july 2020 · lion carol byers, lion jim cech, pdg doug cross, lion vicki davies, pdg sally kenavan,...

JULY 2020 PAGE 1 - From Our District Governor PAGE 2 - NAMI Focus Area & 2020- 2021 District 24-L Goals PAGE 2 - From a Past District Governor PAGE 3 - From Council Chair & Global Leadership Team District Coordinator (GLT-D) PAGE 3 - From our NAMI Champion PAGE 4-5 - District News Bland Music Competition Leo Update District 24L Lions Play Significant Role In National Event PAGE 4 - This Months Spotlight PAGE 2 & 5 - Announcements PAGE 6 -7 - Organization News: Leader Dogs for the Blind Old Dominion Eye Foundation NOVA Lions Mobile Sight & Hearing Screening Unit VA Lions Eye Institute Foundation PAGE 8 -10 - Club News Fredericksburg Host Aquia Evening Woodbridge Fairfax Host Montclair PAGE 10 - Tributes & In Memoriam PAGE 7 - Advertising Information For links, please go to our website at: https://www.lions24l.org/ We hope you like the redesign of our newsletter and find it easier to read. By the end of the 3rd week of the month, please submit items for publication to [email protected] From Our District Governor Where To Find It: GLEN LOGAN PAGE 1 W elcome to the new Lions Year. Thanks to my club and all District Lions who have supported me in my journey to serve you as District Governor. I wont belabor the challenges we all face relating to COVID-19, but needless to say, this Lion Year will have its unique challenges. I find that across the Districts of my Cohort of Governors, and even within our own District, Lions have found remarkable ways to serve. Pre-pandemic, my District theme was going to be Serving through High Tech and High Touch”. Ive modified that to simply Serving Through Hi-Tech”. Perhaps in the future, we can return to a mix of traditional contactand technical means to serve. I have always been an early adopter of technology, having been mentored by my father — a diesel electrician — and an older cousin who introduced me to amateur radio, electronics and engineering at the age of nine. The foundational knowledge they provided me has served me well throughout my 28-year Air Force career and beyond, just as my Lions mentors have prepared me to serve our District, clubs and members. LCIs Executive Leadership and the Global Action Team (GAT) have launched the North America Membership Initiative (NAMI). Lion Donalda Lovelace, our District NAMI Champion, and I are fully committed to our Districts success in applying best practices and lessons learned this past year by the nine pilot Districts in the U.S. and Canada. The NAMI focus areas shaped our 2020-2021 District Goals. (See the chart at the top of page 2.) I will rely heavily on my entire District Team of Vice District Governors, Zone Chairs and other Cabinet Members. The current Zones and Club assignments are unchanged with four regions and seventeen Zones. Ive flattened the leadership structure somewhat by assigning our two VDGs responsibility for working with the Regions rather than having Region Chairs. Zone Chairs will continue to be the main conduit between Clubs and the District Leadership Team. We are working on new and exciting Visitation Program Guidelines to be published soon. As conditions warrant, we will once again return to visitation kickoff and awards events. Official District Governor Team visits will likely continue to be centered around Zone meetings (virtual or physical) due to the large number of clubs and geographical area. If your club would like me to visit, just ask; I will be more than happy to make a personal visit! We are all part of the worlds largest service organization – lets continue our selfless service to those in need in our communities. As one of my mentors says, The green lights on. Lets GO!Yours in Service, DG Glen Logan 571-426-5048 [email protected] . "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." --James Cameron, Canadian Filmmaker

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Page 1: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

JULY 2020

PAGE 1 - From Our District Governor

PAGE 2 - NAMI Focus Area & 2020-

2021 District 24-L Goals

PAGE 2 - From a Past District Governor

PAGE 3 - From Council Chair & Global

Leadership Team District Coordinator


PAGE 3 - From our NAMI Champion

PAGE 4-5 - District News

Bland Music Competition

Leo Update

District 24L Lions Play Significant

Role In National Event

PAGE 4 - This Month’s Spotlight

PAGE 2 & 5 - Announcements

PAGE 6 -7 - Organization News:

Leader Dogs for the Blind

Old Dominion Eye Foundation

NOVA Lions Mobile Sight & Hearing

Screening Unit

VA Lions Eye Institute Foundation

PAGE 8 -10 - Club News

Fredericksburg Host

Aquia Evening


Fairfax Host


PAGE 10 - Tributes & In Memoriam

PAGE 7 - Advertising Information

For links, please go to our website at: https://www.lions24l.org/ We hope you like the redesign of our newsletter and find it easier to read. By the end of the 3rd week of the month, please submit items for publication to [email protected]

