journal of structural geology - andrea billi · fault development through fractured pelagic...

Fault development through fractured pelagic carbonates of the Cingoli anticline, Italy: Possible analog for subsurface uid-conductive fractures Lorenzo Petracchini a, b, * , Marco Antonellini a , Andrea Billi b , Davide Scrocca b a Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Bologna, Italy b Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IGAG, Rome, Italy article info Article history: Received 31 October 2011 Received in revised form 7 May 2012 Accepted 12 May 2012 Available online 24 May 2012 Keywords: Fault Fracture Anticline Pressure solution seam Scaglia Rossa formation Fluid ow abstract The Cingoli anticline is a late Messinian thrust-related fold that developed along the northern Apennines front (Italy). This exposed anticline represents a potential analog of hydrocarbon reservoirs located in the nearby Po Plain and Adriatic Sea areas. The folded rock multilayer of the Cingoli anticline includes a heterogeneous, MesozoiceCenozoic, marine succession, consisting of massive platform carbonates below, and layered pelagic carbonates on top. This article reports the results of analyses conducted on pelagic micrites cropping out in two exposures located in the anticline backlimb. There, the late CretaceouseEocene Scaglia Rossa Fm., which is characterized by thin beds of pelagic limestones and marly limestones, is crosscut by pervasive, closely-spaced, stratabound fractures mostly consisting of pressure solution seams (PSSs) and sheared PSSs. The fractured strata are, in places, crosscut by small- offset fault zones. Field and laboratory structural data are used to dene the nature and type of the different fracture sets as well as their temporal evolution and interaction. Seven main sets of stratabound PSSs and sheared PSSs are identied and interpreted as an early background fabric crosscut by or involved in later through-going fault zones. We propose a conceptual model of fault nucleation and growth that envisions the studied faults as late-stage structures, which formed by incorporating and connecting segments of bedding surfaces and early developed PSSs. We discuss our conceptual model in terms of fault and fracture permeability, highlighting the possible role exerted by the documented structures on subsurface uid ow. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Faults have a signicant impact on uid ow through rocks, as they may act as barriers, carriers, or combined barrierecarrier systems through the different fault zone compartments (Engelder and Scholz, 1981; Cooper, 1992; Antonellini and Aydin, 1994; Sibson, 1996; Caine et al., 1996, 2003; Odling et al., 1999; Salvini et al., 1999; Aydin, 2000; Billi, 2005; Micarelli et al., 2006; Agosta et al., 2007 , 2009; Billi et al., 2008 among many others). These complex structures represent an important target in environ- mental, industrial, and economic studies and activities such as groundwater, hydrocarbon and geothermal exploitation, waste disposal, CO 2 storage, and assessment of pollutant dispersion in aquifers (e.g., Brusseau, 1994; Gudmundsson, 2000; Nelson, 2001; Caine and Tomusiak, 2003). In the hydrocarbon industry, fractured carbonate reservoir development is a very challenging task (e.g., properly deviating wells or determining the fractures that are open and those that are closed) due to the complexity of fracture patterns and their related permeability structure (e.g., Peacock and Sanderson, 1995; Willemse et al., 1997; Mollema and Antonellini, 1999; Antonellini and Mollema, 2000; Billi and Salvini, 2001; Graham Wall et al., 2003; Billi et al., 2003; Mazzoli and Di Bucci, 2003; Tondi et al., 2006; Antonellini et al., 2008; Agosta et al., 2010; Aydin et al., 2010; Guerriero et al., 2011). Recent works documented that uid movements in fractured reservoirs are mainly controlled by a limited number of through-going conduc- tive fractures (or fracture swarms), whereas the surrounding cloud of smaller fractures has a smaller inuence on uid ow (Lonergan et al., 2007; Ozkaya et al., 2007; Wennberg et al., 2007; Akbar and Montaron, 2008; Singh et al., 2008; Questiaux et al., 2010; Souque et al., 2011). The different contribution to uid ow of the afore- mentioned structures is known from owmeter data from producing wells (Ozkaya and Minton, 2007). What is less well known, in contrast, is the architecture and growth mechanisms of * Corresponding author. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geologico- Ambientali, Università di Bologna, Piazza di Porta San Donato, 1, 40126 Bologna, Italy. Tel.: þ39 3338978840. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Petracchini). Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Structural Geology journal homepage: 0191-8141/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.05.007 Journal of Structural Geology 45 (2012) 21e37

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Journal of Structural Geology 45 (2012) 21e37

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Journal of Structural Geology

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Fault development through fractured pelagic carbonates of the Cingoli anticline,Italy: Possible analog for subsurface fluid-conductive fractures

Lorenzo Petracchini a,b,*, Marco Antonellini a, Andrea Billi b, Davide Scrocca b

a Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Bologna, ItalybConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IGAG, Rome, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 31 October 2011Received in revised form7 May 2012Accepted 12 May 2012Available online 24 May 2012

Keywords:FaultFractureAnticlinePressure solution seamScaglia Rossa formationFluid flow

* Corresponding author. Dipartimento di ScienzAmbientali, Università di Bologna, Piazza di Porta SaItaly. Tel.: þ39 3338978840.

E-mail address: [email protected] (L.

