job 8-10. bildad next man to attack job name means “son of contention” he is a traditionalist...

Job 8-10

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Job 8-10

Job 8-10

Bildad Next man to attack Job Name means “son of contention” He is a traditionalist Rests on the past (Job 8:8) Predicts future based on the past

Job 8-10

Bildad Evolutionist is traditionalist Many do not recognize that Rests on the past Assumes premises Cannot prove them

Job 8-10

Bildad Only two origin theories Creation or speculation Evolution is speculation Digs up bones Tries to date & classify them Then relate to development of man

Job 8-10

Bildad But with evolution, who knows? Book of Job raises this question Job 38:4: “Where were you?” Bildad will assert the past “When I was young ...” “We've been doing it this way”

Job 8-10

Bildad Has a lot of old sayings, proverbs Still offers nothing new at all More crude than Eliphaz Breaks in on Job Hurts him a great deal Supposed to be his friend

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:1-2 Gets in some good ones Real repartee; real rap session Brilliant men, by the way Puts knife in, twists it a little

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:1-2 Says listening to Job like wind Actually, Bildad & co. are wind Good for laugh at Job's expense Perhaps crowd around by this time

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:3 Says Job getting what was coming Must be some sin Getting exactly what you deserve

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:4 This statement really hurts Job Says children died due to their sins We know this is not the reason God let us in on the real reason Back at the beginning of the book

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:5-6 Says if Job were lily white God would hear his prayers God would restore him Must be something wrong w Job Says Job is not pure & upright

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:7 This is what will happen When all this is over Job will increase God will double what he had But where is Job now?

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:8 Appeals to evolution Says everything works per set laws References several of those laws Old sayings

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:9 True statement But Bildad doesn't think he is He thinks that Job is the one Says Job knows nothing But statement is true of Bildad too!

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:9 Statement is true of evolutionists Statement is true of you and me Man is a Johnny-come-lately Hasn't been around very long God was around way before man

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:10 Says that the past will teach us While true, it is said out of context Using past to determine future Pure speculation

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:10 Apostle Paul doesn't dwell on past He presses onward! (Php 3:4)

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:11-12 Tries to get very scientific Any third grader knows the answer Must water plants to grow them Duh!

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:13 KJV: godless -> hypocrite So accuses Job of being hypocrite! Says Job putting up a front Must be hiding something Just reveal it to God & be done

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:13 Does Job have anything to hide? Is this rubbing salt into a wound?

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:14-19 Accuses Job of infirm foundation Leaning on a spider's web Says won't hold you during trouble Duh! But was Job leaning on thin air?

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:20 Now, wait a minute! Is that actually true? God has certainly helped me Although I have been an evildoer He saved me!

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:20 When I was enemy, He saved me! Rom 5:8; Lk 6:35 And where is the perfect man? None righteous; Rom 3:10

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:20“Although what Bildad says is true, it is not true when you pour into it the test tube of life and pour the acid of experience upon it.”

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:21-22 Says Job come to nothing Because he is a great sinner Not very helpful to Job! Advice out of context God is kind, merciful to sinners

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:21-22 Yes, sin has consequences But some sinners are prosperous! Rain falls on just & unjust God saves his former enemies You ... and me!

Job 8-10

BildadJob 8:21-22 So Bildad does not know God He does not know Job Neither does he know himself He thinks past determines future Evolutionist; traditionalist

Job 8-10

FutureJob 8:21-22Aren't you glad that the past does not have to determine the future?!!

When feeling defeated, read the end of the Bible! GOD WINS!!!

Job 8-10

FutureJer 29:11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Job 8-10

FutureJer 29:11 Spoken to a people in exile Glimpse into a bright future Even during demoralizing times

Job 8-10

FutureRev 20:10And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Job 8-10

FutureRev 21:3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.

Job 8-10

FutureRev 21:4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Job 8-10

FutureJob 8:21-22Aren't you glad that the past does not have to determine the future?!!

When feeling defeated, read the end of the Bible! GOD WINS!!!

Job 8-10

ReferencesJ. Vernon McGee Commentary