kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

LONDON, May 25. A mail arrived this day from Ham burgh. Our correspondent in that city in a letter of the 20th, informs us, that it is currently reported there that in-th- e event of a war, France will take pofief-fio- n of that city and the whole of the Lower Elbe. A k'tter from a commer- cial house at Berlin, to one of the first houses in Hamburgh, affirms, that the ' kngof Prufha has promised a free paf-faj-e thro ugh his slates to the French ar- my dcftined fur tint purpolc. , May 28. Our Port Letters of this rriorning will be sound particularly interesting. That from Portsmouth, slates the arnval yes- terday of the fqua'dron under Sir Roger Curtis fiom the Gape of Good Hope, and , of that fquadrbn having taken yesterday at'hbon, a French Eafl India (hip, efti-nlat- at one hundred thoufahd pounds value. The same letter biings'nn nt of the capture of the Hazard sloop "'of war, which event Sir Roger Curtis learned from La Minerva at sea. The proceedings iafl hight in the House of Commons were particulaily interejling and important. Mr. Fox made his promised motion foran Address to Tiis majesty, to avail hi nfelf of the profelTednediation of Rulfia to settle the diffeFe"nc:s between this country and Prahc'e $ and in the course of th- - dif-ctiili- which ensued, Lord Hawkefbury canuidly flrted the re'adinefs of his ma. jetty's miniflers to explain their views to the court of St. Peterfburgh, and rea- dily to accept the mediation of that pow- er. But his p repeated what he 1! had mentioned before, that no direst or precrfe, offer of mediation had been of fered on tbe.part of Rulln ; it was mere lyiof the slighted species of affurance-o- mediation. It was, however, admitted that, meanwhile, the contest into which we have again beei bbhged to enter, Jliiuld be profceuted with vigour, until views of mediation (hall have been reali- sed and in confequenceof lord Hawkef- bury 's candid statement, Mr. Fox with- drew his motion. Piivate letters from the Hague say " The French army g near N.-m- en has for its ostensible deflination the electorate of Hanover, but it is a cu- rious fact.that this army is encamped up- on th - same ground, where, m 1638, the th.-- Prince of Orange, afterwards King William 111. under pretence ot inter- fering ui the dispute then fubfiftinar be Prince Clement of Bavaria and the Cardinal oT FurftVrtberg, collected army with which he, in November in the same year, invaded England. It is tr-i;- , that the Prince of Orange had a sleet of 50 sad ,of men of war to el. ort his transports ; but it is equally true that the Corsican disposer of the lie and liberties of Frenchmen, cares less about the loss of whole armies, than the Prince did for the fafetyof one An- gle regiment. Without any intent to alarm you, I have heard from good authority, that "trench einillanes have tor lome days been busy in taking an account of th: numbers, the names, and the tonnage of all veffels, even fchuits, in oilr differ- ent harbors ; and that they have in the same manner tried to. procure the names and number of our Tailors," but in this they have been disappointed, as all our sailors are attached to the Prince of Or- ange, and detefl the French, and have, there lore, already began to desert and to conceal themlelves. Some official en couragemettt from England, at this peri oJ, might bring you over rrlaiiy of them " f repeat again that my interition i: not to create alarm ; but vigilertce, vi- gour, aftivity, and unanimity, are abfo-lut-l- y, neceffuy to counteract thedeftgns of a man, who believes in no Dthrr Pro vidence but Fortune, and who hitherto, even in his molt dtfperate enterprizes, has never ceased to be its favorite. Re- member, that is one army should really attack Hanover, there are already in this country, in Brabant and on the Rhine, upwards of 1 10,000 men, which are augmenting every day by frelh troops" May 29. The recent overtures of France for the renewal of peace, obviously result from the unprepared state of the govern ment to engage in war ; alter two years of insult and aggreffion, it weie folly to doubt Us hofUuy - yet without forego ing trie advantage ot the moment, our miniflers have determined not simply to leave openthe door to negotiation, but to promote, by all confident facility, ev- ery intercourse which may tend to ac- commodation. Reports sounded on this fact, combi- ned wjtli some conmunication. which th- - Spanish, Dutch and Ruffian ambassa- dors have recently made to our govern- - mentv yelterday occalioned a rise of more than three per cent on our funds Gon.ols on opening were in the morning at 58 3-- 4 being 2 -2 above the prices at which they closed on Friday ; they .uen ioic xn oi, irom wnicti tliey decli- ned to 59 3-- t, and lest off at 60 4 This rise, altho igh afcrib?d to reports of p.ace, we believe to have been occasi- oned by fpecilation s, a3 to the means to be adopted' bytie miniflers for raifiug the f'liol'-- s for rni.r.;,..r., --. we do, that there does rjot at the prefentjrage mo n.-n- t -- kA thejl'.ghtelfprdbabdity of ah i un. urate p;ace. V- - 'i iv fn letters from Hamburgh Jlatinr,that had nade an ta th- - cairt of Berlin for its pmr oi ot nnjirty in that city, in ths event of a French invasion. These letters add, that no answer had been re- turned. Bonaparte, in one of his of paflion, declared his determination to exclude the firittfh from all mtercourfe with the continent, and, in order, to do so, to occupy Hamburgh, &c. Confid- ent with this plan, Portugal is to be seized,and annexed to th- - Spanish mon- archy is she retufes to fliut her ports us ; 'and Naples is to foim another Italian republic, should she dilobeythe Consular mandate for our exclusion. Fhe recent march of numerous French corps into Italy, is supposed to have been combined with this project, the a- - vowal of which has induced the Ernper-- or'to strengthen his cordon on the Vene- - tian'trontiers. Accounts reached us yesterday frdm fjeiiey, ot the 24th lhft. Which state, that two blench transports, full of troops have been captured by our cruizcrs in Le Baye D'Augneme their deflination! is not mentioned. These accounts add, 1 that great bustle prevailed at St. Malo sitting out privateers. . An expedition to Holland has been tor some days talked of but whatever mav lap the wifhp ns trnvprnment r.n tVi fuhiect. we oeflinn fheir nn-feti- f rr,Pn. . for such an enterprize. Bonaparte 'hs intimated to the jfttty powers dependent oh him, that Fr, ivill not admit of their neutrality ria r; they mult "be cither allies or foes KxU land, Portugal, Spain, Liguria, Cifal swr and btruria, will beihvolved in a mSHWi with a power which is nobly ftrugj arlms for their liberties. We trust it is not poffibls that Ruffia, Auftna and Pruflial will submit to the exercise of a power, which would not only be unjust and op- - preffive in its immediate operation, but which, is suffered to prevail, mufl fliort- - ly prove fatal to the general independ- - ence of Europe. u j" . -- ., Y . i.a.ic twice 01 late puonciy ipicn on tneauoiectot nis manacea in- - vauon at this kingdom. England, and notli-eland- , he has decUfed to be his ob- - Pf ns ftt,l 1. r,r ... n.. . would enlure the fall of the latter, while although victorious in the latter, the former might still refiftand baffle his en- - t.rnn.p tJn.olU -- T ,.! lt .b.n.v.. iji. loiiv. ui iciiuiu' 1115 army hitler In J,,.: -- i l ......v. in ivj.T-wd- uuntikz a v. jiiiii. wueJi ,.