july / august, 2013 vol. 50, no. 4 indiana builders ......july / august, 2013 indiana builder news,...

PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN PERMIT NO. 279 Indiana Builders Association 101 W. Ohio St., Ste. 710 Indianapolis, IN 46204 July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 L Indiana Builders Association leaders tackle issues on Capitol Hill eaders of the Indiana Builders As- sociation joined with nearly 800 other building industry profession- als from across the country in early June to take our voice to Capitol Hill. IBA repre- sentatives met with 9 of our 11 Congres- U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly (left picture) and U.S. Senator Dan Coats (right picture) welcome IBA members to Washington, DC. Senator Donnelly and Senator Coats both spent time listening to IBA members concerns. Both Senators understand the importance of the housing industry and our vital role in the nation’s economy. sional members in the Indiana delegation. IBA members and staff discussed the mortgage interest deduction; tax reform; immigration reform; housing finance re- form; and housing production credit issues. This trip is one of the critical events for the housing industry and allows leaders to discuss the status of the industry with our leaders in Washington, DC. IBA leaders were also on-hand for a dis- cussion with Senator John McCain (R-Ari- zona) as he addressed NAHB members on the importance of passing a national immi- gration reform bill in Congress. See page 4 for additional photographs from the meetings. Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann (second from left) is welcomed to the recent IBA Board meeting by the senior officers: Vice President Tom Mullen, MIRM, CMP, CGP, CGB, (left); President Greg Furnish, CGP, (center); Treasurer Linda Rogers; and Secretary Jim Pressel, CGB. Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann addresses IBA Board at recent meeting T he Indiana Builders Association will host it’s annual golf outing, the Bill Carson Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday, September 26, 2013 with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. at Juday Creek Golf Course in Granger, Indiana. “In addition to providing a great network- ing opportunity for members from around the state, this outing also raises funds to make sure housing remains a priority in the eyes of state and national elected officials,” com- IBA’s annual Bill Carson Memorial Golf Outing set for September 26 ments Greg Furnish, CGP, IBA President. The course and cart rental fees are being donated by IBA Treasurer Linda Rogers and her husband, Mike and daughter, Michelle. Marvin Windows is a major sponsor for the event and will provide a golf shirt to each participant. Speedway SuperFleet pro- gram is also a major sponsor of the event. Major Sponsors MIKE IKE IKE IKE IKE & L & L & L & L & L INDA INDA INDA INDA INDA R R R R ROGERS OGERS OGERS OGERS OGERS J UDAY UDAY UDAY UDAY UDAY C C C C CREEK REEK REEK REEK REEK G G G G GOLF OLF OLF OLF OLF C C C C COURSE OURSE OURSE OURSE OURSE T he Indiana Builders Association’s Board will convene for a session on Monday and Tuesday, Septem- ber 9-10, 2013 at the French Lick Springs Hotel in French Lick, Indiana. All members are invited to attend the Board and Committee meetings. All meetings will be held at the French Lick Springs Hotel, 8670 W. State Road 56, French Lick, IN 47432. Members may join up for golf for 9 or 18 holes. The Pete Dye West Baden Course is $380; Donald Ross Course is $90 and Val- ley Links (9 holes) is $25. Overnight accommodations are avail- able at specially discounted prices. French Lick Springs Hotel is $120 plus tax or West Baden is $169 plus tax. Reservations may be made directly with the hotel at www.frenchlick.com or (888)936-9360. Group Code: 0613IBA. IBA Board to hold fall meeting in French Lick IBA’s Annual Golf Outing September 26, 2013 - 1 p.m. Juday Creek Golf Course Granger, Indiana “I would love to see this tournament sell out with each area of the state represented to honor the dedication and tireless service Bill Carson gave to this great industry for 42 years,” commented Rick Wajda, IBA Chief Executive Officer. To participate as either golfer, sponsor, or donor, please contact IBA Operations Coordinator Heather Sturgeon at (800)377- 6334 ext. 207 or Heather@Build Indiana.org. Additional details and a registration form are on page 6 of this issue or on IBA’s web site at www.BuildIndiana.org. SCHEDULE Monday , September 9 10:30 - 3:00 pm Golfing at French Lick 3:00 - 4:00 pm Senior Officers Meeting 4:00 - 5:00 pm Housing Protection Fund Meeting 5:00 - 6:30 pm Executive Comm. Mtg. 6:30 pm Reception T uesday , September 10 9:00 - 4:00 pm Registration 9:30 - 10:45 am Committee Meetings 10:45- 12:00 noon Committee Meetings 12:00 - 1:15 pm Lunch with colleagues 1:15 - 2:30 pm Committee Meetings 2:30 - 2:45 pm Executive Comm. Mtg. 2:45 - 4:15 pm Board Meeting

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Page 1: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association














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July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4


Indiana Builders Association leaders tackle issues on Capitol Hill

eaders of the Indiana Builders As-sociation joined with nearly 800other building industry profession-

als from across the country in early June totake our voice to Capitol Hill. IBA repre-sentatives met with 9 of our 11 Congres-

U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly (left picture) and U.S. Senator Dan Coats (right picture) welcome IBA members to Washington, DC. Senator Donnelly and Senator Coats both spent timelistening to IBA members concerns. Both Senators understand the importance of the housing industry and our vital role in the nation’s economy.

sional members in the Indiana delegation. IBA members and staff discussed themortgage interest deduction; tax reform;immigration reform; housing finance re-form; and housing production credit issues. This trip is one of the critical events for

the housing industry and allows leaders todiscuss the status of the industry with ourleaders in Washington, DC. IBA leaders were also on-hand for a dis-cussion with Senator John McCain (R-Ari-

zona) as he addressed NAHB members onthe importance of passing a national immi-gration reform bill in Congress. See page 4 for additional photographsfrom the meetings.

Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann (second from left) is welcomed to the recent IBA Boardmeeting by the senior officers: Vice President Tom Mullen, MIRM, CMP, CGP, CGB, (left);President Greg Furnish, CGP, (center); Treasurer Linda Rogers; and Secretary Jim Pressel,CGB.

Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann addressesIBA Board at recent meeting

T he Indiana Builders Association willhost it’s annual golf outing, the BillCarson Memorial Golf Tournament

on Thursday, September 26, 2013 with ashotgun start at 1 p.m. at Juday Creek GolfCourse in Granger, Indiana. “In addition to providing a great network-ing opportunity for members from around thestate, this outing also raises funds to makesure housing remains a priority in the eyes ofstate and national elected officials,” com-

IBA’s annual Bill Carson MemorialGolf Outing set for September 26

ments Greg Furnish, CGP, IBA President. The course and cart rental fees are beingdonated by IBA Treasurer Linda Rogers andher husband, Mike and daughter, Michelle. Marvin Windows is a major sponsor forthe event and will provide a golf shirt toeach participant. Speedway SuperFleet pro-gram is also a major sponsor of the event.



ber 9-10, 2013 at the French Lick SpringsHotel in French Lick, Indiana. All members are invited to attend theBoard and Committee meetings. All meetings will be held at the FrenchLick Springs Hotel, 8670 W. State Road56, French Lick, IN 47432. Members may join up for golf for 9 or 18holes. The Pete Dye West Baden Course is$380; Donald Ross Course is $90 and Val-ley Links (9 holes) is $25. Overnight accommodations are avail-able at specially discounted prices. FrenchLick Springs Hotel is $120 plus tax or WestBaden is $169 plus tax. Reservations maybe made directly with the hotel atwww.frenchlick.com or (888)936-9360.Group Code: 0613IBA.

IBA Board to hold fall meeting in French Lick

IBA’s Annual Golf OutingSeptember 26, 2013 - 1 p.m.Juday Creek Golf CourseGranger, Indiana

“I would love to see this tournament sellout with each area of the state representedto honor the dedication and tireless serviceBill Carson gave to this great industry for42 years,” commented Rick Wajda, IBAChief Executive Officer. To participate as either golfer, sponsor, ordonor, please contact IBA OperationsCoordinator Heather Sturgeon at (800)377-6334 ext. 207 or [email protected]. Additional details and a registration formare on page 6 of this issue or on IBA’s website at www.BuildIndiana.org.

SCHEDULEMonday, September 910:30 - 3:00 pm Golfing at French Lick 3:00 - 4:00 pm Senior Officers Meeting 4:00 - 5:00 pm Housing Protection Fund Meeting 5:00 - 6:30 pm Executive Comm. Mtg. 6:30 pm ReceptionTuesday, September 10 9:00 - 4:00 pm Registration 9:30 - 10:45 am Committee Meetings10:45- 12:00 noon Committee Meetings12:00 - 1:15 pm Lunch with colleagues 1:15 - 2:30 pm Committee Meetings 2:30 - 2:45 pm Executive Comm. Mtg. 2:45 - 4:15 pm Board Meeting

Page 2: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

By Greg Furnish,CGP

Upright Builders, Memphis

PresidentIndiana Builders Association



Official publication of theIndiana Builders Association, Inc.

101 W. Ohio St., Ste. 710Indianapolis, IN 46204

(800) 377-6334(317) 917-1100 Local(317) 917-0335 FAX

[email protected]

All six issues published on-linebi-monthly & in hard copy.

Advertising rates available upon request.This publication will not knowingly accept any ad-vertisement that is in violation of the law. Inclusionof an advertisement and/or article does NOT indi-cate approval or endorsement of the product, ser-vice, or opinion by Indiana Builders Association.

Senior OfficersPresident Greg Furnish, CGP

[email protected] Pres. Tom Mullen, MIRM, CMP, CGB, CGP

[email protected] Linda Rogers

[email protected] Jim Pressel, CGB

[email protected]

Builder Area Vice PresidentsArea 1 Tina Bernacchi,

[email protected] 2 Lance Swank,

[email protected] 3 Jim Klotz, [email protected] 4 State Rep. Heath VanNatter, CGP

[email protected] 5 Pat Richard, CGB, CGP

[email protected] 6 Dan Losekamp, CGB, CAPS, CGP

[email protected] 7 Ryan Baker, GMB, CGB, CGP

[email protected] 8 Tom Fuller, GMB, CGB, CGP, CAPS

[email protected] 9 Steve Smith, CGB

[email protected]

