july 2010 issue women with know how

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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    G B!

    Rb CRiGGR

    A TrulyResourceful


    DtRmiiG Wti Fi l

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    Dear Readers,

    i hope you are all enjoyng our eauul

    suer weaher! be careul when you are

    ousde y wearng pleny o sunscreen and

    drnks los o waer! i fnally sared a log and

    wll log aou adversng, randng and oherusness ssues poran o e. i wll also

    log aou y clens o le y readers have

    ore knowledge aou he as well. oe o

    he i wan o share n y pulshers leer

    ro e o e, so here goes.

    dversng s brandng i have een n he

    adversng sales proesson or any years.

    i have seen any usnesses coe and go.Why do a lo o usnesses go ou o usness?

    For any deren reasons. Locaon, poor

    cusoer servce and econoc s soe.

    For any usnesses s ecause hey al o

    have a arkeng plan. ow can you clens

    fnd you? Word o ouh s always he es

    reerral, u ha sn enough. When sarng

    a usness have a udge n nd. ven heudge sn a lo you can srech hose dollars

    o have as uch vsly as possle.

    Large ads are grea, u, no always sar

    you are low on unds. i would raher see

    saller ads n ore places, han a ull page

    From the puBlisher Mimi Zelman

    Word of mouthis always the bestreferral, but thatisnt enough.

    Cd 4

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How





    Dane Davs


    G BananaS

    asy ways o

    grll up soehng

    surprsngly good



    ManageMent 6 Royn Crgger

    CoMMuniCation 8 Jane nderson

    Your Career 14 mary Canando

    Young entrepreneur 16 K ughes

    FinanCial 24 Dane m. Wlls

    perSonal ForeCaSt 26 marce Wllas-browng

    relationShipS 32 mary lzaeh murphy

    legal iSSueS 34 mz Kncad, orney a Law

    Marketing 40 Karen L. Dorschy


    C StorY

    ngela Key



    is all your aul


  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    Sv Cd Cs

    ubliser/resiDenm L. Zelan


    Creaive DireCr, GraiC DesiGn

    PRK [email protected]

    Feaure Wrier/Cy eDir

    Crsna Cassdy

    DireCr F WWk elie

    margo Lord

    [email protected] Wriers

    mary Canandomary lzaeh murphy

    marce Wllas- brownngRoyn Crgger

    Jane ndersono nderson PC tranng

    K ugheso 704evens.co


    Conac m [email protected]

    For ore adversng noraon callm a 704-491-1207 or eal her a:


    Copyrgh 2010

    Cover phoography: y psode Xi udos, LLC

    ad n one place. Who s your arge arke? i

    s woen, place your ad n as any woens

    agaznes as possle. oees you are hnghe sae audence hs way, whch s good, ecause

    you are creang op o he nd awareness. lso

    os agaznes, newspapers, ec reach deren

    readers as well ha you wan o arge.

    ever adverse n one pulcaon less han 6 es

    or you are hrowng your oney away. i really

    does ake ha any pressons o uld your

    rand. ths sayng i learned years ago, really says all. Why does a an wake up n he ornng and

    rush hs eeh wh an adversed oohrush and

    oohpase, drnk adversed coee, drve o work n

    an adversed car, u doesn adverse hs usness

    ll s e o adverse For ale ! Don e ha

    an, fnd soeone who can help you creae a

    arkeng plan and your usness wll hrve.

    i you would lke o ollow y log go ohttp://wowthowhow.ogpot.co/

    ave a wonderul and sae 4h o July!


    Check out ouronline store!www.womenwithknowhow.com

    Cd fm 2

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How















    DeterminingWhat is a Fair Salarymany Factors Decde What

    oeone Gets Pad on a Jo

    manaGement Robyn Crigger, CEO Compass Career Management SolutionsOI Partners Inc.

    Wh tg wth wo

    jo ch, wo

    ot ow fo

    wht h wt fo h ft

    poto, d t h ow how

    ch h d o wt to .

    ht c pttg th ctfo th ho.

    persons sklls and responsles

    grealy pac he rae o a poson.

    in ac, any acors are nvolved.

    i a person could undersand

    hs, gh help her o

    selec a ore approprae

    career pah. vously,n y usness, i lke o

    see a person selec a

    career ha aches her

    sklls and passon. Dong

    hs wll ake her work

    experences ore ulfllng and

    lead o good reenon.

    Fcto tht

    Dt rt of

    ere are soe coonly known

    acors ha deerne he rae o pay

    your receve or he work you do:

    the ore responsly o he jo,he hgher worh o ha eployee.

    the ore experence n ha role, he

    ore ha person rngs o he jo.

    i he canddae has good reerences

    ro people o hgh saure and

    pronence, ha can lead o hgher

    pay; adds credly.

    her acors nclude he sze, volue

    and success o he eployng


    For he os par, he copany s

    sall, hey ay no e as copeve

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    CommuniCation Janet Anderson, Anderson PC Training

    m xpc of g

    t t cotct w

    h g w ght.

    not o th hpg

    tt t, t t g

    w of pph o

    of th wod.

    i wen n or y regular check up and

    or soe reason he words i e i a

    no a good canddae or conacs, a

    i? cae ou o y ouh.

    my ophhalologs

    sad cually you are

    a grea canddae.

    Do you wan o ry

    he? Whn a n-ue i had conacs

    n y eyes and was

    walkng around he all

    ryng he ou. week

    laer, i was gven a ral par o

    use or a week or so, and vol, i a

    now a conac wearer.

    Wh ddt i do th oo?

    nce i h y 40s i have worn glass-

    es. the need was really or eachng.

    i needed o see he screen and su-

    dens, u e ale o look down a y

    onor and noes. i wondered why i

    ddn change sooner, u he realy

    s ha he conacs weren hagood hen. they couldn handle

    asgas and were harder o use

    and ake care o. o, i guess eer

    lae han never.

    i have he ono lenses whch eans

    ha one eye sees he dsance and

    he oher s used or readng. i akes

    a whle or he ran o no nocewha he one eye you don wan o

    use...sees. ive prey uch goen

    he hang o now.

    the real lerang ac s ha i see

    LL around e. the perpheral vson

    s anasc. When i a wh people, i

    New Sight (Insight)Gettng a fresh look at theworld or yourself s always leratng








  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    don have o ove y head up and-

    down o ge a clear vew o everyone.

    my glass raes don ge n he way,

    so y vson s so uch proved.

    Wh i hg th?

    wchng o conacs has augh

    e wo hngs aou learnng and

    le. Frs, i ddn gve up ecause i

    was gven he rgh encourageen

    a he rgh e. the frs week or

    so, i hough hese were no or e,

    ecause neher he near vson nor

    he dsance vson was good, u heddle vson was grea. When i was

    ready o go ack o glasses, y doc-

    or sad ha or soe reason he our

    week ark seeed o e he agcal

    e when jus clcks n. o i gave

    ore e. s encourageen and

    suppor along he way ade LL he

    derence. the ppng pon o sop-

    png soehng or hangng n here svery ragle. e sad he rgh words

    a he rgh e.

    o any es n y classroos,

    jus a lle ake your e, or ha

    was done well, or congrasha

    was grea can ake he derence

    eween a suden who s eager o

    learn and eels successul, and onewho s rusraed and never coes o

    class agan.

    econdly, y glasses were gvng e

    a narrow vew o he world all hese

    years. i was ssng people, hngs, and

    vews ha were n y perpheral vson

    area and hereore i was ssng he

    WL vew. Do i do ha wh y dec-

    sons? Do i do ha wh le? Do U?

    ow any es have we all ade a

    rash decson ased on only par ohe noraon? Changng y vson

    changed he way i see he worldler-

    ally. i a ryng now o look a a lo o

    aspecs eore akng decsons.