0191-8141/$ e see front matter � 2012 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.05.007

a b s t r a c t

The Cingoli anticline is a late Messinian thrust-related fold that developed along the northern Apenninesfront (Italy). This exposed anticline represents a potential analog of hydrocarbon reservoirs located in thenearby Po Plain and Adriatic Sea areas. The folded rock multilayer of the Cingoli anticline includesa heterogeneous, MesozoiceCenozoic, marine succession, consisting of massive platform carbonatesbelow, and layered pelagic carbonates on top. This article reports the results of analyses conducted onpelagic micrites cropping out in two exposures located in the anticline backlimb. There, the lateCretaceouseEocene Scaglia Rossa Fm., which is characterized by thin beds of pelagic limestones andmarly limestones, is crosscut by pervasive, closely-spaced, stratabound fractures mostly consisting ofpressure solution seams (PSSs) and sheared PSSs. The fractured strata are, in places, crosscut by small-offset fault zones. Field and laboratory structural data are used to define the nature and type of thedifferent fracture sets as well as their temporal evolution and interaction. Seven main sets of strataboundPSSs and sheared PSSs are identified and interpreted as an early background fabric crosscut by orinvolved in later through-going fault zones. We propose a conceptual model of fault nucleation andgrowth that envisions the studied faults as late-stage structures, which formed by incorporating andconnecting segments of bedding surfaces and early developed PSSs. We discuss our conceptual model interms of fault and fracture permeability, highlighting the possible role exerted by the documentedstructures on subsurface fluid flow.

� 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Faults have a significant impact on fluid flow through rocks, asthey may act as barriers, carriers, or combined barrierecarriersystems through the different fault zone compartments (Engelderand Scholz, 1981; Cooper, 1992; Antonellini and Aydin, 1994;Sibson, 1996; Caine et al., 1996, 2003; Odling et al., 1999; Salviniet al., 1999; Aydin, 2000; Billi, 2005; Micarelli et al., 2006; Agostaet al., 2007, 2009; Billi et al., 2008 among many others). Thesecomplex structures represent an important target in environ-mental, industrial, and economic studies and activities such asgroundwater, hydrocarbon and geothermal exploitation, wastedisposal, CO2 storage, and assessment of pollutant dispersion inaquifers (e.g., Brusseau, 1994; Gudmundsson, 2000; Nelson, 2001;

e della Terra e Geologico-n Donato, 1, 40126 Bologna,


All rights reserved.

Caine and Tomusiak, 2003). In the hydrocarbon industry, fracturedcarbonate reservoir development is a very challenging task (e.g.,properly deviating wells or determining the fractures that are openand those that are closed) due to the complexity of fracturepatterns and their related permeability structure (e.g., Peacock andSanderson, 1995; Willemse et al., 1997; Mollema and Antonellini,1999; Antonellini and Mollema, 2000; Billi and Salvini, 2001;Graham Wall et al., 2003; Billi et al., 2003; Mazzoli and Di Bucci,2003; Tondi et al., 2006; Antonellini et al., 2008; Agosta et al.,2010; Aydin et al., 2010; Guerriero et al., 2011). Recent worksdocumented that fluid movements in fractured reservoirs aremainly controlled by a limited number of through-going conduc-tive fractures (or fracture swarms), whereas the surrounding cloudof smaller fractures has a smaller influence on fluid flow (Lonerganet al., 2007; Ozkaya et al., 2007; Wennberg et al., 2007; Akbar andMontaron, 2008; Singh et al., 2008; Questiaux et al., 2010; Souqueet al., 2011). The different contribution to fluid flow of the afore-mentioned structures is known from flowmeter data fromproducing wells (Ozkaya and Minton, 2007). What is less wellknown, in contrast, is the architecture and growth mechanisms of

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Fig. 1. (a) Location of the study area. The Cingoli anticline is in the foothills of the northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, Umbria-Marche area, Italy. (b) Simplified geo-structuralmap of the Cingoli anticline area (modified after Servizio Geologica d’Italia (2003) e Coordinate System: Gauss Boaga, Est e Roma 1940). The exposures studied in this paper arelocated in the northern sector of the anticline backlimb, within the Scaglia Rossa Fm. (c) Geological cross section through the northern sector of the Cingoli anticline, based ona seismic reflection profile and previous studies (Mazzoli et al., 2002; Deiana et al., 2002; Servizio Geologica d’Italia, 2003).

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Fig. 2. Stratigraphic succession of the Umbria-Marche area (modified after DiFrancesco et al. (2010)) with thicknesses typical for the Cingoli anticline area.

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the subsurface conductive fractures (or fracture swarms). As thesefractures are important for fluid flow in fractured carbonatereservoirs, possible exposed analogs (i.e., conceivably assumed assuch; e.g., Wennberg et al., 2007) must be studied to improve thecurrent knowledge of conductive fractures at reservoir depths and,consequently, develop reliable flow models.

In this paper, we study small faults cutting fractured carbonatebeds (i.e., marly limestone forming the late Cretaceous-EoceneScaglia Rossa Formation) exposed in the backlimb of the Cingolianticline, northern Apennines, Italy (Fig. 1). Fractured anticlines arewell-known natural traps for fluids (e.g., Nelson, 2001; Fischeret al., 2009). Due to their connected geometry and architecture,we assume that the faults and associated fractures that weobserved in this study may be considered as analogs of conductive

fractures in subsurface carbonate rocks. Understanding theirgrowth mechanisms is, therefore, of theoretical and applied rele-vance. The assumption is speculative as the architecture ofconductive fractures at reservoir depths is substantially unknowndue to the limited resolution of subsurface investigation methods(below seismic resolution). Our main aim is, however, to offera detailed structural analysis and coherent genetic model ofstructures that are potentially fluid-conductive fractures, particu-larly when compared with the small, stratabound, and poorly-connected fractures forming the background fabric in thecarbonate host rock. The presented case history is also interesting,among other reasons, for the presence of close hydrocarbon fieldscharacterized by similar anticlinal structures in the same sedi-mentary sequence (i.e., the Po Plain and the Adriatic foreland; Pieriand Mattavelli, 1986; Mattavelli et al., 1993; Casero, 2004).

