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    Legal services for people facing difcult family challenges

    May 2012

    Krusch & SellersAtorneys, P.A.

    Say Sito 5 de Mayo!


    Building YourBusiness

    on RelationshipMarketing

    Top Stories

    Planning for

    Retirement as aSmall Business Owner

    Exercise YouCan Do AbsolutelyAnywhere

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    Mimi ZelmanPublisher

    Dear Readers,May brings many celebrations. It has Cinco de Mayo, Moth-

    ers Day, and Memorial Day. Here is some history on Mother

    Day. Many o us dont actually know how it began.Mothers Day began: In 1858, when Anna Jarvis, a young Ap-

    palachian homemaker, organized Mothers Work Days to im-

    prove the sanitation and avert deaths rom disease-bearing

    insects and seepage o polluted water.

    In 1872, when Boston poet, pacist and womens su-

    ragist Julia Ward Howe established a special day

    or mothers --and or peace-- not long ater the bloody Franco-

    Prussian War. In 1905, when Anna Jarvis died. Her daughter,

    also named Anna, decided to memorialize her mothers lie-

    long activism, and began a campaign that culminated in 1914

    when Congress passed a Mothers Day resolution.

    Also lets honor women on Memorial Day!

    Beginning with the American Revolution and continuing to

    the present, women have always volunteered in deense o

    our nation. Many o their contributions have been orgotten

    and are not recorded in todays history books

    The Womens Memorial at Arlington Cemetery is chang-ing this omission through a massive oral history and research

    project. Foundation Ofce o History & Collections collect

    ofcial and personal records, oral histories, photographs, and

    other memorabilia to help portray womens record o service

    and citizenship. Growing collections include a library o nearly

    1,000 books by and about military women, photograph and

    document archives, personal and military-issue artiacts, mem-

    oirs and oral histories. These considerable resources serve as a

    leading educational resource on Women in US Military History.

    The team at Women With Know wishes all mothers a

    wonderul Mothers Day and thanks all the women

    serving our country and protecting us. Enjoy thiss months is-

    sue and be sure to share it with co-workers, amily and riends!!


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    C o n t e n t sPublisher/President

    Mimi L. Zelman

    [email protected]

    Vice President Marketing

    Wendy Whitehurst

    [email protected]

    Account Executive

    Kim Hu

    Creative Director

    Juliana Lievano


    Contributing Writers

    Terri BennettSabrina Winters

    Robyn Crigger

    Cover Photography

    by Cover Photoghraphy by Benny

    Dawkins o New Day Productions

    For more advertising inormation

    call Mimi at 704-491-1207

    or email her at:

    [email protected]

    Copyright 2012




    10Building YourBusiness onRelationship Marketing

    14Planning orRetirement as a SmallBusiness Owner

    18 Increasing Loyaltyby Enhancing EmployeeBenet Oerings, Not Costs

    20FutureEmployment Trends

    24Prepare orthe Unexpected!

    26Technology Tips -7 Tips or Successul SEO

    42Exercise You Can DoAbsolutely Anywhere (Part 1)

    46 Top 5 easiestoods to grow at home

    48Are Little WhiteLies Really Harmul toYour Business?

    On thecoverKrusch& Sellers


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    How did you get

    started in this business?

    Health and Wellness have alwaysbeenconcerns in our amily, like Im

    sure they are in most amilies. We

    have allergies, physical and mental

    stress o type A personalities and

    stresses rom the changes that lie

    always brings nothing o major

    concern, but things that interere with

    our amily members perorming at

    their best.

    When my husband was in a job transi-

    tion, it seemed like the perect time to

    ocus on a business that could not only

    have a positive impact on our amily

    heath but also on the health o those

    in our community. Massage had been

    therapeutic in the past and would cer-

    tainly be benecial in the uture.

    What is your background

    -what were you doing beore

    this business?I have enjoyed positions rom man-

    aging a Customer Service Dept. and

    a Computer Programming Dept. to

    Group Lie and Health Insurance Sales

    - wonderul experiences and learn-

    ing processes. But the love o my lie

    has always been music. There has

    never been a time in my lie when I

    was not involved in music playing,

    directing and teaching at churches

    and schools. I am still currently the

    DonnaPetersonBy Mimi ZelmanOWNER LA VIDA MASSAGE

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    Director o Music Ministries at Messiah

    Lutheran Church in Charlotte.

    What is a good early

    story about your business?When you jump in with both eet, as

    my husband and I did, you expect to

    be able to swim. We have so many

    wonderul stories o the people who

    have helped keep us buoyant. Unex-

    pected and wonderul relationships

    have ormed in the making o LaVida.

    Our very rst receptionist was actu-

    ally watching our acility build-out in

    anticipation o seeking a position. So

    over qualied, we would have never

    thought to bring her into the

    team, she has become one o our

    most valuable assets and a dear, dear

    riend. She immediately became in-

    volved helping to hang pictures and

    introducing us to her dear riend who

    has been an incredible marketing

    guru. Its incredible to see how

    connections are made and how they

    lead to so many more connections.

    It has been like living in a real-lie

    Facebook with the connection pro-

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    Photography: Paul Purser

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    cess in overdrive. We have been very

    ortunate to have such a collection o

    wonderul riends in our sta, in our

    clients and in our business relation-

    ships. By accident, I was sending

    pictures and news o upcoming am-

    ily trips to jpeterson@_______, in-

    tending them to go to my son. Well I

    didnt have the email quite right and it

    wasnt my son at all, but because

    o the alse connection that was

    made, a real connection was estab-lished. We email on a airly regular

    basis and keep each other inormed

    o how our amilies are doing,

    exchanging pictures intentionally.

    And because o that unexpected

    relationship, I have been more open

    to possibility thinking. Guess who

    my Google rep is! J Peterson! No, not

    the same one as the other J Peterson

    who is not my son, but we also have

    shared un amily stories and it does

    make work so much easier.

    What is unusual or unique

    about your business, in

    comparison to your competitors

    or similar businesses?Although our treatments are therapeu-

    tic, you wont eel like youre coming

    into a clinic when you enter LaVida

    Massage o Foxcrot/Southpark or

    LaVida Massage o Toringdon Circle/

    Ballantyne. Step across the threshold

    into a totally relaxing environment

    the sights, the sounds, the smells, the

    touch, the taste all designed to begin

    the process o total relaxation which is

    to take place in the massage session.

    Our therapists are the nest, chosen

    because o their knowledge, their

    skill and their passion or healing the

    body. At LaVida, it is our goal to pro-

    vide relie rom muscle pain, improvedcirculation, increased exibility and all

    the other benets o massage. But it

    is also our goal to educate our clients

    in ways that they can improve their

    conditions at home, through exercise

    or stretches or avoidance o misuse.

    Education is really a big deal with us, somuch so, that we want our clients to

    be the people who want to learn how

    to help themselves. Its the old adage

    o Give a man a sh and hell eat or a

    day but teach a man to sh and hell

    eat or a lietime. We want to take care

    o you but we also want to give you

    the wisdom to manage certain aspects

    o your health on your own.

