keli haffner interior design portfolio

Interior Design Portfolio KELI HAFFNER

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Interior Design Portfolio


Page 1: Keli Haffner Interior Design Portfolio

Interior Design Portfolio


Page 2: Keli Haffner Interior Design Portfolio

My objective of this portfolio is to give myself the chance and opportunity to provide clear examples of my work to career professionals and in a clear, professional manor. This will be a chance to expand my writing abilities in relation to properly portraying my projects and works into words. I have had the habit of explaining my work with a poetic feel to it, but this is not always the most appealing thing to do depending on the person that is reading my portfolio. With writing that flows and good works I will be able to show job prospects that I am ready to work and ready to expand my design capabilities.

About Me..... Table of Contents.....




21-28Little Free LibraryLaCrosse Rock PlazaWSU I.T. Center Sketching Fabric Design




“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.

Design is knowing which ones to keep.”– Scott Adams

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Information Technology Center

1 2Creating a design that both is formal and informal, one does not have to feel like they are always at their place of work, but in a third place of their own.

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Previous & Current ConditionsThe Information Technology Building once had an atrium full of life, light and activities, that life was taken away when the new addition to the football stadium was built. A once bright space that brought in strictly natural daylight, this atrium is now a black abyss giving those who work within the building an unpleasant sight everyday. This once atrium is now turned into a workplace, both formal and informal for the purpose of giving an option to what best suites their needs.


Concept Sketches

Lighting Workshop Concepts

Space planning, lighting and privacy idea sketches

How I proceeded through this design of the Atrium.

The atrium once contained wildlife and a place where groups would come and create an appealing landscape for those working in the build-

ing and looking down from above the building

The atrium’s current condition after the open skylight was covered for the build of the new stadium

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Color mixing where putting the three primary colors together, their wavelengths create a central white light that appears.

Also, the use of reflection, when a mirror is reflecting the light beam according to the “law of reflection” which is, that the angle of the incoming beam equals the angle of the outgoing beam

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Atrium Re-Design Formal Space

The formal space consists of an area for conferencing, as there is no current space that has enough room for all attending the meeting. In this area there are


In this space there are two meeting booths that have acoustics as well, for additional privacy. Lighting is necessary in the conference area to adhere to whatever tasks are being done as well as lighting the path too

the conference space.

Single seats with tables for private work are located along the hallways that lead into the informal space.

Floor Plan for the new atriumLeft: Informal SpaceRight: Formal Space

Meeting Pod inspiration

Stained Concrete

Partitions for the conference space.

Folding up by remote control, they also have acoustic properties so all partitions have the ability to be closed for private meetings.

Commercial Carpet

Opaque Privacy Film

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Informal SpaceAtrium Re-Design

Lighting is this space will not be as bright as the formal space, but still adequate enough lighting to complete any task one is doing. For this workplace, the lighting concepts that were used are,

these can be seen around the perimeter of the space as a secondary ground light source.

Seating is varied depending on what the guest is trying to accomplish or who they are there to meet there are. The coffee tables consist of openings for literatures or personal storage.

As one enters into the informal space whether it be through the main lobby or from the formal space, they walk into an atmosphere that is relaxing and personable.

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Comfort Seating

Uplighting reflects off ceiling for extra lighting

Coffee Tables with storage abilities

Lighting & Furnishings


The coffee stand gives a thermal comfort to the space as well as presenting it with an aroma that just makes you feel like you are in a pleasant environment.

Office’s in the building will have privacy film over windows as many do not contain shades.

The reflected ceiling plan shows placement of special

lighting fixtures and the acoustic partitions ceiling placement.

This section shows door and window treatments as one walks towards the formal space

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This presentation was based around the research

and workshop used to experience all different

forms of lighting and ways it can be applied to

enhance space.

