junior secondary curriculum booklet€¦ · english ... enrolment management plan detailing the...

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Merrimac State High School

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Table of contents

Commitment to Quality .......................................................................................................... 3

Australian Curriculum ............................................................................................................ 4

Curriculum Structure ............................................................................................................. 4

2018 Student Resource Scheme ........................................................................................... 5

High Performance Summit Program ...................................................................................... 6

STEAM Academy .............................................................................................................. 6

Academic Summit .............................................................................................................. 7

Sport Summit ..................................................................................................................... 8

Key Learning Areas (KLA): .................................................................................................... 9

The Arts ................................................................................................................................ 9

The Arts ............................................................................................................................. 9

English ................................................................................................................................ 13

English ............................................................................................................................. 13

Health & Physical Education ............................................................................................... 15

Health & Physical Education ............................................................................................ 15

LOTE (Languages other than English) ................................................................................ 18

Chinese ........................................................................................................................... 18

Japanese ......................................................................................................................... 19

Spanish............................................................................................................................ 20

Mathematics ........................................................................................................................ 21

Mathematics .................................................................................................................... 21

Science ............................................................................................................................... 23

Science ............................................................................................................................ 23

SEP ..................................................................................................................................... 26

Special Education program .............................................................................................. 26

Social Science ..................................................................................................................... 29

Social Sciences ............................................................................................................... 29

Technology .......................................................................................................................... 33

Design and Technology ................................................................................................... 33

Business Technology ....................................................................................................... 35

Textile Technology ........................................................................................................... 36

Food Technology ............................................................................................................. 37

Industrial Technology & Design ....................................................................................... 38

Stationery List ..................................................................................................................... 39

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Merrimac State High School has a proud tradition in the development of fine young Australians

who contribute significantly to the local and global community in which we live. Our school has

a commitment to quality curriculum and quality teaching.

The learning framework articulated below reflects our commitment to quality curriculum design

through a seamless responsiveness to the needs of our students, community, industry and


At Merrimac State High School we actively work to prepare students for their future through

focussing on skills for successful participation in the 21st Century.

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The Year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum is delivered through 8 Key Learning Areas (KLAs) to ensure

students receive a challenging, engaging and comprehensive education. The Australian

Curriculum describes what young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling.

It is the foundation for their future learning, growth and active participation in the Australian

community. It sets out essential knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities and provides

a national standard for student achievement in core learning areas.

To this end, students have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects and this

experience will assist them to choose subjects wisely now and in the future.

The website www.merrimacshs.eq.edu.au and school publications contain extensive

information and contact details to assist both your student and you. It is here that you will learn

more about the Uniform, Enrolment Management Plan detailing the residential zone for

attending Merrimac High, scholarships, Summit Program for Excellence, Special Education

services, Instrumental Music and school sport.

CURRICULUM STRUCTURE Our curriculum is structured to provide a seamless learning experience from Year 7 to 12. The

curriculum has been deliberately structured to provide progression to tertiary study or work.

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Whilst the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of a student at

a state school is met by the State, a parent is directly responsible for providing the student

with textbooks and other resources for a student's use while attending school.

As a service to assist parents with the cost of these educational resources, Merrimac State High

School has chosen to operate a Student Resource Scheme (the Scheme). The purpose of the

Scheme is to provide parents with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks, resources,

consumables and/or materials from elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school's

bulk purchasing processes.

A Student Resource Scheme enables a parent to enter into written agreement with the School that,

in return for payment of a specified annual participation fee, provides for the participating student's

temporary use of prescribed textbooks and other resources and/or for the purchase by the parent

of consumables and materials for the student's use. Participation in the Scheme is voluntary, and

no obligation is placed on a parent to participate. A parent's decision to participate is based on

consideration of the value afforded by the Scheme. The Merrimac State High School Scheme

provides excellent value for money. A parent who does not wish to join the Scheme is responsible

for providing the student with the items that would otherwise have been provided to the student by

the Scheme to enable the student to engage with the curriculum.


Yr 7 Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 Yr 11 Yr 12

Student Resource Scheme – Payment Per Student $360 $360 $390 $450 $450 $450

School Building Fund – Voluntary Payment to the P&C $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY STEAM Academy students study critical thinking and robotics. Information

technology is embedded in their curriculum utilising laptops.


STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

the Arts and Mathematics) education and skills

development play an important role in our

educational vision for the future. Fostering

education in these areas ensures that today’s

students can generate and test new ideas and

contribute to the scientific developments and

innovations of tomorrow. Increasing society’s

capacity in this area will also contribute to job

creation and provide solutions to social

concerns such as medical, environmental and

engineering breakthroughs. Authentic learning

is an important foundation of the STEAM

Academy and is enhanced by links with

industry and tertiary partners; these real-life

contexts will assist students with career


In this program, students will participate in

learning experiences designed to:

Develop critical thinking, inquiry and problem solving skills

Enhance their ability to work at both the abstract and creative levels

Promote team work and communication skills.

The shift to, and emphasis on collaborative learning and creativity will best prepare these students for success in the 21st century. Experiences include enrichment days, competitions and guest speakers.



Students must achieve at a high level in all subjects

CONSIDERATIONS STEAM Academy students will continue into Academic Summit in Year 10

and to an OP pathway in Years 11 and 12


Daniel Ricardo

Paul Gray

Kylie Wilson

EMAIL [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Academic Summit students study critical reasoning and philosophy.

Information technology is embedded in their curriculum utilising laptops.


The Academic Summit Program is specialised

for students who have been recognised as

high achievers. The program focuses on

learning needs of gifted and highly competent

students who are capable of working at a

significantly faster pace and in greater depth

than their age peers. Students will be

supported and encouraged to participate in a

variety of extra-curricular challenges to test

their skills against their peers and gain

experience in applying their knowledge and

skills in new and different settings. Learning

experiences will continually promote

leadership, self-confidence and problem

solving. The use of laptop computers will

enable the learning for Academic Summit

students to be more individualised and also

provide access to teachers and resources

outside of normal school hours. Engagement

in online learning will be an integral part of this

academic program.

