiulb-il V'T iLe H » M J of binse-lf an<,:r.;», !o f.ut tun train in the switch and Hrt^Bjih for anoth'-r crew to take him UI I(,Uikr>n ? Wan it tmtlennilk that wiu •tlif-Uttnm r.i thft fight I Raw otifi Sunrk:iii^miri); *hni a fUgroati pounded th« htiKof ftN Kitgintt-r affainnt tlie flange of a caw 1,(1-! until bebl'-dlikenn m ?

Th*'rt; is lianlly ft mau at tbat crowil IpfLt'-n- i.ow. and that kiuil of buttermilk in LO»y,l.l »i«y more. TUy don't fi-b ou tbir..vrrfjir.Suwlft>'H ftoy more eUbfcr. Tliosi«•.-..• <i>iffr nlit ilajs, CLtnt*r, ami I am KIA*tl-i**T nrc nmonL' tb*: thiftifA that ara jxnt.

Do ymi r-membtT how tlio Light di»

walking arH':nal rKiiJy to Hboot the 11 rutft-Jlow who undertook toputalitkd on himwhich many if tin m threatnrtcd to do \ nnijjow it got w> bot for bim, Cpally, tint hth'Hii;litdiH/:r*tion the l*lt/:r part of valnr,and left? Tlie tronlilo wan that be treattiiihn nifrii as thmifjli thny were Blares nnd 1.^a- tbo lord of oil crontinn.

Itrt you rtnif:uibfir o ilrnukcn conduct*)(dm bud tje^tiHitfpcndml, went tip tonnntbfijtiiiiJ of (]inp»t,chtr and threatened to ledajliuM tlii-oiiRh him with a knife, which heflonrihlud in bin hand, if be did not givebim b.H train hack ; hov he pot It back, andhow, (bough he wan one of tho Lett nllroaiUicn we had Lo could not resist bis bcKttin«in, and WOK discharged again, and finally,whorl time afler. That buttermilk waa hiruin. He might have been a Bret-claw con-ductor by this time, but woth to tell, I M Thim only a ihort thno ago reeling tilthe Ktreetii of Stanhope, wltb • number ol

litilc t o j i nbcutlng Lin name for whichtho little boji should b« aahnnicd. I think| could net op a pretty good lecture onrailroading, CbfiUr, If you would onlydeliver Jt.

I have often wondered at the CSOIM of t ietnixwant flow of word* wliloh iraaei from(hi National Cnpltol during the afifuioo ofCnn#rptJi. II is a raynterj no longer.flfiS nicmberH 241 are lawyem and teneditors. Tliat nccoanU for it- That ex-plains tho pontiatcnt attempt being madethem lit jircntnt ID talk tbo peopla to death.Thins aro juit 200 lawyers too ui&uy irContfrewi, nnd the editor*, O, well I thatonly ft fair mprcncntalion of an hocorablirailing and tliny noutrallzo ench other. Theithere nru 18 PI -Con federate bid gatlE era In tinHonftto and only 4 who foig.it for UiHam, -wliilo In tba HOUM of IlcprcDenlatlreithere are CS ConfetlfroUiH and GI repreecnftWen of tba boys in blue. Tbcfu) niasl neefight their battle* over again, and it li cranch wonder that they talk a* they fought,that Cbalmen b u Fort Pillow thrown in h[«t£elb ftod Ben. Hill forgeta a peace rnconl14 j e a n and ealla tbe preaent concrcta wiv•Jon of the Nilioo " t h l i OonMerata Cop.greM." I b a d * band In tbat mum mynelf,tod I »ymp*thize with the boy§ who hareb-ww eoup«n«l t-> tit and listen to f olwmtod flipfant tnkjglea on Jeff Darin, by h*X'fcrij£WU>Ta *bn were an deop in the maui Jt8 « u Is tb« mire.

n we rauat b* talkad lo death wo might iv^ll make op our minds to It first ablaut,t , i t I ofcj*~t to paying tboM fell own fltbrmnad dollari • year each and printing


thftic r«Ti*e<I tp«sch«ii in Iho Ittooan forcn-iIinginB their chiiu and trying to drownDH in a deluge of worda. We poor ordinaryr o w * who ara popnlarly nappmed to bo the

t o( tueso eminently economitt Con.i hare had our wages reduced morn

than ll»y per cent, nine* tbo wnr. I don'tMewhy tbe Rervant flbonld t*o greater thanLi* 1or<1, or why Frank Ward nhould wantjaror to iorro for ono dollar a day -while vr<mont pay oar Congressmen if 5,000 a year,which is aa near thirteen dnllnrs and Kerencent* a day, Sundayi included, an it la nocethty to get. The wages of OongTcsomcDdecidedly loo high.

Hero is another Inventor, wlioie nameCowper, and ho bails from England, vhipropones to writo out your telegram withpon operated by lightning. Kbiules of D«n.Franklin aod Prof. »oraa! What next I1

A,njbotiy may be a telf-^rnph operator wilono of them things, and tba awful roymerywhich has heretofore shrouded the lilMocldne of dotf and dashefl will departonitr. T b t world will mm know, ptr<Latx, wt»t I t owei to telegraph operator*.

SoppoM, for inntuoe, they bad. joined inthe pea t •trite of tbe bnkeminnjen, for wbica Tom Scott fi bj ing toowkatha BUte of Fenniylvtal* pty a round fonrmiUloa. of dollan, who can tell what wotdchnva beea tho conwquencs 1

Through all that eidtlng time I aererbeard of ono who waa nafalthful to hie trait.

EJdio Bownmn, Vidie Beat, Prank Bart,Dcrtli* Best, Frank Retehata, John TFierce, Grace Knight, Frank Btruble. AlaiSmith, Ida Stone, Fannie Bandcn and Jan.To 3d, wcro tba most meritorious pupils IttStanbopo public school lust vock.

Tho Young Pcoplo'e Sociablo'of Stanhope,met nt ths houne of Mr. John II. Knight enWedneaday evening. Tha order of cxerclHeaMIV* «bout aa follows : I qoot* froory. 8ingin»by the Socioty; prayer by A.I). Cope; Rinelng by Society, Miaa EllaBtocliuouie pretldlng at tho plsno;by Ilev. J. J. Crane wai nn (he programmebut the reverend gentleman being outtown, D. J. UoDedsreadoneof Dr.Halmo'i•• porotua." An hutrumenul duet bySIlsRei Sallioand Nellie Kctght, was foUowedby a recitation Vj H i u Julia. OoUreli abouttho fellow* who go. lop-sided throagh theworld and either do too much or too little,became they haven't got a balance wheel,Adu^t "Evening brings my heart lo theo"by>riwtiu«lo Oroff and >fci £Ua Youugfan cRMiy on S«lf Colturs by A. B. Oops, thiuubjeot and advloa of whioh the young folluwould do well to think of. And lastly nchimde ctOl«d Chsngcable ID whloh MlasciBalltrt KaigLt, l lary Staoknouie,' Ella Youngand Uouri . "Will. Obardnroyne and JoeColiimui played the character! perfectly,Sl.wt Hd«u fioitlh end MIu Kellis Knightcncli played a vnll exoanled solo on t'jopituo, und Wo. fitone read the mlnutAi'oftlib Infit meeting la UIB abience of tbo Seo-retury. An bour or no v u spent in aocInJoujoj'ment and tho very pleasant evening's•JiiterUlnmeut ended about UaU-pturt teao'clock. Tlieueil onUrtain meat will be altolun, in one nf the churchoa, on May 7lh.

nteeDth (lay ofAogOfiL IU*1

.msll land*, baildingi^provemectri. PcrK&al etiUt*. ajl

mon-Ti. cred.W. debts at wWcnt pemnsth* r^non wi#f*e<i i'*ic*pt inch aa are.•tired IJJ Bnniflap* i, and Btnckj. in corpora-t*d ctjnjjiiiiie^ not tMinpfed by their clinr- rathar singulariy.I*™, or by hiw. The ffiltowing are exempt wagon on Wedneftrjin taiitii>a : The property, HtAcka andbonds of the L'Ditwl Htates and thin KtaUsUi« property of the township*, borongbf andcoontiw of t iU Slate; perKonal propertyowned io thw Sut«, l.ui taxed in aaotheiSute ; rdlrfjfcs. ftctdf-niei and eeminarieioflf-atcifft,', jtattlio litmri**, Mb jol h',tib*srbnrrbf-« an-l tht Lind on which they an*iiii'it-.-d, not tirtci.ine five at-rtti for raclline -, t..o-)n "f rorp-jKiti'ms tiem]U-d b;J:tw or rlwrtff frijDt taxation, or which nriLiii.l.Itr for th«ir i^ipitnl wtock at tbe loca-liu.ir.fthtirpriDcii.il office, and cj. i , nut nMediiif? Un ftrre* in each.s.-.ur'-.] hy mfirtgnH" "re tiuil;la to the hold-t-r, when eieniptiou luu Ijfceu cUiroed by• Icljtor in writing, allowed l-y the tmaitt^fore th« cuoipltlion of the {uHfcuunent, itbo cUim filed »itb ihe Town Clerk. All«n«h clainut ran&L be B*om to by the perw>imnking tb«m. Vhftn exemption is no cluim.ed and allr>w€(l, ihe a.sse-s»or tuuot enler thename of the creditor, hw resilience (whichmust ho in Ihe -StAte), tbe name of tbi

ilitor and tbe amount of the debt, In a lispirate from the other property he assew-, and entitled "Uebti Hecored by llort-ig"?n." All poll taxes and (aseamperty tnnut !•« awv jucd in the township

when: the owner or person taxed

(hy wheo Ihe iu*fc*iment is begim-HIIA mu«t he OMU-MCA wlinra they ire H1

id. Hut if it lot or f u n is divided byrjuhip line, the whde p tu t be

JJO owner, in the towntibip in wh'irhidea, if he occupies Iho hind Li HIM; If,n tenant vbu jnvu a whiire of tbn proiiithe HH/i of it. Executors, uilQiiiiintr.iUirdlauBnnil trnsU?eH ni'iJit be usscweOh. In tna township wLeia they reside, fort iXaMi; perrtfjoa) prop«ny htld by thei

trust for »»y perw>i), or in iwttlingany eHtale. D^btn dne and nwing to

of this State niaj he deducted fromHHUitnt of Uie (letter upon bis maleitt^n ntiitcmsnt TindLfr oath or aflli

mation tif the wticnl- debts, whom thejnriLbe rrj,ideuce of the creditor, and tb(

total nrumiiitfif hid rtal and pt-WJiwl propr>rty. iiiclndiug debt dmJcMon. Tbo a»ieH8Qr tnn^t prawn t bin an-ittwiiuent to the towiiftbip comniiltBH f<ion aud c/jrrection on Iha third Tawdiiy InAngani The w w i r most ba praunt ottbifl meeting and give each information anths cotntnittee may rennin.

Fire Department Order,

Tlia followiue eencrol onler hiia been le-aned by the engineers of the Fira Depart-ment :

The efficiency of tbe Fire Department ofDover depends entirely apon the inilividnulctTorta belonging to (b» name, and abx> HtriiIf cooiplyicif with all ordinances, rules, idere and general re(j<iUtions adopted for ii

government And the Chier Engineer Imslithat in bis desira to make thia department

efficient and a greater protector of theproperty of Ibe citizens of tb i i placp, em

imber of the auveral companies wilt hen:Uj co-operate with him in iwelng tbat tinfollowinK regillatioim wblcb are deemed m

[wary are sttictly obnorvei! and obeyed :Fint—Immediately on an alarm or fi:

)up<1ud the Hook at La Jeer ComjMQy wi-Ith nil jKinniblc Hpced prnccod to the pirn

of lire with oil eijnipineuH, ready for imrae-diit« -iw. Tbe Enfiine and Hone Compai.iw),will, an little deliy an potwlble, will procoodlo Ilia wnter niippty nenre«t tbo hnrningbuilding, and a* loon a* tlio snetion plpotba steamer IH placed in tbe wnter the howcompany will tben attach Iboir bo«e and reeltba eume oflto (be placo- defdguatfid by IbiChief EDgiaeor or bin Awiiiitaot or ia cane <tlioir &hwnds. then by the Henior Foreman :commnnd, ready for immediate QBO. Bbonlthe pluueoffirobe BoRltuated as to be bo

tench of any vraUr Knpply, then fForernnn of tlie Eafttne and Hone CoinpaQl<or oracore in charge or tho Bame, shall senddetail from thn member* of tbeir renrwctl'

to report to the Chief Engincoior in bis »b8eoce, to thB officer in commnnreserving a aufBclent number of men at tbiplace where tba apparatus belonging to thicompaniea mny be to guard Bud protect Iproperty of tba deport moot and under u*other clrcuiBntflocea will tbe .membersthesa compacliw be permitted to IOUTB theiappamtua and go to tbo flro unless othelwine ordered by tho Chief Engiueer or offlain command..

Second Kembora of the F i re Deport mere hereby notified thnt tbo foUowing signal,mntlpd on tho Engine Honae' Alarm, '

bean adapted to BDoainon members of tbidifferent ctmipanleii for d r i l l : Ona Ibp , (itetmimlon or nbont twenty uconds), Oml\»p. Tbia to be Bounded twice.

By order or tbe Board of Ecginoere,ti. R. BEHMETT, Chief.

W. T. LEPOOT, Clerk, . .— *•••*•

A New Dodge.Bbarpers are erer on Iho lookout for some

thing new by which to swindle farmers. Thilutest dod^e nf which we have learned Isfollows : Tiia Bhnq«r pretending lo bo ubou

inlrnclH t(

tha t i i 175 years old. I t has b a u dand the leather U i a g •worn tstt thai,bows that they are bound together

with heavy cori . It is the property of Mrs.Charles Suvkbonse, to wLotn it waa handtd

B from a forciL-r generation. £. V.medy hM n bigb Lacked chair that U

,bout ISO years old. R » n w l y larfi*mongh for two p*r*on3, ftDxl U as Mrpug u

a wagon. He it having it filed up for Me.—Iklvidere Apollo.

A GOOD THING TO SHOWthat j ou can buy a good Caatsmsre Suit for

[. HOFFMAN * 8ON,r, K. J .

A GOOD THING TO KNOWthat you can buy Etady-ltade Clothing theCHEAPEST of


q ploatnr l in the poultry bnnine ,buy alnrgo number of chickens, und pay'$1 down au a bouug. He lltea writes D

l In lead pencil, contriving to omip th<poiut of the pencil off juat as he is ready ftthe farmer to sign. Polling a fovntaiii pelfrom hl i pocket,,hb any i : "Welt, this %break, anyhow,"and the farmers cariositybeing raised, be eagerly rietea Hit fountainand scrawls U i signature. Tbe trickstethen erases tbe pencil marks, writes a prom-issory not* for A few hnndred dollon and•alls the note, One swindler (j known toh e pocketed SGOO by tha trick.


Wasting ton U prejiarlng to obterr* Decor-ation Day. .

J»i. n . DunnlDj, «f Deoktrtown, bai failedJ iho lane of »3O,0OO.

Tlio nickellstawn Horahl and WashingloiStar aro cnf;agD<I in a tlcklins milch.

Jliyor DcatlT bti preaentod tbe WasllngtAnU. E. Church with 100 eopioi or the Hymnd.'

Ati alleoipt was mailo k i t Sundi/ m ore Ingto barn the bam orox-HhcrilTSmltborNQi

Tbe minors it Offdeniba.g, Sasiox county,ate rccoired in iaoreaso lu their w»g« fromIghty-ierenccnUtolladay, . ,Tha hrarlfit tnsrrlod eooplo in BoMdare

weigh Juit MS pounds, Iho hutband wo!ablnff

US and tlie wifo drawing tbe icalei it 319.

A lady i t Tucbartnwn, Warren County, swal-owed lorao muJJdno intended for externalippllcatlon, anil «*• pumped ont Jast in time>I»TB her lire.Tho Hafttettilown HerJd ii vainly cede»r-

iring to Ret hul^'ef tbo names at tboio wbisigned tppllnUlona ror llcenw in tbat

ilaee, tlilnlinn there nay bo iotas olyirchnemben among them. , . - ,

I t Ii »ld that Simon A. Cam mini will dit.iloie (o the Wirron Grand Jury the names atho FretholJcn to wham he paid money titeoTP. fain .IKtton M Collector, wblle Cr.lattlion will make no ma new and startlingirelaliont.

An oajjla mcasnriug UTB feet from lip toUp Tim reocntly shot by an Ogdowburgyoung man while hunting In tho woods nearLoaoy's pond.

