june green press

ACS Green Press Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, NY June 2012 Mandatory ACS Pro- gramming Need To Know - from your 2 Regarding Resilience : Tips, tools and tech- niques for practicing 3 ACS Friends and Neighbors Spouse Appreciation 2012 4,5 Special Olympics 6 Smooth Transitions 7 Tips on Moving Relocation Readiness 8 ACS Events and 9,10 ACS Contacts 11 Inside this issue: ~A tree free newsletter Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374 [email protected] Army Community Service (ACS) is always concerned with the safety of Fort Drum’s Soldiers and Families. When one thinks of safety, physical harm is often the first thing that comes to mind. There are however, many areas in our lives that pose safety concerns and are therefore addressed by ACS Programs. Of the twelve programs in ACS, the following five address certain safety con- cerns: Many Soldiers and Families are threatened by identity theft and financial scams. The Financial Readiness Program at ACS rec- ommends that you run your own credit every four months utilizing a different credit reporting agency each time. You can minimize risk by putting an active duty status alert on your credit report to pre- vent unauthorized use of your credit. ACS Financial counselors are available to meet confidentially to address your financial needs. Another area of safety concern is your online safety. Lets face it, today we communicate, recreate, National Safety Month Observed in June educate, and work via the inter- net. Social networking, while providing information at your fingertips, can be both beneficial and harmful at the same time. Military Families have the added worry of operational security issues as well as personal secu- rity. Mobilization and Deploy- ment teaches a class in Opera- tional Security. The class is de- signed to teach Families what is and is not appropriate to share on Facebook. Together class participants receive eye opening examples of how one can fall victim to the less secure side of social media. Posing yet another threat to your safety is using the internet in your job search. For instance, Employment Readiness can teach you ways to protect your online identity while uploading your resume and utilizing such social networking sites as Linked-In. The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is another area in which ACS looks out for your safety. FAP provides Soldiers and Families with the tools to skillfully parent utilizing proven positive discipline techniques, parenting men- tors through their New Par- ent Support Program and educational classes to pro- mote awareness regarding domestic violence, stress and anger management tech- niques, communication and sexual assault prevention. In honor of National Safety Month, Relocation Readi- ness has teamed up with the Light Fighter School to offer a basic self defense class to their Hearts Apart and International Spouses Groups. Remember, Personal Safety involves many aspects of our lives. Let ACS help ensure your personal safety. Come in and see how we can help! RememberThink ACS First!

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Page 1: June green press

ACS Green Press

Army Community Service (ACS) Fort Drum, NY June 2012

Mandatory ACS Pro-

gramming Need To

Know - from your


Regarding Resilience : Tips, tools and tech-niques for practicing


ACS Friends and Neighbors Spouse Appreciation 2012


Special Olympics 6

Smooth Transitions 7

Tips on Moving –Relocation Readiness


ACS Events and 9,10

ACS Contacts 11

Inside this issue:

~A tree free newsletter Direct questions / feedback To: Sarah Lynch : 772-5374 [email protected]

Army Community Service (ACS)

is always concerned with the

safety of Fort Drum’s Soldiers

and Families. When one thinks of

safety, physical harm is often the

first thing that comes to mind.

There are however, many areas in

our lives that pose safety concerns

and are therefore addressed by

ACS Programs. Of the twelve

programs in ACS, the following

five address certain safety con-


Many Soldiers and Families are

threatened by identity theft and

financial scams. The Financial

Readiness Program at ACS rec-

ommends that you run your own

credit every four months utilizing

a different credit reporting agency

each time. You can minimize risk

by putting an active duty status

alert on your credit report to pre-

vent unauthorized use of your

credit. ACS Financial counselors

are available to meet confidentially

to address your financial needs.

Another area of safety concern is

your online safety. Lets face it,

today we communicate, recreate,

National Safety Month Observed in June

educate, and work via the inter-

net. Social networking, while

providing information at your

fingertips, can be both beneficial

and harmful at the same time.