In this program, students will participate in

learning experiences designed to:-

develop thinking, enquiry and problem solving skills

enhance their ability to work at both the abstract and creative levels

promote team work and communication skills

The shift to, and emphasis on collaborative learning and creativity will best prepare these students for success in the 21st century

Experiences include enrichment days,

competitions and guest speakers



Students must achieve at a high level in all subjects

CONSIDERATIONS Academic Summit students will continue into Academic Summit in Year 10

and to an OP pathway in Years 11 and 12


Paul Gray

Kylie Wilson

EMAIL [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Students with ability in sport are given the opportunity to study sports

science and related sports topics at a high level. The High Performance

Sports class also has the opportunity to participate in a range of sporting

pursuits in the local community.


The Program provides students with up-to-

date health, fitness and performance methods.

It provides new and challenging opportunities

to build confidence and an attitude in students

which will encourage them to question how far

they can push the limits of their current

abilities and how fast they can accelerate the

rate of change in their sport to achieve peak


Activities in personalised fitness, aquatics,

resistance training, mental skills, media training,

workshops, cross sport training through a variety

of sporting activities e.g. gymnastics, self

defence, sports aerobics.



University studies in Exercise Science, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Sports

Management, Sports Psychology, PE Teaching, Sports Trainer

FURTHER ADVICE Warren Joseph EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)


Studying The Arts allows a student to express himself/herself creatively

through a variety of medium and technology. Students develop skills in

creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork, informed perception and

appreciating different cultures. It develops fine motor skills and higher

order thinking. It also prepares the student to handle a challenging

world and nourishes creativity. The Arts comprises of five Arts subjects

– Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts. In Yrs 7 & 8

students will study one year of Creative Arts (an integration of Visual Art

and Media) and one year of Performing Arts (an integration of Drama

and Dance) or they may have the opportunity to study Music. In Yr 9

students will be able to specialise in one of the five Art subjects.



Improvisation - This unit helps students to be

creative thinkers and think on their feet. It also

aims at developing social skills, group work and

being able to work effectively in a team.

Functions of Dance - In this unit students will

explore the three functions of dance through

investigation and understanding of historical and

socio-cultural contexts and current practice.

They will participate in basic popular dance

technique classes to develop and realise

technical and stylistic skills and experiment with

choreographic devices.

Children’s Theatre - In this unit students will

combine Drama, Dance and Music to create

and present a Children’s Theatre performance

for preschool children.

Students will learn the skills of improvisation

and engage in a variety of verbal and

nonverbal improvisational activities.

Students will explore practical dance

components of a variety of styles. They will

look at an introduction to the fundamental

choreographic elements, principles and safe

dance practice. They will follow and create

choreography for a social setting.

Students will learn to identify the performance

elements that engage a young audience. They

will learn how to manipulate these elements to

create a performance as well as develop

performance skills to deliver a polished

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Elements of Design - This unit provides

students with knowledge to identify and analyse

how artists use visual conventions to

communicate ideas.

Elements of Art through Pop Art - The

inspiration for this unit is the use of the Pop Art

movement where students can develop their

understanding of the elements of art

Year 7 MUSIC

Basic Elements of Music - In this foundation

unit, students will learn what music is, how

music is made, the four qualities of sound (pitch,

volume, duration and timbre). They will learn

how composers: use sounds and silences to tell

a story or create a mood, manipulate elements

of music (harmony, dynamics, texture tempo,

rhythm and, structure), create variation in their



Popular Music

The aim in this unit is to investigate the most

important of styles related to popular music,

focusing on their characteristics. The basic

elements explore: the beat, timbres, form and

performing techniques.

performance for a live audience.



Digital dance - Music Video Clips are modern

variations of musicals from yesteryear. Students

will be involved in a focused study of dance

video clips, learning how to make video

representations of OUR LIVES and the popular

culture in which we live.

Danza (World Dance) - This unit explores world

dance with a focus on Bollywood.

Students will create, film and edit their own

versions of modern day film clips. Through

performance and appreciation they will focus

on how dance is used in the medium of film

and television. They will explore the historical

significance and development of dance in

movies and on television.

Students will examine the history of a selection

of world dance styles, including Chinese

Dances, Latin Dances, and Dance in India.

They will rehearse one of these styles for an

opportunity to perform on Multi-Cultural night.

Students will learn the Elements of Art to

design and make Aboriginal inspired line

drawings and print making.

Students create a series of works developing

their understanding of the elements of

colour, shape and space and the principles

of balance, repetition, emphasis and unit in

the style of Pop Art.

Students to individually learn and perform a

piano piece. They will learn to compose a

melody and harmony and analyse a song of

their choice.

Students learn how to play and perform an

instrument of their choice. They will lean to

compose a melody and harmony and

analyse songs.

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Reveal - Exploration of political and social

comment made through dance.


Performance Storytelling

This unit provides students with the

opportunities to explore the nature of a story

and the conventions of storytelling through

creating and performing in an Australian

cultural context

Shaping identity - This unit examines in depth

identity and image and how family backgrounds,

community and social activities shape identity

and perception, and how perceptions shape

dramatic outcomes.

Play it for Laughs - By studying comedy

students are able to appreciate the skills and

techniques that help create comedy. This will

assist them in performance work. They will

study the following forms of comedy: slapstick

and parody.

Screen Magic - This unit develops skills in

acting for the screen and the use of basic skills

in movie making.


Photography and the science of capturing

an image - Students will develop the knowledge

and skills required to identify shot types and

develop preparation routines used in capturing

appropriate images.

Stop-Motion - is a unit that explore various

animation and stop-motion styles.


The Elements of Music – This unit explores

basic music theory that focuses on musical

devices following the DR SMITH method

(Dynamics, Rhythm, Structure, Melody,

Through the manipulation of the elements of

dance and own choreographic style, students

will use movement to communicate a message

that makes people stop and think.

Students learn the art of performance of

storytelling. Using their acquired knowledge

and skills they will create a performance

storytelling of a Dreamtime story.

Students will learn how to interpret, analyse

and perform from a script that will create an

impact for social change.