    Is there a customer experience

    you are most proud o?Yes, absolutely! A woman brought

    her ather in, an older veteran, seek-

    ing any relie possible or his ongoing

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    2nd Annual Power Walk to benefit Dress for Success

    Charlotte Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Freedom Park

    Check in at 8:00 am with a Warm Up with Nettie Reeves

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    pain. He was stooped, shufed with a

    cane, and was visibly uncomortable

    with head down. He needed help

    getting on the massage table and

    was unable to lay on his ront or back

    only on his side. One o our miracle

    working therapists was able to work

    with this man on a regular basis or

    several months gradually working

    out the muscle tension and knots,

    improving his circulation, decreas-

    ing his chronic pain and providing anincredible boost in his emotional and

    physical wellbeing and his sel-

    esteem as he transitioned rom barely

    mobile to walking around the block

    with head held high. One o the piec-

    es o art in our Toringdon oce shows

    a man breaking ree rom a stone into

    a dance. That is similar to the transor-

    mation that took place with this man.

    It takes my breath away.

    Do you do any charity

    or non prot work?We do. We are privileged to be in-

    volved with several charity organiza-tions as they provide events to raise

    money. As massage therapists, we are

    able to take our portable massage

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    chairs to events, indoors and out-

    doors, and provide ree chair massage

    to the participants o the events.

    We were at the inaugural Stiletto Sprint

    or Ovarian Cancer Research in South-

    park and returned or the 2nd Annual

    Stiletto Sprint in April. We provide mas-

    sage to golers who are in tournaments

    raising money or the Lupus Foundation,

    UMAR a oundation which provides

    assistance and housing to adult dis-abled members o our society, and other

    similar organizations. We have provided

    services or the Charlotte Mecklenburg

    Police Thin Blue Line Ride, Kinder Mourn,

    the KristenFoundation or Missing Adults,

    the Crohns and Colitis Foundation, Susan

    G Komen Breast Cancer Research, and

    several other non-prots.

    Our sta requested the opportunity to

    provide healing touch to the women in

    the Battered Womens Shelter. Its when

    your work is so appreciated that you

    eel like youre getting so much more

    than youre giving. Each o the events

    we participate in allows us to better

    understand the world around us and tocontribute, i only in a small way, to the

    betterment o our world.

    Who are some o your

    most notable clients?We cant name any names but we

    certainly do have people rom all walks

    o lie. Movie and Television Stars, Physical

    Laborers, Proessional and College Ath-

    letes, Nurses, Politicians, Teachers, Doc-

    tors, Retirees, Lawyers, Disabled Veterans,

    Psychologists and Counselors, Ministers,

    People like You and Me. We have clients

    with names you would recognize and

    clients with names you wouldnt recog-

    nize, but once they come through our

    doors, they are all notable.

    What is an interesting

    story about a client

    interaction you had?Its not very oten you have a business

    like ours where the client response

    is so emotional, so heart-elt and so

    passionate. You can tell by the way

    conversation goes prior to the

    massage which are the persons who

    really need that session. And to see

    the change in posture, the change in

    attitude, the smile that was not there

    beore it makes our work so reward-

    ing. Although I dont have stories or

    each o these, I believe we have saved

    projects, jobs, relationships and may-

    be even lives. You can see words ogratitude rom our clients in the

    books we keep at the ront desk.

    What are some o your greatest

    challenges in your business?Live and learn is awully time con-

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    suming. As a new business, I cant

    really aord to buy all the inormation

    thats out there, so making proession-

    al contacts with people who will

    share their expertise is key. Since its

    pretty much all new, the learning

    curve has been a long one. Knowing

    when to seek help and discerning

    whose advice will actually help also

    takes some eort.

    What would you most likethe reader to know aboutyour journey in business?It has been incredible! Like the rst

    time I ew a plane or the rst (only)

    time I bungee jumped or the rst

    time I walked on the ocean oor or

    the rst time I (you know what I want

    to say but Im not going to). All o

    those experiences take you some-

    where youve never been nor even

    dreamed o experiencing because

    you cant imagine it. Its like that. You

    never know what the next day will

    hold, what you will learn, who you will

    meet, because you cant even imag-

    ine something so wonderul. And

    moving through this journey with my

    husband and my daughter makes it ajourney o a lietime!

    Donna Peterson/ La Vida [email protected]



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    by Terri Bennett




    Building Your Businesson Relaionship Markeing


    hen growing a busi-

    ness it takes a lot o

    time and dedication

    to commit to yourdream. A business cannot grow nor

    sustain without clients or customers

    who like, love and know about your

    product. Thereore, building a business

    based on relationships is key to the

    survival these days with all o the social

    media and the premise that it is based

    on RELATIONSHIPS. As a business

    owner Relationship Marketing mustbe a part o your marketing strategy in

    order to maintain customer retention.

    Relationship Marketing is the organi-

    zational commitment to developing

    and enhancing long-term mutually

    benecial relationships with prot-

    able or potentially protable custom-ers. As in the past businesses were

    determining the value o their cus-

    tomers based on their most recent

    transaction or purchase. This transac-

    tion could be one time or it could be

    multiple times but the relationship

    was not cultivated and the exchange

    was the ocus. Today, it has become

    more important or companies to

    ocus their eorts on building long-term relationships that are mutually

    benecial and potentially protable

    or protable customers. The primary

    goal or creating customer relation-

    ships is to increase your customer

    loyalty and retention. It is a long-term

    thinking process that should be un-

    derstood and not limited.

    As statistics show:

    A company could lose up to 50% of

    its customers over a ve year period.

    Just a small increase in customer

    retention rates can have a proound

    impact on a businesss bottom line.

    It costs 6-7 times more to recruit or

    obtain a new customer than it does

    to retain your existing customers.

    It has been stated that to dierenti-

    ate yoursel rom the crowd there are

    three major things: (1) your core busi-

    by Elysha Brooks

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    ness model, (2) price, (3) your total

    relationship and customer experi-

    ence. These three things are unique to

    you and you have to know what that

    looks like or you and your business.

    As the business environment and

    the competition gets more competi-

    tive, the importance becomes how

    strong is your relationships with your

    customers and what does it require

    to maintain that relationship. As I saidrelationships are so important to busi-

    nesss bottom line prot.

    When you begin to look at relation-

    ship marketing there must be a com-

    mitted eort on your part that is on-

    going and consistent. A relationship

    requires authenticity, dedication and

    a commitment to getting to know

    your customer including their wants,

    needs, desires, likes and dislikes to say

    the least. It is more about investing

    time and energy to cultivating a long

    lasting relationship that will create

    brand loyalty and satisaction.

    We all seek to establish a businesscommunity with loyal customers,

    brand awareness and prot. This re-

    quires a long-term plan and the prop-

    er investment to build a strong brand

    that potential clients can recognize

    and keep aithul to.

    As you grow your business based

    on relationships, it is important that

    (1) your customers understand the

    benets that you oer; (2) the advan-

    tages o working with you and (3) the

    construction o building brand loyalty

    program. Loyalty is the ultimate goal

    o relationship marketing and can be

    comparable to inuence o satisac-

    tion o customers who are not only

    loyal, but also would not mind posi-

    tive word-o-mouth advertising.