- - ft.- - a r r , "U1 ""? -- A" ""I a meaiureiorwnicn T7 1 :i.r . ,. t . . is ueiter ntuarca than Ireland, That the Chief Consul is fufficientlV en- - tnunaitic to entertain 1nrh n nrni.ft, is ., fult of invasion accident reach - mgsoi a Uriton, lo ignorant of internal as to dread the iflV i ue reencv A is tn i i , all ior , rqu.vaie.iu cignteen, thrown depart herfor i Cape. hr S. S Indiaman by 1 is ded. that tn vetTfl it fuefday 5 harbour. ' captured, them nro - laden naval stores - sail of td b nreoared nt Rrft n..- - hu ,; -- ,,- five men. her 1'a :.!,' n "UT 111 11. rris. Brave, frnm thP,- - H. r,.i... .L. c.. ( ouuoik, laden stores m tile lame place. This capt homeward bound 800 it have been taken harl.fh looner . UVIlllllk.ll kX.lllL. French briar, calleU Le Vie-ilenr- . from has been ing board ...i . we, me was by been . Km- - rt A"f were waitincr r.. .. .1.. I7!-- I icu the been Duke Lribraltar. mail in- - the between ,n,l ;..J. u.. The sent to Hague on Saturday, contained definitive orders our ambaffauor to an expli- - cit declaration intentions the Batavian government. "Numerous ariefls areTaid to have ta- - ken place within these days emigrants have been sent to temple. 1 he report generally credited at France Rates' Calais, that all that the cordon Auftnans on Ithe forces in that pan th the liontie'rs of Italy is but orders have been sent tfoops tb join it. 1 i had' demanded new reinforce- - ments'from France'. Not only the Ita- lian the French confciipts de- fert, in "20 or 30, over to the Generals him and Eren Florella, agree only in to tlemen into whose company he has The demand of occupying fallen. is one of mo ft cily with French troops has been refused dafhinsr, and at the same time for third time. A letter Mini Algiers, dated April "ray,1 m,r- - Fa,co. has beenTS-pdl- - ied to the mod eminent danger. An officer tthe Regency and a part of guards fummonda him the domestics sled. tlS ho"use was broke ojjen, and two rS Kr men sound in it. cntiHsmrted tn each '500 blows stick. One of the (laiTPt llVltm n fnni',f(inn uiturli nn'nn i: 'nated thcconfiil and fccietjrv they were both seized, sent on board a veflel, and com- pelled immediately put to sea. Our government, it is said have received advices that the will not fuffured to The French have resolved ti no more ails to England? but the English mails to ance are sent to in their regailar course by the mail states,'that an S?, '3,ooo uien, the appella of Armv of HanoveiV had been collected Coverden, order be marched the electorate, A Private from Paris states the 12th orders were the pencil troops in Italy, to occupy Vec- - "chia, rarentum,and ports in the terranean On the same day mlliuCtions wereforwarded to all French gents in Italy, to infill upo'n the (equeftration DI a j. .. Another attempt has been ma Frpnfli tn wncw tli rf(trtu inn. , a nnn,,nrifin ..a,, nr,i,t,,n.n.. edbytheDutch ambafTadot toLordHawkef bury but it ss of so madmiflibre a defenp tlon.asTA rpli ...'.. ' J packet : . . , . . n . . ll't, irom uover lor uauis, as a nag ot tiuci with diloatches m answer ',- - received mr. Talbot on inturdav rin returned the afternoon, broujiht in icintciii-c.iiM- ine mo picKeis wnicn were iters, oppor-- Mr. r.idon, our arnbalTador at the not as was generally reported, been into pritun !mtthe ronfular Idee has cer- - .. i .. . win was of of and will be bea and fv were ind lea rn t of Ihould it, very certain. tndav ve have not mr 'I in Tier the Uur and vi- - bot is to tetum Bark capt. us the for his return for with fuirar. ; but ihould it bv w,lhei1 l,y our Ihores, can any ?' c,,ur,e uavaiI oJ, of home tlie Auckland pack- coming h- -f loit to the proud and generous feel--p- t or our power, r ot ?iers larp. to dollars from tS.a" the " Holland rmh-- t c i has been arretted, & -- .., general Viaor has ordered the crews of three llaver, who made their escape from p. ckefx, and the agnt for the packets man vefi-l- . to be, into pnfon net has paid all arrearS due to the have been lent to and has further a of SO t0 .I"1 mr- - i"'11""' M' . f Pennmck will of course these iums were ;H.s fituaiion ntuft be to the df three frelh some Itis fupHofed that a meflage will The Dey the be delivered to both houfesof with war, for not feridiii"- their, lnent f"rom ms majefly, thdt his in stores, as ''h 3ndre' of specie. Jk n ,jf ? Spain may be to obey the com- - ilany have mandsof France the week, delay holtilities againll the pur the most a uch flup her to bring home her trfei- - by Nelson: a valiiabl galleons. ii r. His 1 lioZer leaving Kne " by ; another ju.iiiiaiii imp, oy tne uiamond aild Eafl the he port of Bred can enter briffs irtakinrr for the vere when three ved to With Eigh teen the line are fv r . -- r and crew. DlfflM, "V ", ",B (Luiiiiiai 111 rpt. and Je ...:.u with fro good fortune to Fr enen burthen tons, and valuedat Several more they 11L who wn? Pronp. way off to at Paris, sew feveial the fiom more who bands the the i$, tb Turkiili wi?re reteivp a to be main send Dover Letters un der tion at in letter inft and Adriatic propeitv , onvTiimunt etpti. Ihe Auckland fiom fn he) Hague, Jiaard home, in we been our are, had iee ana have 0 doubt wilI orderall flilpj aihe fltlH frnt intn 7?ritilh nrtrli. Tli Manilla squadron put into Table bay, as Curtis was the It all of be his iiuuiun wiiat in n,,r Mt t,.. I & i, But this it seem's, to by tne. which he alfers him a and On Fnrl arri ,; .i...,, '.r. , :,.!'