jof vitamine i” a i · frank krysan transacted business in west union and decorah during the past...

BUSINESS CARDS DR. C. K. PECK Dentist Office Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Second floor Journal Building. Phone 18 ELLIS J. HOOK Attorney at law Prompt Service at Reasonable Prices A Specialty Office over Decorah State Bank. Telephone—Office No. 315. Residence Blue 5. LADIES HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Shampooing, massaging, manicur- ing, switch weaving, stem and ear puffs made to order. A full line of Marinello Creams and Powders Opposite city Hall. Phone blue 272 MRS. M. KARMAN ED. L. ACRES Insurance Life, Accident and Health, Casulty, Fire, Wind, Hail. Ben Bear Bldg. Phone 468 Black 199 CHARLES A. INMAN Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Consultation Free Phone 122 200 West Water St. DR. A. F. FRITCHEN Physician and Surgeon Offices in Evanson Building. Decorah, lowa. If not in office call residence. Phone 73. Office Phone 70. Office Hours—lo a. m. to 12 m., 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m., Sundays 9 to 10 a. m. I>R. F .W. DAVIS SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Thraot. Office in Marlow Bldg. * A. C. VERNON Chiropractor County Calls Answered Reed Bldg. Telephone 130 J. D. HEXOM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Rooms 8 and 9. Office phone No. 503. Resident 515. Office hours 10 to 12; 2 to 5. Sundays 11 to 1. Citizens Bank Building. Decorah, lowa. F. C. KOI HEN DOR FER Veterinarian Calls answered promptly day or night. Office on Washington Street. Phone 407. DR. C. HOEG Physician and Surgeon Decorah, lowa. Office over Citizens Savings Bank Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phone, office 28-2; residence 28-3 DR. CONRAD General Practice Specializes in Surgery, Obstetric* and diseases of women. Phone 241 fcchrubbe Building Winnebago Street. A. C. WOODWARD, M. I). Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Office in Public Opinion Building. I pstairs. Telephones: Office 33-2 Residence 33-3. C. P. WILSON, D. V. M. Veterinarian Calls answered promptly day or night. Office in the B. A. Chandler building on Washington Street. Phone 96-2. W. M. STRAND. Attorney At Law Office in E. P. Johnson Building. Practice in all Courts RAVENA CANOE VALLEY. BETHEL O. BOE, D. D. S. Dentist Telephone 358. Office in Decorah State Bank Bldg. E. W. CUTTING Attorney at Law Office over Broinely and Co’s. >hoe Store. Specialty: Good work at rea- sonable prices. MRS. PHOEBE LINCOLN, Specialist Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts, Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and othei facial blemishes permanently remov- ed by electricty. Best of references. 603 River St., Decorah, lowa. F. J. HELWIG Manufacturer of Fine Domestic Cigars “SMOKE THE LINCOLN” R. bucknell For First Class BARBER WORK CALMAR. \Ne are having fine car roads now. Not much snow at present. Our walking daily is still in sight, but not much news. Dr. Lynch of Os?ian was a pro- fessional caller in this vicinity the past week. Henry Lansing visited at George Allen in Centennial on Monday. Miss Mary Schreoder who was staying at Ossian returned home on Monday. Rev. Thiltgen of O-da-i calied at Frank F. Schreoder’s on Tuesday. The Ravena Sport Club meet at Philip Bartheime on Sunday evening. A very large crowd attended, the evening was spent in playng cards, and very fine music and ringing. Lunch was served at an early hour. All reported a fine time. Frank Lansing hauled -ome hog* to Ossian market on Monday. CANOE VALLEY How would you feei if you had a fellow and he would write you a let- ter like this: Dear Sweetheart: I’m -till chopping wood and feel fine. Answer soon. Gills would that make you feel blue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Tuttle and John Lansing of Fort Atkinson vis- ited- at Herman Lansing’s on Sun- day evening. Girls how would you feel if you had a fellow and you were at a party ami he sit withN his arms around two other girl* all night, of course his arm- were paralyzed, what would you do if your besit friend no that Such t guy needs some good loving. Girls .-it up and take notice. Leonard Schis-*el of Fort Atkinson was seen in our looaJity on Tuesday. Henry Miller entertained a crowd of neighbors and friends Wednes- day evening. The evening was spent in playing cards and dancing, all re- ported a good time. Herman Schroeder, Sr., died at 12:30 this —Thursday—auoming at the home of his son, Frank. He was aged about 93 years. Up to the time of going to press no arrangements hart been made for the funeral. Obituary next week. Henry Aaby was sawing wood at Haugens on Friday last. Bennie Hanson, E. Fadnesis and Olaf Johnson assisted Harry Hau- gen hauling hog* to Deoorah Satur- day last. Inga and Jennie Swenson were caller.- with Bessie Haugen on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Myrah, Mr. and Mrs. Then. Severson and family, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Haugen ami family, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brown and son. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Haugen and son and Thorsten and Melvin Luklcer. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ing\ old Myrah on Sunday last. Mrs. Gilbert Anderson concluded her visit at the parental home ami returned to her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Einar Peterson were pleasant callers at the home of An- drew Lukken on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brown and Mr. and Mrs. E. T, Haugen spent last Sunday evening at the Haugen home. BLUFFTON. Floyd Potter is visiting _ with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Masters at present. Ernest Boulit ar.d family .-pent Friday evening at the Herb Pierce: home. , I Misc= Regina Gossman concluded j her visit at the home of her brother Ciemet Gossman and returned to her home near Decorah Joe Moran, was a Pro-per caller Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. Hugme Kelly spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moran. Miss Arnta Pierce visited her sis- ter Mrs. R. Young Thursday. Paul Ward had an attack of ap- pendicitis Wednesday. His _ many friends are glad to learn he is able to be around again. Mr Henry Lovlien and wife were callers at the E. Ward home Sun- day last. , Mr. John Keegan went to Roches- ter Wednesday to consult the Mayo Bros., returning Saturday . Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wade spent Fn- | dav at the Earl Ferris home at. Burr Oak. . , ~ Mrs. Grace Pierce entertained Mr. an d Mrs. Geo. Swearinger and Mrs. Marriage. Mrs Glendenning and daughter Miss Hazel of Bmr Oak for dinner Sunday. Rev. Von Vliet and wife. Mr. and Mrs C f Wuril aiul Mi.