karenhudes - cloud object storage | store & retrieve data …€¦ ·  · 2017-05-30she is...

1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded and is about country debt and martial law. Thanks to DCTV, to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director, Maurice Jackson, Audio and Teleprompter, and________, Floor Director. In 2014, one of the viewers on the Wake up America show tweeted, "Karen is live right now! She is perhaps the most important whistleblower humanity has ever known. Pls listen in!" It has been a privilege to work together with all the whistleblowers in the world, uncovering corruption on a such a major scale. Now that a critical mass of humanity is with us, we are getting ready for the Global Currency Reset and starting to consult with you on next steps. Right now alot of people are learning about the Banking Cartel for the first time. The Banking Cartel is one huge company that owns most of the companies in the world, and all of the banks, and issues paper money for nothing, and then bribes politicians with the money they just printed. This racket has been going on for as long as anyone can remember, and it is about to end. On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live The archives are at https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes This award-winning weekly television series has been on the air on public television and internet for two years.

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INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded and is about country debt and martial law. Thanks to DCTV, to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director, Maurice Jackson, Audio and Teleprompter, and________, Floor Director. In 2014, one of the viewers on the Wake up America show tweeted, "Karen is live right now! She is perhaps the most important whistleblower humanity has ever known. Pls listen in!"

It has been a privilege to work together with all the whistleblowers in the world, uncovering corruption on a such a major scale. Now that a critical mass of humanity is with us, we are getting ready for the Global Currency Reset and starting to consult with you on next steps.

Right now alot of people are learning about the Banking Cartel for the first time. The Banking Cartel is one huge company that owns most of the companies in the world, and all of the banks, and issues paper money for nothing, and then bribes politicians with the money they just printed. This racket has been going on for as long as anyone can remember, and it is about to end.

On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live

The archives are at https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes

This award-winning weekly television series has been on the air on public television and internet for two years.


Country Debt

Let's talk about the 2 quadrillion in treaty of Versailles bonds that were issued by the Federal Reserve in the 1930's in exchange for gold. The interest on the bonds, compounding exponentially, is sufficient to offset the country debt. It is interest on the debt which goes to the Banking Cartel that keeps humanity enslaved - many people are working 4 months out of the year to pay taxes to service country debt. It was the Grace Commission, set up by Ronald Reagan, that concluded that all income taxes were going for the payment to the Fed of interest on country debt


I am now working on the teleprompter for the pre-recorded segment that is going to be broadcast on June 6, 2016, having gotten feedback from my followers on the teleprompter for the live segment that is going to be broadcast today. Twitter is censoring the actual numbers of my tweets that are being widely shared now. How do I know this? From the feedback on Facebook, which is also being suppressed, but indicates at least proportional interest:



Why is this important? We are in realtime, and you are going to see what US National War College was telling us about the power transition model that is predicting that we are staying out of WWIII, and the significance of the information that a critical mass of people know about the corruption in the world's money system. Game theory predicts how groups react to the changes in others' positions. Now let us drill down on the groups in Russia who understand what Constantin Petrov was telling us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFRVVurdAXU Enough Russians know who is the head of the snake: not Rockefeller, not the Rothschilds. As I told you on April 11, 2017, Winston Churchill, Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Stalin were all agents of the Banking Cartel




The Banking Cartel knows what we know: it was the Banking Cartel that financed the armies that killed 25 million people in Russia during WWII. The people in Moscow State University know it was the Banking Cartel that falsified our ancient history.


I am writing you this in realtime. The hackers in my computer just fiddled with the link to the video on Petrov. I fixed it. I have told you that there are many different hackers in my computer. One geek told me a year ago that there were at least seventeen. Now I am going to show you the two documents that were on my computer screen this morning when I just booted up:




The Banking Cartel Hacked this Video https://youtu.be/Ar7eGem0Ysc on YouTube

so DCTV could not show it during my live broadcast about the corruption in DC. Is DC's new Chief of Police, Peter Newsham, going to lose his house, when he is foreclosed on by the Global Debt Facility containing the world's monetary gold reserves administered by DC's biggest employer, the World Bank and IMF? Will Mayor Bowser perpetuate the corrupt business environment in DC and land the world in WWIII? https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter11.17.16.1.pdf


Debate on the Rule of Law:


Karen Hudes ROn McCusker has left out most of what is backing me when he says, "Karen uses law, others use politics, others are using financial methods." I am part of a coalition for the rule of law. The coalition is the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), the G-77 (133 developing countries that formed a coalition in 1977), and the US minus the Fed. Germany announced it was going to the BRICS the day I forwarded the draft press release for clearance before publishing it: http://presswire.com/pr/hudes/hudes_250714.html YCT requested me to issue a letter of intent to

Taiwan's Central Bank https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Letter+of+Intent.pdf

for signature of the Monetary Agreement


the day after I requested Dagong Global Credit Rating Group to contact the Universal Credit Rating Group, owned by Russia, China, and some individual investors.