. .I" ' :. " 1 migl: known w w A packet HeUoet, recently command republic complete, Auftriaus. occa-Mu'r- thrGrftoop arrived, brought Hopper, any'much majesty's !,imicU' ',,tunity demanded 180,000 our2rll,tetc"'c,, melUnget, English Spanish Dey,(DllPilte''es OOo!a"'?nd1' Schimmel-rlnllar- c immediately, extremely equipment threatens Arhe-tmotrd- w Parlla-ricin- s anhoUncing", &inuead,Je1Vuas?r,He;eii expefted madeBf willattempt during important frngPrf'eof SurYinam, irure5.arld maj.fty'i nt.niftersj blocka-;fi- r On'confil'Sol'a(hiPorthe al-iEate- l, mercnantnian, Pigmy. foclofcly w, Xir'..u T.T,:::J Hindof,n. Favorite, squadron hade,riesare ialtinLiiamahrfi 100,OO0j.SraH. ofhoftilities. Port-au-Prin- captured) chrant-nrp- severe ...ll-- l. were ,'"tu "utn, oy tne Kelolu- - ney join the present miniflers. He has tion. with sugar and coffee been appointed trealurer ofihe navy in the the whole produce the island romof mr. .firagge. The will, and had been days on her naffa-c- . be Gazetted this evening, mr. The W'' be luabIe ac" captain that just before Lca P1-- ! Our Porte letters to an-L- e there Havre. iav-:nn- n,. on several adies, , , , ooarcea the every tnmg naa taken from IPIP T'l. r?c"cn ,nlPs ot war for lnitruftions Tlnm ot Arepoit the capture of of on trom Hamburgh gence the of dif-- la dispatches demand of of'20,000 15,000 his'hasohendedMu- - at, thcBritilhconlul, his house. ncutial. Dutch immediately for t : hPlnllanHv "v, latledyeflerdavmoFi! totlLofewhichwe has iiiowcver his mairr""? o immediately tribute he'requiredj nTtlifm.nm... tnrougn tnis artinte, we lDamih 'rich lierinig. rimes uore ,(nr Bonaparte, tempts stves 'rafw wil I ' . t -il , - mtifZ i t to . is laden of appointment am0(l xt'J116 P Virffinie , u. r. r. ... aspaffengers, T7 """""".. i of adiuftment convention. of troops,but lid.!n,:.bU!!l0"?.tothf.r.ou.nWfaid'of' VjK ArHnnVT m'X. lrhV ". " mZ - - - '" ncw ".'""J."' ,anB,eu ""' of the National Ihftitute ! A formal ofwarisnot hetelTa ry. The recal of rs is sufficient declaration Of war. and nrnlri.ilh.Hvnmni1 from that moment to be ednflderSd .. . "",- ""v'w "' 'iwlll hrivpnn an iMnfPo Midnme nH ,,r .i,, UIi T CT ." - " iuvi iiaiium iviii uc: .. ....... ..- -.. t.,v,ii U1.11UIU niu utivip ..- - ' - itrate may : ma moment consign them perilh in tne oarK recelles ot the temple, or to rot in .the damp of the Conciergeriei we our that mr. Tier The flooo of war. which reported to have been t watching the ra,!m. ns . O w L. sleet, when admiial ,,k. i.n n. n....i.i . - """" . me iiiuuiu I'avc dav eveninrr fmm w-ft- .,j ' Wli.n AT- - :!.- - i.rr.l "' ""u"i oui amoauaQor in d.fcovered th, . ', KNil there the Enclifh, it was fufneft. ed no British meffenger would be allowed to leave the and it supposed no one would able to sail from Helvoetfluvs. place of Tojruard 'captain ana crew, lent ken, has brought an account of theap into the and of a French She the Is .., sailed h ,n ot lent a f,iate aster her f T " She sired &uns and struck. Th Lalt'hv HnCM C 'flard 7S, vey Dover letter mentions the cap-Rooi- West-Indiama- n, scarcely a night that heavy finnrr was heard vefter! witnout commillion has circulated of the Kent, his The has tell 'feiences R,ffl, the the for Dutch thrown Oran nearer, and 'arainfl tlus, Mr. East, the meflcnger, was sent by the way of anu Mr. Wagftaff privately took a boat ai Scheveling. The former The latter made his way to England. . A conliderable number of troops have been marched into Calais, oi quartered along the adjacent coafl. wat 'Private intelligence the chief of Verdier.Pully aud'occuired between Enclifli their hatied He avaricious open agatnft "On rint Ancona,Civitta made Tl"1" butBoraparte oUr'cruizers&c. amonllLto 'iiuui "Rations, reports, FrenC,h Coinwallis, par- ticularly lufual embarkation. friiratc. had been given to general whose arrival from Pai;s daily ex- - MafTena has during the lafl two years been boaftnijr in Paris of the facility with which be could invade Eng- land, many curious convei and some warm debates on the fubiedt have it generals in the service. He would, no doubt, be very happy to lew a contl jbutions on maiS&I. ' . its 1 Telegraphic dispatches 1 he roan prefeft of Brest announces, under to rlatf thir Ur iTntrirfti (rr .,t-- Jit iv rWn t,v T7rPnrl, .w..... fh;n in .. th- - ... wn, ' bf Audierre. An arrcte wns this day commnnicatedithem been enriched by spoils oi the to the three affembhes. Aster infertingour orders of council for laying ah embargo on Frefich and Dutch lhips1, and ior ifluing letters ot sly before you in the fields Hondlcootte, marque reprisal,. and tlte maritime. coaits of f landers and Holland Prepaie prefeA'b dispatch given It enco"ter thatcnenij who, ior- - all 'commanders to comSe !""t' Bh,0""rran ""iBhtsorn.o,, shipping lai lnr aga.nft English fh.pS. ItSnder the faith of treaties. You are now a" ordeis follows with the Subjects of that perfidious gov- - 3. AI Englilh enrbUBl in the militia, 'eminent ReWmber Pjiiberon, the Camp and not less than eighteen, nor more.51, the honible attempt of the 3d thanfmy, or bearing his Britannic i,I the hero of France jefty's conmiffion, who arc now hberty of tht.feas, soon will he'pretenh rrance, lhali be immediately made pn- - just limits the inordinate ambition of that foners of war, to answer-fo- r the citizens government, alikethe perturbator of histoun-o- f the republic-mad- e bv Bri- -. try and of the world. verycVedible; that he en detf be ft'1'" erfN'nS that o'clock, Xha he attempt is whether al- -i and with llectsi active, enterpnzing tb befuffered we from gIent ensure protection tlmheis not, as is'Demarara, Middleburfrh', minii have E'lgHlh The "nerftand present present captures enhling lord nith French ordered and medi ...-- .. tohd rain has been there for ninety jufttfyhmifelf i(- to lniormeci crroneoufly that be th. after'ture Our jtifh Ihips or fubjeel-1?- , before the detlara liuu ui war. The arrcte is followed by 3 'refle'cYion, that we have committed hostilities any declaration of war, and without any of the forms required by nationsj iBiowingthe odious principle of a pub- - ficjright set up for alone'. FALMOUTH, May 25' Ten P. M. I this cotton-- , bcc. one captured her thU mo- ment in with the Active cut' tcr. The Gannet has also taken, and sent for Mount's Bay, a brie. from Martinique for and a Dutjch" Ihip trom Demarara, which lite lent so Plymouth'. . PHILADELPHIA, May 22. . Ve have accounts from the which lay, the Danes have been busily employed in. fortifying the entrance of the lound, at have sunk almost to the edge! FREDERICK-TOW- July 191 We have had rain for forty days the kitchen garden! are burnt up, and scarcely a vegetable can be procured in Frederick or for many miles roll'-- it. The :. ...:n i -jj - . .ttticu, win oc puur iiiueeu we arc in- - InrmH hv npnM.min tVnrti eilee, that one days NEW-YOR- July l3. the IVest Indies, Captain Ervine. of the flooD Sallv. whd ar rued last evening in t6 days from has tomriiunicated the following Intelligent That advice was received ori the eve of his departure, thai Tobago wds taken by the , Brith r6rcesThat afIeri an expedition hau r- -. a..: vr. .., .. ;. '"gates, hadcutomof FortnoyaWnd St. Perre rMar.; 32 TaU of French veiled of I diff-re- defections. The h:ir Rrv hcH sent three prizes into Antiguaj bne pf which was very valuable, Horn the coall of having on bdaru373 Hives, 1 Jo boxes ot gold on. tranf- - oes vef prefi ex can pped of all their hands in one nighrf but such as had protections, or could