Tha 8am mil of New Jersey Is High Total,Itaaled in Montague township ia tho North-'rfiatera part of flttsser mmnty. Tlio rnen*.irerosot of Prof. Quyot, of Princeton Cot-ege, raaki* tail point BOraetlilng orer 1,700BBttlgb. . . . . . . -•- : . I

recentJTLprisoted Micbad McEotrf for drunken.

it**. He clainui tbat he wax *ober ami h*ilit dgaiaxt the Jn*tic» forlet, placing the damage at

m, died Friday. 11th,lo placing a calf in *<lay, 5tb~, h« atiVoed

.izn'self in M>n» way, BO Out be v*a »oonJtcr taken sick and died within 48 hours,le was about ti.t years old.

Among the rtlica in the Ticinity of Tran-

THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, is now comlortabtj- installed in•Ms new place of Easiness, the-MANSION HOUSE BLOCK, Sosecij St., opposite Cain's fboe store, wiiere lie has opened the finest Clothing

of the Peane of House eTer seen in Dover, und with tint-class workmen and enlargedfacilities is prepared to do a larger

CLOTHINGbusiness at LOWER PKICES than were tver lieforr known in thiseuA of tbe State. Call and see my new stock of MPKI>G und SUSf-M-EK SUITINGS, embracing everything that is ncsr, etvliali andH«rv-iceable for the seasoD, including Fancy CaBdimerus and* Cheviot rf,Scotch Goods of all descriptions, Do^skintj, HeltoDH nud Tricos, andeverything required is the line of Suitings, fur men, voath aud bovs.Also & handsome and entirely new line of GENTS''FTJRNISHlSGGOODS, which contains all tho no-wr novelties in Shirts, Tits, Collars,Cuffs and everything eke for gent's wear. I nm also agent fur the"WHITNEY SfEWlKG MACHINE, tlie bent iu the world. I menbusiness, and for si vie, durability aud low prices, inter.d to place in

1 ' ' " ' beyond all competitors. A cull is respectfully sof"TT~° ""' l T UU, thu OM-PilHE CLOTHIEli.

TLt -- r .u nicrcbiuu nuu d<-ir BttiiUtiun. Tie DaMat-; m i if- I-U^^IHU.U

bj-lj. L-C-ir*, wliut* tutlnrij t i t to n n : . '!«accunol of the Utc tlrru ot (>. L. tuny * ' ' "All wb«*re tudi-ljuj io tin- l»tf lirui s i t i<--

detl k) call m J trflilt ihe tunx.V. I.'. ISKYANT,M.U. DELL

B»t«l Ircain, S.J- , Apiil iat.ISTJ.

The sBb*criljHr in retaruins liiant* to tji.

olidU rtiecoatinneil pattunaKO cf ait bis u]

peraooal mention,low prktu. flmt-ctiBt J;»>1i n d a detenninstfua ID siUi'l bit niock io tii

A GOOD THING TO KNOWtbal if TOD want a fitjlush Bait made toordtr, the place to go is

P . H. HOFFMAN A 8OK,SfoBBuno»iv, if. J.

'he subscriber will sell at Public

Sale at DOVEB, on

Saturday, April 26,MOWING MACHINE,



Horse and Carriage.ic , oucl on MONDAY, APRIL

28th, at Mine Hill, ill tba peraonnlproperty of Bernard JIcGoiro.

A. JUDSON COE,ApHI 17Ili,1870.

for men, ladies, bo ra and missel always on band. A oeat fit sod good Block guaranteedal u LOW PRICES aa tnrwhtn in Uu SUK.

THE OUSTOM DEPARTMENTi under my penmual snpeiriaon, and hiring bad an experience of 28 j e a n aa a practicalcrtman, I fetrl confident •/ my ability to Klect coed stock for my work, u well u

make a good boot or ulioe in t, nest, well fitting and workmanlike manner.SAMPLES OF WORK may at all times be iweo at my plwje which will convince ai

f the superior workmanship and style of the establishment.

insrh i r e determined to k « p ap with tbra redi

jwi t t t j ch goodi ctn b " "I5DIS0.1 «t New York i _ _ ....a ibe public ID the work I tarn ont. I fed r

lalmug to my bonneu , and respect folly tulii


.cttem remuiniiifi unclaimedIn the Pott Office at DoTcr.N. J

Apmn. 2Bth, 1879.J . J. A U M , a E Anderson,B, Bermingham, Jimes Kellr., . oeorgo McCrie,

Jtae MJ1U,Jtwtt Powers,fleorgn Itcxjerer,H.8bi



itECEDPTfl..„ ice cMh on hand Inst report, Jlfll 42

From hotel and Haloon licetmes ,. , 700 00tibow, concert and peddler Ucetwea, 41 (K)Polico JoHtice Wood, fines, it 00

11 " Oaga, " COOauctioneer license, „ . , to 00(lee, l.icliards work done l f SU CQinmtuBJoner's handa B» 00Street CoDiiuisflioner for wood sold, I 60Randolph Townubip for use of eogioo house for elections,' 40 00Bjrlrater Uickerson, Collector, corporation Ux 7.230 00

" " road Ui, 1,500 00Total Ueceipta „ fo,

gM, Lawrence,W. Martin,£ . MorRin,M A. l>*lmeJ. Baynor,W. C. Thomson,

lews,D. Trowbridge,

inle Walton.ToobUinsnjoftlio abgte loltoniiaj "»d-

Tortlicd" stiil glre dite oflbli list.A. SERVER, P- M.

MAKHIED.DA\ENPOltT~HEAItiNa-April I9lli, 1B79, a

tho rcildrucoof tho Hon. J imci U. JtraenKodtawa;, by Rcr. It. 8 . Feaglnr, HlltciDiTdnpori, and MHi Miry C. B«arinff, Inrth

toD Vllcr

MoDOWELTi-In MorrlrtowB, on the 28dinat , OEOBOR L . MDOOWIXL, aged 37yeara, 4 monthaand IBdajg,

FOR SALE!IIIE inbicrlbfir OITHM it private sale Mi

irnprovctnenti - »re a two-story home withIhres roonn on t floor, • xnaA re i i of waler bythe < W . The lot li 100 feet squire, with alot of fruit trcei t n J until rrnlt crowinB nlroly.

Inqnlre of WJLUfK O, POOL,30-lm DcTor.N.J.

A Pleasant EntBrtalnmBntwith two intereitlnR pard will be giren bj Ihe



ooth, leva.

TOCAT<DUET-"MjMnl(sbt ou thn I

- Mai. Tae i r , Un. HAIRBOVH.BEOITATIuN-11 Curfew moi i not I

night." . . . . . JKAHI*M m N B L U MtxiOK.

I7AN0 D t m T - " Gn.llanmo Tell." "H i n t s EHK* .SIMnun AHB L I L U B IIAIFLUTE 8OLO-"F«nl»iilB." ( I iT


8ONQ—"When I wa« a Hudon," •M i » NIHNIE SIMJ-WB. . :

HEADINa-"How tboy bronsbt tbo good „ . . .from Ghent to All. ItoseKT DEOWSIKO.

RET. W. W. HAILOWAI, In,VIOLIN 8OLO-" PotllB Air- Vinoi.1


yOCAL DUET—"Ptillj Ho|iklni." •GTZWABT N i n AfD Bopnii NnoBBocn,.

BSOtTATIOH-"Arier tho Sstt te."• Miss QERTBUPX QiamtB,

.XJTS 8 0 L 0 - " L « BaWllsrd.1* T I M C I U B .

EILLOFFAllE.1. Ooflw. •••• ••• ••9. C»kfl. ; , ;

a.'le*Cresm;. • :• •• - • . ' •Barred on oall at rokionatile rates.

ADMISSION TO.PABT FIllST, . . ? i c t . .Ruttr ill mvnt room opon' to all sftor i o'clock.

DOOItS 0PENAT7| O'CLOCK.Enittrtiintnent to comm«nee t t 8 o'clock.Ticket* Inr MW »t YOU OUT k



NEW SHOE STORE,a t A C E \ T E L L STBEET, SETTKEM TUX TWO BAMKS, vhlcb ban beta aict i j fltlal up f<

enlarftemeat of hia hoaineee, haa better facilities ami for ihe S|iiing ami Sumaierpores aellin^ goodj lower limu erer before. A caref nlly ami well made afl*ortttiout of


id coudition ofthflUm"' "it marsln of r

any t hat raj pledget will be oiido goeu]nflrient of ray »biiity to«*tf»r-' l p

tscall. Ji

STEEETaPaid Street Commissioner and pay roHa „ t

'• Alewnder Wigbton. oil, i cA. Bout, Eogtaaer and maps,

E. LIndaley k Son supplies '/or St. Ooniia'iBal'oaer. ,'.".*.",',"!!"","Frank Ools, bnildlo? sewer, ,William II. Mane, plank, „•WMiftnf A. Dkkorson, bUcluusIUi workCharles a Eaglei, » if ' , " . . , , ,Patrick Kemin, deed for »war, ,,..;Btophen F . Briant, " . " „;;... ,

FIRE DEPARTMENT.Paid P. J . Corcoran, Janitor, ,

" Eeemer A Palmer, ootl,•William W. HUl, " ,Morris County Machine and Iron Co., repairing engineGeorge MoCraeken, repairing trnckKm. AI. Diion, cleaning engine hounoM. ScarinR, cintera coTer, :IraO. Cooper, repairs,A . P . Illoo, •• . . .S. H. Urecise, stationery . ; . . . ,one year Interest on 917,000 Fire Hoods .',,E I « Bonds, „ , ,..,.,..,.. ,.

, •'. : " ; , ; ; P O L I C E .

Paid JamsHP. Helliy, Unnbal and bnpllghtioB. „..ezpensea of prisonen to Morrlrtown, ;...

410410 7720 8421 27

7 877 97

£0 002(00


SO 48D 40

19 COfi 254 004 813 73

$600 00UO07t8


V. B.TfUcox, repairing look-np . „ .Fretunan VianA, insnranoo on look-up „„' „.Jltwmer A Palmer, ooal, '., . . . h in.•WUliam W, IIU1, " ..."...:......,. 13 18

' I'.1"]. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS. ~ •Paid Hummel A Tillyer, printing, .'. «ir> no

" MUhanLnne & horn, printing Aasesior's book, .....".... 0O0" JJoni. II Vogt, printing,

Kalional Union Dank dUocmut ,00 86

Kational Union Dank dhoWrjudgea and dark of election, ,


• Tolal expendituroa, ,. ...,., . , ,„' ,

' Balance c u b on hand,IB,979


Total bondod Indobtodneat, "Fire Bonda

Eovin,N.J., )J-a.e.

MorriB County . JTVtLlIAH H . LAMBEBT being duly nrorn acoordlnR to li

•boTe rtatomont la oorrnct and tmo. —

Sworn and enbturibed to bafor* me)thin 14tb day tt April, 1879. f


• 14,000

rdlng to law on hia oatb Raja tbat tbiWILLIAM H. LAHDEUT,

T v a of the Town of Dorer,

•OOLUiniDS BEACH,W. 8. COLLAHD,T. K. 0BITTKNDEN.:•} Financo Committee.


April 14th, 1B7B.Baft ordained hj tbo Major, Itocorilor, Al<

derm en and Ccmtnon Cop noil men of Dover, aslollows't ' -

Bio. 1. That an •lection ihatl U heldMonday tha flfih day of Hay D«it, at tha —tine boaie. In Dover, between tL» honra of 10o'clock in the forenoon, and 7 o'elook In thatfttsrnoon, for a Mayor, ont Alderman andtbreo Common CoundUneor all to lerre 'two yean.- 8io. 2. Thil Cornelini L . Lcport, ThomaaHeilOD ant1 Jowph 0. JOOQIOD snail be Ioip*o-ont<r JadK'io'tUD election, prortdea for InIbfl Arnt aeolion of ihn omiDaDce, under

i t ilircctiou an j Imoiclion, or tho dlreo-. - - laaJ inspection o t u j l m i ul llum

CIMIIOO «h*a ba bald, wbose doty It alto noeive the votoa,' conduct tho election,iidfta and determine tba qusltHcatioti* of

lolers. affr«eally with tbeaotof Incorporatli""• ir and tliin " - " - J •--olen,r Duvud l

«ltb the. Urdlot f

Di IL f(CORT: & Co.,

il«ipaetfnlly Infonnt tbfi'finrcb'aalb^ ptibliit;hat be bat itockrf hit Uore wllh a fall tins




All kind* of conn try prodicu takes fn sx>lingo, floods delift-red fren-- • L- - '"I would tMpleaicd to meet my frldndi'»nd

icquaintanceswherol wjll p o r w r - " - • - " - - '—i, always endsaTorlnfr to giro

in qnslily and price.


Hr. R. Tlioo.' B v il l l

R.tulneiirllh Mr.

t t d f

. ,u._4P0o, and keep goodorder ilnrmjr tbe timeofaaldtlbctinn.aniTtliaasldlDspcBlorsor JUIIKCS, or any two uf tliei

o ... all, as .occasion tsuy

Uto. 3 . That luo u l d Inapcetori or Jailgei•ball before they opnn tbe poll seTerallj takean onthuruftirmatlm. before any person com--i tont to administer aa oatb bv law fallbfully

id impartial!), t o eiocnte tbe duty of Iroc JoJgo of said election a> reqnli

law.atul tbat tbo said l u i ^ d u r . o ? . a . LFUof ihem shall at tK<. bour or Ion o'clock L tbeforeaoonof. Monday, May JJIb, a a i t , and attbe place <5eai£oated In sootloo Aral or thlaOrdinance,' nukn . or u n i t lo bo madepabllo proelamatloQ that th» poll ii openedfor the neoptlan orTotcra and shall continuelo reooire the Totea of all leral vnt«ra nntilths boor of u r e n o'clock in tba aftanioon ofthe lame day aud no longer.' Bin, 4 . l"bat it ahatl b '

GJerk-tostundaUiha nhoar of ten o'clock fntu .of eloctlon aforesaid, and tfa«n and there

ill ball) (.doty of the Townbe plioe or elaotfon «t tbentfiBforeBooBoflheday

w. v . iv VWKI*— ••*... B..^a. . w * v , B U U BUBIi a%l'UutUiron tlie poll lilt thfl place or residence elcaob porion Toting, and ei-ery perion al thetime of offering bis Toto ihairtrnly elate lbs•treat In wnicn he residua, ind in cms ofrerun! to make tbe statement aforeaald, thecole of such fenon aball not U recelred; and? ft*ftbtt.B%*.S»1)"1i»."f *• Town betl

8*0. 0. Tint tbi uld Impulon or Juan* « • " » • anil tbo Ol»rk ihall b . «nllt°«dUfSib™ l o r T l™' 0» urn «f Ihtii di

° ' OEOBGE MOHAEDa Major.mn: W. H. IiinaraT. Clerk. . 1MH ;KaH!?l


TUESDAY BVBXrO,tfuxxs astii. 1070.


Famous Boy and Men Singen: OF THE ' ' '


MEW8CENEHYAND CO8T17MES. gaped," I t of 8olD!ati , n d fdl d n n i .

ADMISSION 25 and 35 cents.

In th» abtei.ee ut d luit B b a l l > the dutndgn or any two oflt andcompetent

ity at tbo Town u . » .of'amid Impwto?! Mhem to appoint iomeion to dlKha th

Jnliei of T««n Clerk for tho day, and ti.eolnrk tiball tH-fore be raakti a a try or any roteitavs.an oath OF . affirm4lion faKhrbllr »pd

3artiall)rt to serve aa clerk ot oneh electioneieente the Juliet required orhlra byUw

and tbii Ordinanco.... ' .

the inipaotlon of tbe Imp^ e i n t l , or any two of th__, „ _ , _

tlScatO or tbe per m m elected and to wfaa._ce, rtiipoe lively J wblcb ecrtiflcal* ihall begned by the « i d loapeolorK or Jadget, orOJ two of tbonj | | iloreMid, and tttcaied by


CHARLES A. GILLEN-OCB MOTTO: Fair debliug; we CAU am

ill fomiab aa low na Hie ,n*<-at.Tbe DDdenifiDed Living pnr<:\it*ti\ (lie Un

ertaklog iiOjiDtw ul Mr. Cliaa. A. OllcuDu*er, iro now ruadv t j furainL IDV |K.T^-)needing tbe tervicts ul » prufi-iaiDnal ur.di;aker with every tlitui; eriaimctr in tbe bu

L-aa, aud hsfv conniantly <>• tiaoil rtudy lirciah al (lie riium-si uutke, lirxl

rtrt*J caj'Luitf ami cofilaa iu bljuk *r "bier t r / dcaiua. H^tulii: cr,IHn« anil cmkeljta, ffbroud*, b u i l i , iilitti*, ItanJlts, i-Jai

door c-raix.ii, t : J , tilUnnJ coiu-u gloved, Au.Unng Lad au t-i[mri«-nru tit tnoiity Jtaifool that <TH ibt>n><iMliW uinli.-r>lai)J tinin.i l ID alt lU i.rji.el.,'., an.l tlio |>

tnaj TL-IJ nmin our clurt 'i* luinj! nuilcmall cai«.'i. \\ e male a Kptdnlty or Ukinj; .lareclrca Ihe entire cliarge nf matlura pertainog to funerals wbcu n-qaesttJ to do abereti? relieTinfr fanilii-* of aiach of tlio atety ami Quean nets of Diiu<l,congtt)aent ap

having the lerricet of an inexpericuci.il IHITBloattend to thom. Laying out bndic* attendo a t all boars of tbo day or night. Boiliireierted wnb or without ico atumall expoQL

Tbe buiineti will be carried on al tbi old standit Hi. O, A. aiUna, on Dlackircll St., Dover.