2. Geological setting

The Cingoli anticline is located in the inner foothills of thenorthern Apennines fold-and-thrust-belt and it is part of thefootwall of the main external thrust of the Apennines chain (i.e.,the Sibillini thrust; Fig. 1). This part of the Apennines developedwith an eastward piggy-back thrusting sequence during lateMiocene-Pliocene time (e.g., Bally et al., 1986; Calamita and Deiana,1986). The Cingoli anticline, in particular, has developed since lateMessinian time, involving a MesozoiceCenozoic sedimentarysequence (Calamita et al., 1990; Menichetti, 1991; Deiana et al.,2002; Mazzoli et al., 2002) (Fig. 1b and c) and, perhaps, also theunderlying Paleozoic basement (Barchi et al., 1998; Coward et al.,1999; Mazzoli et al., 2002). The anticline shows gently dippinglimbs and a flat hinge area (Fig. 1c), with a NWeSE oriented foldaxis curving to approximately NeS toward the south. The anticlineis confined by EeW-striking, left-lateral, transpressional faults, inthe north, and by NNE-SSW-striking right-lateral faults in thesouth (Fig. 1b).

The lithostratigraphy of the Cingoli anticline is typical of theMeso-Cenozoic Umbria-Marche sedimentary sequence (e.g.,Carloni, 1964; Calamita et al., 1990, 1999; Menichetti, 1991;Marchegiani et al., 1999; Deiana et al., 2002; Mazzoli et al., 2002). Asynthesis is presented as follows (Fig. 2).

The oldest exposed deposits are the massive early Liassicshallowwater limestones of the Calcare Massiccio Fm., cropping outin the core of the Cingoli anticline. These deposits are overlain bythe pelagic, either “condensed” or “complete”, carbonate sequences(Marchegiani et al., 1999). In the Cingoli area, as well as in the entireUmbria-Marche region, the contacts between the Calcare MassiccioFm. and younger pelagic formations are often controlled by NNE-and NW-striking normal faults, which developed during earlyJurassic extensional tectonics (rifting). Jurassic extensionaltectonics led to the formation of basins and structural highs thatinvolved the previously formed carbonate platform rocks(Colacicchi et al., 1970; Centamore et al., 1971; Galdenzi, 1986;Santantonio, 1993, 1994, Marchegiani et al., 1999; Deiana et al.,2002). In the study area, a large NW-striking normal fault locatedin the anticline core marks the contact between the Calcare Mas-siccio Fm. and younger pelagic deposits (Fig. 1b).

The condensed sedimentary sequence (post-Calcare MassiccioFm.; Fig. 2), which is developed over the early Jurassic structuralhighs such as in the Cingoli area, consists of grey stratified lime-stones, nodular limestones, and marls of the Bugarone Fm.(CarixianeLower Tithonian; Marchegiani et al., 1999; Deiana et al.,2002). During the same time span, a sedimentary sequence wasdeposited in progressively deeper basins, consisting of grey bio-micritic limestones of the Corniola Fm. (Lower SinemurianeLowerToarcian), limestones and red nodular marls of the Rosso

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Fig. 3. Schematic 3D-view of the studied exposures. (a) Exposure 1 is characterized by two outcrops, T1 and T2, which are perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the Cingolianticline axis. Note in outcrop T2 a bedding-parallel pavement (30 by 40 cm) that was mapped at the 1:1 scale to study fracture relationships. (b) Exposure 2 is characterized bya single outcrop (T3) perpendicular to the anticline axis.

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Ammonitico Fm. (Toarcian), thinly-bedded limestones with chertsand marls of the Calcari a Posidonia Fm. (Toarcian p.p.eLowerBajocian p.p.), and grey-greenish cherty limestones of the CalcariDiasprigni Fm. (Upper BajocianeLower Tithonian limestones withreddish chert).

A rather homogeneous deep marine depositional environmentcharacterized the Tithonian to early Messinian period. In particular,the deposition of micritic limestones of the Maiolica Fm.(TithonianeLower Aptian), shales and marls pertaining to theMarne a Fucoidi Fm. (Lower Aptian-Upper Albian), and fine-grainedpelagic limestones, marly limestones, and chert of the ScagliaBianca, Scaglia Rossa, and Scaglia Variegata Fms. (late Albian andmid-Eocene) occurred. Between Oligocene and early Messiniantime, the area was characterized by the deposition of hemipelagicmarly limestones pertaining to the Scaglia Cinerea Fm., Bisciaro Fm.,and Schlier Fm. (Deiana et al., 2002; Mazzoli et al., 2002).

An important extensional tectonic event probably connectedwith the flexure of the Adriatic foreland lithosphere, affected theCingoli anticline front between late Burdigalian and early Messi-nian time (Deiana et al., 2002; Mazzoli et al., 2002 and literaturetherein). Under this regime, pre-thrusting, NWeSE striking normalfaults developed. Some of these normal faults were then

Fig. 4. Synopsis of all observed fracture sets and main attributes. PSS: pressure solutio

reactivated as reverse or back-thrust faults during the compres-sional phase (Fig. 1c). The study area was finally affected by themain orogenic phase at the end of the deposition of the Gessoso-Solfifera Fm. (mid-Messinian time). The contractional deformationprogressively propagated toward the east activating new faults.Lastly, the early Pliocene Argille Azzurre Fm. (marine clays) over-lapped the thrust front of the Cingoli anticline.

3. Methods

This work focuses on two exposures located in the Cingolianticline backlimb (Fig. 1). The studied exposures allow for a 3Dview of fractures, with natural cross sections oriented eitherperpendicular or parallel to the anticline axis. Additional exposuresof bedding surfaces are also present (Fig. 3). The localities of theexposures are far away from major tectonic structures (large-displacement faults).

In this paper, we use fractures as a generic term includingpressure solution seams, sheared pressure solution seams, joints,and faults (Pollard and Aydin, 1988). In the Cingoli anticline, frac-tures are characterized by a typical background pattern (e.g., Tavaniet al., 2010) mainly consisting of closely-spaced stratabound

n seam; HAB: high angle to bedding (75e90�); LAB: low angle to bedding (<75�).