prove their citizenship, were released uie nexe aay. By three French gentlemen who arrived in town from .Martinique, and who have brought cuipaicnes ior M. 1'iclion, the French minis ter,we are with the following parti culars That a fliort time previous their sailing from Martinique (which was on 4th inft.) a French tranfpoit (hip of 14 nrrivpH there aster very fliort paflagej and brought ui.i.uuinj mat tne rrencn troops Holland, under the command of ceneral AfalTena. haH been ordered bv the French to take of the city of Hamburgh, which as effefted the and other Britifli property, was ftized and confiscated. It wai alio that army had been ordered to march into Portuml. There has been several captures of Enli(h veflels made by the French, which have been sent and Guadalonpe, parti- cularly a government fchoonerofj6 nuns. "flulsu "" "artmique oy the 8 guns, and sent into St. Pienc's. P.tartinique blockaded by two Ihips of the line, two frigates and a sloop of war- - t-j- jjj. iriaSf'fi&jSSAa it:rH" .....L:.i ..I!"," 17 "ri1?"1 Emerald StagK iromtutone.wh sour pnri, ! - n their paflage. A very &ni. - n ... nnh,f n,-- :. .-- r 11 r.fl.. "" H'cejuit oeiore tne departure of an nHi-i- H:. pd. Thi.afh;,r. .,ir -- b"i. Jiartimnue ne amsri uiuihSHI llbl UI 111 1L ULll I' :. vcut-i- s ii port ltn was o being ; 55 believe' ,Cer-t8ln- ly continue r ..... n blacks, u Jr"'i, declaiation amlialfado a & ". .. 7- -j c..ii.i.ut.u , w. readers, Hazard wa5 W'"M-- 1 williilg, " a tl I r Holland, mMf.. .,. against country, was r, country, lt 'n a feW thebIac,kVVere,fupPred.t0b,erof a sine Fe"h d a lomeout- - brousrht dungeons arretted. Maliena was petted, Cations, French London. u JMayj. I has the the above, Freneh dciencelcfs hotlilitirt I of Jo'm.nd ,n'the Faaor, : " J with- out ourl'elves company Flench Havre, Baltic, Elhneur. They batteries channel's ,, ,.. ... " rt ., Anriura, '.iyenl s Guinea, fiyored the nuns. a government pofTeffion flnpping understood UuneuxcoF vette.of Diamond, r j "' uu .1 sc" run2t, ' noun, (oyeuie, Martinique, had iflued 22 letters of marque previous to theird l'avingthe island. They menriop the cap tlire (is Sf. T.nrn in .1 l. --- - -- "I " 41.H.E mat nc cnginn lost t50 killed and wounded, and the French 225 theEa.rifonofSt.Luciacnnl.lWr,). or, and the English. forces employed of 4000 men immediately aster the r-- nf .,.. -- - -- .- -. me lquaurpnj .T diviJeduo separate divihom, and lest the of on t0 as to nnfoners ...... no un-- . to in an is im " J v J hand 1 he proclamation lias been re ceived through the lource. Iii the name of the French Republic, PROCLAMATION. Augustus Ernouf, general of divifion.infpector general of the French Infantry, captain ge. neral of GiiaHaloupe and its dependences To the inhabitants of ' Guadaloupe and to the Army. Citizens, The English government will have war! In vain the father of Frenchmen, the im- mortal BON APAHTE, has exhauftcd before every proceeding, every means which could insure to France the enjoyment of thr.t tran- quility, of which Ihe has hardly tailed the firic fruits Every faenfice has been made that end but that implacable enemy of Fienchmen,has not been satisfied with the which it has obtained by peace, which it alone ought not to have en- joyed. It is not againll France alone itdirefts attacks but a gairlt the whole world. Its ambition embraces all, from the Indian fhuies the Oronoque,from the Nile to the 1 agus, pretends to exercise its tyianny. In the ex Itravagance of its idea;, it believes that on it itheeniuireof the leas is devolved. Aiiiontrrhc (powers winch have furported the dedrnfliva war, which huS lent tie continent, which of ot . '. u ,tr0' iniiaDirantsot Ouacialoupe, who . ,fa. r ;ri,in brave warriors who havt seen the phalanxes . fU nn. - ll .t. 1. 1 iic tuiuny ui uuauaioupc ana us aepend- - tuiica, n piaccu in u itmc oi liege. Done at Uaffaterre,, the 5th of Afcffidor, ,1 1th year bl'the French Kepublic. ERNOUF. Twwraw gWMawrrrovwwi v awm STATE O? KEkf UCKY. 'Fayette Cir'enit "Court, .' 'x Ju?fe 7er'w, 1803 Robert Johnforf, Complhibint, AtMnit Francis Jioykin, Gei orge t a'ng'fort, Wil 1 , haul Miller, Da vid Barrow, Thon-a- i I A Jourdsn, Ilobe: rt Jouroan', Francis - , Marshall Boys-- : in, and l'.oykin, heirs ahd re6refe'ntaVivffrtf f John Lawrence', rfe'eeafed, and Joficft l BHKcr, aommiitrator 01 WlilliaW " Davisj deceased, J. , . IN Cl?ANCF7?r. 'JaXUEefcndantshavinsfa led to 'e'ntertheir ppearance nerem agreeable to lw and the rules of this court, and it appearing to t''eir fatisractiori that they are not inhabitants bf this Common'Aealth,oqihe motion of the com- plainant, by his counsel, St is orderf&i that the Paid defendants do appear herefcnffli third day of our next eptember term,'nd' anfwei the complainant's bill, that a codv 0 this order be infcrtediij the Kentucky Giirte or neram, accordihg to law, another potted at the 'door of the court houle for Fayettfc county, and that it be publifbed on Ibme Sun- day immediately aster divine feivice, at the door of the Piefbjteriail meeting hou! in! i.ej'.iirgton. A Copy Tcfle THOSr i5obl.EYv 0. 7. C. a NdTICE. WE lliall attend with commiffion-er- s appointcil b) the county court of Bouiban, agreeable to an acl of allembly, entitled " an act forafcer- - taimng the boundaries and pocejt hdnino; lands, on 'Viday theV't lay osOclob'et: next, is faif, ffiri the next fair day, to take depositions to eitablilli the calls and boundaries of the following entries and furvejs, to wit: u Dec. 23. 1782 Henry Cox enters lood acres of Land on the balance of a treasury varrant, No. 7932, on an east branch of a creek emptying into Hinklton's Fork of Licking, on the north lido cherepr, jult aboVe the upper Sal I trace. Ihe mouth of L11 eafl branch being abdtit three miles from the mouth of. Liid creek. To at a Bettywood, (landing near laid branch, marked VA, and from thence eafl; 200 poles, and west 200 poles, & from the extremities north- wardly to form a square figure as nearly as vacancies will admit, the quantity." Also an entry in the name of John Flemming, of 1000 acres " April 14th John Flemming withdraws his entry of 1000 acres, on a treasury warrant No. 10568, and rs the same on a tiorth of Hinkfton's fork f of Licking, adjoining an entry made for Henry Cox on the south, to be- gin at the south eafl th.erice west 600 poles, thence foth 266 poles, thence east 6pop.oies, north 266 poles to the beginning." 828 acres of said entry has been fur-vey- ed and patented. And to do such other a or acTs as ve may deem ne-- ( effary, and according to law. We (hall meet at the house of Tonas "iuM,anu p.uceea to lam tree mar- - Adam Kerns, Jonathan Mustek, July l8?l8cn, J X VA, or the place where it for merly stood. ' governorot following lying bprlnjr begin 1784, branch corner, thence L V H ' T v I 7 &