From Our District Governor

Where To Find It: GLEN LOGAN


W elcome to the new Lions Year. Thanks to my club and all District Lions who have supported me in my journey to serve you as District Governor. I won’t belabor the

challenges we all face relating to COVID-19, but needless to say, this Lion Year will have its unique challenges. I find that across the Districts of my Cohort of Governors, and even within our own District, Lions have found remarkable ways to serve. Pre-pandemic, my District theme was going to be “Serving through High Tech and High Touch”. I’ve modified that to simply “Serving Through Hi-Tech”. Perhaps in the future, we can return to a mix of traditional “contact” and technical means to serve. I have always been an early adopter of technology, having been mentored by my father — a diesel electrician — and an older cousin who introduced me to amateur radio, electronics and engineering at the age of nine. The foundational knowledge they provided me has served me well throughout my 28-year Air Force career and beyond, just as my Lions mentors have prepared me to serve our District, clubs and members.

LCI’s Executive Leadership and the Global Action Team (GAT) have launched the North America Membership Initiative (NAMI). Lion Donalda Lovelace, our District NAMI Champion, and I are fully committed to our District’s success in applying best practices and lessons learned this past year by the nine pilot Districts in the U.S. and Canada. The NAMI focus areas shaped our 2020-2021 District Goals. (See the chart at the top of page 2.)

I will rely heavily on my entire District Team of Vice District Governors, Zone Chairs and other Cabinet Members. The current Zones and Club assignments are unchanged with four regions and seventeen Zones. I’ve flattened the leadership structure somewhat by assigning our two VDGs responsibility for working with the Regions rather than having Region Chairs. Zone Chairs will continue to be the main conduit between Clubs and the District Leadership Team.

We are working on new and exciting Visitation Program Guidelines to be published soon. As conditions warrant, we will once again return to visitation kickoff and awards events. Official District Governor Team visits will likely continue to be centered around Zone meetings (virtual or physical) due to the large number of clubs and geographical area. If your club would like me to visit, just ask; I will be more than happy to make a personal visit!

We are all part of the world’s largest service organization – let’s continue our selfless service to those in need in our communities. As one of my mentors says, “The green light’s on. Let’s GO!”

Yours in Service, DG Glen Logan 571-426-5048 — [email protected]

. "If you set your goals ridiculously

high and it's a failure, you will fail

above everyone else's success."

--James Cameron, Canadian Filmmaker

Page 2: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction


Visitations — All club visits should be reported directly to Lion Marie Davis at [email protected], no later than July 17th. Provide a list of clubs visited, names of Lions making each visit and dates. Submit all visits made and Marie will make appropriate adjustments due to the pandemic limitations.

From a Past District Governor

M embership is # 1! I am proud to be a Lion. Let me roar with you, my

fellow members of District 24-L as we start a new year with DG Glen Logan and the District Cabinet. More new faces but still committed to the plan to recruit new members for Service, Membership, and Leadership. The GMT’s at the Clubs will lead the way to bring in new Lions with new ideas and more hands for service. LCI reported that we exceeded the number of people served for a total of 275 Million. You made this service possible! Thank You! On June 7, we celebrated 104 years!


As we begin our new Lion Year, plans have already been formulated at the Club, District, and LCI has sent us a new program, NAMI, or North America Membership Initiative. From the Club Level to the District, and back up to the Constitutional and Area leaders and onward to LCI headquarters, all will be participating in the recruitment of new members, starting new Clubs and revitalizing our members. Welcome our NAMI Champion, ZC Donalda Lovelace who will lead the way.

PDG Sally Kenavan, D-GMT & MD-24 GMT [email protected]

"Plan to succeed or you will plan to fail."