Students will learn to develop comic

characters and demonstrate comedic

performance skills to make their audience

laugh. They will perform a comedy from a

comedic script by identifying the style of

comedy and performing accordingly.

Students will perform a movie script portraying

believable characters and using acting skills

relevant for the screen. They will create a

movie trailer advertising the studied movie as

well as analyse another group’s movie trailer,

using set criteria.

Students will manipulate and create images

through the employment of the tools of Adobe


Students will develop the knowledge and skills

required to create a design proposal for a

Pixar style animated short film using Adobe

Premiere Pro.

Students will engage in improving their

practical knowledge ability. This unit explores

many elements of music through listening,

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Instrumentation, Texture and Harmony).

Rock and Pop – This unit explores the history

and evolution of the rock and pop genres over

the last century.

Film Television and Game Music – This unit

will investigate the world of film music.


Gridscape – This one year unit explores the

sense of order and the systems that we rely on

for our urban environments to operate on a daily


interpreting and evaluating.

Students will use their knowledge of this genre

to prepare a short performance of a selected

rock or pop song.

Student are to write and present a song in

response to a provided cinematic sequence.

They will also analyse and evaluate various

works of film music that students will be

familiar with.

Students will focus on the role of the ‘Grid’ in

Modern Art, architecture and design to create

and make works that include: Digital

Photography, a Photo Shop Portfolio, an A2

Dry Media drawing, printmaking, and painting.

Consideration is being given toward a Dance Program through the Selective Entry process.

The implementation will be based on student numbers as to weather a specialised class will be




Some careers in this industry include; Commercial/Advertising

Photographer, Media Photographer, Industrial/Architectural Photographer,

Animator, Sound Recordist, Video Arts, Arts Directors, Technical operator,

Video an Audio production manager, Gaffer, Grip, Floor Manager,

Commercial producer, Performer, Teacher, Script Writer, Song Writer

FURTHER ADVICE Michelle Braun EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY English is a compulsory course for all students at Merrimac SHS from

Years 7-12.


Students engage with a variety of texts for

enjoyment and appreciation. They listen to,

read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a

range of spoken, written and multimodal texts

in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as

well as texts designed to inform, entertain and


Analysing Persuasion in Media Texts

Comprehensive analysis of media texts including

advertisements (both print and digital) that portray

positive and negatives representations of a

contemporary issue and how to interpret the

particular text structures, language features,

purpose and audience

Persuasion through Motivational Speaking

Analyse famous historical, political and cultural

speeches that inspire audiences

Reading and Interpreting Australian Literature

Exploring a range of autobiographies, life writing

and personal memoirs from contemporary

Australian authors

Power of Poetry

Investigating poems and songs to explore how

social, moral and ethical viewpoints are

constructed to shape meaning.


These include various types of media texts

including newspapers, magazines,

advertisements and online digital texts,

Contemporary Australian literature including

autobiographical texts, life writing and

personal memoirs, poetry, motivational

speeches and animated film texts. Students

develop their understanding of how texts,

including literary and non-literary texts, are

influenced by context, purpose and audience

Ethical Issues in the Digital Age

Reading and interpreting the social, moral and

ethical behaviours in the class study of a novel.

Analyse the teenagers’ perspective with a focus

on an analytical persuasive response to an ethical

question from the text.

The Australian Voice

Exploring the diverse and different voices in

Australian literature including the study of

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and how they shape meaning. Indigenous poetry, short stories and multimodal

texts using narrative language and text structures.

The Essence of Shakespeare

A study of English literature based on the

comedies of William Shakespeare including

Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, Taming

of the Shrew and Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Culture in Imaginative Texts

A study of Asian-Pacific film texts and the

construction of gender used to shape meaning

and engage audiences using language and visual



The course aims to develop students’

language and make the students aware of the

flexibility, diversity and dynamics of language.

They will understand, appreciate and enjoy

language by using various texts (written,

visual, aural) which explore the students’ and

others’ worlds. Ultimately the study

encourages participation in life-long learning

as students become active citizens shaping

the future. There is an emphasis on literacy


Navigating Celebrity

The analysis of ‘celebrity’ in the media with a

focus on feature writing in print, broadcast and

electronic media

Australian Representations of people, places

and histories

Responding and creating personal memoirs and

recounts through language features and text


Shakespeare’s Scene

The study of the literacy classic play Romeo and

Juliet analysing ethical and moral dilemmas of


Steampunk Genre

A novel study of ‘World Shaker’ with a focus on

speculative fiction and creative writing

ASSESSMENT Students will complete written and spoken assessment items and reading

comprehension and literacy tests



Year 10 level in Authority, Foundation and Extension English

FURTHER ADVICE Kylie Wilson EMAIL [email protected]

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY To maintain health and well-being it is important for students to gain a good

understanding of physical fitness, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and forming

positive relationships with others. HPE provides opportunities for students

to explore a wide range of topics relating to the above.


Health - Term 1: Personal Identity /

Respectful Relationships

This unit explores the development of a unique

identity that is comfortable with positive body

image, influence of peer group – values,

attitudes, image, and managing expectations

as you get older.

Health - Term 2: Sexuality & Reproductive


This unit explores individuals experience

puberty changes at different times with

differing levels of responses, changing nature

of relationships with family and others as body.

Health - Term 3: Safety – Personal, Cyber,


Consideration given to safety in social

situations e.g. going out, parties, recognising

‘risk’ situations and minimising risks,

awareness of social media risks e.g. use of

Facebook, etc. The use of social media –

things to watch out for and awareness of risks

of sun over exposure which includes the

effects on skin, types of skin cancers and

prevention of skin cancer.

Health - Term 4: Food and Nutrition:

This unit investigates digestion anatomy as

This subject seeks to develop students’ lifelong

skills and knowledge for maintaining and

enhancing personal health and well-being.

Through thoughtful and challenging learning

experiences students will be given the opportunity

consider how their behaviours can impact on

personal health and well-being along with the

wider community in which they live.