    With deepened relationships and

    greater eorts o retention custom-

    ers will stay with the company longer

    and creates an opportunity or a better

    basis o providing quality and value.

    Begin, i you are not implementing

    relationship marketing into your mar-

    keting strategy because with how

    social media is the new normal, you

    are missing out on a great deal o

    business. Stay tuned to next months

    article on ROI o Social Media.

    About Elyshia Brooks-CarrElyshia Brooks International, Inc. and KreativeGroup, Inc. is a consulting, coaching and trainingcompany that works with heart-elt, consciousentrepreneurs and service-based [email protected] / 800.511.5410www.ElyshiaBrooks.comwww.KreativeGroupInc.com

  • 7/31/2019 Women With Know How May 2012


    7804A Fairview RdSouthpark - Foxcroft

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    Gift Cards Available

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    One Hour CustomMassage Session


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    Hours: Thursday & Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday: 1:00-5:00pm

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    Current and Upcoming Exhibitions:

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    Planning or Reiremenas a Small Business Owner


    youre a small business owner,

    protecting yoursel and your

    business goes beyond secur-

    ing proper insurance agree-ments and building an emergency

    nancial cushion it also means

    ensuring that your savings will sustain

    you throughout retirement.

    Most o those anticipating retirement

    have savings plans sponsored by their

    company, and though you are likely

    expecting to retire at some point, theprocess may be more complex in the

    absence o such a plan. You must

    determine how to keep your income

    owing ater retirement or how to

    capitalize by selling your business and

    creating a nest egg.

    Its never too early to begin planningor retirement and there are several

    things you can do as a small business

    owner to prepare. Make saving a prior-

    ity. As other nancial goals arise, saving

    or retirement may get overlooked. Its

    tempting to re-invest a large portion

    o your prot into your business, but

    you may regret not socking away more

    savings or your personal nancial se-

    curity especially i retirement comesalong aster than you expected. I you

    dont have an established retirement

    savings plan, consider contributing to

    an IRA or other qualied investment

    plan. Its less tempting to pull money

    rom accounts that are earmarked or a

    specic goal.

    Develop a succession plan. Its im-portant to think about the uture o

    the business that youve put so many

    resources into. Research the legal

    procedures or transerring ownership

    (to a amily member or employee) and

    document in writing who you intend

    to take over your business ater youve

    retired. There may be tax ramicationswhen you sell or transer your business,

    so be aware o these so you can pre-

    pare or the nancial impact.

    Prepare to sell. I you intend to sell your

    business, be realistic about its value.

    Its dicult to consider accepting less

    by Diane Davis

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    than you believe its worth, but i you

    retire in a down market or sooner

    than youd planned, you may need

    to compromise on an oer. Keep in

    mind that selling your business may

    be emotional. Having knowledge

    about the process beore you con-

    sider oers may make it less stressul

    and ensure the decisions you make

    are nancially sound.

    Retirement can be especially conus-ing and complicated or small business

    owners, so consider working with a

    proessional nancial advisor who can

    help you balance your business needs

    with your personal ones. Everyone has

    dierent priorities and values, but it is

    up to each individual to prepare or her

    own retirement. The earlier you begin

    planning, the easier it will be to ulll

    your long-term nancial goals and

    avoid dicult trade-os.

    Diane S. Davis, CFP, CLUCERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERAmeriprise Financial5200 Park Rd, Ste 117, Charlotte, NC [email protected]/diane.s.davis704.522.6565

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    odays small business

    owner aces a number ochallenges including a

    slow economic recovery

    and volatile investment markets. In ad-

    dition to those, according to MetLies

    9th Annual Study o Employee Benet

    Trends, many may also be acing em-

    ployee retention issues as employee

    loyalty has signicantly declined in the

    last few years. Only 44% of employeesreported a strong sense o loyalty to

    their current employer a sharp con-

    trast from 2008 where 62% of those

    surveyed elt a great sense o loyalty.

    Though small businesses may be ac-

    ing some hurdles, todays environment

    may present opportunities or employ-ers to help retain and recruit employ-

    ees by improving benet oerings

    while maintaining the line on costs.

    Voluntary BeneftsThough benets such as medical, pre-

    scription drugs, dental, lie, disability,

    and vision coverage, are considered bymany employees important to have,

    about one-third o small business do

    not oer one or all o these. Among

    employees, however, interest is still very

    strong. The study shows that approxi-

    mately hal o employees nd it impor-

    tant to have benets like lie, dental, and

    disability insurance available to them

    through the workplace even i theyhave to pay all o the cost themselves.

    Thereore, voluntary benets are an-

    other option or small business em-

    ployers seeking a cost-eective way to

    increase their benets oerings while

    improving employee retention. When

    aced with a choice o either paying orsome benets or losing them entirely,

    many employees indicated that they

    would choose to pay or them.

    Retirement SolutionsFor individuals today, saving or retire-

    Increasing Loyaly byEnhancing EmployeeBene Oferings, No Coss

    by Andrea J. Buschur

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    ment has become a daunting task. It

    is sae to say that a majority o indi-

    viduals today eel that they have not

    saved enough or retirement, and the

    anemic economic recovery has not

    assuaged those ears and concerns.

    One way small businesses may be

    able to help employees with their

    retirement savings goals is to oer

    educational programs. 75% of small

    business employees (those who work

    or employers with ewer than 500

    workers) who report taking time o to

    deal with, or spend more time at work

    thinking about personal nancial is-

    sues than they think they should, said

    they would be interested in receiving

    advice and guidance through their

    employer. Employers are somewhatreluctant to do so, understandable

    giving these challenging times. But

    there are clearly some productivity

    and loyalty implications or an em-

    ployers decision not to address the -

    nancial worries o employees. Overall,

    many nancial advice and guidance

    programs and tools can be imple-

    mented with minimal cost and eort.

    OpportunitiesTo the small business owner, the

    question o whether or not to oer

    employee benets is more a question

    o how to spend more eectively versus

    spending more. Many employee ben-

    et solutions can be implemented by a

    small business owner at a minimal cost,

    and the rewards can be quite substan-

    tial as these benets oster a sense o

    loyalty among employees. Company

    loyalty, in turn, may lead to a more posi-

    tive work environment, a place where

    employees eel they have a network o

    support and greater job satisaction.

    Thereore, to help prevent small busi-

    nesses suer employee productivity

    losses rom losing talented sta or rom

    having dissatised employees, they

    should be encouraged to work with

    their brokers to ensure that their ben-

    ets program is meeting the needs o

    employees and that the benet oer-

    ings remain relevant and competitive.

    A well-designed, cost-eective benets

    program can help small business em-

    ployers attract, retain, reward and moti-

    vate those who make the business run

    eectively and eciently.

    Andrea J. BuschurFinancial Services Representative,Investment Adviser RepresentativeRegistered Representative. MetLie4410 Mint Hill Village Lane,Suite 201, Mint Hill, NC 28227Direct: 704-248-9620 Fax: 704-248-9621

    email: [email protected]

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    any employees in past

    generations worked

    or one company/

    organization or theirentire working lietime. In more recent

    years many Baby Boomers worked or

    one company or 10-20 years, but then

    transitioned into another position or

    career. The younger and current gener-

    ations o employees are changing their

    employers an average o 4 times in their

    work lives. So what other changes are

    in the uture o employment?

