josh mandel campaign mailer

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  • 8/6/2019 Josh Mandel Campaign Mailer


    -\u{: s-r tf; x tR.i f iq5:c:;\+^ 4 f f i' t-, ?

  • 8/6/2019 Josh Mandel Campaign Mailer


    I / . , , h . , t ' - . ^ - , . h t ^ ^ ^ , r r r ^ . , , , , , ^ - , t ^ t ^ - , l f , , t ^ r r ^ ^ r ' - ^ ^ . ^ * . , ^ r i . , ^ - ^ t i . , i . r . t ^ ^ . ' t \ \I I That's why l'm reaching ut to you anda handfulof top Conservative ctivists o ask I \| | you to pledge oursuppo( o my insurgentonservativeampaigno wrest hisSenate eat I l\ \ from Brown and he iberals And give t back o thepeople. l/Pleaseakea moment o sign he enclosed ledge f Support nd hen ush t back o me

    alongwith a sponsoringontribution f $2,500. 1,000, 500,$250or $100 o Cit izensbr JoshMandel.

    ls6b ffilan[el@reuEurPrf @bto]h)WednesdayMorning

    DearConservativeeichbor.I have some very important news to share with you.I want you to be among he irst to know that recently pened p my campaign

    committeeo defea t he most iberalmemberof the United StatesSenate, hio DemocratSherrodBrown.Brown is an out of touch iberalextremist, ndOhio andAmericadeserve etter.

    Any amount olr cansparewill be very helpful. I needdonations f $70,$35or evenjust$20. Everydollaryou sendwil l be ruly appreciated And is urgently eeded!Defeating n entrenchedncumbentike SherrodBrown won't be easy.He is backedbymillionsof dollars iom big-money nionsand iberalspecial nterestshatwill stopat nothingto block heelection f a young, nrvaveringonservativeeaderike me.

    But my family and haveovercome oughoddsbefore.I am thegrandson f two Holocaust urvivors, oeandFernanda onewho wasrescued

    by Allied Forces nd heotherwho wassaved y courageous hristiansn Northern taly. MyotherGrandfather, arold,proudlyservedn theU.S.Army Air Corpsat thatsame ime.From the day I wasborn, my grandparentsnspiredme with their deep ove for America,

    stirringa passionha t ed me to enlist n the UnitedStatesMarineCorps.I actuallymissedmy June2000 graduation rom Ohio State n order o shipoff to


  • 8/6/2019 Josh Mandel Campaign Mailer




    Marinecorps boot campat Parris sland,SC - where heymakeMarines!Somehavesaid hat boot camp s the only thing that will prepareme for the type ofcorvardly mears herrodBrown and he iberal eft will sendmy way in the months o come.I also von he opportunity o servemy communityon theLyndhurstCity Council.Whenlaunchinghatcampaign,Iwas old o "wait my turn" by thepolit ical stablishment.ut I setout andmet nearlyeveryvoter n the city at theirdoorstep,istenedo theirconcerns, nd hentook action.Not long hereafter, led one of the only successfulampaignso roll back ocalpropertytaxes n Ohiohistory.Thisbecame model or my work to come.While I wasCouncilman, took a hiatus o servemy first tourof duty n Iraq.On thattour in 2004, we worked to stop he flow of foreign weaponsandforeign fightersacross he

    Syrian order.After returning, ran or the StateLegislature,unningas a conservativend winningin a districtwith a 2:l Democrat o Republicanatio. In fact, his districtwasso heavilyDemocrat,ha tDennisKucinich epresented largeportionof it at theCongressionalevel!But again, I outworked the liberals by knocking on 19,679doorsand wearing out -1\.three pairs of shoes!During my time n the Ohio House, wasaskedby theMarineCorps o be partof thesurge n Iraq. My politicalopponents hallengedme to reject hecall of duty, but I ultimatelydecidedhat didn't oi n the MarineCorps o say"no" whenmy countrycalled.When returnedrom servingmy countryon thissecondour,my ultra-liberal pponentattackedme for havingput on theuniformagain,saying hat abandoned y constituentsyvolunteeringo go back o lraq!But my patriotic onstituentsnderstoodmy call to duty,sharedmy patrioticvalues, ndsentme back o theOhio House o keep ightingon tgg behalf.Simplyput. 'm not afraid o put my neckon the ine for what's ight or in the bestinterests f my constituentsndour country.Today-after travelingover 100,000miles hroughoutOhio to listen o citizensconcerns, serveasTreasurer f Ohio-where I rvorkhardto responsiblymanagehe state'smulti-billiondollar nvestment ortfolio.So,why the U.S. Senate, ndwhy now? Because want o savemy state ndour great