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY · LONDON, May 25. A mail arrived this day from Ham burgh. Our correspondent

LONDON, May 25.A mail arrived this day from Ham

burgh. Our correspondent in that cityin a letter of the 20th, informs us, thatit is currently reported there that in-th- e

event of a war, France will take pofief-fio- n

of that city and the whole of theLower Elbe. A k'tter from a commer-cial house at Berlin, to one of the firsthouses in Hamburgh, affirms, that the '

kngof Prufha has promised a free paf-faj-e

thro ugh his slates to the French ar-

my dcftined fur tint purpolc. ,

May 28.Our Port Letters of this rriorning will

be sound particularly interesting. Thatfrom Portsmouth, slates the arnval yes-

terday of the fqua'dron under Sir RogerCurtis fiom the Gape of Good Hope, and

, of that fquadrbn having taken yesterdayat'hbon, a French Eafl India (hip, efti-nlat-

at one hundred thoufahd poundsvalue. The same letter biings'nn nt

of the capture of the Hazard sloop"'of war, which event Sir Roger Curtis

learned from La Minerva at sea.

The proceedings iafl hight in theHouse of Commons were particulailyinterejling and important. Mr. Foxmade his promised motion foran Addressto Tiis majesty, to avail hi nfelf of theprofelTednediation of Rulfia to settlethe diffeFe"nc:s between this country andPrahc'e $ and in the course of th- - dif-ctiili-

which ensued, Lord Hawkefburycanuidly flrted the re'adinefs of his ma.jetty's miniflers to explain their viewsto the court of St. Peterfburgh, and rea-dily to accept the mediation of that pow-

er. But his p repeated what he


had mentioned before, that no direst orprecrfe, offer of mediation had been offered on tbe.part of Rulln ; it was merelyiof the slighted species of affurance-o-

mediation. It was, however, admittedthat, meanwhile, the contest into whichwe have again beei bbhged to enter,Jliiuld be profceuted with vigour, untilviews of mediation (hall have been reali-sed and in confequenceof lord Hawkef-bury 's candid statement, Mr. Fox with-drew his motion.

Piivate letters from the Hague say" The French army g near N.-m- en

has for its ostensible deflinationthe electorate of Hanover, but it is a cu-

rious fact.that this army is encamped up-

on th - same ground, where, m 1638, theth.-- Prince of Orange, afterwards KingWilliam 111. under pretence ot inter-fering ui the dispute then fubfiftinar be

Prince Clement of Bavaria andthe Cardinal oT FurftVrtberg, collected

army with which he, in Novemberin the same year, invaded England. Itis tr-i;- , that the Prince of Orange hada sleet of 50 sad ,of men of war toel. ort his transports ; but it is equallytrue that the Corsican disposer of thelie and liberties of Frenchmen, caresless about the loss of whole armies, thanthe Prince did for the fafetyof one An-

gle regiment.Without any intent to alarm you, I

have heard from good authority, that"trench einillanes have tor lome daysbeen busy in taking an account of th:numbers, the names, and the tonnageof all veffels, even fchuits, in oilr differ-

ent harbors ; and that they have in thesame manner tried to. procure the namesand number of our Tailors," but in thisthey have been disappointed, as all oursailors are attached to the Prince of Or-

ange, and detefl the French, and have,there lore, already began to desert and toconceal themlelves. Some official encouragemettt from England, at this perioJ, might bring you over rrlaiiy of them

" f repeat again that my interition i:

not to create alarm ; but vigilertce, vi-

gour, aftivity, and unanimity, are abfo-lut-l- y,

neceffuy to counteract thedeftgnsof a man, who believes in no Dthrr Providence but Fortune, and who hitherto,even in his molt dtfperate enterprizes,has never ceased to be its favorite. Re-member, that is one army should reallyattack Hanover, there are already inthis country, in Brabant and on theRhine, upwards of 1 10,000 men, whichare augmenting every day by frelh troops"

May 29.The recent overtures of France for

the renewal of peace, obviously resultfrom the unprepared state of the government to engage in war ; alter two yearsof insult and aggreffion, it weie folly todoubt Us hofUuy - yet without foregoing trie advantage ot the moment, ourminiflers have determined not simply toleave openthe door to negotiation, butto promote, by all confident facility, ev-ery intercourse which may tend to ac-commodation.

Reports sounded on this fact, combi-ned wjtli some conmunication. whichth- - Spanish, Dutch and Ruffian ambassa-dors have recently made to our govern- -mentv yelterday occalioned a rise ofmore than three per cent on our fundsGon.ols on opening were in the morningat 58 3-- 4 being 2 -2 above the pricesat which they closed on Friday ; they.uen ioic xn oi, irom wnicti tliey decli-

ned to 59 3-- t, and lest off at 60 4

This rise, altho igh afcrib?d to reportsof p.ace, we believe to have been occasi-oned by fpecilation s, a3 to the means tobe adopted' bytie miniflers for raifiugthe f'liol'-- s for rni.r.;,..r., --.

we do, that there does rjot at the prefentjragemo n.-n- t -- kA thejl'.ghtelfprdbabdity ofah i un. urate p;ace.

V- - 'i iv fn letters from HamburghJlatinr,that had nade an

ta th- - cairt of Berlin for itspmr oi ot nnjirty in that city, inths event of a French invasion. These

letters add, that no answer had been re-

turned. Bonaparte, in one of his gu.lsof paflion, declared his determination toexclude the firittfh from all mtercourfewith the continent, and, in order, to doso, to occupy Hamburgh, &c. Confid-ent with this plan, Portugal is to beseized,and annexed to th- - Spanish mon-archy is she retufes to fliut her ports

us ; 'and Naples is to foim anotherItalian republic, should she dilobeytheConsular mandate for our exclusion.Fhe recent march of numerous Frenchcorps into Italy, is supposed to havebeen combined with this project, the a- -vowal of which has induced the Ernper--or'to strengthen his cordon on the Vene- -

tian'trontiers.Accounts reached us yesterday frdm

fjeiiey, ot the 24th lhft. Which state,that two blench transports, full of troopshave been captured by our cruizcrs inLe Baye D'Augneme their deflination!is not mentioned. These accounts add, 1

that great bustle prevailed at St. Malositting out privateers. .

An expedition to Holland has beentor some days talked of but whatevermav lap the wifhp ns trnvprnment r.n tVi

fuhiect. we oeflinn fheir nn-feti- f rr,Pn..for such an enterprize.