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well as nutritional requirements for teenagers

/well-being – energy needs, basic nutritional

guidelines for making healthy choices, barriers

to making healthy food choices, cultural

influences on what we eat and reducing

consumption of ‘bad’ foods e.g. soft drinks,

energy drinks and drinking more water.


Enhancing Personal Fitness &


This unit explores the key body systems

relating to physical activity and how these

body systems respond to regular exercise.

Emphasis is placed on understanding what

you need to know and do to maintain a good

fitness level. Consideration is also given to

factors which influence participation in physical

activity. Students will also engage in Aquatics

and a range of fitness activities and games.

Nutrition, Personal Health & Well-being

This unit combines key aspects relating to

nutrition such as food groupings, food labelling

and dietary guidelines. The focus is on

nutrition and health. Some time is spent

exploring the cultural and media influences on

our diets.

Personal Development & Relationships

In this unit there is an investigation of a range

of issues covering such aspects as puberty,

self-concept, body image and sexuality.

Emphasis is placed on effective

communication, building / maintaining healthy

relationships and managing personal conflicts.

Students will also engage in a range of field


Promoting Individual & Community Health

Students will explore issues relating to peer

pressure and risky behaviours. Consideration

is given to investigating why people may seek

to experiment with harmful substances and

positive alternatives to promote a healthy

lifestyle. Students will also engage in a range

of court games and aquatics.

By developing an understanding of the physical,

social and psychological factors associated with

health, nutrition, fitness and relationships,

students will be better placed to make health

decisions. Health units are outlined below and

linked with these will these will be a range of

physical activities from a wide range of sports and

modified games. Swimming, cross country, track

and field activities as well as fitness activities will

be incorporated into the program where


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A general subject which includes a range of

topics relating to physical fitness, nutrition,

personal development and community health.

Students also participate in a range of physical

activities which include individual and team


Learning activities cover the following topics:

Enhancing Personal Fitness & Performance

Nutrition, Personal Health & Lifestyle

Personal Development & Relationships

Promoting Individual & Community Health

A variety of sports and physical activities are also



Assignment Tasks



Health or Sport related careers

FURTHER ADVICE Warren Joseph EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9



Japanese and Spanish or Tutorial Support

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Learning another language enables you to develop mental flexibility and

problem solving strategies. An ability to speak Chinese will enhance your

career opportunities for a variety of pathways


Chinese is the dominant language in Asia. Skills

in Mandarin Chinese will give students an

advantage in the future. Merrimac has extensive

links to China and students of Chinese have

unparalleled opportunities to use and improve

their Chinese.

China has been identified as the source of our

next wave of tourists. Thus Chinese speakers will

be much sought after for jobs on the Gold Coast

in the near future.

Topics Include:

Daily Routine

Groundhog Day

Chillin’ Out

All About Me

Let’s Get Physical

Masterchef–Food and Drink

Beijing Backpacking–Going Places

My School Day

Makeup Arrangments

Students need to be willing to participate in

classroom activities and interact with others using

their LOTE (Chinese) skills.

Vocabulary building, script development, role

playing, speaking, reading, writing and listening


e.g. Excursions No compulsory excursions. Students are encouraged to be involved with

Chinese Study Tour Programs that visit our school, it gives them an

opportunity to interact with Chinese students.

FUTURE PATHWAYS Business, Law, Finance, Tourism, Education

CONSIDERATIONS Many universities give extra OP advantage to students who have studied a

foreign language

FURTHER ADVICE Joanna Filmer EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9



Chinese and Spanish or Tutorial Support

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Learning another language enables you to develop mental flexibility and

problem solving strategies. An ability to speak Japanese will enhance your

career opportunities for a variety of pathways


Japan remains one of Australias major

economic partners and therefore learning

Japanese gives you a greater advantage in

various employment sectors in the future.

Topics include:

It’s All About Me

My School Day

Let’s Get Physical

Masterchef-Food and Drink

Going Places

Daily Routine

Body, Animals and Colours


Students are also introduced to Japanese

writing. All lessons have a heavy activity

focus with many listening and speaking tasks.

Vocabulary building, script development, role

playing, speaking, reading, writing and listening

ASSESSMENT Tests in skills areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening


COSTS e.g. Excursions

No compulsary excursions, resturant visits may be optional. Students are

encouraged to be involved with the Study Tour Programs with students

from Japan when they visit our school, it gives them an opportunity to

interact with Japanese students.



Business, Law, Finance, Tourism, Education

CONSIDERATIONS Many universities give extra OP advantage to students who have studied

a foreign language

FURTHER ADVICE Joanna Filmer EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9



Chinese and Japanese or Tutorial Support

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Learning another language enables you to develop mental flexibility and

problem solving strategies. Ability to speak Spanish will enhance your

career opportunities for a variety of pathways.


Spanish is the official language of 21 countries

and is the second most widely spoken lanuage

in the world. The constant economic growth in

Latin American countries mean that spanish is

also increasingly important as a language of

business and trade.

Topics include:

Food Glorious Food

My Family

Daily Routines

Clothing and Fashion

Hispanic festivals and celebrations

A learning focus is placed on interactive

activities and communicative skills.

Vocabulary building, spelling and grammar, role

playing, speaking, reading, writing and listening

ASSESSMENT Tests in skills areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening


COSTS e.g. Excursions

No compulsory excursions. Restaurant visit may be optional



Business, Law, Finance, Tourism, Education

CONSIDERATIONS Many universities give extra OP advantage to students who have studied

a foreign language

FURTHER ADVICE Joanna Filmer EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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FACULTY Mathematics

YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY The proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and

Reasoning are an integral part of mathematics content across the three

content strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and

Statistics and Probability.

At this year level: Understanding includes describing the relationship

between graphs and equations, simplifying a range of algebraic

expressions, explaining the use of relative frequencies to estimate

probabilities, and the use of the trigonometric ratios for right-angle triangles;

Fluency includes applying the index laws to expressions with integer

indices, expressing numbers in scientific notation, listing outcomes for

experiments and developing familiarity with calculations involving the

Cartesian plane and calculating areas of shapes and surface areas of

prisms; Problem Solving includes formulating, and modelling practical

situations involving surface areas and volumes of right prisms, applying

ratio and scale factors to similar figures, solving problems involving right-

angle trigonometry, and collecting data from secondary sources to

investigate an issue; Reasoning includes following mathematical

arguments, evaluating media reports and using statistical knowledge to

clarify situations, developing strategies in investigating similarity and

sketching linear graphs.