    As children o the Baby Boomers saw

    their parents downsized, many be-

    came disheartened or disillusioned

    about the lack o loyalty rom em-

    ployers. O course, what was hard or

    many to understand was that most o

    these employers regretted having todownsize, but only did it to keep their

    businesses alive. Still, the impact on

    the younger generation occurred.

    The economy has also caused other

    changes to employment practices

    as well. As businesses activities de-

    creased, a large number o employers

    have chosen to outsource some as-

    pects o their work, which could causemore to lose their employee status.

    However, many employers just turned

    around and hired that person as a

    consultant. O course, that means the

    consultant no longer receives health

    benets, a steady paycheck, etc.

    For some people, their desires to work

    rom home is not only important or pre-

    erred, but is being accomplished. Em-

    ployers are establishing more positions

    with exible hours and arrangements.

    Though these people may not be go-

    ing into the oce every day, they may

    nd themselves working longer hours

    via email, skype, etc. Plus working rom

    home can also include more interrup-tions than in a business oce setting.

    When working rom home, one might

    eel that they are always at work.

    In a recent survey o 20s, and 30-year

    olds, many have indicated that these

    Fuure Employmen Trends

    by Robyn Crigger

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    people expect to change jobs about

    every 18-24 months. Many also dont

    want to be tied to a job in an oce andplan to seek more project-type work.

    However, all o these people value

    growth opportunities and want to

    continue learning new skills and talents.

    Another priority or this group is having

    more ree time to be with amily.

    How will employers manage this chang-

    ing workorce? With our changing anddiverse workorce, as the aging leader-

    ship retires and younger decision makers

    step up, we will probably see even more

    changes. One big challenge currently is

    or employers to make immediate eorts

    at retaining their best employees. As

    indicated in the previous paragraph, all

    employees today seek to receive moretraining and development opportunities.

    A survey o the Social Media noted that

    over 53% of working employees are cur-

    rently seeking new job opportunities. As

    these people leave, who will employers

    be let with? Could it be their mediocre

    and low achieving employees?

    Future Employment TrendsThe Baby Boomer employees will

    gradually leave the workorce, and

    this is beginning to happen but will

    take about two more years to see the

    bulk exiting. This will leave a void in

    many companies, who havent been

    providing ongoing skill and leadership

    development. Many companies havent

    even begun selecting their uture lead-ership successors. This lack o strategic

    planning could hurt those companies/

    organizations, who keep putting this o.

    Continuing actors that will impact

    the employment trend includes the

    economy and changes in technol-

    ogy and energy. The idea or a shorter

    work week has been discussed oryears, but the time may be coming to

    help with energy consumption to have

    a 4-day work week (with longer days).

    The energy industry is changing, too,

    so there are lots o unknowns: i.e. Tech-

    nology is always changing.

    The question is how many employersare taking steps to research and plan

    or this changing business world, and

    how many are actually putting ideas

    into action? It is important to be

    investigating possible ideas/options

    and coming up with a possible plan.

    Change is inevitable. Other transi-

    tions will be coming. How many o

    our employers are being proactive?

    Compass Career ManagementSolutions OI Partners Inc.8509 Crown Crescent Court, Charlotte, NC 28227704-849-2500Fax 704-845-2420www.compasscareer.com

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    have mentioned beore and

    will continue on the theme that

    there is much change aoot. I

    encourage you to allow yourselto really examine your eelings and

    then intentionally move rom ear to

    love. Love heals everything!

    As I pulled the cards or the month o

    May my sense is that there will be many

    events happening around the globe

    that may seem or eel rightening andother events that will warm your heart.

    Please know that everything that we

    are experiencing is clearing the way or

    a beautiul and peaceul world. That in-

    cludes things you may be clearing and

    changing on a personal level.

    Each month I pull three divination cards

    and share their meaning with you. Myintention when I pull these cards is that

    they will have a loving and peaceul

    message or each person that reads this

    article. This months cards are rom Do-

    reen Virtues Archangel Michael deck be-

    cause it is time to call in the movers and

    shakers. KNOW that each one o you

    does have a voice and that our Creator

    hears your voice and knows your heart.

    The First Card is Be

    Gentle With YourselOne o the happenings that I have

    noticed in every part o my world is

    that people all around me are opening

    up to their own intuition and spiritual

    sensitivity. It is very important that you

    honor this in yoursel and an excellentway to do that is to allow this git o

    awakening to happen gently and at a

    pace that you are comortable with.

    As you look at your lie and world

    begin to ask yoursel how each item,

    event or person makes you eel?

    What about your diet, sleep patterns

    and especially how to talk to yoursel?Are each o the things in your lie and

    world bringing you joy and love? I

    not, what can you do to change that?

    The Second Card is

    Shield Yoursel

    Prepare or he Unexpeced!

    by Rev. Marcie Williams-Browning

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    It looks like the theme o sensitivity

    and awakening is continued. This

    card asks you to use wise judgment in

    your dealings with others and in thecircumstances that you expose your-

    sel to. This includes television, ood,

    drink, conversations with others and

    any other stimuli.

    The second part is to ask or divine

    protection in all o your dealings with

    others and any where you may go that

    may not eel sae or protected. This isnot exclusive to danger and is more in-

    clusive o your emotional, mental and

    spiritual awareness and awakening.

    The Third Card is Pay

    Attention to your DreamsOne o the ew times that you are

    ully relaxed and not using your con-scious mind is when you sleep. This

    is the perect time or your spiritual

    guidance to communicate with you

    and one o the ways they do that is

    through your dreams.

    I you do not keep a dream journal by

    your bedside, now would be a great

    time to start that practice. Because

    your dreams generally only stay in the

    conscious mind or a short time ater

    waking, jotting down your dreams

    right away helps you to recall them

    later when you have more time to

    process them.

    Final Thoughts and MessagesIn the midst o all o the changes hap-

    pening around us, this month says to

    ocus on your own journey and spiritu-al evolution. It is time to increase your

    own awareness o your intuition and to

    act on the messages that you receive.

    In the process o awakening intuitive-

    ly, you can eel vulnerable and unpro-

    tected. The message this month re-

    minds you to ask or divine protection

    and accept it when it is given. You

    are the master creator o your lie and

    destiny. The most divine creations

    also include your spiritual guidance as

    your co-creator. That guidance is only

    a thought or prayer away. Yours with

    much love and joy.

    The Spiritual CoachChrysalis Hypnosis Center5200 Park Road, Suite 111, Charlotte, NC 28209704-631-9540 Voice Mail803-493-0332 Cellhttp://the-spiritual-coach.inowww.MindBodySpiritBiz.com


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    am thrilled to be able to bring

    some Technology Tips to you rom

    MiSyte.com. We strive to make

    sure our clients are able to under-stand and get the most out o technol-

    ogy. We are going to start with inorma-

    tion about SEO and how to make it work

    or you. For questions or uture tips youd

    like us to write about, please email me

    at [email protected]. I want to thank

    Jacquie Gonzalez, CDMC/PIM, and SEO

    Specialist MiSyte.com or putting these

    tips together or this month.