Mr. LeonarU Uilleo, so long cnuncctcd wilHr. C. A. Oillcn, atill coulinnes HHH US.

Boneset Bitters!BEST IN IHE WORLD.Wonderful Alterative

and Tonic.


Recommended especially forcleansing tbo Blood, regulatingtho Bowels, and tho euro ofDyspepsia, IndigDBtion, nnd nildiseases of the lungs and stom-acb. Prepared uy tho

Essex Ct tca l Works,ESSEX, CONN.


Vought & Killgore.

BUT NOT ONE OP. , • - • • •: ,i :• : K I N O .

ORNAMENTAL MEEScan only be found in largo qnintilios,

- Tarlctj and low pricus, nt the


from 2 to 10 fuel lifghf at from*'' *

10to2aol..B40HRlth a Sberal dtMotmt ti* Ihe nn.ntifr^ 1

la THE TIKE TO I ' i i K ' l ' . , Am.fr 01• ' ' the pramfiL'a to • ,

ROBERT HENDERSON,; AgenIroDU, Man]] vn, 1B7Q.

SPRING GREETINGAt our Dbver house

in..building; formerloccupied by D. A. Derrjwe shall keep a morextendea stook'bfSTOVES, TIN WARE

Ware, Cutlery, Farmins Implements, GranifNn Ware, .4c, EerosenOil Stoves, DomestiSemng Machines,'thR U B B E R ^ V A ^CHAIN PPipe , fcooffing and r-alkinds ofi Jobbing- ddmDromptly and of best ma-terial.- Our prices will bemade as low as any housein the county. • - - ; -

AlLEl-r ."" ' '


FARMERS 1 GARDENERS.TEH MILL a t Hocltaway for. tba eonre

luuL-e of ftrmers and Kardeiio.s of this icctfibo liave heretofore been compelled to obU,

tbtfr plaster from a dislance, and will rnrnUli- the acisnn ot IB79 a m p e J " - - - " - " •••*


H » . i.a. jjbmiBoaaibo.,B.agit/Mi,'.

irtng teaaM.tbo»liol« rflbo n t o p r t , «h . , . '> Ii, n i l Dnlat^cd Incllltlea for tlio reniirorfthfta A . n • I I L I _ J 1 — - w r* • • „ . . •T^SSlTj"

We are fullystocked with thenewest styles inDRESS GOODS,which we areable to sell muchcheaper than anyof our contemporaries. Our CarpetRoom is filledwith the newestCARPETS,


OIL CLOTHS,which are soldexceedingly closeA look will convince any one,W. S . B A B B I T T










Prepared to cater lo the wants of bis friends an4 patrons. , r


•OUGHTFOR CASH / N O SOLD FOR G A S H .Means Low Prices to the consumer, look at our

Prices nnd Styles before pnrRhoitlng. Our expenses

:iro less Hum other houses in the siiMie Hue, ana we

are prepared to give you Bottom Prices for











Kncu & Fayman

The Ladies'Emporiurou THE

OF1" i879

Mrs. A. Beemer'sNoarly Opposite tho Post Offl.:i,',i.\ JD0VEE, N. J. :;

vhoibnM brguQ-tbe WJiitnr campnign wIho most conijilftte, elcgnut and fiudi

iounblo line of

Ije(oiiDd,ia tow^i, IndndlflB aterfliilog aiw


• •• nnd BIBBONELAOES-'--real and imitation,

Ceilnpj, Lt^ao and Unon Sets, Grapes, Moniug Baunbtflaudltollat.,- Afluetuuturtmcii

, Hair Goods,orobrfleinK Switohea, UniJdB, eta. Alao

uulimlt«a Y I U K T of ZKPllYKfl ood acoinpletfl sfiGortment of

• Ladies' "Furnishlng'tieods;1

Etcrythlng fumialied is of the beet marial, and will be made up ia t lo 'Utc t l etj]and iieWcBt dcBigna by competehtiuaiBtan

Thefloust|.FiiriiisiieTHEEE BO0ES ABOVE IBO:

3.M0 plccei, comprlilnB l«l new ncd elom

rattoaiBhkicH.' I Iiaio ilsd Mio larscatbi,.l • l . tKotCPi i jOT OLOIH - •••""- '

winrodw SHADESb?"iicK«™.«i> U¥" i!lL" "[clt.ot Sf,

Averill's BBady-Mixed-Paints -«DI- ; -.• (Brepared KalBomine,- r^ <


My iloGk Is eowrlolo i


osRn anrl othet lo pr«inl«,i,

r.nn toinktotln. lllWatuSJlA MSEi rcepccllto name. ' , • . . .NAME. : ; " r ; ' T i t ' ' ! ' a • f i ; l ' n-±±'

. w . omitr ; •; 'i-ntMa'-- •'••"•• pm

^ o itADdfl ruljo^niQ

ilio (Mine hour And placeSYLVratm j

• TO HEKT, gboi l ou . . , ODoiooitlon,.liEABLt 'AX iCHE OP U K D ' '


Do not buy one dollar's worth of CloUiing until you

liavo seen our Stock and heard onr prices.

M. L. FELL, tho People's Clothier,


S. H. BERRYIB P U T T I N O IBT 1119 . , . ' <

Flows, Plow Castings,FARMING ailll GABEENIN& TOOLS; : :..

of all kinds which ho is selling at


Hardware, Iron and Steel; Store]BLACKWELL ST., DOVER, N . ^ "

SICMV-OF- THE- T» A T t x .<">»TTBE._






i i v


Salad, Machinery, p i W a ^ i S t o r ,Sewing Machine,' GMts-foot•;«.* *&<*"Oiife;

DEOI lDUI lBmKAWHi i lSp lMi 'dn i J l / o i ^^* 1 " 1

Turpentine, Oiijanks, Um|

All our, Oils Guaranteed,Strictly sPure.'

McKIRGAN 4 : Co,, Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE



tuoy can otter cxtreinclj low rakw on all kinds 0


ii; MoUlLfiflNGS;, ami DIIESSKD L u i l B E B ol «»e4"iJ8iMpUo»! •1

TWIogoC OT«J kind aim, u «n»oi»Ho «i K £ i l u


THE BOTOIl DIPOr.niomimraii . - . O*t


1AIJFOI1NIA, TEXAS, in , | >]| m | n | , | . ,.,,



-iBEPAJBINtf'a ^feclarty:

letler u dUralion

Page 3: VOL. IX. · JiTbe.'WeBt«raiTemtoricH 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny aro —ponding in the words ..of HRnth.^to Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij go^M^ 1 ff U j got" Jiabop Ofttflt



Hear' ••TtiB OrationOn "George Wwihitiglon,"lly Her. John Krt.nU, Jr., of Baontos. 'In Uio First M. E. Cbarch on Friday «>cn.

i l lgUBXt , ; . : f , • - . - . . ' ; , :

Mcrrio Courifl.open Mftj Oth. • ;; V; j '

Dover Charter M l o n iby'fiUkRoouUm Charter election M»j 84. n ;

Jlorrlatown cUarUr etaotion May l&tb.

You can got the Inox E l l lit all tlmei HF « e r * i . . ; ; • . < • ; . ; : ! " • - • ' '

Johu W. HowoH, of JTandore, baa romof-ed to IUIuoio.

"Himfore" a t Mollor'B O p e n House nextTueBdnj evening. ' ; •

TUe b^«t BUKSOJL ^jJ ty hotter bM (kclihod

' 'TliVTJetnooraUo candidate for Mayor bstill B dark hone.

Mr. E . W. B e a u , 'of Boriuwny, hoe re-moved to Obealer. :

Tho Chnrlottcbu'rg dam will bo rebuiltduring the Bummer. :

Mirrors all sizes, put in frames, at 3. A.Goodalo'u drug store.

Johnson1!! kaluoimne at J . A. Goodale'idrug uUite. ' '. ' ' ' '. '

M r a . J . I I . Day of HloudUoiii, la about to

Backoff 4 Uiiikur *U1 dtspsnae book boort l u i r p l a o e t i l M i

The health of. Hun. Jacob Vanuatu faubroken down from overwork.' Money cad he constantly soTed liyof Jones, the SUnhopo grocer. j

Jacob Vr; Searing, of llcrrifltowu, is pro-paring to remoie toOolonido. > • .. ;

• Several large flooka of wild goose harebeen seen En this section ttiis week.

J. £. rarket, the'MonWown-jeweler,cont^mj tyea a European tom with his wife.

~* For U lH i f f i h igoods coll cm Wild . ID Uie Uamdon 1block. • " " ' . . • ' :

Geo.\Wohyof Chatham, lia* been majaoperator and irigiml wuiter at the Denvlflecrossing. ' j

,- Freiih and now pntterna in raatliojB i t thoHoy Jfotkoosli ktoro," JJorrktown, KiioS1 &

Tlio now rubber fnctory a t HontTJllo em-ploys thirty men who ere working ovarUmeere ryday . "f , - , . . .

Peer has junk b i d in a'cJioica brand'of firecent acgan. T h s proof of the pudding isthe1 trying at i t * ; - • : - •" '

•The large rubber mill a t Bloomlnfjdate b unot failed as « u generally supposed.' I ty a $ a Binollor concern.' ^ ' " , < . - ' •'.

The meaaloa are a&liuUng Boooton. Theyd b b p tltosa street lampi bo-

ri1 Snow foil to a depth of ten Inches «t tOgdoa mine last week.

Election offlaers will hereafter recelreper day Instead of $B.

Got a new Bootah Cheviot eutt at W O W Bfor *1C They ow't bo beat :

The Madison M. E. Church bas a noychoir of twenty-four rooalliiU. ••

The old Board •of-Kr«hotdorB meets MayOlh j the new Board Muy 7th, j

John Totiin, an old and roapected oltlienof Morrfitown, died on Sunday U,t. j

A temperance meeting will lie held In the

eBsary by applications for summer board.

ry'a hardware store—sign o l tha padlock—


church at CaUfop next (Ifuriay eiening.

We baTs hearS no one talked of for Mtby the BepublloanH exospt Mr. Blohorda.

Mr. Matthew Slgler baa gone from NebmaU to

Wednesday on a quarter mile out-door track.

A. second mortgage forGreenwood lAcrBailrbfid

for $1,600,000 on tupbfid waa reoordod lost

From ita lost number it 1B evident that thpDtatratown Press doca not do a "erodlt" buj-

For »U new a in genf • furnishing

Obiw. I. Gordonv a jijwyer rf Rod Banlc,formerly of Madison, aes abandoned hlaprofession to enter the ministry of the Epla-

iMr. J. Q, Roobefeller In terracing andbuilding a new sidewalk In front of hisplace on Woms'street, "making nome veryfiue



tProaeautor DoMott and lady expect todart nest month for a BIX month's tour InEuropo.

Bt. UiohaoVB Church, of Btanhope, netted•00 by ita festival on Wednesday night ofIwtweek. (

Hew patUru la LoweU and Hartfordpets, Mew York otah irtort, Uorristowii,Knot A Ffeyman, - i

Arrangements are making for a line dra-(L.lnUreaU of the

Tlia Major Millor house, at Madison, Mcalled alter an officer of the Revolution Lover ICO y u r t old. ". • :

yThey havo beon "putting a bead" on tbe

Banner, Tory artistic mi & great improveKent oa the old one. t

Obarley Gala', buantered for tlio threedays walking contest which begins at Mor-

W d d ' " '' j

Potatoes out ten days or two weeks beforeplanting,'&nd'epriiiklod with "plaster; willsprout earlier and grow bettor tlmri whan.<pt and pkbtad on the aatno day..' j : , . • ;

WOT. J . O'Grady will deliver 4 lecture onIntemperance in Bt Patrick's Uhiirnb, 111-

a,:.on; BuaJfi^ ^afternoon jnoit, a t ,4ik!" TTo^wiir oonmdor U {rotn a'pliytU

cal, Bocialj.ireligioaiftad nutlonil point ofT i e w . •'•L•*•••••<••"•'-•"• '•'•' *•'*

TheiToylorlron Worka Company hare sofar rebuilt their foundry, at High Bridge,that was burned nbout a month ago, that oftBnUtii'vj last they began to caet'ear wheelsagauvlThey have 'had a.'strong (owe atwprkednoe the fire, . t . -u , .[•/ .'- :'•.

Cur Mine Hill correspondent tells a prettylgrat,ntory,but CaptMD, §. ;Alhin is, equal

to hla Bvcrsgo, for on Wudneadny tuorn}Dghe found hnpriwraorl to a Decoy trap In'liii

Tho worka of the Atlantic Giant Powderflopping a,t Drekerille b a « h i d * wrj§u*y

balance of tbe year'is Tory flattering, Thejare now making sixty thousand pounds of

Ch*as!X Sammis will open it" new milk

Don't forget that Peer Bella the beat flvouont cigar in Dover.

Qco. Ehrct's oclabratud bock beer will beQ tap at D. Holler's to-day.A, F . WUlhuna, of Cheater, has removed

to a truest farm near Newark.

8am. COM IS preparing to bring Iho streetsprinkler ouL It is Deeded.

Peter Btryker, an old resident of Bte-phensburg, died on Tuesday, agedSOyoarr

Tbe Andover Iron Company ihipped fromPhUiipsburs oa Tneidar 840 tons of pigIron,

Stephen Moyle, an oU respected citizenif Mount Olive, died of consumption on

Bnnday last

The ladies of Morrfi Halm will give Bev.Mr. Peggies a donation vialt ou Wednesday

1 erening next. .

The AdTontists have fliod upon July 11thas tha time of the final oollapse of this mun-dane sphere.

Tho N. JT. Conference of tho African i t .E. Church has appointed Us*, B. J. I I .Long to Morristown.

Daring a few waeka past the iron worksat PbmniXTille ha-re turned out 10,600,000pounds of finished iron.

AuguBtas W. Cutler, tho new Mayor ofHockettstown, la a nephew of Hon. Augas-

UB OUUBT. That accounts for LIB luak.