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Fig. 5. Photomosaic and related line drawing of T1 outcrop in Exposure 1. Four sets of pressure solution seams (PSSs) are identified (see lower hemisphere equal area projection ofPSSs poles and their density contours). Note two reverse NE-dipping faults (F1 and F2) cutting through the fractured strata. In the small photograph, a detail from the F2 fault isdisplayed, showing a marly layer acting as a detachment level, along which fault movement occurred. Attitude data are expressed in dip azimuth/dip form; HAB: high angle tobedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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pressure solution seams (PSSs), which can be nearly perpendicularor at low angles to bedding. We consider as high angle to bedding(HAB) those structures that form an angle with bedding greaterthan 75� (between 75� and 90�) and as low angle to bedding (LAB)those structures forming an angle to bedding smaller than 75�. Thisthreshold angle was chosen on the basis of geomechanicalconsiderations, which predict closure and opening fractureformations, respectively in the compressional and extensionalquadrants, at 72� to a sheared discontinuity (i.e. flexural slip planes)(Pollard and Aydin, 1988).

The background fabric of fractures is, in places, crosscut bythrough-going faults and associated fractures. In the followingsections, we focus our attention on the geometry and developmentof these faults.

The data presented in this work derive from field surveys anddetailed mapping of the studied exposures. In particular, wemapped the fractured exposures, reporting each fracture onphotomosaics at 1:1 to 1:20 scale and verifying the fracture type

directly in the field. We paid particular attention to the followingissues:

(1) Type of fractures (i.e., PSSs, sheared PSSs, joints, or faults);(2) Orientation of fractures and their orientation relative to

bedding surfaces;(3) Fracture confinement (stratabound vs. non-stratabound);(4) Fracture abutting and crosscutting relationships;(5) Evolution of fractures (e.g., from PSSs to sheared PSSs);(6) Geometric, tectonic, and temporal relationships between

through-going faults, bedding surfaces, and the backgroundfabric of fractures.

We also studied the fractured carbonates in thin-sections byusing an optical microscope to identify the fracture type andorigin (e.g., PSSs, sheared PSSs, faults). Fracture attitude data arehenceforth expressed in degrees as dip direction/dip (e.g., 245�/30� to indicate that the fracture plane dips toward N245� with

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Fig. 6. Photomosaic and related line drawings of portions of the T1 outcrop in Exposure 1, showing the geometric relationships between sets of pressure solution seams (PSSs; seelower hemisphere equal area projection of PSSs poles and their density contours) and faults. Attitude data are expressed in dip azimuth/dip form; HAB: high angle to bedding; LAB:low angle to bedding.

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a dip angle of 30�). The main characteristics of fracture setsrecognized in Exposures 1 and 2 are reported in the synoptic viewof Fig. 4.

4. Results

4.1. Exposure 1

Exposure 1 consists of two sub-vertical outcrops (T1 and T2)oriented at right angles to each other, and approximatelyperpendicular and parallel to the Cingoli anticline axis (Figs. 1and 3a). Exposure 1 also includes a bedding-parallel pavementthat we characterized to better understand the three-dimensional distribution of fractures (Fig. 3a). The T1 outcrop

is SW-NE oriented, approximately 30 m-long, and 3 m-high. TheT2 outcrop is NW-SE oriented, about 15 m-long, and 1.5 m-high.The dimensions of the bedding-parallel pavement is 30 by40 cm.

Outcrops of Exposure 1 show the upper part of the ScagliaRossa Fm., which is here characterized by thinly-bedded reddishlimestones and marly limestones without chert, and by claycontent higher than in the lower portion of this formation(Figs. 5e7). Along the T1 and T2 outcrops (Figs. 5 and 7),bedding surfaces are defined by PSSs with a general orientationof 235�/30�. Carbonate beds are generally 10e50 cm thick;thinner (up to 5 cm thick) layers of marls and marly limestonesmay also be present at different levels. Slickenlines and otherkinematic markers present on several bedding surfaces,

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Fig. 7. (a) Photomosaic and related line drawings of the T2 outcrop in Exposure 1. Three sets of pressure solution seams (PSSs) are identified (see lower hemisphere equal areaprojection of PSSs poles and their density contours). (b) Fracture mapping on a small portion of a bed-parallel pavement 30 by 40 cm. Attitude data are expressed in dip azimuth/dipform; HAB: high angle to bedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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particularly where marly interlayers occur, are consistent witha flexural slip mainly along a NEeSW trend.

The T1 and T2 outcrops are characterized by strataboundPSSs spaced between 1 and 10 cm (i.e., this spacing refers to thedistance between two adjacent fractures pertaining to the sameset). Marly layers constitute the mechanical discontinuityagainst which all PSSs sets abut. When these layers are absent,some PSSs cut across the bedding surfaces. A few longerthrough-going faults are also exposed along the T1 outcrop(Figs. 5 and 6).

Fracture sets are described below following a temporal criterion(from the oldest to the youngest sets), which was determined bycareful observation of their abutting and crosscutting relationships.The affiliation of fractures to specific sets was determined on thebasis of fracture attitude (i.e., fracture parallelism; see stereonets inFigs. 5e7) and type. In the T1 outcrop, we recognized four main setsof fractures (Figs. 5, 6 and 8):

Set I: Set I is characterized by HAB (85e90�) PSSs withtoothed surfaces, which are stained with iron oxides and clayresidues. Field and thin-section observations show clearevidence of dissolution along these surfaces (Fig. 8aed; see alsoFigs. S1aec). The stylolite peaks are generally perpendicular tothe PSSs (Fig. 8b and d), which are mostly stratabound (Fig. 6),and dipping toward N39� with a dip angle of about 72� (seestereonet in Fig. 5). PSSs of Set I do not show evidence of sheardisplacement (Fig. 8a and S1aec) and usually have terminationsor nucleation tips right along the bedding surfaces, particularly

along the contact between carbonate beds and the thin marlylayers.