    Geng conacs has lerally

    and fguravely changed y vew o

    he world. re you seeng your

    world clearly?

    appy learnng. Don gve up!


    [email protected]


    Debbie WinchesterDesignsearth elements jewelry

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    Angela Key:

    A TrulyResourcefulWoman

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    he daugher o a frs generaon Greek

    aher, and a say-a-hoe oher, she

    creds her parens or gvng her a srong

    work ehc and sense o values.

    s a young grl Key was shy and que.

    he loved o read and sll does o hs

    day, hough she ads she sruggled aca-

    decally. he reeers her parens

    sayng up soees as lae as nne a

    ngh o help her do her hoework.

    er graduang ro hgh school, Key

    aended uurn Unversy or one year,u decded wasn' or her. insead, she

    go engaged and ollowed her fanc ack

    o brngha, where she enrolled rey

    a a local college, and wen o work. ne

    week eore he weddng, wh over 1,000

    people nved, Key called o. i was a

    dfcul decson, u he rgh one. he

    le he local college and wen o work n

    a ank, e soeone she worked wh,and go arred.

    -th-Jo g

    ver he nex ew years, she had several

    jos ha ncluded hree poran ones:

    workng or a sar-up copany, coor-

    dnang schedules or a polcan, and

    workng n an elecrcal engneerng fr

    where she ganed nvaluale experencen usness anageen and operaons.

    these hree jos, accordng o Key, are

    he reason she s a successul usness-

    woan oday.

    er husand's jo requred ha hey ove

    oen, a suaon ha Key never lked.

    venually, he couple ended up n Char-

    loe. i was here ha she sared workng

    or a safng fr and knew ha hs was

    he knd o work she waned o do.

    D itto

    Key would have sayed wh hs fr

    orever, u he usness was sold o a

    naonal chan, and she ddn' lke he

    new owners approach o anageen.

    the day her new osses cae o own

    hey nssed ha all eployees sgn a

    non-copee agreeen. Key says was

    dvne nervenon ha proped her owalk no her ofce and say, "kay, hs

    s he deal. ths s he one hng ha i

    have fnally fgured ou ha i can do well

    and i love . o we agree ha eher i can

    go and sar y own usness hngs

    don' work or i' sorry, i can' say." the

    new owners hough aou he odds o

    soeone lke Key sarng her own us-

    ness, and hey agreed.

    s her arrage egan o deerorae, Key

    hough ore and ore aou sarng her

    own copany. Fnally, she le her jo a

    he safng fr and sared up her own

    usness. er work ecae her passon

    and helped her ge hrough he dvorce.

    h b Gow"Proaly one o he happes days early

    on was when i could hre soeone,"

    says Key. he sared wh one par-e

    eployee. oon aer ha, Key hred a

    second par-er and oved o anoher

    ofce. ver e, she hred a ew ore

    people and eore she knew , her sa

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    and she ougrew ha ofce.

    Key decded was ore cos efcen o

    uy an ofce condo raher han ren. in

    2002, when she ough he ofce ha s

    now Preer Resources, was an epycnderlock shell. he go her roher-n-

    law o creae oor plans, and desgned he

    enre space hersel.

    a of C

    in march 2006, Keys world was urned

    upsde down. he was dagnosed wh

    an aggressve or o reas cancer and

    had o have a asecoy. he enduredegh cosec surgeres and 15 onhs

    o cheoherapy. in spe o he hardshp,

    she connued o run her usness ro

    her ed.

    Dolores Ronson, Preer Resources'

    payroll anager or he pas egh years,

    reeers accopanyng Key o her

    cheo sessons every Wednesday. "Whenhe nuson was over, ngela would wake

    up and say, 'Wha are we gong o do

    oday?'" they'd end up gong shoppng or

    hours, and Dolores could arely keep up

    wh her oss!

    Key urned her cancer experence no a

    way o hankng he edcal couny

    or all hey had done or her durng herllness. in 2007, she sared a second

    copany, Preer ealh Care Resources,

    dedcaed o healh care safng and also

    joned Carolna breas Frends.

    st yo th

    er advce o woen jus sarng a us-

    ness s exacly wha she dd n he egn-

    nng. "Work hrough your usness plan,

    shoo holes n a lo, and ry o fgure

    ou where you're gong o al, or could

    sule. Look a your long er goals

    and creae a pah o ge here, u also

    look a hngs ha could e dsracons

    or ake you away ro he pah you need

    o e on."

    ne hng Key wans o work on s geng

    ore alance n her le. he recouns

    ha when her aher was dyng o leu-

    kea, he poned o a desk drawer and

    sad here was soehng n here ha

    he aly gh wan o look a when

    he was gone. er he ded, Key and her

    sser ound leers he had wren o hewhen hey were lle. in one o he leers

    he wroe: "uccess s no a logarhc

    accrual o wealh. i s ulzng your god-

    gven alens and ales o conrue o

    he greaer good."

    tears well up n he eyes o

    hs eauul, accoplshed

    and carng woan as shesays soly, "i you can

    look ack and say, 'kay, i

    used he alens ha i was

    gveni you can look a all

    he lves ha you've ouched

    n a really posve way...ha's .

    tha's wha 's all aou."

    If you can look at all the lives thatyouve touched in a really positive waythats it. Thats what its all about.



















  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    your Career Mary Cantando, Growth Expert, The Womens Advantage

    mot of cod

    o ttg,

    ct wo,

    t tht ot how o

    oc od.

    i wonder how any housands o

    es ive heard ha he person i

    callng s ou o he ofce or onanoher lne, u your essage

    s poran

    bog! bog! bog!

    m t upt

    there s no reason

    or anyonewh he

    possle excepon o a

    uneral hoeo have aundane voceal essage.

    Ge over grls! Do us all a avor

    and creae an neresng, upea

    voceal recordng.

    tP everyhng and lsen o your

    voceal recordng RiGt W. i s

    as orng as i predc, use hese seps

    o ge rgh!

    1.Wre a un essage. make Rt u neresng. Consder

    usng words lke grea day,

    exced, jus as Ft as i can.

    2. and up (poran!) le whleyoure alkng (equally poran!)

    3. Record your essage a lle aserhan you ordnarly speak.

    4. Play ack and re-record unlyouve go rgh.

    Your Voicemail Tells All!When was the last te you actuallylstened to your own voceal recordng?












