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K -orbits on the flag variety and the Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system Mark Colarusso, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee May, 20 2014

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  • K-orbits on the flag variety and

    the Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable


    Mark Colarusso, University of Wisconsin


    May, 20 2014

  • Contents

    The talk is divided into three sections:

    I: Motivation

    II: Lie-Poisson Structure and the Gelfand-

    Zeitlin system

    III: K-orbits on the flag variety and the

    Gelfand-Zeitlin system

    IV: Applications to Geometric Representa-

    tion Theory


  • I: Motivation

    Ritz Values

    Let g = gl(n,C) = n× n complex matrices.

    Given x ∈ g, xi = upper i × i left hand cornerof x.

    Call xi the i× i cutoff of x.

    Let σ(xi) = {λi1, . . . , λii} be the eigenvalues ofxi.

    Define: R := {σ(x1), . . . , σ(xn)}.

    R = Ritz values of x.


  • Ritz Values are important in numerical linear


    (See Parlett and Strang: “Matrices with Pre-

    scribed Ritz Values”, Linear alg and its app.



    If x ∈ g is Hermitian, then σ(xm) for m < napproximates σ(x).


  • Let R be a specified set of Ritz values.


    1. Does there exist a Hermitian matrix x with

    Ritz Values R?

    2. Does there exist a general n × n complexmatrix x with Ritz Values R?


  • Answers: (1) Answer due to Cauchy:

    (Real) eigenvalues for xj must interlace with

    those for xj+1.

    If σ(xj) = {µ1, . . . , µj} and

    σ(xj+1) = {λ1, . . . , λj+1}, then

    λ1 ≤ µ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . . ≤ µj ≤ λj+1.

    Can construct Herimitian x with interlacng Ritz

    values R.


  • (2) Answered by Kostant and Wallach using

    Gelfand-Zeitlin theory.

    For any complex Ritz values R construct an xwhose Ritz values are given by R.

    Let gR := {x ∈ g : such that x has Ritz values R}.

    Questions of Parlett and Strang concerning

    the family gR can be answered using GZ theoryand the GZ system.


  • The family gR and the Kostant-Wallach map

    How to describe family gR geometrically?

    x, y ∈ gR if and only if σ(xi) = σ(yi) for all i,1 ≤ i ≤ n.

    Let pi,j(x) be coefficient of tj−1 in the charac-

    teristic polynomial of xi.

    Define the Kostant-Wallach map

    Φ : gl(n,C)→ Cn(n+1)

    2 .

    Φ(x) = (p1,1(x), . . . , pi,j(x), . . . , pn,n(x)).


    gR = Φ−1(c).

    for some fixed c ∈ Cn(n+1)

    2 depending on R.7

  • Hessenberg Matrices:

    Hessenberg Matrices Hess: x ∈ g is said to bean (upper) Hessenberg matrix if :

    x =

    a11 a12 · · · a1n−1 a1n1 a22 · · · a2n−1 a2n0 1 · · · a3n−1 a3n... ... . . . ... ...0 0 · · · 1 ann

    Φ : Hess→ Cn(n+1)

    2 is an isomorphism.

    This answers a question of Parlett and Strang.

    Hessenberg matrices provide a canonical form

    for the family gR.


  • It turns out that the functions

    {pi,j : 1 ≤ i ≤ n,1 ≤ j ≤ i}

    can be used to define an integrable system.

    Can study family gR using Lie-Poisson theory.


  • II: The Lie-Poisson structure and the GZ

    integrable system:

    Integrable systems were developed in 19th cen-

    tury as a method for studying classical me-

    chanical systems.

    In modern times, integrable systems play a

    large role in geometric representation theory.

    i.e. Can use integrable systems to construct

    geometrically representations of Lie groups/algebras.

    This is the main focus of our work.


  • Integrable Systems:

    Let (M,ω) be a symplectic manifold with dimM =


    The functions on M form a Poisson algebra

    with bracket {·, ·}.

    An integrable system on M is a collection of

    n independent functions F1, . . . , Fn such that

    {Fi, Fj} = 0 for all i, j.


  • Moment map and Lagrangian submanifolds:

    F1, . . . , Fn an integrable system on symplectic

    (M,ω), dimM = 2n.

    Moment Map: F : M → Cn,

    F(m) = (F1(m), . . . , Fn(m)).

    Definition: A submanifold N ⊂M is Lagrangianif TpN = TpN⊥ for all p ∈ N .

    Fact: A regular level set of F is a Lagrangiansubmanifold of M

    Lagrangian submanifolds play crucial role in

    geometric construction of representations via



  • Lie-Poisson Structure:

    Consider g = gl(n,C) ∼= gl(n,C)∗ via the traceform < x, y >= tr(xy).