-m St*Ua Ward of Burr Oak ralle<l at the E Ward home Saturday. Mr Arthur Morrison and mother ami Miss Carolina Cameron were DECORAH PUBLIC OPINION, DECORAH, IOWA entertained Sunday afternoon arm evening at the home of Joe Moran. Andrew Anderson of Decorah was a business caller in this vicinity the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Headington and sou Victor spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. James Waae. Miss Harriet Bailey spent the week end at Postvil'e. Miss Helen Fiske returned yester- day from a week end visit with her parents in West Union. •Take Grebeman cacompanied by- Mr. and Mrs. Jos Snodt of St. Lucas visited at the Frank Krys&n home Wednesday’. Miss Inna Moser of Fort Atkinson visited friends here (today. Frank Krysan transacted business in West Union and Decorah during the past week. Ed Heyer of New Hampton was a business caller here the first of the week. Mi-s. J. E. Morton entertained (the Sunshine club Tue-sday afternoon. Mrs. L. A. I/essel and Mrs. Albert Holmes entertained at a 10 o’clock luncheon Wednesday at the former’s home. Frank Krysan and family visited in St. Lucas yesterday. Mrs. J. E. Dyrland and Mrs. Nets Olson will entertain the Lutheran .society at the church basement Wed- nesday afternoon. The banns of marriage of Edward Hosting and Miss Mary Timp was announced yesterday at the St. Aly- sius church by Father Kerper. Louis (ioite and family of Cresco visited relatives here yesterday. Mrs. Ed Winn went to Rochester, Minn., wheie she will take medical treatments. Andrew Tstrem of Waucoma spent Sunday here with his family. Mrs. John Heylik is visiting rel- ative- in Gamer, lowa. Melvin Mousehound went to lowa City where he will submit to an operation soon. Mds. Ca»! Meyer, H. J. Busch, F. Knch and F. A. Hennessy will en- tertain at a 6:30 dinner and cards at the Frana Hall Thursday even- ing. Mrs. Carl Haugen and Loraine were cadet's with Mrs. Hanson on Thur.-dav afternoon. Alvin Haugen assited Stanton Erick -m taking cattle to Decorah last Saturday. Arthur Hovt was a caller at the Hanson home the latter part of last week. Quite a few young folks were en- tertained at the home of Geo. Mat- ter last Saturday. The V. P. S. will meet at the church on Sunday evening Feb. 4. The young folks »aft Haugen’s will serve, everybody are welcome. Mildred- Swenson spent Saturday night and Sunday with Florence and Clara Haugen. , Mrs. E. Peterson enjoyed a visit at the J. Langatas home the fore part of this week. Inga Swenson called with Bessie Haugen on last Sunday. Sverre Swenson assi red Bennie Hanson chopping wood last week. Bennie and Peter Hanson and Sverre Swenson were callers with Haugen’s on Thursday evening. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. O. Haugen on Tues- day, Feb. 6, everybody are welcome. Peter Hanson ami Peter Haugen were callers with the later’s home folk- on Sunday afternoon. I.ou Rima was an over Sunday vis- itor wdh Mrs. Carl Haugen. Bessie Haugen spent Sunday even- ing at the Swenson home. Mr. and Mrs. N. Duff are the hap- py parents of a new bov who came to make his home with them on Jan- uary 19. Sverre Swenson is chopping wood for Arthur Hoyt this week. Harry Haugen and Peter Hanson were pleasant callers at the home of Andrew* Jaastad on Sunday evening. Theo. Storla w*as a caller in our neighborhood over Sunday. Albert and Alvin Haugen were cal- lers at the home of C. Vine on Sun- dav afternoon. Some of our young folks attended the party at V. Kern on Sunday night. HESPER. Pleasant winter morning, with a verv little snow. Mr. Ash met with a slight accid-; ent last Sunday evening. He fell on the cement walk, hurt one of his hip-. He is about all right now. Clias. Burgess had the wood saw- ers the first of the week. Gordon Baker of Burr Oak brought Brittendall some (Kits Mon- dav, ate dinner with Brittendalls. Dr. Kibble of Canton was called to Bluffton Tuesday to see Claude Murdock who has pneumonia. He is j some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bergman and children took dinner with Britten- dall’s Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Dell Lange of De- co rah visited A. O. Ash Thursday. Vern Porter and family, Grandpa Bergman, Mrs. Molley O’Brien an* children took suppper with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bergman Sunday. * Mrs. Green si ad e called on Grand- ma Murdock Thursday. Frank O’Brien is having ice put up for summer use. Gene Haye- and Raymond O’Brien are hauling the ice. Edd Jackson is cutting the ice. Colonel Bentley is hauling the sawdust. Lew Bronner is packing the ice for Frank O’Brien. It must mean plenty of ice-cream and good coki soft drinks for hot weather. C W. Brittendall and John Berg- man called on Mr. Ash Tuesday af- ternoon. . . ,. Ed Jackson is going to ship his pe* coon to New this ueck. 0. W. Brittendall is having thi* giinpe cold that is going around. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Bergman vw- ited Vern Porter’s family Wedne*- d&v \ Joe Kinney hauled a load of wood BETHEL for Bert Manning this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Greenslade visited Harry Harvey of Piosper Tuesday. Mabel Lovelan is work for Mrs. John Gieenslade. Mr. and Mrs. Brittendall took sup- per with A. C. Bergman family on Friday. Rev. Evans held seivices in the Highland church last Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Griswold and baby Dorothy, Miss Idella Rowe. Arlie Griswold autoed down from Preston, Minn., Sunday evening. Mr. ami Mrs. Artie Griswold are visiting at the Ed Griswold 'home at present. Mrs. B. Burreson has been assist- ing several days the past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Thingvold, who is under the doctors care. The M. W. A. gave a dance in the hall Wednesday evening ami invited a large number of friends. All en- joyed themselves until the small hours. The M. W. A. will give an oyster supper January 31, price 35c everybody welcome. Miss Charlotte Young was a pleas- ant caller at the Olaf Sanden home one day this week. Mrs. Melvin Corson is assisting her twin sister Mrs. Tmil Heilman with household duties at present. Boin to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hell- man January 12 a son. Congratula- tions. Lloyd Plunkett was a caller at the H. C. Rowe home during the week. Mrs. Win. Plunkett is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Grover Rowe at Sheldon, lowa. Rev. Havneios was a pleasant cal- ler at the Mrs. Anna Jacobson home Wednesday afternoon. A number of old friends gathered at the home of Mrs. T. G. Meader January 8 to help her celebrate her birthday right. A very pleasant af- ternoon was enjoyed. Many happy returns of the dav. Elmer Thingvold was a Hesper culler during the week. Mr. Fingerson of Mabel was a Hesper