Military Families have the added

worry of operational security

issues as well as personal secu-

rity. Mobilization and Deploy-

ment teaches a class in Opera-

tional Security. The class is de-

signed to teach Families what is

and is not appropriate to share

on Facebook. Together class

participants receive eye opening

examples of how one can fall

victim to the less secure side of

social media.

Posing yet another threat to your

safety is using the internet in

your job search. For instance,

Employment Readiness can

teach you ways to protect your

online identity while uploading

your resume and utilizing such

social networking sites as


The Family Advocacy Program

(FAP) is another area in which

ACS looks out for your safety.

FAP provides Soldiers and

Families with the tools to

skillfully parent utilizing

proven positive discipline

techniques, parenting men-

tors through their New Par-

ent Support Program and

educational classes to pro-

mote awareness regarding

domestic violence, stress and

anger management tech-

niques, communication and

sexual assault prevention.

In honor of National Safety

Month, Relocation Readi-

ness has teamed up with the

Light Fighter School to

offer a basic self defense

class to their Hearts Apart

and International Spouses


Remember, Personal Safety

involves many aspects of our

lives. Let ACS help ensure

your personal safety. Come

in and see how we can help!

Remember– Think ACS


Page 2: June green press

Page 2 ACS Green Press June 2012

When you think about

Army Community Service

(ACS) have you ever stopped to con-

sider that ACS Saves Soldiers and

Families money and time. Lets look at


Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a

better alternative to a Soldier in need

of emergency money than civilian

lending counterparts when you con-

sider that the national bank average

lending rate is 3.25% and worse by far

are the payday loans averaging about

426%. A cash advance on a credit

card would cost $13.99 finance charge

and an annual interest rate of almost

57%. The AER lending rate is 0%.

Army Family Team Building leader-

ship development seminars are free

whereas the cost of a single leadership

development seminar in the private

industry sector is approximately


Employment Readiness (ERP) The

current national average for a head-

hunter to find someone a job is 15%-20%

of first year’s salary. Cost for ERP = $0.

Exceptional Family Member Program

(EFMP) Average rate for a Respite Care

provider is $15-$20 per hour. Cost to

EFMP Families for Respite Care= $0.

Relocation Readiness Program

(RELO) Need the essentials when you

first arrive or are waiting to leave? The

lending closet has your essentials-pots,

table, chairs, sleeping mats, etc. For a

Family of four to purchase these necessi-

ties as a hold over cost would be $558.93.

RELO charge for these items=$0.

This is just a sampling of the monetary

savings ACS provides to Soldiers and

Families. Please remember that all ACS

Services are provided to you by trained

professionals and are free of charge.

How can ACS save you time? Let us

count the minutes….

Don’t wait weeks for an appointment

for issues that can be supported or ques-

tions that can be answered today!

ACS is conveniently located within two

miles of all units and housing areas on

post and easily accessible from off post

housing through the Mt. Belvedere

Gate. Many of our services are available

on a walk in basis. Some of our more

procedural services do require appoint-

ments. Same day services include but

are not limited to: Counseling Services

(MFLC) Lending Closet, Parenting Sup-

port and many others.

We know that just as your money is pre-

cious to you- so is your TIME! For

more information on what ACS offers,

contact your unit coordinator listed be-


Think ACS First!

What You Might Need To Know from your ACS Unit Service

Coordinator (USC)Program

USC Assignments: USC TEAM 1BCT POC: Kent Thompson, 315-772-0500 - [email protected] USC TEAM 2BCT POC: Jennifer Eichner, 315-772-2848 – [email protected] USC TEAM 3BCT POC: Sharon Chaple, 315-772-5476 – [email protected] USC TEAM CAB POC: Tom Clegg, 315-772-6357 – [email protected] USC TEAM SBTB POC: Scarlett Sharkey, 315-772-6566 – [email protected] 3-85

th MTN IN POC: John Dietrich, 315-772-0805 – [email protected]


th MTN Div/HBN POC: Sarah Lynch, 315-772-5374 – [email protected]