By the end of Year 9, students solve problems

involving simple interest. They interpret ratio

and scale factors in similar figures. Students

explain similarity of triangles. They recognise

the connections between similarity and the

trigonometric ratios. Students compare

techniques for collecting data in primary and

secondary sources. They make sense of the

position of the mean and median in skewed,

symmetric and bi-modal displays to describe

and interpret data.

Students apply the index laws to numbers and

express numbers in scientific notation. They

expand binomial expressions. They find the

distance between two points on the Cartesian

plane and the gradient and midpoint of a line

segment. They sketch linear and non-linear

relations. Students calculate areas of shapes and

the volume and surface area of right prisms and

cylinders. They use Pythagoras’ Theorem and

trigonometry to find unknown sides of right-angled

triangles. Students calculate relative frequencies

to estimate probabilities, list outcomes for two-

step experiments and assign probabilities for

those outcomes. They construct histograms and

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back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots.

ASSESSMENT: Summative assessment: End-semester exams; Formative assessment include: Mid-semester exam; pre/post-test for every 5 weeks unit of work; class work


Year 10 Specialists, Methods, General, Essential.

FURTHER ADVICE Paul Gray EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 – 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of

scientific concepts and processes, the skills used to develop scientific

knowledge, and the application of science in our lives. This compulsory

Science course will be delivered in accordance with the Australian National



Working Like a Scientist

This unit provides students with the opportunity

to gain key investigative skills that they will

require to successfully complete their Science

course of study

Water – Waste Not, Want Not

Students will learn about the water cycle and

how mixtures can be separated using different

techniques. They will consider how separation

techniques are used in industry and water

treatment and recycling.

Exploring the Biosphere

Students will learn how organisms are classified

based on their physical characteristics. They

will then go on to explore the roles that

organisms play in their environments,

particularly regarding feeding relationships.

Roller Coasters

This unit will allow students to explore the effect

of forces and energy on roller coasters. They

will then apply their understandings during the

process of designing a model roller coaster.

Heavenly Bodies and Sensational Seasons

During this unit students will examine the

relationship between the Earth, moon and sun

and use their understandings to explain natural

The introductory unit of this course will engage

students in practical activities that enhance their

ability to plan investigations, safely conduct an

experiment, and gather and analyse data.

Students will use these skills to conduct water

audits and plan investigations about the

solubility of substances in water. They will

explore how water is used in their community.

Organism interactions in a variety of

environments will be explored, and the impact

that human activity on these interrelationships

will be discussed.

Students will then consider how scientific

understandings about force and motion have

resulted in improvements in the safety of


Students will complete this course by gaining a

deep understanding about weather and the

seasons and will learn how climate and seasons

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phenomena such as eclipses, tides and


impact plant and animal activity, including

human endeavours.


Energy – It’s Everywhere!

In this unit students explore and classify different

forms of energy. They will investigate different

energy transfers and transformations and the

efficiency of these processes. Students will then

apply these understandings when investigating

the transformations and efficiency of machines.

Chemistry of Common Substances

Students explore matter at a particle level and

examine how our current scientific knowledge

has evolved as the result of the work of a

number of scientists over time.

Students will distinguish between chemical and

physical changes. They will investigate simple

chemical reactions using common substances,

and will investigate the use of chemical testing

to evaluate the properties of everyday items.

Building Blocks of Life

During this unit, students identify cells as the

basic units of living things, and recognise their

specialised structures and functions.

Students will learn the structure and function of

the circulatory and respiratory systems and will

investigate how they work together to ensure

organisms survive during periods of physical


Rock My World

Students explore different types of rocks and the

minerals of which they are composed. They will

explore the processes involved in the formation

and weathering of rocks.

Students will learn how useful rocks and

minerals are located, extracted and processed

for use. They will use this knowledge to assist

them to analyse the impact that mining activities

have on the environment.

Students will engage in practical activities that

enhance their understanding of energy forms.

They build and modify a Rube-Goldberg

machine in order to observe the practical uses of

energy and explore ways to improve the

efficiency of simple machines.

Students will gain an understanding of the

nature of particles and how these particles

behave during physical and chemical changes.

They will apply these understandings when

investigating the best material to utilise for a

commercial product.

The structure of cells will be explored as a basis

for understanding how living things carry out key

survival processes. The function circulatory and

respiratory systems will be investigated in order

for students to gain an understanding of how

these systems interact to ensure organism


Students will gain an understanding of the

processes involved in the formation and

weathering of different types of rock. They will

evaluate the environmental impact of human

mining activities.


My Life in the Balance

During this unit students will learn how body

systems interact in order to maintain internal

balance. The cardiovascular and immune

systems will be considered in depth to

Students will explore how the cardiovascular

and immune systems interact to respond to

disease. They will evaluate the advantages and

disadvantages of modern medical techniques to

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understand how humans respond to disease.

The Changing Earth

During this unit students explore the

development of the theory of plate tectonics and

utilise their knowledge to explain tectonic


Making Waves

During this unit students will explore the

Electromagnetic Spectrum to gain an

understanding of wave models. They will

investigate heat transfer and gain an

understanding of the properties of waves within

the context of light and sound.

Chemical Patterns

Students will take an in-depth look into the

structure of atoms and will gain an

understanding that chemical reactions are the

result of interactions between atoms. They will

investigate exothermic and endothermic

reactions, and patterns in the reactions of acids

and alkalis.

Ecosystems in Balance

In this unit the key features of ecosystems will

be examined. Students will explore the

interactions between biotic and abiotic factors

within an ecosystem and will consider how

pollution due to human activity will impact on

these interactions.

assist the immune system to prevent and cure


The development of current understandings

about plate tectonics will be explored. Students

will utilise their knowledge about plate

boundaries and continental drift in order to

explain tectonic events such as volcanic

eruptions and earthquakes.