Another Btack of tho Tuoinaa Iron Coin-pauy Is preparing for bloving in. This willmake six furnaces of tho conipany in opera-tion. -

'Walsh, the oufl.prlae olgthlor, DJOOUB bust-us at his new place and tells you all about

it in. his new adverUspmeni this week-Bead it. •

Mr. James Bryce, Jr., of Madison, offers$50 reward for evideiee aufflolent to convicttho party who poisoned a valuable setter

Blundering, HO Usual,lilllo |m, <r iitj t.mn ]„,„

Irving tolio with mi itW of ibi

docs othat siU cc , winch it fttilcil l i

i dignity ,

oiiK. It vlnfima jmbllHbed It

whicli in nni only a blunder, but untrue,;Wheu ili« (jtdioimoa iu quoHtlau wn» pnesjed, thera was no reuoluiion ad up ted, HH latlie case of two ottier documents, to author-ize ita inuortiou in thu columns of tha idlte but erring jnurnul aforesaid. It OIHQtells a n nnlrnth when it Bays tliat Mayor*Rlohnrda told Uie OITIIUQ naincmke of thafamed IoreDEO Dow that i ts pablicatlon had80 been ordered. He merely remarked tdthin embodiment of Ml journal intio nccoinjplinhmoDta that the TreammirH ru|Kirt a mKelloy wimliitiona hud bnnu voted n |)tniui iitbo jonra i l nwdo fumous by bin lirilliiiut tffusions. l i e conveys the idea, aim, tliatMr,"Loport waa Clerk when tbe ordluauoo

Ml. AnotLei blunder. Mr. L. « uculled to that position until after tlio orfli-;

Waik.osr &t Port Qrnm-Tbe t h n o diye1 w*lk between W n . J"i

md J-'nuii Love at Tort Oraiu tcrmiuatAKt Hiilnrlay iiiyLt, wbcu it v&* clniin

Uiat Jouen bad mulu 211 miluiuiid Lovu iAmrrtHpoiidcnt Bunds ua a graphic

at J»t tbenffair, but an we buv« ltiarnedtli'ftt.tlur jconUmi wai uotorioudy unfair, we'•-—-•!'~'-*•'*-•'- - few comments of our nwn.

i a«ocrtaiDod that Iho trackH der 'en laps slio^t of a mile and thiit the

winner , 'only 'coror td ICU mUea.* We also$ Ihe J6eer in tbocoutos tsay with uii-

bluahlflg effrontery that lie oiadd mere byloBingttjanhe would Lave mido if ha hadwoa—intimating a s plajnlj as be could, Uiath$ had Bold the rao(, aithouuli the pr«Wbil-' ~ IMf6 that he t a d not speed enough iu l ib_ „ . to w k i t . ' V e believe that tbe walkingijia'iiiailBijsoomitig HOinewkatof anulsauco,diid.-ou'ch vnfiilr prnctlccs id thoso will causei t t o b e nioro fio.'.-lf athletio conteeUi'can-

thocted. •Pnrllifir,

ubryutic D.iw to


of the new publia MnoolbnUdingat MadiBon « u laid on TlmrBda^When oompleUd it will ba a handsomei^6 turey ]S « ~rV/ ': j

Bev. Burtis 0. Oillon, of Kenton, Ohio,eon ,6f Mr. Ghas. GUlon, tf UiUbrook, wasmitrrled on the 20th ulL, to UiBStNanryWat?,*iKeiiton.: ; : - ' . • • ' •> , -"•'•' '•* ;

The Jeneymau says Ur. T . J I . Butler-•orth has a young nurneiy eoniatning 180,*

000 young peach trees, and neurlr 100 acresof peach orchard. . . . , >

Hr, Jolin Hanoo bas nmbred tbo sliait ofthe. wator .whetl of lha old foundry to thosaw mill' at tongwood,' whore a. nuw wheelwiU be made for I t • •••'•'• ' ' > •

The Millenlown Iron OompanT, at Wa-ounsie, B L , a. company that, piirohftBod oon:Riderableor9:lu' Morris oonnty, nmponiiiid

jonday,, Its lUbUltles are about *Hci,i«),

HOT. Mr. Kalloway will begin on SundayeveniDg u serieB of sermons onBomo of thelew prominent. ^huMtsn). of- t l » ; Bible.iSubJeotof fimt wnuon; ^ ."The woman wlth-' mtRnamo."' " ' p

1 After using "all 'other '-liniments try 0 a m 'phor Oil. . If It does not prove the beet ro-turnthe empty bottle, atid tho price charg-ed; 85'eioti, trlllbo pnld to1 yod^Hiold at J.AlOoodale'sdru^'etore. '" ' . '.', ('.

•fThe following'are tba names of themorl-torioua Mh'olars of the Union School forthe

him if the ordinance hud b u m Riven liimfnr.pablioiition; ho njuwlj; Buppoued ho luid rof.oronje to tlio report Hurt ranulutioiut. Finnl-;ly, Sir. Lambert, who i* BO ruunuly ubtised

Dokod EnglibU for not providing munuce for this Jnnrnnlhticj lufmit frumtown (roiHury, hns no right to «\\e ihe oi-idiunnca lo ' two nuwfipapora. An ordinnnon-

1 in 1H70 oiniolod iho pnWI'catttiii of(UDIUIOO in ona jNifier printed Hi tlm

lunty nuil oir-iulntod in thu town sbull buHoiout, and in publinbiue tlio WUIID with-'nutbority or ptovluion tnnde for-pnymonl •

B probable tliat the youug innn brut lironglitprovision b n g i p u n empty, faed biu.

1 —-—••»-•-— ^ i

Our Last Hope. , •;Bince tlio time that the foundry across tbofor from this office was burned, flva andhalf year* ago, tho. old water wheel, whicli

•M ttnvfid from tbo flamoe. bun stood as &aent ',1 Dover's former Industry. Iln

giant arms, suggestivo of its Intent power,' iroouUtretohoduif'nppealingtothe en-

rprbe of ineu to Bet them In motion againid utilize their force/oc the .benefit;Of ..theimmunity.' "Had it poBseied Hid pdwor of

ipoeoli it would ha-ve suld, "My *aerg!e»

uiused' thousands of dplU«« to .flowthrough ' thia community,.' bioroa«tDg tlie

roalth of Your morclmtiUt, &nd bringiugimfort. to tho homos of your workingmoii,fb'y aui I thus neglected ? I can bs made11 powerful 8H evor'and do yoji aa mnoli

;ood as of yoro." And even Uiough it couldmt fipoak Its' very presence Buggostcd this:enryvrithita loug waiting.for ft show ofitarpriae on tha. part of tho people it wouldivo BO willliigly sorted, it must have hniled1th relief thin weok its removal to anothor

[>lncc, where, oven though in a smaller ca-«alty, it would bs mada available for R&od.

week ending April 18, 1B79rigua, Annie Ayres, Addio Wright, BosleCaeterfino, Eddie Mandlgo and Wllle Leek.

Mr. E. D. Alien started fromi iorriBtownon Tuesday Vfternbon for SakoU Territory,'having reodved an appolntmBHt;fromllieV. 0. Government lo niperlntend tttft paint-Ing of Ule U. abaildiogaatOio Enwbud

Ttau ilannt ' IndowiijRt To _ t

drugaton V4ftgatn attradtogsianygardenB^ito.ipUnt"? T>'By^b«vs^s*o1pl«s o!. . . . 1 - _.1«^ bu'^t^~.'t«lami11Kn«Mr'*'JThai

y gristown next Wednesday.

flho BklarieB of Ih8 Methodist and FreBbj.terian minleUn of Mendham ta»vo been1


next Wednesday svanlng,

•> sUngoter house l iPlainfleld the other day aud wandered as faras auocaiunua befor* he was reoaptured. '

A new wng book, "Gospel Hymns K<VhubMnintroduoea In the Y. M. C. AIt wsa ose4 last Babbath with plBasicg eff J

. In oar Baakawty article last weekvhould have said thai the Hibemla Ballroajl•hips nearly 800 tons—not can—

Brene, the now* dealer, Is now making •specialty of sh«et masla, and iffuUIng tne.latest compositions of the^dayat balf the

»».uQaM*»«rifa tthal«-r .- -,*or« you got your new spring Bait. He willdo better by you thaa any one else. Mai),•tan House blook. :

Johtf-BrVptiimV-'•V«p<c^Franklin Fumaoe, SoBaez oonntj, and bn •Iher of Blohud Stephens, Esq., of Mt Hop<,died on the 10th Ipat . .0

J. J . Sail k Oo,, ofBfootningdnle.prcbrick store on tho site

Mr. Aaron Bbnriell, brother of H. 0. Boa;noil, of our town, has used hundreds of gal-lons of Avorill's. ready mixed paints. Hesays, "It'fl morD dumble, has more body

6iili . .Eillgbre'B—prises rcdiiood.^Thfl MBp^nnibio and: dxtfliiBlro patni mail,ufocturent, HArrison'Brdthors 4 Co., Fhiladclphla, mean .what thay say. On overy

*be deUrarodt lp- tljO ILrridayVeRtiiJf^x^^•J&ll Pf ,Bbqntoa7v«>Vil^tsM M^- d:iii floope^Inrtltute.'.'.N.iY.'icity,

for every ounoB ot Impurity found he«In.|'SoldbyJameaA. Qoodole. !

There wW i>A'immenBoblociodo or boatsbetween Waterloo and Haokettstown lwt(8»tardayl,thB,cuial beiBg.sft/pPt <A t ^

uosafe. It waa feared in plaoes thattliibanks would giwUFty, and Stanhope and

ed in a beastly flnbt last Saturday night and, m i arwstod, by Mwsb»l.IIeUey<it1JndfleWood'nned'eaoh »5 and«oet«.-Sheridan

E h i M wai grnn "to nnderstand that ttenext time ha. in brought »p bs would TeoelvetnBfollpenfcltyof tha Vat:', <>1'- l;"^.""!"'

giant powderi^ctterdayiiieaV-thi <old walelr

wheel, a pleea of Iron flaw shoot w ' J j ^ rdred yards, sti "~Ur. WiUlun,

| p ^ y yobandgneil,- aiid whea^wi) learn, of uuubBffiDdlo ai the t above' we,«ball bn.Bton ito

s e d f , ITio.'young mou wb9 wtJkodupon this''dteiiOnW triiak—and partlculrtrlypore, who taktJ'U Hbi>iiielugs'dullght insaying Oiat. ho profltod by boin^ Lonkn;—Bbbnld'notba patroiiized or noticed aliotjldtljey-i^igtifjo- Jn yiy pedestrian' cxotdncB in

ie /utiijre.i v ;, t: j . ' • • • " , • ' *."• , *Aa ^oflunt .of,.'auother contest ,Uiub oc-

uixod »t (Port- Orntu wp lake from our cor-reipdndanl; • -'Alter tho Jontu and Loyo racobad hjmilnaWai,' at 10 d'cloct 03 SaturdayuiKbti itiwblbb timu Uiobnll was.ruukedw.ililpe6^1yjilcriidiiig1a number 6j ladies/a

|ijiq,m«t wits .n:lute for 'anotheriBpiri,liwbjehVM^gtJpk!yrefipqn4edtp^bytwo*oui

where has It gono? To ia placee thero Is more capital to set it In mo-

So., ,It -tas gone to Lougwood toi, bo maobinory of a bumble saw mill,

Bui it bas: goue to a plaoa wbore in BOUIOoauro at kn*t iff worth wUl he appreclnt-nnd-wiu" forjfton ttT'cdraVdoubUeao singappyBong as it revolves unceasingly to

Dusorva tho Interests of tba communityibout it. Ilappy water wheel 1 It wereitter tbivt you should be the motive powerchum iu obscurity tbo milk of some hum-B dairy than to rot In iijlonow In tha midsta wramunity afloat to-- their'own lnter-

tBts that tboy-couU uot aopreoiate yourorthi!,TP«h>Wio3a?*ut"'ie, when Doveriall have been fenced in and ^tore may boBome beijldQUB who 111, regret

thai yo«. were "^ot" !mpde 'the mielpiifl of a^h^ftringcpinniupity "

Our floatfs Again,m i i - N - . v v that tbo old h

jrA|, bB*<cpnduc(ol

l i dUiey had 1>ott«r,l

II the piiper pnid foi publishing tho law*,igli you may got nolliing fur your troubl

btsyoud tha tiowl wJuheit of your readun.While orftlio fiulijoct of road muklng thoie

i caa of her mtttur of much iuii>ortimcothough geaexally looktd npaii as of littlioonueqaooce. I t in that of making new roads

in the. Hninmar, It in often tho canethat roads arc iiiada l a the full, und thum l t i a a n i n d hole nil winter, or fearfully

•ugh when frozen. When tho Into Chan.J. rioruunwna running a etu^o from Mor-

' " '" " " - found


pedestrians o l local fame—James Kienmn,of Dover, end John Eddy, a young Cornish-

in now residing a t Por t Oram, This racea a five taile heel and toe walk, tlie tudi-

ence'agreeing to |[ive thorn a liberal collec-tion, two<tuirds u go to tlia winner aud thebnlaaco Uj the vanquished, Both men wereon the track In a fow minuton, looking welland eaoii apparel Uy full ofconfldeuoo. Both

ien H tar ted a t a wonderful rate of apnod,'hloh was continued to the finish. I cever

Baw anything to equal it nnd was m t awaretlint wo had such men in our midst. YoungKteruau* lias a beautiful style of walkingand appears to ba of much endurance, but

oa not ablo to win. Tha young minerof For t Omm won the rnco in thirty-nineminutes and forty-two ieoondn. Owing totlio wrong measurement inodo for tho firstt\c.Q the diBtonco walked win only 4 miles.

!( . . . An Ajfliotod Family.A family by the name oflLiwkiiis moved

mo dny recently iuto a bouso oa SpringBtrect. Thoy were aiuk nail poor, but theircondition was not gonorally known tillTharudiiy. , On Voducedttj a littlo boy, tliooldent of (our sninll children, wont ont lopick aoal and in satna way full nnd injured

About nin o'clock

Oa TVedueeday afternoon^ yiml i V yjer, Esq.;.Master: .n.qKanoory of Mew.JM-aey' topk'a lUtJ? bquUn rcshaiipe)ty o( eques-trlanima' oa,'WaabliiBton.avonuei and .oamo

f bdljetftuood,, iHo,mpunted Btoates'lt w d ' " ^ ^ ^ 1 ' forjamn bnt

unteforrjamn, b

htAoni;;,ny4r2E8*ii,t$iR mi$y tes1*"efforUi** Tho'lnrBO^ crowd11 ot sjiaeUtoncheered the ridef;.buti.idie1oolti.ialBuuili.T.

;., A.»nwkabie .oonnUrflt :twflnty'l dollargTOflnbaokyMde(eoted:»ootttly.—Ilfs en-tirely eiwnted-fignrfeg, corners, • h'caos,seii/flno Beroil'work; eTen iberflbrcs'of the

raoroiug tlio little follow was In great pnlnand the mother wont out nuil boHotiglit a

r to send for a doctor. ' Dr, CoDdlctvaa coiled, fpanil tlint the boy's collar bonovon brolcoii, and at oiice gave it tho ntteutionit neeiled. TUisnDoidont dlreotcd tlio ntleii-llou ofBomo of the neiglibors t o ' tho family,

'and It was f6und that thoy wcro in an almoststarvian condition, ' The obiiJreu bnd uotli-ing Ui ent thitt day , and ,o i i ] y . a ornBt tlioiilght before, and o^on this tboir weak utom-echs refased to hold. I t was fortber, foundthat the father bad.n disabled, hand and uotherwlso 111,-preventing hira.Trom doingany flfoik, while the . mother had somo .nil-went 9(,tii9 feet whlph mode it a torttua fnrber ' to 'be about, •n'il :aH'tbo'cUlJreij'wero in

Bickly condition. Spine Qf Jhe. iieighborsit once seat ia foqd to relieve the immediateneoessttioB of the family, but ihoy wtllnotidmoio help, and as they hare not askod for it,tnd-rprobnblyr.would,not becatisa of ' the i imodesty, we ouil Attention to >• their fronts,with the liope tbnt the good people of tho[own will BOO Ihnt thoy arc provided for,

Investigation ofJbfarBlial Kelfey.iinmmit to ri-H^lulion oi Ccunion Coiiu-

efl: tlB,1 (_0oinmlttco .fcpppiDted^-IlewraciCritteutlen, AWcrnniu Buncb tm& Oonudl.nan Collunl—met ou TuoiOny eveiiing tonVenllRiite any Qhatgua .which might be pro.-eReanffnatlngllM'offlalai cohiiuct of MaribnllCelluy. \.. '

Alderman Beach:,wart relocted ;OhDiruiftnina ffm., H . I»unbert Clark. Tiie rosolu-|lion creating UIB investigation w.w read andnndMr.Al 0 . IBmith iollowed to nppeur as

ij* Ihe vnr t i i ip i-if (lieli.1, uniiM il lin

iuJi-riitod'l? Kiii.p<to l>t rustured as it van bcluru it jjavu pincoto Duo j nut rtjiciil, d. Uieri! inn CIIIUHB lo IIcfTLL-t Ihut unlfwf Ibo iuimtilbiutx of the ili ••trial inform tho ovenuitr lluit UIOT wish to

»rk out lbcir tuscH, Jl in optional with bimwhulber ho notify (hem when he intends towork, andincoNfilia dam not thoy must parIhe monoj. But if they notify the auid ovoj -

wltbia twenty dnvs after his electiony

tbfit Iboy wish to workout their taxed, bo Inbound to n-jUfy tbeoi wben ho intends towork. I novcr uaw the law and only knowthb by hturaay. That auch a law did exist,

yhuw Lo would likd them. Aflurtalk, ha

however, there ncu doubt. But tI tuny not bare quolcd it correctly, would it

it knownit tho tax-

tuking tthrough U

to inoko£n*. u l t imo to bene

m of Randolpb thin Bummer? By doingyou

ber of tbo rnttd worktiruoft larger

of tbe towusbip

ristowti to MtDdhnm and CLestor, hatbe oversear of one-of tbe dlutriotaroute casting now earth into the road late iuthe full. l i e said to him, "How much willyou UUo not to pu t any moia dirt on tbiroad thin fall?" Tbe astonished overseorasked whnl bo meant. "1 mean jiist whnt Inay. I want to hire yon to atop putting morenew earth on this rond this fall, because Iliave to travel it twice & day In nil kinds ofweather, aad thia pisoe will be n mad bed

all winter. Instead of doingIhopuulloa benefit you nre creating pod-live damage for mo aud tho traveling oom-nunity." Tbe overseer was compelled to ac-knowledge that liia theory was correct, ba tbe had lint thought. of it iu that way ;"there was some rood tax yet due, and thoywauled to work It out before making theirro turns." . <

ThiBfnlly.illnfitmles the effect of that er-

IQOUH, though c in, practice which fmany of oar overseers indulge in, I prc-lumoa lav ngniiirit it would not ba cmurtitii-(iotiiil, nud yet it would bo as pruotical aud

lore to the public bonollt than many of our'gixlative enflotmciita which Leonine lawn.