MEDDAC POC: Tom Clegg, 315-772-6357 – [email protected] DENTAC POC: Virginia Cooper, 315-772-6799 – [email protected] 62

nd CID POC: Sharon Chaple, 315-772-5476 – [email protected]


th FW POC: Scarlett Sharkey, 315-772-6566 – [email protected]


th ASOS POC: Mandy Thompson, 315-772-9611 – [email protected]


nd MI POC: Kent Thompson, 315-772-0500 - [email protected]

AFSB POC: Judee Kelly, 315-772-5196 – [email protected] 7

th Legal Support POC: Tila Seals, 315-772-6929 – [email protected]

Page 3: June green press

ACS Green Press June 2012 Page 3

Regarding Resilience: Tips, tools and techniques for practicing resilience everyday!

By Jenn Eichner, MRT 772-2848

Hope your summer season is starting

off full of positive energy and

thoughts!! Have you been practicing

your resilience skills? Have you had

fewer nights, lying awake in bed

allowing your mind to race in worry?

If not, you may be having issue with

Putting It In Perspective.

Putting It In Perspective (PIIP) is a

resilience skill that helps build

optimism by not allowing one to

catastrophize in thought. Catastro-

phizing is when you waste critical

energy ruminating about the irrational

worst case outcomes of a situation,

which prevents you from taking

purposeful action. The goal of PIIP is

to lower anxiety so that you can accu-

rately assess the situation and deal

with it. Keep in mind that this is very

different from identifying the worst

case and contingency planning.

Contingency planning is productive.

Catastrophizing is counterproductive.

Say you are faced with an activating

event like your child failing a test. Do

you ever then find your emotions lead-

ing you down a path of despair and

thought processes that have your child

ruined for life over this and destined

to have a dead end job and a life of

struggles? If you have had this type of

experience, you have been a victim of

catastrophizing! It is easy to get caught in

this type of downward spiral due to the

fact that for many of us seeing the nega-

tive can be much easier than finding a


The goal of PIIP is to lower anxiety so

that you can accurately assess the situa-

tion and deal with it.

The goal is NOT to pretend “all is well,”

to deny real problems, or to take away

anxiety completely. There are four steps

into pulling out of a tail spin and putting

things back into perspective:

Step 1: List worst case outcomes.

Step 2: List best case outcomes.

Step 3: List most likely outcomes.

Step 4: Identify plan for dealing with

most likely.

It seems easy enough, right? It can be

tough. Other things come into play that

distract us from getting back on track

like, thinking traps, iceberg beliefs and the

inability to truly problem solve. So when

you are completing the steps – really go

to the extremes and back. List “Worst

Case” as a chain - keep asking “And then

what happens?” or another similar ques-

Putting it in Perspective-And Keeping it There! tion (e.g., “What’s next?” “What else?”

“What was your next thought?”). Don’t

stop until you’ve exhausted what is

running through your head then rate

your mood, focus, and energy level

while you are in worst case scenario

thought. Do the same for the “Best

Case” scenario thought process. Then

finally, list the “Most Likely” out-

comes, focusing on emotions, behav-

iors and other people. Check for accu-

racy and rate your mood, focus and

energy level while creating the Most

Likely list. Develop a plan for dealing

with the Most Likely outcomes. Com-

pleting the steps in order, will truly help

you to see where your thinking is of

track and how to get your thoughts

back in your control.

Give it a try. You may even get a good

laugh while completing the exercise.

Sometimes it is just downright funny to

see what extremes your thoughts can

take you to. As in all resilience

exercises, you have to be true to it. If

you only go so far, you will only get so


Have a great month – good luck and

good thoughts!

Upcoming MRT Dates

June 11 Module 4 0930-1230 ACS

August 20 Module 5 0930-1230 ACS

September 17-20 Fall Marathon 0930-1430 Workforce Dev Bldg

November 9 Module 1 0930-1430 ACS

December 3 Module 2 0930-1430 ACS

January 7 Module 3 0930-1430 ACS

February 11 Module 4 0930-1430 ACS

March 4 Module 5 0930-1430 ACS

Page 4: June green press

Page 4 ACS Green Press June 2012

ACS Friends and Neighbors-Promoting Community 2012 Spouse Appreciation Day!