VLEI Scholarships — Take advantage of the opportunity for VLEI to award scholarships in your community. Ask those who teach the visually impaired for recommendations. Applications are now being accepted. For more information, go to http://vleif.org/

In addition, VLEI may be able to financially assist clubs that have exceeded their eye care budgets in meeting the needs of people with vision-related problems. To find out more, contact Ed “Woody” Woodard at 703-314-0889 or [email protected]


Page 3: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

From Council Chair & Global Leadership Team District Coordinator (GLT-D) WILMA


From our NAMI Champion

I am honored and humbled that District Governor Glen Logan selected me to be the North America Membership Initiative (NAMI) Champion … and during a pandemic, no less! For those

who know me, I love a challenge. As I was advancing in my career, I was constantly pushed to help a team solve one challenge or another. I am Donalda M. Lovelace, Zone Chair of the Blue Ridge Region, Zone K and Past President of the LOW Lioness Lions Club. I presume I was asked to be the Educator, Motivator, Cheerleader because, as President, I brought a Lioness Club with 99 members to the Lions fold. The NAMI offers Lions Clubs and members an opportunity to be laser focused on rejuvenating District 24-L. How do we do this? 1. Establish new clubs. 2. Revitalize existing clubs with new members. 3. Re-motivate members with new opportunities for fellowship with needed and desired service to our communities. 4. Promote training to support our efforts. If we want to continue to be relevant in our communities and to influence the direction of Lions Club International, then each one of us must understand that increased membership is critical. Retaining and expanding member-ship is every Lion’s business. Everyone must pitch in. So, how do we do this smartly? Each Club will be asked to develop membership plans and goals and to strategize by looking at their Club’s weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats. Many Clubs will conduct a needs assessment to ensure services are relevant and make certain that, if needed community support outweighs individual Club capacity, that new Club development is a high priority. Remember the Helen Keller quote “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” What can you expect from me? First, and foremost look to me as a resource. Not only have I reviewed the NAMI documents a zillion times and talked with NAMI Districts across the Continental United States and Canada, I will be in monthly contact with all Zone Chairs and many Club Presidents to hear their successes and point them to resources available to help achieve Club and Zone goals. I believe we can meet the goals that DG Glen has established for new members and new clubs in our District and I look forward to working and supporting you to achieve your goals. We Serve!

I n spite of the coronavirus we had very successful training sessions on June 6 and June 13, with approximately 135 new and repeat officers participating. Our plan had been to have training at two locations but circumstances kept that from coming to fruition. We went to Plan B which was to train using

Zoom. DG Glen set up a training session for instructors on four different occasions to acquaint them with logging on and using slides, etc. He also set up several Zoom familiarization meetings for officers to log in and become familiar with the different settings of how to mute, chat, etc. Our instructors did a great job, especially since some had never previously used Zoom. A huge shout out goes to Lion Jim Boatner, 2VDG Rose Burrus, Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction. Also, a huge thank you to our Zoom hosts who were a critical part of the success of the instructors – Lion Jim Boatner, Lion Erika Laos, DG Glen Logan, and PDG Jay Moughon. None of this would have happened without the invaluable assistance of Lion Jim Boatner and Lion Vicki Davies for scheduling the events and recruiting officers to attend and also DG Glen for setting up the Zoom meetings and providing training on the use of Zoom as well as being Zoom host for several sessions. Most importantly, I thank all Lions who participated in this training event.

You have several options to complete your training if you were unable to attend the June 6th and 13th training sessions:

❑ Lions Learning Center – myapp.lionsclubs.org ❑ Lions University – lionsuniversity.org

We are still working to edit and post recordings of the Zoom training sessions. You may find the Q&A sessions particularly helpful.

I look forward to working with all our officers, under their leadership we will have a great Lions year! Stay well; hope to see all of you soon.

Council Chair Wilma Murphy GLT-D Coordinator DONALDA



Page 4: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

District News

Top Photo: Recipient Eddie Phillip, President Chet Nolf and Karl Tritchler Bottom Photos: 2nd Place Instrumental, 2nd Place Vocal, 1st Place Instrumental, 1st Place Vocal

This Month’s Spotlight

District 24-L (Zones A-J) James Bland Music Scholarship Competition By Shirley Wilson The competition was held on Saturday, June 20 at 2pm at the Lyceum in Alexandria, following a few cancellations due to the COVID-19 virus. The Lyceum is still closed to the public, making it necessary to restrict the number of individuals in the performance hall. With the assistance of Bailey’s secretary Pam Martinov, her husband John, PID Roy, and cooperation of the four judges, contestants, and their families, we did it. And I must say that it was a beautiful competition. The young people who performed are exceptional musicians. Results of the competition are as follows: First place instrumentalist Raelyn Hoang, sponsored by Middleburg Lions Club First place vocalist Madeleine LeBeau, sponsored by Reston Lions Club Second place Instrumentalist Steve Draughn, sponsored by Falls Church/Annandale Lions Club Second Place Vocalist Haytham Alsayed, sponsored by Bailey’s Crossroads Host Lions Club Hopefully, we will be able to hold the State Bland Competition in Charlottesville on August 1 or 2. Having begun the club competitions in early February, prior to COVID-19, we did not give up, but have continued to face and conquer each challenge. As our founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones said, “You can’t get very far until you start doing some- thing for somebody else.”