Associate Area Vice PresidentsArea 1 Hal Kemmerer, CGP

[email protected] 2 Tim Eckert, [email protected] 3 Tom Slater, [email protected] 4 Trent Hunt, [email protected]

IBA Board ParlimentarianLiz Hobbs, [email protected]

Indiana’s National LeadershipNAHB State Representative Mike Bell,

GMB, CGB, CGR, CAPS, [email protected]

National Director Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, CAPS, CGP

[email protected] National Director Tom Bedsole

[email protected]

NAHB BUILD-PAC TrusteesAndy Place, Sr., CGB, CGP

[email protected] Representative Heath VanNatter, CGP

[email protected]

StaffRick Wajda, Chief Executive Officer, ext. 204

Chief Lobbyist - [email protected] Bussell, Chief Operating Officer, ext. 203

Publisher - [email protected] Hopper, Regulatory Affairs Director,

ext. 206, [email protected] Havens, Governmental Affairs Director,

ext. 205, [email protected] Sturgeon, Operations Coordinator

ext. 207, [email protected]


Page 2, Indiana Builder News July / August, 2013

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hope everyone had a safe and enjoy-able fourth of July weekend. With summer now upon us, many

local builders associations are hosting pa-rade of homes, home shows, and golf out-ings. These activities provide an opportu-nity for members to showcase their prod-ucts and services to the community and toeach other. With the economy trending upward, thebuilders and associates participating inthese events should be met with enthusi-asm from prospective buyers. Your state association is also hosting acouple events in late summer. Please markthem on your calendar and get involved atthe state level. The IBA’s next board and committee ses-sion will be held in French Lick on Septem-ber 9th and 10th. There are three differentgolf courses that you can take advantage ofspending a few hours with your colleagues.You can also enjoy a newly renovated ho-tel and a casino. All located in a beautifulcountry setting. There is also an adjacenthotel with a water park. Take a couple days and learn about your

Summer brings opportunity to showcase your company

state builders association activities. Thecommittee meetings are open to all build-ers’ association members and are where in-formation is shared, reviewed and actedupon. These meetings provide a forum foropen discussion of housing issues affect-ing different areas of the state. Each local association president and lo-cally elected state directors represent yourinterests on the state Board. Catch a ridewith them. Hotel accommodation informa-tion is on page 1. On September 26th, members from aroundthe state will participate in IBA’s BillCarson Memorial Golf Outing held in

Granger at the Juday Creek Golf Course.Proceeds benefit the IBA and the NAHBBuild-PAC. A special thank you to Linda (IBA Trea-surer) and Mike Rogers for donating thisgreat course and to Marvin Windows andDoors for being a major sponsor. IBA is asking each local association toput together a foursome. Single players arealso welcome and will be paired up withothers from around the state. This event is agreat opportunity to network with col-leagues and to showcase your company. Seepage 6 for registration details. I want to encourage every member acrossthe state to keep membership a priority.Always look for the opportunity to intro-duce the association to a fellow builder,remodeler or associate. Many times theyare waiting for someone to introduce theassociation to them. New members are thelifeblood of our association. I thank you in advance for your efforts toencourage membership. Have a safe sum-mer and I hope to see all of you in FrenchLick Indiana on September 9th and 10th. God Bless!

Page 3: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3

Inside theIssue

By Rick WajdaChief Executive Officer

Indiana BuildersAssociation


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he Indiana Builders Associationwas created over 60 years ago togive those engaged in the home

building industry a voice at the Statehouse.Our leaders back in the early 1950’s werevisionaries for their time and began the pro-cess to create a statewide organization thatcould be a strong advocate for affordablehousing at all price points in Indiana. Indiana remains one of the most afford-able states to own a home in the countryand that has not happened by accident. It isa culmination of a dedicated group of vol-unteers who understand the importance ofpolitical action and elected officials whoare determined to keep Indiana a great placeto call home. Over the last 60 years, the Indiana Build-ers Association has helped enact severallaws that make Indiana a great place to builda home and own a home. Below are a few ofthose laws that every residential construc-tion industry professional should be awareof. Not only are the laws that were passedimportant, but maybe more important arethe hundreds of pieces of legislation thatwere defeated that would have severely im-pacted housing affordability across the stateof Indiana. These proposed pieces of legis-lation include: restrictive land use policies;mandating carbon monoxide detectors innew homes; mandating fire sprinklers in allnew homes; green building mandates; em-ployer classification mandates; school im-pact fees; and numerous environmental regu-lations that would have impeded economicdevelopment and housing. The Indiana Builders Association: Caused enactment of legislation creatingthe statewide single family building codewhich established one standard statewide,thereby enabling builders to operate atgreater efficiency and to compete with otherbuilders under the same rule. Caused to be passed a law that grants le-gal powers to the Building Law Compli-ance Officer to resolve disputes betweenbuilders and local inspectors over code in-terpretations. There does not have to be awork stoppage for this opinion. Caused enactment of a law which pro-hibits local governments from implement-ing increases in fees on construction for atleast 90 days after the enactment of the feeincreases. Caused to be passed a law that requiresIndiana to observe daylight saving timethroughout the state. Caused enactment of a state law referredto as the “Right to Cure” law. The law re-quires the buyer of a new home to put inwriting to the builder any alleged defects,allowing the builder 60 days to make re-pairs before the consumer can file a lawsuit.If the builder fails to respond to the writtenletter within 21 days, the buyer may thenfile a lawsuit. Drafted and passed legislation allowingbuilders and consumers to disclaim the im-plied warranty by opting for a written andinsured warranty which meets minimumstandards. Caused to be passed a law restricting the