Tbo Spring la tho ti mo to innko now roads,Tho old rulo was to turu out and workthorofldaaaitooa aa corn was planted. I t

3 BOOH, as Ibo dry Suijnor monlUs oro needed to Battle tho uowmirth. Of course tliaro aro oxeoptlonH to allgeneral rules, and iu COHO of heavy rolus inautumn tho roads somoHmoabocomo bndlyWUHIISU and hnvo to bo lopairod, ebmatimcurequiring a largo aniDUut of uow. earth ; butan n geucml mlo tbo frciih earth required toimprove tho roads elipuld bo put thero boforoJuly. A goodpbiu.fot overseen to adopt

Pine Brook.TLo Her. Mr. irtCorwlck Uiw i

conyuerod. On thu Brut Bunduy he told thipunjilo tr> t«kt' u food lock ut tint i e r , for he they Lnd cuiao to HCe what Bortof a man ho WUH. While they hiid Li;cn wedering wLat sort of a wan ho n u , and hithuy would like him, bo Lad bocn wonderinfr


:d hi* tuxt, iind preuchiidgood gerinou. His sou preucbed on JiwlorSunday and BITCH great promise of futureexcellency.

The Exhibition given by Mr. Benn-Clork'apupils was a surprise to all present, woaderbciug expnutsed that no perfect an entortain-aent could he got np in such a tliort time.

Ovsr forty pnpihi took part, and nil did woll,but UIB cose anil conflderfce of the youngest,BOIDO of thom having to alitnd on ebulra to bonoon, wan particularly admirod. The Rev.Air. Mu-Ckirmluk ciprcssoil bis approbationand approval, and thought they ought to

n tha privilege of h&viiig sucb on ox-,>t teuclicr. Mr. HftrcuB Ulioo, Dintricl

Clerk proposed a votu of tlmtiks to Mr. Beau.Clorkfurlbotrcnt ho hu<1 given Uiou, I t

rnH Him ou ii cud tbat tlitru would bo a vtuai-ionofhovoucTiij'fi.

Ploughing and planting hnvo commeticuduore in real tanicst, aui oa tvery uand gar-

JDNftro liL-iiitf "mnde."IIr, lliuharJ Lewis, a young man who rcn-

dored vnluablsftiil in the winter entertain-its, iloparted on TuuiuLiy for alichigtui

SUilo.Tlio Public School km been supplied with



The Engineering and Mining Journaluotas the market of hf>t week ; The pastcck lina been a quiet ono, without a n ;

Wo. No.

2 foundry, 817, and forge, $l5.7G@$lC.r.O.Tbo Bomo paper furtkor wyst It now

ippears thot Cumberland (Englanil) bema-tita iron orce aro being importtd in largequantities into this country, at prices com-paring favorably with Bpanish ores. Eng.Ileh stool rails aro iinjiorUd iutc Uiifl coun-try,, iubjtite of u duty of $28 per ton ; Eug.llsh, Spauifili nnd Africon ores aro coming inin large quButiticB. Daniel J. Morrell,President of tho Iron and BICDI Awtociation,has called a meriting of tha iron and gte<-lproducers. What docs it tnenu ?

STATEMENT OF lltON OHEpumingllio HnckBttstomi BOBIM, na . II. !t E.R. 11. to PuuniylvatiU, for tho wook outJUiy

idiy oTODiDg, April 17t!i, 1B70.TATIOHB rttOlt. TOI«fl. OffT.

Jlouutttln Viotv, 207 151,772 03

PorlOram 1,483 01hcitor H. It. (HorlOn'BjCorwiD'rt,Bnccaaunna, Vanntta and CIKB-



POVEB., 3V. J1.

Paints and Oils.

onld be lo go 1 - their dlatrinte, eelectthose places nioBt needing ropaln, and worktborougbly each year m far as ths tnies willillow, karing a smtill amonnt far openingdmiuu aud clearing the tobis of Glone ia tbefi,lL . : :_;• .'• '•• • / \ ; r ' ' ' • ' • • ,

A gencnl apathy aaoms to Lave flrislod r e .opectlng the election of oToraeora as fur ashenrd from, v l th tba exception*of DMris tHo. 4—Port 0 m m and Iroudalo. In oua dis-triot Lilt three volera atten3od. Wbolburtbat wiifl a quorum or not I do not know, batae tboy organized with a Preaidont and 8eo-retiiry, tbe audienco mart Uavo been amnll.Cbui. Hpnrgo was •'unanimously elected,"And if be gives h k conatltuonta aa goodronds aa Lo does atoaku and calleui tliera willbel i t t le ocoosion foi a rutnrn lo the oldroad'law.. At Fort Oram tbo opposite ex-treme ptevail'ed - a roualng torn out—tbe re-

iltefwliicb waa givau you b j a corres*ponilent I t la reported, bowover, tbnl tholiiclty.mnn begins t o reallM tbat he^bns

"bought Iho olopbimC , -[ l U

AVe liavB ftnenrwl the Qgenc^ for Avoiill's BoailyMixed Paints, and nre Helling them lowor tlianthey liavo ever been ofl'nrod iu Dover. AVe liavoalst* n largo stock of Jeiv.jit'n aud Atlantic WIJI'UILead IUHI Oil. Colorn, Drj'ui'H, Vnruislies, PuintHnifilinfi, iitc. Everything dusu'ed iu tho paiiitlino nt very low prices.

Garden Seeds.

solos worthy of particular mention.quote Ko. l Foundry iron2 fd

Fever ani Ape Reiefe

Drake v i l i c . . .


758 10

. 299 03

4,015 U

CoKBuumoN C D B E D . - A H old physician, ro-tireil from practice, Laving had placed in hishands by au Ei»t lnd in inimlomry [bu for)

ipte vogetnblu rumnly, for Ibo apoodyroiacetit euro for ernauiaptloa, Lron-cttinrrli, astUmi, &n<l all tlixoat »nil

long anoclioni.alio % positivo and radical curegfor n rtoM diililllly anil all

having toatod itil hd

>m ooniplalnt

powers lu thouuuda of ctBes, liti fait It IIIBduty to make it known to bu mfloriaj; fulluwi.Actuateil br tills mo tiro, and a dcuro tolievo human safforlag, I trill Baud, free uf

ibtrge, to all who deiire. It this recipe, willTall dtreotfonB for preparing and nniu{r, InQonuan, French, or English. Scat by mailby tddresflliig with Btnmp, nunlnjf this piper.

V.Shsrar, US Powor'a Ttloalc/BoohcBler,Totk. ' ' . 10-iw

Tbe pcoulbrlty about Ibo A. R. T. Go. Black'ID la ilmt chllilreii'i uno shooi to rrhich tlioj

w a r t r - *--- • "it chltilmi'i One

lywoL,o beauty ni

Asnr, WIME.AND DiTTEtts—apoor's IU>> Port Orape Wluo anil Wine DiAQ pitotnlTO and reliable demand. Thy-

Blciaus rocommpnd thotn in preferouco to any

d our Spring stuck from thuof 11. K. JlLlSS A: SONS,

have phmttidow lje niton

AV(> hnvo juimhiiHiL-liable aoud UoutsAVo know they will growBmnpluB of ouch and they cum n (jiug at our afore. Buy of us ami you will not hud i i t i

Kalsomining Materials.Agents for Jolinscm's Dry Ki.ltiOin.QO ; wo ltoopin «tock all Ins dftsirolUo tints, and can supplyyou ut IIIH pi'iceH. Call for a wimplecolors* 'Also Paria "White, White Gluu, Ultra M.Blue, <tc, Ac.

Wo liavo them fill. Rhiilleiibemer'H Pillw;HhoU's PillB ; Hamilton's I'illa ; DCKIIICI'H PUIH;Mooro't* FIIUICH ; Hedguh' Fdvor ami Agiio Aiini-liiliitoi1; Ayros'Ague Cuvo; India Cliohi^ogno;Chiuoitlino in stick nuil pills, Quinine iii^powtlei*nutl pill, itmt vnrioiiH other piopiiratitjnsr

Itrii3'siciaiia and Cnstiimors can roly upou UioBiuiio strict rules in the preparation of theirPreseviptionB. Bach Kecipo ia read carefullytlnoo timca beforo dispensing, and none bnt thubest niodicinoa used.

Thnt wo keep Ladies' and Gcut'n SHOULDEItMACES. Uafermonted TViao for Communionpurposos. Agents for Spfler'e Port and Sherrywuie for medicinal parposes. Palatable Castor

. Oil; Grafting War ; Handy Package Dyo Colors,nrd all new preparations you soo advertised, audoverj'thing usually found ia a well stocked drugHtOl'Q ftt

itlcr coadi of tba Uhii.itTOfttPjwsInNiinJari>Qv

Dover, April 1st, 1879.

J-DponJ inquirybyconnnfllUnny'dompUinta|;h(io*MeDr'njuaei'Alilorrnaii1 'Bench mid oneperson claiming, to havo a Briovmpoorop 10 bim, nud be iu

oounterfeljijd. ^ ^ i i o H q ;bdfVe'eVen'thliaeaooiirtomerl ' to handUngHnohblUa. ' . • - - - j

llov. G*orge Washington Bowers, oft f f r fn to f to


wuthar boards and plaster into~a •room


i m r t n U H »bout "the depot - AnothorbaB-^

of lh l«moi! «l™« " ' » ' m " O T I S ' " " 1

— n , ( n n to flcoiiw for Dover mnimfnolur.

May, and broughtm Wednesday, arraigued, plead gnUty, andran eentenced to three years In Stoto Frinon

the Bams dav.^ , , , ; , , , . 'The ready^iied'-jAlnti manufactured by

Harrison Brothera &. Co., of Philadelphia)haano equal forbeantyof color and dura^bility. Jameg'Ai'OocdalB'tfts succeeded idBeouring tho Bgenoy of theao eelobratodp whlpb bava boeu greatly reduced inprloe. If yQB bare # house, barn, carriogej

ID pries, i V> 'to. I

ttlklaa»'• b»«•>«•»». »M« »• P>«JP

•mat piomlna to bs • noel pl»u«iit etf-krttlnmont wUl b« gimn in Miner.1 .Bnd


Qlnbeth, H. J.,i in rml j - twojou""*

pllolilor'tbi! boniiaV of ths M. E. OUnfnlilTbe osiroUa will aoiuM ol alnglos. i"»:

The -.hoi. 4re

/ t t n a u a » ball lnohM,oiio.iriij:i>«4"'l»= l o g o e , a n d otber «ttliotl»e fratana, and ai

m i .half th«"tber. •:-••.'•• •-'::: . : - • " ' j i jp i lds of iidmluifbitbiui b e S J j i e a i t 111

i^:B.ra«Oo«ijDMM»tW'.'pik" lo«pri.»of to. «d_«»»»f«*,."" "J

UrocXtxHronia•4 t j % l«fld.t and bscket drill.. B«T. J. T. MIoliMl, »no leotated hero i*-'j!Aenllj on Vaiioar}, w Bppoioted by tuel.l

» « Voil •»« •J tmiSni lM •> »«tP'

On Uooday ettnlcg next •> meeting, to- • • -»i ._»—».^i ln Rnnaav SchooU art

Ohnrch,forlbiship Sabbath "

At the anno*! porUft meeung u i « - -—7 ;

toU«B«l of N»w ,IoV)c,rh«« tok&^P ',J,in 'eitindViie' hoipltolHy rf ill home loinWn'et, H.' lii «i»i oommoi»«d ~ n | u l l b , r o ( n , jonroillBlo Mend, on tbeoV"of hi«,protl!Woji.';.W.1}»OI>a OCOMla»of.th»t'»«l»')>«mlll.«*ur3">f hi"iin»on!in«ndii;«nd'i;oh«T..no , pUifcuHp % ^ O r S ' ' « r W * h t *

rianl:u'*e taoir. tl«t,"i«TS.^°55^.r"" iboa deilei1.' 'Mr. CUM n»o »n rap.™.ortt"".1

0,ijAidfori.teioheJtaUil«';OOintj.!'"" o ( ja , „ „ in Itl. bmnneu, uid uhe 1. i

•;1 clUl hi. M»,p^oo,oI,f«»inJB'botweijit thetWotonli. " "

e «n utto. , Him. ilr«.mrd»en, wUanfthepaiiloJo]

ia*;*??»fC^,i!rSsomTtholt omtinp; china. 8hb has been nndei fortru.' - : UcnsbukSwllUlB " ' ' ' *v "Uon«bnta,lltUe morett«ttljroinontlui,

np»oiinoil« of'Wt'uklll baVe bi»n prooo,rftiU.JBbeltJWjMillHeTr

perfWt joy u i o B Q e ^ j u u n " . ' " . « - r . *«•onyT1 ShVhas a number of such speelmei

i at her hoUM liere, inriong them a number 'lthe:neW.Btyles of parlor ornamentto-'

• i "Flao,1*"," the piotures on whioh a »t bunllfil lnde«L—JtneTma, •

aooUjoc,rjder -monntod

^ ' ' A l l a h b y > m I M d

.XB,.^.tHow Manufactories Pay.

boHO who know anytblng ahonl Bloom-(dale kuovit tbat a abort timo ago it wnn

a quiotv Jitljp • pouutry, villngo, withf Ufa io ik i^e jo l iowlan '

,induBtle»[, , : .,Cba Dubltor Gomband Jewolryi dompany

ufaolaro nuthing but bard rubber, ittti*l h i " p i s rvolve

tnufaolaro nuthing but bard r u e ,«—combs, jowelry, hair "pins, revolvermcllcB.Ao, Jto. Thorn'fs but'bno other

d i h U t e d B t f t t e B t h a t

bur .t? appearnt this time and make it known.

BfttBhonor aiiy. other personbefore tea o'clock upon suggestion of the

counsel it was decided to enter aAt no Bhnrgoa had been inade, nnd

the popautssioii adjournoa siHe.BiE. , , ,

• Fora WortliV Purpose.Bov. John Eranto, Jt., of Boonton, nni-;

roreidly acknowledged to be one' of tba fiicst yoing orivtotB or tho. KoWirk M. E . ,Opfereuco, will "doUver'by reqneat hia justpbpalnr omtlon on ''Gebrga Washington" in;tbo First XL E. Ohuroh of Dyvaron Friday*avenlng.Ma'y Sii,' at 6 o'clock, Tbo prnoeo.^of-tha looluwiwill be for Iho-boneflt. of, tho:SiiLbatli^Qbfcal/iiiiiaryl i .'-iW- *hortilMt|

.ti'vo ono, i t bulng ne i r l j all "glory nud

.r." Ho (jots j«\y for LIH lime In thePayment of his tuxes, and incaso aoy ilo notwork out tboir biies he can employ othere,

io t t ho p a j little In h h onploy,, and If hoin do aokti less prioe'than Is ollowel iup-

on tbe.road, or pay tham in the wnj of trado,i t is all right if the patties' so agree.' I makethUBtatbiuent for the benefit1 of the luoam-bent of.Difitrjo( Wo._ 4, that lie may profitthoroby ; ho t sbonld fc» dci so,' find pny bismen lunjul/nt htaatbro, i t ' if" —•-- ' -<-• •" - '

Snbhnth had an ntteudauaa of 203 merobers'and Is now in n flourklilng condition,: .bdljUIB noed of 5n entirely now-library to pro-:|tn'o'to KB omclency fs gre,illy felt. To BOCIthis a strong effort \* nbont ta bo mada,>athia oration by HOT. Mr. l l rauta is One of Uio,mean! to'ba UBoa'for tho "pnrpoBq.' Th'vii"'

ol'the Sabbfith' Siuool npnn tho mor.



ho ' for ten yourspost liiw bebu ft carpenter nt 'the Diekersonmino is about t o remove to Brooklyn, whom Ibq and MB bra that1 aspect to ecRHEO ill) tbe

t i l b i \Owing to lbs nnpleaBant wenilicr, the fair1

ns 'oonllnued '.an *fiatnrdiiy, evening Inst.Tlie proceed* altogether ttroountod to nbont

ie operations a t Uie Biker 'mino werercBumod, Uieveia.hns been! giadunllj will-cntng, nud it is now one of tho aneat to bo.found i|i this vicini ty. ' : I t prouueeB. ore ofths beat qmli ty , nnd the future prospects o(Iho mine In gonenV « o very good.

I do not npprovo'of inBorlingaghofitBtory,osuu item oTnews, in my correepondence,lint as tliero has of late been an oxoiteinent |

; la n littlo beyond the common order,lag the credulous portion of our people,

roanlting f r o m n silly ghoBUtorj-, I willnot this lirio c\Bom iUmprope r to inoluds i tin my Mmmnnienliaii, As X was noently

ul.l. PIlio big host premium at Uio Coutenr mlo at Vu unlit & Kllljfjro'a.