caller during the week. Word was received here on Friday afternoon of the death that morn- ing of Mr. Morgen of Moline, 111. He will be brought here f*r burial on Monday. Albert Halsey and Martin Johnson were Decorah callers Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Sheriff and baby of Prosper, Minn., moved into the vacated looms in the Tom Hump- hrey- house. Grandma Humphery is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Adolph Roif- shus at nresent. Mrs. Olaf Sanden and daughter Ethel spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Ole K. Sanden. Mrs. Hannah Sharp of Burr Oak is visiting at the Frank Frye home at present. Mrs. B. Burreson and Mrs. Ole K. Sanden spent Friday evening with Mrs. Rob Reid. Mrs. Ole Henningsgaard was a pleasant caller at the Ole K. San- den home Wednesday evening. Miss Idella Rowe >pei*t Saturday afternoon with Miss Gnace .Street. Mr. Amos Jones of Valton, Wise.., came Saturday for a visit at the O. 1.. Street home. Mrs. Ole K. Sanden called on Mrs. Harry Wei per one day last week. James A-asdin was a Hesper cal- ler one dav this week. Mrs. Tom Humphrey, Belmont, Mrs. Charlie S/nith and son Edgar were guests at the Charlie Mitchell home Thursday. Mrs. H .C. Rowe, Delia and ard Rowe, Mis. Elmer Griswold and baby Dorothy snent Monday after- noon with Grandma Smith, Alta ann Vera Halsey. Mr*. Charlie Smith and daughter Ethel, Mrs. Ole K. Sanden spent Sat- urday 'afternoon with Mrs. H. C. Rowe. Ed Griswold and Artie Griswold au- toed to Preston, Minn., Saturday. El- mer returned with (them for over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wei per and baby Betty spent Sunday at the An- ton Pederson home. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Aasum and children were Sunday guests alt the Ed Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorson and son Harlan of Decorah spent Sunday with E. J. Wold's folks. The Misses Grace Street an<l Ruth Bryant called on Idella Rowe Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Nelson ami Vivian Aas- um were calleis Sunday evening at the Ole K. Sam ten home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McMillen am* children were guests over Sunday with relatives in Decorah. Frank Snell, and son Myrland vis- ited Wednesday at the George Snell home. H. Pierce and Chas. Pollitt and families spent last Sunday evening at the Guy Masters home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swearenger and the later’s mother, Mrs. Marriage and Mrs. Glendenning ami daughter Miss Hazel were entertained .Sun- day last at the Mrs. Grace Pierce home. Glen Pierce spent a few days at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. Kelly the past week. Ernest Boulet motored to Decorah Wednesday. Mrs. Ernest Boulet and daughter F-dnice speiit Wednesday with her friend Mrs. Harry Sharpe near De- corah. . . . Mrs. John Keegan enwyed a visit from her -inters near Hawkeye, la., on Friday. m , Mr, «uvd Mr-. (teudo T uyior children of Decorah spent Sunday a’ the Joe Armstrong home. Mrs. Hughie Kelly and brother Glen Pierce autoed to Decorah last Thursday. , . .. A few friends gathered at the Chas. Poll i t home Thursday even- ing in honor of Floyd Potter. Lawrence Sutton of Cresco >• working for Leo Gossman this win- ter. Why the Moon Is Arid. Rev. Pieper of Burr Oak was a pleasant caller at the John Keeg- an home Thursday. Mrs. Grace Pierce ami daughter Mis* Loris spent Saturday P. M. at ohe Steve Pierce home. Chas. Wilbur visited at the Rube WiHAir home at Pro.-per from last Thursday until Sunday. A baby girl arrived at the Frank Ryan home Thursday, Jan. IS. Con- gratulations. Misses Alta and Gene Potter of Renvick, lowa, spent Fridav night at the home of Mrs. Ella Thayer. Dorothy Ward has been on the sick list the past week. Mr. Emery Wilbur is staying with his daughter Mrs. Louie Underbukke at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bray ton Whitney were entertained Saturday evening at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Moran. Leslie Pierce, Don Sears and Miss- es Hazel Glemieiming ami El-a Mor- rison spent Sunday at the iattor’s parental home at Decoi-ah. Mr. and Mrs. Cady Pouter of Burr Oak visited Jamse Weldon and mo- ther Thursday. Geo. Ward of Canistota, South Dakota, came Thursday for a two weeks visit with friends an 1 rela- tives. NORTHERN CANOE Miss Vera Matter spent three weeks visiting with friends ami rel- arrives in Cresco, lowa, returning home on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Quamlahl, ami Mr. and Mrs. Willie Walsh were visitors at the Johnnie Anderson home last Sunday. Delbert Knoke called on Arthur Eggen Saturday evening. Miss Esther Dahlrnd spent Satur- urday and Sunday at E. Peterson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson were callers at Conrad Johnson’s Monday afternoon. Anthew and Sophie Drivold fiom Quand.ihl, lowa, spent Monday and Tuesday of last week at the Dan Danielson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkeby and son Truman were visitors at the Vikesland home Sunday last. Mrs. Dan Danielson is quite poorly at this writing. Miss Hattie Langaas visited at the P. Peterson home Sunday last. Mr. Donald Sears spent Saturday nite and Sunday at the VV .H. Coy home. Fred Dougin.- the assessor was a caller in this vicinity last week. John Arlene and Andrew Dreivold were entertained for supper at the P. Danielson home Monday evening. F. Feltis of Burr Oak was a busi- ness caller at J. Rein-void’s Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lila Kimber is a helping hand at the Horace Smith home near Decorah. Albert Benson from near BlufTton was a business caller at the Clar- ence Ranilo home Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Hexoin of Decorah was called ot the D. Danielson home Tuesday evening. Mi ss Hannah Rot void was a short caller at Eggen’s Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Budalil and daughter Bernicp were visitor at the Johnnie Anderson home Thursday. The Rev. C. Heltne was a pleas- ant caller at the D. Danielson home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carence Knoke and son Georgeie and Wyman Feltis spent Thursday evening at the T. M. Jervis- home. Clarence Ranilo had the misfor- tune of losing a valuable cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Danielson and family were entertained by the radio at the Frank Barth home last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Usgaaixi from near Hesper were over Sum lay vis- itors at the Dan home. Mr. and Mrs. I. Brovold and daughter Esther spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Decorah visiting with relatives. John Peterson was a business transactor in Decorah la-t Saturday. Mrs. 0. Vikesland called on Mrs. D. Danielson Saturday afternoon. A number of people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Kern Sunday last to help celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary’. Miss Mildred Eggen spent Sun- day at the Vikeslaivd home. LOOKING GLASS PRAIRIE Oscar Ander-on of near Canton, Johnnie and Clarence Anderson of Canoe were He-per caller- Monday. Ed Watts and Newton Kenyon were Hesper callers Monday. Leander Kittleson ami wife, Geo. Linzenmeyer ami Thos. Fo-.