joint hiv mainstreaming day for national personnel of ... · hiv/aids mainstreaming is a joint...

HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is a joint undertaking by on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperationand Development 1 Joint HIV Mainstreaming Day for national personnel of German Development Cooperation (GDC) and the German Embassy in Tanzania Dar es Salaam on 7 th August 2009

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Page 1: Joint HIV Mainstreaming Day for national personnel of ... · HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is a joint undertaking by on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperationand Development

HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is a joint undertaking by on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperationand Development 1

Joint HIV Mainstreaming Day

for national personnel of German Development Cooperation (GDC) and the German Embassy

in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam on 7th August 2009

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HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is a joint undertaking by on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperationand Development 2

1. Introduction Under the umbrella of Joint HIV Mainstreaming in German Development Cooperation (GDC) the implementing agencies DED, gtz, InWent, KfW and the German Embassy in Tanzania held their First joint HIV Mainstreaming Day for national Personnel on 7th Au-gust 2009 in Beach Comber Hotel, Dar es Salaam. Dr. Axel Doerken, director of the GTZ country office Tanzania, welcomed the 160 partici-pants on behalf of all organizations concerned. He pointed out the importance of the joint fight against the negative impact of HIV and AIDS in private as well as professional life: “This day is so special because it is an important milestone on our way to fight HIV/AIDS and it demonstrates our joint commitment towards the common cause. Our Workplace Programmes and Joint HIV Mainstreaming have been initiated to ensure access to treatment and information. They stand for non-discrimination, mutual respect and support at the work place“ The main focus of the meeting was on learning more about the implementation of HIV Workplace Programmes (WPP) and discussing different aspects of HIV Policies, such as the importance of equal rights and employment opportunities. The participants were provided with an information folder as a hand on aide which contains important information of HIV/AIDS, related health services and HIV policies as well as con-tact details of Focal Persons and Ambassadors in GDC. PSI as an important partner organization in Social marketing of condoms was invited to show their products, like male and female condoms and safe water systems, and demon-strate their use. 2. Planning and Organization In the spirit of Joint HIV Mainstreaming, the preparation and organization of the event was shared by the HIV Focal Per-sons and Ambassadors of GDC organi-zations and the German Embassy, and coordinated by the Joint HIV Main-streaming Adviser, Maria Kostomay. 3. Content (see Annex 1: Agenda) Morris Lekule, a representative of TA-CAIDS, the Tanzanian AIDS Commis-sion, gave an update about the national situation on HIV and AIDS. He showed Mr. Lekule (TACAIDS) presenting an update on HIV and AIDS in Tanzania

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that Tanzania, with a prevalence of 5.7% at the na-tional level, ranks lower than other African countries, but there are variations between regions and popula-tion groups. For example: Iringa 15.7%, Dar es Sa-laam 9.3% and Mbeya 9.2% have higher, other re-gions like Kigoma with 1.8%, Arusha 1.6% and Manyara 1.5%, a lower average. He explained that HIV affects women and men differently, so that women need to be empowered. To answer the question “Why talking about HIV and AIDS at workplaces”, he introduced the role of the In-ternational Labour Organization and the Code of con-duct for People living with HIV (PLHIV) and demon-strate the importance of safe working environment and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) of HIV.

Questions from the audience The following questions from the audience came up:

1. The country is serious on anti-stigma and discrimination policies. What are the measures taken against those discriminating their HIV positive staff. In the event where both family members are employed (husband and wife) and one gets trans-ferred, leaving the other member behind, what is the government doing to control such situation to be in line with national HIV policy which states that all family mem-bers must be living together to reduce the risk of infection?

2. How far has the HIV Act of Parliament on HIV prevention reached i.e. Stigma and discrimination at workplaces?

3. Does TACAIDS have a policy to encourage men to be tested together with their wives when they are pregnant?

4. What is the government doing to protect widows from some cultural practices which are contributing to the spread of HIV infection, like forcing them to marry a brother or any other relative of the deceased husband?