    Then g is a Poisson manifold equipped with

    the Lie-Poisson structure.

    i.e. Holomorphic functions on g are equipped

    with a Poisson bracket {·, ·}.

    Poisson bracket of linear functions:

    fx(z) = tr(xz), fy(z) = tr(yz), x, y ∈ g.

    {fx, fy}(z) = tr(z[x, y]) for z ∈ g.


  • Adjoint Orbits

    Poisson manifolds are foliated by symplectic

    submanifolds called symplectic leaves.

    Fact: Adjoint orbits Ad(G) · x are symplecticleaves of the Lie-Poisson structure on g .

    Where Ad(G) ·x has canonical Kostant-Kirillovsymplectic structure.

    We call an adjoint orbit Ad(G) · x regular if

    dim Ad(G) · x = n2 − n is maximal.


  • Define GZ functions:

    JGZ = {pi,j : 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ i}.

    Facts: [Kostant-Wallach]

    1. The functions pi,j are algebraically indepen-


    2. Gelfand-Zeitlin theory⇒ {pi,j, pk,l} = 0 withrespect to Lie-Poisson structure.

    3. Ad(G) · x regular adjoint orbit

    |JGZ|Ad(G)·x| =n(n−1)

    2 =12 dim(Ad(G) · x)

    Conclusion: JGZ forms integrable system on

    regular adjoint orbits.


  • The moment map for the GZ system is the

    Kostant-Wallach map:

    Φ : gl(n,C)→ Cn(n+1)

    2 .

    Φ(x) = (p1,1(x), . . . , pi,j(x), . . . , pn,n(x)).

    Regular level sets of Φ are Lagrangian subva-

    rieties of regular Ad(G) · x.

    Philosophy of quantization: Lagrangian sub-

    manifolds of Ad(G) · x↔ Irreps of g.


  • Compact Gelfand-Zeitlin system

    U(n,C) = n× n unitary matrices.

    Guillemin and Sternberg in 1980’s constructed

    analogous GZ system on

    u(n,C)∗ = n× n Hermitian matrices.


  • They showed:

    Geometric quantization of integral coadjoint

    orbit Ad∗(U(n,C)) · λ using GZ Lagrangian fo-liation

    ⇒ classical GZ basis of highest weight U(n,C)-module V λ.

    (Their proof uses eigenvalue interlacing rule for

    Hermitian matrices.)


  • Lagrangian Fibres of KW map

    Definition: Call x ∈ g strongly regular if thedifferentials

    dpi,j(x) are linearly independent for all i, j.

    gsreg=set of strongly regular elements.

    Fact: For any c ∈ Cn(n+1)

    2 ,

    Φ−1(c)sreg := gsreg ∩Φ−1(c) 6= ∅.


  • NOTE Φ−1(c)sreg ⊂ Ad(G) · x is Lagrangian.

    Today: Use orbits of a symmetric sub-

    group of GL(n,C) on flag variety to studygsreg and Φ−1(c)sreg.


  • Quantum Version of GZ system for gl(n,C)

    Category of (g,Γ)-modules (also called GZ mod-


    Γ = GZ subalgebra of enveloping algebra of g.

    Γ ∼= Z(gl(1,C))⊗C · · · ⊗C Z(gl(n,C)),

    where Z(gl(i,C)) is centre of U(gl(i,C)) ⊂ U(gl(n,C)).

    A (g,Γ)-module V is an infinite dimensional rep

    of g on which Γ acts locally finitely.


  • (g,Γ)-modules have been studied by Drozd,

    Futorny, and Ovsienko.

    Goal: Develop program to produce (g,Γ) mod-

    ules using the geometry of the GZ integrable


    (g,Γ)-modules closely related to generalized Harish-

    Chandra modules studied by Zuckerman, Penkov,



  • Harish-Chandra Modules

    Example: g = gl(n,C),

    K = GL(n − 1,C) × GL(1,C) block diagonalmatrices.

    Classical HC-module = (g,K)-module.

    (i.e. Infinite dimensional g reps which are sum

    of finite dimensional K-reps.)

    (g,K)-modules are used to study rep theory of

    real Lie groups (in the this case U(n− 1,1).)


  • Geometric Construction of HC modules:

    Uses flag variety B of g.

    B = variety of Borel subalgebras of g.

    B ∼= GL(n,C)/B where B ⊂ G is any Borelsubgroup.

    Beilinson-Bernstein give geometric construc-

    tion of (g,K)-modules using algebraic geome-

    try and theory of differential operators on flag

    variety B of g.