    STOP everythingand listen to your

    voicemail recordingRIGHT NOW.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    younG entrepreneur Kimberly Hughes

    Embrace,Enlighten, Engage

    Just e you

    d k nw k: utd

    ne ngh ou recenly, i e

    hs woan a a ar. he was

    cong ou o he ahroo whle i

    was walkng n and i could ell ha

    she had jus fnshed song and

    reakng down eoonally. er headwas down; clearly avodng gazes

    ro onlookers, she was snng, and

    desperaely ryng o salvage

    her ake-up applcaon y

    pang her fngers under

    her eyes. though y

    ladder was ellng e

    o run o he sall, y

    hear was ellng eno o. i wen aer her

    and asked her she was

    alrgh. he had an aazed

    look on her ace and hen

    suddenly le loose a rver o ears lke i

    have never seen eore. i asked her o

    go ousde o he pao whle i wen o

    he ar and go her a waer.

    Long sory shor, she was on a dae

    wh a guy ha she e onlne.

    er pecng ogeher her scaered

    houghs, i gahered ha she had

    olded hersel o hs lkng Desperae o no e alone any longer

    and clearly hnkng was okay o

    coprose he person she was, o

    ecoe anoher persona ha she

    hough he would wan o e wh.

    n hour no he dae, he ended

    her e ogeher eengly, no

    vndcve or rude, u or he neres

    o oh o her e, he ddn eela connecon. o har o oul.

    is jus le. to her, hs was he

    end o e. he el low, unloved,

    unaracve, scared, and runed.

    er hearng her sory and e, eng

    an eoonal person ysel, i eared









  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    up and cred wh her. my hear was

    reakng or her ecause he nd

    rae she had was he nd rae

    ha i have een shakng o or years.

    i ponedly asked her she was

    coorale wh hersel he sad

    she was. i hen asked her she was,

    why would she ry o e lke soeone

    she wasn o please anoher person?

    he egan o open her ouh and ow

    a rehearsed answer and hen sopped

    and looked a e and sad, you are

    rgh. ver he nex 45 nues, weconnued o connec and alk and

    ound ha we had a lo n coon

    boh wh our le experences and our

    ques or success and greaness. in

    ha, we rough a secre ou n he

    open ha we never shared wh anyone

    eore: We aded o each oher ha

    we a es ddn hnk ha we could

    ulfll our dreas eng he people wewere. i canno speak or her u i can

    say personally, i el lke he wegh o

    he world i pu on ysel was led

    whn seconds.

    Fght th rght Fght

    i, lke hs grl, aled agans ysel

    or years. i aled agans everyhng

    aou ysel you can agne and ora e, i egan despsng he person

    i was no aer wha people old e

    he adred or respeced aou e

    truhully, i used y le sory and

    he ad and negave experences o

    y le as a punshen o he person

    i a and have ecoe. los lke

    i deserved he negave hngs ha

    have happened o e. i correlaes

    o confdence u also, coor n

    elevng ha your aws and srenghs

    coned; ake you perec.

    er a whle o fghng ysel, i jus

    gave n. i realzed ha i could hae he

    person ha i a u n all acualy,

    i wll e spendng every second wh

    ysel unl he second ha i de.

    there was and s no use o ale

    agans ysel ecause s a ale i

    wll never wn.

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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How




    o aer how uch you ry o e lke

    soeone else, you wll al and he only

    lesson you can learn ro hs alure

    s ha you can never e lke anyoneelse and succeed. adly, any people

    fgh hs journey and lose daly Day n

    and day ou; e and e agan. Why

    would you wan o e lke soeone else

    ver hnk ha eng he auhenc

    you could eel and e 200 es eer

    han wha you are ryng o e? r

    ha you are acually holdng yoursel

    ack ro eng soehng eer?ven he perec people we envy have

    nsecures and hngs hey don lke

    aou heselves i guaranee .

    Look a brney pears ow uch

    dd he world love her? nvy her?

    Respec her? then, n ron o our veryeyes, she eled down and we saw

    he huan sde o her. es, aye

    he exree huan sde, u was

    rough o lgh ha even he people

    ha have everyhng go hrough ssues

    and seacks, have proles, and are

    nsecure lke everyone else.

    b yo Wn spWo!eroes have her place n our lves as

    people o ovae us u havng a hero,

    con, or dol doesn ean ha we have

    o old ourselves o e lke he o e

    successul. We have he ools nsde

    o us o e ore o an nspraon han

    we can agne. Wha we have o do s

    o recognze and develop hose ools.

    Followng he advce o prah Wnreyor indra ooy wll no ake us a ul-

    llonare usnesswoen alone;

    coned wh a posve aude, ele

    n ourselves, and a srong work-ehc

    i wll happen.

    to ha specal grl ou here who has

    y hear ay srong, grl and know

    ha lovng yoursel and knowng whoyou are and rockn who you are wll

    rng you joy and love ha you could

    never agne. When t an coes

    knockng on your door one day (and

    , he wll fnd U!) and alls head

    over heels n love wh he person you

    are; no who you cla o e, your le

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    wll change lke you can never age.

    w up to yo

    Who s K? i a sensve, oen oo

    nce, i a overwegh, i have a harde shung down ro work, i ge

    uncoorale n new suaons, i

    hnk oo uch aou wha i wan o

    say, i work oo uch, i ake excuses,

    i a suorn, i over-reac, soees

    have a wcked eper, a conrol reak,

    coplee type personaly, i look

    ou or ohers ore han ysel

    bu you know wha? tha s e andi a workng o change wha i don

    lke aou e nd o sory. in hs

    second, i a who i a. s or he

    negave quales i possess, here are

    rple he aoun o good quales. i

    jus soees pu ore ephass

    on he ad raher han he good. my

    good quales gve e he power

    and ovaon o kck y no so

    good quales o he cur u n he

    eane, i a enjoyng all ha sme.

    i ay no always e he pcure

    perec exaple o wha a usness-

    woan, rend, daugher, sser, aun,

    ec. should e, u i a a leas

    coorale wh ysel and know i

    can only go up ro here.

    o, i ask you Who are you?.

    No matter how much you tryto be like SOMEONE ELSE,

    you will fail and the only lessonyou can learn from this failureis that you can never be likeanyone else and succeed.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How




    Goesy wys smssy d

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    bananas aren jus or reakas or lunch

    anyore. by grllng hs popular ru,

    you can add a whole new avor den-

    son o a dnnere recpe and urn a asc

    desser no soehng wow.

    ddng ananas o your suer grllng roune

    s a un way o ea ru. ou can grll he n

    her peels whle he bbQ coals are sll ho or

    add peeled slces o a asy kao s ha


    For ore Dole banana recpes and servng sug-

    gesons, go o www.do.co/. to

    share anana recpes anye, go o


    id ko wth opc Ft s

    Preparaon : 10 nues

    Grll te: 10 nues

    makes: 4 servngs

    2 rpe, fr Dole bananas, peeled,

    each cu no 6 peces, plus 1 rpe

    Dole banana, peeled and dced

    12 chunks Dole tropcalGold Pneapple

    16 exra large or juo shrp,

    shelled and devened

    1 green or red ell pepper, cu

    no 8 peces

    2 alespoons le juce

    2 alespoons olve ol

    1/2 easpoon ground allspce

    1 ango, peeled and dced1 alespoon chopped n

    1 Dole Green non, nced

    2 o 3 easpoons nced

    jalapeo pepper

    thread anana peces, pneapple,

    shrp and ell pepper peces equally

    ono skewers.