Set II: Fractures of this set consist of LAB (55�) PSSs (Fig. 8eehand S1def), dipping towards N234� with a dip angle of about 84�

(see stereonet in Fig. 5). Some of these PSSs abut or veer towardsthose of Set I (Fig. 9c), indicating that Set I is older than Set II.Exceptions to this rule are occasionally observed (Fig. 9c). Fracturesof Set II do not generally show evidence of shear displacementexcept in a few cases, where some dip-slip reverse (or sub-vertical)offsets were observed (Figs. 8f and 10).

Set III: This set is formed by LAB (<60�) PSSs, oriented 270�/77�. Some of these surfaces show evidence of younger left-lateralstrike-slip offsets (Fig. 8i and j). For this reason, some fractures ofSet III cut across bedding surfaces and are generally longer thanmost stratabound fractures forming the background fabric of theT1 outcrop. Fractures of Set III are not as well developed as frac-tures of other sets occurring in the T1 outcrop.

Set IV: Fractures of this set are themost frequent and pervasive inthe T1 outcrop (Figs. 5 and 6). They consist of LAB (c. 60�) PSSs(Figs. 8k, m, n, and S1gei), which are generally stratabound anddipping towards NE with a dip angle of 40�. Field and thin-sectionobservations show that stylolite peaks are perpendicular to thePSSs surfaces. Occasionally, these fractures show evidence of dip-slipreverse offsets (Fig. 8l). Fractures of Set IV normally terminate againstor veer towards fractures of Set I, Set II, and Set III (Figs. 6a and 9).

Although present, fractures of Sets V, VI, and VII (see below) arehard to spot in the T1 outcrop because of their approximately

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Fig. 8. Microscopic and mesoscopic photographs of PSSs from Set I, Set II, Set III, and Set IV. (a) Pressure solution seam (PSS) surface of Set I. Set I surfaces are usually characterizedby clay residues and by peaks normal to the pressure solution plane. (b) Set I PSS profile showing stylolite peaks. (c) and (d) Set I PSSs (thin-sections) accompanied by partiallydissolved shells belonging to planktonic foraminifera. (e) Set II PSS profile accompanied by insoluble residues. (f) Set II PSS surface characterized by slickolites consistent witha reverse dip-slip displacement. (g) and (h) Set II PSSs (thin-sections) with partially dissolved shells belonging to planktonic Foraminifera. (i) and (j) Set III surfaces. This set isgenerally characterized by PSSs with smooth peaks and, more often, with slickolites and grooves showing a left-lateral strike-slip offset. (k) Set IV PSS surface. Set IV surfaces areusually characterized by clay residues and by perpendicular stylolite peaks. (l) Set II PSS surface characterized by slickolites consistent with a reverse dip-slip offset. (m) and (n) Set IIPSSs (thin-sections) accompanied by partially dissolved shells belonging to planktonic Foraminifera.

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Fig. 9. Photographs and related line drawings showing crosscutting and abutting relationships among the most pervasive pressure solution seams (PSSs) of the T1 outcrop inExposure 1. (a) and (b) PSSs of Set IV terminating against PSSs of Set I. (c) PSSs of Set IV terminating against PSSs of Set I and Set II. Note also that two PSSs of Set II terminate againstPSSs of Set I. (d) PSSs of Set IV terminating against PSSs of Set II. HAB: high angle to bedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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parallel orientation to the outcrop wall (compare stereonet of Fig. 7with orientation of the T1 outcrop reported in Fig. 3). For thisreason, Sets V, VI, and VII are described in the T2 outcrop, wherethey are more clearly visible.

The T1 outcrop exposes two reverse, LAB faults that cut throughthe fractured carbonate beds (see F1 and F2 in Figs. 5 and 6b). The

F1 and F2 faults are roughly parallel to Set IV, and characterized byan offset of between 10 and 20 cm. Slickenlines along these faultsshow dip-slip kinematics nearly parallel to the outcrop and indi-cate, together with other kinematic indicators, a reverse sense ofmotion. The inner structure of the F1 and F2 faults is characterizedby the absence of a well-defined fault core containing finely

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Fig. 10. Photograph and related line drawing showing the termination of Set IV PSSs against Set II PSSs. Note that Set II PSSs are characterized by subvertical reverse offset. HAB:high angle to bedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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comminuted rock, at least when observed at the mesoscale (i.e., thegouge zone along faults in carbonates can even be, in fact, sub-millimetric in thickness; e.g., Smith et al., 2011). The two fault zonesconsist of a segmented slip surface surrounded by a damage zone asthick as 10 cm, containing fractures and, in places, coarse breccias.The traces of F1 and F2 faults are sinuous and, in places, theycoincidewith or intercept bedding and fracture surfaces (Figs. 5 and6b). To understand the nucleation and growth of the largest one ofthese two faults (F1 in Fig. S2; see also Movie S1), we mapped thefault by indicating with different color codes the segments wherethe fault propagated using pre-existing surfaces (bedding surfacesand fractures of Set IV) and segments where the fault propagatedgenerating new through-going surfaces. Fault mapping (Fig. S2)was carried out in the field by measuring the attitude of eachsegment of the fault surface and then comparing these orientationswith attitudes of the surrounding fracture sets. We also paidattention to the kinematic indicators present over the individualslip surface to assess whether these surfaces were originally PSSs orshear surfaces.

Supplementary video related to this article can be found at doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.05.007.

Small, subvertical, LAB faults further deform the rock volumebetween the F1 and F2 faults. These minor faults strike parallel tofractures of Set II, and are characterized by offsets smaller than5 cm.