Students will engage in a variety of practical

activities relating to heat, light, and sound in

order to explore the properties of waves. They

will apply their understandings whilst

investigating how heat is transferred.

Acids, alkalis, and exothermic and endothermic

reactions will be explored through practical work

in order to assist students to gain an

understanding about chemical interactions. The

knowledge that they gain from their experimental

work will enable them to investigate how

reactions can be utilised in real-life contexts.

Students will learn how to identify the key

features of an ecosystem and will explore how

living organisms interact with their environment.

They will conduct an investigation to simulate

how pollution due to human activity will affect

the interactions between biotic and abiotic

features of creek habitats.

ASSESSMENT Assignments, examinations, investigations


e.g. Excursions, On

Line Training, etc.

Science competitions (Optional) - $5-10 approx.

Field Study ( Year 8 Science ) - $25 approx

FUTURE PATHWAYS This Science course lays the foundation for future study in Senior and

Tertiary Science. It will also equip students to understand the Science

processes involved in everyday life.

CONSIDERATIONS This subject is a pre-requisite for study in all areas of Senior Science.

FURTHER ADVICE Anj Dillon EMAIL [email protected]

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YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)




Students follow the iMaths program up to year 10 and seniors work on skills needed for work and living skills. The iMaths program consists of a workbook, tracker book, investigation activities and online activities. Maths On Line is also used for reinforcing skills learnt.


All students work at their ability level. If students are able to work at a higher level, their year level curriculum is followed and modified to accommodate ability levels. When needed students will work at a primary year level. Outcomes are clearly outlined to parents in student Individual Curriculum Plans. Literacy Planet is used as an online resource. Senior students work on life and work skills literacy programs.


SEP students will follow the year 4 or 5 science outcomes but where possible the science modules taught are aligned with year 7 curriculum materials with students working towards different outcomes and participating in a more practical, hands-on program.

Recreation and Sport

This program is designed specifically for students unable to participate in the regular HPE program or students requiring a more personalised program, with physio input. Students generally participate in hydro therapy or swimming in the warmer terms and work at an individualised gym program during the cooler terms. A component of health education is also incorporated into the program.

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Personal Development, Citizenship & Technology (PCT)

Students learn both personal skills and about the community they live in. Students are involved in cooking, meal planning, kitchen hygiene, shopping and budgeting as well as learning about local, national and world events and news. We aim to commence the process for preparing students for independent living so incorporate social as well as living skills.

Management Skills

Students in year 9 and 10 are offered the subject of Management Skills. This is aimed at students with a disability who are doing mainly mainstream subjects. In this subject they are assisted with organisational skills, planning and delivery of assignments and homework. Many ASD students rely on this additional support to maintain good grades in their subjects.


Students who have difficulty with the technology subjects such as woodwork and metal work learn many of the basic skills needed to do small jobs around the house. Some classes work on resto9ring old furniture pieces while others construct small projects using simple tools.

Social Skills

Students work together in small groups to improve self-esteem and learn to make friends. These classes explore topics such as stress management, anxiety, anger management and other issues affecting teenagers. This is done through discussion groups, projects and activities such as bowling and community outings.

Media /Music

Students do one semester of each. For Media

students learn the technique of stop motion

animation. They create their own characters and

backdrops and learn stop motion technique to

create a short film. In term 2 they then go on to

create their own short film.

In semester 2 Students will begin their study of

music which covers the following topics:

Music theory

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Music in film

Instruments of the orchestra

“Rhythm for Recovery (A social

development program)

Learning keyboard.

FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Viney EMAIL [email protected]

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FACULTY Social Science

YEAR LEVEL Year 7 - 9

DURATION Three Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY This compulsory Social Science course will be delivered according to the

Australia National Curriculum with the aim of preparing students for their

Senior studies.

Students will be involved in a process of inquiry in History and Geogrpahy

units which will require them to gather, interpret and analyse information

from a variety of sources. Students will develop skills in interpretation,

decision making, research and communication as well as practice all the

skills that make up the Common Curriculum Elements that are tested in the

Queensland Core Skills Test in Year 12. Students will make better

decisions, both in the present and future, as members of our society as

they learn to extend both their written and oral communication skills.


Investigating the Ancient Past

In this study, students will investigate the

following question:

How do we know about the ancient


This unit seeks to identify the tools, techniques

and methods used by historians and

archaeologists to investigate history, and the

range and nature of sources that can be

utilised in an historical investigation. It

investigates a historical mystery from Ancient

Australia that has challenged historians and

archaeologists, and examines the importance

of and controversies surrounding the

conserving of past remains.

The Mediterranean World – Ancient Rome

In this study, students will investigate the

following questions:

Why and where did ancient Rome


What emerged as the defining

characteristics of ancient Rome?

History students develop knowledge and

understanding of the past in order to appreciate

themselves and others, to understand the present

and to contribute to debate about planning for the

future. Through comparative historical analysis

and critical appraisal of evidence, history

contributes to an active and informed democratic


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What is the evidence for the

emergence and establishment of

ancient societies (including art,

iconography, writing tools and pottery)?

What are the key features of ancient

societies (farming, trade, social

classes, religion, and rule of law)?

Water in the World

Students will examine the many uses of water through a process of geographical inquiry:

Water as a resource Locations and connections through the

environment World Geography Australia’s water resources Water scarcity Ways to overcome scarcity Case studies (sustainability) Value to Indigenous peoples

Place and liveability This topic focuses on the concept of place through an investigation of liveability:

Factors that influence where people live

Access to services and facilities

Characteristics of an area

Environmental quality of places

Liveability of their community


Geography is a structured way of exploring,

analysing and explaining the characteristics of the

places that make up our world, through

perspectives based on the concepts of place,

space and environment. A study of geography

develops students’ curiosity and wonder about the

diversity of the world’s places and their peoples,

cultures and environments.