    Whsk ogeher le juce, ol and all-

    spce n sall owl. brush 2 alespoons

    over kaos.Cone reanng arnade wh dced

    anana, ango, n, green onon and

    jalapeo pepper; place n a servng dsh.

    Grll kaos over edu hgh hea 8

    o 10 nues, urnng once or unl he

    shrp are opaque.

    rrange he kaos on op o he salsa.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How




    personal ForeCast Marcie Williams-Browning

    July is the Time forFeeling and Caring








    ver he cong year i wll share

    wh you areas o ocus or each

    onh. s you creae your plan

    or success and work ha plan, hese

    suggesons wll gve you a clear ocus

    or he onh. Wre down your goals,

    dreas and aspraons and look ahe oen. Wrng he down

    rngs he no he physcal

    world and akes he angle

    and real. s you consder areas

    on whch o ocus your aen-

    on hs onh e sure o look

    a each area ro your enal

    and eoonal sae, your physcal

    well-eng, your sprual needs as wellas your fnancal ones.

    the color or he onh o July s red and

    he hee s i care. i s he e o

    look o he uure wh posve houghs

    and ojecve eyes. oe o he areas o

    consder are lsed elow. the es day

    n July o wre down your desres and

    wshes s he 11h. ths s he day o he

    new oon whch s consdered he ag-

    cal day or wshes o e expressed.


    ths s he e o ake nvenory o yournernal rae o reerence. July s he

    perec e o work on your hoe or

    prepare your hoe or sale. Focus on

    aly and allow yoursel e o enjoy

    your aly (hs ncludes close rends).

    ths s he onh o une no your gu

    nsncs and honor he.

    sftJuly s all aou eelng lke you elong.

    incorporae a rue sense o secury

    and proecon. ths s a grea onh

    or usng your gu nsnc o proec

    and secure your fnancal reedo and

    uld on he work you execued n June

    on your fnancal ron. Use enacy o

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    arac and anchor saey and secury n

    all areas o your le.


    ths s he onh o ocus on ranngand praccng your sklls and alens. i

    s an deal e o ecoe ully aware

    o your early chldhood condonng and

    release unwholesoe or unwaned pa-

    erns. Learn and grow n joy hs onh

    as you erace and allow yoursel o ex-

    press your eelngs. Conscously nurure

    new egnnngs and seek o recognze

    hose egnnngs as opporunes.


    Reconnec wh your carng, nururng

    naure. llow yoursel o eel epahy n

    a healhy, consrucve way. Release ear

    around vulneraly and erace your

    ndvdual power and undersandng re-

    gardng vulneraly. Co-creae nacy

    n way ha s healhy and rewardng.


    Councae your eelngs n a respons-

    le and approprae way. be hghly aware

    and sensve o your own oods, needs

    and eelngs as well as ohers. Release

    he need or over-eoonal responses.

    Reeer o ncorporae enderness n

    your relaonshps hs onh.


    i s poran o no only gve your

    suppor, u also o e open o receve

    suppor ro ohers. ths s he perec

    e o release sel-desrucve has

    around ood whle you nurure your

    ody. xplore uually sasyng rela-

    onshps wh aly whle ananng

    your rue deny. llow yoursel o ake

    care o ohers or e cared or y ohers

    n a healhy, lovng way.

    Release xcessve el-ProeconRecognze and conrol clngness, n-

    secury, possessveness and overly

    cauous ehavors hs onh. ths s

    ncludes ear o rejecon and nsecury.

    s you creae and work your plan hs

    onh ake a look a yoursel wh

    ojecve eyes and nclude hose areas

    where you need soe work and cel-erae he areas where you have done

    well. Le s a journey and one we are

    ean o learn and each ro. v-

    ery sngle experence we have we are

    learnng hrough and eachng ro.

    Learn well and lve n joy!.

    July afrmation: I am safeto experience and express

    my emotions.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    FinanCial Diane M. Willis

    ow to Coto thrpt yo

    the er lzard s no

    coonly used durng he dvorce

    process. many less-han-avorale

    ers ay coe up when reerrng

    o an ex, u lzard s no usually

    one o he. i s ceranly no how

    we see ourselves. e ay acually

    peran o how we are operang aceran es.

    the feld o ehavoral

    scence has dscovered

    here s a lzard o

    sors n all o us ha

    akes over whle were

    under sress. course

    we can all agree hadvorce s sressul.

    there s a par o our ran, known as

    he replan ran, whch conrols our

    asc nsncs, ncludng our ear and

    sress response. i s called he ayg-

    dale, oherwse known as he lzard

    ran. ou ay have heard o hergh or gh response. tha response

    s creaed n hs poron o he ran.

    o th bc of yo nc

    i s very useul we are eng salked

    y a ger, or we are walkng n a dark

    alley and sense danger, even we

    can see or hear . the aygdale

    proecs us y allowng hese ascnsncs o kck no gear. i s wse o

    pay aenon he har on he ack

    o our neck sands up when were n

    a parcular suaon.the aygdale,

    our lzard ran, has pcked up on a

    perceved danger ha we ay no e

    conscously aware o.

    the aygdale s also he area whereeoonal evens are sored. i a

    slng pu a spder down your shr

    when you were 10 years old, and he

    even was parcularly rghenng, you

    proaly sored ha even n your

    aygdale. o even as an adul, you

    hear he word spder you are ale o

    The Lizard and Divorce





    [email protected]



  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    go rgh ack o he sae o ear you

    experenced when you were en. ths

    helps us reeer danger so ha we

    auoacally avod ceran hngs wh-

    ou havng o experence he aganand agan. We reac nsananeously,

    whou havng o hnk aou .

    lzd b nd b Food

    the prole s ha n order or us o

    reac nsananeously, he lzard ran

    needs all our ran ood and energy

    ocused on . When ha happens, he

    area o he ran ha conrols raonalhough has no ran ood or energy

    ocused on .

    oeone who s eoonally dsraugh

    or rghened s no lkely o e engag-

    ng he raonal ran or usng raonal

    hough. gan, has grea n a dark

    alley, u no as useul when we need

    our raonal rans o help us ake cru-cal fnancal decsons, or exaple.

    rto b to th rc

    Dvorce ay e one o he os sress-

    ul evens n our lves, u he fnancal

    decsons we ake durng ha e

    ay e he os poran fnancal

    decsons o our lves as well. We need

    our raonal rans durng ha e. ive

    seen people so engaged wh he lzardha hey are ncapale o akng good

    decsons and n ac ay do hngs

    hey laer regre.

    i gh eel really grea o urn our exs

    clohes on he ron lawn - a he e

    - u we us agree ha s no par-

    cularly raonal. is really he pres-

    son we wan o gve our neghors? is

    really a good use o our frefghers

    resources when he neghors call o re-

    por he fre? more poranly, s he

    essage we wan o send our chldren?

    lhough we know s he lzard ran

    The amygdale is alsothe area where emotional

    events are stored.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    n conrol n hose suaons, sayng, i

    ddn ean o, was he lzard pro-

    aly won e uch o a deense.

    oons Can Cause bad Judgen

    i encouner he consequences osress and rraonal decson-akng

    n y dvorce pracce every day.