In the T2 outcrop, we recognized three main sets of fractures(Fig. 7):

Set V: This set is formed by stratabound, subvertical, HAB, E-W-striking PSSs (Fig. 11a). Only a few of these PSSs cut through thebedding. Fractures of Set V show slightly toothed surfaces, with ironoxide stains and clay residues. Some of these surfaces (the ones thatare non-stratabound) are characterized by left-lateral oblique- tostrike-slip small offsets (Fig. 11b).

Sets VI and VII: These sets consist of LAB PSSs oriented respec-tively 145�/45� and 328�/54�, hence nearly perpendicular to thefold axis (see stereonet in Fig. 7). These PSSs are stratabound andgenerally characterized by wrinkled surfaces and clay residues(Fig. 11c and e). Sets VI and VII show frequent evidence of trans-tensional kinematics (Fig. 11d and f).

We analyzed a small bedding-parallel pavement located at thebase of the T2 outcrop (Fig. 7) to document the abutting

relationships between fracture sets. This pavement shows thatfractures of Sets VI and VII are confined by the longer fractures ofSet IV, which is, therefore, older than Sets VI and VII (Fig. 7b).

4.2. Exposure 2

The T3 outcrop in Exposure 2 exposes the Scaglia Rossa Fm.(Figs. 1, 3 and 12), which is here characterized by a smaller amountof clay with respect to the previously presented T1 and T2 outcrops.The T3 outcrop includes beds 0.1 to 1 m-thick. Marly interlayers areabsent; the bedding surfaces usually coincide with PSSs associatedwith thin and nodular remnants of dissolved limestones. Similarlyto the T1 and T2 outcrops, the bedding orientation measured in theT3 outcrop is 230�/30�, which is approximately parallel (thebedding strike) to the Cingoli anticline axis (compare stereonet inFig. 12 with the anticline axis in Fig. 1). As mentioned above,slickenlines and other kinematic markers present over severalbedding surfaces show that bedding underwent flexural slip alongthe NE-SW trend.

Fractures visible in the T3 outcrop pertain to Sets I, II, III, and IV(Fig. 12). Fractures of Sets V, VI, and VII are also present, but poorlyexposed, because of their orientation parallel to the T3 outcrop. Ingeneral, the T3 outcrop is intensely deformed by closely-spacedPSSs of Set IV, whereas PSSs of Sets I, II, and III are less common.PSSs of Set IV are stratabound, LAB, and usually confined by PSSs ofSets I, II, and III. PSSs of Set I and II are rare in the T3 outcrop. It isinteresting to note, however, that some PSSs of Set II are not stra-tabound, longer than most fractures observed in the outcrop, andcharacterized by evidence of dip-slip shear offset. Similarly to whathappens for Set II, also PSSs of Set III are poorly developed in the T3outcrop and they are often characterized by evidence of dip-slipshear offset (Fig. 12).

On the northeastern side of the T3 outcrop, a 220�/88�

oriented sub-vertical fault occurs (see F3 in Figs. 12 and 13).Slickenlines are dip-slip (pitch angle is about 90�) along thefault plane and kinematic indicators indicate a sub-verticalreverse offset of about 12 cm. The F3 fault surface is rathercontinuous (except in the upper portion) and it is characterizedby the absence of a fault core. A very thin (<1 cm) anddiscontinuous layer of clay gouge or fine breccia flanks the faultsurface in its central and lower portions. Sparry calcite fillings

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Fig. 11. Mesoscopic photographs at different scales of fractures from Sets V, VI, and VII. (a) Pressure solution seam (PSS) from Set V. Set V surfaces are usually characterized by clayresidues and by smooth perpendicular stylolite peaks. (b) PSS surface from Set V showing slickolites consistent with transtensive offset. (c) PSS surface from Set VI. (d) Surface fromSet VI characterized by crystal (calcite) fibers consistent with a left-lateral transtensive offset. (e) PSS surface from Set VII. (d) Surface from Set VII characterized by crystal (calcite)fibers and grooves consistent with a right-lateral transtensive offset.

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Fig. 12. Photomosaic and related line drawing of the T3 outcrop in Exposure 2. On the outcrop, fractures of Sets I, II, III, and IV have been mapped (see lower hemisphere equal areaprojection of PSSs poles and related density contours). Note, on the right side, the presence of a sub-vertical fault (F3) cutting through the fractured carbonate strata. Attitude dataare expressed in dip azimuth/dip form; HAB: high angle to bedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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occur along some portions of the slip surface, which is sur-rounded by a thin (<20 cm) and irregular damage zone con-taining fractures and pockets of breccias with clasts of variablesize (Fig. 13def, and S3). The fault surface is mainly parallel tofractures of Set II and cuts through both bedding surfaces andPSSs of other sets present in the T3 outcrop, particularly PSSs ofSet IV. In the lower portion of the fault, a set of SW-dippingjoints is documented (Fig. 13a and g). It is important toemphasize that the individual exposed fault zone componentsare characterized by different colors (Figs. 12 and 13). Inparticular, we note that the breccia pockets are significantlylighter (in color) than the surrounding carbonate rocks probablydue to the bleaching of iron oxides.

In order to understand the nucleation and growth of the F3 fault(see Fig. S3 and Movie S2) we documented the inner fault structureand surrounding fractures with a method similar to that previouslyexplained for the F1 fault (Fig. S2). Unlike the F1 fault, the F3 fault isstraight and continuous at the outcrop scale (compare Figs. S2 and

S3). Unfortunately, it was not possible to ascertain whetherportions of the F3 fault surface coincide with (i.e., takes advantageof) pre-existing fracture surfaces. We only noted that this fault issub-parallel to the fractures of Set II. This evidence suggests that SetII fractures may have acted as original nuclei for the F3development.

Supplementary video related to this article can be found at doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.05.007.