In aplto of tiauools, ooafiln and colJg willuake a loilsment ID tlo aj.tcra. Bat they aremtteR&nUitwIl). You can (UttposamB tliotrllh Eric's Ilonoy of HoreUou nd •nil T*r, ii

leta'Umo than It takoi B Bboriff to cieonio iwrft( Sold by »11 brnggfstit,Plke'a Toolhaclie Drops fiaro In 1 mimtlo.





Stereoscopes, V iews ,



line- C I G A R S , .-atPLATE D-W ARET E i SPOONS 7acla.per act.


1847. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. 1879.Roderer & Heagan,


©HOES.Particular attention is called to out magnificent display of Indies',

misses'and children's fine shoes, composed of French Kid and Mor-occo, Glaze Kid, Pebble Gout, genmlosa and circular cut and lourwidths in ererything. Vfo also have an dopant selection of fancygray, drub and black cassimore top button, with french heel and boxtoo that aro vory popular. Beautiful styles in ladies1 misses' and chil-dren's Newport button ties and croquet slippers, always on hand.

Tho most complete assortment of gents' boys' and youths' fine andmedium goods ever seen in tbia section at astonishing low prices.

CUSTOM WORK..- Our facilities for roakiaR Mylliih and Hutatniitml CUSTOM WORK arc unexcelled, and,0 fell who favor us niUi tlleir orders wo gunrnntco Entkractiou,

F I N D I N G S . — W e always toon a complete assort meet of shoemakers supplies thatWO acllatNEWiYOllK PRICES. We Bull Bulojenther, cowhide, kips and calf uki us, atNew York quotations. " " " "


, kips ai



E. Lindsley & SonHAVE A HEW LIKE OF

in yInformoil byan^DdHflaal Fhoiiinoflraly b<liovci Uja vlipkof thjVriaicDlonii. yunua j ,

ns follow : Over twenty yours ago, awha now .resides oaMine^HiU, loft1

ana'ncd (nmo to ttia muntryi PrtvioUBd(ob.r o p t , A

wbom .ihe, from ihcjr tohll(ln>)od< hai bion tho moat iutluiiite arid confidential terras,

tbnt tbo one who**»*• "We^ Bhonlil

> p j f p ^ ^ b jooraIroUed i.», rod:tna never beard.f.from borWand nntlUbonV three j;^eekB^)7Tn7 thedead p( tbe-nrfihr.- . i W ^ - W . kittledfrbiit btr sleep bj thuttotfob of »;eoia.,Jiand^ j h * j f i » b i a d i S i ! t e i E g i t W t e n Bhe

1HAIRH0USE,Watchmaker and Jeweler

oinnii-iw*» »•««.•••—•—jiy-y ^ f l Wondid comiMiiiion of her chMliootl^^At first

BUO WIS imi're«scil tliit nil thl* was & honl-blo ilrtinui, aud the enil^vurvd to nwntfoa

elf frpai-iti bat rtt° WflW not. Tho(iipptw uliuntly iJood by horbedsiile.Btnr-ingat her with her doubly eyes, UTICL at

fiil tonoi""I como to friflll Uio plerlco ilmt[ hare ever licM sacred. ' I will ngnin meetyou nt tho ipidDight bopr j ^ i p o m w nielit."Oli t l io" rb lWln B n l B l i t ' l l i e B ( iDiay form

in appeared to:hor. BbtM then abo hmm (retiuently Been; nt tho midnight hoar

l l t h , whoro idie fai

Int-i W. «•t i | i a w ^ Brown

wa/OWio.E.Gw'M!0*'0* H.1, Mo.timor GoB^lg^, William E.

' • ' - ii. :™ru» — - • 0..J-J , Moult. FrankQ.Por

«r , , .u .u™.lr,C.K8a>UI. , T. 0. TWUtclikoff, T, J. Watt, Eugene Vi

to bo bolillng communication with thisstrange apparition. ; ' ' '

A man Ar tbta hill BKJB that for two monthspaatho lmBbeeB UmUypoeleroclwiJhratB;io'oihcr'hayuopu'rcunsbd'two" stool trnpB,tiul nr ronged ' thenr for mo." 'Alioat ooe

mr nftorwnra, h o examiaod tha tiapn, andland three largo 'mfji In1'pna ((ind flvojn

I be ngnin rotnrned to inBpeot them, ho &fo-cH ono onormom T«t cBTiglit into bolh

....,.; bis hind legs bolng in ,cuo tmp Hidbia'huad lu tho other. How is tbl« for a



J E "W EJ' I-i'K, "5T!



Rockford Watches!. TlicM wfltrhoa are constructed upon tlio

latest npprovrf •d™IIHo prinoipUs, oon-bblnB Bimpllclty, . t tenB0l »•> dn™l>Ully,nml »io l™ ltaUe » £» ' » » ' " "Ti" tt"'ihMo ot more complicated: m«le , He i r t lnokeeping qualities are thoroughly toBtoa nndwo have perfect confideuco in Utoir acounitonerfonnnnec, ever; movement wirrantod I>Ti p e d d eortlllejto; Al>0

CARPETS!Largest Assortment in the City to select from.

H U 0 E R EOTVEK THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN. Aboutono-lialf former prices. For inBtanee: Qood Brussels Carpet from 85cenfa per yard. Good Ingrains from 25 cents. Bag Carpets from 30cents. EteMP CAKPETS.



FURNITURE.Bed Room Suits from $18.

Pine Parlor. Suits from $38.

Tlo.'iT.rriiiBoiltiiol Freeboidin, whlctunmbln la U»J, »U11» eompra.d ot tier-en DeniociioViilne ncpoblicnii ««d Wo In,dopadnU. Thii is « BepuUiein B«ln ol

Waftham Watches,it, UlB ifOBt

They arenew model, Hro*dw»y mwatch for tbo raiineyuTtt™.entirely reinodelod •with mBuy HOVUMU-HU-

Watclisa, OlQtAi, Jewelry, dcu ied mirepaired in Uie best mnnnet and wnrmnted.- ' oa nil goods bought F^EE.

and everything needed by housokoopera to mako tomepleasant at lowest prices for cash only.


Page 4: VOL. IX. · JiTbe.'WeBt«raiTemtoricH 'irtto* calling tor likely young women, and mnny aro —ponding in the words ..of HRnth.^to Jinf^ Wbcrp ilioij go^M^ 1 ff U j got" Jiabop Ofttflt

ml all Hie

uili l v i.!>(( l:..lv «

The Sonlli Sou IliiblilP.ic period wlicii Ibo mnuia for ttiiasiiwulutiL.ii wM »t its Iifiuht i»

ill, huut bis.«, nl 8,1100 livi

ul tlic i»r

iut to sull 250•li, tlit- price iquoted, liuin

4 their original cos,,t ifHclu'd the lluh,iml Unit in the "••<-•:•W>a to ton thousand


is"' Iii

ins du


> tlml IIIT fii

, , tin- frtlier hu

i-'icliiT ivislicil in iilil.iiii K.iuii

lniUiirrvliui-trt U.m.

, lli.iii- (iwittihi could not cum

s. t!u> lovers aRrunl Ui rim a-vii

I . T ; a:ult>tn> .lay

Of thin lio. the noiuin:'M Klmn^. »•!»>

>l! ui <-i

sli ' ivd.

i.ff l

i th

n.l fri«1il<'i

lu.l,aii«l would

. liuil not tlio mra-

* lit..mil 1K> l.ist

K'tiiiit. N«)W, in tliis nmti-s ;i lovclv lii.iy, ji [irintii'sN,v wnlU,>.l in »" twnutiftii jMniisKJii'iVii WIIS «(jriMt iif-l.v

imiilly in low with li .r,


tmvnnl tins m \vln

rsulf on thfi Imrp, jtimju'il mi the, niul, liititit* ils uivl;. KOI>II kill-Hie iiui»i> itf I lie MiitfllL- ultrnoluil

i-rilinii of tin- prim-'i'-ss, ami wlien

V lic .< l .nvr .lend a

viTVBiiil, utul, midiiiy f"r OOIer, sin- liciwuiilril him Ui lot IiiTkel altdgeillt'I', llll.l ti'l-il UilU Oil U

Jtul C onil this tiiu

'linfcil to fi

o lui.l not

d Koma, whomiiuo forgotten,nil t

and fur wlioso safety lie full t i e greatest

imxidy, uml wlitwevnr ho cniilii sli'ii)

suviiy senidn'il ililifieilll.v. Oue iiay lie

licai-.l a cry uf distress,uuil going toward

thfHfiiit Irom which thn uiihe npiHiurcti

In ciinic, s.nv a niiii^lity, tliiuving cnl

n-iiL'lly ill imhif; a Iviiutlfnl young ludy

pussy oat ivlio was urving jiitooimty, ,

(iuii iiiiniciliiitely utint'Uea tliuKcuumlrc],

(mil i;avo liim n hevt>ru ltratiug; then,

turning to tlm prt'tty lmly cat, told ht-r

fit dry IILT c'ji's, Hint lior pi'ramitor wus

tlrircii oil, wln-u wlmt wus Oon'ti aut^iriso

tn tlml Unit hia pretty pnAtgee wus liis

long-lost Komn. Iuilc<<il, KIIO scnrccly

rccogniKcil him, bo hml so iinpiuvL'J,

Ho lumlpi'ly L'liibriicing li«r, mid vowing

never lit part frmn her ngniu, ho ]cA her

to his mistress, ami HIIC, umlerHttitiding

liow mnttriH stood, Bent to Kuiii.i'smU-

tress mill bought hur; BO liolh Oon nnd

TCumn l»i!cauie licr very grout pets, and

were very bnppy.

Tly und by tliu priuccas wus married to

n yrwvt tlmmto (noble), nml Gou mid

Koimi uccoiupunicd her In ({rent htnto t

her ui'w lioint', wliert'they waro linpis

ever nftcr, mid linil numovmislttlli) Gou

nml Kumps, wlin used to IIUJIIHO th

priiu'.'ss' protty lutby. The priuocss

told her lmd about Clou's killing the

sunlio, and lio was very kind to floo it nil

KOOIQ; and tlicir fimily.

'Wliitowunli is n wonderful iualitution;.nnd a missionary, who lias wilIx-m-fleml results iu the South Bin Is-Ininlfi, thus describes Iho wiiy iu wLicliit "toolt" nmoug tlioniiHvoi: Af<rr luv-ing Ipiigliod nt UIG prooosn of burning,wliich tbey believed to be to cnok tincoral tor tboir food, what wns their IIHtonmtimcut ivhou iu tlio morning tlmifoil till my ccttago glillcriug to Hie risiuj:nun, uliito CB snow 1 Tboy ilunced, theyswig, they shouted ami screiinicdjoy. Tho wliolo islaud was in a commn.lion given up to wonder unil curioHity,tiud tliojiiughniile scenes wliich ensueduflur tliny gnt pusseiwiou of the brushnti.l tub bufflo dcHaription. Tlio high-bred iumciilittoly voted it si cosmetic,nnil liappy did many u swarthy uoquotteconsider liLTbdf couhl elio but Dnlii.nceher channs by a ilnnb of tho whitebrush. And ntiw pntty spirit ranaa it will do in more civilised conns to who, or who was not best entitledto profcroiioff. One party urged thoiiHUjxTiorrauk; one lmd lliti lirusli, urnwas dotcrniineil at nil events lo keep it;and a tliird tried to overturn tho whole,Unit tlioj might obtaiu BOJHO of tliesweepings. Tlmy did not even scrnpiato rob encli other of the little almre Hintsonic bud bceu so happy as to secure.31nte

took advautngf! ; he

LI purchaser of hi?

so written uuthori-

tht.iisunJ livres he du-

ou tlic iiislaut hu sulii

tiu-ui nt t<-'i) tlioiisjiinl livres, clearing

hvu lLousaud livim, or about twuutj-

flimisiml pounds by t i e trutiHiictiou.

Ui-fore liis liglit could bo tPKtcd, ho OS-

LMIU'I! with tl;e iiunu'y to nnotber conn-

I i-v.

Mudnuic, Iho mother of tho regret,

tells Bfvcral nnnisiug anecdotes of siuii-

l..r cliatigcH of fortui-o : "A lacquey Lad

Unili.Hl sfl mud. l»y his ventures in tli

Hint QiiiiuMiii|)iiix Unit ho was able tu

buy ii eurriiif,'1' "f I"-11 n w t l - When the

VMC\I was liriMiglit t» liim lw forgot

that it win his own mid was getUbg ii]:

lithiiid. HIM f«Hihiiuu i>xul«imod—

'Sir, sir, what are you uhout ? Thr

•Oil, Iruu unoiieh,1 »aiJ the lacquey,

'hut I hud for«i)iloii.'

•Luw'e CLMirlnniiii, having gninod n

.•..iisiOViublo foilurt', dmimmled hw tiis-

.uNwil. II iH must Hi-grunted it ou coll-

ditimi Hint ho should tlml auothor coach-

nan cqnnllj Rood to tuke Ills place, On

he next d»v the (>iiriehi>tl servant, ]ire-

it'littMl bimself with two brethren of tin

.vhip, whom ho declared to be iqunily

;ood, milling tlmt if Mr. Law oogngod

tlio one lie would hire the ottier.

'Some ivouic

ichlj attirud u

but whoso ]ionon nobody knew, getting

it of a hnudsoino carriage, w

inn to know who she was, uud

footmnu to inquire. On his return hentvei, with n, Bueer, 'Slio is a ludy

who lias tumbled from a garret into aioli.* Bbo win probably n woman of

the name clan.i an Miidnuie Bejoo'n kifoh-'ti in aid.

"Mndumo Bejoo, having goue on« ov-'iiiuK to tbo opem. saw D lady oumc in

of tho most vulcur figure, but ntttrod inthu rifjIiL'stHfttin, nud wearing n quantityif jewels. UndemoiBello Bejoe eaid toier niotlier, 'Uulo&a J am greatly mis

taken, mam ma, that lady so uplpndidljdrossod in Jfnry, our chambermaid.'

'Huld your touguo, child,'replied thimotlior. 'do not talk such nonsoune.'• "SJIIIG youDg pepplo wbff wore in th(pit orerlicard the conversation and hegun ropeiitone. 'Mary tho hitcLonmaid jMary, tlie kitohenmnftl I' Upon whiottho ilutiic aroEe, and, ia tha i»roiionBO olIhu whole audience, Bnld to Mndnm

• 'Yea, madame, I nin Mary thikitchen maid ; I havo gained a fortun<in thoBaeQuincainpoix ; I have boughthnndBome ilresses, and moreover, IhBvo

iOff lima wns propnrcd, nnd ina week not a hut, a doineslio uteneil,war club, or a garment hut wita as whitons snow; not nn inhnhitnnt but lmdskin pnititod nitli the most grotosquoflgurns; not ii pig that wna not similarlywhitened; nnd even mothers mignt hoseen iu every direction capering withextriivnpnnt gestures and yelling withdelight nt tho superior bumity uf their

Thownra i

d infants.

mil :HUI3 experiences and often worse ia pro-portion for the bclligereuts tban tliobloodisv etrifos of great powers.' Buttlio impending conflict in South Ameri-ca of Chili on tbo ono siilo ngninst unit-ed Peru &ud Bolivia on tho other losessome of iU dignity and terror wlien tbesizo nnd resonraen of the contending na-tions aro scrutinized, Chili, tho coun-try which is commonly looked upon usthe coming . victor, has an armyof two thousand infantry and one thous*nud two hundred cavalry. But if weakiu the rank and Hie, sha comes out

'Strong in military officeholders.- fot sheLas ton generals iind forty-eight colonelsto lend har brigade to the fray. Slichas, however, M Suuth American atatesgo, a stupendous navy of, ien am nilstenmbouts and two ironcliul.i. Her pop-uhttiou is2,073,447, or' nbout llio sanioas tlint of tha stata of MisaouH, and nliohas « pnbllo debt/of SCO,000,00(i. Her'most hostile rivnl, Bullvia, is like ontoher in military, organizntion. Slio lias aregular army of 2,000 men under eiglitgenerals and 1,013 subordinate oflicctv.Of war vessels aba has none, and licrpublic debt, wb.ich alia owes for themost part to England, is about Sl.GOO,-000, while her popnlutEon ia but 1,987,-352. Peru on paper is tlio most for-tntdablo power of tho three. Sho hia astanding nriny of 13,200 men, a envy ofsix ironclnds, a.population of 3,578,075nnd she CDJOJO tlioiniiiry of a nomiualpublic iicht of $240,000,000. Tito conftict which is at hand will, no doubt, at>