-om were callers Wednesday. John Kenyon wa.- a He-per caller Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Schoonmaker i.- visiting in Decorah at tills writing .and ex- pects to visit her sisters in Ridge- way the coming week. Will Gorum from noitch of Mabel called on Mrs. Bert Saturday. Henry Hillenian was a business caller in Mabel Friday. The Molstad boys and Victor Mit- chell were Hesper callers Sunday. Willie Weld; ami Willard Peacock were Hesper caller- the 17th. Mrs. Wm. Punkett went to Shel- don the 12th to visit with her daugh- ter Blanche a week or two. Clarence Kraby and Johnnie Bartn were Hesper callers Thursday even- ing. Mr. Wm. Plunkett called on Wm. Feltis Thursday afternoon. The moon Is a smaller globe than the earth. Its gravity is only one- sixth of that of ours. As a conse- rjnenee the atmospheric pressure nor- mal to the moon is far too low to con- dense wuter. Steam Issuing from a vent remains steam. The Internal forces of the steam’s moieties are greater than the attractive force of the moon. Steam lieu away a- It emerged, leaving tiie moon arid und waterless. —Chicago Tribune. PUBLIC OPINION Largest C irculation in Winneshiek County. Fine Job Printing Phone IS ASK MOTHER! I There are many, very § I* many, mothers who through ¦ the years have proved the I power of J Scott’s Emulsion Jof pure vitamine bearing* I cod-liver oil to help nourish Z n * fo an <* strengthen the I I” Poorly-developed I l /*¦,« child. It is abundant I \\n m the vitamines that I A are so essential to B the to el fare of § I children and adults. 3 n.fiei; !• j ptUt Opinion BY HARRY J. GREEN DECORAH, IOWA, JAN. 24, 1923 ft * * ' THE SUPERVISORS lrt da> January Adjourned S*t»lon Tlie Board met as per adjournment and watt called to order by the Chair- man All member* present This hein* the date and time set for consideration of bids on bridge lumber and piling and guard rail construction as advertised, the Board proceeded to open the various blits The following had filed bids on lum- ber and idling. Wickham Htidge & Pipe Company. Council Bluff*. lowa. Platte Overton. Council Bluffs.- lowa. Nebraska Bridge Supply A Lumber Company. Omahn. Nebraska The Nebraska Bridge Supply & Lum- ber Company l*elng the low* st and beet bidder, was on motion awarded the con- tract for lumber and piling. The follow i.g had filed bids on guard- rail construction: Louis M'S-, B'-hnond. lowa. Roy S Tubbs. Fort Dodge. lowa. John J *• rose. Decorah, lowa. Wm Sexton. Waterloo. lowa. J. A. Dunkel. Webster City, lowa. J. W. Ogle, Ames. lowa. Chadima & Lee, Hampton, lowa. H. J. Murpliy, Marengo, lowa. N Hildebrand, Belmond. lowa. Orr Construction Company, Garner. lowa. W. C. Bender. Waukon. lowa. Roy S Tubb* being the lowest and best bidder, was on motion awarded th® contract for guard rail construction. Moved, seconded and carried that th® bixly of Tver Hanson, who died at th® County Home be buried in the cemetery at Freeport. Moved, seconded and carried that tire county accept the proposition of the Winneshiek County State Bank on th® purchase nf Antlriimtlon Certificate* At 5:'X) P M the Board on motion adjourned till S;S9 next morning v:>> A M Thursday, January 18. 1923. The Bojrd met as per adjournment and \i »s called to order by the C’halr- lujn. All memlrers present except Mr, Burgess who was Inspecting the repairs at the jail Minutes of previous day'* session re id and approved. At nine o’clock M> Burgess came In. The fol- lowing refu d* ttfie on motion allowed: rdinatul Walter. 84.70 on account of erroneous issessment of dog tax In Fremont Towii*hh> in 1922. Ni ls Ofst- dahl 82 IS on account of er- roneous assessment of dog tax In Fre- mont Township In 1922. Fred Smith |2.7n on account of errone- ous assessment of dog tax In Fremont .Township In 1 ‘22 At tin- Board adjourn* I to make an Ins;,, etion trip o<> the Cnlmar road. Returned at Phis* and were calk’d to order by the chairman. The rest ot th*- forenoon was *pent In discuss in* t• ,- pui el.ase of tract Ora and at T’oon the hoard adjoin ned till I:.1D P M I::t' * P M. Thursday, January 18, 192:». The Board t as per adjournment and was called to order oy the chair- man. All members nresent. They again took up tie tnn'tort proposition Tlie follow i g bill* were allowed-: Willard J Darlington . Kxtrn Help Tr. asurer s office $ M.O® George Gold Repair* on Jail 137.<*> Oscar M ller. Riglit of Way 35.00 Stoner. It. M . Expenses In l\i--|, i -,i-i- 60.00 Decora h Gas <'«>., Gas t'ourt Hous. and Jail 13.75 Moved, secon led and carried to ad- inurn till S ’¦>> A. M Monday, January 22. 1923. CLARENCE E. SEVERSON. t’ountv Auditor. M. C. BERG AN. Chairman. o NOTICT OF APPOINTMENT Notice of tlie Appointment of C. A. Johnson, a.- administrator, of the Estate of Even Halvorson Gjome al- so known as Even Haivaraon Jomeu, and as Even Halvorson Jome, and as Even Halvorson, Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed Administrator, of the estate of Even Halvorson Gjome also known as Even Halvorson Jomen, and as Even Halverson Jome, and as Even Halvorson, late of Decorah Town- ship, in the County of Winneshiek, State of lowa, deceased, intestate, ami has taken upon himself, that trust by giving bonds as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the estate of the said deceased are required to exhibit the same; and persons indebted to said estate are tailed upon to make pavmenl to C. A. JOHNSON, Administrator. Dated at Decorah, lowa, January 17th, 1923. 4-4 w E. J. HOOK. Attorney. o- Duplicate Keys. I have on hand a large assortment of key blanks, also a number of trunk keys and can duplicate almost any kind of keys on short notice. M. 0. Dalvey, Decorah, la. : WILLIS & NESS : s l Furniture & Undertaking : : Licensed Embalmer All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Ni«ht ! East Water Street DECORAH, IOWA Z PHONES:—Store, 297; Residence—Red 280 # ••••••••••••••••••A**** REAL ESTATE BARGAINS If you are interested in, buying or selling land, write or com* and see me. I have some gen- uine bargains in land and im- proved farms that are within the reach of everyone. J. C. BEARD •»•••••••••••••••••COOOOO* HENRY NESS LICENSED EMBALMER and UNDERTAKER S with the Decorah, Furniture Co. Phone No. 90. J ' - V Night or I>ay Calls Given * Prompt and Careful Attention r ft If. I