    S.E.O... As a business owner, you may

    have heard those three little letters as

    you delve into the vast world o digi-

    tal marketing. SEO, or Search Engine

    Optimization, is basically taking the

    necessary steps to ensure that your

    website is visible to the search engineslike Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and AOL.

    The ultimate goal is to be at the top o

    those rankings, and in most circum-

    stances, with the right cultivation local

    businesses can actually accomplish

    that goal.

    In the month o February, Google made

    over 40 changes to their algorithms (as

    they normally do to keep the playing

    eld air or all). One o those changesinvolved making searches by subject

    and city more relevant to local busi-

    nesses. The majority o people search

    terms using the subject and the city

    name. Google knows that. But did

    you? Here are some tips and services

    that can get your SEO in order and help

    you garner more market share in your

    local area. Ater all, with most o thepopulation using laptops, tablets, and

    mobile devices to search businesses,

    being at the top o your local searches

    should be a priority.

    1. SEO is about doing the right thingsconsistently over time. Trying to get to

    the top o a search engine overnight isan unrealistic goal. It can take weeks

    and months-- even when you are do-

    ing all the right things. So, the rst tip

    is being consistent. When you plant a

    crop, you dont dig it up ater a couple

    o weeks and plant it somewhere else

    Technology Tips -7 Tips or Successul SEO

    by Jamie Gilleland

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    just because you do not see plants

    above the soil. You water it. You er-

    tilize it, All the while; germination istaking place underneath that soil.

    Giving it your best consistent eorts

    will eventually reap a ne crop! So, be

    consistent, and dont expect immedi-

    ate results rom an SEO campaign.

    2.Make sure your website is well- op-

    timized. This basically means that youneed to get your website visible in the

    eyes o the search engines. Search

    engine bots will crawl your site con-

    tent looking or keywords, themes, and

    inbound links, not only in the visible

    content, but also in areas that we do notsee, such as those techy areas like title

    tags and ALT image attributes. A well-

    structured SEO campaign should include

    optimization o your current website.

    3. Blog oten. Consider adding a blogto your website or at least creating one

    and linking it to your website. Blogrequently, at least weekly, using as

    much compelling, keyword-rich con-

    tent as possible throughout the blog

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    article. Blogs are easily and quickly

    picked up by the search engines, and by

    blogging, you are creating the oppor-

    tunity to build more organic in-bound

    links to your website over time. What

    does THAT mean? Basically, people

    love to read and share interesting blog

    articles, and as they share and post your

    blogs, they are creating inbound links to

    your website rom other websites.

    4.This brings us to In-Bound Linking.Build your Inbound Links GRADUALLY

    over time. Building links too ast can get

    you kicked o a search engine, as search

    engines pick up on suspicious behavior.

    I your site has not had any inbound

    links or months or years, and all o a

    sudden, you add 20 in one month that

    might be suspicious! Rather, building

    links to your website rom other more

    popular websites is more o a relation-

    ship building thing.

    Contact the webmasters o various busi-

    ness aliations, civic organizations, tradeassociations or organizations, and busi-

    ness partner companies that you belong

    to or work with, and gradually have them

    add a link rom their site to yours (and

    reciprocate). Over time, building strong

    link partners helps your rankings. Con-

    sider it popularity by association.

    5. Get going on your social mediamarketing! Your business doesnt have

    a business acebook an page? Well, it

    should. Use social media as a platorm

    to get people talking about your busi-

    ness in a positive way.

    Social media is not a sales platorm, but

    rather an opportunity to get your busi-ness in someones personal conversation.

    Social media is also a great place to oer

    loyal customer incentives and giveaways.

    What does this have to do with your SEO

    eorts? A lot. Search engines weigh

    heavily on your social media presence

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    these days. Get your business linked in

    to social media or better rankings!

    6. Make sure your domain name ornames contain keywords. Remem-

    ber: a keyword is not just one word.

    A keyword can consist o up to 5

    words and 50 characters in a domain

    without being considered suspicious.

    Your keywords should consist o your

    main prot centers and your main

    cities. It should consist o the exactwords that you think people would

    type into Google to nd your type o

    business. For example, i you own an

    HVAC company in Neverland, USA,

    your domain should be


    7. Submission is a big part o SEO.Your proessional SEO consultant

    should get you listed with several

    directories, such as the open directory

    project, DMOZ.org. Human submis-

    sion o your website to directories and

    to search engines consistently will help

    you rank higher over time.

    These are just some o the strategies

    you should be employing in a well-

    planned SEO campaign. Beware that

    there are many companies that prom-

    ise a certain level o results with your

    SEO campaign, and those companies

    are usually using black hat techniques

    that could get you black-listed rom

    the search engines. Good SEO comes

    rom doing the right things consistent-

    ly, and the results will come in time.

    Jamie GillelandMisyte.com President/[email protected] - 843-263-5478Toll Free - 855 Misyte1 (647-9831) ext. 1

    For More inormation or to receivea Media Kit contact us at:

    [email protected]

    Advertise inwww.WomenWithKnowHow.com



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    This months article is a little dierent than

    our usual eatured one. I wanted to ocus

    on the 3 emales at Krusch and Sellers or

    a ew reasons. The biggest reason is or

    our readers who may be going through a

    dicult time, either by a dicult divorce

    or child custody; this article will help

    make them aware that women need to

    protect themselves legally. Also Claire

    Krusch the practice client advocate is a

    remarkable woman who does so much

    help homeless children in our city!

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    Krusch& Sellers

    Atorneys, P.A.Featuring Claire Krusch Client Advocate,

    Leigh Ballenger Sellers Attorney, & Re-becca Kathleen Watts Attorney

    By Mimi Zelman

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    A little background on the rmKrusch & Sellers, P.A., is committed to pro-

    viding experienced, knowledgeable, and

    compassionate legal services or people

    acing dicult amily challenges. Based

    in Charlotte, North Carolina. They oer a

    ull-service amily law practice or clients

    throughout the Charlotte metro area.

    Some o the amily law matters han-

    dled include divorce, collaborative

    divorce, child custody and visitation,child support, prenuptial agreements,

    legal separations, property distribu-

    tion and stepparent adoption.

    Claire Krusch Client AdvocateClaire serves as a liaison between you

    and your attorney.

    The client advocate is

    a support service that

    is available to you.

    She is not an attorney

    and thereore cannot

    answer any legal questions It has been

    an honor or me to know Claire!

    Her heart is so huge and she is mak-

    ing such a dierence helping homeless

    children!Claire is also a MecklenburgTimes 50 Most Inuential Women honor-

    ee by the Mecklenburg Times 2011-2012.

    How did you get

    started in the business?In 2000, the law rm o Alan R. Krusch,




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    Attorney at Law, became a reality. Alan

    Krusch, the senior and ounding part-

    ner o Krusch & Sellers, P.A., Attorneys

    at Family Law, is not only a colleague,

    by also my spouse of almost 36 years.