Indiana laws keep housing affordable

statute of limitations for builders to 10 years. Caused to be passed an “Impact Fee” lawrestricting how communities may assessimpact fees against real estate and whichmandates accountability from governmentsthat do so. Caused to be passed a law that focuses

the responsibility for sediment control rulesviolations on the responsible party. Passed legislation which allows land de-velopers to claim exemption from state salesand use taxes for materials integrated intostreets, sidewalks, sewers and storm drains. Passed legislation making Indiana the23rd right to work state in the nation, whichforbids contract provisions that force em-ployees to pay dues or fees to unions as acondition of employment. Passed the model home act which givesbuilders a 50 percent property tax break onup to 3 structures for 3 full assessment dates. Passed speculative home act legislationthat gives builders a 50 percent propertytax break on up to 3 structures for 3 fullassessment dates on any home that has never

been occupied. Passed Vested Property Rights Statute thatprohibits a local unit of government fromchanging use of land for a period of time. Passed Property Tax Caps - caps are basedon the assessed value - property taxes maynot exceed 1 percent for homes; 2 percentfor rentals or other residential property andfarmland; and 3 percent for businesses. Passed Developers Discount Statute thatallows the builder/developer to sell lotswithout triggering a new assessment until apermit is pulled or construction begins onthe lot. Passed Home Improvement Fraud Lawthat increases penalties on home repair scamartists across the state.

Indiana Laws (see page 9)

Page 4: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

Page 4, Indiana Builder News July / August, 2013

Indiana Builders Visit Capitol Hill

Page 5: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 5

T StatehouseScoop

By Tom HavensGovernmental Affairs

DirectorIndiana Builders


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he Indiana Builders Association isa resource for our members, the gen-eral public, elected officials andregulatory bodies; we exist to main-

tain and develop workable and affordableregulations and laws that enable the citi-zens of Indiana to own a home. IBA is an advocate of safe and afford-able housing for all Hoosiers. IBA mem-bers accomplish this by operating competi-tive businesses that serve to keep costs lowwhile maintaining a high level of quality.Each year presents a new opportunity forIBA and its members to maintain the suc-cess achieved in prior years, and also reachfor ever-increasing levels of success in thefuture. The following statistics were taken fromour new membership publication titled“IBA - By The Numbers”. These figuresreflect the value of various initiatives thatwe have been engaged in during the recentpast and the corresponding value that IBAdirectly provides to its members throughthese initiatives in the areas of public ad-vocacy, political action and member ser-vices.

$300. This is the minimum amount inyour pocket as a result of IBA successfullysupporting legislation in 2013 creating a2+ year moratorium on any new city or townordinances that would require builders andremodelers to get a license or register be-fore working in the city or town. Currentlocal licensing can cost over $300 annu-

The value of belonging

ally per contractor in each city and townthat requires it. These savings could easilyreach and even exceed $1,000 in caseswhere multiple licenses or registrationswould have been required.

$5,893. The average cost of a residentialfire sprinkler system in new home construc-tion - the cost balloons to $13,000 in ruralareas not served by municipal water. Firesprinkler advocates continue to push formandatory fire sprinkler installation in ev-ery home. Industry experts estimate that31,000 to 81,000 Indiana households willbe priced out of the market for a new homeif the price of a new home increases by$6,000 to $13,000. IBA has worked hard tofight the fire sprinkler mandate sohomeowners continue to have the right tochoose whether or not to install a system.IBA supports public health strategies to in-crease awareness about the installation andmaintenance of smoke alarms in all homesrather than mandating fire sprinkler systems.

$2,301. The average dollar amount savedin property taxes per unit claimed by IBAmembers under the Model Home and Spec.Home Acts. During the three years the lawhas been in effect, Indiana home buildershave claimed more than 770 Model andSpec Home Act property tax deductions.Builders can claim a deduction on up to sixhomes under both of those acts.

$96,352. Cash shared by 132 IBA mem-bers in 2012 that chose to participate inIBA’s Member Rebate Program. This pro-gram reimburses builders and remodelersfor products they already install in the con-struction of new homes and remodelingprojects.

$557. The average amount saved in 2012by each IBA member that participated inthe SuperFleet program, which gives mem-bers a $.05/gallon discount on fuel pur-chases.

3. The number of homebuilders that areIBA members and legislators in the IndianaGeneral Assembly.

5,000. The average number of new homesthat will be built as a result of the 6,000new jobs created by 47 employers thatchose to remain or move their operations toIndiana because we are a right-to-work state.

$720,000. Total amount spent from theHousing Protection Fund (HPF) since itsinception. The HPF has two main purposes:The HPF is a proactive tool used to prevent

measures that would harm housingaffordability. The HPF is also used to pro-tect IBA and its members from legal actionsthat would undermine housing affordabilityin the Hoosier state.

$143. Amount saved per employee an-nually because of IBA’s success in reduc-ing the employer contribution rate for un-employment insurance from a proposed2013 rate of 5.9 percent to a final rate of 4.0percent per employee.