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Page 1: Jof vitamine I” A I · Frank Krysan transacted business in West Union and Decorah during the past week. Ed Heyer of New Hampton was a business caller here the first of the week


DR. C. K. PECKDentist

Office Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5Second floor Journal Building.

Phone 18

ELLIS J. HOOKAttorney at law

Prompt Service at Reasonable PricesA Specialty

Office over Decorah State Bank.Telephone—Office No. 315.

Residence Blue 5.

LADIES HAIR DRESSING PARLORShampooing, massaging, manicur-

ing, switch weaving, stem and earpuffs made to order. A full line of

Marinello Creams and PowdersOpposite city Hall. Phone blue 272


ED. L. ACRESInsurance

Life, Accident and Health, Casulty,Fire, Wind, Hail.

Ben Bear Bldg.Phone 468 Black 199

CHARLES A. INMANPalmer Graduate

ChiropractorConsultation Free

Phone 122 200 West Water St.


Physician and SurgeonOffices in Evanson Building.

Decorah, lowa.If not in office call residence.

Phone 73.Office Phone 70.

Office Hours—lo a. m. to 12 m.,2 to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m., Sundays 9to 10 a. m.


SPECIALISTEye, Ear, Nose and Thraot.

Office in Marlow Bldg. *

A. C. VERNONChiropractor

County Calls AnsweredReed Bldg. Telephone 130

J. D. HEXOM, M. D.

Physician and SurgeonRooms 8 and 9. Office phone No.

503. Resident 515. Office hours 10to 12; 2 to 5. Sundays 11 to 1.

Citizens Bank Building.

Decorah, lowa.


VeterinarianCalls answered promptly day or

night. Office on Washington Street.Phone 407.

DR. C. HOEGPhysician and Surgeon

Decorah, lowa.Office over Citizens Savings Bank

Office hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p.

m. Phone, office 28-2; residence 28-3

DR. CONRADGeneral Practice

Specializes in Surgery, Obstetric*

and diseases of women.

Phone 241 fcchrubbe BuildingWinnebago Street.


Physician and Surgeon

Special attention given to diseases

of women and children. Office in

Public Opinion Building. I pstairs.


Office 33-2 Residence 33-3.

C. P. WILSON, D. V. M.

VeterinarianCalls answered promptly day or

night. Office in the B. A. Chandler

building on Washington Street.Phone 96-2.

W. M. STRAND.Attorney At Law

Office in E. P. Johnson Building.

Practice in all Courts




DentistTelephone 358. Office in Decorah

State Bank Bldg.

E. W. CUTTINGAttorney at Law

Office over Broinely and Co’s. >hoe

Store. Specialty: Good work at rea-

sonable prices.


SpecialistSuperfluous Hair, Moles, Warts,

Broken Veins, Lime Balls, and othei

facial blemishes permanently remov-

ed by electricty. Best of references.

603 River St., Decorah, lowa.

F. J. HELWIGManufacturer of

Fine Domestic Cigars


R. bucknellFor First Class



\Ne are having fine car roads now.Not much snow at present.Our walking daily is still in sight,

but not much news.Dr. Lynch of Os?ian was a pro-

fessional caller in this vicinity thepast week.

Henry Lansing visited at GeorgeAllen in Centennial on Monday.

Miss Mary Schreoder who wasstaying at Ossian returned home onMonday.

Rev. Thiltgen of O-da-i calied atFrank F. Schreoder’s on Tuesday.

The Ravena Sport Club meet atPhilip Bartheime on Sunday evening.A very large crowd attended, theevening was spent in playng cards,and very fine music and ringing.Lunch was served at an early hour.All reported a fine time.

Frank Lansing hauled -ome hog*to Ossian market on Monday. CANOE VALLEY

How would you feei if you had afellow and he would write you a let-ter like this: Dear Sweetheart: I’m-till chopping wood and feel fine.Answer soon. Gills would that makeyou feel blue.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Tuttle andJohn Lansing of Fort Atkinson vis-ited- at Herman Lansing’s on Sun-day evening.

Girls how would you feel if youhad a fellow and you were at aparty ami he sit withN his armsaround two other girl* all night, ofcourse his arm- were paralyzed,what would you do if your besit friend

no that Such t guy needs somegood loving. Girls .-it up and takenotice.

Leonard Schis-*el of Fort Atkinsonwas seen in our looaJity on Tuesday.

Henry Miller entertained a crowdof neighbors and friends Wednes-day evening. The evening was spentin playing cards and dancing, all re-ported a good time.

Herman Schroeder, Sr., died at

12:30 this —Thursday—auoming at

the home of his son, Frank. He wasaged about 93 years. Up to the timeof going to press no arrangements

hart been made for the funeral.Obituary next week.

Henry Aaby was sawing wood atHaugens on Friday last.

Bennie Hanson, E. Fadnesis andOlaf Johnson assisted Harry Hau-gen hauling hog* to Deoorah Satur-day last.

Inga and Jennie Swenson werecaller.- with Bessie Haugen on lastSunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Myrah, Mr. andMrs. Then. Severson and family, Mr.and Mrs. 0. Haugen ami family, Mr.and Mrs. Emil Brown and son. Mr.and Mrs. E. T. Haugen and son andThorsten and Melvin Luklcer. wereguests at the home of Mr. and MrsIng\ old Myrah on Sunday last.

Mrs. Gilbert Anderson concludedher visit at the parental home amireturned to her home on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Einar Peterson werepleasant callers at the home of An-drew Lukken on last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brown and Mr.and Mrs. E. T, Haugen spent lastSunday evening at the Haugen home.


Floyd Potter is visiting _ with hisgrandparents Mr. and Mrs. JohnMasters at present.

Ernest Boulit ar.d family .-pentFriday evening at the Herb Pierce:home. •

, IMisc= Regina Gossman concluded j

her visit at the home of her brotherCiemet Gossman and returned to herhome near Decorah

Joe Moran, was a Pro-per callerThursday.


Mr. and Mrs. Hugme Kelly spentWednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Moran.

Miss Arnta Pierce visited her sis-

ter Mrs. R. Young Thursday.Paul Ward had an attack of ap-

pendicitis Wednesday. His _ many

friends are glad to learn he is able

to be around again.Mr Henry Lovlien and wife were

callers at the E. Ward home Sun-day last. ,

Mr. John Keegan went to Roches-

ter Wednesday to consult the MayoBros., returning Saturday .

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wade spent Fn-

| dav at the Earl Ferris home at. BurrOak. . , ~

Mrs. Grace Pierce entertained Mr.

an d Mrs. Geo. Swearinger and Mrs.Marriage. Mrs Glendenning anddaughter Miss Hazel of Bmr Oak

for dinner Sunday.Rev. Von Vliet and wife. Mr. and

Mrs C f Wuril aiul Mi.-m St*UaWard of Burr Oak ralle<l at the

E Ward home Saturday.

Mr Arthur Morrison and mother

ami Miss Carolina Cameron were


entertained Sunday afternoon armevening at the home of Joe Moran.

Andrew Anderson of Decorah wasa business caller in this vicinity thelatter part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Headington andsou Victor spent Sunday with thelatter’s sister, Mrs. James Waae.

Miss Harriet Bailey spent the weekend at Postvil'e.

Miss Helen Fiske returned yester-day from a week end visit with herparents in West Union.

•Take Grebeman cacompanied by-Mr. and Mrs. Jos Snodt of St. Lucasvisited at the Frank Krys&n homeWednesday’.

Miss Inna Moser of Fort Atkinsonvisited friends here (today.

Frank Krysan transacted businessin West Union and Decorah duringthe past week.

Ed Heyer of New Hampton was abusiness caller here the first of theweek.

Mi-s. J. E. Morton entertained (theSunshine club Tue-sday afternoon.