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  • 8/6/2019 Josh Mandel Campaign Mailer



    nation rom economicdisaster andwe cannotwait anothersix years.I want o fight for the conservative alues nd principles hathavebeen rampled n by

    BarackObama,NancyPelosi,HarryReid and radical i berals ike Sher rodBrown.SherrodBrown hasbeen n publicoffice sinceRichardNixon wasPresident nd n

    Washingtonor nearly20 years.He's partof theproblemand hasclearly ost ouchwith themen,womenand amiliesof Ohio.

    SherrodBrown s theverydefinitionc.rfvhat s wrongrvith Washington. ut like PelosiandReid,he has he backingof a powerfuland aggressiveoalitionof liberalspecial nterests.

    The only way I candefeathim is by amassing grassroots etworkof conservativeactivists thesame olks who helped reate he tidal waveof Republican ictories n 2010.

    That'swhy I 'm reaching ut o askyou to makea commitmento helpmy insurgentcampaignor the U.S. Senate y returning he enclosed ledge f Support orm alongwith yourmostgenerous ontribution oday.

    I can no longersit backandwatchof f the reservationiberals ike SherrodBrown runour stateand nation nto thegroundwith their radicalpoliciesandreckless pending.

    And I know millions of patrioticAmericansike you are rustrated nd ready or real,conservativehangeo the way governments run and unded.

    So please, fteryou have inished his etter, onsiderwhat s at stakeandstep orwardto oin my cause.

    With your help, intend o become ne of the our new Republican enators e need otakeover he Senate, nd he Obamaera,andge tour countrybackon the right track.

    But I need o know I cancounton grassrootsonservativeso standwith pleasesign heenclosed ledge f Support nd return t to me n the enclosed ostage-paidnvelope!

    Everyconservativen thecountryhasa clearstake n the successf my campaign......TheNationalJournalhasdubbedSherrodBrown the"Most Liberal" U.S. Senatoror

    the2nd year n a row - alongside ernieSanders f Vermont,an avowedSocialist!Brown's recorddoesnot reflect heviervsof Main StreetAmerica And certainlynotMain Streetof any town in Ohio!It is up to you and me to work together o defeatShenod Brown and clear he path orconservativeeformand iscallysoundpolicies.


  • 8/6/2019 Josh Mandel Campaign Mailer


    -4 -

    So as begin acingup my boots or this importantnew mission' need o know I cancounton conservativesll across hio andAmerica ike you to standwith me'

    With your help oday, will keep eaching9!!to .et"rs throughoutOhio and ay the*rouno

    So please, ignyour Pledge f Support nd eturn t in thepostage-paidnvelopeprovided, longwith a contribution r $z,ioo, $ I ,000,$500.$250.$100,$70' $35 or even$20to Citizens or JoshMandel.

    I look forward o workingwith you throughouthi scampaign'And I wantyou toknow thatwhen becomeOhio's newU.S.Senator,IWILL defendour Constitution'epealObamaCare,eep axes ow, cu t wasteful pending nddefendour valuesand reedoms'

    Thankyou tbr takinga few minutes o considermy appeal or support'Pleaseet mehear rom you todaY!BestRegards',''/z il,--/"(w /u",/ JoshMandel

    p.s. ohio,s Sherrocl rown is marching longside elf-avowed ocialistBernieSanders s

    SenatorBrown hascompletelyos t ouchwith thepeopleof ohio andAmericaand t' stime fo r us o showhim thedoor!I am asking ou to sign heenclosed ledge f Support nd return t to me alongwitha conrributionf Sz.sbo, 1,000. 500'$250'$100,$70'$3-5 r even$20 o helpmelay thegroundwork br a victory n 2012.Thankyou in advanceor your promptandgenerousepty. I verymuchappreciatet'

    P 1 ) l t ) ) l 6 r ( ) l r ) ( ( ) l l \ i t l t \ . ( ) l l 4 l l - ' l

    I paid orbvCi-IIZENSFORJOSHMANDET-_ jI ^ ' . - - - - /