    In the rms inancy, I played a minor

    role o assisting the sta with client

    support and meeting with vendors.

    The vision or expansion o not only

    oce space, but or additional amily

    law attorneys and support sta cameto ruition a ew years later. Thus, my

    role as the rms ull-time Director o

    Marketing, Human Resources and Cli-

    ent Advocacy was established.

    What is your background and

    what were you doing beore this?

    Without even realizing it, my prior em-ployment opportunities prepared me or

    where I am today. Ive worked or two

    major airlines; headed two non-prots;

    worked in public relations at a small col-

    lege and also at a 450-bed hospital.

    Later, I was promoted to the position as

    patient advocate at the same hospital.

    Do you do any charityor non-prot work?As a law rm, we give back to our

    community by delivering Friendship

    Trays to homebound individuals

    on at least a monthly basis. Our law

    rm ounded and hosted the rst an-

    nual Sharing With Shoes event and

    shoe drive in 2010. The Sharing With

    Shoes event, which is invitation only,

    helps collect new shoes or young

    homeless students currently attend-

    ing Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.

    We partner with the local non-prot

    organization A Childs Place, who then

    distributes the new sneakers to the

    over 4,711 homeless children living in

    our community.

    Our organization is now called Queen

    City Soles, and the annual event will

    continue to be known as SharingWith Shoes. This year, our goal is col-

    lect over 500 pairs o new sneakers

    or Charlottes homeless children, and

    help ease the impact that homeless-

    ness has on this vulnerable and inno-

    cent portion o our community.


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    What are some o the greatest

    challenges in your business?Our job is to help you get through

    one o the most dicult and chal-

    lenging periods o your lie. A mar-

    riage is ending or has come to an end.

    Helping a client ease some o the pain

    is tough. Even though I am not an

    attorney, it is my mission to give sup-

    port and to provide a sense o calm

    when someone walks through our

    oce door.

    What would you like

    the reader to know about

    your journey in business?I continue to enrich my lie with learn-

    ing as much as I can.

    I you could stand up and de-end anything, what would it be?I believe it is my calling to put new

    sneakers on homeless childrens pre-

    cious eet in our town. Imagine what

    it must be like not to have the basic

    necessities to simply go to school

    every day while lacking basic human

    essentials, like having warm clothesand shoes. Thats why my work with

    Queen City Soles is such a large part

    o my heart and soul.

    Leigh Ballanger Sellers AttorneyLeigh Ballenger Sellers has been a

    student o divorce

    her entire lie. She

    experienced di-

    vorce as a child and

    later watched as high

    school riends en-

    dured their parents divorces.

    As an adult, Leigh listened to her adult

    riends and some close amily mem-

    bers as they went through separa-

    tions and divorces. She understandshow the process o separation and

    divorce can consume and eat away

    at the lives o the participants. She

    also knows that the decisions made

    by parents during their divorce have

    a tremendous eect on the children,

    and can shape their relationships with

    their parents or the rest o their lie.

    Leigh is a trained Mediator who is

    certied by the North Carolina Bar.

    She also joined the Mecklenburg Col-

    laborative Law Practice Group in 2003.

    She makes it a point to work with

    you to determine the best method o

    resolving the specic issues that are

    relevant to your personal situation, inaddition to assisting you resolve the

    matter in a manner that works or you

    Why did you choose to

    become an attorney?I argued a lot. I loved history and poli-

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    tics and being a lawyer seemed to com-

    bine my interests and my strengths.

    What is your background

    -what were you doing

    beore this proession?I grew up in South Carolina, and

    started practicing law right ater law

    school. Since I went straight rom col-

    lege to law school, I didnt really have

    another proession other than tend-

    ing bar and waiting tables. But I wasortunate enough to travel extensively

    while in college.

    What is a good early story

    about your practice?I was a member o the sta attorneys

    oce o the SC Supreme Court right

    ater law school. I joined a rm whenthat job ended originally to handle

    appellate matters. The amily law at-

    torney there let a post it note on his

    chair one night that said I quit. Since

    I was the newest hire and had the

    least to do, I inherited a le cabinet

    ull o cases and a amily law practice.

    That is how I got started.

    What are some interesting sta-

    tistics about your business?We dont keep statistics in this busi-

    ness. Every marriage is unique which

    makes every divorce or separation

    unique. As similar as general issues

    are, it is the details that make each

    case dierent rom all o the others.

    What is unusual or

    unique about your practice, in

    comparison to your competitors

    or similar businesses?Our rm is strictly a amily law rm.

    We are about the people, not just

    their cases, and we try to stay in touch

    with them throughout illness, deaths

    in their amily, a work crisis and any-thing else that aects them during

    an already stressul period o time. I

    am proud that we take the time to

    engage with our clients about some-

    thing other than their case. Also, we

    try to be a resource or whatever they

    may need during this time and we

    keep an extensive list o counselors,tax experts, realtors, and nancial ad-

    visors or our clients.

    Is there a client experience you

    are most proud o?Most clients are happy to be done

    with attorneys when their case is com-

    pleted. So I am always pleased when

    someone take the time to send a note

    or ollow up with me about something

    positive in their lives post-divorce.

    Do you do any

    charity or nonprot work?I stay active in my church community


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    at Sardis Presbyterian through vari-

    ous committees and with the PTSO

    boards o my childrens middle and

    high school. I am a ormer member o

    the Junior League o Charlotte. I nd

    working through other organizations

    is a great way to connect to commu-

    nity needs in a variety o areas ranging

    rom eeding and clothing the home-

    less to tutoring and gathering sup-

    plies or local schools in need.

    What are some o your greatest

    challenges in your business?Our clients are always in pain and

    scared no matter their circumstances.

    Educating people about the legal pro-

    cedures and processes during such

    an emotional time is always a chal-

    lenge. What seems air to our clientsis not always represented in the law

    concerning divorce or what we can

    achieve within the law.

    What would you most

    like the reader to know

    about your journey in business?There is great satisaction in operating

    your own business and it is worth theeort that you put into building your

    own rm where you can put your per-

    sonal philosophy and stamp on the

    way things are handled. Considering

    how much time we all spend working,

    which is a very positive thing.

    I you could stand up

    and deend anything,

    what would it be?Funding or our Family Court systemin North Carolina. This is being cut

    rom the proposed budget and unless

    we can have this reversed beore the

    Budget is approved and nal, all liti-

    gants in amily court districts, includ-

    ing Mecklenburg and Union counties

    will ace diculties in having their

    case resolved in a timely and orga-nized ashion. It will denitely impact

    my clients. For more inormation,

    click: http://www.justiceinitiatives.org/


    Rebecca Kathleen Watts AttorneyRebecca Kathleen

    Watts wanted to bea lawyer beore she

    even knew what it

    really meant to be

    a lawyer. With only

    the knowledge she had gleaned rom

    watching television shows and mov-

    ies about lawyers, Rebecca entered

    law school without an idea o what

    type o law she wanted to practice.In her second year o law school Re-

    becca took her rst amily law course,

    and rom that moment orward she

    knew that amily law was the area

    o practice she wanted to ocus on.