Mrs. L. A. I/essel and Mrs. AlbertHolmes entertained at a 10 o’clockluncheon Wednesday at the former’shome.

Frank Krysan and family visitedin St. Lucas yesterday.

Mrs. J. E. Dyrland and Mrs. NetsOlson will entertain the Lutheran.society at the church basement Wed-nesday afternoon.

The banns of marriage of EdwardHosting and Miss Mary Timp wasannounced yesterday at the St. Aly-sius church by Father Kerper.

Louis (ioite and family of Crescovisited relatives here yesterday.

Mrs. Ed Winn went to Rochester,Minn., wheie she will take medicaltreatments.

Andrew Tstrem of Waucoma spentSunday here with his family.

Mrs. John Heylik is visiting rel-ative- in Gamer, lowa.

Melvin Mousehound went to lowaCity where he will submit to anoperation soon.

Mds. Ca»! Meyer, H. J. Busch, F.Knch and F. A. Hennessy will en-tertain at a 6:30 dinner and cardsat the Frana Hall Thursday even-ing.

Mrs. Carl Haugen and Lorainewere cadet's with Mrs. Hanson onThur.-dav afternoon.

Alvin Haugen assited StantonErick -m taking cattle to Decorahlast Saturday.

Arthur Hovt was a caller at theHanson home the latter part of lastweek.

Quite a few young folks were en-tertained at the home of Geo. Mat-ter last Saturday.

The V. P. S. will meet at thechurch on Sunday evening Feb. 4.

The young folks »aft Haugen’s willserve, everybody are welcome.

Mildred- Swenson spent Saturdaynight and Sunday with Florence andClara Haugen.


Mrs. E. Peterson enjoyed a visit

at the J. Langatas home the forepart of this week.

Inga Swenson called with BessieHaugen on last Sunday.

Sverre Swenson assi red BennieHanson chopping wood last week.

Bennie and Peter Hanson and

Sverre Swenson were callers withHaugen’s on Thursday evening.

The Ladies Aid will meet at thehome of Mrs. O. Haugen on Tues-day, Feb. 6, everybody are welcome.

Peter Hanson ami Peter Haugenwere callers with the later’s homefolk- on Sunday afternoon.

I.ou Rima was an over Sunday vis-itor wdh Mrs. Carl Haugen.

Bessie Haugen spent Sunday even-ing at the Swenson home.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Duff are the hap-py parents of a new bov who cameto make his home with them on Jan-uary 19.

Sverre Swenson is chopping woodfor Arthur Hoyt this week.

Harry Haugen and Peter Hansonwere pleasant callers at the home ofAndrew* Jaastad on Sunday evening.

Theo. Storla w*as a caller in ourneighborhood over Sunday.

Albert and Alvin Haugen were cal-lers at the home of C. Vine on Sun-dav afternoon.

Some of our young folks attendedthe party at V. Kern on Sundaynight.


Pleasant winter morning, with a

verv little snow.Mr. Ash met with a slight accid-;

ent last Sunday evening. He fellon the cement walk, hurt one of hiship-. He is about all right now.

Clias. Burgess had the wood saw-ers the first of the week.

Gordon Baker of Burr Oakbrought Brittendall some (Kits Mon-dav, ate dinner with Brittendalls.

Dr. Kibble of Canton was calledto Bluffton Tuesday to see ClaudeMurdock who has pneumonia. He is jsome better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bergman andchildren took dinner with Britten-dall’s Sunday.

Mr. ami Mrs. Dell Lange of De-

co rah visited A. O. Ash Thursday.Vern Porter and family, Grandpa

Bergman, Mrs. Molley O’Brien an*

children took suppper with Mr. andMrs. A. C. Bergman Sunday.* Mrs. Green si ad e called on Grand-ma Murdock Thursday.

Frank O’Brien is having ice put

up for summer use. Gene Haye-and Raymond O’Brien are haulingthe ice. Edd Jackson is cutting theice. Colonel Bentley is hauling thesawdust. Lew Bronner is packing

the ice for Frank O’Brien. It must

mean plenty of ice-cream and good

coki soft drinks for hot weather.C W. Brittendall and John Berg-

man called on Mr. Ash Tuesday af-

ternoon. ..

, .

Ed Jackson is going to ship his

pe* coon to New this ueck.

0. W. Brittendall is having thi*giinpe cold that is going around.

Mr and Mrs. A. C. Bergman vw-

ited Vern Porter’s family Wedne*-d&v \

Joe Kinney hauled a load of wood


for Bert Manning this week.Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Greenslade

visited Harry Harvey of PiosperTuesday.

Mabel Lovelan is work for Mrs.John Gieenslade.

Mr. and Mrs. Brittendall took sup-per with A. C. Bergman family onFriday.

Rev. Evans held seivices in theHighland church last Sunday.

Mrs. Elmer Griswold and babyDorothy, Miss Idella Rowe. ArlieGriswold autoed down from Preston,Minn., Sunday evening.

Mr. ami Mrs. Artie Griswold arevisiting at the Ed Griswold 'home atpresent.

Mrs. B. Burreson has been assist-ing several days the past week atthe home of her mother, Mrs. SarahThingvold, who is under the doctorscare.

The M. W. A. gave a dance in thehall Wednesday evening ami inviteda large number of friends. All en-joyed themselves until the smallhours. The M. W. A. will give anoyster supper January 31, price 35ceverybody welcome.

Miss Charlotte Young was a pleas-ant caller at the Olaf Sanden homeone day this week.

Mrs. Melvin Corson is assisting hertwin sister Mrs. Tmil Heilman withhousehold duties at present.

Boin to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hell-man January 12 a son. Congratula-tions.

Lloyd Plunkett was a caller at theH. C. Rowe home during the week.

Mrs. Win. Plunkett is visiting withher daughter Mrs. Grover Rowe atSheldon, lowa.

Rev. Havneios was a pleasant cal-ler at the Mrs. Anna Jacobson homeWednesday afternoon.

A number of old friends gatheredat the home of Mrs. T. G. MeaderJanuary 8 to help her celebrate herbirthday right. A very pleasant af-ternoon was enjoyed. Many happyreturns of the dav.

Elmer Thingvold was a Hesperculler during the week.

Mr. Fingerson of Mabel was aHesper caller during the week.

Word was received here on Fridayafternoon of the death that morn-ing of Mr. Morgen of Moline, 111.He will be brought here f*r burialon Monday.

Albert Halsey and Martin Johnsonwere Decorah callers Thursday.

Mr. and Mis. Sheriff and babyof Prosper, Minn., moved into thevacated looms in the Tom Hump-hrey- house.

Grandma Humphery is visitingwith her daughter Mrs. Adolph Roif-shus at nresent.

Mrs. Olaf Sanden and daughterEthel spent Saturday evening withMrs. Ole K. Sanden.

Mrs. Hannah Sharp of Burr Oakis visiting at the Frank Frye homeat present.