A Constant Reminder of Why We Serve By Andria Post Recently, our Woodbridge Lions Club joined in a major collaborative effort with our Virginia Lions Office in Roanoke and 1st VDG Glen Logan.

We received a referral from Lions Clubs International (LCI) with an urgent request from a local resident, Eddie Phillip, who suffers from debilitating eye disease. With a prescription in hand, he was in desperate need of a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) with a video magnifier, as his vision was 20/400. The CCTV magnifier provides full range of visual needs, specializing in assisting individuals with various debilitating eye diseases. This also allows for more independence through visual magnification and technology. With the proverbial cliché of “it takes a village” and in our case, “a pride of lions,” good fortune followed. Lion Sharon Schrack (Club Secretary) contacted our Virginia Lions Office to discuss getting a grant to buy a CCTV and Video Magnifier. To our delight, they had just acquired a CCTV Magnifier and were willing to donate the unit to the Woodbridge Lions Club. Now the plot thickens as 1st VDG Glen Logan transported the donated CCTV unit from Roanoke to his home in Alexandria. That was the first leg of the journey. From there, it was retrieved by Lion PCC Phil Schrack’s son-in-law who transported the unit back to his home in Marshall, VA where it was then moved to Lions Phil and Sharon’s home in Warrenton. The very next day, Lion Sharon Schrack linked up with Lions President Chet Nolf and Lion Karl Tritchler and delivered the CCTV unit to Eddie Phillip in Woodbridge. Setting up and connecting the units was not as easy as one might think. There was no operations manual for installation readily available. Lion Chet Nolf found the setup and cable connection information on YouTube. Before you knew it, everything was installed and operational to the delight of Eddie Phillip. He is so happy, excited and very grateful. So before we left, he was insistent on making a $20 donation to our sight program as he was now ready to read his Bible. The Woodbridge Club gives a “huge” thank you to all those who assisted, and especially 1st VDG Glen Logan, in making this happen. Proudly, this is why “we serve”

wherever we can.


Page 5: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

District News

Leo Update By Dr. Erika Laos

Happy New Year Lions Family! The month of June is always eventful. Our clubs close their year, induct their new officers, celebrate charter nights, and begin goal setting for the new Lion year. This is a season full of opportunities to seek new ways to serve. As the year comes to an end, I enjoyed witnessing the resilience of clubs that held virtual charter nights. I am ecstatic that a new Leo Club will charter soon with 25 founding members. I was humbled to provide technical support to the Bland competition with our neigh-bors in District 24-I the last week of June. These efforts support the vision of our International President, Dr. Jung-Yul Choi, of Lions being a light in times of darkness. I am honored to serve in the District’s Cabinet another year. As I transition to my new roles this year, I want to thank each of the Lions across the State for their ongoing patience to guide and encourage me. I am forever grateful to the Montclair Lions for their exemplary dedication to serve. They are a team that inspires me daily. I also want to thank Lion Jim Cech. I would not be a Lion today if it was not for his mentorship. Planning is currently underway to offer Leo and Lion related training. The District hopes to capitalize on tech- nology to lead youth through service and leadership development. If your club needs assistance to revitalize a current Leo Club or wishes to start a new Leo Club, do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we can make it happen! Let’s make 2020-2021 a great year! Warmest regards, Dr. Erika Laos District 24-L Leo Chairperson Cell: 571-330-3101 Email: [email protected]

District Cabinet Installation Sunday, July 26, 2020

2:00 p.m. Remington Lions Clubhouse

11326 James Madison Highway Remington, VA

District 24-L Lions Play Significant Role In National Event By Davida Luehrs, District Sight Chair

Dear District 24-L Lions,

You fill my heart with gratitude, inspire me to be a better person and Lion, and as someone who is facing the reality of living in a world of “darkness” in a sense,

you all make me feel that I have a bright, warm light that shines on me, and I am not alone in my struggles. I continue to be totally astounded by what we are accomplishing, working together to end blinding retinal diseases.