“By The Numbers” is available in a two-page flyer and may be downloaded fromIBA’s website, www.BuildIndiana.org, clickon Membership, click on State Benefits,click on By The Numbers. You may alsoreceive an e-mailed copy by calling the IBAoffice at (800)377-6334.

Page 6: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

Page 6, Indiana Builder News July / August, 2013

Proceeds benefit the IBA and the NAHB BUILD-PAC.

Special thanks to Linda and Mike Rogers for

donating the golf course for the event.

Juday Creek Golf Course14770 Lindy Dr.Granger, IN 46530www.judaycreek.com

IBA’s Bill Carson Memorial Golf Outing

September 26, 2013Juday Creek Golf CourseGranger, IndianaNoon Registration1 p.m. Shotgun Start

Dinner & Awards Immediately Following

Registration Form

___ x $100 per golfer - includes green fees, cart, refreshments, favors, dinner, & awards.

___ x $10 per golfer - includes string & door prize ticket.

___ x $1,000 Gold Key Club** - includes NAHB Gold Key Club and foursome or hole sponsor.

___ x $________ NAHB Build-PAC supporter (non-golfer) - includes promotions and dinner.

**Gold Key supporter and NAHB Build-PAC supporter must be paid by personal check made payable to NAHB


Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships include promotions, lunch, & dinner.

Does not include golf.

___ Lunch or Dinner Sponsor $1000___ Beverage Sponsor $250___ Hole Sponsor $100___ Cart Item Sponsor - provide 1 per golfer___ Door Prize Sponsor - donate door prize(s)

All golf registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.No refunds for weather/no shows/cancellations.

Payment due prior to or at outing.If personal check make payable to NAHB Build-PAC.

If corporate check make payable to IBA.Questions, call IBA at (800) 377-6334.

Complete and return to:IBA, 101 W. Ohio St., Ste. 710, Indpls., IN [email protected] * FAX (317) 917-0335

Major Sponsors



Company ________________________________

Contact Name _____________________________

Address _________________________________

City, State, Zip ____________________________

Phone __________________________________


Players _________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________

Amount Due: $________

Pay with MasterCard (MC)/Visa Acct.


Name on card:_____________________________

Exp Date (MM/YY) _________ 3 digits on back ____

Zip Code: _________ Signature _______________

Golf CourseSponsors

Mike & Linda RogersJuday Creek Golf


Major Sponsor

Food Sponsor

Beverage SponsorWeber Custom Concrete

Hole SponsorsTimberland Lumber Company

Monsma Marketing

Door Prize SponsorsIndiana Builders Association




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Register at:http://


Page 7: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 7

News from around the state

Leaders of the Mid-North Indiana Builders Association gather for a picture at a recentmonthly membership meeting.

State Senator Allen Paul, (R-Richmond),(left), and IBA CEO Rick Wajda discusshousing at a recent event in Indianapolis.Senator Paul is the Chairman of the Sen-ate Insurance Committee.

IBA Governmental Affairs Director TomHavens (left) and House of RepresentativesMajority Floor Leader Rep. Bill Friend(R-Macy) discuss housing issues at a re-cent event.

IBA Governmental Affairs Director TomHavens shares a laugh with Indiana Sec-retary of State Connie Lawson at a recentevent.

Southwestern Indiana Builders Association members Matt Reinbrecht (left), Mark Dill(second from left), Steve Hassler (second from right), and Bill Pedtke thank State Repre-sentative Suzanne Crouch (R-Evansville), for her support of pro-business, pro-housingissues at a recent event in Evansville.

HBA of Howard County President MikeUllery, CAPS (left), thanks Paul Wyman forspeaking at the local association’s recentmembership meeting.

Once again, Niehaus Lumber was a major sponsor of the Vincennes Area BA golf outing,supplying lunch to all participants.

Vincennes Area BA President Bob Weiss(right) thanks VABA Golf Chairman BradVanBibber for organizing a great golf out-ing for the local association.

IBA Chief Operating Officer Cindy Bussell(left) thanks Vincennes Area BA ExecutiveOfficer Shirley Rose (center) and LeslieBeard for working the Vincennes golf out-ing. The proceeds of the event go towardscholarships.

Over 20 leaders from around Indiana attended a recent meeting on membership develop-ment.

IBA Life Director Ron Smith, (second from right) and his wife, Deb, hosted their 18th

annual golf party. Thanks to the generosity of several members of the builders associa-tion, proceeds from the event go to the Arthritis Foundation Lupus Research fund. Play-ing with Smith at this year’s event were (left to right): Alan Bosma, Ron Lamping, Smith,and Danny Davis.

Jud Motsenbocker, CGR, CAPS (left), Business Management instructor, welcomes morethan 20 Certified Aging-In-Place Specialists (CAPS) to its family of professional designa-tion holders. Since administering the CAPS professional designation program in 2003IBA has graduated more than 250 CAPS.

Over 20 foursomes participated in the recent Vincennes Area BA golf outing.