Page 5: June green press

Page 5 ACS Green Press June 2012

ACS Friends and Neighbors-Promoting Community 2012 Spouse Appreciation Day!

Page 6: June green press

Page 6 ACS Green Press June 2012

ACS Friends and Neighbors-Promoting Community Special Olympics 2012

Page 7: June green press

Page 7 ACS Green Press June 2012

For military Fami-

lies, the spring and

summer months

are known as PCS


Change of Duty

Station) Season.

With this in mind,

Army Community

Service’s Reloca-

tion Readiness Program (RELO), becomes

particularly busy as their programming is

designed to ensure that Soldiers and Fami-

lies both arriving to and departing from

Fort Drum, experience a smooth, stress

free move.

Soldiers and their Families arriving at Fort

Drum will be welcomed by a friendly,

knowledgeable staff of professionals who

can help with many aspects of relocation

ranging from borrowing household items if

your belongings have yet to arrive to immi-

gration and naturalization assistance for

Spouses and children of active-duty service

members, retirees, and Department of the

Army civilians.

When a Soldier first arrives, the initial set-

tling in process can be challenging. That is

why he or she is encouraged to attend the

Newcomer’s Orientation given by Reloca-

tion Readiness in which various agency

briefers explain on post resources, all of

the various ACS services as well as interest-

ing information about the area. Relocation

Readiness also offers the Drum Family

Welcome Tour. This narrated tour in-

cludes on post points of interest as well as

a tour of the surrounding community. If

our Soldiers and Families are awaiting

housing and currently in a hotel, Army

Community service offers them a full

kitchen and Family area in order to prepare

a home cooked meal and relax with the

Family. If our Soldiers and Families need

to borrow basic household items while

they await the shipment of their personal

items, they may borrow items such as

dishes, sleeping mats, playpens and or car

seats for up to a thirty day lending period.

Sometimes, the initial settling in period is

complicated by language barriers and im-

migration issues. Relocation Readiness

offers English for Speakers of another

Language Classes and assistance is available

for petitions pertaining to Spouses and

children of active-duty service members,

retirees, and Department of the Army civil-

ians. Services include providing informa-

tion on what forms and documentation are

required for obtaining permanent residence

(LPR) and U.S. citizenship. Anyone with

immigration related legal issues should

consult with a licensed immigration attor-


For Soldiers and Families departing Fort

Drum, the Relocation Readiness Program

offers one-on-one appointments to help

sort out the questions regarding their des-

tination. Relo also organizes and facili-

tates the CONUS and OCONUS PCS

briefs. These briefs are designed to pre-

pare you for your move. If you know

what to expect , the stress of moving is


Relocation Readiness has a saying in

honor of Northern New York’s agricul-

tural roots and all the dairy farms in the

area. “Let us help you make a smooth

Moo-ve” They punctuate this point by

handing out “stress cows” for their clients

to squeeze.! So, whether you are arriving

to Fort Drum or heading for “greener

pastures,” Relo is here to make the proc-

ess easier.

Putting all “cheesy puns” aside, check out

what Relocation Readiness has to offer

and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Relocation Readiness– Making Smooth Transitions

English for Speakers of

Other Language Classes

spent a class cooking at

ACS. Interactive classes

with hands on activities

help students improve

their English language

skills. For more informa-

tion contact

Relocation Readiness at::


Page 8: June green press

Page 8 ACS Green Press June 2012

On May 3, North Country Children's Clinic was awarded a $6,000 "Give Kids a Smile" grant from the New York state Dental Foundation to fund free oral health care for Ft. Drum Families. The funds will allow dental hygienists to attend WIC Clinics at Mountain Community Homes Rhicard Hills and Adirondack

Creek Community Centers, where they will provide dental screenings and fluoride treatments at no charge to Families who are visiting the clinic. The new services will be added to Baby Teeth Basics a dental health education program funded by the Spouses Club of Ft. Drum and the Samaritan Auxiliary.