The likelihood that this coalition asserts the rule of law is 90-95% after Elaine Colville and I got our

statements up on the UK Parliament website. Here is where the battle for the rule of law stands in the

UK Parliament, http://t.co/q0vIXRSJ5w. The battle is now raging everywhere.



ROn McCusker I can see Evan's point. The common people want to see results. When we hear

this message or that message has been sent to one authority or another it doesn't mean anything. I

can write a letter to my prime minister and say he is breaking the law, but does that mean we


have rule of law? Until we actually see the criminals being taken out of high positions and we no

longer have to give them most of our wages, then we are still being used by them and governed

by them. I do not think this has to do with Karen's credibility however. Karen is a lawyer and is

trying to convey to these criminals that we know they are crooked and that they are going to be

stopped. She does this by presenting laws and facts. The criminals that ignore these laws and

facts are subject to consequences. Now here is something that some people are not paying

attention to. Karen is one person amongst many who are trying to make things right. There are

others in the shadows and in the open who are all working towards a better world. Karen uses

law, others use politics, others are using financial methods. and then there are some that are

using brute force. So instead of demanding one person to accomplish what you won't even

attempt to do why not shut up and ride the wave and see what happens before you criticize


The power transition model is telling the people of the world who do not want WWIII what to watch for: the US must kick out the Fed and retain its alliances with Germany and Russia and Japan. Easy peasy. We are going to bankrupt the Fed, which owes the world 2 quadrillion dollars, and finance the defense of Japan and Germany and the rest of our military with the monetary gold on deposit with the 189 ministers of finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, for whom I speak. This is what I told the German and Japanese defense attaches just before I told Mr. David S. Ferriero, the bogus head of the US Archives, when he was falsifying the bogus electoral college results:



Why do I say these were bogus elections? Because the US Constitution of 1789 was not in effect. We will examine the proof of this statement in the rest of this segment.


This picture can be seen in greater detail, along with some quotes about country debt on this website:



Greek people now know that scam country debt offset against Treaty of Versailles bonds



The issue on Puerto Rico's debt is every bit as significant, especially when you realize how many pensions have invested in Peerto Rico's bonds. I have made this point to the people who manage the pension investments, including California's Treasurer


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

National Conference On Public Employee Retirement Systems

444 N Capitol St., NW Suite 630

Washington, DC 20001

[I just left a voicemail message on Alyssa Carlson's cellphone, after she hung up on me -- then

Cassandra Smoot called me back, and also hung up on me], so now I have emailed this to Mark

Paxson, General Counsel in the California Treasurer's Department. The Federal Reserve Notes are

not crashing, and NCPERS' board is on notice that NCPERS' employees are not accountable.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:27 PM


To: "PAXSON, Mark" <[email protected]>






Martial Law

People help me write these teleprompters. This is taken from the DCTV archives on YouTube on May 28, 2017. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.28.17.pdf

I am busy working on next week's DCTV teleprompters. People are reacting to tweets about the Constitution of 1789 being suspended and the fact that the US is under martial law." Actually, as the Board of Governors of the World Bank, which administer the US' Monetary Gold Reserves have determined, the United States is in interregnum and does not have a legitimate Government. This is readily apparent from my February 2, 2017 letter to Neil Gorsuch https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.2.17.1.pdf The teleprompter contains a link to the full text of this letter

"Your nomination to fill Justice Scalia's vacant seat on the US Supreme Court is part and parcel of the false veneer of legality that is covering up the corruption in the financial system. As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the US' monetary gold reserves, it is my job to end this corruption through a Global Currency Reset. To this end, I hold commercial liens under the common law on all of the property of those agents of the Banking Cartel who are preventing me, the United States, and the rest of the world's peoples from accessing the monetary gold reserves of the nations. I also hold a commercial lien on Donald Trump. This letter explains the enclosed first notice under a commercial lien that I and the Global Debt Facility are obtaining on your property as well because you are perpetuating this false veneer of legality while a cover-up of corruption is rampant. This cover-up is harming me and the rest of the people of the world by preventing our access to the Global Debt Facility."