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Page 8, Indiana Builder News July / August, 2013


By CarlieHopper

Regulatory AffairsDirector,

Indiana BuildersAssociation

When a member joins a local build-ers association, they automati-cally become members of the

Indiana Builders Association (IBA) and theNational Association of Home Builders(NAHB). E-mail has become the most efficient wayfor all tiers of the builders associations tocorrespond with members. Make sure you have an accurate e-mailon file with your local builders associationso that you receive correspondence fromyour local, state, and national builders as-sociations in a timely manner. Unless youopt out, your local builders association

Do we have your e-mail?

New southern pine lumber designvalues effective June 1, check thenew span tables

he changes to published design val-ues for visually-graded southernpine lumber used to develop pre-

scriptive span tables and provide engi-neered designs for trusses, floor joists, andother structural components became effec-tive June 1, 2013. Indiana is currently up-dating the 2008 Indiana Building Code(based on the 2006 International BuildingCode) and the span tables will be based onthe new design values. The span tables inthe 2005 Indiana Residential Code (basedon the 2003 International Residential Code)will not be amended; however, the code re-quires compliance with manufacturer’s in-stallation instructions which will reflect thenew design values for span tables. Please use the links below to access in-formation about the changes to the south-ern pine lumber design values and theamendments to the span tables in the resi-dential and building codes.

NAHB Resources on Changes to LumberDesign Values: http://www.nahb.org/generic.aspx?genericContentID=173472&fromGSA=1

2003 IRC Amendments for Span Tables:http://awc.org/publications/update/IRC-pre2012Amendments_April2013.pdf

2006 IBC Amendments for Span Tables:http:/ /awc.org/publications/update/IBC2308SpanTableAmendments_April2013.pdf.

OSHA’S fall protectionrequirements for residentialconstruction in effect

ore stringent fall protection regu-lations for residential construc-tion have been in effect since Sep-

tember 2011 but not enforced due to mul-tiple three-month extensions by the federalOccupational Safety and Health Adminis-tration (OSHA) and subsequently by the In-diana OSHA. OSHA’s residential fall pro-tection phase-in period ended on March 15,2013. Builders must comply with the newCompliance Guidance for Residential Con-struction which requires the following: * Roofing contractors must use guard-rails, personal fall arrest systems (harnessesand lanyards) or safety nets on all roofs withslopes exceeding 4-in-12 when working sixfeet or more above a lower level. * All other trade contractors must useguardrails or personal fall arrest systems (har-nesses and lanyards) or safety nets whenthe height from one elevation to another isgreater than six feet. * Employers who can demonstrate thatthese fall protection systems are not fea-sible or create a greater hazard can use aplan outlining alternative fall protectionmeasures that must be followed. * The fall protection plan must be in writ-ing and site-specific. However, a written

Know the changes to southern pine lumber design values and OSHA’s fallprotection requirements and hazard communication standard


plan developed for repeated use for a par-ticular model or style of home will be con-sidered site-specific. * The use of fall protection plans is lim-ited to “residential construction” in whichthe structure will be used as a home andconstructed with traditional wood framematerials and methods. Note: The limiteduse of structural steel in a predominantlywood-framed home - such as a steel I-beamto help support wood framing - does notdisqualify a structure from being consid-ered residential construction. The National Association of Home Build-ers (NAHB) and OSHA have developed edu-cational and training materials to assistemployers with compliance. Please use thelinks below to access information about thefall protection requirements.

NAHB Fall Protection Resources:www.nahb.org/fallprotection and www.nahb.org/safety

OSHA Fall Protection Resources: http://w w w . o s h a . g o v / d o c / t o p i c s /residentialprotection/index.html and http://www.osha.gov/stopfalls/index.html

Changes to hazard communicationstandard coming December 1

SHA has revised its Hazard Com-munication Standard (HCS). Therevised HCS will be phased in from

December 1, 2013 to June 1, 2016. The revised standard requires the use ofnew labeling elements and a standardizedformat for Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) (for-merly known as MSDSs). Employers willbe required to train employees by Decem-ber 1, 2013 on the following: Label infor-mation; Safety Data Sheets (SDS) 16 sec-tion format, and Pictograms. Written hazard communication programswill also need to be updated to includechanges to labeling, SDS communication,and employee training. The Revised Hazard CommunicationStandard (HCS) Phase-in Dates table at-tached summarizes the phase-in dates re-quired under the revised Hazard Communi-cation Standard (HCS). Please use the links below to access in-formation about the fall protection require-ments.

NAHB Hazard Communication StandardResources: www.nahb.org/hazcom

OSHA Hazard Communication StandardResources: http://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/

INSafe, a division of the Indiana Depart-ment of Labor, offers programs and servicesthat educate and assist employers in safetycompliance with residential fall protection,hazard communication, and much more.INSafe can provide, at no cost to you, anon-site consultation, group training andseminars, educational publications andtraining materials. Schedule your freeINSafe consultation by completing theonline consultation request form at http://


Revised Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) Phase-in Dates

Effective Completion Date Requirement(s) Who

December 1, 2013 Train employees on the new label elements and safety data

sheet (SDS) format.