Mrs. B. Burreson and Mrs. Ole K.Sanden spent Friday evening withMrs. Rob Reid.

Mrs. Ole Henningsgaard was apleasant caller at the Ole K. San-den home Wednesday evening.

Miss Idella Rowe >pei*t Saturdayafternoon with Miss Gnace .Street.

Mr. Amos Jones of Valton, Wise..,came Saturday for a visit at the O.1.. Street home.

Mrs. Ole K. Sanden called on Mrs.Harry Wei per one day last week.

James A-asdin was a Hesper cal-ler one dav this week.

Mrs. Tom Humphrey, Belmont,Mrs. Charlie S/nith and son Edgarwere guests at the Charlie Mitchellhome Thursday.

Mrs. H .C. Rowe, Delia andard Rowe, Mis. Elmer Griswold andbaby Dorothy snent Monday after-noon with Grandma Smith, Alta annVera Halsey.

Mr*. Charlie Smith and daughterEthel, Mrs. Ole K. Sanden spent Sat-urday 'afternoon with Mrs. H. C.Rowe.Ed Griswold and Artie Griswold au-

toed to Preston, Minn., Saturday. El-mer returned with (them for overSunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wei per andbaby Betty spent Sunday at the An-ton Pederson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Janies Aasum andchildren were Sunday guests alt theEd Nelson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorson andson Harlan of Decorah spent Sundaywith E. J. Wold's folks.

The Misses Grace Street an<l RuthBryant called on Idella Rowe Sundayafternoon.

Mrs. Ed Nelson ami Vivian Aas-um were calleis Sunday evening atthe Ole K. Sam ten home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McMillen am*children were guests over Sundaywith relatives in Decorah.

Frank Snell, and son Myrland vis-ited Wednesday at the George Snellhome.

H. Pierce and Chas. Pollitt andfamilies spent last Sunday eveningat the Guy Masters home.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swearenger and

the later’s mother, Mrs. Marriageand Mrs. Glendenning ami daughterMiss Hazel were entertained .Sun-day last at the Mrs. Grace Piercehome.

Glen Pierce spent a few days at

the home of his sister, Mrs. H. Kelly

the past week.Ernest Boulet motored to Decorah

Wednesday.Mrs. Ernest Boulet and daughter

F-dnice speiit Wednesday with herfriend Mrs. Harry Sharpe near De-corah. .


Mrs. John Keegan enwyed a visit

from her -inters near Hawkeye, la.,on Friday.

m ,

Mr, «uvd Mr-. (teudo T uyior

children of Decorah spent Sunday a’

the Joe Armstrong home.Mrs. Hughie Kelly and brother

Glen Pierce autoed to Decorah lastThursday. , . ..

A few friends gathered at the

Chas. Poll i t home Thursday even-

ing in honor of Floyd Potter.Lawrence Sutton of Cresco >•

working for Leo Gossman this win-ter.

Why the Moon Is Arid.

Rev. Pieper of Burr Oak was apleasant caller at the John Keeg-an home Thursday.

Mrs. Grace Pierce ami daughterMis* Loris spent Saturday P. M. atohe Steve Pierce home.

Chas. Wilbur visited at the RubeWiHAir home at Pro.-per from lastThursday until Sunday.

A baby girl arrived at the FrankRyan home Thursday, Jan. IS. Con-gratulations.

Misses Alta and Gene Potter ofRenvick, lowa, spent Fridav nightat the home of Mrs. Ella Thayer.

Dorothy Ward has been on thesick list the past week.

Mr. Emery Wilbur is staying withhis daughter Mrs. Louie Underbukkeat present.

Mr. and Mrs. Bray ton Whitneywere entertained Saturday eveningat the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. j.C. Moran.

Leslie Pierce, Don Sears and Miss-es Hazel Glemieiming ami El-a Mor-rison spent Sunday at the iattor’sparental home at Decoi-ah.

Mr. and Mrs. Cady Pouter of BurrOak visited Jamse Weldon and mo-ther Thursday.

Geo. Ward of Canistota, SouthDakota, came Thursday for a twoweeks visit with friends an 1 rela-tives.

NORTHERN CANOEMiss Vera Matter spent three

weeks visiting with friends ami rel-arrives in Cresco, lowa, returninghome on Saturday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Quamlahl,ami Mr. and Mrs. Willie Walsh werevisitors at the Johnnie Andersonhome last Sunday.

Delbert Knoke called on ArthurEggen Saturday evening.

Miss Esther Dahlrnd spent Satur-urday and Sunday at E. Peterson’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson werecallers at Conrad Johnson’s Mondayafternoon.

Anthew and Sophie Drivold fiomQuand.ihl, lowa, spent Monday andTuesday of last week at the DanDanielson home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkeby andson Truman were visitors at theVikesland home Sunday last.

Mrs. Dan Danielson is quite poorlyat this writing.

• Miss Hattie Langaas visited at theP. Peterson home Sunday last.

Mr. Donald Sears spent Saturdaynite and Sunday at the VV .H. Coyhome.

Fred Dougin.- the assessor was acaller in this vicinity last week.

John Arlene and Andrew Dreivoldwere entertained for supper at theP. Danielson home Monday evening.

F. Feltis of Burr Oak was a busi-ness caller at J. Rein-void’s Tuesdayafternoon.

Miss Lila Kimber is a helpinghand at the Horace Smith home nearDecorah.

Albert Benson from near BlufTtonwas a business caller at the Clar-ence Ranilo home Tuesday afternoon.

Dr. Hexoin of Decorah was calledot the D. Danielson home Tuesdayevening.

Miss Hannah Rot void was a shortcaller at Eggen’s Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gust Budalil anddaughter Bernicp were visitor at theJohnnie Anderson home Thursday.

The Rev. C. Heltne was a pleas-ant caller at the D. Danielson homeMonday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Carence Knoke andson Georgeie and Wyman Feltisspent Thursday evening at the T.M. Jervis- home.

Clarence Ranilo had the misfor-tune of losing a valuable cow lastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Danielsonand family were entertained by theradio at the Frank Barth home lastSunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Usgaaixi fromnear Hesper were over Sum lay vis-itors at the Dan home.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Brovold anddaughter Esther spent Friday andSaturday of last week in Decorahvisiting with relatives.

John Peterson was a businesstransactor in Decorah la-t Saturday.

Mrs. 0. Vikesland called on Mrs.D. Danielson Saturday afternoon.

A number of people gathered atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. ValentineKern Sunday last to help celebratetheir 30th wedding anniversary’.

Miss Mildred Eggen spent Sun-day at the Vikeslaivd home.


Oscar Ander-on of near Canton,Johnnie and Clarence Anderson ofCanoe were He-per caller- Monday.

Ed Watts and Newton Kenyonwere Hesper callers Monday.

Leander Kittleson ami wife, Geo.Linzenmeyer ami Thos. Fo-.-om werecallers Wednesday.