.,tnia more respectable dimension*, vhentbo combatants fill ont their phantomregiments,.-Bnt even then the- warfarewill Hcnrccly bo moro noteworthy Ihitlio periodic revolutions for which it istemporarily substituted, and it will beuliiffly fonniOablo to the foreign bond-holders. . r.»

n of ability seeing a ladymi loaded with diamonds

pnul for them,jours

Can you sny BO muoli

"Ah 1 Heaven doaa Indopd temper thoInd to tlm shorn lamb," pathetioally

said old Mrs. Diffomlorfer tho otheievening nt a tea driukiiig, after empty-ing her twenty-eighth cup oi Young Hy-eon. "Why, what do you menu ?" "Yonknow tlint yonng widow, Mrs. Bigen,

i HVL'H across tho street from us.Well, the lind iiothiug but Borrow,trouble ntid distress for the past 3veyuure. First, her father was killed byburglar; tlimi her mother warned amiuBtrel; after Hint ako hud the yellowfever nnd smallpox together; and nextnor busimud fnilodj-iiuj sbe-bad to tin washing. It wns pcrfeolly dreadful,Tbo poor woman nearly wont" crnsty,She was just beginning to bear up a lit*tlo agaia/ when her brothor was sent npto thu Penitentiary for life; and, finally,last month her husband died ia a fit,and tho very next doy her baby chokedlo death on a Ram drop." "drnrioaatlm poor thing I" "Wasn't it jnrit terribio ?" Everybody believed sbe'd commisuia'ile then; aud n.»o would have doneHO, too, btit lost week- somebody provi-dentially conied her to gn to a' oburah>

raQlo—and what do youpcaoil ? Why, sho,,

all suppose hhp-seal-skin

'"Stiiaucqiio 1" "You don't mean it ?"did though—perfeotly ; spleudid-within an inch of tho floor, Tho dark-est hour is juet before dawp, altarNow, iau't it ?" . :

A Rabbinical Story.On approaching Egypt Abraham look-

ed Surah, in a chest that none might bohold her dangerous beauty.- But whenhe was comu to tbop.EOoof paying enstoraa the colleotor Bald ; "Pav ns thicustom ;" and he said, " I will pay tbi

torn." They said to him, "Thenearnest clothed ;" nud ho eaid, " I willpny for clothes," Then tbey said to hit"Thou earnest gold ;" nnd he answeredthem, " I will pay'for my •gold,".,. Onthis tho; further said to him, "Surelytbou bearcst tho finest silk ;" bo replied,;" I will pny custom far the finest silk.Then eaid tbey, "Surely, it maHt Uapearls that tbou f akest wttb tbeo ,"be only answered, " I will pay foipearls." Seoiug that they could nam<nothing of value for which tbopatriorohcas not willing to payoustom, they said,'It cannot be—but open thoa the box,

nnd 1st as see what is within." . So theyopened the box, and the whole land olEgypt wns illuminated by tbe lastro of8nrahTB beauty—far exceeding even that>f pearla. " '

A lady ahiropodist in Urightoo, Eng-land, has placed above her door tho

•Hell hath no fnry like a>rn." In this conntry, where

legend :woman's ctlio Tornacular is elastlo,toraed to nay: "Hell halb." no fnry liken woman corned," 1, . . '''••• . :

A Seir-mnde Uird. ;

Yumahoe a fumoas rooster, and tbiii» tbo way it came about; • It is empbftt-icatly a self-made bird. Tho firmSisson k 'Wallace, among other things;sell eggs. I t so happened that oil tbeogga.wero sold out of a partipalar/oansave one. Meantime tbc'suu went ongot ting bolter and bolter, and presentlytbe egg began, to ,«mrm up to the.sitna-tiou. About the time ths mercury reocb-cd 124 degrees in the slmde the chickbrgaii to peck its wpy opfe.tjjf.tfie aboil,and presently it emerged as defiant aniufnnt rooster DB ever wore npurs. Itgrew apuoe, and to-day Its habits axe aaccccntrio aa its manner ot bir thsIlTis

edingly fierce, endwill attnok a na dog, or onytbing that comes in its way.All a visitor has to do to insure a deliver/of baltlu by this pngnocious rooster ia, tohold up bis foot anfl" straightway1 theWrf will fly at him vieiotialj. •We Iiaveheard of many ways ol batching chick-one, bnt a rooster botched by naturalheat ta, a tin can is A little^head of oarprevious'experience. •*

*'How is your wife's health," aoid oneSunday school teacher to another, " i ishe well r ""Well ? .Hardly over." « utho response. The ^nestloncr gazediternly at the questioned; bnt finding hemeant it, pat up hisTeYolterV " .. 1

"Jano," aiid h e r / b t b u / " I thonghtyon bated Btlngj pflbple, and yet jonryonng man—"- • "Why, pa*, who uid heLfitingy?" 'JOh.noBoaj," replied pa,"only I could sea he wss a' littl^'elose/

I passeil through, the WOT; 1 ' •'•:

., .....,;\":>.:.,ir:ri.v •

juueii Victoria's Lmunn in Economy. IQucea Victoria Las broaght all heriildnmii,* with ideas of utrloi eeoun-v An illustration of mm of tbo ru-Hs ibtfivMU iu a Purii UAtur to tliu U.Mn Adrertitcr.- "Eur daughU-r »»« wh«orricil to Crown Pritico ot Jttissiii, istliio respect u child offer bur mother's

m henrt. Ou tto ouwiaiou of a Inrgcuner givtiii not long c«o, her Royal

Higliiiiyja wim scutcd ut the tuble withner back ttirnsd to tho I>VP?EX upon,-liicli carving took place, but on tbe

other aide of tbo room, directly oppo-site to her, along mirror reflected faith-jilly wlmt nho wa« aupposwl to icnonmd therein BIIUKUW—oh, horror of diilutiiwlT—a bead winter tako a chickenipou tie fork, and instead of carving itor herguusts.Btick it, fork and oil, in-:o the wood under Iho table. After din-ner her Iiuynl Highness went as usunl

the kitchen to sse what became of au'devoured food (for survaut were not nl<owed to touch thut) nnd there shoiminteil five whole chiekotia. 'Where,'iiiUl this excellent housekeeper, 'is tboiilth ?' From the enuk to the lust wait*-r dDcliirod that ft must liovo been eatoo.'No,1 Bilid her lloyul Jliglincsa, 'thorowere twelve eliiukons; six were carvod,

arc t\w, wlmro is tho twolfth J'Aflur lisluuing lo culpublu piolcsUitionsihesiiiglt-'d duttlio ilnl.nqi.eut ns obioljsMutiuiier, and, followed by all tbeithers, ninrclied into tho dining-room,fvhore, raising tho cloth from tho carv-ing table, uha brought tbo missingchicken to light, and tba astonishedthief was forthwith diemisaod,"

Thera is a tunlblu faqjino iij njanf yil-HgaR in tho valley of thfl Ifile. ^ h e n;t is worst, nothing saoma to liare tteeqdone. At Bolyranob, Bagour Hau, andmoli towns, tbo people have been and

are starving Iu utter neglect. Sitting inthe fields and the opou itreeU, many of.hern have been supporting themselvesfor days on Borrel and tbe refuse fromtho oane faoloriea. All human feelingsaro lost, and ID trying to distribute a fev

BAIS of bread ut Belyronoh thiBtronger tore it Erom tho lips of tbos<weakor than themselves, and struggleitill exausted for the merest scrap. AtEdfoo tboro lsy nn old woman b j thobank, witlf tjjewtltct washing half overber, too weak tc) move fir apon! "eyea were suuk into lior head, and berwhole skin was like dried parohment.Her body WM ehrivelod beyond >~tion, Sho could not swallow, except by(irtiQcml outsido friction, whllo anotherwoman iorppft the food down bor throat.This was noifnoommQ.0pass, vgrnanchildren, from their smaller str^aaffording the most ghastly epeotalesof ttfo marph D{ famine.

WIN'PUll AHllANUEMKKTfl.uv»,-inis MOMJAY. O0T0WKB « . 1878.

JJ-IAVE NKW \OIIK.,W \ . SI. (ThroiK-i M « ' r " ' ° > . ™»-

,i. tviiii thu Jluunii'ii Umuili at Dtlivillc£,wu ; Iw UhMlcr Ur.ncU »l Dovur forBU,,,* u d UbuBl r; llio Hum** Ittllroulttrliio. for Autliivw, KUHIOII anU all «V»-t o V,h. & W. B. H. »l WMliingUm

u uiikn Otiunk.Walor O»|», 8truna«bar«(

li?tor Ui.llilflicin. Miiucb Ubuiik. ItcadiDqaiyl

''H\'WSA. SI. ^ ' " ^ H j l i ' Y u r t 1 ? ™ ! ^u BU«1 Biiouiou, niUB tbrougii to W«lor

tjirniidiiliurg, Scrnnton, Orcftt Boutl,Itiimtuu. Liile, Unratlinn, Cortlnud,iut SifacuBv ftuo O*vt*go; conuuctlriR atnrwitlt OLoitor H. It,, it Witarluo witlies 11. It. for Audnrer, Npwton nod ».l »\*-

11U1IM - „• Uulnwiiro wills UlftlmtowScrautoii, witli ulnonmbure DivinioD F r Idm Xlii»moa, Wllkbibkrn, Daiivillo. Norlti-

e, NorwloW

Doing Something

A pnetor urged upon his praycr-mcot-Dgnuditora tliat (IIBV flttempt somo

work for the Tjord during the week, andmake it the inbjeot of a report at tlionext vreok. Tbe seed fell into goclground. On the next Friday evening,the first brother called upon was leady

vtth his report, which ran on this vine :'Brotbreu, when our pastor eiortcd ns

to do Bometliinrr, I resolved that I woaldf with nonip unpoaverted personabout religion, I began by inviting aman to como to meeting, 'Why shouldI go to meeting?' said boj and I toldhim be ui'gut learn Bometlilng worthknon-ing. 'Why should I ' learn f heaabed; and I told him that lie ivoiild

I that lio vraa a sinner. 'But ho\do you know that I am a sinner ?' Boldlio; nnd I told him the Bible said so)

Bnt I don't believo tho Bible I' was hisanswer. Then we disputed about i t ;and, brethren, I got so mad that I couldLave kicked him 1"

DMtlngwItb LohlRb MidiinMBilianmB.B.anil Lebisb V.lloj Itailro»d for ItotLlcUnm,Allentown, ll&usli Clinnk.A

•»(W P. M,, Duver Eipross for Samtnlt,(rtBrniT§»HIIa, nasklDdriilgK and alljulali on1'uula tiul Doliw.ro Iliilroid ) Ohit Him,

i, Morrlalown, Morrw I'liini, Qeuvl {',_„IJF Ktid DoTor, GdnnooliuK »* Iwml

will, train for Ilorniton, »t Dover with Otwit." " " rOl»a»U.T»ii'lBuoo»Bunn»,»ini»li

ii triln for Walorloo. H«Uott<^wn^ . , j , - HtvnntjU Ohuuk, Water Gap,

Blruudiburo. Sanatun, Hinftbiniton, Y 'ItiL-hflotil Bprlnsi, Bjnouso and OBirogo,thapme can atUoUod.

At n^o p . M. Oswogo Express from NowYork [iloopiogotriattaobedt via. Patorson 4LooQlon throuch to Water Qap, 8troud*burg,Ucrauton, SiDRliamlon, IJale, Marathon, CorUland, Hotnor.HviauuBe and OBWOKO, oonr—•ai Waterloo with Baaaox Halirowl fur AndL _.

ml Nowlon; stDolawarflwHli Blairstown Ut.utBlnsliRinlou wild train for Greene, Oxlortl,Horwicht Dtlca, &o. TMt train runs tbrougli'oQBffc|(iiH»tH'>i1»y».!Bhl''i

At »rao *i. M, (HaaVottstown Bxprejn)stop-iluir *t WHburn, Bammlt, ObatUro, MiKlieon,lorrlitown *nd all atitUm* west to IUok«tt«-

lowii.oonuooUug at Waterloo vltti train for'.cdover and KowloD.

At 7.45 P, it, Hairllbnr? Special for Uhat-liim, UorriMown, Do»or, Mac kett Blown ,Wa ell •

ing and norriaUrg, without O1I*DBO.iirdnrllto, VmkfnRrlilgo, LjooStirling, flfUctto, Borkeloy Helgl

ll.JN.J.WcitLtoolUiltoftd> 0:48 A.M.an

' A. HEAS0NER, Superintendent.

1 . 4 W I B . » I TIME TABLE.JBOM novsn aonta wm I

Throngh Htll, 0.3S A, H,; Qtv'egQ Eipnn,».61A,«.! ffMblngKin AooommodattDn,t.«!». l f i Ku'tOB anil Bin., Bi., 9,11VP. K.I <•—ion Eipiuaa, fi.M P, M.l Dpror Ejpreaa,

M.jdaire8o Eiproii, 6.88P. U. | Uaokettira ^iprOH, 7.35 P. U. ] Hirriiburff Special. 9 5 I \ H . . . . ; , - . . • ••• ' . ' • '• •'••'•- "•••'•

TEOKMTBttomxariiTi - , ,-Oswoso Eiptosi 5.30 A. M,j Dover Ex-

prtia 100 A. M.; Ha«ke(tiU>*n Mail, 7.S3 A.ton Eipresi, %.i1 A. H.: BinRhamptor1.07 P. M.; TlironcL rfiil, i « P.7M.Ewrpy. T..BS P. H.J EaBtoft AWOi


Dootor Ooryor, att recent exibition inEnglnnil, placing Ion glees bal]e on theground fired a ballet into tho turf immediately beneath. The tulaalle tearingup the soil, threw the balls into tho oir(

and they were broken as thoy rose. Tindoctor's greatest feat was perfonnoJ- fo;o wnger of CUB haodrcd pouoda fittrliugthat he would hit an apple upon the end>{ a knife ltold by hia colored attcndanlridit-g on.horseback at full .gallop..at,adistance of thirtvjnrda ;'A, large applewas proopred, *and stneli ou the end ot opruning knife. The negro mounted ahone, and held the target with lib lefthand on far as possible behind his body,The Etart was made about ODO hundredyards nwny,'nnd when the rider camevitliip range, riding at a furious gallop,tho doator fired. The first attempt WOH&failure, and odds of tea ponnds topounds wero bat against Oarverr Tbeseoond time be arruok' the* apple,' knock-ing it into half a dozen pieces.

The New York papers nay the actors in•'The BankeVfl DnnguteV'nwiyery tired,1

almost^ worn cuV'i^fW--l lt innlcome terribly monotonoos to repealnight after, night week niter week, exact:ly tho some words, no matter how inter*eating they may be to one who heardthorn for tbo first low times. "OtBoya" was played in London for mqthan three years R'nntinnnaaly,dnd by tlend of that time li- had killed three of

nntio oBylum. Theso long runs may befan for the author, raonnger and piiblio,bnt.they are bard on the actors. :^:.,

A teacher in 6nd of the public nchoolsof JUauaobusetts wasBtartled the otherday.-at. the answer aha, gotTfrorov oneb r i b ' l i t l i f l b V : [O) |th b i k

, gtlai .felbV: [Oa) |the biaok-i

lK ard wftsthe^piotnrt of •&a*ostrioD,V'Bndtho teacher doBoribed its great strengthmpS power of endnxince, ulpairigbTMylingit'wostnkohly Dira""tipdn'wnicfaman ooald ride; 7 'T.; know another,'apokoupo little chop; .'IWell.^wliot ii t?" !'A lark-.'* TTnauspeotlngly tbeteacher asked ; ' "How, can'-you "provelhat; Johnny.?"v'"Ail I know about it,"eaid t ie boy, "is that tootbererery littlewhile says ^father's off oa a lark, andwhen be oomes borne he looks as it liehad rode afffnl fast."

A German physioi&n, who ought to bopromptly caaoaized, says that early ris*ing is not conducive to long life. Hehas tqken the' tronblo id "collect, inforiinntiop aa * to'tue' habits in^this respectof several penooB who? have Ht^d to an•aranced'afterand^ho finds' tblafin themajority of cases tbe long liver has in*dolgedjiv- h ie boors.-;J.t {east eightibut "bf ten pfirsonB wto at'talned the agiof eighty-years were iaithe'hoblPo( not

t i i t t til th l h fg t y y i i l ( n t

retiring to reat until tha «axly hours offfUb^ii' ^

r Ha givespp whioh 'sometlmea

come tmain a remarkiiblo manner,' For,:nstanbs,£o'propbesied,tbe disaster oftbe Britiah arms at tha Oepa of GoodHope on January 22. ' Ha has sold morathan 180,000 oop{ea of hin' Blmanao tbiflrear, and it i« itill in brisk damond. :

'••• The ybnnjt 'men' wtio' t i n g ironndihnroh doors Eta colled by Boaao'Vee^i-

bulo Guards and by others block ditto. '

i witli Utloit

. „ ig tblM•inn Hew ]fork,l'atoriuii BiidBoJiitoiiimtct at Wadlilngtoi. wllii train IutHl>arg, Eaatnn, Uotl.lulioro. Allonto»n,niTK and pointa on I bo L*tnj[h VnHoy.

jlilRh and giuqiKihiDtia Itailroarla; ai^illirMbure with Dolvldtiro Dlwoion or 1'a. 11.II. for Latnbertville, Trcntuu an J PliiUdalpbia.

