keep zebra mussels out

Once a colony of zebra mussels is established in a body of water, it is nearly impossible to prevent them from spreading elsewhere KEEP + ( ) OUT Boats, motors and trailers should be allowed to dry thoroughly in the sun for at least five days before boating again to ensure extermination Ma* Werner All they have done is filter out all the algae which normally would be food for native microscopic organisms. Great Lakes officials estimate that as much as $5 billion will be spent in 10 years on zebra mussel control.

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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Keep zebra mussels out

Once a colony of zebra mussels is established in a body of water, it is nearly impossible to prevent them

from spreading elsewhere

KEEP   +  ( )  OUT  

Boats, motors and trailers should be allowed to dry thoroughly in the sun for at least five days before

boating again to ensure extermination

Ma*  Werner  

All they have done is filter out all the algae which normally would be food

for native microscopic organisms.  

Great Lakes officials estimate that as much as $5 billion will be spent in 10 years on zebra mussel control.

Page 2: Keep zebra mussels out


"Zebra  Mussels:  A  Dangerous  InvaderWe  Need  Your  Help!"  Zebra  Mussels:  A  Dangerous  Invader.  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  14  Apr.  2013  

"Zebra  Mussel  FAQs."  Zebra  Mussel  FAQs.  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  14  Apr.  2013.  

   Image  Reference    hLp://­‐1.jpg  hLp://­‐n-­‐musselscuWoot.jpg  

"Zebra  Mussel:  An  Unwelcome  Visitor."  Zebra  Mussel:  An  Unwelcome  Visitor.  N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  27  Apr.  2013.