"go ahead facebook, break the link. That is only an admission that there is martial law

in the US: http://thetexasrepublic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-


page 50: What most people don't realize is that they have been under Martial Law Rule

for over 60 years. The footnote to this statement says:

In Reg: U.S. Senate Report No. 93-549 dated 11/19/73 (73 CIS Serial Set S963-2 - [607 Pages]): "Since March 9, 1933; the United States has been in a state of declared National Emergency . . . Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens. . . . A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency .


Actually, the Supreme Court of Utah does not go far enough back. The US has been under Martial Law ever since 1861. In 1996 a study group in South Carolina looked at the records in their State House and came to the conclusion that the Constitution of 1789 was no longer in effect. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/two+constitutions.pdf The fact that the Constitution of 1789 was replaced by a second, secret constitution in 1871 has been widely published on the internet: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Two_Constitutions_in_US.pdf




I have been talking about the US being under martial law for a very long time:

@KarenHudes We are still on track in a Global Currency Reset:


Karen Hudes

[in response to a comment that there is no coalition for the rule of law.

This is a very cute comment. Of course you see the existence of the Coalition

for the Rule of Law and they have shown who they are - this is in the power


transition model. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

The coalition for the rule of law. Who are these people? They are first and foremost the people

that are commenting on my social media. They are now at critical mass. Then they are

the BRICS, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) the US minus the Fed, Germany, Japan.

The G-77 (134 developing countries) You have to understand that the Banking Cartel is trying

to conceal the evidence that this coalition exists, but there are clear signs, like the fact that I am

continuing to use World Bank stationery, nobody is contradicting what I am saying, and what I

say has grave consequences for the bit-actors like Trump, Gorsuch, Okoro, whom I have

bankrupted through commercial liens, and those I have previously bankrupted, including Obama,

Dunford, Bowser.

The statement by Representative Trafficant in the United States Congressional Record, March

17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 (Ohio) addressing the House that the Federal Government was

declared bankrupt. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.24.17.2.pdf

The statement in the Utah Supreme Court that the US is under martial law. Actually, in 1861 the

US was placed under secret martial law. http://thetexasrepublic.com/wp-

content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-SUPREME-COURT-of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf (See page

50: "What most people don't realize is that they have been under Martial Law Rule for over 60


The US Congress declaration that the US is under a state of

emergency. http://www.barefootsworld.net/war_ep1.html

Sunday, May 7, 2017

There is no legitimate government in the United States. A critical mass of people realize that there is no consent to the martial law that was in effect. The United States is in interregnum. This state of affairs has been recognized by a coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.8.16.1.pdf I represent the United States on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. As is recognized by the power transition model of the National War College, the Coalition for the Rule of Law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund is now in control of the US monetary gold reserves. This is the foundation for the Global Currency Reset. The Global Currency Reset is to replace the Banking Cartel's paper currencies with local currencies issued by

villages and towns, and with national currencies in a process that is going to be clearly identified and proceed in an orderly fashion according to procedures that are clearly agreed by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and discussed by all of the peoples in the Bretton Woods member countries.


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 11:18 AM

Subject: If the Maryland Defense Force thinks they serve the Network of Global Corporate Control

instead of doing their duty under Maryland's Constitution and the US Constitution of 1789, please let

me know

To: [email protected], [email protected]

Last year on this date https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter6.24.15.pdf I quoted General Douglas MacArthur's speech on July 25, 1951 to the Massachusetts state Legislature in Boston:

“I find in existence a new and heretofore unknown and dangerous concept that the members of our Armed Forces owe primary allegiance and loyalty to those who temporarily exercise the authority of the executive branch of government, rather than to the country and its Constitution which they are sworn to defend. No proposition could be more dangerous. None could cast a greater doubt upon the integrity of the armed services. For its application would at once convert them from their traditional and constitutional role as the instrument for the defense of the Republic into something partaking of the nature of a PRAETORIAN GUARD, owing its allegiance to the political master of the hour."