June 1, 2015

December 1, 2015

Compliance with all modified provisions of this final rule,


The Distributor shall not ship containers labeled by the

chemical manufacturer or importer unless it is a GHS label

Chemical manufacturers,

importers, distributors and


June 1, 2016 Update alternative workplace labeling and hazard

communication program as necessary, and provide additional

employee training for newly identified physical or health



Transition Period to the

effective completion dates

noted above

May comply with either 29 CFR 1910.1200 (the final

standard), or the current standard, or both

Chemical manufacturers,

importers, distributors, and


www.in.gov/dol/insafeconsultation.htm,and be sure to indicate that you are a mem-ber of the Indiana Builders Association totake advantage of priority scheduling as partof our Alliance with the Indiana Departmentof Labor. No fines or penalties will be levied forany safety or health hazards identified dur-ing the consultation and your request forconsultation will not initiate an IOSHA in-spection.

should put your e-mail into the NAHB WMSsystem which allows NAHB and IBA to e-mail you with important information. Your builders associations take your pri-vacy very seriously and only e-mail youpertinent information. You may opt out ofreceiving e-mails at any time. If you are not receiving e-mails from IBAwhich would have a [email protected] address, please e-mail [email protected] or call the IBA office at800-377-6334 ext. 203. For 24 hour access to all of IBA’s mem-bership benefits and resources, visitwww.BuildIndiana.org.

Page 9: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 9

T he application deadline for IBA’s2013 Remodeler of the Year is rap-idly approaching. All interestedpersons must submit a completed

application by July 19th to be considered.Applications are available on IBA’s website,www.BuildIndiana.org. This award is a great marketing tool forthe successful remodeler and this year’s win-ner will automatically be nominated forNAHB’s National Remodeler of the Yearaward. All IBA members who are members of theRemodelers’ Council are eligible to applyfor the award. Remodelers’ Council mem-bers join through a local chapter or the stateassociation. If your local association doesnot have a chapter, the dues are $30 andyou may join by contacting IBA’s Opera-tions Coordinator Heather Sturgeon [email protected] or (800)377-6334, ext. 207. The 2013 Remodeler of the Year applica-tion can be found on IBA’s websitewww.BuildIndiana.org, click on News &Events, click on Remodeler of the Year. The application is also available throughe-mail by contacting IBA’s GovernmentalAffairs Director Tom Havens [email protected] or (800)377-6334ext. 205.

Indiana Laws (from page 3)

Passed Home Improvement Contract LawChange that provides that a home improve-ment contract between a supplier and a con-sumer is subject to certain conditions andrequirements if the contract is entered intoas a result of damage, loss or expense: thatis covered, in whole or in part, by the pro-ceeds of an insurance policy; or for which athird party is liable. Passed legislation that prohibits a localunit of government from enacting a locallicense or registration on a builder orremodeler.

For more information on how you cantake advantage of these laws, visit IBA’swebsite, www.BuildIndiana.org or call IBA’sGovernmental Affairs Team at (800) 377-6334.

2013 ‘Remodeler ofthe Year’ Applicationsdue July 19th

Aging-In-Place Instructor StephenRobinson, GMB, GMR, CGB, CGR, CAPS,CGP (right) congratulates IBA memberTom Borger, CGP, Borger Design and Con-struction, on completing the course require-ments for the Certified Aging-In-PlaceSpecialist (CAPS) designation.

BA of Greater Lafayette Executive OfficerLinda Binford (left) and Mary Ellis enjoythemselves as they welcome attendees tothe BAGL Home Building and Remodel-ing Show. A GM dealer was on hand at the BA of Greater Lafayette Home Building and Remodeling

Show explaining the special $500 savings buildes association members receive.

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Many Indiana BA members are already saving time and money through the NPP program.

To access the discount pricing, register with NPP. Signing up is free and easy.


Go to www.mynpp.com. Click “Join Now.”

Select “Construction” from the dropdown menu.

Select “Residential” from the Category dropdown menu.

Select “BA- Builders Association” from the Association dropdown menu.

Complete the registration form.

Since 2007 many HBA Chapters have partnered with NPP to offer members discount pricing on several products and services. NPP negotiates the rates, and makes them available to member firms throughout the country.

This program is entirely free, and there is no obligation to purchase. To access the savings, register with NPP at www.mynpp.com. Listed below are some of the discounts available to participating HBA Chapter members:


For more information about the program, feel free to contact NPP:

[email protected]

Corporate Discount - 22% off all wireless calling plans $34.99 & higher and free activation

Employee Discount - 18% off wireless calling plans $34.99 and higher

Select Accessory Discount - 35% (corporate) and 25% (employee/family)

$20 Unlimited Wireless E-mail feature on corporate lines

Variable discounts on phones Verizon Eligibility Requirements: Each Member must be a construction company, heavy highway, concrete, remodeling company or other trade craftsman (e.g.: a subcontractor such as an electician or plumber whose primary trade is within the construction industry).