Baby Teeth Basics provides new parents with educational materials and supplies to keep their infant's first teeth healthy. For information on the WIC Program call 782-9222 or visit www.childrens-clinic.org.

Give Kids a Smile Grant Awarded -North Country Children’s Clinic

Things to do After the Move - Finding a New Dentist Moving can be tough. Making new

friends, finding your way around a new

town, and adjusting to a new school are

just some of the challenges. Perhaps

the most challenging aspect of a move,

besides finding someone to cut your

hair, is finding a dentist. With these

few steps, we hope to take the bite out

of finding a new dentist.

1. Be wary of advertising. In an area

like Fort Drum, there should be no

reason for a dentist to advertise. A

dentist is someone you automatically go

to twice a year, thus there is a base of

repeating customers.

2. If you like your current dentist, ask

them for a referral before you leave.

This is especially true for an orthodon-

tist. An orthodontist can refer you to

someone that uses a compatible tech-

nique. There is also a smaller pool of

orthodontists, and they may have gone

to school with someone that practices

in the area you are going to.

3. If that doesn’t work, once you get to

the area talk to neighbors and get

names of people they use.

4. Then call the local dental associa-

tion. They know the area and can tell

you if there is anything that you should

be aware of. The person you are talk-

ing to might even make a recommenda-


After all of these steps, it can come to

down to what’s most convenient to


COL Noel Nicolle spoke at Give a Kid a

Smile Award Ceremony

“What sunshine is to flowers,

smiles are to humanity. These are

but trifles, to be sure; but scattered

along life's pathway, the good they

do is inconceivable.”

Joseph Addison

Page 9: June green press

Page 9 ACS Green Press June 2012

Moving with the military may not be

the easiest thing you’ve ever done but it

can be one of the luckiest. Lucky?

Yes, lucky. Moving can be a great ex-

perience and the start of a new adven-

ture. Who knows what good fortune

awaits you at your new duty station. So

to make the move part little easier, here

are 7 things you can do to decrease

your stress and maybe even increase

your luck!

1. Lots of great information on your

new installation is just a click away.

The Military Installations web page


www.militaryinstallations.dod.mil is

the place to start. Not only does it

give you tons of great information

but also there are links to the post’s

home page and a list of important

phone numbers. The Relocation

office at ACS can print this out for

you and may have been stationed

at your new station at some point


2. Buy a new shower curtain when

you get to your new place. Also,

wash the old one with a load of

towels before you leave. Once the

old one is dry, it can be folded and

used for all kind of other uses such

as liner for the trunk of your car, a

barrier between your picnic blanket

and the grass, and if you have to

change a tire it will help you keep

your clothes clean.

3. Do all your laundry before the

movers come but give your washer

time with the lid open and the wa-

ter purged; this will just make sure

that the washer is dry when you go

to move it. In addition, while you

have the drier away from the wall

make sure you clean the vent of

any lint.

4. Don’t buy anything you need

until you have opened all your

boxes. You will be surprised at

how many of your old things will

work in your new house if you get

chance to see what all you own.

5. The post Thrift Shop and the local

thrift stores are possible gold

mines. Not only is the post thrift

shop the place to donate and con-

sign all of the things you don’t

want to take with you, but it is also

the place to find all the things you

need for your new house.

6. Start a list of things to keep with

you through your move. You can

use Plan My Move on the


web page. They have a good list

for important paperwork and

phone numbers you should take,

as well as reminders of what

charger you need to take. Re-

member that a will is a document

that should not travel with you;

mail it to your new address.