    Since she began practicing, Rebecca

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    has made a commitment to high stan-

    dards, and in that pursuit she was certied

    as a Family Law Specialist in 2005 and as a

    Family Financial Mediator in 2007.

    Why did you choose

    to become an attorney?I do not remember making the choice

    to become an attorney; it is just some-

    thing that I always knew I was going to

    do. When I went to law school, I did not

    know in which area o the law I was go-ing to practice, but I gravitated toward

    the amily law classes and so practicing

    amily law sort o chose me.

    What is your background-

    what were you doing

    beore this proession?

    Ater I graduated rom College in 1992, Itook a 3 year break rom school to move

    to Texas with my husband who was in

    the military at that time and I worked

    as a substitute high school teacher until

    we moved to North Carolina in 1995 or

    me to attend law school. I graduated

    rom law school on 1998 and have been

    practicing since that time.

    What is a good early s

    tory about your practice?I remember one conversation on the

    phone with an older, much more ex-

    perienced attorney who I had not met

    ace-to-ace beore. It happened that

    I knew something about the acts o

    the case that he did not know and the

    position I presented to him about the

    case was inormed in part by the acts

    that I knew that he did not know. He

    listened to my oer and said he would

    talk with his client. Well, it got back to

    me through my client that this attorney

    had gone to his client and talked about

    how I did not know what I was doing

    and that I was a green, young, woman

    attorney or thinking that things weregoing to go a certain way and that ater

    he told his client how wrong I was, his

    client disclosed the acts to him that he

    did not know and the attorney then had

    to admit that I was correct.

    That attorney was very polite and re-

    spectul to me rom that point on even

    though I never disclosed to him that I

    had heard what he told his client about

    me. That was when I learned that other

    attorneys, especially male attorneys who

    had been in practice or a long time,

    might tend to underestimate me due to

    my age and gender.

    What is unusual or uniqueabout your practice, in

    comparison to your competitors

    or similar businesses?I am a very hands-on attorney. Many

    attorneys will delegate day-to-day ac-

    tivities to junior attorneys or paralegals

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    and then will jump in or the big

    things like trials or depositions. I pre-

    er to keep a smaller caseload so that I

    have the time to be involved with my

    clients throughout the case and not

    just or the big events.

    I am also very involved with the pro-

    ession at the State level. I was elect-

    ed to serve a three year term on the

    North Carolina Bar Associations Fam-

    ily Law Section Council where I alsoserve as the Chair o the Domestic

    Violence Committee. I am a requent

    speaker at continuing legal education

    seminars and I write reviews o Ap-

    pellate Court decisions or the Family

    Law Sections newsletter.

    Is there a client experience

    you are most proud o?I have been involved in one clients

    case or 10 years now. It is a custody

    case and early on it was apparent that

    the ather had been abusive toward

    the children, although he denied it.

    Mother had limited income and was

    not able to pay my regular hourly rateor working on her case, but I believed

    so strongly in her case that I agreed to

    represent her pro bono. Through a lot

    o time and attention and advocacy in

    the courtroom, we were able to dem-

    onstrate to the court that ather had

    abused the children and that it was

    best or them to not have any contact

    with him unless he sought help or his

    abusive tendencies.

    Every 2 years or so, ather would at-

    tempt through the court to reinstate

    visitation with the children, but we

    were able to keep that rom happen-

    ing. These children have grown up to

    be healthy, happy children who have

    done well in school and I am proudthat I was able to help mother deend

    athers motions so that the children

    would have the opportunity to grow

    up without his abuse.

    Do you do any charity

    or nonprot work?

    For several years, I worked with VictimAssistance in Mecklenburg County to

    represent women in court when they

    were trying to obtain domestic vio-

    lence protective orders against abu-

    sive spouses or boyriends.

    What are some o your greatest

    challenges in your business?

    Early on, it was dicult or me to betaken seriously as a young woman

    who was new to practice. Now the

    greatest challenge is balancing my

    work lie with my home lie so that

    I make sure that I get to spend time

    with my husband and my son.


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    What would you most

    like the reader to know about

    your journey in business?I have learned that it is OK to practiceamily law without being a complete

    jerk. A lot o attorneys who practice in

    this area will approach this as a war, but

    over the years I have realized that when

    I take that approach, I eel bad about

    mysel and it does nothing or my cli-

    ents. You catch more ies with honey

    than you do with vinegar may be aclich, but that does not mean it is not

    true. I can be an advocate or my client

    and get them good results while also

    being true to mysel.

    I you could stand up and deend

    anything, what would it be?Children. Children do not have a choice

    in their parents break-up and so oten

    the parents will get so caught up in what

    they want or how angry they are at their

    spouse, that they lose sight o what is

    best or the children or how the divorce is

    aecting the children. In any case I have

    where children are involved; I work hard

    to remind everyone that the children are

    what really matter and that we need toapproach the case with that in mind.

    Ofce Location Krusch & Sellers, P.A.5950 Fairview Rd., Suite 808, Charlotte, NC 28210Toll-free: 866-267-6809/ Local: 704-315-2452Fax: 704-553-7824

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    always have clients asking me i

    they really have to do their ull

    45 minute workout to get the

    best results. They hear peoplesay that doing little things through-

    out the day is just as good. My answer

    disappoints, as I have to honestly

    reply - or best results, you need to do

    your ull workout all at one time. See,

    getting the heart rate up and keeping

    it up, or raising and dropping it such

    as in interval training over a period o

    time is going to give them the bestat burning results. However, muscle

    conditioning gets a little more leeway.

    So, Ive developed a series o muscle

    conditioning exercises that can be

    done practically anywhere, anytime.

    Remember that beore a strength

    training program, it is vital to warmup, in order to prevent injury and get

    the body ready or weight bearing

    loads. However, this Travel Pack rou-

    tine can be done without any warm-

    ing up, due to the lack o load on the

    participating muscles.

    Muscles need to contract in order to

    become tight. The more practice they

    get contracting, the tighter they be-

    come. So, why not practice contractingdierent muscles all day long? Good

    question. Its super easy to contract

    and release your major muscle groups,

    and the best part is, you dont need a

    single thread o equipment. First start

    with the glutes, because who doesnt

    need tighter buns? This one can be

    done sitting or standing, but is proba-

    bly best to reserve or those times youdont have a spying audience.

    Glutes: When sitting on any surace,

    simply tighten both cheeks, hold or

    one second and release. Repeat as

    many times as you are able. You will

    notice a rising and alling o your

    torso as you do this, which makes itmore obvious than kegels. This is a

    good one to do at stop lights, watch-

    ing TV, or in your cube or oce at

    work. You can do this multiple times

    daily, it just takes seconds, and you

    will see results quicker than you think!

    Exercise You Can DoAbsoluely Anywhere (Par 1)

    by Sunny Ayala

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    Legs: While sitting with your eet at

    on the oor, simply squeeze your legs

    as tightly as you can - contracting the

    top part o your leg (quadriceps) and

    the back part o your leg (hamstrings).

    You will notice a little a little move-

    ment, but could still be something

    you could do in a doctors oce chair.