As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the US' and rest of the world's monetary gold reserves, I have been calling upon the State Defense Forces to give me access to print US Treasury Dollars to replace the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes in a Global Currency Reset. I vote the US' shares on the Board of Governors and Boards of Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF and the Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries (the Development Committee) that administer the trust for the benefit of humanity containing the gold reserves and other assets for the benefit of humanity.

There are many people following my efforts on the internet. The Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf has been trying to conceal the numbers. Yesterday I reminded people that the CIA (which is headquartered in Switzerland) created Google (which owns YouTube). My original blog had been taken down:



The fact that you are reading this indicates that the Coalition for the Rule of Law is stronger than the Network of Global Corporate Control. The Secret Service tried in vain to remove me from the internet and did not succeed. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter12.4.15.pdf The Network of Global Corporate Control tried to steal humanity's assets and to shut me down in all kinds of nasty other ways (just yesterday they snuck into my home and stole my passport), https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.4.16.pdf but they are powerless against the Coalition for the Rule of Law. If the Maryland Defense Force thinks they serve the Network of Global Corporate Control

instead of the people of Maryland, please let me know. I had asked Helen Shomberg,

Assistant Controller of the Office of Finance in Arundel County, to check with you before

she broke the law and endangered the lives of the people of Maryland by refusing to issue

me a receipt for my payment of the tax for recording the lien issued by Maryland's Secretary

of State.


We are now helping a larger number of people understand the corruption in the

international financial system caused by paper currencies issued by the Network of Global

Corporate Control and understand the collective unconscious.


This is so that there is a peaceful Global Currency Reset to replace these paper currencies

for local currencies issued by villages and towns and national currencies out of gold minted

from the world's international monetary gold reserves. The national currencies will first be

issued in paper because it will take some time to inventory the gold and mint the aurum.



It is also giving me an opportunity to discredit the fear mongers for what they are and expose the politicians who are refusing to do their Constitutionally mandated jobs, in violation of their oaths of office.

April Lane https://youtu.be/_8Sg06XnXj4...

Note how Peter Schiff skips over the only point worth making in his latest video at minute 8:07,

when he mentions that the Federal Reserve is not giving us sound money. Peter Schiff has not dealt

with the US monetary gold reserves, where they are, whether or not usury on country debt is a scam,

whether or not the Network of Global Corporate Control has assassinated two presidents who tried

to give us sound money:

and shot a third https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/UBS+UNCUT.pdf


Fear mongering and treason are shown up for what they are by the US War College's power transition model, that reveals the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, which administers the US' monetary gold reserves. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

I made the following comment to Peter Schiff and Governor Abbott:



Robert 10/28/2015 •

Hi Greg!

What a good year you are having with interesting guests!

May I detract a bit from the talking points?

Mr. Shiff is not alone but I will use him as an example today.

It is similar to a mailman delivering mail to an empty house.. To his reasoning since there are walls and

windows, porch and a roof there just has to be someone at home..

In turn many folks make the mistake the the government HAS to do anything.

The government will do as it pleases, make choices as it sees fit, and none will force it to do otherwise in its

current form.

I consider it the same as a bunch of folks trying to understand the truth when all the information is from

liars. The solution is simple, there is no wild event causing all the trouble it is simple crime. Covered by lies..

911 was a simple criminal act that is provably being covered over with lies yet most still have not come to

grips with the facts. In my understanding, the arcane movements of high crime finance are far beyond what

folks can understand or affect.

Control of the financial sector is being done by ALL the parties at the table so the rules are whatever they

need them to be and we all waste precious time and effort claiming there is some actual legal force that will

come to reset the errors.

I would enjoy a real focus on the facts…names, dates, crime committed, who is in charge of oversight…etc…

We must learn there are many insiders who claim capitalism as the only way while at the same time refusing

to follow any of the rules set forth by capitalism. We can get mired in unraveling the conveniently offered

lies or we can move to acting on the facts and make real change.

Of course our travails may increase once those in power find we are no longer willing to allow them to

operate unhindered.

All the best to you and yours.


Robert M.