Bonaparte 'hs intimated to the jftttypowers dependent oh him, that Fr,ivill not admit of their neutrality ria r;they mult "be cither allies or foes KxUland, Portugal, Spain, Liguria, Cifal swrand btruria, will beihvolved in a mSHWiwith a power which is nobly ftrugj arlmsfor their liberties. We trust it is notpoffibls that Ruffia, Auftna and Pruflialwill submit to the exercise of a power,which would not only be unjust and op--preffive in its immediate operation, butwhich, is suffered to prevail, mufl fliort- -ly prove fatal to the general independ- -ence of Europe.

u j" . -- ., Y .

i.a.ic twice 01 late puonciyipicn on tneauoiectot nis manacea in- -vauon at this kingdom. England, andnotli-eland- , he has decUfed to be his ob- -Pf ns ftt,l 1. r,r ... n..

.would enlure the fall of the latter, whilealthough victorious in the latter, theformer might still refiftand baffle his en- -t.rnn.p tJn.olU -- T ,.! lt.b.n.v.. iji. loiiv. ui iciiuiu' 1115 armyhitler In J,,.: -- i l......v. in ivj.T-wd- uuntikz a v. jiiiii. wueJi

,.- - ft.- - a r r ,"U1 ""? -- A" ""I a meaiureiorwnicnT7 1 :i.r . ,. t . .

is ueiter ntuarca than Ireland,That the Chief Consul is fufficientlV en- -

tnunaitic to entertain 1nrh n nrni.ft, is.,fult of invasionaccident reach

-mgsoi a Uriton, lo ignorant ofinternal as to dread the iflV

i ue reencv A is tn

i i, all ior, rqu.vaie.iu cignteen,






hr S. S

Indiaman by1 is

ded. that tn vetTfl itfuefday 5 harbour.'captured, them nro -

laden naval stores -sail of td b

nreoared nt Rrft n..- -hu ,;--,,-

five men. her

1'a :.!,' n "UT111 11. rris.

Brave, frnm thP,- -H. r,.i... .L. c.. (

ouuoik,laden stores m tile

lame place. Thiscapt

homeward bound800

it have been taken harl.fhlooner . UVIlllllk.ll kX.lllL.

French briar, calleU Le Vie-ilenr- .

from has been

ing board...i .we, me was by

been. Km- - rt

A"fwere waitincrr.. .. .1.. I7!-- I

icu the


Lribraltar.mail in- -

thebetween ,n,l ;..J. u..

The sent to Hagueon Saturday, contained definitive orders

our ambaffauor to an expli- -

cit declaration intentions theBatavian government.

"Numerous ariefls areTaid to have ta- -

ken place within these daysemigrants have been sent to

temple. 1 he report generally credited atFrance Rates' Calais, that all

that the cordon Auftnans on Ithe forces in that pan ththe liontie'rs of Italy is butorders have been senttfoops tb join it. 1i had' demanded new reinforce- -

ments'from France'. Not only the Ita-lian the French confciipts de-

fert, in "20 or 30, over to theGenerals him and Eren

Florella, agree only in to tlemen into whose company he hasThe demand of occupying fallen. is one of mo ft

cily with French troops has been refused dafhinsr, and at the same timefor third time.

A letter Mini Algiers, dated April "ray,1m,r- - Fa,co. has beenTS-pdl- -

ied to the mod eminent danger. An officertthe Regency and a part of guards fummondahim the domestics sled. tlSho"use was broke ojjen, and two



men sound in it. cntiHsmrted tneach '500 blows stick. One of the(laiTPt llVltm n fnni',f(inn uiturli nn'nn i:

'nated thcconfiil and fccietjrv they wereboth seized, sent on board a veflel, and com-pelled immediately put to sea.

Our government, it is said have receivedadvices that the will not fuffured to

The French have resolved ti no moreails to England? but the English mails toance are sent to in their regailar

courseby the mail states,'that an

S?, '3,ooo uien, the appella ofArmv of HanoveiV had been collected

Coverden, order bemarched the electorate,

A Private from Paris states the12th orders were the penciltroops in Italy, to occupy Vec- -

"chia, rarentum,and ports in theterranean On the same daymlliuCtions wereforwarded to all Frenchgents in Italy, to infill upo'n the (equeftrationDI a j. ..

Another attempt has been maFrpnfli tn wncw tli rf(trtu inn. ,

a nnn,,nrifin ..a,, nr,i,t,,n.n..edbytheDutch ambafTadot toLordHawkefbury but it ss of so madmiflibre a defenptlon.asTA rpli...'.. ' J

packet: . . , . . n . .

ll't, irom uover lor uauis, as a nag ot tiuciwith diloatches m answer

',- -received mr. Talbot on inturdav rin

returned the afternoon, broujiht inicintciii-c.iiM- ine mo picKeis wnicn were


Mr. r.idon, our arnbalTador at thenot as was generally reported, been

into pritun !mtthe ronfular Idee has cer- -

.. i .. .






will be beaandfv


learn t ofIhould it, very certain. tndav ve have not mr 'I in Tier theUur and vi- - bot is to tetum Bark capt.

us the for his return for with fuirar.; but ihould it bv w,lhei1 l,y

our Ihores, can any ?' c,,ur,e uavaiI oJ,of home tlie Auckland pack-comingh- -f loit to the proud and generous feel--p- t

or ourpower, r

ot ?iers larp.


dollars from tS.a" the " Hollandrmh-- t c i has been arretted, &-- .., general Viaor has ordered the crews of threellaver, who made their escape from p. ckefx, and the agnt for the packetsman vefi-l- . to be, into pnfonnet has paid all arrearS due to the have been lent toand has further a of SO t0 .I"1 mr- - i"'11""' M'

. f Pennmck will of coursethese iums were ;H.s fituaiion ntuft be

to the df three frelh some Itis fupHofed that a meflage willThe Dey the be delivered to both houfesof

with war, for not feridiii"- their, lnent f"rom ms majefly, thdt his

in stores, as ''h 3ndre'of specie. Jk n

,jf ? Spain may be to obey the com- -

ilany have mandsof Francethe week, delay holtilities againll the pur

the most a uch flup her to bring home her trfei- -

by Nelson: a valiiabl galleons.ii r.


lioZer leavingKne


by ; anotherju.iiiiaiii imp, oy tne uiamond aild

Eafl thehe port of Bred

can enterbriffs irtakinrr for the

vere when threeved to With Eighteen the line are

fv r . -- r

and crew.