SURCA Competition

Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners West

Central meeting space showing folding acoustic doors

Location: 1596 Howard St., San Fransisco, California

Construction completed:2001

Size:21, 950 Sq. Ft. and Accomadates for 120

Designers:Architects | Jensen Architects / Jensen & Macy Architects Team: Mark Jensen and Mark Macy (Principals), Dean Orr, Nana Kim, Frank Merritt, Balz MuelllerContractor | Johnstone & McAullfeStructural Engineer | Jeffrey Webber & AssociatesMechanical Engineer | Engineering Network Electrical Engineer | Goldern Gate Engineering Client:Kirshenbaum Bond and Partners, LLC

Photos By:Richard Barnes

An extrodinary three-wing conference building is a central hub within a office space for an advertisty agency. The three wings provide space for four meeting rooms, each with acoustic properties, and the capability to be a more private space or open the space up to have a larger meeting. Each room is unique in its own way from their use of different materials to the layout of the rooms themselves. The creative aspects of these rooms make for a pleasant workspace that can be used depending on what task needs to be addressed at that current moment. The lighting in these spaces generate the impression of natural daylight and offer individual styles but overall luminance is balanced and inviting. The colors throughout the office and meeting rooms make specific areas distinctive and offer a way to advance ones creativitiy for their own designs. This office includes an indoor garden that provides seating to relax with trees that create a refreshing airy feel to the work environment so one is not taken away from the outdoor while working indoors. These spaces allow for connection between co-workers as well as allowing privacy when it is necessary. When relating this office space aspects with what can be developed for the IT Centers atrium, by bringing back the feelings of outdoors with a smaller indoor garden. It had been mentioned by those working there that the current conference room does not quite fit aeveryone all the time and that a larger one could be very adequate for formal and informal meetings. A good use of lighting can help give offices more privacy and/or better work lighting and can give ones the oppoirtunity to be able to have their lights off when they want to like the use to be able to do before.

Carpet-clad phone booth structure used for conference calls

Walkway with comfort lighting

Meeting room with a bench for seating and view of phone booth

Indoor Garden with outdoor view

Meeting rooms with chalkboard walls for creativity

Entry stairway, also used for company wide meetings.

This diagram breaks down the process taken in the designing of the IT Centers Atrium

BackgroundIt is captivating that an individual form of light can define the darkness of a space but it can also challenge the space in becoming functionally exceptional.

Interior design students began a project in a former-atrium space that was once filled with natural lighting that became an empty pit of darkness when the football stadium addition was built. While this space use to contain greenery and animal life, it was also a place for those working in the building with offices along the atrium, to have a engaging environment to look out to while working. As these offices and conference rooms were not placed along the exterior of the building, the atrium gave them a chance to see things that are now unable to be seen.

Donlyn Lyndon says, “Light brings places to us. Through its abundance we can see and interpret things that are not proximate to our touch, audible to our ears, or evident through smell; light lets us know about things that are remote.”

MethodsStudents participated in a workshop by the Palouse Discovery Science Center pertaining to different forms of light and optics in a new way of learning by actually working with light through light exhibits, and physically grasping ways light can move. This format made for a greater understanding through expression, this being in contrast with a traditional classroom format. The experiential learning impacted and advanced student understanding of light and the ability to apply that understanding to a design problem.

There was a clear difference on the understanding of lighting from a lecture based course and learning how different forms of light can be produced, this being experienced by coming in contact with the optics hands-on to truly examine their different aspects.

ResearchThe development of case studies on the workplace assisted students in understanding how light can have a major impact on workplace design.

Students visited the de-composing, empty site to review the space and interview building occupants for investigating the site that it once was known to be.

Students presented preliminary design ideas to the building occupants to gather further information in determining what could be done to eradicate the black abyss.

With using the workshop on lighting and optics, students chose two lighting features that were picked to complete the workplace light design. The proposed design for the atrium space utilized color mixing, the clustering together of LED lights with the three primary colors to blend and produce variations of color, mainly being the production of a soft white light. This design makes use of light reflection through the laws of reflection, that is the angle at which a wave of light projecting onto a surface is equal to the angle that is reflected back.

Results & ConclusionLight is an essential tool in recognizing the world and being able to communicate within it. The end result of this design features a series of lighting units that either give additional light and ones that reflect to a specific location depending on the function.

This once atrium is now turned into a workplace for the buildings patrons. There is both, formal and informal spaces that are designed to generate a variety of environments for occupants to work in and feel as if they are being inspired by something new. The formal space consists of an area for conferencing as there is no current space that has enough room for all attending the meeting. As one enters into the informal space, they walk into an atmosphere that is relaxing and personable. Seating is varied depending on what someone is trying to accomplish or who they are there to meet, the chairs are cushioned for comfort and capable of having a slight rock for relaxation.

In creating a design that both is formal and informal, one does not have to feel like they are always at their place of work, but in a third place of their own. The incorporation of a reflective ceiling makes for the borrowing of light to influence the space in inventive ways. Eradicating the darkness in this black abyss is indispensable in generating radiance for the building occupants.

“Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle,” -Benjamin Franklin.

Keli HaffnerKathleen Ryan, Faculty SponsorSURCA 2014

Consolidation of the Unrecognized From Abyss to Radiance

Diagram Representing the Law of Reflection. This diagram identifies how a reflecting surface can create a reflective wave of light to a specific direction while the angle of the light bouncing on the surface is equal to the angle of light bouncing off the surface.

The Palouse Discovery Science Center Light in Optics Exhibit brought a workshop to Carpenter Hall where the class got to experiment different light exhibits. This image show students experimenting with color mixing. The use of three primary colors creating a white light, while also discovering what other colors of light could be created from turning a primary color on and off.

Case studies were apart of the pre-design, in helping to understand how a workspace is lite to where it creates col-laborating spaces that can appeal to any function that may be necessary during that work day.

Preliminary design critiques were done in the IT Building in order to receive feedback from more people than just those that were interviewed. Introducing multiple design ideas helped in choosing a final design idea to produce within the atrium space.

A view of the formal meeting space in the atrium, Lighting fixtures reflect light throughout the space. The floor contains color mixing LED lights to produce lighting along the perimeter of the atrium space. This space contains meeting pods, individual seating along hallways and a large conference space.

Image Sources:Diagram

Reference:Donlyn Lyndon:

Original View of Atrium

Site AnalysisBuilding Currently

The Informal space uses reflective fixtures to control direction of lighting. This space has a coffee shop and contains seating for different activities, whether it be; a small group meeting, a lunch break or visiting with fellow colleagues.

Plan for lighting in atrium, establishes location of reflective light fixtures and all other lighting features. Conference rooms contains Skyfold Partitions that roll up into ceilings

Furniture and floor plan for atrium space, distinguishing separation of for and informal spaces. Also, establishes the location of color mixed floor lights along perimeter

Atrium Project Poster Fall 2013


LaCrosse Rock Plaza


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To re-establish the meaning behind a small rural towns previous service station, bunkers and rock homes so that they may once again become apart of the community. With this design of a Youth and Teen center has been implemented to bring the generations within the community together and share functions and similar interests.

Exterior of the Old Service Station that now serves as an Main Event Center for the community.11


The Rock Homes exteriors have original Basalt Rocks that were found around the Washington Palouse.


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Floor Plan for Youth & Teen Center

Design Process Sketches


Community Involvement


A chance to have community involvement was an important aspect to this design, learning what they believed would be an enhancement to their town.

Floor plan of the Main Events Center with floor design inspired by brick found within the rock homes.

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These Rock Homes will continue the history of the site as well as become centers that adhere to both the youth’s and seniors within the community and those surrounding it.

Youth & Senior Center

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Site plan for rock plaza. Pathway

forms inspired by the organic shape

of Basalt Rocks and not one is the same.

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This view from behind the park, contains a pathway that goes around the homes and park, while connecting back to the fire pits.

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The vicinity of the playground and sports court are fenced in for the protection of those using the facilities and in the case of losing equipment.

The park view that can be seen from Senior homes, multiple seating options are available

including fire pits for use. While a pond sits just too the left.

Exterior Renderings

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The Teen home includes a pool table, arcade and computer set up for all use with comfortable seating.

A youth zone will be in view from the reception desk as well as the large kitchen that is able to be used for events..

Inside of the Main Event Center, locker storage with sports equipment will be available for rentals. A lounge with TV will be available in the back room.


Interior Renderings Materials


SW 6716 Dancing GreenPaint - Sherwin Williams

SW 6385 Dover WhitePaint - Sherwin Williams

Hunter Green/Black Rubber Flooring - Playground Poured-in-Place

TP710 Reno Plate Copper VerdigrisLVT - Armstrong

TP548 Raw Crete Cool Stone LVT - Armstrong

2367 902 Jungle Gym - LandscapeUpholstery - DesignTEX

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BoltedLittle Free LibraryAlbion, WA

“Take a Book, Leave a Book”21 22

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2-D Process Work

This old safe can be found inside the Albion Library. The safe brought on the idea of a bolt holding the safe together and the Little Free Library as a bolt to bring the town together in a new way.