At liiao A. M. Waahlngtun Accommodation.At 19130 p. M. Enton and BinRlumlnn Ex-roBO. (nrawiDB Iloora Oari ntlaclieil)I stu|>-IUB %l Bumniit. MwlUon. M or r) a tow n .Dover,fnferloo, HicktttBlown. Wanhlui;ti)D,BtrDU(l-

lura. Bcrauion aud liiiigbainton, conr—"-"L) WalerlTO, with Sustei lUilroad; at.otiwitli Lackavdiiua md Hloociitiurc II. It.rurPlltitou, KmBfllou, WilhoBb«re. Dantll,ud N»nIiural)iirFand ;alH<i runs to Uroailwi,.

• " IMJ E»«Uin, cun-

Preeinan Wqod



M, AE.JPoriOnDover

8.07 4.1S


8,15 ' 4.00 New York,7.B0 8.80 Pbiladfilplita,I0.U CIO Hip h Lrfjgc,11.18 6.27 OailfoD.11.81 O B HiclilloYftllev,U,17 0.47 German 'Valfey,11.63 6.G9 NauRbrlglit,13,03 0.B8 -

Port Cram,

0.CO 0.5E10.30 8.11)7.43 1.107.37 4.11T.I 6 1.007.07 B.BI7.01 B.830.65 B.MB.iB 3 .1 !0,B| 9.5B


TUED.MAST, • - - Proprietor.Tbs abovs housa ht located in one Of the

htalthfaet and most charming places hi theState, within a few minutes walk of tho D.L, & W. Railroad on tbe oast, and tha Gen-tr.1 Eaflrosd of If. J. on Iha nt d lthan an hour's'drir f ULako Ilopatwng. ^TJii proprietor d e gmakethiabonso:ono, .of, t£e,m«^ ponulwplaoeaio thla Motion of the State, nndpar-Uculsrly with'tbo tratollng pnllld, for wnora;3«ry oonvebieace'and'comfort "-trill be rap-


, tha Genwent, and lew

of UufU'a Lobei proprietor deaigna to

f t £ ^ onulw


JDDDi • . . ; • . :, ,. .T>TVlrftn!oraa ardor of tho Court of ChanJ > cerj-, madooa tbodiyof ihod»teher«oi.ID & Mtuo wherein,Banrne! T.'I*wrena« lacoraplilcaat, and von and othcra are dofand-•nta, yon aro rennlred to appear and plead,atswor or demor to the Llll of laid ccmplaln-antonor'boroie tbelwonty-alxtb day oVlI-rs t t t br tb6 t«id bill will to taken at eonftsaod

['• OledtflforoolouanKThe uld bill la Hied to fotooloue amot%aseglren by flwirge A; Lawronco and wife to tEe,"(HDplainant on Undi In tha town ol Morrit-,town, MorrU Cojnty,N. J.,dated Ofltoberlat,A.D 1B72, »tid rofcrdsiHn tbe If orris CoantyOlerk'i Dfflw, la.Iiook Y 3 of Mortfa«oii pag11, &o.t and you tJopeoa Hetkimcr are madedefendant bcoanao you bold a rooHgags o••Id laoua; and you Ocorse W. Jodd are mada defendant became JQD bold a uDrtRagQ o

Solicitor! ol Complainant,

Ditad Uarch S3th, 1BT9.

The New EmpireHot-Air, Gas & Baae-bnm-

ing Cooking Store.


. o£;Cooking .Btot.a, E . D K . ^ : 1'uJor-., ' . ....StQVCI, * « . , ; , , • [ , . . . . /

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.1! f ' » JIiI i ' l -

:;: Hftrdware,;:; •'•,;'. Cutlery,;;Olu«,'. Wooden, Capper,.Tlaln

,.[ I!-;,,;!..-. • rtSWABOi.':

Oil Clolbi, Cmrpetr L.Tap., Pilnti and Ollablrd,CaiteB,.Featherat:Pntl'> Aatnl 011 (non


Iloqllng, Plnmhing nnd JOIJ"WctkprampUTatUQdfd to. . :


k's Seal*-a nt ATanufac-tnrer'ipricei;

Old Iron, Copper. E tu i , l^ad, Bara andIreanbicti Ukan la fiabanae for noodV .

BHUEK t BOSNELL. ,• BoctawaT.Mmhl.lB7).

iDTeited In Wall BtStockt mikei fertnoe

j moath. BOOK

OLD AND RELIABLE«. BiOTOBD'a Ivnn t n ma StancUtd Pamily Vtemeij II

ver, Stomach

'he Miners' Siivlngs BankOP DOVER, N. 1.

ax i m n nt TQI NinoHAi. Union DAKI

Interur t will Unpaid on iloiionua natleonorOtrora lira llr»l dui. ot lUiioii, Jo»«

sa and DECEMBER.Open dally fn'm 0 o'lilouk A. ia.




BISSAU)! & OO.'l ITOBt t

the following flta

oompanloa—tLo boat in tlio world: '


(lf4qHB, Oapltal 820,(100,000,


Onpitsl 810,000,000.

Capital, tSOO.OOC


Capital 810,000,000


Capitol 85,009,000,

PEOPLE'S, Hewarli, « 800.000,

HTBERNIA, " " 800,000

.Ihe Londcra Aannace Gorpontlon ofLondon, capital $SOO,000.

Spriogtleld File Inaanuioe Co.,lolto, capital »1,K»,000.

dt. Kfoholas'^re Tnsniaiioa Oompauyiatf Yorli; cupltsl *Kno,ooo.' WeBtcheater Vin Tu&aranoe Oompaoy o|Nmr Vork; capital tGU^OOq,

Kow Vork Clt^Fipi luBiiranoo GompaD;of l(ew loVi, oapilaj »soo,o«l,' •

Fa.ASHET9, • •

OAWTiL - •


. eoa.oa



Choice Lots in Dover,for aala cheap, and


Freeraaa Wood,ce of iba 'FBIQS tad rollas Uft iitnte,


UNION HALL BUILDING. - BlackwellBlreel, Dti.er,' -y i •

Hot Air Furdaoes,Uf tho lateit aod noit improved itjlA, fovanning public and priwte butbUagi, A larg<

KHartiniuitu[Sta.ea,obeaprorcAab. Tr

' COOK, PAB^b|(, ¥ffiATIN

STOYES, RANGES,v ' tav/Uao t, variety .or.

KER03ENHOIL , ' '<••'• • •' •i •• • • liANTERNS AND


AJul uioibneiiVof



LEASHR8, led ill kinds of Jobbing in lay llnidone in tba begtBunner-uu] »(Uie ibort«inotice. Bigbett prlcei ptld for plfl Iron.

Qopttt U»l' Md pawter Uken in exabugifor goods. -

'• ALEXANDEB WIOHTON.DceemtMraitb.lB70. . : . ' - 1-lir

The fiiuttionB for aerriBg o ja ten in titim wdiL-QT8TEHS in eweiy'atjlo, TlimD.SrEWEDi

lir'aoT-roaiuier doainC ••'•) V-HHE BEOAltB 'Has; 0H0I0B'


' Iloirii Oourty Bnrroirats'o Office.;

FEBWABY lDlbrinii: ' * ' ' '•In iho m i l i o of I r i 0."OidpBV, Adninlitm

tor ol J tnus H i , O n b t r « . ^ i « o « d srog»l»'e order lo limit creditors.

/~\H Kpplleitlon of the ktorW.b*sml>(l Admin..VJiislmtorlt. isordered b ; 1 b e 8 u t b t

-~*ldAdn)ti l ta j b p b l


Capital, - $100,000.Uwk'TJElmuntrronjO A. W. to 1 P.M. l'rotnplleDiioD given li> tUit ourcbuitu mid silo olmdi and ollitr Hcouriliei); tliu ouUouliuii olrcigu ttuddouioBUc pHper, draris^bouki&

G L A , Pres't.aKUftOE lUCHAIUJa, Vioo Preudcnl,

IAY S. TBEAT, Caflhier.





SuccesHor to Segur's Bank andto the "Union Jlanb at Dover.11)

Capital,-$100,000.ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE POHOHAli*and aaloof all Uoada-tD the opilection of «)Not«is,Oliecki,fta Aluo AguntN rur tbe »lc 4DrafUi>t)J.S.Mureau&Oo.,Lot.dnn,Ei>slaiidniid Bultaat nnnkinp Compuiy, Irulatld. ,M. H. DIOitEKaaN ' - - - Proaldoni,d, D. GOULD • - - - - OaalilBr


fj..c. .;. S1JIOS WIHEL. ' '


JAIBaTHBAT.Tmiunir.Do.er. Pel.. IT. 1878. \S,\\


tlic largcit aad most tnocoiarul deder In

BOOTS and SHOEStliatever didbnili

MOBEISTOffN,h i t Jual Oniabgd itoeklug hla .lore wiih

tthlch anrpaaaaa acrtulni In Uw Una, In point


fure oITerod, THE OELEBuATED .


Wurantod altraji to fit, are to bo found Inthis itoro ID the grnftteit profudoo

of »tjloi t,od maianroraenti, and



Qlra «t a call titfara puroiiaalng tUswben.


MOREISTOWN, N . .Marobl0lh,lBT7.. , . -, \ . .

MalarialMalaria''drlses 'ftolli 'Iray

Impurlfj In the air: JHosm,Decaying' Togetalion, SewerGas, Damp Cellan,Bai Ten-tllnllon, end, CTea FlltliyBti-eBta.froduee it.

'KVerj ^ - r| ^ ^

conntrjhasiuwebrcaflioltIn tbeilr, lind It bi^rnesa

Almostor'Hokii«S,','attwW th« ire

"Dr.0. 0. Hoon onU CeKtait Knet, law Tett.



Tlio Const; CdotbiD« H.II, HbBiIn«MonHo

; . . 3 . . ,,.;i .SjTaMortWown. riOT-.lM.ima.


.Xbertla aodODbfe.abbnt than .lontj.oflbia Kttlols orer commonilaatera1 and btbareituhial rtiarC

llolm.nl. oloclrical. .ppll.net., /lo, 1 .ior oiro localltjiaboat,JI

* Soldb; allDrnnista.


175,000 HiBctlUncona Oooka ..lingat slVea»»j. Oatalogoo F l f i .

LEOQAT BH0THEE3,,8i;,opP. roiUomcB. K.wyor.,

Ibl.dVl.wltbi> t

tpnblle:pl>n,tath,OooiitimanU]S,it]dilso wltbin t» blidtSrtlshs ihe i tainftbenewipepenof

ap>« or tlm. (E.annit h e r n o l l t bt

. iMorri. (or. tb«Baid,twenlr


-.--.miieeeaavrni'iidiranraaU neglect to oxhlbit hu or Der aebt.7o%

«.»4 aid olalm within tho add p C t * ? 'lontha, rnbll. neUoo balni Jl«n >• ttbrt™n,Dehcreditorahall b . foawvareabund of blirLar aotlom thn™ror.i:aIn.ttk.,JJAdiiln.itrator. Atrau copy from tka-a!nmea [

[ H W • ,OHABIEB;A.OttLES.gS;i,t,!

Notice pf Settlement.ttce t« harebj Rtfen tbat II

- aabaetibar, AdniliilBtralor.u. uHW. a»ce.iea,wlu ba andllad ami itat'e




Notice of Settlement..

Dover Sayings Institution,



T H D 8 T B E H .

Hour; Bakor, . JolinHaoce,SI. II. DliTtaoa.K. urittoiiiliDa.td O. Janliue,

David Jonkins,8rlTeatarD!cbur«on,lflcliardBlvphciH,

Jaiuos II, Lonfa,-In*. H . Nuifflitiour.UliaH. M. Tunis ,SteptjouC, Jlitrry,Simoii Ml*e],ltfoliard THnkliiB,E. N . 2iormBD,Q I'br.on,

UI IIVitlittn U. llnkor, Qoorac I'br.on,a. P. Ikndwioii, Win. II. UsIUf It,OliarliiK J, HkullwiiRcr llicttu V. 1). Bouln

M.O. Wblllock.

Tbii tnBtltntion it uov arBan>nii andr buiE




Winesand Liquors of all Kinds.





has at a large eipoDHo procured aa

OKCHESTRIONforWasaloou. It Is the celebrated lustra,

ment that was located in thi




ts of ercst powtr and ID TOIUHJB of toneequal ia a UBAB8 BAND OF BU WEOKTIt will ta on ethiblUon on and iiftei the <iof JU1Y, AU aw Invltefl to attend UiineiblblUon. Tfoun respeotfully, •


ldpo«ttVd en Uio t lmtdayuf tftroll,June,_ iptember and Deuoi)il>or, which «rcr alial!flrat hanpoti next tvficf the ueiwilt la made .B. D. GOULD, • . . . Treainrcr.FoKlLim O-tf






The Best SiteFOE BUILDma IN







WHASK'S PHOSPHATE,loaie Dust, Guano, Poiudretti

IAND PLASTMS, ie.WOOD oawod in stove longthu,

OOAXa. " :

STOVE, EGG, CIIESTBUTTown doliverr io'cta.; Ulna Hill 7S Ota,Ordara may. le kdoroaaecl turauKbtlii

Ofllra Loek Soi 18, or Ml «t A. fletmu'ain Dlaekwoll St., near Saaaoa, or at )ho J.rd,

- - ' • — : - ^ - - --'•- ' 'nintiji^bai

. . _ „ . .JBHOIINII.JINIITAJFOB}*THX C U R E O P ' 1 " ' ' 1

Ocldi, Inlami,' Hiramnm, SUnllJar. 'ui alt JAtt lni «f thi Thnat.

• .•/Br»nokmT»bw,;ind Luri, ltadinf, . . : - • ' U OoBinapiin. ., ,.

This iafJlible.remcdj, U cotnpoied of tHONEY of the plant Horehound, Id chemf

;unioo' with ;TAK.BAUI, extracted, fren.Lira; Pu^cir jx of ihe foreit tree ABBAISAMKA, or Balm of GittA, '

• The Honey ofHorehouhd SOOTHU >isCATTXli all britalioni and tnflamniatioai. i.theT«r.balm.aJAHUSAND.ll(AU.lhe throatand air naitapca Indin " "' "


ND IIIAU Ihe |hro>tne to the Junes., Fivife*p the "orgul « '

In he.llhM .clim,. ijf n o p'jfou I from trying tbU peat memotii doctor who has uvetl th

oilH«bttiiiWiUrp!pri*mltp»itia—The Tu-Balm has noBAD TASTE

. Grt«*a*infwburlwitiiifc

"Pike's TooUiacJioDroJ>8w Oar.

, Soli ' ' '

0. H".








• ,haa an nuoilBpM.lool of


er,tblniIeiie perUintnn to iii tradealiablo-gocda kepi'<nd enryibjoclold/ l g e p t ^ n d


earlh«0omirbJi ;EpraB.H.f,Km p.,

150 FEET FRONTon that street are offered FOR SAL:OB tbe belt o! terms, and can be pu)/lined Iu lots of 60 or 100 feet or thiirholo lot. Depth about H& feet



looking to tho North, Seoth, EastWest, and Is unohstrocted. ', , '

Its filtuation, but a few minutes,walfrom tho Park, and yet retired from 1main thoroughfaroa, renden It nneqnsllae a tuaea of reeidence, being In * thoonntry and yot in tbe heart or the ellIntjolre at the ' .

"BANNEE" OFFICETebrnarj Hat. UOBIusTOWir,'rr.



will begin tho i*w year, Jannary lat, 18!hf adopting tha t


as abaabi; a nerofaantean __nnoti greater lnd«esipntB to pnnhaaaw,RiTiog [bem ,Uu Jieneflt ,of vhat be. voloao b^ tb« .aooamnbjtiofavof bad '^etTta'ap

. Whil.ipaoo-Wlbotallow a general*miration tha p»Wio la <a»aoreJ toUia.errone of Iho folloirtnsd.parkuM.t, im alwa^

.1 !•- .»;

Dry Qoodsj ':-::,:Z


,,::.;Prpyisi(3nBOOTS and SHOBSJ> n r . | ! l ! .| "


DOVER, -Morns Co., I j ,



North New Jersey.





VERY BEST M£I)IUH; • .1 .J ..•;• X-li


4.'. -If:.. . - . : ••! .Itfu-lfi



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