Congratulations to all who donated, walked, shared on Facebook, and to our District leadership that has embraced and encouraged participation in the Northern VA VisionWalk since 2010. Despite functioning in the Covid environment where life has turned upside down for everyone personally and for our club activities and fund-raisers, the District 24-L Lions raised $25,022.25 and an additional $1,640.25 has been added to that from the Daniel Davis match.

We once again well exceeded our District goal of $20,000, and our fundraising leadership on this event places the Nothern VA Lions as the single largest sponsor of this Walk since its inception in 2005. To date, we have raised over $150,000. As we now close our books on this year’s Walk, the Northern VA FFB chapter raised a total of $115,400. (At $85,000, we surpassed the $2 million raised to date.)

As I write this on June 27, I am also attending the first ever national Visions Conference, hosted by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. I am hearing first hand how the research is rapidly expanding. FFB is now funding close to 40 clinical trials, so I can see and hear where our dollars are going, and they are making a huge difference. There is no question that cures and treatments are in “sight.” I am sharing our Northern VA Lions success on national calls with tremendous pride. For those interested in listening to any of the Conference, it should all be available soon on the FFB website www.fightingblindness.org.

Yours in sight and service, Lion Davida


Page 6: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

Back to Business

Early last month, Leader Dogs for the Blind was cleared to resume full opera- tion. This is great news! Currently they are planning to phase in slowly over time to make sure they do not move too fast too soon. They state that “the health and well-being of every foot (and paw!) on campus remains a top priority.” During the past few months, the Leader Dogs Campus never really closed, even though they postponed training classes, clients were able to call in for help concerning issues they were experiencing. The Canine Development Center continued to take care of the puppies and dogs on campus and performed needed emergency surgeries. Puppies continued their training and are now ready to meet their new partners. The Leader Dogs staff has been planning and working hard for this day to welcome clients back to campus. Unfortunately, this year’s Summer Camp Experience is going virtual and will be held remotely over Zoom. Hopefully, youth will be able to return to campus next year. Thanks to your support, Leader Dogs for the Blind provides Leader Dogs to over 200 individuals every year offering over 3,000 days of safe travel and independence during their working lives. Lion Chuck Schwab MD-24L Leader Dogs for the Blind [email protected]

Organization News

To Lions of District 24-L On behalf of the Old

Dominion Eye Founda-tion, thank you for your

continued effort to support this life- changing work. Even though most fund- raising projects in our district had to be postponed or cancelled, your generous donations are much appreciated. Old Dominion Eye Foundation (ODEF) provides quality human eye tissue for sight restoration, through the promotion of eye donor awareness and the care of donors, recipients and their families. Serving the Commonwealth of Virginia with offices in Manassas, Richmond, and Roanoke, ODEF is accredited through the Eye Bank Association of America. Sight restoration offers patients a new chance at a healthy, productive, normal life filled with amazing memories. You have the power to change someone’s world. If you would like to participate in a Zoom presentation or conference call, please contact Emily Carnes, ODEF Chair, at [email protected].

Update from the Northern Virginia Lions Mobile Sight and Hearing Screening Unit

In order for the NOVA Lions MS&HSU to continue operations, we need PAID Drivers, a PAID Lead Technician and Regional candidates for the Board. A letter has been sent to all Northern Virginia Clubs (old 24A) asking for their commitment of support for the coming Lion year. Club feedback is needed to support our August 9 Board meeting. If your club did not receive your letter, or has any questions, please contact President Jim Cech at [email protected] or 703-371-9587.

Due to a reduction in demand for screening services, the Board has approved the disposal of Van 1 “as is” to a good home. The 32-foot diesel bus-type van, with a Cummins engine and Allison transmission, was delivered in 1999 at the initial price of 173,010. The van includes 2 hearing booths and 4 eye test stations and associated equipment. The van has two new air conditioning units and a handicapped chair lift. Appointments can be made to inspect the van in New Baltimore by contacting Jim Alexander at [email protected] or 703-475-1692. Please consider this opportunity.

A committee to address best operational practices and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been formed under the leadership of the District Mobile Sight and Hearing Co-Chair, ZC-B Ralph Cooper. ZC Ralph can be contacted at [email protected] or 703-455-9547.

"In every Leader Dog beats the heart of a Lion."