    Key Point: K-acts on B by conjugation withfinitely many orbits.


  • Problem: For (g,Γ)-modules, Γ does not in-

    tegrate to a group which acts on flag variety

    with finitely many orbits.

    So a Beilinson-Bernstein type construction is

    not clear.

    Solution: Describe components of Φ−1(c)sregusing theory of K-orbits on B.


    [CE1] Colarusso, Mark and Evens, Sam: “K-

    orbits on the flag variety and strongly regular

    nilpotent matrices” in Selecta Mathematica,


    [CE2] Colarusso, Mark and Evens, Sam: “K-

    orbits on the flag variety and eigenvalue coin-

    cidences”, arxiv 1303.6661, 17 pages.


  • Strategy:

    Study “Partial KW” maps for each i = 1, . . . , n.

    Φi : gl(i,C)→ Ci−1 × C1,

    Φi(xi) = (pi−1,1(xi), . . . , pi,i(xi))

    Note: Fibres of Φi are stable under conjuga-

    tion by Ki = GL(i−1,C)×GL(1,C) ⊂ GL(i,C).

    (1) Construct components of the fibres of Φiusing Ki-orbits on the flag variety of gl(i,C).

    (2) “Glue” together components of partial KW

    maps Φi, i = 2, . . . , n to construct Lagrangian

    components of fibres of Φ.


  • We now discuss (1):

    Let i = n, g = gl(n,C),

    K = GL(n− 1,C)×GL(1,C).

    Partial KW map:

    Φn(x) = (pn−1,1(x), . . . , pn,n(x)).

    Note x, y in same fibre of Φn ⇔ σ(xi) = σ(yi)for i = n− 1, n.


  • Eigenvalue coincidence varieties

    So we study geometry of eigenvalue coinci-

    dence varieties:

    g(l) := {x ∈ gl(n,C) : |σ(xn−1) ∩ σ(x)| = l},

    for l = 0, . . . , n− 1.

    (The intersection in spectra is computed count-

    ing repetition.)

    Any fibre Φ−1n (c) ⊂ g(l) where l depends uponc.


  • Notation:

    Let Q = K · bQ be K-orbit of bQ on B.

    Let YQ := KbQK−1 = set of all matrices in

    gl(n,C) which are K-conjugate to elements ofbQ.


  • Theorem 1. [CE2]

    The irreducible component decomposition of

    g(l) is:

    g(l) =⋃

    codim(Q)=lYQ ∩ g(l).

    To prove theorem use Grothendieck’s simulta-

    neous resolution and algebro-geometric prop-

    erties of partial KW map Φn.


  • Interesting Corollary:


    g(n− 1) = {x ∈ g : |σ(x) ∩ σ(xn−1)| = n− 1}

    (i.e. maximal number of coincidences.)

    Corollary 1. The irreducible component de-

    composition of g(n− 1) is:

    g(n− 1) =⋃

    Q closedYQ

    Corollary relates most complicated eigenvalue

    coincidences to simplest K-orbits on B.


  • Algebro-Geometric Properties of Φn.

    x ∈ gl(n,C),

    Φn(x) = (pn−1,1(x), . . . , pn,n(x)).

    Theorem 2. [CE2] The morphism Φn is flat

    and is a GIT quotient for the action of K =

    GL(n−1,C)×GL(1,C) on gl(n,C) by conjuga-tion.


  • Nilfibre of Φn:

    We prove Theorem 2 using symplectic geom-


    Φn is flat ⇔ fibres of Φn are equidimensional.

    By homogeneity of Φn enough to show nilfibre

    Φ−1n (0) is equidimensional.

    Φ−1n (0) = {x ∈ g : x, xn−1 are nilpotent }.

    To study: Φ−1n (0), we introduce a variant ofthe Steinberg variety.


  • B := flag variety of gl(n,C),

    Bn−1 := flag variety of gl(n− 1,C),

    Generalized Steinberg Variety:

    Z = {(x, b, b′) : b ∈ B , b′ ∈ Bn−1 and

    x ∈ [b, b], xn−1 ∈ [b′, b′]}

    We have a diagram:

    Z↙ µ ↘ π

    Φ−1n (0) B × Bn−1

    where µ and π are projections to the appropri-

    ate factors.


  • Fact: K = GL(n − 1,C) × GL(1,C) acts onB ×Bn−1 diagonally with finitely many oribts.

    We prove:

    Z is a union of conormal bundles to K-diagonal

    orbits ⇒:

    Z ⊂ T ∗(B)×T ∗(Bn−1) is Lagrangian and there-fore Z equidimensional.