7. If you are enrolling your kids into

new schools then you will need to

know what documents you need

to bring with you. Contact you

School Liason Office at 772-

3214/1311 They can help ensure

your child’s transition is a smooth

one. It’s also good practice to

bring a copy of the front and back

(make sure you get the ISBN

number) of the text books your

kids are using now. It’s a good

idea to have copies of their last

test that show the level of their

skills. An initiative of the Military

Child Education Coalition,

www.schoolquest.org has tons of

good information and the ability

to let you create a virtual file


For more information on moving call

the Relocation Readiness office at

772-6566/6902. To share your favor-

ite tips with us, email them to

[email protected].

Lucky Seven: Lessons From PCSing

Women Infants and Children (WIC) Clinic Will Now Hold Hours at ACS!

Beginning June 27, 2012, the last Wednesday of every month,

between the hours of 9am and 2:30 pm, you can complete WIC applications at ACS. Please call 782-9222 for more information


Page 10: June green press

Page 10 ACS Green Press June 2012

Congratulations to the following Employment Readiness clients who have recently landed a job! Janelle Longton Stephens Media Group Meg Meador Health Center of New York Kimberly Rhodes CYSS If you are one of our clients who has recently become employed, we want to hear about it! Give us a call so we can highlight your accomplishment and inspire others!

Look Who’s on the Payroll: Employment Readiness Success Stories!

Negotiating Job Offers

Hello all you job seekers! Here we are

beginning a new month and exciting

things are going on all around us. But

for many of you it is the job seeking

that is exciting, well maybe just a little

bit. This month our featured topic is

Negotiating Job Offers. With the right

information and preparation, you will

be able to negotiate for the higher sal-

ary you want and achieve positive re-

sults. For many it is not easy to accom-

plish, however, negotiating job offers is

the last step and the trickiest part of

securing a new job or keeping yourself

happy in your current one. Through

negotiation you and your employer or

future employer are discussing certain

conditions and expectations in terms of

workload and compensation.

Research has suggested that 4 out of 5

companies consider some form of sal-

ary negotiation, however the studies

also show that only a small percentage

of applicants actually enter into nego-

tiations with future employers. You do

not have to be an expert at negotiating

to successfully negotiate a job offer;

however, it can be intimidating to do

so. With practice and proper planning,

you can prepare yourself to feel com-

fortable in the negotiating process.

To be successful in negotiating a salary

you must think about the two major

stages. The first step is the preparation

and planning stage and the second

stage is your actual negotiation. This is

where you will apply your good com-

munication skills and it is also where all

the information is shared. Preparation

and planning involves research, gather-

ing information and planning your

strategy to negotiate. There are four

components to consider in this stage:

Determine your competitive mar-

ket-value by knowing what you are


Determine your company-value by

showing what you are worth to the


Calculate your acceptable salary


Evaluate the entire compensation

package including benefits

After you have collected all this infor-

mation, you are ready to plan. Consider

different alternatives and decide how

you will implement your communica-

tion and proposal effectively to the

hiring official. Remain positive and

confident throughout the negotiation

process; continue to sell yourself when

negotiating a higher salary. Show the

company that you are a valuable asset

and are worth the $$$.

If you are interested in learning more

about Negotiating Job Offers, please

sign up for our upcoming workshop

scheduled for June 20 at 0930. You can

sign up by calling 315-772-1090/9611.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Page 11: June green press

Date Time Class/Event Location

Friday June 1: 0930-1200 Hearts Apart Support Group ACS

Monday June 4: 0930-1200


Newcomer’s Orientation

Basic Excel for Job Seekers



Tuesday June 5: 0900-1200





ESOL Class

Drum Family Welcome Tour

From Victim to Survivor Educational Group

Stress Management



Departs ACS



Clark Hall– A2-86

Wednesday June 6: 0830-1600 First Term Financial Readiness Training Call For Location