    Clens are rghened, er and angry

    and usually wh good reason. i o-

    ally undersand ha, and have een

    here ysel. Unorunaely i also see

    how hose eoons cause he enredvorce process o og down.

    large par o hose eoons are

    ear-drven ecause o uncerany over

    oney, fnances, udges, housng,

    and wha he uure ay or ay no

    hold. uge, crucal fnancal decsons

    are ade a hs e and hey are no

    easy o change once an agreeenhas een reached. gan and agan i

    see woen n parcular operae ou

    Divorce may be one of themost stressful events in our

    lives, but the nancial decisionswe make during that time maybe the most important ..

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    o ear ecause o he uncerany o

    her fnances. Whle suck n ha ear,

    a es he dvorce process ay also ge

    suck. wors, rraonal decsons ay

    e ade or ers agreed o ha are nowell hough ou.

    Fd Good hpt

    i eleve everyone gong hrough a dvorce

    needs a good heraps o help ha

    person say alanced and work hrough

    soe o he nevale anger and gre.

    medaon and collaorave law can oen

    reduce soe o he sress as well yshorenng he process and akng less

    cosly han radonal lgaon.

    in addon o hose avenues, s y

    oservaon ha fnancal clary s aso-

    luely crucal o akng good decsons.

    the frs place o sar ha clary s o

    have all fnancal acs and deals lad

    ou, hen look a all opons and he con-sequences o hose opons, hen ake

    raonal decsons. Jus gong hrough

    ha process can acually help allevae

    he ear.

    mog t of th lzd b

    person needs o know where hey

    sand fnancally, see ha her uure s

    ok and hey are fne, really fne. ncehey see ha, hey can ove ou o

    he lzard ran, hey can ocus ore

    on her uure and less on her panul

    pas. they can roaden her horzons,

    ecoe less ocused on everyhng her

    ex says or does, and ge ou o he way

    o he dvorce process.

    the lzard ran can serve a very proec-

    ve and poran purpose. bu we need

    o ake sure s no akng over a o-

    ens when we need o e raonal, cal

    and reasonale. make sure you have he

    clary and undersandng you need whregards o your fnances, and help keep

    he lzard a ay!

    Smart BusinessIsnt Childs Play

    Contact us at 704.201.3354

    or [email protected]



    Fill your buckets with new business

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    S O L U T I O N S

    sandb xSM

    Make sure you have the clarity andunderstanding you need with regardto your nances, and help keep thelizard at bay!

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    o h wog

    c do fo o 17

    . Wht xct

    c do, d

    wht d of c do o

    pod o ct?

    fnancal advsor s a proessonal

    who works wh her clens o develop

    a coprehensve, ongong approacho ones fnancal le. i s poran

    o e o have a long-er relaonshp

    wh y clens, one ha s developed

    and nurured hrough he years as we

    address he changes ha arse n her

    lves whle sll keepng an eye on he

    g pcure o wha her dreas are

    and how o reach he. the servces

    i provde nclude he plannng processas well as oerng producs ha ay f

    parcular needs ro developng cash

    reserves o nvesen anageen o

    rsk anageen (nsurances) o workng

    wh clens and her ax and legal

    proessonals o fnd he es sraeges

    n her ax and esae areas.

    proFessional spotliGht Cristina Cassidy

    Diane DavisCFP,CLU

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    a c do, o foc o

    wog wth wo ct. Wht

    t ot wog wth wo tht

    tt o?

    s a woan, i a sensve o knowngha any woen have een le ou

    o he fnancal decson akng n her

    ales. ths s unorunae, as any

    woen have een hrough le evens

    ha orce he o erace hs as a

    par o her lves. uddenly, a woan

    who hasn een nvolved n he fnances

    fnds hersel as he readwnner and sole

    fnancal care aker n her ales. i alsoalk o any woen who don eleve

    hey can anage oney or know how

    o nves . bu, ro y experence, i

    would say ha os woen who have o

    handle he day o day cash ow or he

    household have an excellen handle on

    oney anageen and jus need soe

    educaon on undersandng how o ake

    her oney work or he.

    Wh dd o co to Chott,

    d how og h o d h?i cae o Charloe n 1977 aer

    arryng a nave Charloean n 1976.

    W o w ttd

    c? Wht d o to co

    c do?inally, i was as an nglsh eacher or 17

    years. i ecae a fnancal advsor aer

    realzng ha eachng gh no provde

    or y aly aer eachers salares n

    C had een rozen or nne years n

    he 80s. i coe ro a aly o socal

    workers, eachers, nurses (i a he eldes

    o 7 chldren) and wh y oher acng

    open hear surgery or a second e n

    1987, i el one o her chldren needed

    o e n usness where here was he

    poenal o an ncreased ncoe n casewe had o care or her. i also lked he

    hough o helpng people se fnancal

    goals and hen workng owards he as

    i a a planner y naure. i have ound

    ha y ackground n educaon lends

    sel o helpng clens undersand he

    producs ha are n he arkeplace and

    helpng all y clens ake decsons ha

    wll f wh her rsk olerance and values.i fnd os o y clens and woen i

    ee are houghul and welcong o

    fnancal noraon so ha hey can

    ake he os nored decsons or

    her unque fnancal needs. i s aou

    denyng your dreas, developng he

    confdence n anagng your fnances,

    and growng he dollars o provde he

    reedo o have he choces you desre.

    o wt o h mt

    nw. Do o hp dct o

    wo ct ot c

    t d how to tpt

    c td, o do th co

    to o d ot how to

    ppoch t?

    i do look a y poson as a source onoraon and educang y clens on

    he varous opons and sraeges hey

    have o reach her fnancal goals. i also

    have clens who have he knowledge

    u no he e o say conneced o

    wha s avalale o he n he fnancal

    arkeplace. i also provde he hsorcal

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    eory or he deals ha hey ay

    have orgoen when hey sared her

    plannng and sraeges. ths has proven

    o very useul over he pas 18 onhs,

    as people have een very eoonal wh

    her fnances and her long-er eoryo he arkes has een los.

    m oo ppochg

    tt g. Wht d of dc

    do o h fo wo who

    ot to t?

    Don wa unl you are ready o su

    he paperwork gvng your copany your

    rereen noce. Wheher you haveoney, or don, you should e workng

    wh a proessonal fnancal advsoran

    ojecve voce o ask quesons and help

    you ake concree plans. Woen, and

    en, need o ake he e o assess

    where hey are fnancally, how uch

    has een saved, and how uch wll e

    needed o ee rereen needs. i also

    cauon people o concenrae on whahey wll rere o; you know wha you are

    rerng ro, u wha s he pcure you

    have or your rereen years? nce

    he ravel s done, how wll you spend

    your e? ave you sared o develop

    hose neress, rends, connecons

    now? adly, i have seen soe people

    who rere and a couple o years laer

    say, i wsh i had waed. many es

    hs s no ecause o a fnancal concern

    u ore o a no havng developed he

    neress o keep he occuped or a longrereen perod. Reeer, ooers,

    healhy now, have he poenal o e

    lvng anoher 25, 30-even 40 or ore

    years. oees, hs s longer han her

    workng years. i you spend a grea deal

    o e plannng a wo-week vacaon,

    shouldn a 25 year rereen perod

    deserve as uch consderaon?

    if o cod h d co

    t, wht wod t ?