Page 7: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

Organization News


Support is Needed

VLEI funds are used for:

Purchasing Equipment

Community Education

Scholarships for Sight Handicapped Individuals

Clinical Research

Continuing Medical Education for Nurses and Para-Professionals in the Ophthalmic Field

Supporting the Lions Eye Clinic and the Virginia Low Vision Learning Center in Alexandria.

Expansion of Low Vision Services in Northern Virginia

Please consider including us in your budget. We are only able to do what we do because of donations by Clubs and individual Lions. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and part of the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area, so giving is very easy. Thanks to one and all for your support. We plan to continue trying to help those with vision related problems to improve their quality of life. Ed “Woody” Woodard, PDG, President, VLEIF Board Cell: 703-314-0889, E-Mail: [email protected]

Lions Take Donated Durable Medical Equipment DG Sonia from 22-C provided the following information about Clubs in Montgomery County that take donations of durable medical equip-ment. Sandy Spring Lions KL David Hull [email protected] 240-676-9955 Laytonsville Lions KL Randal Mcphillips [email protected] 443-367-0041 Leisure World Lions KL Maxine Hooker [email protected] 301-598-0242

If your Club or business would like to place an ad in District 24-L Paw Prints for August 2020 to June 2021, please follow the procedure below.

Page 8: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

Club News Aquia Evening Lions Scholarships By Jane Stoll

The Aquia Evening Lions Club awarded three $1,000 scholarships to exceptional seniors from Stafford County, VA. Winners must have excellent grades, be service-oriented in their chosen field as well as in their community, have a letter of recommendation from one of their teachers, and be accepted to a college or university. Due to social distancing, the awards will be made by mail rather than presenting them at a special Aquia Evening Lions Club Charter Day luncheon.

Congratulations to our three outstanding scholarship winners!

Mackenzie Jackson, a graduate from Colonial Forge High School, will be attending Penn State in the fall. She will participate in the nursing program as well as Air Force ROTC with a goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Her outstanding grades earned her recognition as an Advanced Placement (AP) scholar and also a member of the National Honor Society. She has taken a college-level EMT course and has served her community in many ways through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Changing Stafford Roads, Spreading Awareness for Victims of Exploitation, and the Colonial Forge Leo Club, to name a few.

Skylar Connelley, a graduate from Brooke Point High School, will attend North Carolina State University in the fall. She will major in nutrition sciences and eventually earn a master’s degree in physical therapy. Her academic credentials are superb as a member of the National Honor Society and an Honors and AP student. As the grand- daughter of two Lions, Skylar was introduced to serving her community at an early age, and she has continued serving to this day. To quote Skylar’s last sentence of her essay: “I hope that I can also work with the Wounded Warrior Project in the future to provide support for those vets who have lost a part of their lives to save ours.”

Declan Fallon, a graduate from Brooke Point High School, has been accepted to the University of Mary Washington as a history and education major. He not only wants to attend a local college, but also wants to teach locally.

Declan has succeeded as an Honors and AP student, as well as taking dual-enrollment classes. He is an Eagle Scout from Troop 1940 and is an Aquia Harbour adult leader of Boy Scout Pack 242. He is an organizer for the Fredericksburg/UMW Chapter of the Industrial Workers of the World, helping to provide aid to people in need.

Declan wants to help build an inclusive, respectful community in which all people feel free to reach out for help.

Fredericksburg Host Installs 2020-2021 Officers and Presents Awards

On Thursday June 11, via Zoom, the Club installed next year’s officers and presented awards to two special Lions.

The Lion of the Year was awarded to Lion Don Pett. Don is a young Lion who took on a significant position at our Christmas tree sales lot. He will also serve as Membership Chair for the coming year. The David C.

Burks Award is a local award that is given to the Lion who best exempli-fies the true meaning of Lionism. Lion Shirley Eye was the 2019- 2020 recipient based on her involvement in the School

Back Pack Project, the Scholarship, Membership and House Committees, as well as working on the Bland Music Committee and with our local Leo Club. In 2019-2020, she served as 2d Vice President and this year, she will be 1st Vice President.


If you shop with Amazon, consider designating Lions to receive a % of the amount you spend.

Page 9: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction

Club News

Pictured above: KL Mike Rumberg presenting the check, Incoming DG and PCC Harry Parker, with Food For Others Executive Director Annie Turner, Several Lions witnessing the presentation

Woodbridge Supports the Foundation Fighting Blindness By Andria Post

Proud and pleased to note that our Woodbridge Club participated in the National Virtual Vision Walk in conjunction with the Foundation Fighting Blindness on June 6 with approximately 39 members and friends joining in. Generally, this annual walk is in May and celebrated at Cameron Run Park in Alexandria but the COVID-19 contingencies and governmental regulations closed the park indefinitely and the event was cancelled at that location.