Ms. Adelina Kahwa, HIV Counsellor, explained the procedure of VCT and stressed the im-portance of early HIV testing. In her explanation she lighted the advantages of VCT:

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- get education about HIV and AIDS - know about opportunistic infections - know the use of male and female condoms - know about treatment (ARV) - get support in shaping future life - know about opportunities of behavior change In the subsequent discussion the participants came uwith some arguments against HIV testing, like the fear to be discriminated through non-confidential healthworkers who spread information about their clients.


An active audience

dna Barongo, a person living with HIV, reported about her experience of working for an

testing, and

Audience listening to arguments for VCT

EOrganization (TANOPHA) with a HIV Workplace programme. The input fo-cused on non-discrimination at the workplace and the importance of a sen-sitized and well informed workforce due to an active HIV WPP. She also encouraged all participants to go for HIV counselling and in case of a positive result to find assis-tance and support through others who are sharing the same situation.

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Based on the film “Dreams of a good life” in which 5 young women infected by HIV are lking about their dreams and plans for

Group work

Finally, participants were familiarised with key aspects of an HIV workplace policy. In form f a role game a lively Question&Answer session took place, in which participants with

tatheir lives, a group discussions were initiated. HIV Focal persons and Ambas-sadors facilitated the working groups to discuss different aspects along a guiding question. (See Annex 2) The groups highlighted different aspects of affection through HIV/AIDS in professional as well as private lives.

oformulated questions and HIV Focal points and Ambassadors with the correct answers in-formed the staff about the HIV Policy of GTZ and its different topics. Some additional ques-tions from the audience came up during the session and were answered too. The Ques-tions and answers are part of the information folder. (See Annex 3)

Question from a participant

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5. Competition: World AIDS Day Slogan 2009

T ir ideas for a joint slogan or activity under

Information board World AIDS Day

. Recommendations The joint HIV mainstreaming day for GDC national personnel should continuously be


• Days for GDC national personnel should be organized

• am-

• to every new colleague in

• ents.

6. Concluding remarks he common feedback communicated in form of a feedback sheet (see Annex 4) and in

p that an event like this is very welcome. Not only the high number of participants, but also their participation in discussions and group work showed

he participants were asked for the

which the GDC could organize events at regional level in frame of the WAD 2009. The contributions were collected in the HIV ideas box. A committee will select the best slogan out of the more than 58 con-tributions and award a prize.


organized every two y• The GTZ HIV Policy should be translated in Kiswahili (Recommendation 2007)

Regional HIV Mainstreamingevery year between the bi-annual joint meetings.

• Quarterly Round tables for HIV Focal persons and Ambassadors to share experiences and peer support should be introduced. Monitoring and evaluation system for the process of HIV mainstreing at workplaces should be devel-oped. Hand over HIV MS information folder GDC. Regular update of information fold-er cont

Tersonal communication showed

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HIV/AIDS mainstreaming is a joint undertaking by on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperationand Development 7

gtz. InWent, KfW, and the German Embassy - in the preparation, organization nd participation of the event was a major step towards a Joint HIV mainstreaming in

p forward to convey this idea to GDC staff all levels. owever, the first Joint HIV Mainstreaming Day of GDC should be seen as an entry point


anization of the event under the overall coordination of the joint HIV mainstreaming dviser in collaboration with the HIV Focal persons and Ambassadors of GDC has proven self.

H), particularly the Multi-sectoral Aids Control Component (MACC) the organization f the event was highly facilitated.


nnex 1. Agenda 2. Results of group work . Questions and answers of role game

that there is a need for more information as well as for continued exchange of experiences and a more in-depth discussion about uncertainties on the topic of HIV - affection and in-fection. The high level of cooperation and commitment by all actors concerned – representatives from ded,aGDC and the German Embassy. Under the slogan of “EZ aus einem Guss” (One joined development cooperation) a joint event like this can be seen as a steHto intensify the discussion about HIV Mainstreaming and as an important milestone to strengthen the HIV Work place programme in GDC at all workplaces. Continued follow and active participation as well as commitment will be required over the next months and years. The orgait Through access to the resources of the German health sector support programme (TGPSo Finally, the experience of joint HIV mainstreaming in GDC could be shared with other or-ganizations and institutions in the fu A