DlfflM, "V ", ",B(Luiiiiiai 111 rpt.

and Je...:.u

with fro

good fortune toFrenen

burthen tons, and valuedatSeveral morethey 11L







at Paris, sewfeveial the








wi?re reteivpa





Lettersun der tion

at in


and Adriatic

propeitv ,


etpti.Ihe Auckland









hadiee ana

have 0 doubt wilI orderall flilpjaihe fltlH frnt intn 7?ritilh nrtrli. Tli

Manilla squadron put into Table bay, asCurtis was the It




iiuuiun wiiat inn,,r Mt t,.. I &

i, But this it seem's, toby tne. which he

alfers him a

andOn Fnrl arri ,; .i...,, '.r. , :,.!'. .I" ' :.


migl:known w w








thrGrftooparrived, brought


any'much majesty's!,imicU'


demanded 180,000 our2rll,tetc"'c,,melUnget,

English SpanishDey,(DllPilte''esOOo!a"'?nd1' Schimmel-rlnllar- c


equipmentthreatens Arhe-tmotrd- w Parlla-ricin- s



expeftedmadeBf willattempt

duringimportant frngPrf'eof

SurYinam, irure5.arld maj.fty'i nt.niftersj

blocka-;fi- rOn'confil'Sol'a(hiPorthe al-iEate- l,



w,Xir'..u T.T,:::J


Favorite,squadron hade,riesare







...ll-- l. were

,'"tu "utn, oy tne Kelolu- - ney join the present miniflers. He hastion. with sugar and coffee been appointed trealurer ofihe navy in the

the whole produce the island romof mr. .firagge. The will,and had been days on her naffa-c- . be Gazetted this evening, mr.The W'' be luabIe ac"captain that just before

Lca P1-- ! Our Porte letters to an-L- ethere Havre. iav-:nn- n,.

on several adies,, , ,ooarcea the

every tnmg naa taken fromIPIP T'l.

r?c"cn ,nlPsot war for lnitruftionsTlnm


Arepoit thecapture of of on


gence the of dif--





15,000his'hasohendedMu- -



his house.







hPlnllanHv "v,latledyeflerdavmoFi!








tribute he'requiredj


tnrougn tnis artinte, welDamih


lierinig. rimes uore,(nr

Bonaparte, tempts




' .


-il ,- mtifZ i t


is ladenof appointment


xt'J116 P Virffinie, u. r. r. ...




of adiuftment






ArHnnVT m'X. lrhV ". " mZ- - - '" ncw".'""J."' ,anB,eu ""'of the National Ihftitute !

A formal ofwarisnot hetelTary. The recal of rs is sufficientdeclaration Of war. and nrnlri.ilh.Hvnmni1

from that moment to be ednflderSd

.. . "",- ""v'w "''iwlll hrivpnn an iMnfPo Midnme nH,,r .i,, UIi T CT ."- " iuvi iiaiium iviii uc:

.. ....... ..- -.. t.,v,ii U1.11UIU niu utivip ..- -

' -

itrate may :ma moment consign them perilhin tne oarK recelles ot the temple, or to rot in

.the damp of the Conciergerieiwe our that mr. Tier

The flooo of war. whichreported to have been t

watching the ra,!m. ns. O w L.

sleet, when admiial,,k. i.n n. n....i.i . -"""" .

me iiiuuiu I'avc

dav eveninrr fmm w-ft- .,j 'Wli.n AT- - :!.- - i.rr.l"' ""u"i oui amoauaQor in

d.fcovered th, .', KNilthere the Enclifh, it was fufneft.ed no British meffenger would beallowed to leave the and

it supposed no one wouldable to sail from Helvoetfluvs.

place of Tojruard

'captain ana crew, lent ken, has brought an account of theapinto the and of a French Shethe


sailed h ,n ot lent a f,iate aster her

f T " She sired &uns and struck.ThLalt'hv HnCMC 'flard 7S, vey Dover letter mentions the cap-Rooi-

West-Indiama- n,

scarcely a night that heavy finnrr was heard vefter!witnout commillion

has circulated ofthe Kent, his

The hastell

'feiences R,ffl,









'arainfl tlus, Mr. East, the meflcnger,was sent by the way of anuMr. Wagftaff privately took a boat aiScheveling. The formerThe latter made his way to England. .

A conliderable number of troops havebeen marched into Calais, oiquartered along the adjacent coafl.

wat'Private intelligence the chief of

Verdier.Pully aud'occuired between Encliflitheir hatied







butBoraparteoUr'cruizers&c. amonllLto






lufual embarkation.


had been given to generalwhose arrival from Pai;s daily ex- -

MafTena has during the lafltwo years been boaftnijr in Paris of thefacility with which be could invade Eng-land, many curious convei andsome warm debates on the fubiedt have


generals in the service. Hewould, no doubt, be very happy to lew acontl jbutions on

maiS&I.' . its1 Telegraphic dispatches 1 he roan

prefeft of Brest announces, under torlatf thir Ur iTntrirfti (rr .,t-- Jit

iv rWn t,v T7rPnrl,.w..... fh;n in.. th- -... wn,'bf Audierre.

An arrcte wns this day commnnicatedithem been enriched by spoils oi theto the three affembhes.

Aster infertingour orders of councilfor laying ah embargo on Frefich andDutch lhips1, and ior ifluing letters ot sly before you in the fields Hondlcootte,marque reprisal,. and tlte maritime. coaits of f landers and Holland PrepaieprefeA'b dispatch given It enco"ter thatcnenij who, ior- -

all 'commanders to comSe !""t' Bh,0""rran ""iBhtsorn.o,,shipping lai lnraga.nft English fh.pS. ItSnder the faith of treaties. You are now a"

ordeis follows with the Subjects of that perfidious gov- -3. AI Englilh enrbUBl in the militia, 'eminent ReWmber Pjiiberon, the Camp

and not less than eighteen, nor more.51, the honible attempt of the 3d

thanfmy, or bearing his Britannic i,I

the hero of Francejefty's conmiffion, who arc now hberty of tht.feas, soon will he'pretenhrrance, lhali be immediately made pn- - just limits the inordinate ambition of thatfoners of war, to answer-fo- r the citizens government, alikethe perturbator of histoun-o- f

the republic-mad- e bv Bri- -. try and of the world.

verycVedible; that he en detf be ft'1'" erfN'nS thato'clock,

Xhahe attempt is whether al- -i and with

llectsi active, enterpnzing tb befuffered we fromgIent ensure protection tlmheis not, as is'Demarara, Middleburfrh',


have E'lgHlh











...-- ..

tohd rain has been there for ninety







be th.



jtifh Ihips or fubjeel-1?- , before the detlaraliuu ui war.

The arrcte is followed by 3 'refle'cYion,

that we have committed hostilitiesany declaration of war, and without

any of the forms required by nationsjiBiowingthe odious principle of a pub- -

ficjright set up for alone'.

FALMOUTH, May 25'Ten P. M. I this

cotton-- , bcc. one captured her thU mo-

ment in with the Active cut'tcr. The Gannet has also taken, andsent for Mount's Bay, a brie.from Martinique for and a Dutjch"

Ihip trom Demarara, which lite lent so



Ve have accounts from thewhich lay, the Danes have been busilyemployed in. fortifying the entrance ofthe lound, at havesunk almost to theedge!

FREDERICK-TOW- July 191We have had rain for forty days the

kitchen garden! are burnt up, and scarcely avegetable can be procured in Frederick or formany miles roll'-- it. The ...:n i -jj - .

.ttticu, win oc puur iiiueeu we arc in- -

InrmH hv npnM.min tVnrti eilee, thatone days

NEW-YOR- July l3.the IVest Indies,

Captain Ervine. of the flooD Sallv. whd arrued last evening in t6 days fromhas tomriiunicated the following IntelligentThat advice was received ori the eve of hisdeparture, thai Tobago wds taken by the, Brith r6rcesThat afIerian expedition haur--. a..: vr. .., .. ;.