The Ancient to the Modern World

In this study, students will examine the end of

the ancient period to the beginning of the

modern period, 650 AD to 1750 AD. Topics

covered include:

i) Medieval Europe

Way of life

Roles and relationships of different

groups of people

Crime and punishment

Role of the Catholic Church

Significant events – Crusades

Significant Individuals – Richard the

Lionheart and Saladin

ii) Spanish Conquest

Pre-Columbian life

Social organisation, city life and


Students examine why places have their

particular environmental and human

characteristics, explore the similarities and

differences between them, investigate their

significance and meanings to people, explain how

they change over time, and evaluate their futures.

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Reasons for European exploration

and expansion

Contact and conflict between

Spanish conquistadores and the


Effects – short and long term

In this study, students will examine the

following topics through a process of

geographical inquiry:

i) Landforms and Landscapes

Different types of Landforms and



World Geography

Topography – Antarctic mountains

Cross sections

How do different land uses affect

the landscape?

What are the impacts?

What can be done to lessen the

impacts (sustainability)?

ii) Reshaping the Nation

Urban lifestyles

Characteristics of an area

Cultural diversity

Liveability of their community


Geography emphasises the role of the

environment in supporting human life, the

important inter-relationships between people and

environments, and the different understandings of

these relationships. Gathering evidence from a

range of sources such as art, architecture,

archaeological digs, artefacts, fiction, non-fiction,

poetry, music, drama, movies, television, coins,

stamps, posters, media, and computers.


In this study, students will examine the world

from 1750 to 1918, including the rapid

changes in the way people lived, worked and

thought. Topics covered include:

i) The Industrial Revolution and the

Making of a Nation (Australia and


Changes caused by the Industrial


Impacts of these changes

Settlement and frontier conflict

between European settlers and

Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander peoples

Experiences of non-Europeans

Life at turn of twentieth century

Early legislation – Federal


Gathering evidence from a wide range of sources

such as art, architecture, archaeological digs,

artefacts, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, music,

drama, movies, television, coins, stamps,

posters, media, computers

Responding to inquiry questions

Drafting hypotheses

Creating timelines

Participating in debates and class discussions

Oral and written communication

Computer and internet usage

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Different interpretations of history

ii) World War I

Causes of the war

Reasons for Australia’s participation

Where Australian forces fought

Significance of selected battles


Impact of war on home front -


The Anzac Legend

Students will examine the following topics

through a process of geographical inquiry:

i) Biomes and food security

What are the biomes of the world?

Where are they located?

Features of these distinctive


Australia’s environment

Murray- Darling Basin

What are the challenges to


ii) Geographic Connections

Interconnection of people and


How people are connected

Transportation, ICTs, trade

Impacts of these connections – on

places and environments – effects

of people’s travel

What is being, or could be done to

address these problems?

ASSESSMENT Objective/Short Answer Response

Response to Stimulus Exam

Research Tasks



Future pathways include study and employment in Art, Architecture,

Archaeology, Law, Politics, Government, Education, Travel and Hospitality,

Media Studies, Social Sciences, Foreign Affairs, Defence, Teaching,

Journalism, Environmental Studies, Engineering

FURTHER ADVICE Kay Simpson EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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FACULTY Business/ DesignTechnology

YEAR LEVEL Year 7- 8

DURATION Two Years (if commencing in Year 7)

WHY STUDY Year 7 and 8 students are given an introduction to Technology through a

range of manufacturing/production and digital processes. Students will use

investigation, devising, production and evaluation to gain an understanding

of a range of materials, equipment and systems.


Digital Technology (Semester 1)

Students will be introduced to the Merrimac

State High School network. They will learn how

to access various online resources and connect

to printers. Effective file management and the

presentation of information will be a desired

outcome, whilst communicating with IT with staff


Food Technology (Semester 2)

Students will have the opportunity to develop an

understanding of food production in a domestic

kitchen. They will obtain and expand skills and

knowledge to produce healthy snacks for

themselves and others. Teamwork,

communication and practical skill development

will be the essence of student success.

Thermoforming plastics (storage box)

(Semester 2)

Students focus on technology in the material

specialisation of plastics. Students will gain

knowledge of thermoforming plastics and their

properties/characteristics as well as developing

skills in common manufacturing techniques. As

well as learning to use a range of hand tools,

students are introduced to some static

machines with a high emphasis on safety.

Materials and Systems Technology

Students will benefit from learning how to safely

Students demonstrate evidence of their learning

over time in relation to the following assessable


Knowledge and understanding

Investigating and designing




Assessment tasks will be varied to ensure

engagement of student body. Possible types of

assessment include:

Practical work

Written design activities

Theory workbooks

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work with traditional, contemporary and

emerging technologies. They will apply

knowledge, practical skills and processes to

create solutions for various design tasks.


Food Technology

Technology has changed the way that food is

produced, sold and prepared. Students will use

a range of new food products to examine the

impact these changes have on individuals and

communities. They will also explore how

product design is influenced by changing needs.

Industrial Technology and Design

Students learn about timber preparation and

joining methods, surface finishing, sheet metal

fabrication, working with acrylic and principles of

design/graphics. As well as learning to use hand

tools, students are introduced to some static

machines with a high emphasis on safety. Topic


Timber manufacture

Sheet metal manufacture

Graphic communication

Plastics manufacture

Textiles Technology

Technology has impacted how all textiles have

been produced and distributed world-wide.

Textiles Technology gives students the

opportunity and skills to develop their

knowledge of textiles and production by

designing and producing an embellished pencil


Students demonstrate evidence of their learning

over time in relation to the following assessable


Knowledge and understanding

Investigating and designing




Assessment tasks will be varied to ensure

engagement of student body. Possible types of

assessment include:

Practical work

Written design activities

Theory workbooks

ASSESSMENT Written exam

Written assignment

Practical activities

Design portfolio



Year 9 Food Technology, Textile Technology, Industrial Technology and


FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Cowderoy EMAIL [email protected]

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FACULTY Business/ Design Technology


DURATION 12 Months


This technology subject is delivered within a

business context. Students are introduced to

the basic concepts of business, whilst

designing and producing business products,

marketing strategies and documents.

Culminating activities include running a

business venture.