Karen Hudes 11/03/2015 •

Thank you Robert M, for describing the situation to a “T”. There are crucial facts that are missing from the

talking points in Greg Hunter’s interview of Peter Schiff:

(1) that there is one conglomerate that thinks it is above the law, which consists of the Bank for

International Settlements and 40% of the net value of the 43,000 companies on the capital markets

(2) that there is a coalition for the rule of law, which consists of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China &

South Africa), the G-77 (134 developing countries) and the US minus the Federal Reserve. This coalition was

predicted by a power transition model that came to the World Bank in 2004 from the US Department of

Defense https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

(3) that there is a trust fund called the Global Debt Facility which contains US and other countries’ monetary

gold reserves, other precious metals, gems, art, and this trust is administered by the 188 Ministers of

Finance and Development on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.


The coalition for the rule of law has foreclosed on the conglomerate and its agents. Those that were in

power have already lost the ability to operate unhindered. Ignorance of these facts is all that is holding up

progress. Fortunately, the internet is helping to erode this ignorance, and those that were in power are

currently negotiating an amnesty to allow the Global Currency Reset that was agreed by the Board of

Governors of the World Bank and IMF to proceed.



May 22, 2016

The fusion center has been very active in my email account. I discovered this email from Governor Hogan, which was dated May 16, 2016, but arrived several days later:

"Meeting gov scheduling -GOV- Mon 5/16/2016 3:51 PM To: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Thank you for extending an invitation to Governor Hogan to attend meeting to discuss Global Currency Reset on June 14. Unfortunately, he will be unable to attend The Governor is honored to have been invited and sends best wishes for a successful event. Kind Regards, --

The Scheduling Office

Office of Governor Larry Hogan

410 974-3591

[email protected] Submit a Scheduling Request for the Governor"

What successful event is Governor Hogan referring to? The Global Currency Reset? Hello? The last time I heard from Governor Hogan's office, they were giving me doublespeak about why it was ok for Mr. Dorsey L. Hile, Jr. in the Anne Arundel County Office of Finance not to give me a receipt for my payment of the recording tax for the Global Debt Facility's lien in Anne Arundel County. I am not counting the time that a father who was denied the right to see his children due to a corrupt family court system in Maryland offered me several million dollars to take his case, which I refused. This was at the suggestion of Governor Hogan's constituent office. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.19.16.pdf I am going to go with a group of Governors, Adjutants General, and hopefully the other six World Bank Executive Directors that are so authorized, to access the Global Debt Facility's accounts on the grey screens of the Federal Reserve Bank. When are we going? As soon as this can be scheduled. Stay tuned.

The Greek people are going to learn about the 2 quadrillion dollars that the Network of Global Corporate Control owes humanity at the end of this week. Ερευνητικός Οργανισμός Ελλήνων is editing and translating my interview https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Greece.mp4 into Greek https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.21.16.pdf


Sincerely, Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


CIA info

Kevin Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:33 PM

Dear Karen,

I read your latest analysis where you mentioned the CIA as crooks not working for America.

The CIA they are Knights of Malta in service to the Authority of Rome & they are working

against the American Republic.

Also Karen I came across a speech from General Douglas MacArthur that might interest you &

possibly you might find use of that speech.


General Douglas MacArthur addressed the Massachusetts state Legislature in Boston, on July

25, 1951 :

“I find in existence a new and heretofore unknown and dangerous concept that the

members of our Armed Forces owe primary allegiance and loyalty to those who

temporarily exercise the authority of the executive branch of government, rather than to

the country and its Constitution which they are sworn to defend. No proposition could be

more dangerous. None could cast a greater doubt upon the integrity of the armed

services. For its application would at once convert them from their traditional and

constitutional role as the instrument for the defense of the Republic into something

partaking of the nature of a PRAETORIAN GUARD, owing its allegiance to the political

master of the hour."


Karen that speech where General MacArthur mentions the PRAETORIAN GUARD shows that

the Authority of Rome are known within America's Armed Forces.

America's Armed Forces they have to make a decision on which side they will stand, either with

the American Republic or with the Authority of Rome.


This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/





Will we all make it? That is the question. Yes, I think

so. Remember, this is the first time that an entire

world worked together to end corruption of this

magnitude. Humanity is able to do this, working

together, because we have many "bells and whistles"

that we are only now learning about. The most

important "bell and whistle" that we don't know about

is our capacity for love. Empathy. If we can regain

this ability, quickly, we will all make it. I am the

canary in the coal mine





What is the crashing airplane all about? When you are over the target, you get alot of flak. Used in World War II, 'flak' is a German abbreviation for Flugzeugabwehrkanone, or "aircraft defense cannon". Whenever the Banking Cartel interferes with my links, I want you to know there was something the Banking Cartel was trying to hide from you.