Undeterred, our Club decided to sponsor and host our own Virtual Vision Walk at Four Seasons At Historic Virginia. We did not want the Alexandria cancellation to stop us from doing something of benefit to others. With coordinated efforts of Lions Joe Puleo and Dee Pfeiffer and with support from Lions Andria Post and Linda Kahn, we had an exceptional event. On a very sunny and humid Saturday morning, abiding by COVID guidelines, we walked apart from one another wearing masks and gloves. Some walkers were at a rapid pace and others joined in at different starting points, and we all admired the beauty of the landscaped neighbor-hood and put in additional steps on our FITBITs. The midway point Lions Water Station was quite visual and noted by colorful balloons. Of course, the traditional Lions banner was displayed and a sea of yellow Lions shirts and hats prevailed. Refreshing bottled water and chilled lemonade was enjoyed by all and of course, music of the 60s played vibrantly and encouraged everyone to “keep on moving.” Hand sanitizers and extra masks were readily available and a first aid kit was on standby and happily, not used!

Through the generosity of our Woodbridge Club, we donated $1000 to the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Additional donations were also made by friends, individual runners and walkers increasing contributions to approximately $1400 for such a worthy cause. Our thanks to one and all; we are proud TO SERVE.

Pictured at left: Our beverage station, Outgoing President Chet Nolf with Lions June Nolf & Judy Ahlstrom, Keeping a safe distance and six feet apart.

Fairfax Host Lions Donate to Community Food Bank

On June 12, the Fairfax Lions Club, with Lions of Virginia Foundation (LOVF), other local Lions Clubs and individuals, supported a special Food For Others priority by donating $19,525. Food for Others (FFO) is one of the largest providers of free emergency groceries in the region, distributing food each week to more than 4,000 local families in need. Our Lions contribution will help kick-start FFO’s new mobile food pantry delivering emergency food to those not able to get to food distribution centers. By teaming up, Lions were able to increase the amount donated to FFO. LOVF matched donations of individual clubs: Fairfax Lions, Falls Church-Annandale Lions, Burke Lions, Springfield Global Lions, Clifton Lions, and Alexandria Asian- American Lions.

As we all suffer from the impact of the pandemic, we are concerned for our neighbors who lost incomes, and families who may not know when they might next have a meal. According to Mike Rumberg, president of the Fairfax Lions Club, “It is deeply gratifying how the various Fairfax area Lions Clubs quickly teamed together and partnered with LOVF to contribute this money to help put food on the table and provide some comfort to our neighbors in need in these hard times. The Clubs thank everyone who made this donation possible. You truly help Lions make a difference in our community.”


Page 10: JULY 2020 · Lion Carol Byers, Lion Jim Cech, PDG Doug Cross, Lion Vicki Davies, PDG Sally Kenavan, Lion Tom Kenavan, and Lion Erika Laos for their time, dedication and instruction



I t is with great sadness that we announce that our member and former

Club President, Robert "Bob" Blevins, passed away on May 23, 2020.

Bob was an integral and vital part of our organization for over 25 years. He was also the recipient of the coveted Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.

First and foremost, Bob will be remembered for his caring friendships, dynamic leadership, positive influence and significant contributions to our Club. To his wife Pat and family members, we extend our love and deepest sympathies.

William Reed Morgan Basye Bryce Mountain Lions Club

Marvin E. Wilkins Quantico Lions Club

Mary Glass Culpeper '92 Lions Club

Our condolences to Lion Tammie Brightwell and her family on the loss of her brother who passed away suddenly with a heart attack. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

In Memoriam

August 9 2020

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$60 PayPal donation can be made at montclairlions.com

$15K starting stack - $14K in Prizes Guaranteed

Benefits Montclair Lions Charities providing youth scholarships for Brainy Camp - Diabetes Youth Camp

& Montclair Lions "Model Club" support for LCIF

Prizes include a Nine Night Canada-New England (Fall Color) Cruise for Two w/Ocean View, $200 onboard credit on Royal Caribbean

GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS Sailing from Baltimore in October 2021

For Sales Information contact:

Lion Tom Nielson at 703-670-4336 or Tournament Director Lion Jim Cech at 703-680-2363