    Since µ(Z) = Φ−1n (0), it follows from elemen-tary considerations that:

    Φ−1n (0) is equidimensional.


  • Applications to representation theory:

    Consider generalized Harish-Chandra modules

    for the pair (g,Γn).

    Γn = partial GZ algebra, i.e.

    Γn ∼= Z(gl(n− 1,C))⊗C Z(gl(n,C))

    Z(gl(i,C)) = centre of U(gl(i,C)), i = n− 1, n.


  • Given (g,Γn)-module M its associated variety:

    Ass(M) ⊂ Φ−1n (0).

    Using Theorems 1 and 2, can show

    Irreducible components of Φ−1n (0)↔ closed K-orbits on B × Bn−1.


  • Idea: Study (g,Γn)-modules by studying K-

    equivariant D-modules on B × Bn−1 and thegeometry of Φ−1n (0).

    Key Point: K acts diagonally on B×Bn−1 withfinitely many orbits.

    Therefore a Beilinson-Bernstein construction

    type of (g,Γn)-modules will be possible.


  • Iteration:

    Question: What about the (g,Γ)-modules

    studied by Futorny et al?

    Recall “Full” Kostant-Wallach map:

    Φ(x) = (p1,1(x), . . . , pi,j(x), . . . , pn,n(xn)).

    Describe geometry of strongly regular (i.e. La-

    grangian) fibres Φ−1(c)sreg using geometry ofg(l):

    So far only for Φ−1(0)sreg [CE1].


  • Nilfibre:

    Φ−1(0) = {x ∈ gl(n,C) : xi is nilpotent for all i}.

    i = 1, . . . , n.

    Note: If M is a (g,Γ)-module, then Ass(M) ⊂Φ−1(0).


  • Components of Nilfibre:


    Φ−1(0) ⊂ g(n− 1) =⋃

    Q closedYQ.

    It turns out:

    Irreducible components of strongly regular fi-

    bre Φ−1(0)sreg given by 2n−1 Borel subalgebrasof gl(n,C) constructed using certain closed K-orbits.


  • For i = 1, . . . , n, Ki = GL(i− 1,C)×GL(1,C).

    Let Q±,i be Ki-orbit of i× i upper (resp lower)triangular matrices in the flag variety of gl(i,C).

    Note: Q±,i are Ki-orbits related via Beilinson-Bernstein to holomorhic/anitholomorphic dis-

    crete series for the real Lie group U(i− 1,1).

    Let bQ1,...,Qn := {b ∈ B : bi ∈ Q±,i}.


  • Theorem 3. (1) bQ1,...,Qn is a single Borel sub-

    algebra of gl(n,C).

    (2) Let nregQ1,...,Qnbe the regular nilpotent ele-

    ments in bQ1,...,Qn. Then:

    Φ−1(0)sreg =∐


    is the irreducible com-

    ponent decomposition of Φ−1(0)sreg.

    Remark: This result precedes the results of

    [CE2]. Uses completely different techniques.


  • Case g = gl(3)

    There are 4 such Borel subalgebras.

    b−,− =

    h1 0 0a1 h2 0a2 a3 h3

    b+,+ = h1 a1 a20 h2 a3

    0 0 h3

    b+,− =

    h1 a1 00 h2 0a2 a3 h3

    b−,+ = h1 0 a1a2 h2 a3

    0 0 h3


  • In Future:

    (1) Geometrically construct (g,Γn)-modules us-

    ing geometry developed in [CE2] and theory of

    differential operators on flag varieties.

    (2) Use iteration method of nilpotent case [CE1]

    and methods of [CE2] to describe all fibres

    Φ−1(c)sreg geometrically using K-orbits on B.


  • (3) Use (1) and (2) to describe (g,Γ)-modules


    Theorem 3 suggests that certain (g,Γ)-modules

    are related to holomorphic/antiholomorphic dis-

    crete series for the real Lie groups U(i− 1,1),i = 1, . . . , n.


  • Other Projects and Directions:

    1. Nonlinear GZ systems for Poisson Lie groups

    with applications of the structure and rep

    theory of quantum groups and Yangians.

    (with S. Evens).

    2. Development of Lie-Poisson theory for in-

    finite dimensional Lie algebras and applica-

    tions to rep theory (with M.Lau).


  • Conclusion:

    Ritz Values R −→ Kostant-Wallach Map Φ −→

    Gelfand-Zeitlin integrable system −→

    Further study of Φ−1(c) = gR −→

    K-orbits on B −→ GZ-modules and generalizedHarish-Chandra modules −→

    K-oribts and Eigenvalue coincidences (i.e. gR)

    So we have come full circle.