1800-2100 SOS Family Night Pine Plains Bowling Cntr

Thursday June 7: 0900-1200 ESOL Class ACS

0900-1230 CARE Team Training ACS

0930-1130 Employment 101 ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

Friday June 8: 0900-1130 In Her Shoes: Living w/ Domestic Violence ACS

Monday June11: 0900-1200 Budget Management Class ACS

0930-1030 Resume Writing Computer Lab ACS

0930-1230 Master Resilience Training Module 4 ACS

0830-1600 First Term Financial Readiness MPA

Tuesday June 12: 0900-1200 ESOL Class ACS

0930-1400 Drum Family Welcome Tour Departs ACS

1100-1300 For Fathers Only Class ACS

1130-1300 Married w/Special Needs Children ACS

1130-1300 From Victim to Survivor Group ACS

1400-1530 Key Caller Training ACS

1400-1600 Credit Repair Class ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

1700-1830 Key Caller Training ACS

Wednesday June 13: 0830-1600 First Term Financial Readiness Call For Location

0900-1600 AFTB Level I ACS

0930-1130 Build Your Own Business ACS


Page 12: June green press

Date Time Class/Event Location

Thursday June 14: 0900-1200 ESOL Class ACS

0900-1600 AFTB Level I ACS

1100-1300 For Fathers Only ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

Friday June 15: 0900-1100 EFMP Autism Support Group ACS

1000-1200 International Spouse Support Group ACS

Monday June 18: 1300-1500 Transitioning Financial Brief Clark Hall C2-23

Tuesday June 19: 0900-1100 Investing 101 ACS

0900-1200 ESOL Class ACS

0930-1400 Drum Family Welcome Tour Departs ACS

1030-1200 OPSEC Safety for Families ACS

1130-1300 From Victim to Survivor ACS

1330-1530 Anger Management ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

Wednesday June 20: 0830-1600 First Term Financial Readiness Call For Location

0930-1130 Negotiating Job Offers– Career Development



Thursday June 21: 0900-1200 ESOL Class ACS

0930-1130 Overseas PCS Brief ACS

0930-1430 MRT Module III Training ACS

1030 Volunteer of the Month The Commons

1100-1300 For Fathers Only Class ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

Friday June 22: 0900-1130 In Her Shoes-Living with Domestic Violence ACS

Tuesday June 26: 0930-1400 Drum Family Welcome Tour Departs ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86

Wednesday June 27: 0830-1600 First Term Financial Readiness Training Class For Location

0930-1130 Intro to Internet Class for jobseekers ACS

Thursday June 28: 0930-1130 Federal Employment Workshop ACS

1100-1300 For Fathers Only Class ACS

1530-1600 CONUS PCS Brief Clark Hall A2-86


Page 13: June green press

Army Community Service

P4330 Conway Road

Fort Drum, New York


Army Emergency Relief 772-6560, 772-8873 or 772-2855

Army Family Team Building http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000122037720

772-6710, 772-9229

Army Volunteer Program Coordinator http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-Army-volunteer-Corps/13651504365912


Exceptional Family Member Program http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-FMWR-Exceptional-Family-Member-Program /104951319542718

772-5488, 772-0819

Employment Readiness Program http://www.facebook.com/fortdrumemployment

772-9611, 772-2737, 772-1090

Family Advocacy Program (New Parent Support Program) SAPRP

772-4244, 772-6929, 772-2279

772-0596, 772-4070, 772-0748

772-5605, 772-5914

Financial Readiness Program http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-financial-Readiness-ACS/1956662120473

772-0050, 772-5196, 772-8526

Information and Referral 772-6556, 772-6557

Military & Family Life Consultants 212-6919

Mobilization and Deployment http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-Mobiliztion-and-Deployment/178420512193448?ref=ts&v=wall

772-2848, 772-0470, 772-2919

Outreach http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fort-Drum-ACS-Outreach/180373271991692


Relocation Readiness http:// www.facebook.com/pages/Fort -Drum -Relocation -Readiness Program/171335822906429

772-5475, 772-6553, 772-6902


Soldier Family Assistance Center http://www.facebook.com/Fort.Drum.FMWR/SFAC


Survivor Outreach Services http://www.facebook.com/fortdrumsurvivoroutreachservices