'"gates, hadcutomof FortnoyaWndSt. Perre rMar.; 32 TaU of French veiled of

I diff-re- defections. The h:ir Rrv hcHsent three prizes into Antiguaj bne pf whichwas very valuable, Horn the coall ofhaving on bdaru373 Hives, 1 Jo boxes ot gold

on.tranf- -



pped of all their handsin one nighrf but such as had protections, orcould prove their citizenship, were releaseduie nexe aay.

By three French gentlemen who arrived intown from .Martinique, and who have broughtcuipaicnes ior M. 1'iclion, the French minister,we are with the following particulars

That a fliort time previous their sailingfrom Martinique (which was on 4th inft.)a French tranfpoit (hip of 14 nrrivpHthere aster very fliort paflagej and broughtui.i.uuinj mat tne rrencn troops Holland,under the command of ceneral AfalTena. haHbeen ordered bv the French totake of the city of Hamburgh, which

as effefted the and other Britifliproperty, was ftized and confiscated. It waialio that army had been orderedto march into Portuml.

There has been several captures of Enli(hveflels made by the French, which have beensent and Guadalonpe, parti-cularly a government fchoonerofj6 nuns."flulsu "" "artmique oy the

8 guns, and sent into St. Pienc's.P.tartinique blockaded by two Ihips of theline, two frigates and a sloop of war- -

t-j- jjj. iriaSf'fi&jSSAait:rH" .....L:.i ..I!"," 17 "ri1?"1 Emerald

StagKiromtutone.wh sour pnri,! -

n their paflage. A very&ni. - n ...

nnh,f n,-- :. .-- r 11 r.fl.. "" H'cejuit oeiore tne departure of annHi-i- H:.pd. Thi.afh;,r. .,ir -- b"i. Jiartimnue ne amsriuiuihSHI llbl UI 111 1L ULll I' :.vcut-i- s ii port ltn


being ;

55 believe',Cer-t8ln-


continuer .....




declaiationamlialfado a


". .. 7--jc..ii.i.ut.u, w.


Hazard wa5

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Holland, mMf.. .,.against


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noun, (oyeuie, Martinique, hadiflued 22 letters of marque previous to theirdl'avingthe island. They menriop the captlire (is Sf. T.nrn in .1 l.--- - -- "I " 41.H.E mat nc cnginnlost t50 killed and wounded, and the French225 theEa.rifonofSt.Luciacnnl.lWr,). or,and the English. forces employed of 4000 menimmediately aster the r-- nf .,..

-- - -- .- -. me lquaurpnj


diviJeduo separate divihom, and lest the

of on







un-- .







J v


hand1 he proclamation lias been re

ceived through the lource.

Iii the name of the French Republic,


Augustus Ernouf, general of divifion.infpectorgeneral of the French Infantry, captain ge.neral of GiiaHaloupe and its dependences

To the inhabitants of'

Guadaloupe andto the Army.

Citizens,The English government will

have war!In vain the father of Frenchmen, the im-

mortal BON APAHTE, has exhauftcd beforeevery proceeding, every means which could

insure to France the enjoyment of thr.t tran-quility, of which Ihe has hardly tailed the firicfruits Every faenfice has been made

that end but that implacable enemy ofFienchmen,has not been satisfied with the

which it has obtained bypeace, which it alone ought not to have en-

joyed. It is not againll France alone itdireftsattacks but a gairlt the whole world. Its

ambition embraces all, from the Indian fhuiesthe Oronoque,from the Nile to the 1 agus,pretends to exercise its tyianny. In the ex

Itravagance of its idea;, it believes that on ititheeniuireof the leas is devolved. Aiiiontrrhc(powers winch have furported the dedrnflivawar, which huS lent tie continent, which of

ot. '. u ,tr0'

iniiaDirantsot Ouacialoupe, who. ,fa.r ;ri,in

brave warriors who havt seen the phalanxes

.fU nn. - ll .t. 1.1 iic tuiuny ui uuauaioupc ana us aepend- -

tuiica, n piaccu in u itmc oi liege.Done at Uaffaterre,, the 5th of

Afcffidor, ,1 1th year bl'the French Kepublic.

ERNOUF.TwwrawgWMawrrrovwwi v awm

STATE O? KEkf UCKY.'Fayette Cir'enit "Court,

.' 'x Ju?fe 7er'w, 1803Robert Johnforf, Complhibint,

AtMnitFrancis Jioykin, Geiorge t a'ng'fort, Wil 1, haul Miller, Da vid Barrow, Thon-a- i I A

Jourdsn, Ilobe: rt Jouroan', Francis - ,Marshall Boys-- : in, andl'.oykin, heirs ahd re6refe'ntaVivffrtf fJohn Lawrence', rfe'eeafed, and Joficft l

BHKcr, aommiitrator 01 WlilliaW "Davisj deceased, J., . IN Cl?ANCF7?r.

'JaXUEefcndantshavinsfa led to 'e'ntertheirppearance nerem agreeable to lw and the

rules of this court, and it appearing to t''eirfatisractiori that they are not inhabitants bfthis Common'Aealth,oqihe motion of the com-plainant, by his counsel, St is orderf&i thatthe Paid defendants do appear herefcnfflithird day of our next eptember term,'nd'anfwei the complainant's bill, that a codv 0this order be infcrtediij the Kentucky Giirteor neram, accordihg to law, another pottedat the 'door of the court houle for Fayettfccounty, and that it be publifbed on Ibme Sun-day immediately aster divine feivice, at thedoor of the Piefbjteriail meeting hou! in!i.ej'.iirgton.

A Copy TcfleTHOSr i5obl.EYv 0. 7. C. a


WE lliall attend with commiffion-er- sappointcil b) the county court

of Bouiban, agreeable to an acl ofallembly, entitled " an act forafcer- -taimng the boundaries and pocejthdnino; lands, on 'Viday theV'tlay osOclob'et: next, is faif, ffirithe next fair day, to take depositionsto eitablilli the calls and boundariesof the following entries and furvejs,to wit: u Dec. 23. 1782 HenryCox enters lood acres of Land onthe balance of a treasury varrant,No. 7932, on an east branchof a creek emptying into Hinklton'sFork of Licking, on the north lidocherepr, jult aboVe the upper Sal I

trace. Ihe mouth of L11

eafl branch being abdtit three milesfrom the mouth of. Liid creek. To

at a Bettywood, (landing nearlaid branch, marked VA, and fromthence eafl; 200 poles, and west 200poles, & from the extremities north-wardly to form a square figure asnearly as vacancies will admit,

the quantity." Also an entryin the name of John Flemming, of1000 acres " April 14thJohn Flemming withdraws his entryof 1000 acres, on a treasury warrantNo. 10568, and rs the sameon a tiorth of Hinkfton's fork fof Licking, adjoining an entry madefor Henry Cox on the south, to be-gin at the south eafl th.ericewest 600 poles, thence foth 266poles, thence east 6pop.oies,north 266 poles to the beginning."828 acres of said entry has been fur-vey- ed

and patented. And to do suchother a or acTs as ve may deem ne-- (

effary, and according to law. We(hall meet at the house of Tonas"iuM,anu p.uceea to lam tree mar- -

Adam Kerns,Jonathan Mustek,

July l8?l8cn,J X

VA, or the place where it formerly stood.
















I 7