34. Feedback5. Information Folder

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Annex 1

Agenda HIV Mainstreaming Day National Staff Meeting of German Development Cooperation Beach Comber Hotel, Dar es Salaam, 7th August 2009 Time Item

8.00 – 8.30 am Registration of Participants

8.30 – 8.45 am Opening Dr. Axel. Doerken

8.45 – 9.00 am Update about National Situation on HIV/AIDS

Ms. Rustika Tembele, Director National Response,


9.00 – 10.00 am Film “Dreams of a good life” and following discussion

10.00 – 10.30 am Café break

10.30 – 11.15 am Importance of HIV Testing and Counseling Mrs.

Adelina Kahwa

11.15 – 12.00 am Living with HIVand AIDS/

Non- Discrimination and Equal Rights for People living

with HIV and AIDS – Ms. Edna Barongo

12.00 – 13.00 pm Lunch break

13.00 – 14.00 pm What is a HIV Workplace Policy?

Example: GTZ HIV Policy

14.00 – 14.30 pm Closing

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Annex 2 Questions for group discussions after the film show “dreams of good life” And responses from the participants 1. What are your fears if you were tested HIV positive (in your family life and your profes-

sional life? Discrimination Loss of job Segregated Marriage separation Lack of happiness/employment

2. What are the common features between the feelings of actors in the film and yourself?

• Community discrimination • Lack of AIDS education at community level • Self discrimination • Lack of support from the family and despair • To be HIV infected is not the end of the life

3. Why do you go for VCT and why don’t you go for VCT? Advantages of VCT To know the HIV Sero status Not to infect or be infected Plan for the future To write a will of inheritance

Reasons not to go for VCT • Lack of education about HIV/AIDS • Worry to be segregated or discriminated by relatives or the community • Feelings related to previous behavior in life.

4. What will change in your life in case you will be HIV positive?

• Worry • Self discrimination • Community segregation • Change of behavior • Reduced employment accountability

5. What are the challenges to speak with the family or couple or your friends about HIV

and AIDS? • Worry • Failure of attempt

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6. Why is it important to get support from your family when living with HIV?

• Support by family because of compassion • Support from the community in terms of Food nutrients, reminding the patient to

take drugs and encouraging patient to attend clinic • Easy follow up of Medical advice or doing exercises • Care of children by the family • Community involvement in caring

7. Why is it important to get support from your colleagues when living with HIV? Prevention of discrimination and encouragement to work hard Community acceptability Helps to be loved and hope for the future Helps to be more informed about HIV and AIDS Preparedness in faith and accepting the situation and fighting the challenges.

8. Are HIV positive women discriminated against differently to men?

Yes! Male domination Biological – females more HIV infected, multiple partners Work environment (female discrimination) Rape by the father according to the film

9. Where can you get support in your community if your family member is HIV positive?

• To inform relatives or the community about HIV sero-status • Joining People living with HIV (PLHIV) groups • To get support for different stakeholders such as: NGOs, Government, Religious

institutions, individuals, families and community

10. Is it important to speak with your children about prevention on HIV? If yes, yourself, a family member or teachers should talk to your children? Yes! • Use of different media such as TV, radio, telephone, computer • Openness helps to avoid risk situations. • Persons who can discuss with include, parents, religious leaders. • Most of the education has to start at the family level

11. Describe the situation of discrimination of PLHIV at the workplace • The discussion started with the definition of discrimination • How discrimination starts at different levels e.g. • At home, Community (by pointing fingers, Officers, Self discrimination and hospi-


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Annex 3: Questions&Answers on HIV Work place policy

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Annex 4: Evaluation

Feed back

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Annex 5: Information Folder on HIV Mainstreaming