John Kenyon wa.- a He-per callerTuesday.

Mrs. Fred Schoonmaker i.- visitingin Decorah at tills writing .and ex-pects to visit her sisters in Ridge-way the coming week.

Will Gorum from noitch of Mabelcalled on Mrs. Bert Saturday.

Henry Hillenian was a businesscaller in Mabel Friday.

The Molstad boys and Victor Mit-chell were Hesper callers Sunday.

Willie Weld; ami Willard Peacockwere Hesper caller- the 17th.

Mrs. Wm. Punkett went to Shel-don the 12th to visit with her daugh-ter Blanche a week or two.

Clarence Kraby and Johnnie Bartnwere Hesper callers Thursday even-ing.

Mr. Wm. Plunkett called on Wm.Feltis Thursday afternoon.

The moon Is a smaller globe than

the earth. Its gravity is only one-

sixth of that of ours. As a conse-rjnenee the atmospheric pressure nor-mal to the moon is far too low to con-dense wuter. Steam Issuing from a

vent remains steam. The Internalforces of the steam’s moieties aregreater than the attractive force of themoon. Steam lieu away a- It emerged,

leaving tiie moon arid und waterless.—Chicago Tribune.

PUBLIC OPINIONLargest C irculation in Winneshiek


Fine Job Printing

Phone IS

ASK MOTHER!I There are many, very §

I* many, mothers who through ¦the years have proved the Ipower of J

Scott’s EmulsionJof pure vitamine bearing*I cod-liver oil to help nourish Zn * fo an <* strengthen the I

I”Poorly-developed I

l /*¦,« child. It is abundant I\\n m the vitamines that I

A are so essential to Bthe to el fare of §

Ichildren and adults. 3n.fiei; !• j


DECORAH, IOWA, JAN. 24, 1923

ft* *


THE SUPERVISORSlrt da> January Adjourned S*t»lon

Tlie Board met as per adjournment

and watt called to order by the Chair-man All member* present

This hein* the date and time set for

consideration of bids on bridge lumberand piling and guard rail constructionas advertised, the Board proceeded toopen the various blits

The following had filed bids on lum-ber and idling.

Wickham Htidge & Pipe Company.

Council Bluff*. lowa.

Platte Overton. Council Bluffs.- lowa.Nebraska Bridge Supply A Lumber

Company. Omahn. NebraskaThe Nebraska Bridge Supply & Lum-

ber Company l*elng the low* st and beetbidder, was on motion awarded the con-tract for lumber and piling.

The follow i.g had filed bids on guard-rail construction:

Louis M'S-, B'-hnond. lowa.Roy S Tubbs. Fort Dodge. lowa.John J *•rose. Decorah, lowa.Wm Sexton. Waterloo. lowa.J. A. Dunkel. Webster City, lowa.J. W. Ogle, Ames. lowa.Chadima & Lee, Hampton, lowa.H. J. Murpliy, Marengo, lowa.

N Hildebrand, Belmond. lowa.Orr Construction Company, Garner.

lowa.W. C. Bender. Waukon. lowa.Roy S Tubb* being the lowest and

best bidder, was on motion awarded th®contract for guard rail construction.

Moved, seconded and carried that th®bixly of Tver Hanson, who died at th®County Home be buried in the cemetery

at Freeport.Moved, seconded and carried that tire

county accept the proposition of the

Winneshiek County State Bank on th®purchase nf Antlriimtlon Certificate*

At 5:'X) P M the Board on motionadjourned till S;S9 next morning

v:>> A M Thursday, January 18. 1923.The Bojrd met as per adjournment

and \i »s called to order by the C’halr-lujn. All memlrers present except Mr,Burgess who was Inspecting the repairsat the jail Minutes of previous day'*session re id and approved. At nineo’clock M> Burgess came In. The fol-lowing refu d* ttfie on motion allowed:

F« rdinatul Walter. 84.70 on account oferroneous issessment of dog tax InFremont Towii*hh> in 1922.

Ni ls Ofst- dahl 82 IS on account of er-roneous assessment of dog tax In Fre-mont Township In 1922.

Fred Smith |2.7n on account of errone-ous assessment of dog tax In Fremont

.Township In 1 ‘22At tin- Board adjourn* I to make

an Ins;,, etion trip o<> the Cnlmar road.Returned at Phis* and were calk’d toorder by the chairman.

The rest ot th*- forenoon was *pent Indiscuss in* t• ,- pui el.ase of tract Ora andat T’oon the hoard adjoin ned till I:.1DP M

I::t' * P M. Thursday, January 18, 192:».The Board m« t as per adjournment

and was called to order oy the chair-man. All members nresent. They againtook up tie tnn'tort proposition

Tlie follow i g bill* were allowed-:Willard J Darlington . Kxtrn

Help Tr. asurer s office $ M.O®George Gold Repair* on Jail 137.<*>Oscar M ller. Riglit of Way 35.00Stoner. It. M . Expenses Inl\i--|, i -,i-i- 60.00

Decora h Gas <'«>., Gas t'ourtHous. and Jail 13.75Moved, secon led and carried to ad-

inurn till S ’¦>> A. M Monday, January22. 1923.

CLARENCE E. SEVERSON.t’ountv Auditor.

M. C. BERG AN. Chairman.o


Notice of tlie Appointment of C.A. Johnson, a.- administrator, of theEstate of Even Halvorson Gjome al-so known as Even Haivaraon Jomeu,and as Even Halvorson Jome, and asEven Halvorson, Deceased.

Notice is Hereby Given, that thesubscriber has been duly appointedAdministrator, of the estate ofEven Halvorson Gjome also knownas Even Halvorson Jomen, and asEven Halverson Jome, and as EvenHalvorson, late of Decorah Town-ship, in the County of Winneshiek,State of lowa, deceased, intestate,ami has taken upon himself, thattrust by giving bonds as the lawdirects. All persons having demandsupon the estate of the said deceasedare required to exhibit the same; andpersons indebted to said estate aretailed upon to make pavmenl to

C. A. JOHNSON,Administrator.

Dated at Decorah, lowa, January17th, 1923. 4-4 wE. J. HOOK. Attorney.

o-Duplicate Keys.

I have on hand a large assortment

of key blanks, also a number oftrunk keys and can duplicate almostany kind of keys on short notice.

M. 0. Dalvey, Decorah, la.

: WILLIS & NESS :• sl Furniture & Undertaking •

: :• Licensed Embalmer •

• All Calls Answered Promptly •

• Day or Ni«ht •

• •

! East Water Street• DECORAH, IOWAZ PHONES:—Store, 297;• Residence—Red 280•




If you are interested in, buyingor selling land, write or com*and see me. I have some gen-uine bargains in land and im-proved farms that are withinthe reach of everyone.





and •


Decorah, Furniture Co. •

Phone No. 90. J' -V

Night or I>ay Calls Given *

Prompt and Careful Attention ••


I-¦ •