    Fro a proessonal perspecve, ha

    oney anageen would ecoe a

    requred course n every school. too

    any chldren do no ge hs gudance a

    hoe and do no have a respec or he

    ool ha oney s and how s earned

    consequenly, he low savngs rae n ourcounry and he hgh de rae. Fro a

    personal perspecve, i would lke o e

    ale o ake a onh a a e o ravel.

    Wht d of thg do o do fo

    jot wh o w fo

    th ofc?kng, capng, readng, ravel,

    gaherng wh rends/aly, ar gallerycrawls, aendng chaer usc

    perorances, heaer, e or sprual

    work and pursus.

    yo of oc

    cot ogzto.

    ot o cot ot

    I believe we each haveSOMETHING TO OFFERback

    to our communitiesand doing sois a way of expressing gratitude.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    d wh o th t pott to

    gt od.

    i eleve we each have soehng o oer

    ack o our counesand dong so

    s a way o expressng graude. ver heyears i have ended o gve y energes

    o woens organzaons and eel i have

    goen uch ore ro he experences

    han hey ro y servce. lso, as a

    ooer ysel, i a acvely seekng ou

    y neress o know where i wll wan

    o gve y e, energy and oney n

    he uure.

    yo w th cpt of th Five

    sar: bt Ct stfcto

    Wth mg awd fo 2008 d

    2009. Wht th wd, d wh t

    gct?i have een nored ha 2010 wll ark

    he hrd year i have een chosen as a

    eer o hs ls. ths s he resul o

    pollng done y he pulshers o Charloemagazne. the ls represens less han

    hree percen o he wealh anagers

    n he Charloe area who have scored

    hghes n clen sasacon. i eel hs

    valdaes y coen o an ongong

    relaonshp wh y clensand s nce

    o know y clens value ha relaonshp

    as uch as i do.

    Wht th ot pott dc

    o c g wo ot gg

    th c ?s n anyhng else, woen need o

    recognze ha a soe pon n her lves

    hey wll e he sole person responsle

    or her fnancal welare could e

    he early sngle years eore arrage,

    wdow hood laer n le, or ones spouse

    ecoes dsaled. Consequenly, i would

    wsh or woen o a a nu ake a

    connecon wh a fnancal advsor whwho hey are coorale so hey have

    he suppor necessary n geng her

    fnancal aars n order and o e prepared

    or he day hey need o anage hose

    dollars. ur ales and rends ay e

    well eanng n her desre o advse,

    u hey ay e oo close o you o gve

    ojecve, knowledgeale fnancal advce.

    nd you ay no have el cooralegvng he he whole pcure and

    hereore, he advce ay e napproprae.

    a Wo wth kow ow, wh

    do o th o d o

    w ?

    i would lke o connue o

    nve coplex woen

    no y pracce whoare coed o

    reachng her fnancal

    goals, desre a long-

    er relaonshp wh a

    fnancal proessonal, and

    are recepve o workng wh a

    cerfed fnancal planner praconer.













  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    relationships Mary Elizabeth Murphy, Managing Director of S.T.A.R. Resources

    D m ezth, i d, i oft tct wth

    dppotd, dgtd

    o t cto o

    g . mch of d

    pt hpg th t th

    tto, ttptg to c

    th d t th ct.

    aft f wod of th, how

    do i t ow tto? itd of gg wo ho

    wth d ttg tht

    g o ftto d

    o to po



    Jt Fd up

    Dear JFU,

    thank you or askng hs queson.

    Unorunaely hs a very coon

    prole oday and n all walks o le,

    no only cusoer servce. s wh

    any proles he soluon s usu-

    ally sple, u he execuons has no always easy. ou are correc n

    wanng o Rt our buons eore

    gong ack no your non-work le.

    Dong n-reses hroughou he day

    would also e helpul or your nerac-

    ons wh work parners, supervsors

    and sasfed cusoers. eres one

    you can do rgh now whle readng hs

    arcle Drnk Waer.

    o how do you go aou achevng

    hese reses? s you know, here are

    seps o helpng clens Rt her

    uons. very good cusoer servce

    progra has a syse o duse angry

    cusoers. Reeer he sayng

    whas good or he goose s good or

    he gander.

    the ollowng are soe o he ehods

    and seps we each when workng wh

    clens o prove relaonshps and

    duse anger:

    Frs, s val o reeer ha an-

    Anger Button








  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    ger clouds vson and pars judgen

    ore han any oher eoon. the

    angrer you are, he less ale you are o

    reason, or coe o a logcal, nored

    decson. o as soon as you recognzeha you have een rggered y anger

    ake a deep reah and drnk waer.

    our ody s reacng as well as your

    eoonal nd. ll o your organs,

    ncludng your ran, are srongly de-

    penden on waer o uncon properly.

    is how we are ul. i you sarve your

    ody o waer you wll uncon elow

    your es and you wll perpeuae hesress oh physcally and enally.

    Drnkng waer s an poran sep o

    Rt our buons, especally when

    dealng wh anger.

    ex ask yoursel whas he sory?

    Whas akng you so upse? Wha hap-

    pened a work oday ha has rggeredhs response? ssess he suaon. Un-

    dersand ha he eoon o anger s an

    First, it is vital to rememberthat anger clouds vision andimpairs judgment more than

    any other emotion.

    Specializing in



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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How













    Mum is the WordUsng a on-Dsclosuregreeent n your busness

    leGal issues Mitzi Kincaid, Attorney at Law

    ave you ever had a

    good dea and coud

    no wa o share wh

    someone? ave you shared a

    good dea wh someone ony

    o have hem use your good

    dea whou your ermsson?

    ths onh i a explanng he on

    dsclosure greeen (D asany o us know ), also called he

    Confdenaly greeen, and how you

    can use eecvely n your usness.