5. Discussion

The Cingoli carbonate anticline provides the opportunity tostudy potential fluid-conductive structures at a scale below seismicresolution within pelagic carbonates similar to those exploited forhydrocarbons in the nearby Po Plain and Adriatic foreland. Withthis in mind, at least two main observations are relevant: (1) thestudy exposures are intensely deformed by a background fabricformed by several sets of closely-spaced, both HAB and LAB,

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Fig. 13. (a) Photograph and related line drawings showing the sub-vertical fault (F3) exposed in the T3 outcrop (Fig. 12). This fault is mostly parallel to pressure solution seams(PSSs) of Set II. Note the damage zone around the fault surface and pockets of coarse breccia within this damage zone. The fault core is absent or in a very infant stage (i.e., very thinand discontinuous). (b) Photograph and related line drawing showing pressure solution seams probably connected with the shear deformation occurring along two boundary faultstrands. (c) Microscopic photograph of one of the pressure solution seams shown in the previous figure (Fig. 13b). (d) Photograph of a portion of the damage zone surrounding theF3 fault. (e) and (f) Photographs of breccia pockets within the damage zone surrounding the F3 fault. (g) Photograph of a joint surface next to the F3 fault. Attitude data are expressedin dip azimuth/dip form; HAB: high angle to bedding; LAB: low angle to bedding.

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stratabound pressure solution seams (PSSs); (2) this fabric is, inplaces, overprinted by small-offset faults that enhance intercon-nection through carbonate strata between PSSs, bedding surfaces,and newly-developed fault segments.

5.1. Background fabric

In Exposures 1 and 2, we recognized sevenmain sets of fracturesdeforming carbonate strata of the Scaglia Rossa Fm. It is interestingto note that all sets consist of PSSs, indicating that the studiedexposures were seemingly deformed under a large meancompressional stress. Although we do not have data from the hingeand forelimb sectors of the anticline and from further exposures inthe backlimb, the general lack of joints and veins (except a fewjoints adjacent to the faults; Fig. 13a) suggests that the rocks did notundergo to extension (e.g., typically occurring in pre-thrustingforeland flexure or syn-folding extrados environments; Zhao andJacobi, 1997; Salvini and Storti, 2001; Billi and Salvini, 2003;

Fig. 14. Progressive development of pressure solution seams and faults th

Bellahsen et al., 2006a, 2006b; Billi et al., 2006; Tavani et al., 2006,2008; Morley, 2007; Quintà and Tavani, 2012; Vitale et al., 2012).

Fig. 14 shows a possible evolutionary model of PSSs formationmainly based on observations of abutting and crosscutting rela-tionships. In the model, limb rotation is speculative as we have nodata to properly constrain the anticline development and relatedlimb rotation. After the formation of bed-parallel PSSs (Fig.14a), theoldest observed set (Set I) in Exposures 1 and 2 is characterized byPSSs lying almost perpendicular to bedding. PSSs of Sets II, III, andIV abut against PSSs of Set I. Given their attitude relative to beddingand anticline axis orientation, we interpret the PSSs of Set I asdeveloped under a layer-parallel-shortening regime at the onset ofanticline development (Fig. 14b). In our model, the successivefeature is Set II, whose PSSs terminate or veer on PSSs of Set I(Fig. 9c). Given their attitude, we interpret PSSs of Set II as formeddue to a top-to-the-crest (NE) layer parallel shear, which possiblyoccurred during the very early stages of folding (Fig. 14c). PSSs ofSet III abut against PSSs of Set I and are, hence, younger than Set I.

rough carbonate strata. Progressive limb rotation is purely indicative.

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We could not observe any unambiguous evidence related to thetiming of Set II and Set III. We can only say that, due to their atti-tude, the two sets formed under a top-to-the-foreland layer parallelshear either normal or oblique to the fold axis (e.g., Fischer andJackson, 1999; Tavani et al., 2011) (Fig. 14c). PSSs of Set IV are themost pervasive structures in Exposures 1 and 2. These structuresabut or veer onto the PSSs of Sets I, II, and III and are, therefore,younger than these three sets. We interpret PSSs of set IV asforming due to top-to-the-hinterland (SW) layer-parallel shearduring folding (e.g., Erickson et al., 2001) (Fig. 14d).

PSSs of Sets V, VI, and VII abut against PSSs of Set IV, and aretherefore all younger than this latter set. We did not observeunambiguous relationships to constrain the relative timingbetween Set V, Set VI, and Set VII. The interpretation within thefolding process of these sets is rather complicated, because theyimply pressure solution processes with compression axis almostnormal or oblique to (and not parallel to) the direction of the maintectonic transport (Fig. 14e). Further data or a better theoreticalunderstanding are necessary to fully interpret the development ofthese fracture sets during the folding process.

5.2. Small-offset faults

In Exposures 1 and 2, we recognized three main low-offset(�20 cm) faults (F1, F2, and F3 in Figs. 5 and 12). In addition tothese three faults, some of the PSSs show evidence of reactivationby shear (e.g., Figs. 8f, 8l, and 10). The F1 and F2 faults are formed byindividual strands that are linked together forming the current faulttraces. In particular, the traces of these faults include strands ofbedding and PSSs (Set IV) surfaces linked together by newly-generated fault segments (Fig. S2). This latter architecturesuggests that the faults probably nucleated due to initial shearingon pre-existing bedding and PSSs (Set IV) and then formed newshear surfaces (Fig. S2) to connect the pre-existing ones. Theevidence that the bedding surfaces, which were activated in shearalong these faults, are those with marly and soft interlayers (Fig. 5and S2) supports our hypothesis of fault generation along weakbedding surfaces. We also observe, however, that this is not theonly fault nucleation process in the studied exposures. The F3 fault,in fact, cuts through bedding with an angle of about 60� andportions of bedding surfaces are not included in the main faultsurface (Fig. S3). The parallelism and closeness between the F3 faultand several PSSs of Set II suggest that the fault nucleated by usingsurfaces of this latter set. The F3 fault surface is rather continuousthrough the outcrop and it is therefore difficult to identify itsprimary nucleation strands. To support our hypothesis of a fault(F3) nucleation along pre-existing PSSs of Set II, we point out that,throughout the studied exposures, several surfaces of this set arereactivated in shear and show small offsets (Figs. 8f and 10)consistent with the subvertical displacement measured along theF3 fault.