Pay close attention to what is going on with Germany. This advice is from a political science model that came to the World Bank from the National War College. This model predicts how coalitions form with 90-95% accuracy. The power transition model is telling us that humanity is in a coalition to end the Banking Cartel. I call this coalition, "the Coalition for the Rule of Law." I have said that the Power Transition Model is so accurate, that the process of humanity uniting into the Coalition for the Rule of Law is just like dominoes falling. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.2.17.pdf

The power transition model uses game theory to

simulate how people react to what other people are

doing. Now that enough people know about the

corruption in the money system, there is no way for

the Banking Cartel to keep on getting people to

fight each other without fighting the Banking

Cartel. The "false flags" like 911, or the murder of

JFK, and now the "sarin gas" in Syria or the so-

called Russian interference in bogus elections are

no longer believable. Whenever you hear that the Rothchilds are behind the Banking Cartel, you are

on notice that the real "head of the snake" is trying to hide and shift blame. Sure, the Rothchilds are

bad. But the "bloodline" families who descended from the Pharoahs in Egypt and Templars in

Switzerland are much, much more powerful.

My appointment as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the world's assets including the monetary gold reserves was confirmed on July 17, 2014 when the CIA threatened me with a lawsuit for not using my authority to help a crook named Dr. Zvonko Berdik-Albert . I reported this threat to Senator Barbara Mikulski, Chair of the Senate Committee on Intelligence: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lmikulski3.pdf


The 189 Ministers of Finance and Development on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF took this into account when they appointed me as the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility. You can see from this exchange of emails in 2014 which I "tweeted" at the time, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter11.13.14.1.pdf that I am one of the persons authorized to access the banking screens that show the accounts of the Global Debt Facility. I said: "If I forsake this job, I will never forgive myself. I am sorry, but that is just the way I am."

The US has been under martial law since 1861 "Karen Hudes

This is a very cute comment [saying that there is no coalition for the rule of

law]. Of course you see the existence of the Coalition for the Rule of Law

and they have shown who they are - this is in the power transition model.



The coalition for the rule of law. Who

are these people? They are first and

foremost the people that are

commenting on my social media. They

are now at critical mass. Then they are the BRICS,

(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) the US minus

the Fed, Germany, Japan. The G-77 (134 developing

countries) You have to understand that the Banking Cartel is trying to conceal the evidence that

this coalition exists, but there are clear signs, like the fact that I am continuing to use World

Bank stationery, nobody is contradicting what I am saying, and what I say has grave

consequences for the bit-actors like Trump, Gorsuch, Okoro, whom I have bankrupted through

commercial liens, and those I have previously bankrupted, including Obama, Dunford, Bowser.

The statement by Representative Trafficant in the United States Congressional Record, March

17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 (Ohio) addressing the House that the Federal Government was

declared bankrupt. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.24.17.2.pdf


The statement in the Utah Supreme Court that the US is under martial law. Actually, in 1861 the

US was placed under secret martial law. http://thetexasrepublic.com/wp-

content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-SUPREME-COURT-of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf (See page

50: "What most people don't realize is that they have been under Martial Law Rule for over 60


The US Congress declaration that the US is under a state of

emergency. http://www.barefootsworld.net/war_ep1.html

Sunday, May 7, 2017

There is no consent to the martial law that was in effect. The United States is in interregnum. This state of affairs has been recognized by a coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.8.16.1.pdf I represent the United States on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. As is recognized by the power transition model of the National War College, the Coalition for the Rule of Law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund is now in control of the US monetary gold reserves. This is the foundation for the Global Currency Reset. The Global Currency Reset is to replace the Banking Cartel's paper currencies with local currencies issued by villages and towns, and with national currencies in a process that is going to be clearly identified and proceed in an orderly fashion according to

procedures that are clearly agreed by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and discussed by all of the peoples in the Bretton Woods member countries. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


In those episodes, I reminded people about Aubrey's statement that








OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global Corporate Control." In this segment about country debt and martial law we have demonstrated how it is that humanity can peacefully regain control of the military in the United States without a coup. The loyal military are defending the Constitution of the United States and fulfilling its treaty obligations to its allies. It may take some time as the duped catch onto the fact that the Banking Cartel has been lying to them. Stay tuned as the Global Currency Reset rolls out.