    Ds are used n usness

    every day when confdenal

    noraon s shared

    eween people or

    usnesses. ondsclosureagreeens can proec

    any ype o rade secre

    or any noraon no

    generally known, provdng

    a copeve advanage.

    owever, he use o Ds s no an

    end n sel. the purpose o hese

    agreeens s o creae a confdenal

    relaonshp eween one person who

    has a rade secre and anoher o

    who he secre s dsclosed.

    two tyes of Ds

    there are wo ypes o Ds,

    unlaeral Ds and laeral

    (uual) Ds. unlaeral D san agreeen y one pary no o

    dsclose he confdenal noraon

    o he oher pary. the prose

    s a one way prose and only

    proecs he dsclosng pary n he

    agreeen. n exaple o when o use

    a unlaeral D s where an nvenor

    wans o sell hs nvenon o a ajor

    anuacurer. the nvenor shouldge he ajor anuacurer o sgn

    hs D so he s proeced should he

    ajor anuacurer decde o seal hs

    confdenal noraon. laeral

    or uual D s one where oh

    pares are exchangng confdenal

    noraon and oh pares receve

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    proecon under he agreeen. the

    prose s a wo-way prose n

    ha each pary can e lale o he

    oher or dsclosure o confdenal

    noraon. good exaple owhen a laeral D s used s when

    here s a proposed erger o wo

    usnesses. ach usness s sharng

    noraon wh he oher and needs

    o e proeced should noraon e

    dsclosed nappropraely.

    naera and Baera D

    very usness owner should have asandard or o oh he unlaeral

    and laeral D. these agreeens

    are generally eween 2-3 pages and

    should e sgned y all pares nvolved

    n noraon sharng or recevng. ou

    should conac an aorney o dra

    your sandard docuens he frs e

    and should consul an aorney any

    e a pary wshes o negoae orody hese agreeens.

    i a usness has eployees hose

    eployees should also sgn a unlaeral

    non-dsclosure agreeen when hey

    are hred so ha hey undersand hey

    canno dsclose copany confdenal

    noraon such as cusoer lss,

    prce lss and arkeng plans. theseeployee agreeens should e kep

    n he eployees personnel fle.

    gnaure before

    informaon s hared

    Reeer, always keep a sandard

    unlaeral and laeral non-dsclosure

    agreeen n your fles and ge anyonewho youre sharng confdenal

    noraon wh o sgn he agreeen

    eore you share noraon wh he.

    i s a pleasure wrng hs colun

    and i hope he noraon s useul.

    i you have a usness relaed legal

    queson, eal o e a kncad@

    kncadandassocaes.co and i ayanswer n an upcong ssue o

    Woen wh Know ow..

    (704) 849-2500

    [email protected]



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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    nense eelng o dspleasure. i s he

    resul o eelng sreaed, njured, op-

    posed o, or a eelng o eng wronged

    or aken advanage o. ths s where

    he physcal reacon o Flgh or Fgh

    s cong ro. is a naural responsewhere adrenalne s secreed no he

    ody n order o provde you wh he

    energy you need o eher fgh or run

    away ro he hrea. ow s a good

    e o drnk ore waer.

    i you are ale o recoun he deals o

    he sory, ncludng your percepons o

    he way hey occurred, you wll e aleo look a he way you look a your

    cusoers coplans wh ojecvy

    and n search o a soluon.

    Go hrough he experence and ac-

    knowledge oh he percepons haare accurae and hose ha are no. be

    hones wh yoursel. s wh a cusoer

    coplan, use phrases lke i see, i un-

    dersand and connec wh he rusra-

    on you ay e eelng n he oen

    and say he words eher ou loud or o

    yoursel i a eelng _________.

    Look or places where you can agreeor algn. sk yoursel here were

    2% ruh o hs suaon wha would e

    rue? Wha aou he suaon can you

    agree wh? Can you agree ha you are

    angry ecause you have een nconve-

    nenced? ow aou agreeng ha here

    s a prole (no necessarly he pro-

    le sel), and needs o e resolved?

    the las o hs 4 sep ehod o dus-

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    If you starve your body of wateryou will function below your bestand you will perpetuate the stress

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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    ng anger s o apologze. ncerely. be

    clear aou wha you are apologzng or.

    Wh anoher, e cusoer, relave or

    rend, you ay say ha you are sorry

    o hear ha, or you are sorry ha hey

    are no sasfed wh he servce orproduc. When coes o sel wha

    can you sncerely apologze or? For

    he pas wo weeks i have ound ysel

    n exreely rusrang suaons ha

    have een pushng on y nger buon.

    today i gave ysel a sncere apology

    ha i was oo red o deal wh anyore

    or o push ysel o ry o do one ore

    hng. i ook a nap.

    my sncere apology o ysel wen

    soehng lke, i sorry i ou o

    energy o deal wh anyore rgh now.

    then i ook a g sp o waer and lay y

    head down on he pllow.

    Reeer and reassure yoursel ha

    hose negave neracons occurredwh cusoers, a work. the ore you

    reeer ha was no your coworker

    or your spouse or your es rend who

    yelled a you oday, he ore requenly

    you apply he syse enoned aove,

    he easer wll e o Rese our bu-

    ons when dealng wh nger.

    10440 Park Road

    Suite 200

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    T: 704.543.5508

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    Dr. Kandyce ThomasChiropractor

    The last of this 4 stepmethod of diffusing

    anger is to apologize.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    entrepreneurship Fabi Preslar, President of SPARK Publications

    iwt to h ct wth otht too o 10 to

    dtd: e g

    thg tht hpp o dot hp-

    p o t o

    ft, t o pot.

    nd when coes o accolades and

    kudos s all due o your sa, all-

    ances and vendors.

    i dscovered he frs par aer hng

    a ruly rocky road n y usness

    aou fve years ago. my cash

    was a zero, y sa wasn

    profale, i was exhaused

    and no new clens were

    cong no he usness.

    i was ryng o do oo any

    hngs ysel. i hred wha hopeul hear ha i could

    ran an enry-level person wh

    good poenal o e a op-producer.

    beng an nrover, i ound every ex-

    cuse no o go and grow y nework

    and ee poenal new clens. the

    ruh o he aer was, i jus needed

    o ace he ac and realy ha everydecson i ade or ddn ake n y

    usness was a rsk ha would aec

    he nex oucoe. i youve een n

    usness or any lengh o e, you

    ay e prey clear on wha i shar-

    ng. i no, hen who are you lang?

    the reedy or a sa ha wasn pro-

    ale was o no have he n y us-ness and o replace he wh exper-

    enced proessonals. tha ove alone

    gave e he capacy o rng n new

    clens, whch n urn provded e wh

    ore confdence and e o nework.

    those changes generaed new clens

    and he cash ow ssue was hen

    resolved. the ajor sh was realzng

    ha each glch, shorcong or alurewas y aul and noody elses.


    i you are no a rsk aker, or you

    crule when everyhng around you

    ges shaered, usness ownershp

    wll oughen you up or pu you under.

    Its All Your Fault!if its our busness, its our Responslty








  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    nrepreneurs and usness owners are

    rsk akers. tha eans you arac and

    creae rsky opporunes. the only sure

    hng n a rsky opporuny s ha wll

    al or wll succeed. Choose wsely.

    racng rsk s he es par and he

    wors par o enrepreneurshp. i ade

    a sall decson lke hrng he wrong

    eployee and nex hng i knew id

    upse clens, lown hrough y le sav-

    ngs, and had no e and energy o ne-

    work o rng n any new clens. noher

    e, i ook a rsk nerrupng a senorlevel execuve a a neworkng even o

    ask or hs usness. everal weeks laer

    i go a sgned, wo-year conrac or a

    agazne wh a ajor unversy.


    the second par o he secre s ha you

    should celerae all o , regardless. the

    good pars are exclaaon arks, whlehe ad are sply kcks n he head, gu

    and u o help you ake eer, newer,

    ore nnovave soluons and decsons.

    Wha ive coe o realze s ha every

    experence, good or ad, s par o he

    sory ha helps old us no he ypes o

    usnesswoen we are and he ypes o

    usnesswoen we wsh o ecoe.