Receive money for your used phones Additional 10% for members

Fleet management solution helps increase productivity, fuel efficiency, and driver accountability

15% discount on unique bundle of services

Discounted, contracted prices on over 30,000 supplies and services

Free next-day delivery on most standard orders over $30

High-def remote surveillance for your job site 25% off monthly service and cameras

Wireless applications for data collection Save 50% on set-up fees per device

Wireless routers and mobile broadband adapters for reliable 4G connection

Up to 22% discount on various devices

Toll-free audio conferencing for only 3 cents per minute; no contract, setup or monthly feeFo

r Eve


For B





Page 11: July / August, 2013 Vol. 50, No. 4 Indiana Builders ......July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 3 Inside the Issue By Rick Wajda Chief Executive Officer Indiana Builders Association

July / August, 2013 Indiana Builder News, Page 11

T MembershipMoment

By Doug Miller,GMB, CGB, CGP, CAPS

IBA MembershipCo-Chairman

hank you members for your contin-ued support of your local, state andnational builders associations! With housing on the mend in the

first six months of this year, membership isrecovering with your diligence in recruit-ing efforts. Speaking from experience, 2013 has beena challenge to “maximize” membershipopportunities while managing business. At times I have to remind myself of theconnectivity membership provides as busi-ness moves forward. Acknowledging thepace and frenzy level that has morphed intodaily routines, we are now accustomed tofunctioning within our membership as a keycomponent in the foundation of our busi-ness life. Not too long ago we called it networkingwhen we met face to face to dialogue: nowwe can use social media to accomplish someof those tasks. IBA now is on “facebook” and “twitter”capitalizing on current conversation to stayin touch with you our members. I offer thatposts and conversation remain “profes-sional” in all respects and display all mem-bers in the proper perspective. Networkinghas taken a large step forward in 2013: feelfree to utilize the options. You may “Like”us on facebook at Indiana Builders Asso-

Maximize your membership

ciation, Inc. and “follow” us on twitter@IBAHome. The national recruitment campaign is infull swing throughout the rest of the sum-mer. Kudo’s to those participating and goodrecruiting! New membership offers two waymentoring opportunities building the veryfoundation that strengthens IBA. Are you using all the features of your stateand national benefits? The list is long in-cluding many purchasing options thru NPPrelationships; Speedway gas discounts; na-tional vendor rebates; shipping discounts;vehicle purchase discounts.......not to men-tion the continuing education available toenhance your career. As we embark on the last half of 2013“maximize” your membership and your re-lationships!

Member Recruitment Script

Every person you do business with should be a member of the builders association.

Begin the conversation....

1) The builders association is committed to protecting your job and your industry on a daily basis. Are you amember?

2) I am a member of the builders association because I believe every Hoosier has the right to own a home they canafford and I have the right to make a reasonable profit.

3) Explain why you personally belong to the builders association.

4) The builders association works at the local, state, and national levels to keep unnecessary costs from being addedto the cost of a home. We need your support.

5) The builders association has solutions to your housing industry business challenges. What are your biggestchallenges?

6) The builders association can assist you with those challenges. Answers to national challenges can be found atwww.nahb.org or by calling 1-800-368-5242. Answers to state challenges can be found at www.buildindiana.org orby calling 1-800-377-6334. Answers to local challenges can be found at www._________ or by calling_______________, the local builders association.

7) All levels of the builders association offer additional benefits, discounts, rebates, educational opportunities,publications, industry information, advertising, and networking opportunities that are available to you as a mem-ber.

8) When you join the builders association, your membership dues are all inclusive of the local, state, and nationalfederation.

9) If we can take a moment to fill out this membership application, I can drop it and your check off for you at theassociation office so that your membership can start immediately.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Being part of a federation that works constantly to protect your joband your industry on a daily basis.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Finding quick answers to your biggest challenges from your local,state, and national associations 250+ staff and over 100,000 building professional members.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Carrying on the vision started over 60 years ago to keep housingaffordable in Indiana.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Advocating for present and future housing needs.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Building relationships with other housing professionals that willenhance your business.

Being a member of the builders’ association means...Supporting the industry that you derive your livelihood from.

Recruit for RewardsRecruit a new member from January 1 to August 31,

2013 and receive an entry into a drawing fora chance to win a

Trip to the NAHB ConventionFeb. 4-6, 2014Las Vegas, NV

Receive as many entries as members recruited.

IBA will provide a registration & reimburse winner up to $2,000 for additionalexpenses incurred to attend the NAHB Convention in Las Vegas in February 2014.

Sponsored by

Weber ConcreteConstruction

AHB’s membership drive and com-petition for 2013 is MembershipMadness! Participation is free, easyand it rewards members with double

and triple Spike credits. IBA’s Membership Committee Co-Chair-men Doug Miller, GMB, CGB, CAPS, CGP,Tim Eckert, and Tom Slater are thrilled tosee that several local HBA’s are a part of it. Current participating Indiana locals are:Madison County BA (October); MonroeCounty BA (September); BA of DuboisCounty (September); East Central IBA (Oc-tober); HBA of Southern Indiana (Septem-ber), HBA of Greater Terre Haute (October),HBA of Fort Wayne (October), BA ofLaPorte County (October), BA Kosciusko-Fulton Counties (October), HBA of North-west Indiana (September), BA of ElkhartCounty (September), BA of Northeast Indi-ana (September); and BA of GreaterLafayette ( October). If your local is listed above, recruiters will

Earn double and triple Spike credits

N receive double or triple Spike credits forany new members recruited during the iden-tified month. If your local isn’t listed above, contactthem to find out what month your associa-tion will reward double Spike credits. Allthey have to do is call NAHB’s Member-ship Department to make it happen. Join the madness and step up your re-cruiting efforts!

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