General insights into the hydrologic behavior of the studiedfaults may be drawn from the following observations. The archi-tecture of the F1, F2, and F3 faults consists of a narrow (<20 cm)damage zone that includes interconnected fractures and zones ofcoarse breccia, which together form a rather tabular, through-going zone of brittle deformation contrasting with the back-ground fabric of stratabound and poorly-connected PSSs (Figs. 5and 13). Along portions of the F3 fault, we also observe a verythin gouge zone (<1 cm thick; Fig. 13d) that is not present alongthe F1 and F2 faults.

Even without porosity and permeability data to quantitativelydefine the influence of the faults and fractures that we described onfluid flow, our field observations highlight the contrasting struc-tural architecture between the background fabric and the late-stage

small-displacement faults. The through-going faults providea physical connection between rock matrix, pre-existing PSSs, andbedding surfaces for a length of at least a few meters. Instead, thebackground structural fabric is mostly composed of strataboundand poorly-connected PSSs that are likely closed at reservoirconditions, except those fractures that are parallel or nearly parallelto shmax in conditions of low mean stress or are kept open by shear(Zoback, 2007; Agosta et al., 2010).

We propose that some of the conductive fractures (or fractureswarms; e.g., Lonergan et al., 2007; Ozkaya et al., 2007; Wennberget al., 2007; Akbar and Montaron, 2008; Singh et al., 2008;Questiaux et al., 2010; Souque et al., 2011) detected in fracturedcarbonate reservoirs may be structures similar to the small-displacement faults studied in this paper. In particular, the occur-rence (or the lack) of a fault-parallel gouge zone will influence thesubsurface fluid flow. The absence of gouge (F1 and F2 faults) wouldallow fluid flow both normal and parallel to the fault, with flowparallel to the fault favored by fault-parallel elongate fractures(Fig. S2). On the contrary, the presence of gouge would allow fluidflow mainly parallel to the fault (F3 fault; Fig. S3). Field evidence ofpreferential fluid circulation is shown by the lighter color of somebreccia pockets interpreted as bleaching of iron oxides (Fig. S3).

In an effort to evaluate if our results may be generalized toa wider set of situations within similar rock types and tectonicsettings we compare our results with previous studies.

Tavani et al. (2008) studied the Mt. Catria anticline (centralItaly), characterized by the same sedimentary sequence as theCingoli anticline, and found reverse faults associated to late-stagefolds both in the backlimb and forelimb of the anticline. Thesefaults are parallel to PSSs oblique to bedding in the forelimb, andnearly parallel to other sets of pre-existing PSSs in the backlimb.Graham Wall et al. (2006) found similar structures in carbonatesequences of the Albanides fold-and-thrust-belt. In this instance,late-stage reverse faults cut through carbonate anticlines reac-tivating pre-existing PSSs (oblique to bedding) and coalesced toform fault zones with breccias cutting through bedding surfaces.Late-stage syn-folding strike-slip faults were found in thecarbonate Añisclo anticline (Pyrenees) by Tavani et al. (2006), in thecarbonate Majella anticline (central Apennines) by Antonellini et al.(2008), and in carbonate anticlines of the northern Apennines byMarshak et al. (1982). In the last two cases, the late-stage strike-slipfaults were interpreted as originating from pre-existing PSSs. In thecase of the Majella anticline, rare late-stage reverse faults wereobserved reactivating earlier PSSs in the anticline forelimb.

6. Conclusions

(1) Exposures of the Scaglia Rossa Fm. studied in the backlimb ofthe Cingoli anticline are affected by a background fabric ofclosely-spaced stratabound pressure solution seams (PSSs)overprinted in places by small-offset faults that cut throughbedding and the background fabric.

(2) Fault nucleation and growth occurred in the previously-fractured, well-layered carbonates by shearing of the pre-existing mechanical weaknesses (pre-existing bedding andPSSs surfaces) and by forming new shear surfaces as faultgrowth progressed.

(3) Due to their contrasting structural architecture and connec-tivity, we propose that the background structural fabric wouldbe hydraulically poorly-conductive, but in contrast the late-stage faults would enhance fault-parallel (and maybe thefault-orthogonal) fluid flow.

(4) The occurrence of late-stage faults formed by reactivating earlyPSSs in carbonate folds other than the Cingoli anticline indi-cates that the discussed model for fault nucleation and growth

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in pelagic micrites may be common in other carbonate anti-clines with similar rock types.


F. Agosta, N. Bellahsen, S. Smith, and S. Tavani are warmlythanked for handling the manuscript and for constructivecomments, which have been fundamental to improve the paper.Independent Resources plc is gratefully acknowledged for itsfinancial support; in particular, Roberto Bencini and IndependentResources plc technical staff are thanked for fruitful discussions.The authors are also grateful to Prof. Massimo Santantonio for hisinsights into the Mesozoic stratigraphy and field discussions. TheServizio Ambiente e Paesaggio- P.F. Informazioni Territoriali edAmbientali e Beni Paesaggistici of Marche Region and ChiaraD’Ambrogi of the ISPRA Agency provided useful geological data.Midland Valley is acknowledged for providing 2DMove and3DMove software useful for geological cross section construction.Domenico Mannetta of Petrolab ( is thanked forexceptional thin-sections.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data related to this article can be found online atdoi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.05.007.


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