Product Design and Marketing

Money Management

Business Venture

Accounting Fundamentals

FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Cowderoy EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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FACULTY Business/ Design Technology


DURATION 12 Months

WHY STUDY Students have the opportunity to learn skills associated with the use and

care of fabrics. This will prepare students for life and leisure and provide

foundations for those wishing to pursue a career in fashion. Students will

be involved in both theoretical and practical units of work. The design

processes of investigating, designing producing, evaluating and reflecting

will be central to the way students learn.


The Textile Industry

Tools of the trade

Design fundamentals and techniques

Production of textile items


Applied design techniques

Commercial Pattern interpretation

Computer aided Fashion Design

Both practical and theory

ASSESSMENT Design Portfolio

Practical Activities eg construction of textile items

Written assignment (approx 600) 1 per semester



Year 11 and 12 Fashion Studies

Certificate courses in Fashion are offered at TAFE, University and local

Fashion Academies

Related job opportunities range from retail work to fashion designing eg

retail buyer, window dresser, machinist, cutters, production assistant,

garment repair and alterations, dressmaker, pattern matter, wardrobe

supervisor, stylist, footwear designer, fashion journalist, jewellery and

accessory design, movie/theatre costume design

FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Cowderoy EMAIL [email protected]

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FACULTY Business/ DesignTechnology


DURATION 12 Months

WHY STUDY The basic food preparation skills learnt will help prepare students for

everyday life and leisure, while providing them with a strong foundation for

students wishing to pursue a career in any aspect of the food industry, from

production to teaching or hospitality. Students will receive both theoretical

and practical experience in all units of work. They will use a range of

technology and processes to investigate, design and produce food and/or

menus while evaluating and reflecting on the processes used to produce

food in society.


Health, safety and hygiene to prepare students

for the kitchen. Menu planning. Healthy eating

and the part vitamins and minerals play in a

healthy diet. The students use the study areas

of snacks, breakfasts, lunch and dinners as

the practical backdrop to develop these skills

and put their knowledge into practice.

Students have practical lessons during all units of

work to develop cooking skills. These areas of

cooking include snacks, breakfasts, lunches and

dinners. While they are involved in these practical

lessons, students are exposed to and experience

a range of technology to develop different

cooking and preparation methods. Students are

also asked to put their knowledge into practice by

investigating and designing a magazine article,

and designing menus for a range of situations

while using different technologies.

ASSESSMENT Both practical and theory

FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Cowderoy EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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FACULTY Technology


DURATION 12 Months

WHY STUDY In Year 9 the Industrial Technology Course is extended to a full year.

Students will gain a deeper understanding of the design process and

manufacturing techniques through structured units of work.


Students further develop their knowledge of

manufacturing techniques while working with

timber, sheet metal and other materials. As

well as learning to use hand tools, students

gain experience in the use of power tools and

some static machines with a high emphasis on

safety. Students will develop design solutions

and communicate their ideas using

fundamental graphics techniques, including

the use of Computer Aided Drafting (CAD).

Topic include:

Timber manufacture

Sheet metal manufacture

Graphic communication

Dragster design and manufacture

Students demonstrate evidence of their learning

over time in relation to the following assessable


Knowledge and understanding

Investigating and designing




Assessment tasks will be varied to ensure

engagement of student body. Possible types of

assessment include:

Practical work

Written design activities

Theory workbooks

ASSESSMENT Unit theory booklets including feedback self assessment.

Practical projects



Certificate I in Construction, Senior Industrial Technology Skills

Engineering Skills

Certificate II in Electro Technology

FURTHER ADVICE Lisa Cowderoy EMAIL [email protected]

Merrimac State High School

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STATIONERY LIST The following general stationery items are compulsory for the CORE subjects of English, Maths,

Science, SOSE and HPE.

1 x Glue Stick 35g

1 x Ruler Plastic 30cm

1 x pkt Coloured Pencils assorted

1 x Artline 200 Fine liner Pen 0.4m Black

1 x Artline 200 Fine liner Pen 0.4m Red

5 x Pencil Lead HB

3 x Highlighters Assorted Colours

1 x Ballpoint Pen Medium Red

3 x Ballpoint Pen Medium Blue

2 x Ballpoint Pen Medium Black

1 x Eraser Pencil Large

1 x Pencil Sharpener Cylinder Single Hole

1 x Large Pencil Case 325 x 165mm

1 x Scissors 165mm

1 x Stapler No.10 Compact w/ 500 Staples

2 x Swivel Top USB Drive 8GB

1 x Collins Gem Dictionary/Thesaurus 5th Edition

15 x Exercise Binder Book A4 8mm 96pg

3 x Display Book A4

1 x Scientific Calculator – TI- 30XB

1 x Protractor


2 x Manilla Folders Foolscap Buff


2 x Manilla Folders Foolscap Red


1 x Manilla Folders Foolscap Yellow


STEAM Academy

1 x Ardunio Kit (Year 8 & 9 only)


1 x Exercise Binder Book A4 8mm 96pg


5 x Exercise Book A4 96pg ruled with margin

1 x Scrapbook for PCT Class


1 x Exercise Binder Book A4 8mm 96pg

1 x Display Book A4

1 x STAEDTLER Minerva Graphite Pencil 2H

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1 x Olympic Sketch Block A3 #60 110gsm Cartridge 25 leaf



1 x Columbia Copperplate Hexagon Pencils 2B

1 x Columbia Copperplate Hexagon Pencils 4B

1 x Watercolours 24 Coloured Pencils


1 x A4 Exercise Book 64pg


1 x A4 Exercise book 64pg

1 x Black Full length tights

MEDIA Year 9

1 x USB Drive 16GB (USB3) or larger

1 x A4 Exercise book 64pg

DRAMA Year 9

1 x A4 Exercise book 64pg


1 x Columbia Hexagon Pencil 2B

1 x Columbia Hexagon Pencil 4B

1 x Watercolours 24 coloured pencils

1 x Visual Art Diary A4 110gsm 120 pages

Replacement of these items is required as they are used/filled (e.g. pens, pencils, exercise books etc.). The

school requests students do not use any ‘5 subject’ style books as teachers may need your individual books for


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