    Chances are, you ddn creae your

    successes alone, (even whle you ac-

    cep deeas as your own). harng

    your successes wh acknowledgen

    o hose who helped you ge here wll

    srenghen he pah or ewer uure

    alures and any ore successes. ou

    ay choose o accep hs phlosophy orno. i dd. nd generaed a grea sh

    o accounaly and graude whn

    e. Who are you lang?

    Sharing your successes withacknowledgment of those whohelped you get there will strengthen

    the path for fewer future failures andmany more successes.

    Attracting riskis thebest part and the worst

    part of entrepreneurship.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    marketinG Karen L. Dortschy, Sandbox Solutions

    Wh o th of

    d, do o foc o

    th cop , th

    ogo, how th ogo oo o g,

    o how th podct o cop

    dtd? mot pop do.

    cually, one o he os overlooked

    pars o a copanys rand s Cus-oer ervce. tha one par can

    easly creae cusoer loyaly and

    ravng ansor suddenly end a

    good relaonshp.

    thnk aou las e you

    walked no CCs Pzza.

    Wha do you hear rgh

    away? oong, rendlyWelcoe o CCs! ro he

    anager or eployees. oure -

    edaely welcoed and have a posve

    oulook aou your experence here.

    ow consder he las e you walked

    no __________(fll n lank) as-

    ood resauran where he sullen and

    unrendly clerk uered may i ake

    your order no he cash regser. o

    a posve frs presson!

    yo n Gt scod Chc

    to m Good Ft ipo

    Cusoer servce defnely sars wh

    a cusoers frs presson. Ree-er he old sayng, ou never ge a

    second chance o ake a good frs

    presson? is even ruer oday.

    Do poenal cusoers or clens call

    your usness phone, and hen ge

    sujeced o a yrad o navgaonal

    choces? Press 1-7 or hs, press 4-8-3

    or ha, o reurn o he an 1s org-nal enu, press 3-9-8-4. ths sn a

    grea way o creae a good frs pres-

    son. r, do you have a prograed

    on-hold essage ha consanly

    repeas, or plays annoyng usc? r,

    do you or your eployees pck up he

    phone and ark her nae no he

    Customer Service CanMake or Break Your Brand








  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


    ouhpece? is easy and nexpen-

    sve o provde phone equee, eal

    equee and general councaons

    equee ranng o everyone n your

    organzaon. is poran o have con-ssency n how phones are answered,

    how eals are answered, even how he

    sgnaures a he oo o he eals

    look. Conssen, proessonal and

    pole councaons go a long way n

    renorcng your rand and deny.

    b Chgd

    in he pas, cusoers ddn haveany opons when cae o dong

    usness, and soe usnesses ook

    advanage o ha ac. Gone are he

    days when a usness owner could

    lose a cusoer wh lle worry aou

    repercussons. today, your opons

    aren led o he corner grocery,

    phone copany or he local elevson

    and applance sore anyore. i a us-ness doesn lve up o your expeca-

    ons, you can go elsewhere whou

    any prole. usness prospec can

    check ou your copeors wh jus a

    ew clcks o he ouse, and a dssas-

    fed cusoer can ake her usness o

    anoher copany jus as as.

    Dssasfed Cusoers tell hersin he pre-inerne days, usness owners

    and usness expers used soe rules o

    hu o rend heselves and oher

    usnesspeople ha dssasfed cuso-

    ers pose a danger o a usness.

    sasfed cusoer old one o hree

    people aou a good experence a a

    usness, sore or resauran.

    dssasfed cusoer old aou en

    o welve people aou he experence.ven hen, hose negave sores ha

    people passed on o each oher ser-

    ously eroded a rand, regardless o

    how conssenly he copany logo

    was used or how uch he copany

    spen on adversng or sponsorshps.

    today, a dssasfed cusoer ay sll

    ell he ad cusoer servce sory

    aou a dozen es, u shes noellng one person over he ack ence.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How



    ow, she could e ellng housands

    o people each e she recouns he

    sory. Ules such as twer, Face-

    ook, dscusson oards, inerne

    orus and charoos ake easyo ell he world aou an nurang

    experence wh a copanys rude or

    lazy eployees.

    in he neres o proecng her

    rends and aly, recpens o he

    sory pass along he warnng, whch se-

    rously aecs a copanys age and

    rand alos edaely. bad exper-

    ences go vral whn oens. take a

    ew oens o check ou


    www.PlaneFeedack.co or

    www.elp.co o see housands o

    coplans or o check records o any

    copany, produc or resauran.

    Cusoers also fnd oher ways o

    coplan ha are jus as daagng o a

    copanys rand. Phllp Van oosersook, Wlles Way, explans he -

    porance o provdng good cusoer

    servce, and he daage poor cus-

    oer servce can do o usnesses.

    Consder he sory he relaes aou

    he sgn. oeone placed a sgn on a

    very usy srech o hghway o ell he

    world ha he ade a sake when

    he ade a $13,000 purchase ro a

    ceran auoole dealer. Van ooser

    esaed ha he sgn gahered aou

    hal a llon exposures n he approx-aely sx weeks was here. then

    was replaced y a gger, eer sgn.

    i takes 200 o make Up For ne

    i akes aou 200 grea servce

    sores o ake up or one horrle

    servce sory, accordng o Phllp Van

    ooser n hs ook, Wlles Way. tha

    eans you need o work hard o en-

    sure your produc, your copany andyour rand oer conssenly posve

    experences or cusoers ro he

    frs presson hrough every sep o

    your neracons wh he.

    there are ore han 200 grea servce

    deas o help you sar provng your

    cusoer servce; here are hree:

    Provde phone councaons gude-lnes o everyone n your organzaon.

    nsure everyone has conssen, proes-

    sonal sgnaures n her eals, and

    undersands eal sandards lke t

    UiG CP.

    Respond o eals and phone calls

    whn 24 hours whenever possle, even

    s o a sales rep o say no hanks.Proessonals and cusoer servce

    go hand-n-hand n uldng your rand.

    o when you hnk o a rand, s ore

    han how he logo looks on a sgn or

    rochure. is also cusoer servce,

    ro he frs presson on.

    So when you think of a brand, itsmore than howthe logo looks on a

    sign or brochure. Its also customer

    service, from the rst impression on.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Issue Women With Know How


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    hi i n t y u r ty i c l c k k .

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    B r Pu i n , Y m S uf , n Z l n

    L m . S m f t h r ci s r s y, t h r s

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    liciusr sults.

    T hi s k l s h s n t h r ur s t r i s

    r n s s n f un s t h l i n th h t i ns t

    t y 1 (j u v ni l ) i t s . S t c y s s n h s t y

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    s r ch F u n t i n f C h r l t t .

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    Kroghie, withMaggie, after asuccessful duck

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    nionational ank,now achovia,forthirtythreeyearsbeforeretiringin200.Toughhisworkhadnoconnectionwithhunting,hecontinuedtopursuehishobbyduringsparetimeawayfromwork. hilelivinginaleighin1979,hiswife oss,boughthimhisrstdecoytodecorate

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