    Do as many tightening/releasing

    repetitions as you can beore they

    atigue. Rest and repeat. This will tone

    up the tops o your legs and again,you can do this anytime.

    Hips and Inner Thighs: Ater your

    glute and leg exercises, stay sitting

    and put one hand on the outside

    o each knee, as i youre trying to

    sandwich your legs together with

    your hands. Then push your hands

    together while you try to pull your

    legs away rom each other. This works

    to strengthen the outer part o your

    legs (saddle bags). There are not re-

    ally repetitions; so much as a constant

    tension you are trying to create withyour knees and your hands.

    Licensed in NC & SC

    704-556-0707(Located in Southpark) kruschlaw.com

    5950 Fairview Road, Suite 808 Charlotte, North Carolina 28210

    (licensed in NC/SC)

    [email protected]

    N.C. Bar Certified Specialist

    Certified Superior Court Mediator

    Mediation Certified Financial Mediator Post-Separation Support

    C A N I S U R V I V ED I V O R C E ?

    A B S O L U T E L Y !

  • 7/31/2019 Women With Know How May 2012


    Then, move your hands to the inside o

    your knees as i you were pushing your

    legs apart with your hands, but resist

    it by trying to push your legs together.

    This works the inner thigh. Again, you

    are not really tightening and releasing

    as much as keeping a good tension

    going. You can do it until you cant

    hold it any longer. Rest and repeat.

    Calves: This one you can do sitting or

    standing. Simple cal raises are a greatway to tighten up the lower legs! I

    youre standing, all you have to do

    is move up onto your toes as i you

    were reaching or something almost

    out o reach above your head. Come

    back down to at eet, and repeat. Try

    it while youre brushing your teeth.

    Caution: you may not eel like they

    are working while youre doing these,

    but your calves will be the loudest

    screamer o all the lower body mus-

    cles a couple days later ater this one.

    I you are sitting, just do the same

    movement, by raising your knees up

    and squeezing your cal muscles and

    dropping back down again. Some-

    times I do this while sitting reading. I

    people are around, you can just raise

    them and hold the squeeze - it makes

    it less noticeable and still gives them a

    nice conditioning.

    Next time youre in the grocery store

    line, waiting in your vehicle or car pool,

    sitting in the doctors oce wonder-ing why they tell you to be there teen

    minutes early when they are thirty ve

    minutes late, you can whip out your little

    list and make up or lost time. Be watch-

    ing in the next issue or Exercise You Can

    Do Absolutely Anywhere (Part 2) where

    we will learn some similar things to do

    or your upper body - including abs!

    When Im standing in line at Harris

    Teeter buying my organic peanut but-

    ter and see a woman in line squeez-

    ing her glutes, I will smile and know

    that I am not alone, and someone out

    there is joining me!

    Sunny AyalaOwner o Fitness Instruction Today8041 Corporate Center Drive Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina [email protected]: (704) 763-5662

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    en by Terri Bennett


    ant to join the grow-

    your-own ood move-

    ment but just dont

    know where to start?Dont ear. Spring is here and its the

    perect time to start growing deli-

    cious oods right where you live. Why

    not begin with oods that are nearly

    ail-proo? Here are my top 5 oods

    to grow at home whether you have a

    lot o space or just a sunny window.

    A spot with six hours or more o sun-

    light is all you need to Do Your Part orresher oods.

    1) Tomatoes

    Did you know that tomatoes are the

    most popular piece o produce to grow

    at home? Besides being delicious, to-

    matoes are airly simple to grow. There

    are thousands o varieties to chooserom. You can grow tomatoes in con-

    tainers, raised garden bed, upside

    down, or in a traditional garden.

    2) Herbs

    Talk about instant gratication! Herbs

    are ast growing so you can experience

    their avors in no time. Herbs such as

    parsley, mint, basil, chives, and more

    can be grown in a sunny windowindoors. They also thrive outdoors in

    containers and are attractive when

    mixed with potted owers.

    3) Lettuce

    Lettuce will get you the biggest bang

    or your buck plus its super simple to

    grow. Think about it. I you spend a

    couple bucks to plant lettuce, youllmake that money back the rst time

    you make a salad rom your garden.

    Lettuce is a cool season crop and

    needs just six inches o soil to grow.

    4) Strawberries

    Strawberries are the perect ruit to

    grow at home and will return yearater year without a whole lot o work.

    Just remember a ew things with

    strawberries. They need regular wa-

    tering and resh ertilizer every ew

    weeks. Strawberries grow best in the

    spring or late all.

    Top 5 easies oods o grow a home

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    4) Peas & Beans

    There are many options when it comes

    to peas and beans. Think green beans,

    snow peas, sugar peas, wax beans, and

    so many more. Peas are a cool season

    crop and most bean varieties are warm

    season crops but both grow on vines.

    This makes them perect or a small

    space because you can train them to

    grow up a trellis, stakes and string, or a

    ence. There are many reasons to grow

    oods at home. Youll know exactly what

    went into growing them and youll be

    saving money - all at the same time. But

    best o all are the tasty rewards enjoyed

    with amily and riends.

    Terri BennettA veteran TV meteorologist, eco-expert and authoro Do Your Part: A practical guide or everydaygreen living available at DoYourPart.com.Send questions to [email protected]


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    by H. Cristina Cassidy


    ost o us have prob-

    ably told a little white

    lie or two rom time

    to time. The phrasewhite lies reers to those lies we tell

    that are not intended to be evil. Some

    dictionaries reer to them as benign

    alsehoods. They all into the category

    o harmless. But are they really? Lets

    take a look at how a little white lie

    could turn into a big ugly one in a

    matter o minutes.

    Suppose you have a business lun-

    cheon to attend, but really dont eel

    like going. When a colleague who is

    expecting you to be there calls, you

    cough a bit dramatically and say, Oh,

    Im so sorry! I seem to have come

    down with a cold. Im going to have to

    raincheck. Later you post on Facebookthat you had a great time having co-

    ee with a riend...at the same time the

    luncheon was taking place. Oops!

    Or you tell a client that a project is

    arther along than it actually is. Theres

    no problem until you discover that a

    particular material you need to com-

    plete the project is not available. You

    have already told the client that youare beyond that point in the process.

    You either have to make up a new

    white lie to cover the one youre al-

    ready told, or ace your client with the

    truth. The hot water youve gotten

    yoursel into is getting hotter!

    Maybe you havent been 100 percentaccurate in determining the deduc-

    tions you should be taking or, say,

    your home oce. You udge a little

    about some o the items youve pur-

    chased to decorate it. Out o the blue

    you get a notice rom the IRS saying

    that you are going to be audited. That

    little white lie just got very expensive!

    These are just a ew examples o how

    white lies can get you into trouble.

    Not only do you end up embarrassed

    i you happen to get caught in your

    lie, but rst and oremost, you also

    are being untrue to yoursel. Truth be

    Are Litle Whie Lies ReallyHarmul o Your Business?

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    told, a business that isnt established

    on honesty, trust, and your good

    name, may not last very long.

    I you nd yoursel slipping into the

    habit o this sel-deeating behavior,

    start thinking o way