Different aspects of buildings started the design process of this structure. Starting with historical features and scaling them down and finding what ways they could be seen as a Little Free Library

Infographic Research

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Whitman CountyOWN

albi n




Sn ke river





h king


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Concept Design Model Process2-D & 3-D Preliminary

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Model Integration

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Concept Design


Oak Wood Butterrum

Clear AcrylicPlexiglass

Oak WoodWhiskey

3-D final

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SketchingSketch work as a second year Interior Design student at Washington State University, different forms of media are used to produce perspective

views from multiple spaces around the campus.

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This final image was produced into a yard of fabric and was also implicated as wallpaper in the adaptive reuse design of the PufferBelly Depot in Pullman, WA that became a gallery, studio and resident for an artist.

Final Parti

Conceptual Parti’s

Fabric Design


Inspired by an original lighting fixture in the Pufferbelly Depot, this design is combined of the organic aspects coming from the lamp and its use of

straight lines to bring the form together


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402 Goa Way, Port Angeles, WA 98362 | (360) 460-0600 | [email protected]


May 2013 – August 2013

Intern Assistant, Trisa & Co. Interior Design, (Port Angeles, WA)

Concept Research

Concept Design


Design Sketches

AutoCad / SketchUp Drawings

June 2010 – August 2010

Retail Service, Bell Street Bakery, (Sequim, WA)

Retail Cashier / End of Day Balance


Stock Inventory

Store Maintenance

September 2005 – August 2009

Office Assistant/Secretary, Hugh Haffner Attorney at Law, (Port Angeles, WA)

Secretarial duties

Filing / Organization



August 2012- May 2015

Bachelors of Arts, Interior Design, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

August 2010-Augsust 2012

General Education, Bellevue College, Distance Education Program

September 2006- June 2010

High School Diploma, Sequim High School, Sequim, WA


Software / Programs

AutoDesk |Revit 2014-2015, AutoCad

Adobe | InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator


Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Technical Skills

Hand Rendering / Sketching


SURCA | Showcase for Undergraduate and Creative Activities | 2014

ASID | American Society of Interior Designers

IIDA | International Interior Design Association


402 Goa Way, Port Angeles, WA 98362 | (360) 460-0600 | [email protected]


May 2013 – August 2013

Intern Assistant, Trisa & Co. Interior Design, (Port Angeles, WA)

Concept Research

Concept Design


Design Sketches

AutoCad / SketchUp Drawings

June 2010 – August 2010

Retail Service, Bell Street Bakery, (Sequim, WA)

Retail Cashier / End of Day Balance


Stock Inventory

Store Maintenance

September 2005 – August 2009

Office Assistant/Secretary, Hugh Haffner Attorney at Law, (Port Angeles, WA)

Secretarial duties

Filing / Organization



August 2012- May 2015

Bachelors of Arts, Interior Design, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

August 2010-Augsust 2012

General Education, Bellevue College, Distance Education Program

September 2006- June 2010

High School Diploma, Sequim High School, Sequim, WA


Software / Programs

AutoDesk |Revit 2014-2015, AutoCad

Adobe | InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator


Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Technical Skills

Hand Rendering / Sketching


SURCA | Showcase for Undergraduate and Creative Activities | 2014

ASID | American Society of Interior Designers

IIDA | International Interior Design Association

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Cover Letter Keli Haffner

[email protected]


Ms. Trisa Katsikapes

Trisa & Co. Interior Design

105 1/2 East First Street

Port Angeles, WA 98362

Dear Trisa,

Upon graduating from WSU, I have a high interest in working as an interior design assistant with your company. During my previous internship with you, I learned more about design and how it relates in the real world than I could have imagined. Working by your side showed me that design is a personal connection and that as designers we strive to find our ideal clients who we ultimately expose to interior design and what it has to offer. My computer and rendering skills have impacted my work in design studio. My design now better demonstrate the passion and vision I have. With these improved skills, and my ambition to further my design capabilities, I think I could become a valuable employee and assistant for your company.

Your firms work on past and current residential projects have drawn me in, by working with clients on a more personal level. Which creates a result that satisfies everyone, especially the client. Your community involvement to spread the word and show people what interior design is. Through showcasing projects and being involved in multiple local design competitions. In addition, I appreciate your efforts to bring design to others within smaller towns and not just the wealthy can have a beautiful home that has their personal touches, but that there is opportunity to make home feeling like it is “your” home.

I have attached a resume that shows my qualifications as an interior designer including relevant skills and experience. A portfolio may be provided on request or the link to my website.

Thank You for your time and consideration,

Keli Haffner


PHONE: (360) 460-0600

EMAIL:[email protected]

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